HomeMy WebLinkAbout040130 CC Min ~ 0\- o ~ . Tuesday April 1st. 1930. C0U11Cil Chmnber...-City Hs.ll~' , City of West University Place, Texas. 137 ~ . "-., ~ (\ Regul~ meeting 0~ the COL~ission was called to order at 8,P. M..~y mayor Schlesinger,wi~h Commissioners Wal:!.ing,' Plumb ~md Secretary' Cushman in Alttendmce. Minutes of, the meetings MtlI'ch 11th and the meeting of. Mau'ch ' 25th, were read and approved.as follows:' ' :Motion by COTI1lY!j.ssioner Walling, duly s~c.orid€dby Cornmiss ioner Plumb,tliat the minutes of the meetings ~,irareh 11th ana. the one March 25th, 1930, be approved a~rea ..- ~ :. . Voting .f..ye: . . ,,"'- .~. Co~missioners PIUL1b & Wal11~g., " . NOt? NONE. . . "~:'~ . " ~v' The follov/ing, paid bills were ;esented and. read. for ~ratificati0n,. iTiz: .' .' . , < Vl.1l~C:neck, 2009, 11rs Ry.by Wade, -----------~~-7---:-----$20.00 " n 20.11, Oliver' L.eV'J" ---------~-~-..:--------- 7.00 n n 2020, O. :sennett, ----------------------- 10.00 If u 2032.7 Ca.sh Account, --------------....--.,.-----' 1.45 ,2037, Le,e Bragg,' .. ---....---------...--------- 19.50 ',2040, J .J.. 0lConnor, -----.:.--------,-------- 30.00 '2,041, Mrs Ruby Wade, --.,....-------------':..----, .20.00 2042, pity W .U,.P. Loan Wate:r DepF, >>-~'-------5QO.00 fW4~, Second Nati,onal Bank. Transfer of f\isl068.16 2044, Antone DU1~al1, Labor ---------------- 3.75 '2;045, 01iv.er Levy, --------.-------------- 7.90 2047, Houston stamp & -.;.-~'--;,---":,,,--'-----;;.-':..' .41.00' '2051, tee Bragg, ------------~---:.--~;..-_:_-:_,_:( 19.50 ;?057, G..~ B. )lIurra.y, -----------------~.:.--:'- 25~OO 205S, 3. A. Metcalf, --------------:-------:- 25.00 2Q59, fl ,ft It Bhlg Permits, _:-.:..________ 14.4,:-0 I, n 20q.0, CaE\h Account, ---~------------.-----...;- 4~OO 2065, U. R. Bronk, -------~---~---~~-=~---- 14.86 , 2066, Houston Natural.'Ga.s Co--------;..-----.:.9.99 2067, Cash Account -------~--------------;.. 3.50 '2,068, '0. Bennett,. ----!""------------------ 10.00 2Q69, W. T. Barnhill, ------------------:--.:-. 13.40 Moti~m made by Commissioner Plumb, ,a.nq duly seconded by , Commissioner Walling that the foregoing.bills as'j;)rl€i be 'rat- i~ieli.- . , V€lting 'Aye: , " ',' GlJnmliss iGners 'Wa.lling -&' Plllii'1b., R.eport .oftb;eG.oJ;']?orati'on Judig~: .~~"as presented :for tl1ew:e.ek enli~ng IIJIarch~27th, 1~30, coveJ?ill;g~e3.s~,~ ,992 to.1005 inc}lU"; . .' . . " ,_ I r 8J. ve ~ , '," " ' . . MGrti.Qn by Commissioner Plumb, tiul~,ded by.Connn:Lssioner Wall:l:rig that the report be ap "i~~ ac cepteli.' , V0ti:r:ig~Aye: COJ?IDl:L ssioners,;.Wa 'Plu.1l1b. . .. " NOS~~~;<t<"" " 'fJ#~ "l:. ',' .. .,' :Re,p0r'tl:>'~fCertified :Public Accou.ntant, C: F. Milledg~ wasS'\21:>~;~':, mi tted f0r' cons'idera:tion and accepta..nce.Said r~port' c~v~rw;' " " a ' complete. "uQi t a~ ~:f MlllTch :r9.th~ 1930. 'of theCi 1:'jL.~r.~~,sUr with DlllI'ticular- attention given ;1;;0 at eo..mplete check:~e<f all . '" '_ (Forvfard 'Fa.ge. 13!3) ". n , ;' ~ " I i J j I I J I ., . I I . lei I li~~ "('." , I . I '" 11 'tt ,tl tl '"if., tI 'tt If , If tt If II tI II tt n u " ft tl U ft tl 11 ft. n tt tI, .. If ,n ,'f. ;U it . , fl " If It ~ u. ; "'i . " ~:~ ,:_,,;~.~.:. " .:.. .:::. '"1"0 . ,"; ~<':. '. ,..", :., v , " - 138 (lJontinued,:from P. 13'7) records both currentlUJ.d delinquent .3.S to collected and'uncol- lected. el;lch ,,-ud every i t~m. all :ver.ified by check against, the 'rolls, cash records, block book ~rtd ~npaid tax state.mepts then rem&ining in the files of the City Treasurer~ ' Itr wish to repor,t that I f01L11.l;,t all tlpaid.ll, taxes' correctly and accur,ately ac counted for in every respect by the Treasurer;" all such collections having b~en pr,operly enddrse,d in the t~ book and entered in the cash records, and deposited ih~the . Second 'National Banl-cll .lthll eash 'accounts Sl.nd Bank s'ccounts were alsoitudited and. found tob-e correct and reconc,;i.led. with the bank statements o' II All cash on .hanc1was verified' by. actual. 'count and the maounts called fGrby the. 'books of acc.ount wen>e found ,to be on hmiq;;,in full'!, " , '.. Full copy. or s,a., }f~;a tement, f'tlrnished the Oi ty Secretary f0r 'Motion l11a91ebfJ;_~n'isSioner Watling and ~uly seconded by: Com- ::::::::::o~ '::at the re;::ta: rendere~ by Mr. C .F. ~1i1~ ~e(ige, C. P.. ~ibe approved ~.ml ae'cepted a.."1.Q., filed wi th' the' Ci t,y Secretar '. '. I. 'Voting Aye:' " . " c' .CoJ.1lmissionersPltutlb & Wa.l'ling. . NOS NONE. ,0 .' The following 'co1l1.nunication was then reitd, :viz:" j , City Council; West University Place, Reus ton, Tex:a.s ~ My. Dear Sirs: . I was greatly touched by your ttribute to 'the :m.em- .ory cif my' dear husband. Ples'rSeaccept my ,thankf:i"for :t1;1e ;bemti- 1'u1 flc)'we:rs. Very" Sii'icerely Yours~. ':. . Gertrude C. Pleasant. ' , . o .t _.~. ,"Phoenix, ~~arch 2'2nd,1930. ~ - ' " <; Motion by COITIDlissioner Walling and_duly se~6nded by'Commissioner .plumb; that the above message of thanks .frOm Mrs Pldisarlt ,be ' 'p . 'spread upon the minutes of this meeting." ~' Voting Aye: Corr~issioners Plu~b & Waling. Unanimously carried. ' , '--------." ,. ., /' " . Mayor Schlesinger int:ooduced for the ;hemefi i? and, cQ:rIt;tider:ation of the COh'1r!lission, a complete copy of the Judgement':.x>en:det"e-j'by Judge Boyd in the case;:'~i:: C." M.. Womack 'et :Illl :vs'We.sit:Untversi ty ,P.l3.ce, et ,al., Defentia.n1rs~~~ . :. . , ...' \, ,Motion by Commi.sBioner Wli.'1.~~, and~uly 's,econdeii':~y",'(}Qmrni,ssdl0ner Plumb, . that the copy (j) '~j; j;;?,'J~uligel1l~nt be trllnS'er~be:a,.by!the Secretary upon the mi "'13 o+:-. this meeting vel' batinu. ':''- Voting Aye :Cornmissi ,'s 'Plumb .& WaJll-ing; " " , NOS NOlTE. " C', .'" ".,' . , ' , . In THE DIS1!RTIiJiF.,@OURT '. '.~~. . - Ha.rr~s Caunt): ;~'.: ," "'!'-~- ' Jui,fu~;;liili :]~i;st. , '."10<;.", :~ ~>~~'~i'~? .u .\ "\ d..M.Womack ET AL : ',":,:/-." , P11:i'ntiffs, " 1/ . v;")3.."' ' . " . W~st,tJn:tver s 1 ty',Plac ~ ~ ,;Jt ~l, OF -~. .1..: 'Defen€l.a.:rits. ' . (dont,inued: :~ig~ 139)- (, of' Texas. .,,; ,,' ;) '," i-,t '-~'l .1;": " ". . !! "J ' <' -- f;I! I; , lr I ~ 0\ \,) ~ ~ ~ ~\ (~: -:~. (). "I' ~1T'l""--;-1---'-:-~' (Continue~ ~ro~ page 138) 139 'BE IT REMEMBEREB ,that on this the 14th ~ay ofM:arch A. D. 1930 came onto be heard the application or Pla.intiffs, C.. Iil.. Wo- m:acl{",'E~ ,Ho. Howze and Chas T. GZilt-'lick~' for a permanent ,in junc- tion.9.h:ainst d.ef'end.a11.ts, City of'West UniversitYflac~,a lll;uni- 'cipal corporation, E.. B. Schlesinger" J. A. Walling and P. R. Plumb, the Ma.yor lime. City COlmnissioners thereof' , respectively, anGi C. ,A. cBryan Corporat,ien, Second national Ban~ of' Houston~nd H. G. B~~t & Company, ~njoining s.aiq p~'ties from issuing "or ne- gotiating c-ertain bonds Qf the Gityof w.es,tt!'niv~rsi ty Place .1.11 the principG.;l. Burrief $100,000.00 in acc~rdance w;tth a certlll.i:J. or- dinance of the City of \iliest Universi ty Pl~qe, being captioned as fellows: ~ "AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE ISSUANCE BY THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,. IN THE G0UNTY OF HARRIS, STATE OF TEXAS., ~of one lrUMred thOl~{:l%:p.d ($100,000.00) ~m::t:x D'ollars worth 01' water ,~~s bonds' tp~;;Pr~vide FOR- ~E- " FUNDING THE EXISTING TEDNESS OF. TIi.E WATER 'WORKS SYSTEM. AND, THE EXTEl' Olil THE MUNI0':fP:AL, WATER A11) .. ",.., SE\J\]ER. PLA~ITS' .AND S OF SAI:D CITY "AND .PROVIDI'rJG FOR J _' . ~ , . . THE PAYMENT OF PRI . AL "AND INTEREST ';['HEREOF ,AUTHOR;J:ZING THE EXECUTION OF,' Tlilf' MOR':);AGE OR DEED OF TRUST' UPON SAID WATER WORKS PLANT A"ND SYS'lIIDiI AND, GRANTING A FR.(UWHIS~ TO ~~- THE PURCHASE OR PURCHl~SER OF' SAID PRO'PERTY ...4.T A FORECLO.. . SURE SALE.n ' . " , . which said bon<ds are more particularly d.e-scribe<i in Plain-piffs pe~ tition, and from using'the proceeds from the sale 0~ same for any ,of the purposes alleged in Plaintiffs petition, an<i that d~fendants :'and i1he members €lf the city counsel of t1).ecity Elf w.est Univ~psi ty :place be reqUired~'O ,egain possessillHl 'of the bond.s, ,which have &1- read.y be'en placed lill,c@J.'latera.lor Q.isposed of a,nd that' said bonds .,' a]J,,!i each0f them ed..-eclare,fi v.oii and tha.t the€!.eed of trust secur-,,' , , 1ng t t:p.e paYP1entthere.ef ~ " and:the ,9rdtinance authorizing same he fie- , clar..'ed void and : ' , '. ' . . IT,APPEARINq TO ,THE' COURT ,tha:.t heret€ifoire, .in ,chambers a temp~Gra';' ry injunction was granted to said Plaintif,f's. as prayed for in " their petitien, bU.t .t:b.atupo.n.ahearing'hereef the court is @fthe opini'Gnthat s.ai&. tempDD~Y .injunc,t.;tcn' heretofore grante<i sh~:uld be in all things <iissolvedJand ,~isplissed'Al tthe. c,ost of. Pla.in~ tiffs,. .' '" IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED ADJUDGED M~D. .DECREED,th3.t the .temporary inj.- junction~ heretofore grlimted in this said cause be ~md:. the s&.:rp.e is hereby in all things dissolved and dismis~edJ and, IT IS FURTH~,ORDERED ADJUDGED AND DECREED tn.a t the pet i tiCDn for fa. p.er~ia.mne<nt in~un~tion ~s praye~ to ~<<~la.~ntiffs be ,and the same ~s hereby ~n all th~ngs den~e ';"y d~sm~s~edJand, " .' ,IT IS FURTHER ORDERED 4D.JJ1PGE:Q -1. EED tha t all co s t s of" cour t ':, be t;axed against Plaintiffs, 1'0' ,"'cQ.IJ,.ectiQn of which execution may '1s'sue- to which Pliimtiffs e ^' t'~r\f give notice' ef appeal to . the court lOf civil appeals for'e firljJ", supreme .Juaicial District of'Texas at Galveston. , ,... f~ '" ~ .;< ..'} , , Jmil.ge. Letter ~ead from J. C. Mortensen under date of April 1st maki~g complaint to the Commission that a certain residence in ceur~e of <r,enstructienby Geo.. T. Broun Co., on let 9 Block 37 Wo. U.. . P.. :t.st", ~~di tiondiCl. If-ot mea:s:are up to the restrictions,:i:n foree. ' ' The Mayor c&l.lled for the building Permit cO'veringandupon . (SeeP!, ;1-40). ;" . ' ". t., " --.,. ,-, ~- ''IF T1 ~r 1.40 (Continu~d from P. 139~ :ex~.mination of same it was the opinion .of the Commission that' the restrictions had been about lived up to and the Secretary was' instructed' to refer the matter to Fmre Marshall Metcalf for '41 thorougc"1. check up and a re.port a t th~ earliest possible time.. (; , ( Lettt';}r f'rom Fabric Fire HGse COlllPat.l:Y 9...15 Park Place"New York under date of january 16th, 1930 with tbr~e notes for $800.00 ea.~h @ six % interest payable one, two ana. three year\s after . date October 10,':'.1929 date of the notes~ Total$2400.00 for foUr cases fire h~s'.e~.' ~ .< > . . Notes signed b-y. the-Mator and attested by the city Secretary andtmailed back to ~h~~abric Fire Hose cern.pany. ' Ml'. 'Neil Geisenh~f " ~ident S~lesmam for Fant.hmn& Fa,nthtlU11, . representing that ~ submitted a blueprint ef a. public Park and playgrounci w Fa..ntham & Fantham hil.ve tiesig,natea as Pis- sann~t Park facL ameron Bou.1evara between Bryant' ana Byron, Streets, embrac,~n nd' area of groun€il.200 feet by 330 feet and ~situated in C01onlTerrace~ The owners make the propesiti0n of dedicating the .' ark .to the 'City with the, understantiing that the' Oi ty ass'lst in shelling the walks etc ~,~, ' Thanks was expressed for the offer of this'Park from these pro- gpessive developers, aIle. the matter will be taken und19r advise- ment.' It was gen:erally thqugfit that nothing definite 'cQullli:be~ accem- plished in so far as the City was cohcernea, until, the 'Park had actually been de€1icateCl. b-y the present owners., ' , ,,'- ~rn' A bill from' the Buic,k Company for' $150,.00 was' takeTJ.. ~der"con- sideration ,which represented the 'payment on a. new cail?f.~r the Poliee service 'which' car' is ,owne€1 by I,. W. McKe~wn; :-Th1'8 amount. appropriated for Ii payment on McKeown"s new .car ratheJ?"than pay s. repair bill' on' theeld Buic'k which, the "City was dU.'e.'M:eKaewn: ' for repa:irs necessa.r.y liuato former. service .", . :; , ' ' " ," Mohi{lnmltdeby ,Commi.ssioner, 'Walling and ,d.uly se~Qm.ClejiJ;by. 0.j;)mr..Qis- sioner Plumb that the $150.'00 be p:dfi, to the Bnazos ;"til.ll...~~~'Uiek 'Cempany fQr account 'Qf:r. W.McKeown.;t<- ", Voting Aye:, Goramissiener Pluinb & 'Walling. NOS NONE. . ~ ' o + ~', . -' :.--.,;: f" - -~~.~ . business before the meeting,:$ItcIt1oti(!}n was declared by the Mayor. _,'~urned. .... . . .<f! ",. ,~ ."., !'- ~ :~t~\",;-'M1a!0T . , ,,' ~~..~~~:'.' i"f:" "-:) ,". :;. " . ...~ ~ ~ ~..- ..,;,' .~ ~-.&. ' .~. '~<", ~~~ . .' ;."Ij/t. iI' ,,' .. . ~ ~ .,. . o /', ~ .... ~ .- t ~ . , ',:;>'" :'" :: ,'::r. I f l, t:rl ['1" r ---,. .' - ~./" , . . . \. I . ". '. . . ~ r'lr' r "'fT'