HomeMy WebLinkAbout032530 CC Min ~. :J\ o ~ ~ ~ rJ I I I I fl ":f.. . o . , " Tues:da{' M~.rch 25th, 1930.. Councll Chamber.8ity Hall. City of Wes~ University Place, Texas. , jP~ ' 1,r'~r,.}35 f~\/~/ . Regular m.eeting of the Comm.ission cGIl.vened at 8 P.. 1'.~.. on the' foregoing ,date with Mayor Schlesin~r preCiliaing and both Oom- misssioners, Walling anc~ Plumb anc_ Secretary Cuhsman in.3. ttendllllce. , Keading of minutes previous meetings dispensea with account other pressing business. Following paid bills read out for ratification, v.iz: . Vo'=check 2010, Gilbert Pr~di~. Labor -.:..--------....------....:.$3..00 fI fI 2012, Antone Durall " ---,;,;';:.;;.------.;.--...--- 6.00 11- It 2021, J.' J. O'Connor;Salary.feJ:?~eek, --":----30.00 It il 2022, Mrs Ruby Wade, It. ..-;~""~ n -------20.00 ,tf " 2023" Antone Durall, Lab, "if II ---- --- .7.15 ft tf 2024, '.Oliver Levy, . \?,,;.~" If c_______ 3.70 It If 2025, Cash Account, Rub.' rlfI'stamp etc..,. -.:.-.:..--- "4.68 Tf If 2026, tf " . Dra!."~ etc., ----..:'--1.45 fI It 2028, Houston Ligl?-tg, &.,-ower Co;, ------------- 225.97 -ff If .2029, n u,'. n '-----______ 17.09- n If ~030, John D. McCall, AttoFneyts'Expenses l32~99 . ff ff 2031, Conservative'Enterprises Co., ------.:. 12.75. ff u 2033, Southwestern B~l+ ~elCo, -------- 28.86, <<,' U, '2038, C. F. Milledge;"C. P. A,. --------- 157.60 n _ tf .2039, R.. B ... Schlesinger,' --------------- 95,.94 1\ilotion made by Cor.rJ11iss,ioner Plu,,'1lb, 'duly seconde\d by Cornmission- erWal:;Ling. that the foregoing bills as .enumerated and read by paid. Voting AYE.~ommissiQners,Walling & PlmilQ. -NOS NONE. ' ' ". "Reports of the Corporation Judge for the week ending March 13th " . lI.ndl March' 20th were submitted for ~pproval. ,. Motion made QY ConwissionerWalling and duly seconded by Commissioner .P'-lumb, tha,t the~eports as aforesaid1?e approved~ VotingtAye: Commissioners Plumb & W~lling.. NOS NO}\~.. '-I Fire Marshall,. .J. A. Metcalf advised the Commission tha,t,he was, desir~.)Us of putting on hisllnnual round up and clean up day in the very near future and that there would be ~n expense involved . ofappre,xima tely, $50.00. He requested that the, body authorize this expenditUre for the,purpose indicated. ' Motion m~de by Cormnissioner Plumb and dv~ly seconded by Commissioner, Wallingt'hatthe Fire !lIars,h~ll -be aU,.thorized t~ proct'!}ed with the annual reu..nd and clean up and that the sutlof $50.00 be appropriated .~' 'J> for that event. , ',' .-~, ' . Voting Aye:: , J' ;,~'), < Cormnissioners Walling & Plumb.' , o-:~ NOS NONE.. r~" ";'a9 I ' ~ Mayor Schlesinger presentedfthe~~e' of pointment of Health Officer.to. ~ acted effect.. ~ FJIo.thm mad.e by Cormnissione~ Plumb and duly seconded by 'Comm~ssio Walling that 'Dr. Gt-adY'Deaton be appointed health~ (;)ff'chcer for t. ~\.--- ~.:~ Dr. Grady Deaton for the ap- upon and to ta.ke innnedia te" " ". I' . ! . ":' r r' 1 ,- ,', - r. ------n r rr-nr I 'Ill 'I "~ '~ 136 (Continued, from p'" 135.) I I I I I I I I I City of West TJni vers'j_ ty Place, Tex&s,., [;ljJ.dth:at his appoj.ntment be m~de effective atonce& Vo.ting Aye: , COJ:nmissmoners Walling & Plumb. ,. NOS NONE. ;' / lil' A statement froll' ~*~ Houst01: 'Post DisD;l.tch or the Houst<,;>n Print- ~:. ~ ,. ..... ing Company, fo ~~ sum of ~399.36 was presen~ed by the Secre- tQI'Y,with lett OLl Mr. A. ,E. Clarkson, Secty-Tre~..sri for' paYTnent. An ~.c t@:~:o "advertising of old standing. , . '?:J ." .~.. ..~..~;.,. - - . "';J.' . - . . , :M~tion .;;ad~ .by ~~r~ffilis~s iG.1'1~~~"i~luin? ap.did:1)~ly se?~nd~ byComrnis~, Sloner ",.[al-.1lng ~hat tne bi;.~J/,:pf $399,36 be palo. a!td c1;1a.rged' on the City r s books to the, cori1{.:;;~ac tor t, s. 'concernect lo151~ingto sub- sequent collection from them~'~'>~~, ',;""~C Voting ,Aye:-, _ ...,~' , ;E:;,~ 'Coi:~1':nissioners Wallin.g ~.nd Plumb. ,.' '~ NOS, NONE. ...., ~;-,~ ~~ (' ;~. . ~ ,. ~~ . City Attorne.y R. .L" Son:field, then intro~ced MD:~i.1d.er with the recoI~mendation that he be engaged by the~~ty to~~ssist Mr. 80n- field in searching records" secu~ing cor~t nanie..~;l:inid,&\l.ddresses etc., 1:t1 conw3ction With the collecti,on ~ prep~ticfD. for ~uits of litei.inquent t~.xes for. the year 192'5"lg.&~9' t9..~1.~nGt~9'28.. After several ~'pFopositions &8 to the ,rerrl1mer9.tjj~ifi to be;,:;:-lllpwed, the f'o110YviYJg motion was made, viz; _~';:"~ ,.~.~ , M?ti6n'By GOl.nm~~sioner Plumb and dl).ly Se(;:qi~d.ed. bL,Commi,ss ioner Wl1... llng that :Mr.. \l\n1d.er be employed on a wee~s.: trJ.al,.:~ $5.00 per ,day, ,&l.nd an allowD.nce of $1.00 per day expe~se:)~oney or a ~fl..tal 'Of $6.00 per d3.y for e~.ch day he works and t.0.__ 'report for :further ac- tion at the next cot.mcil meeting, Tues.day'j'l\.pr:i,.l '1st, J;~'30. . V()ting Aye: Commissioners W~.lllng & :P1u.rnbf.~~' '. . --NOS NONE.. ' . ,,' , , .. " \:. :.....; "'~r.;~~ ... There being no' fv~~,ther, )J1.:!.s iness before the me~ting" on 1110tiGn of Commissioner '~'\[a}3:d.ng, duly seconded by COll1J:niss:).oner Pl;um.b, the x So;tr;,1e was dec:Lared by the Mayor adjpul"'ned. , <-.' 'Voti~g Aye: ' Co~~issioners Plt.m~ & Walling. NOS NONE. AT~ST'~~ .Clty Sec~ -,;. n .. , '.. ~ 0, ~'''';'' . "..I . APPROVED: ./~' fh';::~.' . i" .< ......' ,t- '~:i: ~:)~"y . ; '0: f, I )' i i I r [, ' I f' ....".. '~" "' "I' , 11 T T 1 -----.-.rr