HomeMy WebLinkAbout031130 CC Min ~ " \) ~ ~, ~ !III'. n '. ,_/ 133 Tuesday March lIth. 1930 Council Chamber-City Hall. City of West University Place, Tex~s. . Regular meeting of the Ci ty Co~mis's>ion conve:hed at the hour of 8 Oclock P. M. on the above "date with all present, viz: Mayor H. B. Schlesinger, Co~nissioners J. A& Walling and P. R. Plmnb, Erwin. Cushman Secre'tary. ' I Minutes of the meeting held. Tue'sday Ma.rch 4th, 1930 read' by the Secretary. Motion by Cornrllissioner Walling duly se.conded by COnJIl.1issioner Plumb that the minutes be approved as read. Voting Aye: , " , Commissioners. Plumb. & Walli~l.g. Carried&' ~".,,:,~' < ' , ' Report of th~ ,Corporation C?urt JUdg~' , ~t~ week ending March 6th was subm~tted Showing.f1nes ~nd. ,,' ~ollected for the ' , weel;\:. in -the sum of $160.00. ~~ '" ' MO-Gi'ol1 made by COJ!1..missioner, Plumb 'E: duly seconded by COmInis... sioner Walling, that the report of t'J..:.e Judge be acc!)~ted )[Rm: as read. , ' ' Voting Aye: Both.Commissioners. NOS NONE.' ' ~~ !-' ~'O The question of delinquent tti_~.~~~, WlIl.S introduced a.nd thoroughly discusssed resulting in the fo~lpwing motion; viz: Motion by ConmlissionerWalling;~~uly seconded by COL~missioner 'Plumb, that the City Attorney be ,.instructed to-file'suit on all delinguerit taxes for the years 1925, 1926~ 1927 and 1928 with-, Gut unnecessary dela.y.. Voting Aye: Commissioners P1111nb and Walling" , NOS Nmill.. " Commissioner Plumb called ~ttention to- a bad conaition of the street on Stanford between Vanderbilt and Buffalo Speedway. M0tionmade by C@nunissioner Walling duly seconded by Commis- sioner Plumb ,that the City Engineer be instructed to take st~ps to repair the bad qondition thus reported by the st. & Bridge COItmlissioner.' , Voting Aye: Both Commissioners. NOSN01fE. ( , <t. '0 'Pursi.ua.nt to instructions, Engineer J. Ii. Rlil.f'f{)rty submitted an estimate for the improvement of VIR~INIA STREET from the north lin~Gf PlQ~b.St to the South line of Sunset Boulevard ~5 foot roadway. Total cost, $13,631~24 to property owners ~d $998.88 cost to City. t0getheJ? with conde~ti~n proceedings through 'Maltz~d R.' J... Weis properties rigfit f9f way. also, . Estimlttecc.1st improving Sunset Bo1il~'ta,~ from the west line of BuffaloSpeed.way to the w,es t line of l(:(~b :r;..' lit .35 feot.roafi" way. showing cost to property Qwners 0 .95 and c9st to City of $3247.83,. together with cond, prodeedings for right af way through the properties.:- sF. Weii, R. 'J... W~is and Mal tz. , i," ,., ~ ,.",' :,\~ ..;... Motion was made by C€llnmissioner Plumb, and tiuly seconded by,Cem- . mis'siener' Walling, that Qoth, the. Vir.~in~a Street and sUnset ' Boulevard Estimates beref'erred to t~~ Mayer and the Street >& (c~ntin:ued p.i34. .... ~ ..S:.-~ "":1'::" ' :Y:', .. I "l:Il1 r"' 1" ! Ilf f -~ - 134 c:.. . (Coptinuec1 from P. 135) commissione~spectionand further consideration also t. work out plans for financing the projects and also the cost of the right of way etc., further to report back at the neAt ~ld most convenient opportunit1. Voting' Aye: " CO!llillissioners 'flaIling & P"lumb.' NOS NONE. , (-~) , There being no further business b~fore the meeting, on Motion Comraissioner Plumb, 'duly sec9~ded by Commtssioner Walling, the Meeting was declared by the Mayor adjourned. Voting Aye:' . Co~qissioners Walling & Plunm. NOS NONE. \:~_ . "i, .. /;~. -'~'~*:.k.-. ~. , '<:" ;:.f<.APproveEl, '~1.~:~~,:.:.:~ ,.,. o / ~ ' ' . ".' '.. . , '. . . . : . , " - . . ,..~. , " ' . , . . , ' . . .' . .A: 01'i "l' , 1 :'1 " .~? . . , ' :;:::~?' .1:\.:' . { f_J:~~ ~5<~;;>; ~"'- ' G p<.,' j ..