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Tuesday March lIth. 1930
Council Chamber-City Hall.
City of West University Place, Tex~s.
. Regular meeting of the Ci ty Co~mis's>ion conve:hed at the hour
of 8 Oclock P. M. on the above "date with all present, viz:
Mayor H. B. Schlesinger, Co~nissioners J. A& Walling and P.
R. Plmnb, Erwin. Cushman Secre'tary. '
Minutes of the meeting held. Tue'sday Ma.rch 4th, 1930 read' by the
Motion by Cornrllissioner Walling duly se.conded by COnJIl.1issioner
Plumb that the minutes be approved as read.
Voting Aye: , " ,
Commissioners. Plumb. & Walli~l.g. Carried&' ~".,,:,~' < ' , '
Report of th~ ,Corporation C?urt JUdg~' , ~t~ week ending March
6th was subm~tted Showing.f1nes ~nd. ,,' ~ollected for the ' ,
weel;\:. in -the sum of $160.00. ~~ '" '
MO-Gi'ol1 made by COJ!1..missioner, Plumb 'E: duly seconded by COmInis...
sioner Walling, that the report of t'J..:.e Judge be acc!)~ted )[Rm: as
read. , ' '
Voting Aye: Both.Commissioners.
NOS NONE.' ' ~~
The question of delinquent tti_~.~~~, WlIl.S introduced a.nd thoroughly
discusssed resulting in the fo~lpwing motion; viz:
Motion by ConmlissionerWalling;~~uly seconded by COL~missioner
'Plumb, that the City Attorney be ,.instructed to-file'suit on all
delinguerit taxes for the years 1925, 1926~ 1927 and 1928 with-,
Gut unnecessary dela.y..
Voting Aye: Commissioners P1111nb and Walling"
, NOS Nmill..
Commissioner Plumb called ~ttention to- a bad conaition of the
street on Stanford between Vanderbilt and Buffalo Speedway.
M0tionmade by C@nunissioner Walling duly seconded by Commis-
sioner Plumb ,that the City Engineer be instructed to take st~ps
to repair the bad qondition thus reported by the st. & Bridge
COItmlissioner.' ,
Voting Aye: Both Commissioners.
( ,
'Pursi.ua.nt to instructions, Engineer J. Ii. Rlil.f'f{)rty submitted an
estimate for the improvement of VIR~INIA STREET from the north
lin~Gf PlQ~b.St to the South line of Sunset Boulevard ~5 foot
roadway. Total cost, $13,631~24 to property owners ~d $998.88
cost to City. t0getheJ? with conde~ti~n proceedings through
'Maltz~d R.' J... Weis properties rigfit f9f way. also, .
Estimlttecc.1st improving Sunset Bo1il~'ta,~ from the west line of
BuffaloSpeed.way to the w,es t line of l(:(~b :r;..' lit .35 feot.roafi"
way. showing cost to property Qwners 0 .95 and c9st to
City of $3247.83,. together with cond, prodeedings for
right af way through the properties.:- sF. Weii, R. 'J... W~is
and Mal tz. , i," ,., ~ ,.",'
Motion was made by C€llnmissioner Plumb, and tiuly seconded by,Cem-
. mis'siener' Walling, that Qoth, the. Vir.~in~a Street and sUnset '
Boulevard Estimates beref'erred to t~~ Mayer and the Street >&
(c~ntin:ued p.i34.
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(Coptinuec1 from P. 135)
commissione~spectionand further consideration also t.
work out plans for financing the projects and also the cost
of the right of way etc., further to report back at the
neAt ~ld most convenient opportunit1.
Voting' Aye: "
CO!llillissioners 'flaIling & P"lumb.'
, (-~)
, There being no further business b~fore the meeting, on
Motion Comraissioner Plumb, 'duly sec9~ded by Commtssioner
Walling, the Meeting was declared by the Mayor adjourned.
Voting Aye:' .
Co~qissioners Walling & Plunm.
NOS NONE. \:~_ . "i,
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