HomeMy WebLinkAbout031130E CC Min .,. 132' TUESDAY. MaBCH 11TH. 193Q. o EXECUTlVE:SESSION. C.OUNCIL CHMlffiEa. CITY OF WEST UNlVERSIT'~' PLACE.; TEXAS.. () The Ce:mmissien was cllllec1 by the Mayor in Executive session at 7 P.. M. and co~vened at that hour on the above date for the purpose of disposing of several matters of importance i1;1 advance of the regular. meetirig to beheHf:' upon 'this da~eo. Meeting Called' to order by the Mayor w~th both Co~issioners, J.. A'. Yl:a.lling and P.. R.. Plumb and Secretary Cushman, in atten- dance · :h ""'~' . ~"':f -- :.::.;~. Mayor SChlesinger'~Js.~;\~~t that a general plan .had peen worked cut fer theconsider~.~~~of the Con~ission pqint1ng,to a,more ,- ecohemieal and systematl~ prograrr~e for the opera~icn of the Cities affaiFs which would;'be insm.sted upon in the futu;re.. " After taking up a nmnber of matters fOT the consideration of the body, the Mayor introduced ad"". ini te sch~rdule for. ,the or- derly carrying on of the counc~, tings and sugge~ted the fom~~ lowing order of business, viz. .1':;;.' ", " RellldJ.ng of~the minutes. ".. ,," '_ Comrll~icati0ns, , Reports. Court Reports. Report'of,Tax Collector. Repo~t of'Treaaurer. Report of the Water Dept. tr U Street & Bridges. " ff Engine el' . ff tt Fire Dept. . " "Police fiept. ',' It tt Inspection.RB11~ " U City 'AttorneY. On. motion duiy secona.e<I, the order of business assuggestei:l was ',' adopted. Q,rt .-::: & d . ,~, .- ' \ ." The Mayor then proposed that beginning with the month ~M March the Se~ret~ry's sai~rybe rai~ed to $200.00 per month aEd that - he continue '~t() act as Clerk 0f.tthe Corporation Court vv;tthout my' 'r'em1...iner~tion as to :fees. " " .. ,','e' "." " Motion by .corrulliss ioner Walling, duly seqonded by Co:rmrti~sS:ioner Pl~b, that ~he Secretary'~ .~9.1U'y be raised to c$200'~.OO'I)e(t>., mOl'l~h condi tione~ a~ set'" i!Ir'th by. the Mayor's suggesti\e,n.<' ,.... 'V0t~ngAye. Com!l11.ss~o ~,Walling & Plumb, . > ',' Bos. None. ~ . ".'.-. ~-:. '" ... . , '- t ~.::), ~,,":." There being no'ftW^-' "du;Ly.,'seeonde'd by C6 Executive sesssion APPest~~ " , siness on mo~ion ,~~ione~ Walling" the JP1\W,ned. . . ..~.~~~~(- ~ . Commissioner~~umb, mayor decl.ar,e}l the . <}.,.:U;."" ..;.___ u , ( ApP;r'overi, ~ ,z ~:: /~ __Pe~ <.:' ~ ~ ~:'1' ' -.- --r ~~fl T