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Tuesd$." I\h'tpch 4th. 1930.
G~uneil Ch~mber--Clty Hal $
Oity of_~t -U.Zl.iversj7l Place, J}~~~
REGULAR meeting of the City Commission oonvened at 8 P~ Me
~n the foregoine date with Ma.yor Schlesingex' presiding.tind
Clbm..-rnissioners irfalling, Plumb :lnd'Secretary Cushnia...n :i:n".:t.:..
't'endance" .
The minutes of preceding meeting under date of February 28th
were read &J.l.d approved by following motion.. '~':.,
Motio.:: Oorm.nissionerWaliing seconded by. C01nmis sionerPiumb
th~t the rdnute " e approved with two -rninor 'corree't]';oris; <-
which were y the u€reretil.ry. .',~'
Voting Aye Commissioners,
NOS None.
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Followin lIs present by the ?~cret~~y for
me1it, Virz:itl' -':0"
'Art Flow~ Shop for Raynes funeral" .
American ProVident.iLi'f\e> Insura.rice Cor!1ps.ny
... ~-",,~' -:;:,.r.r>> . . 1 . J
Mrs Julia Bottler ,F.l~Il}'V'~~s'for rv'Iarti:q fnneral
HQuston Natural Gas60',;:,,':i~~el Oi t'y- Hall" ,
W ~ T.. Barnhill PllLl1lbi,ng "Ti1spector;N~'es" . 7'
Southw~stern Bell Telephone",q~ ~(Public Phone) .
City of ROMston W:itter,Dept.-' ,
Water Dept~city W~ u. P.
Krenzler Bros Service St~tion"
Oliver Lev," Labor Water Dept,~ .~'
fl ,n ,'&: 2 men C Ie an ingar ou.nd
Report ~ubmitted by CQrpoFationJ1;l~t'
r\r~l'-Y '27th 1930 showinga.tot~,l > <;>fr}f
'ine:r to'$176~OO' .
l~lotion by d6rnrriissio11er W~:I,ling se
't1i.~t the' report, of the Juage'p,b,ea
Veting Aye, Both Cornmissioners~.
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( Continued from page ,130. )
Motion made by Cowmissioner Plumb and duly seconded by Com-
missioner \!Va-IlLig that the propostion of Mr. FanthllIDl be llC-
cepted and that the car,of snell necess~ry for the pUEpose be
Voting Aye:, ,
COllilllissioners Walling & Plumb.
PD~su~nt to notification by the Secretary Lee Bragg appe~ed before
the Cowmission in connection with an arrangement for the g~thering
of garbage thI'oughout the entire City. He prop~sed to make three
trips per week, MondaY'8, Wednesdayt:s and Frida,W',s of each week
fora consideration of $6.50 per trip or an lIlggr~:g3tte of $19.50
per week. .
':.~ "
Moti,OJ:l made by Commissioner Plumb and duly' seconded:,by Commissioner
Wal1in~ that Lee Bragg be given the job in accordance with the fore-
g~ing propositio~ and that hms emplo~nent bJt. made eff'ective ilnme-
d~ateJ.Y. -- z.$''''' -
Voting Aye: I .10-',
Commissioners Wm.lling & Plulnb. .. :t~ C*
llQS No.J'l"E ~ , ' . ~ "y
'~~'O~1illisSiOner Plumb reported,that~s inspection of,the streets in
College View and ,vicinity developed a bad condition, onseme of the
Streets par ticul;cr> ly in Cmllege Court PIa ce. ~
He rec0~ended that, rep~irsbe made and stated that, the. Engineering .
Dent. e'stim:.lted that ce~tain repm.irs might be mad,e on Fairmont Boul-
ev'ii.rd and such East and West streets' as. might be Jlecessa.ry 'at 9. '
cost' of 'M out $250.00:. , ' ~ .
I Motion wa.s then made by Commiss ioner Willling and duly seconded by
CommiSSioner Plumb, that the ,City Engine~r beir;structed to make
the repairs; indicated as, early as practicablt}e' .
Voting Aye': Comrni.s sioners Plmnb & Walling. .
NOS 'NONE. . ,
, ~
Announcement card was received by the DpmmissiQn from ~he Seagrave
Corporation extending an invitation to attend an off'icial test'~t
.'Lfberty Texas., of the FAMOUS CENTRIFUGAL PUMPING ENGINES on Thurs-
day. Mar ch6th, 1930 at2 P. M. '
~ ~..,
Motion made by Commiss~oner PlUmb, that the Water: Commissioner ,and
the. ,Fi:r,e,Marshall be requeste'dto take Il,dvantage of the opportu~
nity afforded by the Seagraves invi,:tation ,to att,end the official
test 'se,t, forth b.y the :mnounceinent car9i referrr'ed to.
Voting, Aye. ' :'(:~'i'
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Cemmis;3ioners Walling ~ Plumb.
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