HomeMy WebLinkAbout022530 CC Min 12lJ Tuesday Febru&ry 25th, 1930. Comlcil Chamber-Citv Earl:' City of West TIi1iver.sity 'Pl"ic_~~Te:x~sb City Con~issionconvened in re~~I&rsession at8 P. M. ~n the above g.ate with H.. B.. Schlesinger, :Mayor, pres-iding and ,GQR1- missioners W~ling and Plurllb, Secretlil.ry CushJ11an in ~ttend9Xlce. (-~ Minutes of Febl'luary 11th 1930 read by' the Secretary an~ t:q,e following motion made: Motion by Commissioner Plumb, d.uly seconded by C01.rrrl1is~iQner Wal- ling that the minutes be approved as read. Voting Aye: Commissioners-1f{alli,ne & ,P:UW,.bb,- . NOS NONE.. ~ ~< :', ';, :: ~" The folYowing bills , payment, viz ':. ~ L3.ID.er Book ~.fJt~1.:i~' St i ____________'..:____$6.10' Western Auto" .'4!st;UD~.1'y , -------:..--------- ~'~.TO F" W.. Heitm~n"".C.0;.J;:_' --------------.:.-..; 3.36 Peden Co, '. ",; . ' ,~ee--------------6.07 American LaFrance &":@-oamite Iud Inc., ------,--13.80 Kier..;NicklesGa.r~ge Co Tne, ------~-~....---...~~a!53.60 Houston Structural steel 00 .:..;.....~----_..------ 25.00 ,'. ' , . . ' ,., The Setii:gr~vesGorporati(i)n' '....__~____________200.00'. \, Tom J. FatJo Co (general) ---------------~ 30.75 , , " ' Allen-Gartner In.sur~ce Agency..-------.;.------ 11,.05 'p.., " ,~'~.- Vlr:tJ:sOhCStationery&Printg Co, --------....----- ", '1$:.'7,~- , , Brazos Valley Buick Co, ----:..,;.-----.:..--..-40.:fO ' Rup+eyBrake ,8ervlce, -.;;--------------...-' 4~~ql Southat'll Abstr~.ct & Title .Co; _______________l~lp'*;(~'Q.. , , II' ,"'llif HeitmannCQ , , ,__..,____::..____:...,-..---3'~4f2 , ,. ,~j.' "..' .. ,:Phe:Hadetl Company -...,-;;.---------..;,,~--- 8.'75, " , 'rom Fa~tje, Co.,' (Water) ----------------- 51.00 N~ptune f?~e:ter Cofnpany ...--..--------------3:L3,.~8 ' "., ","Metion milde by Cornmissi'(~ne:i:' Walling duly sec~n~ed'by '%~~i~:sioner ~:,(, Pl"EU11b th~~ the above bills be~pproved and. p~:t:~~ ' . '""" Voting Aye: Corrnl1issioners Plumb & W3;.lling"~ r , ':.. }ms NONE. 1" esented to the bodY-for fil.p:pr'c;'v'9.1'~ aha. fl -.;;."" ' "~ l. :. ..-'<,,': ,'}, ," '-- . ~," .. ,-'- 'J ,<- ,(-- " "-' ," ", !,~c("~5"'" ...,...... rfhe ;follGivingc paid b off',ere'd f'0rra.tific read to,the ( , '-~id: I I . I_~ .. l' l, , I' t l' , .' fl! _" ,,,. " " '~:" "l!;' ",' ' " ,E.. S: :McFli'i"itn<l.':v., ..,,~~ck 1908----------:-------- '5GO<t,~~:, " ' "yo-ohe~k1916 .J ::., ,; g~ff'erty ~~gineer,,--------- c25(91,Q~,~::.~"'\,, " " ' -It , n ' 18'73,lIou.ston;\,1'J~tural Gas ,C~." -......--...- 2t.(:,~,~,'~:~::5i~~:'., , , n ' tt' 18'76 lYlarsh:al1':':teG Cempany,',;,,:-":'-;::.,.;..;......:'.:.:;. , 2: '-5@' c, " 'ftuu '1875C' F ,.\l11illec1ge' . __:..____....,.._..;.;,f,'~; ;;.~~~"'~,'- tL'U '1878 >~en;ie~)I5}'os' services.tlil:."!',....:;,:.l!r~--,' ,:~~V Ii n 1880 >,J" H. );t~~ferty;,L.. D.PhoJ;les-';':- <16,.3'0 ", fff' 18$-1' ,J.. ,3. Q~r_G~np.o!>;' .----..;--~.;..---.,;.... ,~3q'. 00 11 f.f':U3E}2 Mrs Ruby-Wa:-de, .' -.----:'--...''':'-~-'':'-... '20.\10, ,\1 ',le83, Oliv;er LeV"yip , --J"'":"..:..;,-------':"~---';;,. , t.'!D8::")i :113$4 ,~Lo'Uis H4llilen, (Ga~b~ge) 1~~f?~~;'\::{ c :J . ~ : ~ ~ Q '(j Vo- Check, ~ It tI II II ~ 1I II tI n (Continued p$ 126) 127 /' { Mo'tion made by Gon:rrnissioner Walllng dlllj~ seconded by Commissie.n- aT' PllJ....>nb, that the foregoing resolution'rRtifying the contract between XN!Ii EO. S.. McFarl~.nd 8.nd the Cit;yof West University Place Texas., for improvements to the water wqrks system as afores~tid be fully r9.tified and the bond approved. Voting Aye: Commissioners Walling & PIlJ1nb. NOS :NONE. .. ~" ~ ' ",~,,"."', ,.,. " . .'- . ~...~. . - ..~. . ,<-p);.,~.... >~: '~. .~~ "', '" ~ti"~' . 9 '~-1' .1~, 'e.~ " pre~ed ana read by tbe ( The following ord.in$il.TIce No~ 39 W!,Ji,S M~_yor, vlz:; AN ORDINANCE MAKING rr UNLAWFUL FOR .l\,j\fY PERSON OR CCRPORA'J~ION Er.rHJ:i.J{ OR BOTH fro IvLAKE OR CAUSE TO BE MADE AN.[ GAS CONNECrfIONS OE CONNECT AN'Y GAS ~/fETER TO ANY. BUILDIFG WITHIN 'fHE CORPORATE IJII!lI'1:S ori' THE CITY OF 1NEST UJifIVEESlrl'YPLACE 'l'EXAS 'AND OR CONNECT SAID BlJILDING WITH ANY GAS MAIN AND OR PERNlIT OR CAUSE on GAUSE TO 'BE P1!.."R- MITEED IU~Y GAS TO FLOW fr:HROUGH SAID CDl\fNECTIONS WITHO'U1I FIRST HAVING THE WRI1"fEN' AU11EOHITY OF THE (CONTINUED) ::"-'~ ;-'i'" T:'; -- - "-'-, -'--'-"-----,,-, ''--IT-:r;r,,,r-- ________ -----JU -. --"---;-:,,:; --m:-;~~~F:"------ 1:2:8 (CONTINUED FROIt P. 127.). DULY AUTHORIZED PLUMBIl':G INS;PECTOR OF. SAID DIffY; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLA~~ION ~ TEEREOP ANDFUJ,\TIIER; PROVID!NG THAT SAID OR... .INANCE SHALLTA1CE. E;F'FECT IMMEDIATELY._ Motiop. made by.. Corr~issioner Plumb, duly seconded by sione).'" Walling tha t ordimlncJ:'~ Num,bered as. abov6viz: ordirva,nce 39, he adopted and .p~.ssed immediately.' Voting Aye: - ' CommiJ3si oners Walling .k". 'uJ:.Hb.. NOS NDNEe . GOill...l1lis- After. some discus b age man , Loui s, complAints .fi-led be made a.nd. ..:tha.t emplo.ying a.p.e-w' Motio~ .ma.de by COR'.J1J.iss ioner P,:J.:umb ~ dulyseco'nd:ed by C'onnnissi on- er Wa.ll.ing' th&t Louis H~denbe dismissea from~tn:e. s~rV'ice 'M- ter, the ,conclu:~io-? of the weeks work ending F~iQ:~:YF~~rlJ.ar~1 28th,. 1930., a'1'it't t1~~ Lee Bragg be offered the' j.~b,.>S)';ld~, Bragg. to be not:1:f.i-ed:~b,ythe Secreta.ry toap'pfJtU' .a:lf,"ci,;.::{..:.,.::; meet,ing next Tue'sda.~,,~,.:.1Vt.fiU'ch 4th, 1930 to perfec\t'l~l? ,~~rliI.~rtt's. V.<?~ing. "Aye:. "i ';- . ... ' ',' ~.' <.' ,,'j -~r:\~:~~~- C0mmissioners' -W'illling &'PTmnb. . ." ,'>':';::~~O.l;l f"::; ~S~B.' '~ , -.I, , .' " I ~ , . i.:& I' .- Report of Court proce.edings f'orthe weeks ,and Feb 'y 19th:;' 1930"Beajemg collec-tio,l:is c-o st;~,.o~, $408 .,O.Q:',~and$21 '7. OOrespec tiNe ly~ Corpor&tj,-on .rud~e t. M. Gates for a.ppr(Dv~ ,Mo:t:i;on. m~€1e byC01l1111is s ioner Plumb, /&.u.1'Jiy:s ,io:t1e'r ,Wal'ling that the said reports1D~eL~c Votiing Aye:"'" <;' ' Comm:-is's ionersWal1ing md P"lu,mb ~ NOS ,NONE... . :~. -<=0 (\ J., .Cl c; ~ ~ c ~ + ~Con1:fim.J.ed ,fr om P It 128) 129 ~ ( LAtter received @.nd refi..d to Council ove};' the sig:-l;;;ttures of Fir~j I'fIarsh&.ll J" J\ e Metcalf ~md ASfdstsmt 1,Fil;.-1.1:' st!.~.ll H.. P ~ Fope ~ c\'''.11i ';g attention of' tbe bOd-,y to the ir~v:lequacy of the p:c.esent fir-a 9.1$.r'1't system, asking thlJ!.t 8;.r.. 9.uxillia;,ry Siren 'hp' '::'Y1Qt"'11""d i'! .t-'hfl 'j:,1r,"'k 'h,",p"r:".f1 bv Qp'''''''']-16''-' Dr""'ceto1" 'Roc'n ~-J......., hL.. ~~ ~-.-_-,-.v _->....., '-'~.< _~ ....__..1........\.,>...._ .....~..._.__,_t.--.J....... tl ~.J_" '!fJ>,. "",..s.. -.l.J..t .....L, ,Lv .l.- ester ::md. Cornell Streets e Mayor Sclllesinger suggested that the Fire r!farshlill and his As... 'sist~.nt ascert:d.n. the cost of the ir.stallat:i,oll of an Auxilliary siren suer.:. as Vlou:.d serve the pl),l"r;O.S6S conterilplated and report ba:l,ck at the next meetinc;.. ( El1gineer13lwt1'b presented pl;ns submitted. by the Qity Engineer- l'r'g' rl'''''''''f'''Y'':'';'1I,,,,.,.,'';''lro''''' '" d;"'pos"" n1i;\nt c" o'..i-'J+>"lll ",,,,,,,'<""'1" Il'ne "\J].th .!.~ -. l..::.lV~/~'_';" ,,'.~,~.'..._ -.-J ....L 31:. --.i.J' ~oob y_........1. J 0.. ..... v~ _' . ~...~.j'" uv~v \..1_ . 't. ~~ . speclflc&tlons etc., Following quite an extensive discussior:.- &nd ccr.sic'!,eI';1,tioIl of the subject, MDm.Plt1.1'1b i'J2.c1e motion .w.hath WfiS duly seconded by COTI1missj.oner WaL ling tl"!.at the plans and specifications submitted by the Engineering Department be ~.ccepted, sub '.pt~o the ability of the Cj:ty to ftn~mce the project. >'.-""~~ '.. :t ~ .~~ Votlne Aye: ,I ,'. c.... GomI!li ~~:ioners 'Wa lli:::~g ~md Plm11b ~ . ":""1.;,.# NOS NOiiE.' ~fji ,. lVIr.. P.: tT.. Bernre:ldor appee.red before the Cornmis &On to ~.sk for some s.djnstment in & c~se aga.m,st him entitled, state of Texas vs Po J. Bernreider. alias J.E.Becker. Nu,:m.bered 883 on the court docket. - The Mayor took the matter under consideration and after consid- erable questioning of the defendant" advised h~m. that since this WRS an appealed case and under jurisdiction of the court, the. Commission could no}.tA9_k,z ~.ctiym V~:l'$!.Out recommend~tion from th~ COUI.t, ~~ ~. ~ ~ / ~ft, Compl~dnt was !.':!.&de thbl.t tl'c6 Felix Baker Ph.111.bing Co had failed to make proper repairs on Ws.keforest street, ':;?.fter comp-J.eting . hj_s plumbing work and the Mayor and com,...rnissi oners issued in- structions that no li1.ore permits be iS8'U60 15ythe City Secre- taryto the slJl.id Pelix BI,'l,ker for plumbine lobs: wi ttdn the Oi t 'jT of West University Pl~ce until he fulfilled his obligation to ret~dr the d.amae;e to Wakeforest Dtreet e . There being no f1)..rther business qefore the 6011."1.ci1, on regulfi..r motiqn duly' seconded. the meeting'\'Vtls, cl.ecJ..:;'.red &djourn~d. -Voti:::?g !~ye: _ __. ComnUSSlOi.WrS .Pl1)J;lb &. \1iRlllng. NOS HONE. ,.' ( \, Atte~~roved; City Secretary. rTRrl il-:T n:-----,. - - -----, III II '.II~