HomeMy WebLinkAbout021130 CC Min 1', ~qVll' ~';l ttt TU6sda:y: :febru3:ry llth& 1932." COUqcil Chamber -------~CitY H~ll. Ci~y ef We~t Univ~~sitYP1~ce, Texas. '-- City Comr~ission~ convened in regular se~sion at 8 P. M. on the above date with Mayor Schlesinger presiding &nd Commis- ~ioners Walling a~d Plumb and Secretary Cusr~nan in att~Th&3nce.. " , The minutes of January 28th and February lOth were read.bY'.t~e.' Secretary and. the following motion was of'fered. Motion by Comnl1ssioner Plumb duly sec<.mded, by Con1111is,sip:ner':Wa1~ ling that the minutes of January 28th arid February IOtl1':,l~wO,', .be approved as ree.d. Voting Aye; " CGnrrnissloners Walling , NOS NONE.. ' . ,~; :..~. ~. ,;.-:; ." ..:..~ ',. ".' ");." -.;. , ;..J" )". Mr.. H. O. _ Cl:ark,~;Jg,~1)~~~~~ ' .' ",: ,@f,tke,~ "'$,t~:n . Lfghtin~ and Po\ver' a:0~~\W:l/ptP:peare~: befCilreeouneiJ:.. fQ~i;~r,In$.l . d~~cusfn0n G~ ~prop~se€i'd~?,~h~se." : ",'''' , '?~~':,;'l'~,:,:;.,>,'. After SOme <i~scuss~0n theli{,~yWlr' proposed to Mr'.:'C:LlltJ?k:';~ap';~~. prepare, franchise and if sa.tisf'actory, ,the mel1;i:tnl;rs :@t~,tlI:e:".::eci\.J.n;'" cilwould meet the Of:ficia.ls of the Ho-y.ston Li$hting'&:pewer Co.;, f-brinforrnal discussion next week. ' \',_ ;, ~. . ;"'>:'.:-y' Mayar 't)chlesingerthen advised the council t.hat. the'i.li~ ' Li~t- , lng and PQwer GGDmpany had f.iled suit' agains.t tb;~.:C:'~,:,;..<", ,~:;@'~r- t.~ . "'l~~,;I~~nfor t~~rconsumed bet1!.eenF.eb f':fll, a~~~;M~~~~~f;j ;?:, '~' Met'li.;~n made by' C01mniissa,onerWall.ing;and' Q;u;tY"~y:e;w~~~ ',~ ;,~m!ssl~er P.lumb ,that h@th the FI:c,ust€511 .LigQ/'G~~gJf~cit ' ,'., ,~i)a:ni~;l!:n~ c. A:' Bryane0r!p@r~tiGin be'advised'th'~~>t.;, .' '",',' " ,'C ',.". ,;, ',: ':,2itj.bJ:lity on ,the' part of ,the Citye>f W,e.st 1JniV:er~~;~~i~I~:;,";) . , ','." , , Ten$'., in c@nnection with the ~cc,ount. .and th~t ;;,t\.'~'-.~~t~$ija"; .'. t'iel€ti> be instructed to' so advise. . " . ';'~n;$~ye : . - ';!is!si'€mers Plumb & Walling. "':~~~...;, " e.0'~Jp~~V'~Mk$~; () u ~ ." o .; ~ 0\ \) ~ ~ ~ -.., ~ J / , ) Contirmecl from pa.ge -2--~1:. 125 Motion then made by Commissioner Walling and. d.ul~" seconded b~/ Commis s :loner PluHib that the M~.-y'or @,nd Secret2I'Y be authorized to enter-:lnto contract with E.. S. McFarland incorporating sub... bid" of the Southern Engir.e and P1..unp Co., a C'CordJ.ngly . Voting Ayel: Com..'l1iss ioners Plur.ib al'),d Wa.lling. NOS NONE.. 'I'here being no further business before the meeting upon motion duly seconded the ssme was decls.red by the Mayor I&.djourn~de Voting Aye: Corn..miss ioner Wal1ir.g & Plumb. NOS NONE. Approved} ~~".~~ -"'~. , . }>, (if." .- d C.~ " ,~v ,'-'.. ~z" ~- APtes~h : 01 t:)T SecrettAI'Y. (il\'~ ~ f1JI~ 4~' ~ ?.~-r"",~: . .~ ?j)J - i;. . v- '~