HomeMy WebLinkAbout011730 CC Min ,.120 ~ \\...... " "" I .~ ,~ ,,~ ' ~, ) t3 . i +) ......~, :~"\.. ,~,'1fl ( , "" , "", "l~t ,~:~ ,,'.~, ,,', :<~,.J~ , .~'~ ~, " l.,.. .~ ' [, . .. , , , . ,W~IU~ ,'J AIID,AR:Y:"~~:a:'t:,,;L9~3.(L;, , Cotme:tl., ,Oham1:teJ;>--:""..C$ 'y"ilhi:ll,. CITY. 'OFWESTUNTVERSrfY, PIiACE'.TExAs. SPECIAL SESSION. ,The 0i ty Commission convenned in special ,called ,ses'sicmc 'on the above dat~ with all members present, viz: H. B ./8eb:l--es,- inger, :Mayor presiding, Commissioners Walling . and! Plwnb. Erwin Cushman, Secretary. o .....~; 1 ;- ',' Reading of previous minutes dispensed with. .... .~. r,;' -< . t : >, r.j <*" The Mayor advtsed tJ~~ J:>..ody that on account 'of a pe:mn~E;}r1t' bus- iness engagement for<,{e.y Mond"y night which was ve1}~d.;nipor- tant. 'and would demand 'J.j;, \~;tittentia.n for some:little:t'1bme, tlult, some action be. taken tO~t?~ su~itut~nga ni~t other.' thaIlt, Monday's for the regular -'~ff ,~~r me~t~ng. After" tj,1l1e'consider- a~-:ton the following sugge's'..~ 'was' made inthef0r:1TUol'a~,mo';' t~on. Of. ~,. :<u", ~M0tionmade by Commissi', .~ .tPWallingand d.uly sec.oIfde:d,Jj'J,::aQm-: 'missio~er Plumb that ph~~gular meeting night be ch<<ngedrrem 'Mondayof' each week to ~t 0f Tuesday. " . '<:'~".r "Voting AYE: ' ,', " -Cemmis si oners Plumb' &. Walling. -NOS NONE. J I , or' ". " J: ~," "'The quest~onof filling the o,ffice made vacant by the<'resi~ati.on "of 'Judge Garlick was .discused which ter:rhinatedin the'fol~swing 'mot;i:on," viz: ' ,,--, g, \'1 ~ : . , hMot:ion by Corrm1issioner"Walling and duly seconded by'pDmmisSion- er Plumb, that H. B. Schlesinger, Mayor, b,a auth0rize,d,!t~q"l ,.. fillth~' vacan'cy in the capacity of Acting J'udse. u.n.t!ti:~slleh . time as a: regular appointment might be made. ' ,,: Voting Aye: .' Commissioners PlUllib &. Walling. , "' '. NOS:NONE. " \.". .:.J...;.' ~ ' 3," -~ ~ ,J The ,:Ms:yort then asked that the Commission ratify 'the\~a:,c-t:i{\)'n. o:f'.o Ii . himself and the City Secretary in a transaetioninvotvi~g the re- purch~$e of the $15 ,000. 00, water works bohds wh~Ch. ihJ;j~.:,J,~~~;I.!t~<, '. utilized~:6 'security for .a,loan andsubsequen.-t'ly pl~~f$j"~1tl:l the SecoIld. Nati,onal, BaTIk ,.~~ston, Il'e:x:.as.. "::",. .;,t't:;;'::< ,',;' M@tion' made by Commi i~er Plumb -and ~u:t;v,'se<conde,d,,~:y,DtUl'~~~- sioner' Wallihg that action of the Mayo:r and theS~eir~$~;n in therepurcnse o.f 15, 000~'00 water wQrJ,nl bend:s be"fti1.:;I,Y' rati.;.... fied. ' " Voting Aye: c.;orpmi,~,oners Walling. & Plumb." .~~::, Nos None. .~t!fif~~~, ' .'. ~ Arrangement ab out '~~n1p'1'~ymentof J. III. Swain in conneci;:a.:~n wi tu' th e , . Sewer Lift ,ta}ren 1)-i5:f~,.;..,~:'fi-';~ , . 'It wa~ moved by IVir & Plmh.gf., seconded by lVIr. Walling thatt~tSw:ainbe continued' at $3.00 up Jto'Tuesday, Jan. 17th incl a.n~d':j;h,a.t; forthe future the Mayor appoi:nt Engr Rafferty arid CGnimissi'oner Wal,li:ri>g ,to' canvass the s^ituation and advice. Carried. ,','. ' . . Mayer Schlesinger 1 accordingly (made the a~p(l)intments ,as ,suggest... ed. ' , ' "'No fur 'secon . ",Atte. . ') ;' ~, If. . duly :~,,"""-'-,.-_ ~._-<.J""""";~~. v,""". " <. ,-,;:<.:...-':.:.:.... ..