HomeMy WebLinkAboutWUSSB 9-12-2013West University Senior Services Board Meeting September 12, 2013 Present: John Neighbors (Chair), Stan McCandless, George Baker, Sarah Ballanfant, Selby Clark, Janet Vrancken, Michelle Moore, Becky Arnold, Joe Mitchell, Virginia Lootens, Pieter Vrancken. A bsent: Mary Ryerson, Chuck Guffey. Staff: Tim O’Connor, Patricia Noren. Guests: Councilwoman Joan Johnson, Councilman Dick Yehle. The Meeting was called to order at 2:07PM. The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Activities & Previ ews: (Patricia Noren) Yoga classes commenced last week with 10 paid up attendees. Line dancing takes place on Thursday evenings with 14 subscribers. Water Color classes have re -started with the 10 previous subscribers and 7 new ones. A Crafts class is pla nned. Excursions took place to Galveston, San Marcos and San Leon with 36, 26 and 30 attendees respectively. Excursions are planned: a) to Peckerwood Gardens in October & b) to Brookwood in No vember.The Big Band Swing Dance, sponsored by The Terrace will b e held on Thursday September 26 from 5:30 to 7:30. Admission is free and hors d’oeuvres & punch will be provided. Stan McCandless reminded those present that a seminar will take place on Wednesday September 18 at 2PM entitled “Property Rich, Cash Poor” and will cover the following topics: Annuities, Structured Settlements, Reverse Mortgages and Transfers to Assisted Living. APAC : (Virginia Lootens) No report. Council Report (Joan Johnson): The report covers Council Meetings from June 3 through September 9, 2013. The Top Goal among the City’s Goals for 2013 -2015 is to resolve the detention for Poor Farm Ditch. Arrangements are in hand for the preparation of a Parks Master Plan to be monitored and presented by the Parks Board. Council has reviewed and approve d the Charter Document which will be voted on by Residents on November 5. Public Hearings have already been held on August 7 and 12 and the upcoming issue of City Currents will provide information on all changes proposed. Recycling days will be changed to Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday. Wednesday will be used as a “catch -up” day in weeks when there is a public holiday interfering with normal pick -up. Information will be circulated to residents in advance of the roll out on November 1. Discussion has bee n held on current Commercial Zoning regulations, including the review by an outside consultant and his recommendations. Further developments will be monitored by the Zoning & Planning Commission. Funds were transferred to the Employee Benefits Trust at the August 12 Council Meeting. (The Trust is solvent). Ed Heathcott has been nominated as our representative to the Harris County Appraisal District Board of Directors. Board Members were reminded that a Budget Workshop will be held on Saturday commencing at 8:30AM Good Neighbor Team (Michelle Moore) The team currently serves 138 seniors (defined as being over 85 years of age or disabled or being between 65 and 85 but living alone and having no immediate family in the area). A detailed review of eligibility wa s carried out by two interns this summer and is now complete and believed to be accurate.(The recent Census for Harris County revealed 19% of the population as being over 65). The interns also reviewed usage patterns of senior services provided by the city . Of the Budget for the year $1624 has been spent and $2315 remains. Bids for the provision of Poinsettias for the year end have come in at between $950 and $1,200 . Board Members were reminded that the GNT makes the following deliveries throughout the year : a Valentine card in February, a gift basket in the spring, a further gift basket in late June/early July, a card in September, a Thanksgiving card and a poinsettia delivery in December. PARD (Tim O’Connor) The weekly work summaries have already been circ ulated to Board Members. WU Library’s 50 th Anniversary celebration will be held on Friday September 20 th from 4 to 5PM. Members were reminded that the property belongs to WU but the books, IT and staff are provided by Harris County. The 2000 Parks Master P lan is 95% complete. Only the controversial issue of providing bike lanes on Buffalo Speedway and University Boulevard remain s in abeyance. $102,000 has been budgeted for replacement tress in all parks (following the ravages of two drought years). $30,000 is allocated to the re -sodding of the eastern end of Colonial Park to be funded by the Friends. The preparation of the next Parks Master Plan is about to begin. A Task Force of 7 members will be appointed and the process is expected to take 9 months with t he task force meeting monthly and two public hearings. Among the items for deliberation is the provision of additional parks and how these are to be funded. Members were reminded that $2 million have already been earmarked for this purpose. A Plan for Twee n & Teen Activities is being developed and should be in place by January 2014. The ruling Council for these activities will be composed of youngsters. The aim is to begin with a pilot program and eventually to expand this to a Youth Council covering activi ties for young people from Junior High to High School. No mixing of tween & teen activities is envisaged. Skate -boarding facilities and dog parks are not being considered. An “Adopt a Grandparent” initiative is being given consideration. PARD is evaluating how to recognize Donors, Sponsored Events and Corporate underwriting. PARD has completed the small parking lot behind the large activities room and has acquired a 15 -person minibus and an SUV as a senior taxi service vehicle. Previous Business: The pilot program for Direct Link is progressing. New Business: Further thought is being given to the provision of Hearing Loops to aid residents with hearing aids: Which buildings should be covered? How much use will the application get? What are the economics? Sho uld the Council Chambers receive the first installation and are there any supplemental needs? The Chairman announced that Chuck Guffey has had to resign from the Board due to a conflict with his Scout meeting activities. The Chairman himself will be giving up his home in WU and moving to The Hallmark on San Felipe in late November. A new Chairman and Co -Chairman should be appointed and additional Board Members sought. The meeting was adjourned at 3:10PM