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Building & Standards Commission
Located in the Bill Watson Conference Room,
3800 University Blvd,
West University Place, Texas 77005
Meeting Minutes
September 6,2012
MEMBERS PRESENT: Richard Wilson, Laurinda Lankford, Denny Powers, (A)
Muddy McDaniel, (A)Kirk Eyring, and(A) Kris
MEMBERS ABSENT: David Flame, Frank Griffin, and A.J. Durrani
STAFF PRESENT: Building Official John R. Brown, Legal Counsel Shelly
Eversole, Permit Technician Mike Morris
GUEST PRESENT: No Guests present
[Call to Order] Richard Wilson called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m.
1. Notices,Rules, Etc. Richard Wilson welcomed BSC members, and staff members to the
meeting. Alternate Voting members, Kirk Eyring, and Kris Westbrook.
2. Meeting minutes. Matters in the discussion and approval of the August 2, 2012 minutes.
Richard Wilson made motion to approve with minor corrections. Laurinda Lankford
seconds. AYES: Richard Wilson, Laurinda Lankford, Kirk Eyring, Kris Westbrook, and
Denny Powers.NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None.
3. Construction Code updates. Matters relating to discussion concerning updating the
International Code Council (ICC) construction codes to the 2012 edition and the 2011
National Electrical Code and local amendment to the codes.
a. Deliberation, decisions, other action,etc. regarding the preceding matters.
Richard Wilson starts the meeting by asking John Brown to give the B.S.C. an overview on
the previous work shops and anything else that needs to be discussed. John Brown states
that he was asked by B.S.C. to go through the current local amendments and determine what
might be obsolete or out dated. John Brown states he did and provided it to the B.S.C. via
email. John Brown states one was in the electrical section 26-27, certain circuits and plugs
were required. John Brown states he is not sure why the requirement was there and that
independent circuits are not necessary to be placed in local amendments because the NEC
addresses this already in the code. John Brown states that he modified the window unit air
conditioners for that if it is a 220 VAC circuit it needs to be wired with #10 AWG wire.
Building and Standards Commission Meeting Minutes
September, 2012
3826 Amherst Street• West University Place,Texas 77005-2830 • 713.668.4441 • www.westu.org
John Brown explains that #12 AWG wire gauge is within our minimum requirement.
Laurinda Lankford asks what a bonded Polarized plug is. John Brown states in a standard
plug there is a hot, neutral, and ground. Polarized is when the hot tab of the plug is larger
than the neutral tab in order for there to be only one way to install the plug into the wall
receptacle, so you can't put the plug in upside down. Laurinda Lankford said she was
confused and thought the reference in the local amendment was to the outlet.
John Brown states the next one was in the
International Mechanical Code where it talks
about the local amendment where it states that air conditioner return air filters must be
accessible without the use of a portable ladder. John Brown states that he changed that to
say all return air filters shall be installed within the 24" of the finished floor or there must be
a media type or electrostatic type air filter at the equipment. John Brown goes on to explain
what a media filter is. Laurinda Lankford states that one thing that was dropped was the
prior requirement that limits this to new construction. John Brown states that yes if return air
ducting was to be replaced it would have to be brought to current code. Laurinda Lankford
states the one thing that is hard is that if you are adjusting your air flow without replacing
your a/c unit, it's hard to put electrostatic or media air filters in the exiting unit. John Brown
states it is probably easier to do that than place a new return air system unless you are going
to run it through the ceiling. Laurinda Lankford states her concern for remodel work that it
is required to be brought up to current code requirements. Richard Wilson states that he does
see that the new requirement is more absolute. John Brown states that in some cases it can
be very difficult to comply with current code requirements when trying to add to an existing
structure and can become very expensive. Laurinda Lankford gives an example of
mechanical work that required adding additional duct returns. John Brown states that he
would not have a problem with that because it does not diminish the effectiveness of the
code. Richard Wilson asks why not go back to the old language. Laurinda Lankford states
yes that or retain the phrase "in all new residential construction". Richard Wilson clarifies to
leave in everything starting with the phrase "all new residential" including the end where it
states"whenever possible in existing buildings". Laurinda Lankford agrees.
John Brown states the next item is in regards to demolition. John Brown states that in some
instances an organization like Habitat for Humanity has came in and asked for a
deconstruction variance, due to the time line requirement for a demolition permit. John
Brown states that what he has tried to do now is place the time line requirements for
deconstruction in an entirely new section. John Brown states all of the differences in the
deconstruction process versus the demolition process. Laurinda Lankford asks if
deconstruction consists of removal as well. John Brown states yes due to the fact he does
not want people trying to recycle old materials and place them or sell them on the lot.
Laurinda Lankford, Richard Wilson, and John Brown discuss exact verbiage and
punctuation of the deconstruction requirement.
Richard Wilson asks to go on to discussion of the plumbing code. John Brown states that he
did make a change from the B.S.C. work shop discussion in section 3a. where it states air
admittance valves are only approved in an unenclosed structure. Laurinda Lankford asks if
the 5 rating can be added in regards to the PEX. John Brown states that he wants to make
sure that the 5 rating is not a proprietary number due to them not being allowed. John Brown
states that if he finds that it is not a proprietary number he will include it. John Brown states
Building and Standards Commission Meeting Minutes
September, 2012
that he did make one other change which was to section D. John Brown states that in alot of
instances people will make a manifold system which allows for multiple shut off areas such
as just turning water off to the bathroom, the change is to make sure these systems are not
placed in a wall shared with the garage. Laurinda Lankford asks in regards to 4b. is the type
L or type K in regards to the PEX. John Brown states it is only for the copper. Laurinda
Lankford, Richard Wilson, Denny Powers, and John Brown discuss various grammar and
punctuation issues.
John Brown states that he would like to go over the Existing Building Code in the
Residential Building Code, which is contained in appendix J. John Brown states appendices
are not enforceable unless specifically adopted. John Brown states in the International
Building Code there is Chapter 34 which applies to existing buildings. John Brown gives
examples as to when the Existing Building Code may apply. Laurinda Lankford states that
when she reviewed the Existing Building Code she had noticed that it references A.D.A.
accessibility a lot. John Brown goes on to explain the processes in regards to interpretation
of the Code. John Brown explains and gives examples of minimum building permit
requirements. John Brown explains the diagram provided shows the section of pipe affected
by wet venting. John Browns states that the purpose of wet venting is to save venting though
the roof. B.S.0 discusses various benefits in allowing each one of the proposed code
changes. John Brown asks if the B.S.C. wants adopt the Existing Building Code or adopt the
existing Building Appendices in the Residential Code. Laurinda Lankford asks about the
Appendix J if it applies to the Building Code. John Brown states no it is Appendix J to the
Residential Building Code. Richard Wilson asks the general requirements for Appendix J.
John Brown states that it covers existing residential buildings and structures. John Brown
briefly goes over the Appendices that the Fire Department wishes to adopt. John Brown
defines the property maintenance code and the requirements in Appendix A. John Brown
goes over the benefits in adopting the proposed swimming pool code.
Richard Wilson makes motion that the B.S.C. approves adopting of the 2012 International
Codes including the International Building, Residential, Plumbing, Mechanical, Property
Maintenance, Fire, Energy Conservation, Swimming Pool/Spa, 2011 International Electrical
Code, along with the new City of West University Places local amendments, as well as
continuing the City's local amendments currently adopted. Denny Powers seconds. AYES:
Richard Wilson, Laurinda Lankford, Kirk Eyring, Kris Westbrook, and Denny Powers.
NOES: None
Richard Wilson made a motion to adjourn. Denny Powers seconds. AYES: Richard Wilson,
Laurinda Lankford, Kirk Eyring, Kris Westbrook, and Denny Powers. NOES: None.
ABSTAIN: None. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
PASSED THI DAY OF 5 iJ'/ ,2013
Steve Brown, Chairman
Michael W. Morris, Permit Technician
Building and Standards Commission Meeting Minutes
September, 2012