HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1977 Regarding Number of Driveways and Curb CutsCity of West University Place Harris County, Texas Ordinance No. 1977 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS REGARDING THE NUMBER OF DRIVEWAYS IN THE FRONT YARD AND NUMBER OF CURB CUTS IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECTS. WHEREAS, the City Council and the Zoning and Planning Commission ('Z &PC ") of Me City of West University Place, Texas ( "City') have held a pint public hearing on a proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City, as laid re- formatted and re- adopted by Ordinance No. 1672, adopted March 12, 2001, and as subsequently amended ('Zoning Ordinance"); WHEREAS, the Z &PC has made a final report to the City Council with respect to such proposal, which report is allached as Exhibit A and made a part of this ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the report of the Z &PC as well as the City's Comprehensive Plan, and City Council formally approves and adopts the report of the Z&PC; and WHEREAS, all notices, hearings and procedures relating to amending the Zoning Ordinance, as may be required by law, the City Charter or the Zoning Ordinance, have been duly given, held and followed, and the City Council has jurisdiction to amend the Zoning Ordinance as provided herein; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1. The City Council officially finds, determines, declares and adopts all of the matters set out in the preamble of this ordinance, and the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended as recommended by the Z&PC, according to the Z &PC's final report in Exhibit A, which is attached and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. Section 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 3. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, neither the remainder of this ordinance, nor the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance to any other persons or circumstances, shall be affected thereby. Section 4. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that sufficient notices of the joint public hearing were given, and the City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices, including the contents and the method in which they were given. Section 5. This ordinance shall become effective on the tenth day following its publication, as provided in the City Charter. CONSIDERED, PASSED, AND APPROVED on first reading on May 13 20 13 . CONSIDERED, PASSED, AND APPROVED on second reading, AND SIGNED, on Approved as M legal form: City Attorney Signed: Mayor Exhibit A Zoning & Planning Commission City of West University Place, Texas 3800 University Boulevard West University Place, Texas 77005 April 11, 2013 Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council City of West University Place 3800 University Boulevard Houston, Texas 77005 Subject Final report o proposal t0 end the Zoning Ordinance and Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas ('City') relating to THE NUMBER OF DRIVEWAYS IN THE FRONT YARD AND NUMBER OF CURE CUTS IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. To the Honorable Mayor & Members of City Council: The Zoning & Planning Commission (Z&PC) of the City submits this, its final report, on the subject proposal, for the assistance of the Council as well as other interested persona. Scope of Proposal. Currently, curb cute, curb returns and driveways e n regulated both Chapter 70 and the Zoning Ordinance of the City Code of Ordinances. The purpose of this proposal is to 11 ns a the consistency of the curb cut and driveway regulations contained Chapter 70 and the Zoning Ordinance, 2) specify the regulations and requirements for curb cuts and driveways, and 3) clarify that required maneuvering areas o for non-EM u must be provided no that a vehicle c enter and exit the required parking areas in a forward motion without backing into the street area. A). This proposal amends Chapter 70, Section 70 -27 Of the Code Of Ordinances to establish the widths of curb cuts, curb returns and driveways to standardize these requirements with Table 7 -5a of the Zoning Ordinance. B). This proposal amends Table 7 -5a of the Zoning Ordinance to clarify that the regulated number of curb cute applies to designated building sites. C). This proposal amends Table 7 -5a, Note 5, of the Zoning Ordinance, which allows for the Zee to i special exception for a alternate driveway configuration. This proposal amends this allowance and given staff the authority to approve a driveway and curb cuts that meet this requirement, and D) . This proposal clarifies the section regarding maneuvering areas and entry and exit to and from a required parking space in a forward motion. The public hearing held on April 0, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. i a joint with City Council yielded c regarding then proposed dimension of the n n -SFD parking areas. s The public hearing was recessed and continued to the regular sa of the Zoning and Planning Commission held on April 11, 2013a at 6:00 p.m. There were additional ents received regarding the proposed parking dimensions and changes to ethe proposal w requested. The Zoning and Planning Commission closed its portion of the public hearing. In its regular s the Zoning and Planning Commission determined that the parking dimension proposal needed further study to determine the impact on isting n n -SFD sites. The parking area dimensions and illustration were removed from the final report. Recommendation. Based on the review given this proposal, the ZLPC: (f1 finds that the proposal, if adopted, would be in the public interest and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, (ii) finds that the proposal reasonably addresses circumstances which have the lastaaomprehenaive of the zoning ordinance, arisen since its final recommendation favorable to nthe proposal and (iv) recommends that, the City Council adopt the proposal. The vote. The vote on approval of this report as follows: Brown, Frankel, DeStefano, Griffith, Parikh, Clarke and McEnaay "aye -; 0 'noes'; 0 absent. Respectfully submitted: FORM AND PLANNING COYNISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNN�IIV-�EERSSITY PLACE, TEXAS For the Commission Table] -Sa: Sense; bear, 'Every building site, veM1au9r area and reaied Parking, driveinays, etc. structure most orders to the appl'cffile reguaians shown, by Dlstret In this table. ( "NIA' means the rule Wes not Wall ExwgiorWSpsusl fleas: (1) See spacial mien noted In table. (3) See Article 9 legal Panned Development Distrame (3) See Note ]swimming sexual exceptions. (4) See Article 10. Item Regulation SF I SF SFa 1H GP -I GP2 c 2 OXSOeet parking Number, Depends on lend use, layout, etc. See IMS Table, Table I4a, al o spew and location abby Article fe Includes vourneuvening areas, de l requlremaMS. parangar design esi(e' rule, yards, &rael areas, deal move". ext). OMer consider serve see e.g Al la Manwering See Ambe10. area Grovel Not allowed, ward in of planes parking reamer sending shared. hard or me DD's. But Nee 2. Usemparkhd Perking%ml la non SFD urge may only be used M mood areas vehicle paMmg. Sts, Wle 3 goal Minimum Muth. 2011 via public or private street, to each principal building antl scroll Sae NOM I. each DU (or to an sell own area accessible to l'rtlightem and equipment) Other regulations also apply, a g., fire code, Dvxways and Minimum widen. For SFOUSe: n'neft . private steel She Abla f. For non SFD resitlenhal use jobber, or ]]feet tltheir and 011rer rtyulaziora n three or more DU's. Maximum width apply; see, a _ Far SFD use: (i) Otiveway carving any anal gemge. 12 feel. Aave 10 (in front yeM or Ili) Driveway in a front and Sereng rear gaage or side street eredFee gart 12 feet, fall Driveway in side street area of a comer site Move I serving a aids facing garage with three or more bays: 30 di or Any other gateway: 20 lest For open residential uses: 24 R (or M feet tl corseting M a major thmcughbod. For all other uses: SO lest (or M feet if concerned to a major froroughlare). Maximum length For non -SFD uses: 10feet, driving distance to the nearest street ured along cartel ham Farthest and point A longer Etiveay a allowecl it them is an approved turnaround or second re of muess or 0 the tl ve-way is plaited as pen M the commonerestinal Route, location Sidereal IVA Spaces Formal uses:There musttal leas] 00feet between the nsitle' apmnedges(brings reasons sl mind) of brshways serving the same building see. Pavement Requiretltype For SM use: IaNSUnawd or pervious pavamM required for Sae NoM 4. each equiretl dedway and perking space; hen "nCCaris of pavement al mrmated. For all offer uses: Reendencil cmaeR, with cuts and assay required for an vshiwlrereas foreigners. (If SbeTabaT-3pervious pavement) and thole 4, throol gid See Article 10 repuaing'overhang - Mart wbml Recumbent Fa real uses'. Perking consols must be drembe mrked on the "a pavement, and wheel slops are Faguired Sae Nat& 12. CuN We Number ForSFD use Maximum one per au d my Is desionaleb buitlino Oilier repu'elims site abuWng the street. For non SFM uses: Maximum ones bal apgy: X, sagnment of street line. Sts NOB 5. Max Width per Four lest (for aprons) plus Me maximum dMewey ¢troth algv e,g. Most legml ChaWer 7001 line Cut `.A 11 segment Each curb cut must be whined to the part or the street area that o/OrtlMen[es of street me dinclly abuts the building fill served See Nde 1. Vieiihty mangles Sae ForbMden This meet are bNitltlen on pans of a Wilding isle violate Miirriliom in Afiwk 2 slmcWres, visibiltly morn @: structures, plants or Other things taller than 20 plants and other 4 or shorter than B 0 ft The does net require removal of trees in things exereweon July1, 1932. I1kepl MunF ones r. mMuMemwem MUewmam Maraminfin + e.re eanrva onto)m wmaw.^e" •awiremwemiamaawsts sae. u.cgma.rables .i�wmwmwi.wn wnamm..adnwiree�.rv.v ri���.. mtemaye.im. rva. e. army ancestor tmism ow) Facculd grtrye .x mw a ueq mm. rutty arueaw ad .w iu cancer Mwen cast as Fort �n may remicalway lot last ame car rare a. are >MZeem.n.vw...mheexcenw in soybean moat. uufin m Me 11".n arvu wwi or enin uaae "is Thes, ]aemay learn ena'.I exercw mr.eamwe billion Marromares, ra asmall Most s ev a..mewCarl. aoxthe em.. ti. m concerned Frost rat nuaver, ran& sale summers) hare nuivu vu..m.m.m* l wsome�bie�me bmram.ymu enwmre My up* wl mereµ nmIt 011 OF "Inure .abbe roey.b nmmw we aim ace m arei mph harm aeon,..t eastern , eb taw lbrewwwan oan,a, ere m in. atn to "I or an on, losto Is o.aw e..e her non a,. onou . me eneesey mwr alma the care iarranIF me mean a aw.mey...ations s me ownm wool rot sci Ifir acoustic commonly yoummea lb., .,.me, confinalown nine drab or a awe.ey any ae.wna o,aaaeo awtpmm now most Oren owe by the most re emn.oy nerette,yIn land aenremny or Maxwell snow anw hat . yrNr Erdraff iK xaA nary uxoe amvnarlo MvIw aaa 911to or notion �mMem¢nevnnna oral in ri prim orrca aemmm mxga ew emm.mve porn wmems Blom tiiul'. Alma Ni i ®am Ir out fleeec Ull the owinn torpor or seep via prvn ne di on hanni of a OverW erollwho, Of enme Fontaine Wlrm^mo+amar'aesg mAwyunvrarevnm<sservbeearery wmalevan ri Aamy ems. earth Or whose tiviniffivehowriono e m� or �e "� eeekpma wu6v,e eN m wlm mm m,Musr uaapmefou"Fo i �etmiwmnm confront . pnxawioiryx reawn orvr Reuses Wuerremec oluSer eonfr ramrmrrmrsoulrvmvuenw. �mA onweo�'mn<mmvenvars M. Ira Aeweene &re waaonN Bbaomn tMretmvhnomw Om frownshishilinvorranuarstivalortanning fork, IF Costoolthist ralexewuengmeeueewnximyoawaneammnetmt . n.enmaveemeeoreeumanry Drinfurforrooksoarrouri epnawuerradea lwemyamv ume,vemuxaneve vmu ee Fmmm ma mre At 12 ss r emxm moxmaeroeemwa nrLmmmawraweeutmeeunamrnremFmw Sedion 10102.- Minimum Dimensions, Design. (a) Pact Spores. All paMmg spaces must beat least nine IoM wide and 18fret long In order to be counted toward the minimum required number. In addition, the lolbwing regulalrore apply In the insured circumslarrrrs: (1) Nlnery- degree angle parking. Maneuvering space shall be net less than 23 feel In length or breadth. (2) Sixtrdegree angle parking: Each ranking space shall be not less than nine feel wide peryerpicular to the parking angle and not leader IS lest In down when measured at right angles to the building or ranking line Maneuvering space shell be not less Man Idlest perpendicular to the building or perking lines. (3) Forty live degree angle ranking: Each ranking space shall be cwt le rsthan none got wide perpendicular to the parking angle and not less than 18feet In length whom measured at all angles to the building or parking Imes. Maneuvering space shall not be less if 15 feel perpendicular to the building or parking line. (6) W to Mir accass610 pankkg spaces: Must be Installed and measured woM numbers add sops prescnbM by applicable regutafiona. (b) Walkways. A private walkway, it amended adjacent to a am SF budding, shall be nod less lose [we feet In width and shall he in addition to the minimum regmremenl for parking and maneuvering space herein reaWred. In a I there must be a faced walkway (at least 3,0 n. wage) w the curb from each main argues oriented toward a street area. (c) Membranes areal In addition W ma mmtmum dimensions for parking spaces. mere meet be suXicient driveways and other maneuvering areas to allow ordinary, practical use of each re twtred sanding space. Maneuvering areas for non Sil uses must else comply with the lollaeing: (1) To Asking access to each required garage parking space, there must be a vering area consul outside the garage opening. The minimum dimensions are 24 feel long and two feet wider than the garage opening and the area must be located entirely on the budding site (2) Maneuvering areas may not be Counted eased the required number of parking "Cgs (3) Maneuvering areas becepl these e eiing only on or two dwelling untie) must be proviJed sized and arranged so teat alarge vehicle can enter and exit the raowrad Aircom crew in a forward moral without banking into the a IeavaNe I I", 1� v t' IF Forms the spent along ill m moved no rwe W al p mpg in grange 9ireAiws.- As used in Mis sacdan. "large vehicle means atruck 1a feel long, man a turning radius Of 24 feet (outside of bumper). (4) Reasonable, usable' verhang' ranks low landscaping and similar areas may be counted toward acquired maneuvering area (df Traffic ErgineeMg dramatist. All parking spaces, maneuvering areas, loading areas and other molecular lactlittes must comply with the appleable provisions of Her Thai Engineering Hantlbook, i si,,i day n), current windier, Ircludlng, In normal Cramer 14. Where multiple Mandards are provitlee, the hahest all shall apply F amps, wdkud at Where this ONinarxe pmkides speciltc numerical sharp tlMerend Imm the same cfle(a in the Traffic Engineering Hantlbook, this Ordinance controls. (a) Ofher cBecn. See Argcle ] for additional cintenso including drireway, parking and garage regulations. Amend Section 70.27 of the City Cade of ordinances as follows: $ei 27. Curb cNe and dirvBWay3; Concrete. (a) Contents, ek Only one coin cut and only one driveway is allowed along the front street lined any building she matter An feet wide, measured along the from street Ilse. (b) Two curb mR 11 there are Iwo or more connected garb Cuts or drivewaN on a Wilding site (for example, when there boa circular tlr veves , the following apply. (t) At front street line, no pan of a curb cut or driveway may be closer than Iw feet to side property line. In the sheet area, no pan of the curb cut or driveway may ass the imaginary common of aside property line, unless the affected neighboring owner common in wining. The buiding offlcell may make exceptions to these miss when mere is no practical anemafwe or when necessary to prevent boom to alaw (2) Measured along the edge of the main traveled roadway. a. The opening width of the drveway and curb cur shall be 46Jaet 0 City W West University Piece'. b. The inside ¢ages muss be at least 24 Men] dada; dad c. The with of the "island' area may ce covered with bard surfaced material it installing a new or replacing an existing pudic sidewalk, and a. The curb cgs must be located along in@ fiber street line (3) No driveway may be wider than KteM -wlal is allowed or ogee rea'n Table 7.5 al. In Aombox A. of the Code of Ordinances. (p) Within the plead area the edges of each driveway must be perpendicular to the edge of the main traveled roatlway. (c) Vasa arms' areas, wlrercp If driveway's connected o a roadway where mere is no curb and gunec there midi be a concrete curved beneath the driveway. The inside diameter of outwit must be at least 12 inches, and the length must be al east 14 feet. The pubrcc works director may eliminate or mMMy the culvert requirement at a spea0lc modirn, but only to he extent the wanted culvert Is not necessary for adequate area drainage. (d) RemhorcernenG All concrete used in constmcling driveways shall be remlorcea by using, at a minimum, am of note Iolimpe ; (1) Y3 deformed steel perfuming here specatl 12 occurs or dare, or (2) p0 deformed steel reshooting bars spaced 16lnches orcloser, Sidewalks seems drveway areas may be reinforced by one of these met Wda or by 6x6x6 wpm ear, at a minimum. (e) Coding me poary Wiv nday permits. The director is introduced to issue permits for commit driveway access to a she, If pmary swags to me site is imermpled by cbminucfpn or another temporary combined. In addition to me requirements of section a 104 of the mning wJnal Approval in this code. such a Wood must require. (1) Possessing or removal of any temporary driveway on a numerical street within 24 human hallowing resumption of prmary access to the site; and (z) Restoration of each area affected by lemporary driveway, access ro as pre existing contlltim, within 14 days fallowing resumption of primary access to the she. Such a permit may also contain additional restrictions and comitgns designed to reduce impacts on street areas, utilities, nearby land uses or traffic.