HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1971 Calling JPH regrding Driveways and Curb Cuts and ROWsCity of West University Place Harris County, Tema Ordinance No 1971 AN ORDINANCE CALLING A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND CHAPTER 70 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS REGARDING THE NUMBER OF DRIVEWAYS IN THE FRONT YARD AND NUMBER OF CURB CUTS IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY; PRESCRIBING PROCEDURES AND NOTICES; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS WHEREAS, the Zoning and Planning Commission ('ZBPC ") of the City of West University Place, Texas ('City ") has submitted a preliminary report on a proposal to amend the comprehensive zoning ordinance of the City, as last reformatted and re- adopted by Ordinance No. 1672, adopted March 12, 2001, and as amended thereafter ( "Zoning Ordinance'); and WHEREAS, the preliminary report also proposes amendments to the Code of Ordinances of the City; and WHEREAS, the ZBPC's preliminary report is attached to this ordinance as Exhibit A and made a part of this ordinance by reference: and WHEREAS. the City Council desires to call a joint public hearing on such proposal; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. The City Council hereby calls a joint public hearing before the City Council and ZBPC on the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas and as amended by the proposal as described in Exhibit A, attached hereto. Unless rescheduled, the hearing shall be held in the Colonel Chamber of the Municipal Building, 3800 University Boulevard, West University Plow, Texas 77005 during the City Counal meeting set to begin at 6:30 p.m. on rnn.�1 Ri 20/3 The hearing may be ess reced and continued from time to time. The City Manager may reschedule the date and time, or both, to accommodate other pending matters, but the rescheduled date and time may not be later than 30 days past the date set by this ordinance. All other portions of Chapter 70 of the Code of Ordinances not specifically amended hereby remain in full force and effect. Section 2. The purpose for the hearing is to provide an opportunity for parties in interest and citizens to be heard in relation to the proposal described in Exhibit A. All ordinances and pans of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 3. The procedures for adoption of the proposal shall be as follows: (1) notice as required by this ordinance, (2) hearing as called by this ordinance report by the Z &PC, and (4) vote by the City Council on the question of adopter. The procedures for enforcing the proposal shall be as set out in the existing Zoning Ordinance. The proposal described in Exhibit A is hereby submitted and re- submitted to the Z &PC for its consideration. Section 4. The City Secretary shall give notice of such hearing as prescribed by this section. The notice shall be in substantially the form net am in Exhibit B, which is attached and made a pad of this ordinance by reference. The notice shall be published in the Guys official newspaper (or another newspaper of general arculation in the City) at least once on or before the men day preceding the date of the hearing. In addition, the notice shall be mailed to the persons on the mailing list for the City Currents newsletter. The notices shall be deposited in the United! States mail an or before ninth day pending the date of the hearing, properly addressed with postage prepaid. The notices may be included within the newsletter or with utility bills or may be separate. The City Council specifically approves giving combined notice of two or more hearings in a single notice document, as this would save money and also provide better information about the full scope of possible amendments to all interested persons. Section 5. The City staff is authorizetl to make all necessary arrangements for the hearing and to assist the Z &PC and the City Council. Section 6. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, neither the remainder of this ordinance and the application of such word, phrase, cause, sentence, paragraph, section or other pad of this ordinance to any other persons or circumstances shall not be affected! thereby. All ordinances and pans of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section ]. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Texas Open Meetings Ad, Open Meetings law, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. Section 8. Because the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance is vitally important and should be considered at the earliest possible date, a state of emergency is declared requiring that this ordinance be read and adopted finally at this meeting. Accordingly, this ordinance shall be adopted finally on first reading and shall become effective immediately upon adoption and signature. PASSED, APPROVED AND, ADOPTED /ON FIRST AND FINAL READING AND SIGNED on me //T tlay ot'✓ 2013. PASSED, APPROVE AND ADOPTED ON FIRST AND FINAL READING AND on [he 1 tlay of Mamh , 2013. ;I �neapseAe Signed: /U \�� /V� /� Ci Secretary Mayor nxae Recommentletl: onager Approved as to legal form: City Adomey Exhibit A Zoning 4 Planning CB ®inslGn City of West University Place, Texas 3800 University Boulevard West University Place, Texas 77005 February 14, 2013 Honorable Mayor 6 Members of the City Council City of West University Place 3800 University Boulevard Houston, Texas 77005 subject Preliminary report on a proposal to am end the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 70 of the Code of Ordinances of the City Of West University Place, Texas ( "City ") relating to NUMBER OF DRIVEWAYS '_N THE FRONT YARD; NUMBER OF CURB CDTH IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY; AND, MINIMUM PARKING SPACE DIMENSIONS IN NON -SFD DISTRICTS. To the Honorable Mayor & Members of City Council- The Zoning 6 Planning Commission of the City submits this preliminary report the subject proposal, for the assistance Of the Council as well as other interested persons. Scope of Proposal. currently, curb cuts, curb returns and driveways are regulated i n both Chapter 70 and the Zoning Ordinance of the City Code of Ordinances. The purpose of this proposal is Co 1) ensure the n istency of the curb cut and driveway regulations contained in Chapter 70 and the Zoning ordinance, 2)specify the regulations and requirements for curb cuts and driveways, 3) clarify that required maneuvering areas for n o n -SFD u must be provided o that vehicle enter and exit the ses parking areas forward motion without backing into the street s and i m 4)redefine the m parking dimensions for non -SFD parking spaces contained in Article 10 of Appendix A. A) . This proposal a m ends Chapter 70, Section 70 -27 of the Code of Ordinances to establish the widths of curb cuts, curb returns and d e a y s t0 standardize these requirements with Table 715a of the Zoning Ordinance. E). This proposal amends Table 7-5a of the Zoning Ordinance to clarify that the ni mum number of curb cues applies to designated building sitee C). This proposal amends Table 7-5a, Note 5, of the Zoning Ordinance, which allows for the ZBA to r special exception for alternate driveway configuration. This proposal amends this allowance and gives staff the authority to approve a driveway and curb cuts that meet this requirement, D1. This proposal clarifies the section regarding maneuvering ing areas and entry and exit of a required parking space in aforward motion, and E) . This proposal redefines and establishes the minimum m parking o dimensions for n n -SFN parking spaces generally contained within a parking lot as stipulated in Article 10 of Appendix A. Recommendation. Based on the review given this proposal so far, the Commission: (I) finds that the proposal, if adopted, would be 1 n the public interest and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, (if) finds that the proposal reasonably addresses circumstances which have the reaso saes revision ces a ordinance, ernes lake comprehensive r of the zoning ordinance, lith makes its preliminary recommends that nn favorable to the proposal, and (iv) recommends recommendation City Council adopt the proposal. The Vote. The vote on approvalof this report was "e follows: Brown, Frankel, OeStefano, McEnaay, and Clark voted "aye''; 0 ,,noes,,; Griffith and Parikh absent. Respectfully submitted: ZONING AND PLANNING CONFESSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS By: CJ ty' Po[ the Commission Table T 6a: Goal flute. Every building she vehicular area and related. Parrug, tlYrveways, etc structure most comae to Me applicable regulations chosen, by grind, in this labia I WA means Me rule was hot apply) Exceplionsduchael flees: (1) Sea special also noted in table. (3) See Arabia g regarding Planned. Development Dlsmar (3) See Note 7 regarding special exceptions (0) See Arliche 10. Item Regulator SF 1 SF SF 3 11H GP4 Gi C 2 I I OH street palling Number, Depends on land use, layout, etc. Sae Ines Tale. Tads )Ae, are spaces and bcation, sin, Argue 10( lutling nonsensical areas, coach repuVemen6'. pentagrams design me s0e'ruk, years; slreel areas. Madrg spares, em). Other regulations apply, see. end Ambe 10 Maneuvenng Sea ATCb 10. areas i Groupingor Not played. except in a OMDS platted parking reserve serving sharing. Iwo or more Di Bu! see Note 2. Uses(palling Perkirg spaces to won SFD Uses may mN be used! for motor areas veHNe Sewing. Sae ram a Emergency Minimum well 2011, via public or private street to each mrepal building and ceaway Fashion 1. cash DU (or to an adjacent open area ancestaturs to firefighters and equgmenQ.OlM1er regulations also apply, e.g, fire corks laavreys and Minimum youth. ForSFDmm mired. private gravel Sao Note I. For nor-SF) powerful use: Infect, or 17feel if MVway and ollrerregublims somingtherefor more DVi apply: see, eg. D um: farawen servtrg any silg taste: forces fo (in front nd or btntann) or did Dar n rage mining (ii)al era serving rear garagea or a stn steel see 12aInafimM clabig garage: of (pill Darage waeor areas ammarsite mom Nate I. sudeel. ith ruingasitlemoiy. garage vFor 0rea or more Lays:3014&:(or Any other Men. uses, 24 ft. For oMerresan. 85 Not it onneway. to a ton uses: For all uses: major For (r 35 feet I nd W a major th 331441 (or 35 fieel A connecting b e melon IM1OmugM1lare). re). Maximum length For non SFD Uses: I60leel, driving distance to Me nearest string area inured along center 4bm armed end. point. A longer driveway is allowed Mere is an approved turnaround or second means of egress, or it Me driveway, is platted as pan of the communnownsursOMUS. floWe, bca4on See Able 6. 1 N/A spedrg For non SFD uses There most be at least d,0 feel between Ma reds'Much sages (al their narrowest points) of amornmays rvrg the same building site. Pevanenl flequiretltype For SFD use I dN u aced. or pervious parema l required for Sea Nopa each real tlnve" and pawing spare; Ivan'ribbool of pavement are occurred. For all diner uses: Pentoicnd concrete with cuts and aroma required be of vM1imar areas. Excepow's: (d $ee Taae ?3 (gervious gavemem) and Noted, below ounce Adds 10 regartlmg'overmang 3 -14 -2013 Marriage, waned gequireEype For non SM uses'. Porting spI must be clearly meread on dre slops. smal 1, aM wred stops are regaled Sae We 12 Cum outs Number ForCFDuu: Mar one per subdivided let rtes eed marked aver argument site abutting the stleall For non SFD uses: Muxlmurecar r56 nppry: ft. important d sheet line. see Abre s see e.g. ANtle 10aM Mel width per Four feel (for spread) plus lire f®rmal tlnveway width albwetl. C�W 70 of ft 50 ft. Wright Each curb cut must M cloned to the part of the street area Pal mCmans. of street the final abub the building sites) served See Pole 1. Visibility bang @s Site Formdden The blowing are forbidden on pens of a building site within de0rrvfionsin Amde 2 structures, visibility triangle: strut lures, plants or either hall teller than 20 plants and other ft. or shorter than 8.0 ft. This does not M1puire removal of trees in things banderoe on July f, 1992, if kept pruned, or share � thavareas AW, I m�m�o �o Manna's ��V mean ther, in occasional ah"I ........ rare and an wone concessions amµ pan uavom.w nimum calkIW wn�11111 the niter dartren��er ve Moorre.oaree a are wf nalwes . hel anrmeamxwneam.a Annie ticket Moral ra a xpe ni ewmw.n, mamma Illustrate rvee3 Powlepem'ushey a.nn wnave/ Resonance clearly spasm mw has eepr men. reader s eri le are ueeabr orFlry any We coastal correction Wave, wI dernsuffiner financed V kno lovalanal III arlas won, ever looked Won We Wassed of that Wear concerns Also ewWwmwb elnw W Crt.e mss neeadeo ownrermesararaiwgnw�mw ere st oranneeea clearly. nna haven uses rue n seers each mnrna man sooner W. a. shoe w line greet or the man onerson loos, . an ot sees where mews she are see msv I..'yereen del,rne lower spay mngev wealthy IN Uere 1I We wasesser at upq na orxre a re me we of tre Iof an artisan.mereniaeamrmna wunn. and if oven n an several eaves 11 me covers all a wr munmer^in, 1 lows meat he an a no amerennor con Me ensure uiave ntries; In are smear. area us wmidt cwi. emease so. We search once Mine vemme el me area ar a In evee mry u hmee v.wmmy con has now cannot nalle to he wool Welcome loosely an War volowe or forever hours a are 2- 142013 rore,. sa.< none, apr:.a..aidA,..rassorrill....pw. as Wk.aa0•. roods .a..,.y wa0a.aal.o..0 Man) In dna, a1a. 1l adial soa. Islas wa..a0 a,...baa0.. n.,.a <,hat nl the card coal I rall ri at corral endow, dh wasishift. II pa oa.0.ne a arslrsi a a.. ff di Inal Insia a: III, arc,HorOr all Attp,.rcm M..erand, a.aulds, as hashes all in, rw.a.c.m nor .+pco My, l0 „< awme rile.ma mm shall lasura.m<m<mm.., a,res and as.aw .... <.. r shall hishass the shot start and so harsh ad i o... cal an show, H.'r in We ol W IN el lansing arse, Sal aiilol stare,. wa ofthaaaeai...a,d .uaaaone.ei 0. InandM do a and nn w,e e. erroars (III Ifr.. IIslis of seetae cash local as, 11 O l a dons<i... All II and n WPi rxe 111 holding .,..a.. bob ore chase <a annual a „r a.. son oeof tax I,,e. I ran DaearroUr,aserNiderabsoMinall . ene. oe+ t. et,.. a�naarad ....1..aa,.a.,..ae.<��.,aw Mn nee a„aa wr,prv0p.. Card only o..ea.e„n..i than Ares Marria 11110. In sue far.,a,t0 rsaal. lithad dam anal if al sonal he mal ad M heard 'It frainforroore in” Section 10102.- Minimum Dimensimsl Design. (a) Parent Spaces. All single 1 'I ,king spec muss be at least nine leaf wide and 10 fed long In oNar W be counted towaN the rural required number. In addition, The following regulations apply to non-single family d 1” 1 parking spaces when configured in the intlkeled umumaWCes (See diagram 10- 02 for distance ). (1) Nmety-0egree angle parking Each oarN ng space must be nine test wide antl 1 a fyg( Ionf Moreover Llsbace shall be not less than 2b24 feet in @right or brew lh. (2) Sixty - degree angle barking. Each perking space shall be ml less than nine feel wide perreMicular to the parking angle and not Was than i 21 feet in length when m ured at right angles to the baY9wgec e-o pad noNnuls tle etloe W he oarkino area f Maneuvering L1spac shall be not lase than 10 feet wide oIngersol lar to , the I, Id re repan of I sholl a of the Dark -no area. 2 -14 -2013 GerAylrve -Ae feel �� uverwgcpa6esM1e6 Ali _. than 5fee mom AI'aa,IF- to the `e..'dng-ar- faarking4 (3 4) Wheelchair accessible parking spaces: Must be insuff and maintained with umbers and aims presented by applicable regulations. (b) Medical A private walkway, it provided adjacent to a non SP builtling, shall be act less than five lees In width and shall be In aMtlon to the minimum requirement for parking and manvering space herein requiretl. In a OMOS, Ihers must be a paved walkway (at least 30 ft wide) to the owed tram each main enhance oriented band a street area (mbecaeuvarlrg areas. In adtlilbn to the minimum dimensions for parking spaces, there muss be sufficient driveways and offer maneuvering areas To allow memory. prate cel use of each required parking spore. Maneuvering areas lot nonSF!) uses must also comply arm the Followed'. (I) To Facilitate access to each required garage perking space, there must be a maneuvering area mediately outsde the garage opening. The dimensions are 14 feel long and twa feet after than the garage prop minimum the area must he located entirely on the building she. (2) Maneuvering areas may not ne counted toward he required number of parking spaces. (3) Maneuvering areas (except those serving only one or Mn dwelling units) must be provided, drand and arranged ss that a large vehicle can enter and exit the requiretl Parking areas in a forward molton wlercLinow o p graceful li I � he """Red men any wal an Fall Ing 'Poll An add apaaareadAa' �OH'wns. -AS used in irks sectdn,'large vehicle" means a truck IS feet long, with alarmed radius of 24 feet (outside of bumper). (4) Reasonable, unable'everheng" above law landscaping and similar areas maybe counted toward required maneuvering area (d) Tmffm Engineered HenbMOk All parking spaces, manneuvernsing areas. loading areas and Other vehicular facilities must comply with the applicable provisions of IM1e Traffic Engineering HandMOk, , rr derom. Gi waski as provided this rated Secure Phil' OPP) R 1—F ) gows, -tFCoy reaae -BOV me de y"I's Ford wrong (e) Other Owed. See Allies ]for additional crdena, Including driveway, parking and garage regulations. 2- 142013 Amend Section 70-27 of the City Code of Ordinances as follows: Sal 27. Curb cars and driv always; concrete. (a) Curb tale. soc Only one CuN cut and only one driveway is allowed along the from street line of any Wilding site less than 60 test wide, measuretl along the front street line. (b) rare or more curb cut. If there are tan or more connected curb cuts or driveways on a building site (for example, when Nee is a circular Warned the aWOwing apply: (1) At the Imnt glreH line, no had of a curb cut or driveway may be closer than two feet to a safe properly line. In the closet area, no pan of the curb cut or driveway may ores Me imarmary extension W a sloe papery of unless the affected neighboring Owner cents In writing. The building oXCial may make exceptions to these rules when there is no practical alternative or when necessary to INevent harm to a tree. (2) Measured along the edge M the main traveled randway'. a. The Waning width of the driveway act curb ca shall be I tear; as specified In Table 7 Star In Appendix A of he C' y Code or Ordinances m the City of West towards Piece: an The inside edges must be at least 24 applied apart; may c. The worn of the )stand area may be covered won hard cannot malenal if iinstalling a now or replacing an existing Public sidewalk and or the ruin cut MAI be soared alone the lead street (a) No anyewmy may be mom than #leer -wMt is euowea o spec etl mrable 75 Anrentlix A of the Cape of Ordinances (d) Within the street area, the scale of each driveway must be perthadmi ular to the edge of the mein traveled roadway. (c) 'CFen di(M'areas, cuNarts. If a driveway is connected to a roadway where (hare is no curb act gutter, there most be a concrete culvert beneath M driveway. The Inside diameter m the cuNed must be at least 12 inches. and the length must be at least latest. The public vroMS director may eliminate or mi the calved requirement AT a specific Issued, but only to the extent the asserted culvert Is not necessary for adequate area drainage. (d) Feinbm nt. All conceded used in constrvtling driveways shall be refMOrcea by using, at a minimum , one of Me hollowing: (1) xs command steel chemical bars spaced 12 inches or closer or (2) xa deformed steel common bars spaced 16 inches or closer. Sidewalks outside driveway areas may be mimorcea by one of mace methods or by not mor t ate (a) wddM hdmporary . adyewarsmrmi s The director Is embedded to issue permftfor suppose driveway access to a she. if primary access to the age is inlerNntea by conducted or another temporary cotaifnn. In aaampn to are households m section 0.1N of the zmmg programme, appended In this Cards, such a permit must require: (1) narrowed or removal of any temporary ameway on a busual im sheet within 24 hours fdmMng resumption of primary amass to he ace; and 2- 142013 (2) Restoration of reach area affected by lempoay driveway access to its pre existing contlitiM, woman 14 days tollowing resumption of primary access to the site. Such a permit may also contain arrested restriction and counters tlesii to reduce impacts on street areas, militles, nearby land uses or traffic. i n a M Da a Parg q m Diagram 10 -102 2 -14 -2013 Exhibit NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS The Zoning &Planning Commission and the City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas ( "City") will hold a joint public hearing in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Building, 3000 University Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77005 during the City Council meeting net to begin at 6:30 PM The hearing may be recessed and continued from time to time without further published notice. The purpose for the hearing is to provide an npportunity for parties in interest and citizenc to be heard in relation to proposals to amend the City's Zoning Ordinance and Code of Ordinances, as follows: Scope of Proposal. Currently, curb cuts, curb returns and driveways are regulated i n both Chapter 70 and the Zoning Ordinance of the City code of Ordinances. The purpose of this proposal in to 1) r the consistency of the curb cut and driveway regulations contained in Chapter 70 and the Zoning Ordinance, 2)apecify the regulations and requirements for curb cuts and driveways, 3) clarify that required maneuver ing area s for non-SF uses m ust be provided so that vehicle can enter and exit the required parking areas forward motion without backing ensi the street and spaces the parking dim for non -SPD Sparking spaces contained minimum Article 1p of Appendix A. A) . This proposal a m ends Chapter 70, Section 70 -27 of the Code of Ordinances to establish the widths of curb cuts, curb retur ns and d r a y s to standardize these requirements with Table 715a of the Zoning Ordinance. B). This proposal amends Table 7 -5a of the Zoning Ordinance to clarify that the minimum number of cur cuts applies to designated building sites. C1. This proposal amends Table 7 -5a, Note 5, of the Zoning Ordinance, which allows for tSe ZBA to issue a special exception for an alternate driveway s onfiguration, This proposal ends this allowance and gives staff the authority to approve a driveway and curb cuts that meet this requirement. 2- 142013 DI. Thin proposal clarifies the section regarding ing and entry and exit of a required maneuver areas e parking space in a forward motion, and par This pensions redefines and establishes the minimum parking dimensions na for n -BPD parking spaces generally contained of p within a parking lie as stipulated in Article 10 of Appendix A. Additional details on the proposals as well as the Zoning Ordinance and Code of Ordinances are all available for public inspection in the Municipal Building, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77005. The proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance and Code of Ordinances would apply generally within the city, and any person interested in uch matters should attend the hearings. The proposals may be adopted only after notice and hearing and would control over anything inconsistent in the current Zoning Ordinance or Code of Ordinances. Bates /s /City Secretary