HomeMy WebLinkAboutFMINUTES090512_Page_3Still recruiting individuals for the Host Committee. I currently have approximately 20
volunteers but would like to add at least 15 more. I will be finalizing different Chair
positions within the committee and will have a finalized list by September 21, 2012.
The Sponsorship letter has been completed. Donna and I are in the process of finalizing
the details of the sponsorship amenities. My deadline for this to be completed is
September 21, 2012. Letters will be mailed out beginning October 1, 2012. The first round
of letters will only be sent out to residents not participating and supporting Fathers and
Flashlights. Father and Flashlights supports will be mailed their letters following the
October 6th event.
Hope to have the event sold-out by January 1, 2013 and doubling last year's table sales.
This can only happen with active Board and Committee support! Most residents of West U
will receive many impersonal invitations to upcoming fundraising events. Let's reach out to
our friends, neighbors, colleagues, etc. with a more personalized approach! When the
letters are ready for mailing, I will set up "shop" in the Rec Center conference room for two
sessions where you are invited to stop by and personally sign some letters and write little
notes to people you would like to reach out to and ask to buy a table to our event! Think
about approaching Corporations that you have relationships with - accountants, lawyers,
doctors, dentist, realtors. The best corporations to approach are those who rely on
maintaining good relationships with their existing and prospective clients. People who are
"brought along for free" are more willing to spend money at the event! Some individuals
and corporations may have never bought more than pair of tickets to PLB because they
were never asked to do more! There is now a friendly contest that will help that!
Board Members Table Masters contest document distributed. Kristine went over the contest
V. City Council Report (Susan Sample)
Councilwoman Sample updated the board regarding park land acquisitions. It was noted
by Grace Ebaugh that it is rare for there to be five (5) lots adjacent to each other available
for purchase. The $2 million bond was discussed and it was noted that the preference
would be to make this park NOT a passive park, in the event that the land is ever acquired
for West U park land. Tim O'Connor committed to sending the bond language to Donna
LaMond so that she can email it to the board. Much discussion ensued and Amanda
McGee concluded that the Friends board looks forward to hearing more about the park land
acquisition in the future as things develop.
VI. Other Reports and Announcements (Donna LaMond)
Hats off to Michelle Huth and Grace Ebaugh for doing a great job with the Party on the
Patio Concert Series held on four Friday evenings this past June. This was the first year
for Friends to be involved with the concert series. Michelle and Grace co-chaired the
concert series and attended all the concerts. They served as hostesses on behalf of
Friends and made introductions and announcements. They did an awesome job of
representing Friends. Direct Energy was the event sponsor. Thanks also to the Parks &
Rec Department for handling all of the logistics for the concerts.
Michelle and Grace are also the co-chairs for the Friends stork project. They have worked