HomeMy WebLinkAbout04142011 ZPC Minutes City of West University Place
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Bill Watson Conference Room
3800 University Boulevard
April 14, 2011
MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Brown, Bruce Frankel, Dick Yehle, Bob
Higley and De De DeStefano
MEMBERS ABSENT: Lauren Griffith and Sam Parikh
STAFF PRESENT: Debbie Scarcella, City Planner; Jolie S. Lenz, City
Legal Counsel
Call to Order — With quorum present at 6:20 p.m., Steve Brown called the meeting to
Notices, Rules, Etc. Steve Brown, ZPC Chair, informed the members that at the
March 28, 2011 City Council meeting, the Building Official, John Brown presented
for final reading an amendment regarding basements. The amendment allows for
basements of a limited size and for a limited purpose. City Council approved the
final reading of the ordinance amendment.
1. Minutes.
February 10, 2011. Minutes were not available for consideration.
March 24, 2011. Minutes were presented for consideration. Debbie Scarcella, City
Planner went through corrections made prior to the meeting. Dick Yehle asked to
clarify references to noise/light mitigation and the height limitations. Bob Higley
asked that all references to the chair be written as "Chairman Brown" from this point
Mr. Yehle moved to approve the minutes as amended. Mr. Higley seconded the
motion. Ayes: Steve Brown, Dick Yehle, Bob Higley, Bruce Frankel and De De
DeStefano. Motion carried.
2. Town Center. Chairman Brown stated he believed there would not be an
opportunity to schedule an extra meeting before the May 12 regular meeting to
discuss the Town Center proposal. Chairman Brown asked everyone, and especially
Bruce Frankel, to help ensure that the nine recommendations as presented to City
Council in the Ad Hoc committee's report were adequately covered in the ordinance
3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713.668.4441 • www.westu.org
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The first item discussed was the definition and actual boundary of the TCRD (Town
Center Retail District). There was discussion concerning the actual acreage and
boundary of the TCRD. De De DeStefano and Bob Higley pointed out that there
needs to be a zoning district designation difference between Town Center (TC) and
Town Center Retail District (TCRD) throughout the proposal document. Discussion
followed concerning at what point the TCRD regulations would apply. The
consensus of the members was to apply the regulations to new principal buildings
constructed after July 1, 2011. A discussion regarding spot zoning, allowed uses in
the district and inclusion of the JMH site in the district followed.
Bruce Frankel asked about Table 7-1 and the allowed commercial uses in the TCRD.
A lengthy discussion regarding the existing definitions of light and medium uses
followed. No changes to the table were made.
Mr. Frankel and Mr. Higley asked questions about the requirement for a special
exception from the ZBA when there is a "common wall" situation. A brief discussion
followed. Jolie Lenz, Legal Counsel led discussion of the designation of the front
street line and rear yard line issues. Staff was instructed to revise Note 9 to Table 7-2
to establish the front street line along Edloe Street and to accommodate for the
possible abandonment of the easement at the rear.
A brief discussion regarding a visual buffering zone ensued. Lauren Griffith will
provide wording to staff for Note 5, Table 7-3. Discussion followed regarding
exterior finishes and questions about Table 7-4b and Section 8-104. Mr. Yehle asked
about height transitions of the buildings and the need for a screening wall/parapet
along all of the street areas. A lengthy discussion followed. Staff was instructed to
revise Note 11 to Table 7-4b to require a screening wall especially where roof top
mechanical units are provided and to restrict the 42 foot height allowance to the front
sixty feet of the building site.
The commission worked through the remainder of the corrections requested at the
March meeting with no additional revisions. The commission requested the changes
and revisions be made and a draft preliminary report written for presentation at the
May 12, 2011 meeting.
3. Rules of Procedure. Chairman Brown stated that he did not want to address
changing the meeting times without all of the commissioners present. Discussion
followed regarding the length of time remaining in the term and alternative meeting
times. No action was taken.
4. Executive Session (if necessary). Not used
Adjournment. Bruce Frankel made a motion to adjourn. Dick Yehle seconded.
Ayes: Steve Brown, Dick Yehle, Bruce Frankel, Bob Higley, and DeDe DeStefano.
Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
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PASSED THIS / DAY OF 91Anti, 2011.
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Steve Brown, Presiding Officer
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Sallye A. C14I , Planning Assistant