HomeMy WebLinkAbout03182010 ZBA Minutes City of West Universit y Place A Neighborhood City e: Recycled Paper ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD MEETING MINUTES March 18, 2010 6:30 p.m. I• MEMBERS PRESENT: Richard Wilson(voting), Jeann Howse(voting),Frank Vargas, Jr. (voting), Samantha Brantley(voting), Carole Steen(voting), Glenn Roberts,Martha Bersch, Cliff Thuot and Andrew Zeve II. MEMBERS ABSENT: None III. STAFF PRESENT: Debbie Scarcella, City Planner,Alan Petrov, City Legal Counsel and Sallye A. Clark, Planning Assistant IV. CALL TO ORDER: 6:30 p.m. Agenda Item Discussion Action 1 Call the meeting to Richard Wilson called the meeting to order at Jeann Howse moved to accept that order and Protocol. 6:30 p.m. Richard Wilson asked all members all notices were properly posted and Notices,Rules, Etc. and staff to introduce themselves. Sallye A. distributed for this meeting. Motion Clark, Planning Assistant stated all notices was 2nd by Frank Vargas, Jr. Ayes: were posted as required by city and state law. Richard Wilson, Jeann Howse and Swearing in of witnesses. Frank Vargas, Jr. Samantha Brantley and Carole Steen. Motion passed. Richard Wilson administered the oath to all witnesses. 2 Docket No. 2009-11, Joan and Frank Murin gave a presentation for Richard Wilson made a motion to Property at 3130 Docket 2009-11, 3130 Jarrard. The permits have grant the time extension to March Jarrard (Time been filed and are already waiting to be issued,but 14,2010. Motion was 2nd by Carole Extension Request) the time framed allowed by the decision is about to Steen. Ayes: Richard Wilson, Time extension expire. The Murin's request an extension for 90 Jeann Howse, Frank Vargas, Jr., days. request regarding the Debbie Scarcella, City Planner gave the Samantha Brantley and Carole following matters: background and staff response as follows: Steen. Motion passed. Prior Non- The applicant's request for a special exception After further discussion, Richard Conforming status. originally heard on August 20,2009,required the Wilson asked to get legal counsel's Applicant requests a applicant apply for a building permit by December opinion on giving leeway to the time extension 14, 2009. The applicant stated that personal Administrative Official to extend the relating to Docket problems prevented her from pursuing submittal time frames on extensions. Alan 2009-11 (variance of the application within the allotted time. The Petrov advised that the ZBA would granted August 20, applicant submitted plans on February 17, 2010 have to amend the Rules of Procedure 2009). Time but the plans were put on hold pending the to give that authority to the extension is extension request. The applicant does not Administrative Official. Staff was requested to allow anticipate needing additional time to complete the instructed to present a proposal for additional time to project. consideration at the next meeting. 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes March 18, 2010 Meeting 2 request a permit. The decision in Docket 2009-11 states that "no . Deliberation, extension of any prescribed time period in this decisions, other decision may be granted without authorization action, etc. regarding from this board". In addition, the decision does the preceding not require additional notice or hearing in order to matters. grant an extension of time. Since the original time frame of ninety(90) days expired on December 14,2009,an additional ninety(90)days will take the applicant to March 14, 2010. Since the applicant submitted the plans on February 17, an extension through that date will be sufficient to allow a permit to be issued. Sallye Clark,Planning Assistant, stated that no correspondence was received in favor of opposition to the requests. No one spoke in opposition of the request. No one spoke in favor of the request. 3 Docket No. 2010-01, Ray Schutter, owner of 3622 University Jeann Howse made a motion to Commercial Boulevard gave a presentation of the close the evidentiary portion of the Business at 3622 Variance request. The property is located just hearing. Motion was 2nd by Frank University Blvd., east of Poor Farm Ditch and is in a single- Vargas, Jr. Ayes: Richard Wilson, West University family zoning district. The use of the Jeann Howse and Frank Vargas,Jr., Place, Texas 77005 property has been commercial for many years Samantha Brantley and Carole (Variance). and is authorized through a special exception Steen. Motion passed. Deliberation, issued on August 19, 1999. The special During discussion, the Board decisions, other exception will expire September 10, 2014. determined that a section action,etc.regarding The building contains 2,390 square feet and regulating parking in Article 10 the following currently houses West University Travel. The allowed that when a change in use matters: applicant recently leased 400 square feet to a caused an increase in the number Public hearing retail furniture business on a short term, of parking spaces, the incremental regarding the temporary basis. Once the temporary lease parking could be provided by following matters: expires, the applicant plans to lease 1,000 spaces located within 300 feet of Applicant requests a square feet to a fitness facility, thus creating a the business. The ZBA asked the variance to allow the two business building. This does not expand applicant if he would like to use of three (3) or increase the non-conformity of the use withdraw his application and stacked spaces since both businesses are light commercial, request a refund of the filing fees. behind designated but it will require additional parking spaces Jeann Howse moved that the employee parking be provided on an incremental basis. The application fees be refunded to the spaces and two (2) applicant can currently provide 9 regular applicant. Richard Wilson head in parking spaces on the building site and 3 regular seconded the motion. Ayes: spaces in front of the spaces in the immediate adjacent right of Richard Wilson, Jeann Howse, building as required way. The fitness business will cause a total Frank Vargas, Jr., Samantha parking spaces. of 16 spaces, or 6 more spaces than currently Brantley and Carole Steen. Motion required. The applicant proposes to provide 3 passed. additional spaces in the rear, and asks a variance to authorize the use of the front Deliberation, spaces to fulfill the three required remaining Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes March 18, 2010 Meeting 3 decisions, other spaces. action, etc. regarding No correspondence in opposition to or in the preceding favor of the request was received. Mike matters. Starr,with Miles Associates of Texas, Inc., an architectural firm, spoke in favor of the request. Mr. Starr described the type of physical fitness operations planned and style of exercises such as yoga and meditation. There will be no exercise equipment and limited personal trainers throughout the day with evening/daytime classes. Susan Osfeldt, 4101 Tennyson, spoke in opposition of the request. Debbie Scarcella, Building Official gave the background and staff report as follows: Section 10-103 of the zoning regulations mandates that all required parking spaces be located on the same building site as the building space served. There is an exception for parking spaces located within 300 feet of the building served when an increase in the number of spaces is required by a change or enlargement of use. This section could authorize the use of the four existing front spaces to contribute towards meeting the minimum number of required spaces. Section 7-5a Note 3 requires all required parking spaces to be kept open, readily accessible and used for parking only. The proposed stacked parking arrangement will not leave the three existing head in parking spaces along the west property line open or readily accessible at all times. For this reason the applicant is requesting a variance to reduce the number of required onsite spaces and allow the use of the four existing front spaces. The Board may also consider attaching conditions to prevent overflow parking by restricting the operations of the new physical fitness unit, limiting the number of occupants in the building at one time, and limiting the hours of operations of the businesses. 4 Minutes. Jeann Howse made a motion to January 21,2010 approve the minutes from the meeting. January 21, 2010 meeting as Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes March 18, 2010 Meeting 4 amended. Motion was 2nd by Samantha Brantley. Ayes:Richard Wilson, Jeann Howse, Frank Vargas, Jr., Samantha Brantley and Carole Steen. Motion passed. Minutes approved. Adjournment. Jeann Howse made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was 2nd by Samantha Brantley. Ayes: Richard Wilson, Jeann Howse, Frank Vargas, Jr., Samantha Brantley and Carole Steen. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. PASSED THIS DAY O 2011. Richard J.Wilson, ing Officer ATTEST: ∎..1K' � ' - S. lye A. Clark, 1. ning Assistant