HomeMy WebLinkAbout05192011 ZBA Minutes ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD MEETING MINUTES May 19, 2011 6:30 p.m. I. MEMBERS PRESENT: Richard Wilson (voting),Frank Vargas, Jr. (voting), Samantha Brantley (voting), Carole Steen (voting),Martha Bersch(voting)and Glenn Roberts II. MEMBERS ABSENT: Jeann Howse,Andrew Zeve, and Cliff Thuot Ill. STAFF PRESENT: Debbie Scarcella, City Planner,Jolie Lenz, City Legal Counsel and Sallye A. Clark,Planning Assistant Iv. CALL TO ORDER: 6:30 p.m. Agenda Item Discussion Action I Call the meeting to Richard Wilson called the meeting to order at 6:30 Frank Vargas moved to accept that all order and Protocol. p.m.Richard Wilson asked all members and staff to notices were properly posted and Notices,Rules,Etc. introduce themselves. Sallye A. Clark, Planning distributed for this meeting. Motion Assistant stated all notices were posted as required was 2❑d by Carole Steen.Ayes:Richard by city and state law. Wilson, Frank Vargas, Jr., Samantha Swearing in of witnesses. Brantley, Carole Steen, and Martha Bersch. Motion carried. Richard Wilson administered the oath to all witnesses. 2 Docket No. 2011-02, Debbie Scarcella gave a brief background of Martha Bersch made a motion to close Property at 2932 Docket 2011-02. The property at 2932 Wroxton the evidentiary portion of the Wroxton, West is in a Single-Family 3 (SF3)zoning district at the hearing. Motion was 2°d by Frank University Place,Texas northeast corner of Wroxton and Belmont. A two- Vargas, Jr. Ayes: Richard Wilson, 77005 (Appeal) story residence and side-loading garage was Frank Vargas, Jr., Samantha Brantley, Public hearing constructed in 1938. Records indicate there was Carole Steen, and Martha Bersch. regarding the following minor remodeling and a small addition constructed Motion carried. matters: Appeal. in 1980. The structures have not been occupied Applicant requests an since the late 1990's. Prior to last year, the After deliberation,Richard Wilson moved appeal of the decision previous owner was working with staff to prevent to sustain the appeal in part and to modify of the Administrative code enforcement action under the property the decision by the Administrative Official regarding the maintenance provisions of the Code of Official in part. The modification to the definition of a dwelling Ordinances. The applicant purchased the property decision of the Administrative Official is unit. Deliberation, in 2010 with the intention of renovating both the that the removal of the kitchen sink to decisions, other action, residence and garage. The applicant applied for a points determined by the Building etc. regarding the renovation permit which was denied because the Official to be sufficient would be enough preceding matters. detached garage structure contains a non- to cause the separate living quarters above conforming dwelling unit. Each building site in a the garage to cease meeting the definition SF3 district is limited to one principal dwelling of a dwelling unit. Motion was 2nd by Z ning Board of Adjustment Minutes ay 19, 2011 Meeting 2 unit and one accessory quarter. The accessory Samantha Brantley. Ayes: Richard quarters must be located within the principal Wilson, Frank Vargas, Jr., Samantha building. Records indicate the garage building Brantley, Carole Steen, and Martha was constructed as it currently exists, but in 1987, Bersch. Motion carried. Appeal the zoning regulations were unified and re-adopted sustained in part and modified. and contained a provision granting Prior Non- Conforming(PNC) status to building sites in a SF district containing more than one dwelling. The regulation also contained an expiration or"sunset" provision that expired in October of 1997,thus causing a loss of PNC status and a non- conforming garage structure. The ordinances regulating issuance of permits (Chapter 18)do not authorize the permitting official to issue a permit when the proposed activity does not significantly comply with the zoning ordinance. The applicant appeals a formal decision by the Administrative Official declaring the space above the garage to be a second dwelling. Section 2, Definitions,defines a dwelling unit as a building, room or group of rooms occupied or capable of being occupied as a separate living quarters. The definition then goes on to give parameters which establish what a separate living quarters consists of by listing three separate elements that must all be present: (i)direct access from outside of the building; (ii)plumbing and electrical facilities sufficient to serve a kitchen sink, a refrigerator and cooking equipment; and (iii)a full bathroom including a sink, a commode and either a bathtub or a shower. The purpose of establishing a definition of a dwelling unit is so that the legal use of a building site can be determined. Building sites located in a Single Family Residential(SFR)zoning district are limited to one dwelling unit per building site. The key point of the definition is contained in the first sentence of the definition: "capable of being occupied as separate living quarters". The definition establishes that the space does not have to actually be occupied as separate living quarters,just capable of being occupied. The parameters established for determining a separate living quarters are contained in a list so that each element(or group of elements)must be present to meet the definition. It is important to note that the three elements contained in the definition are there to establish the basic minimum criteria for a dwelling unit, not just for ruling out those spaces that are not in compliance with other sections of the Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes May 19, 2011 Meeting 3 regulations. Elements (ii)and(iii)provide a list of specific fixtures commonly associated with living spaces. These fixtures provide the basic necessities for "household" or "living" purposes, such as sanitation,cooking,and washing facilities. Element (ii)lists the individual fixtures commonly associated with a kitchen and(iii)lists the name grouping-"full bathroom"- and a listing of what a full bathroom consists of. In applying the definition to a space, staff looks at those elements which are present and contribute to the capability of the use of the space(s). If just one of the fixtures in element(ii)were not present,such as a refrigerator, the space(s) would not lose their capability of being occupied as a dwelling. If one of the fixtures in (iii) were removed, such as the tub/shower,the space(s)would lose the capability of providing the necessary bathing facility required in a separate living quarters. The ZBA has the authority to affirm, modify or reverse the decision of the Administrative Official. If the decision is affirmed,the applicant will be required to modify his permit application drawings to demonstrate compliance with the zoning regulations. Reversal or modification of the decision may be in part or whole, and may contain conditions of compliance. Mr. Vernon Tyger gave a presentation outlining his appeal of the decision of the Administrative Official. The property owner purchased the building site with the intention of remodeling and improving the structures on the site while preserving their original exterior. The applicant believes that by removing the cooking equipment and refrigerator,but keeping the sink and countertop,the space no longer meets the definition of a dwelling. The applicant believes he will then comply with the zoning regulations. He stated that he also had his contractor, Gerrard Morisch, with him to answer any questions. The ZBA has the authority to affirm, modify or reverse the decision of the Administrative Official. If the decision is affirmed,the applicant will be required to modify his permit application drawings to demonstrate compliance with the zoning regulations. Reversal or modification of the decision may be in part or whole, and may contain conditions of compliance. Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes May 19, 2011 Meeting 4 No correspondence in favor of the request was received. Correspondence received in opposition of the request was as follows: Jeannette Baughman, 2929 Bissonnet Street Luci and Sandeep Khurana, 2911 Wroxton Martiel Luther, 2917 Wroxton No one spoke in favor of or in opposition of the request. 3 Meeting Minutes. Approval of meeting minutes of April 21, 2011. Approval of Minutes deferred. 4 Adjournment. Frank Vargas,Jr. moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion was 2°d by Samantha Brantley. Ayes: Richard Wilson, Frank Vargas, Jr., Samantha Brantley, Carole Steen, and Martha Bersch. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. -�1 APPROVED THIS /7 DAY OF 011. Carole Steen, Pres'.n g Officer ATTEST: C-1-"Ge.4 Debbie Scarcella, City Planner