HomeMy WebLinkAbout072312 CC Min0 The City of West University Place
A Neighborhood City
Bob Fry, Mayor
Michael Ross, City Manager
Susan Saudi Maym' Pro Tern
Alan Pewv, City Atbmey
Ed Heathi Crunhilmeni
YTelma Lenz, City Secremry
loan Johnson, CourcJmember
Dick Irene. Couocilmember
The City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas, met in special and regular sessions on
Monday, July 23, 2012, in the Municipal Building, 3800 University, West University Place, Texas
beginning at 5:00 p.m.
Cell to Order. Mayor Fry, wiled the workshop W order at 5:00 p.m. Council and staff in attendance
were: Mayor Pro Tom Sample lami at 5:20 p.m.), Councilmembers Heatbco5, Johnsen and Yehle,
City Manager Ross, City Attorney Petrov (arrived at 5:15 p.m.), City Secretary Lenz, ACWPublic
Works Director Petleq antl Police Chief Walker.
Also in attendance were Rick Staigle of Traffic Engineers, Inc., and Bob Treacy of C -CBS (Benefhs
Workshop agenda items were as fellows:
1. On -Street Parking
Matters related to on- street parking.
City Manager Ross presented and stated that this workshop is to discuss the results of City
Council's feedback from the street parking presentation held on June 25.
Mr. Ross stated that as staff reviewed Council directives produced from the meeting, it was found
notewodhy to mention that the issues discussed were brought fork via public commentary and not
by staff or emergency responders. He mad the public's perception was that Mere was a public
safety problem for responses to individual addresses on some streets. He said he and the fire and
police chiefs have had ample discussions regarding this issue and said they have no public safety
concern on any street at Mrs point in time and believes the issues need to be addressed from that
Mr. Ross then reviewed the following recommendations based on input from residents and City
1. Do not proceed with on street parking restrictions since there is no public safety issue being
brought forward by emergency remainders.
2. In Me future, on a case by case basis, respond to street parking complaints by
communicating with potentially impacted residents of a block on a street to determine it
Gory Council Minutes, July 23, 2012
there is a problem to them; and R a super majority agrees, More should be a solution
studied before proceeding with a study.
3. Enact a Parking Etiquette Program using the shared resources of the Public Works Code
Enforcement division along with Police enforcement. The plan would be to begin with a
gentler, friendlier approach and then escalate the enforcement activities to the point of
formal warnings and ultimately wagons for the repeat violators. This would eliminate
affecting non - violators, avoid sign pollution, eliminate causing a problem Mich may not
exist as an unintended consequence, and avoid the No Parking restrictions cost which may
be in excess of $100,000.00.
4. Provide guidance to Staff on the confirmed enforcement of cars Parked on driveways over
sidewalks More the vehicle cannot physically fit between the garage door and the sidewalk
without blocking the sidewalk.
Mr. Ross said Item 4 has come up periodically overtime and said parking over sidewalk has
always been a problem in West U as it is in many cities. He said a previous Council asked staff to
come up with a compromise solution for residences with shod driveways and at that time it was
staff's recommendation that vehicles that are parkeb on their driveways that cannot physically fit
without blocking the sidewalk are considered to be legally pad<ed. He said many residents do not
think the City should have that caveat, but it is the way staff has been handling the parking of cars
on shod driveways and said staff welcomes the guidance from Council N it has any desire to
change it.
After Mr. floss' presentation, Council provided the following comments regarding each of the
Councilmember Heathcod stated
• He thinks that a lot of Met is causing hearlbum is an etiquette issue, so believes it is a
good idea if there is something Council can do to educate and create awareness for goal
• At this point in time, there a a concern by a certain percentage of the residents that what
we have right now is not desirable and thinks staff should find an approach that would
improve the traffic flow on narrower streets. He suggested a sample project, where a
program is implemented to park on one side of the street in carbon areas, which he Minks
would eliminate the problem. He said the purpose for this as a pilot program would be to
see if it would improve the traffic flow and to see if the City can improve a less Man
capital situation.
• Ultimately, he thinks parking on one side of the street and W make the streets one-way
would solve the problem. He said it mud cause a level of inconvenience, bay is that level
of inconvenience more Man the inconvenience being had now, plus Me disk of damaging
Councilmember Johnson stated
• The approach with Me super - majority is a good idea, but asked what percentage makes up
a super - majority. Councilmember Ross responded 66 percent (two thirds) of the residents
as opposed to 50 percent +1. Councilmember Johnson said Mat 66 percent seems We
high, but 60 +1 seems too low and suggested somewhere in between.
For her, if his an issue on her street, she would talk to the other residents to seed it's an
issue for them, too.
City Council Minutes, July 23, 2012
• She hears that it Is not a safety issue and hopes if one day the fire truck can't get through,
the firemen barrel down the street, because, although it may not be an issue, it's a factor.
• If the super - majority of residents on a street go to staff and request something be done
about parking on their street (i.e. parking on side), Men that's when staff needs to look at it.
Mr. Ross responded that staff would plan to contact all the residents on a padicular block
as its first Map to imorm that Me issue has been brought forward and the City wants to find
out your perception and see if you think the City needs to find a solution.
• She agrees with having an etiquette program, but stated she would like staff to put some
kind of flyers on cars sithng on the streets to say 'you really aren't being nice to your
neighbors... can you find a solution' or something like Met. She sad, however, she doesn't
want the police distributing the flyers.
• The last Ming she wants to do is give people tickets to cause them to park on Me street, so
her preference would be to not ticket the people with shod driveways, but definitely enforce
it on long driveways, which Mr. Ross stated staff is currently doing.
Councilmember Yeats stated
• One of the things Council heard at the public hearings is people saying Mat they had a
certain problem and toy worked it out, so he Minks X the super - majority Is willing to do
something, they can work it out and don't need the City to do anything.
• He is unenthusiastic about having a variety of different parking solutions all over town.
• He doesn't think one -way streets are the solution. He said one of Me things residents have
said is Mat they are not particularly enthusiastic about having accelerated traffic by making
it easier for traffic to move faster, Mich, in pad, one -way streets, facilitate.
• A possible solution is creating a single track road where they carve out passing points. He
said Mere are basically no passing points and Minks that with some strategic limited 'no
parking areas" mid black, passing areas can be created to facilitate the flow of cars going in
both directions.
• He thinks sidewalk parking is just wrong. He said residents should use Iwo car garages to
put two cars in them, but he suspects that in most of the situations where the car is
blocking the sidewalk, firs because Me garage is full with something other Man cars. He
said have an alternative to parking on sidewalks, which is to clean their garages and utilize
it for their cars.
• He thinks Me City should have absolute enforcement of Me law for cars parking across
sidewalks, including the short ones.
• He thinks the City also needs to enforce Me 72 -hour rule.
Mayor Pro Tom Sample Maker:
• She agrees with enhoming the T hour rule.
• As a sidewalk user, she thinks the Citys sidewalks are wontlerlul and Minks residents
should have a straight shot on the sidewalks without having to go out into the street to
maneuver around a car, so she thinks the ban of parking across City sidewalks should be
enhanced, even if the sidewalks are too shod.
• She is not for a ho lgepotlge of different regulations on different streets, but if Mere is a
super - majority of residents on a particular block and nay want to come before Council to
speak on it, she definitely feels there should be Council flexibility to do something about
that block. She said residents could first try to talk with their neighbors, which usually
solves Me issue 90 -95% of the time, but when it doesn't, Council needs the flexibility to
hear their case.
3 of
City Council Mini July 23, 2012
Councilmember Yahle added that he agrees with Mayor Pro Tom Sample, but one of his
concerns is transporting one streets problem to another block when people start blocking
around the comer to solve Me problem on their street.
Mayor Fry stated:
• Staff has informed Council that this Is not a public safety issue, which is the primary
purpose of government, so if this is not a public safety issue, he does not want to over -
legislate people's lives, which is why he is against doing something throughotG Me share
• This is an etiquette Issue and thinks the approach of giving citizens a friendly reminder that
Ws an etiquette issue is worth trying.
• He likes the idea that if the super - majority of a black Minks they have a problem, then the
City should have a process of dealing with that situation.
• He is definitely not about to go telling people they need to clean out their garages or they'll
receive a ticket.
• He saitl according to survey results and comments from the public, Mere is no ground swell
to do anything, even on the 2Lfoot streets, so he doesn't see the need W do anything at
this time, but he does Ilke the Idea of code enforcement.
• Thinks staff has come to a very common sense approach.
Councilmember Vehle suggested Mat if Xis a consensus net to enforce parking over sidewalks
then those people who block Me sidewalks should get the etiquette letter explaining Mat, though it
may be tolerated, it's not appreciated.
After further discussion, Council Heathcotl moved to maintain the City's current policy on allowing
short driveways to have cabs parked so that they will partially block the sidewalk, continuing the
current policy. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion. MOTION FAILED.
Ayes: Heathcod and Johnson
Nom: Fry, Sample and Vehle
Abash: None
Councilmember Yehle moved that enforcement with regard$ to parking over sidewalks, regardless
of where the situation occurs. Motion failed for lack of second.
Councilmember Heaihcott moved that Council have additional discussion or a possible pilot
program for parking on one side of the street for sheets that are 26 -fool wide and narrower.
Mayor Fry saitl he doesn't believe a motion is needed for that.
Councilmember Heathcoft said the purpose of the motion is to give staff direction on what the
consensus of Council is.
Motion failed for lack of second.
To confirm the direction Council wants staff to take, Mayor Fry said Council would like and to
develop a public information program.
Mayor Fry asked staff to provide Council with statistics on the n -hour rule.
City Council Minutes, July 23, 2012
Mr. Ross confirmed with Council that they are In agreement with the recommendations as
submitted by sti Mat the super - majority will be beam on two - thirds, and that a block of property
owners can only bring forth a regiment for a study of their block once a year.
2. Employee Benefits
Matters related to employee group benefits (medical, dental, vision, Me/ADAD).
Human Resources Director Standod and Bob Treacy with C -CBS presented this item and said the
City had a great opportunity to join into an interlocal Agreement with three other cities to reduce
our rates across the board and it gives the City the possibility of stabilizing those rates long term so
the City won't experience the peaks and valleys sometimes experienced based on claims.
Ms. Slandod then Tandy explained the Employee Benefits Trusts for the purpose of educating new
members of Council.
Mayor Pro Tom Sample asked it the Cdy, will have a choice of an HMO versus a PPO. Ms.
Standoff responded Mat we currently have that option, but Me platform with to new contact is for
a PPO only and is better than the dual option.
Mayor Pro Tom Sample saitl she has worked for government and private and toy always offer the
Kelsey option Mich Is so much cheaper for the employees and the company, so she doesn't
understand My it is not being offered. Ms. Standoff responded that Kelsey chose not to provide
an offer this year during the RFP process.
Mayor Fry said it is great to see staff coming M Council with an optimistic proposal abler than
what he's seen in the last four years.
Mr. Treacy said his company represents 38 governmental entities across Taxes and he will not be
passing this kind of good news to any of them. He said the City's claims costs have dropped
almost 40 percent, which he contributes to the vision to change the culture that the city manager
and HR Director began five were ago. He said West D is cutting edge and he commends staff.
At this time, 6:00 p.m., Mayor Fry recessed the workshop and convened into executive session to
discuss Items 3 and 4 in accordance with Section 551.091(Consultation with legal counsel to seek
or receive legal advice or consultation regarding pending or contemplated litigation) and Section
551.0n (discussion about the value or transfer of real property and other real estate matters) 0
to Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, of time Texas Government Coca
In attendance for executive session were Council, City Manager Ross, City Attorney Petrov, City
Secretary Lenz, and Assistant Cry Manager /Public Works Director Polar. Marshall Clinkscales,
Realtor, was also present for Item 4 only.
3. METRO General Mobllity Funtlina
Matters related to METRO General Mobility Funding.
4. Wastpark Property Lease Agreement
Matters related to the 1.0874 acres of City owned property on Wesgrpai between Wakeforest
Street and Dincans Street.
At 6:28 p.m. Mayor Fry closed Me executive session and reconvened the workshop
City Council MNWes, July 23, 2012
5. Adjourn Workshop
At6:28p.m., Councilmember Johnson movetl to adjourn the workshop. Councilmember Heathcotl
social the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayea: Fry, Sample, Heathcott, Johnson, Yehle
Noes: None
Absent: None
REGULAR MEETING (beginning at 6:30 p.m. In the Council Chambers)
Agenda items were as follows:
Call to Order. Mayor Fry called the meeting to order At 6:36 p.m. Council and staff in attendance
were: Mayor Pro Tern Sample, Counalmembers Johnson, Handicap, and Yehle, City Manager Ross,
City Secretary Lenz, City Attorney Petrov, ACWPublic Works Director Procter, and Police Chief Walker.
Pledge of Alegiance was recited.
6. Recess Regular Meeting to Convene a Meeting of Employee Benefits Trust (EST)
At 6:35 p.m., Mayor Fry recessed the regular meeting and convened Into a meeting W the
Employee Benefits Trust. See ETB Minutes for action taken.
T. Adjourn Employee Benefits Trust Meeting and Reconvene into Regular Council Meeting
At 6:60 p.m., Councilmember Yehle moved to adjourn the EBT meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Sample
seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Fry, Sample, Heathcort, Johnson, Yehle
Noes: None
Absent: None
Mayor Fry reconvened the regular meeting of the City Council.
S. Interlocal Agreement for Medical and Dental Insurance
Matters relating to autMrizing the city manager to execute an Interlocal Agreement With the cities of
Friendswood, Webster, and Dickinson for the purchase of medical and dental insurance.
Councilmember YANA moved to authorize the city manager for execute an Interlaced Agreement with
the cities of Friendswood, Webster, and Dickinson for the purchase of medical and dental
insurance, for thirteen monrtrs beginning September 2012. Councilmember Heathcotl seconded
the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Fry, Sample, Heathcoh, Johnson, Yehle
Noes: None
Absent: None
9. Transfer of Funds to Emglovae Benefits Trust
Consideration and action on authorizing the transfer of funds imm the City W West University Place
to the City of West University Place Employee Benefits Town to pay for employee related benefits.
Councilmember Yehle moved to auarOrize the continued transfer of funds on a mortlbly basis from
the City of West University Place to the City of West University Place Employee Benefits Trust
City Coured Minutes, July 23, 2012
beginning with the September 2012 comrbution. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion.
Ayes: Fry, Sample, Heathl Johnson, Yehle
Noes: None
Aboard: None
10. Public Comments
There were no public comments.
11. Consent Agenda
All Consent Agenda items listed are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be
enacted by one Mason. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council
member requests in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and
considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.
A. City Council Minutes
Approve City Council Minutes of June 25, 2012 and the July 12, 2012 Minutes of the Joint
Meeting of the Ciry Council and Me Charter Review Committee.
B. Memorandum of Understanding with CRY Houmon
Matters related to a Memorandum of Understanding with Cry of Houston Voucher Program
for Household Hazardous Waste.
Councilmember Yell requested to remove item (b) from the consent agenda for further discussion.
Councilmember Johnson moved to approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of item (b).
Councilmember Headman seconded the moron. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: fry, Sample, Heathl Johnson, Yehle
Noes: None
Absent: None
In regards to Item (b), Councilmember Yards said the third paragraph of the MOU states 'the
program allows residents' use of the Westpark and South Post Oak facility at no direct cost to the
resident at the time of the visit." He asked if that means when the resident goes to the facility.
ACMIPUbIic Works Director Peter responded, yes, they will have a voucher which they will give to
the attendant at the facility.
Councilmember Yards asked how does staff intend to administer the 150 vouchers. Mr. Peifer said
it will be on a first came, first serve basis.
Councilmember Yehle asked if one individual is allowed more Man one voucher. Mr. Peter said the
program is per vises, so if a resident comes back 20 was and there are vouchers still available,
then they will probably receive one each time they came. He said the only mandate is that they be
for residermal use and not commercial and nor for the decrement of an existing home. He said staff
will work on a procedure to lead the number of vouchers a person can receive.
In response to Councilmember Johnson's concern as whether there is plan in place to let citizens
know about the program, Mr. Peifer responded yes.
City Council Minutes, July 2& 2012
Councilmember Yehle moved to approve the Memorandum of Understanding for household
hazardous waste, disposed services with the City of Houston. Mayor Pro Tam Sample seconded
the motion. Fall PASSED.
Ayes: Fry, Sample, Heathcoh, Johnson, Yams
Needs: None
Absent: None
12. Reports by CouncilSteH
There were no Council or staff reports.
13. Ad ourn
At 6:45 p.m., Mayor Pro Tern Sample moved to adjourn the meeting. Councilmember HeathWH
seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Fry, Sample, Heathcotl, Johnson, Yehle
GA esNone
eM: None z, City Secretary Cite eJ