HomeMy WebLinkAbout071212 Joint CC and CRC Min0 The City of West University Place A Neighborhood City CITY COUNCIL STAFF Bob Fry, Mayor Michael Ross, Ciry Mmugu Susan Sample, Mayor Pro Team Alan Poo-ov, City Armmey Fd BeaNwv. Ccuwlmember Thelma Lent, City Secmmy Ivan lnbnson. Councilmember Dick YeWe, Councilmember JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND CHARTER REVIEW COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES The City Council and the Charter Review Committee of the City of West University Place, Texas, met on Thursday, July 12, 2012, in the Munbipal Building, 3800 University, West University Place, Texas beginning at 11:45 a.m. The topics for discussion were as follows: Call to Order. Charter Reyiew Committee Chair Phyllis Cohen called the meeting to order. Members present were Katherine Shoebotham, John Neighbors, John Buffer, Ann Whitlock, Philip Bryant, Marshall Clinkscales, and Russ Schultze. Council and Staff present were: Mayor Bob Fry, Mayor Pro Tern Susan Sample, Councilmembers Heathcotl, Johnson, and Yehle, City Manager Ross, City Secretary Thelma Lenz. Also present were Executive Assistant Moody and interns Kate Oliver and Matthew Elliott Committee Chair Cohen began discussions by informing City Council of the earlier meeting held by the Charter Review Commission and she pointed out some of the proposed changes suggested by staff that the Committee feels warrants mother investigation. Those proposed changes and Council comments included • Mayor and council term limits. D Term limits can result in short-term thinking • There is a learning curve for new Councilmembers that can be interrupted by term limits • Campaigning every Mar years seen as an unproductive burden D It could be a challenge W solicit people who would want to commit to 4 years. D Twc years is not long enough for West U Ccuncilmembers to rise to serving as City representatives on boards/associations outside the City D Two three -year terms seam to be a viable solution, but have ro consider having terms that dent always align with regular elections in the county D No term limits ➢ See what other cities are doing • Flexibility to cancel council meetings D Stay with Mar meetings per month with no flexibility for cancelling D Consistency is needed for citizens to have regular opporWnity to speak on issues Joint City Council and GRG Minutes, July 12, 2012 • Recall Medians • Make it a higher percentage of voters to be able to file a recall petition • Have a cause for recall, not lust "because' (e.g. recall only for malfeasance) • Asked! City Attorney to research the percentages in other cities City Secretary reporting to City Manager > Current system may provide for checks and balances v Current system may have historic roots that are no longer valid i City Manager sees the day -to-day work of the City Secretary and can better evaluate her work • City Manager's Powers and Dalies D Keep as is so that City Council approval is needed for hiring/firing department heads. How often to review Charter • Y Six years Is sugicient Chair Cohen marked Council for their comments and said the Charter Review Commission would take their comments into consitleration during their review of the Charter. At1:05p.m.,meetingadlount @Eat *P. Rr Js At The ma A. Lenz, City Secretary Date provetl 202