HomeMy WebLinkAbout042612S CC Min0 The City of West University Place
A Neighborhood City
Bob Fry, Mayor
Michael Ross, City Moral
Soren Sample, Mayor HO Tom
Alan Pehoq Ciry Avomey
FA Heal C11tatmemer
Thelma Lev, City seco ary
ma JOhnmry C"mmlmemlerr,
Dick Yehle, C,,mclmemb4
The City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas, held a special meeting on Thursday,
April 26, 2012 M BAO p.m., in the City Hall Conference Room, 3000 University Boulevard, City of
West University Place.
Call to Order. Mayor Fry called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council and staff In attendance
were: Councilmembers Heathcoft, Johnson, and Yehle, CM Manager Ross, Assistant City
Manager /Public Works Director Peter, City Secretary Lenz, Police Chief Walker, Assistant Public
Works Director Beach, and Executive Assistant Moody. Mayor Pro Tom Sample was absent.
The special meeting was called to discuss the following:
1. Community Survey
Matters related a community survey.
City Manager Ross presented and informed Council that he and Executive Assistant Moody held a
conference call with Dr. Murray earlier in Me day to revew comments and suggestions received
from Combat since review of the first drag He said the poll changes to Me revised draft were
the removal of Me Colonial Park and Recreation Center questions, as well as questions relating to
leaf blowers.
Mr. Ross said that Dr. Murray has reviewed the changes M the draft and is comfortable with the
changes and the timefreme, which is approximately 10 minutes after removing the Colonial Park
and Recreation Center questions.
Councilmember Heathcoft said he participates in phone surveys from time to time and 10 minutes
is his threshold.
Mr. Ross saitl if Council wants to incorporate more survey questions, Dr. Murray suggests they be
open -ended questions to minimize response time.
Councilmember Yehle tested he feels the survey can be shortened because he thinks there are
questions included Mat aren't relevant.
Councilmember Yehle said two things that came to mind when he evaluated the questions were
(1) the answer needs to lead to something he could do something with and (2) it has to be In a
good enough context co Mat the person can understand the question.
Mayor Fry said if what stag really wants out of to survey are answers to the garbage issues, then
that's what staff should focus on and conduct a more comprehensive Study later.
Cfly Council Workshop Minume. April 26, 2012
Councilmember Habitual agreed with Mayor Fry.
In response to Mayor Frys question as to whether this survey was basically to get answers
regarding trash, Mr. Ross stated that trash was the focal topic of the survey, but thought it would
be an opportunity for Council to include other topics Kit found it necessary to do so.
Councilmember Johnson stated that her concern is that the Caller I.D. would identify the survey
caller as fie Hobby Center for Public Policy and she would prefer it shows that the Guy of West U
is calling. She also stated that if or when a caller does pick up, lire first thing they here is 'I'm
calling from the Hobby Center for Public Policy at the University of Houston on behalf of the City of
West University.- She said by the time you get to 'West University' the caller might hang up, so
she West U needs W be identified in the earlier in to opening statement.
Councilmember Johnson said she is also concerned Mat there is currently a huge amount of public
policy calls regarding the election, so she thinks it is very important that to person picks up the
phone because they know it is West U calling.
Mr. Ross saitl he will see if mo Caller I.D. could show 'City of West University Place" and start the
opening statement with "I'm calling on behalf of the City of West University Place from the Hobby
Center for Public Policy. -
Councilmember Johnson sad she thinks it is very important to stress that the rating scale is "1'
being very disco isiietl and "5 being very satisfieQ so people don't think the opposite.
Mr. Ross then reviewed each survey question with discussion on the following questions:
• Question 6: How often do you set hash out on your amoral pickup day of 17himdey
or FHday?
Mayor Fry asked if it could be rewarded. Assistant Public Works (AM) Director Beach
said yes, it could be reworded to read 'Him often do you use your second pickup day or
something similar.
• Question ?: Approximately how many bags of trash (excluding Yard wastel dome
yourhousehokf put out fnrpickup each week?
Councilmember Yehle asked the relevance of this question because one person might
have seven small bags to another person's one big bag, so it doesn't seem to give any
needed information. AM Director Beach said he will contact the consultant for an
answer /opinion.
• Question if: Are you aware West University Place operales a drop-off recycling
center? Councilmember Yehle asked If there was a reason why RecyclExpress wasn't
named. AM Director Beach said because not many people know the center by name.
Councilmember Yehle said to be sure the person asking the survey questions know the
name in case someone poses the question you mean RecyclExpress ?"
• Question 13: Across the mural many cities are moving toward cart-based trash
and recycling rates and to promote operational efficiency...
2 of
City Council W«ksbap Minute%APS 25, 2012
Councilmember Johnson stated that to her'YaW mean dollars and so it was suggested,
and agreed by Council and staff, to use the word 'Volumes' instead oPYateS'.
• Question 14: On a scale of One to Five, where One means "Very opposed" antl Five
steel '" supportive, "How supportive would you be of a cart -based program?
Councilmember Yehle asked if five answers were necessary. After a brief discussion,
Mayor Fry asked staff to keep the range as recommended by the consuhane.
• Side note. Councilmember HeathCOtt Stated that the way the questions are will it is
assumed that the responder has a certain amount of Education or information about the
issue and is able to analyze the question. He said h the responder doesn't have any
knowledge of the issue, they would probably give negative responses and so suggested
that there be some kind of qualifier. Councilmember Johnson noted that there is a 'not
sure' category, So if they don't understand it, they don't have to leave a negative response
they can Say 'not sure''. Everyone seemed satisfied with that notation.
• Questions 19 and 20: Related to parkland acquisition.
After a bnei discussion, it was agreed to remove these have questions and include them in a
later survey, maybe mid- November.
• Question 11 Ravished.
Councilmember Ye le referred back to Question 11 and said the implicit assumption is that
the people that are answering the survey are pertla is regular or semi - regular users of the
recycling center, so asked if there is a reason to find out about the Irregular users? AM
Director Beach responded that Question 12 asks 'him often do you use if and if it's once a
month, staff will know it's a non - regular user. Councilmember Yehle responded, but on a
service basis, that once a month could be very important to that individual.
There were no more comments regarding the survey questions.
Councilmember Johnson suggested the survey end with an open -ended question and APW
Director Beach suggested adding 'is there anything you would like us to know about solid waste
and recycling services in West U" before the demographic survey questions. All agreed.
At 6:40 p.m., Councilmember Johnson moved M close the workshop. Councilmember Heatbcoh
seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Fry, Heathcoh, Johnson, Yehle et WFdz sat,
Nova: None 4a Rp
eM: Sample R
i nan
alma A. Lenz, Secretary Date Approved