HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 274 Amending the Budget 1943-44 Jill I HI JT I LI ,I.., j '6- , " ORDINP~CE NO. 274 AN ORDIN.ANCE APPROVING TEE .AI\~"NDED BUDGET FOR T::..J:E CITY OF 7JEST mlfIVE'1SITY PLACE; PRCVIDIN:} FOR Y.HE _4.PPROPR:LCiTION OF PUBLIC FUrIDS OF TFfE CITY FOR USE AND EXPENDITURE; AND PROVIDTITG FOR Th'E RSPEAL OF .:lLL O'rtDD:rAl\JCES OR PARTS OF ORDIl'-I4.:!'TCES IN C01-!'FLICT HERETHITH n * * * * * * ~:* * * * * BE IT ORD_'iI~T.8D BY THE CITY CCEMISSIO l'T OF TIE CITY C F WEST UNIVERSITY PI~CE, TEY~S: I That the amended budget, an exact copy of which is at- tached hereto, marked Exhibit nAil and made a part hereof for all purposes, shall be the bud get of the City of ~'Jest Univers ity Place for the remainiD~ part of the current fiscal year ending August 31, 1944. II That there is hereby appropriated out of the public funds anCl monies of the City of ':lest University Place such sum and sums, or any part thereof, as may be authori zed and di rected b:r the City Com- 0 missi on to be pa id by the City for the uses and purposes set forth ,,', in the attached amended budget. III 'That all' ordinances or pa:ts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed insofar as such conflicts exist only. PASSJ::D AIW .AP~RO\BD This 13 day of December A. D., 1943, by a vote of 4 ayes and No Noes. ~~YOR, City of ~est University Place ATTEST: ~ I EXHIBIT "A" T I CONSOLIDATED 'iIATSR A:G.ID SE'iJER BUDGET 1943 - 44 ~VSl~ : Water Sevver Total EXnIJSE : :Ira te r Smver Tom 1 CURR~1~ L~BILIT~S: Water Sewer Total ~74,95l.l4 1~,51l.23 $8 ,462-37 ~~69, 884. 67 l8,5t7.70 $88,4 2.37 $l3,45l.86 8,652.~6 $22,l04. 2 GEi\TERAL FUND BUDGET 1943 - 44 REVENUE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. General Property Tax Franchise Taxes Licenses and Permits Fine s Charges for Current Services Improvement Assessments ~risce11aneous Residue of Heal th Fund Heal th Fund Sinking Fund EXpnmITTJ~~S 1. General Administration 2. Street & Bridge Department 3. Police Department 4. Fire Department .5. Garba'ge Department 6. Tax Department 7. Improveme nt Assessment s 8. Repayment of Bank Loan Defic it 1942-43 Post ','Jar Program Health Department Sinki ng Fund r :1 Actua 1 Revenue 1942-43 .52,997..59 9,66.5.03 2,062.48 1,743.00 - 0 - 2l2.64 2,047.02 6 9 , .5 .51. 1l 4,311.87 91,727.34 16.5,.590.32 17,977.00 l8,64l.32 1.5,710.33 6,2l8.l6 14,172.66 814..50 242,.50 - 0 - 73,776.47 4,3ll.87 2l~2.1~.i. l69 , 8l.5-~-68 2I '11 Anticipated 'y Revenue 194 3-44 75,l13.72 9,600.00 1,.5.50.00 3,600.00 .52.5.00 - 0 - 140.00 - 0 - 90,.528.72 2,.521..52 to,396.69 1 ~.446.9~ 22,333.93 20,329.00 16,2.52.19 7,22.5.00 15,888.60 '1,000.00 - 0 - ~-Lll 0 ~ &0.. 8 ,0~2-.72 2,.500.00 2,.521..52 70,396.69 163,446.93 . [1]1