HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 264 Creating the Office of Special Police Officer jl!m . II : 1_:,..,/ ~ .2 ORDINANCE NO. 264 AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE OFFICE 015 SPEOL4.L POLICE OFFICER IN THE 'In CITY OF TfIEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; PROVIDING :FOR TIili APPOINT- MENT OF A SPECIFIED NUMBER OF SITCH OFFICERS BY THE CITY Q011l\iIISSION; '---' PROVIDING FOR TIE LENGTH OF TERMS OF SUCH SPECIAL OFFICERS; PROVID- ING FOR TRH: RECALL AM) CANCELLA'.l:.ION OF ALL. OUTSTANlJI NG SPECIAL POLICE C01E.t:IISSIO:NS NOW IJlJ'I'STANDING, OR HEREAFT'ER I60UED, IN SAID CITY; PROVIDING THAT SAID OFFICERS SHALL RECEIVE 1\f0. COMPENSATION; PROVIDING 'lJHE DUTIES AND OBLIGA:fIul~S uF SUCH OFFICERS; AND PROVID- ING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF OHDINAJ.\JCES IN CON- FLICT HEREWI'l'H. BE 1'1' uRDAlNED BY THE CITY CO:Mlv:ISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNI- VERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: I All outstanding special police commissions issued or granted heretofore by the City are hereby revoked and recalled, and that any and all persons now holding any such special polic~ commissions, shall cease to exercise any and all powers and rights [)"jT and under such commissions, and shall surrender to the City immediately all evidences of their respective appointments. . II That there shall be, and is hereby, created the office of IJ special police orrioer in the City or West University Place, Texas, l~~ and that 20 male residents of the City may be appointed by the . City Commission without payment of any compensation to said special police officer Offices. ' III All speciaY police officers appointed by the City Commission of West University Place 'shall be appointed. for "a term correspond- ing to the term of office then existing for the members of the City Commission taking such appointments, and all appointments made by the present City COmInssion shall expire on January 2, 1945 unless sooner ended for cause. IV The City COmL1ission of the City of West University Place shall have full right and authority tG recall, cancel and annul, at any time, any special police officer commission issued by it, if, for any reason, said conmlission deems it expedient and wise to so recall and cancel any such special police commission. V Any and all special police officers hereafter appointed shall 11,0 comply with all standardsand requirements prescribed by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, and shall perform all duties and obliga~ions so prescribed under the direction of the Chief of Police of the City. -I J --I I I ! VI All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, or any part hereof, are hereby repealed, insofar as such conflict or conflicts exist only. PASSED AND APPROVED, this 12 day of July, A". D. 1943, by a vote ofLL ayes and no noes. . ~ MAYOeity of .Vest u';;'~lace ATTEST: .,~~ I .1" .. !1 .Jl :1[i1I11r 63