HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 255 Porhibiting Harboring of Animals I I ~J J .~1:,- ,., J 41 ORDINANCE NO. 255 AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING TEE OWNER OR HARBORER OF ANY ANIMAL OF TEE DOG KIND IN'TEE OITY OF \VEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FROM HARBORING OR KEEPINg ANY SUCH ANIMAL IN SAID CITY, WITHOUT PAYING AN ANNUAL LICENSE TAX TO SUCH QITJ{; FIXING THE AMOUNT OF SUCH TAX AND THE DATES AND PLACE OF PAYMENT; PROYIDING FOR THE FURNISHING OF TAGS UPON PAYMENT OF LIOENSE TAX, AND THE DESIGN OF SUCH TAGS, AND MANNER OR USE OF SAID TAGS; PROVIDING FOR THE MUZZLING OF ANIMALS OF TEE DOG KIND, AND THE VACCINATION OF SAME: AGAINST RABIES; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUA-WCE OF CERTIFIOATES OF VAOClNATION TO O'NNERSOR HARBORERS OF SUCH ANDIALS: PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF ]i'AGS BY VETERINARIANS TO OW!\1ERS OR HARBORERS OF SAID ANIMALS UPON VACCINATION THEREOF BY VETERINARIANS; AND THE USE OF SAID TAGS; PROVIDING FOR THE IMPOUNDING OF ANIMALS OF THE DOG KIND LOOSE OR AT . LARGE; PROVIDING A RIGHT AND TIME IN WHICH TO REDEEM ANIMALS mPOUNDED; PROVIDING FOR VACCINATION OF REDEEMED ANIMALS; PRO- HIBITING THE OWNERS AND CUSTODIANS OF VIOIOUS DOGS FROM PERMITTING SUCH DOGS TO RUN AT LARGE; PROVIDING FOR Q,UARANTINING OF ANY ANIMAL AND ALL ANIMALS OF THE DOG KIND EXPOSED TO RABIES, THAT HAS/HAVE RABIES OR SYMPTOMS OR RABIES; REQ,UIRING OWNERS AND HARBORERS OF ANIMALS OF THE DOG KIND, AND PRACTICING VERTINARIANS, TO REPORT TO THE CITY ALL OASES OF RABIES, PROHIBITING THE REEP- ING OF ANY ANIMAL OF THE DOG KI:ND -VmICH DISTURBS THE PEACE; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL. ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CON- FLICTHEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, A11D A SAVINGS CLAUSE: ************************* , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY - OF WEST UNIVEllSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Artiole 1. License required, fee payable, muzzles: It shall be:unlawfu1 for the owner or harborer of any animal of the dog kind to harbor or permit said dog within the city limits of the City. of West University Place" Texas, without having paid the assessor and collector of taxes of the City of West University Plaoe, in advance, an annual license tax of Two ($2.00) Dollars upon each male and female dog six months of age or over. It shall be unlawful for the owner or harborer of a_ny animal of the dog kind to harbor or permit said dog to run at lar~_ within the city limits of the City of West University P1ace,- unless the mouth of suoh animal be muzzled in such manner as to protect persons from being bitten. Animals, however, that have been im- munized with anti-rabies vaocine by a licensed veterinarian with- in the current license year shall be exempt from the provisions hereof requiring muzzling when said animals are on or attaohed _securely to a leash and such leash is held by a person of oom- petent strength to hold and control said animal. The license fees required ~y this artio1e shall be due and payable on or before March 1st of eaoh calendar year, and when paid shall be g1Yod--' for the year ending the last day of Febr~aryfo1low1ng payment of such tax. Payment of said tax after March 1st of any year shall cover only the unexpired part of said twelve month period, and shall be in the full s~ of Two (*2100) Dollars. I:' '" "I .. :. .:1 1. .J! '.11110,1 illOO 11 1.1 .,.W ~8 Article 2. Tags: Upon payment of the license tax, it shall be the duty of the assessor and collector of taxes to fur- nish the owner of such animal a durable tag of a distinctive de- sign, on one side of which is stamped the words "tax paidu with the year for which same is paid and the serial number of, tag. which tag at all times shall be securely attached to a collar around the neck of the animal, or harness around the neck and body of the animal, upon whi-ch said tax has been paid. Article 3. Kind of muzzle required: The muzzle required to be used shall be made of some kind of suitable material which possesses sufficient strength to securely muzzle the mouth of the animal. No muzzle shall be used which is made from any material,. or is maintained on any animal in a manner, which will have the effect of cutting the skin of, or seriously injuring, such a nirilal . I I '-----" Article 4. Vaccination: All animals of the dog kind within the city limits of the City of West UEiversity PI~ce not properly muzzled as herein set forth. are required to be immunized against rabies by means of an anti-rabies vaccine approved by the City Health Officer of said City, administered by a duly licensed veterinarian; and every veterinarian who vaccinates any such animal or animals of the dog kind within the city limits of the :City of West University Place shall issue a certificate of vaccination to such owner, stating the name of. the owner, the address of the owner, description_of the dog, the date of vaccination, the number of theirab~esctaacina- I I tion ;.tag and the kind of vaccine Used, and shall furnish to, the City Health Officer a true copy of such certificate. Ahd it is further provided that upon vaccinating each dog, the veterinarian shall furnish the owner of such animal a durable tag on one side of which is stamped the word "rabies vaccine administered It or a similar phrase, and the date of' vaccination', which tag at all times shall be securely attached to a collar around the neck of the animal or harness around the neck and body of the animal vaccinated. Article 5. Duty of Officers to impound: It shall be the duty of the City Health Officer, the chief of police, or any poltce officer of the City to cause to be taken up or impounded all animals of the dog kind loose or at large in violation of the terms of this ordinance. Article 6. Right to redeed; conditions: The owner of any. dog impounded as aforesaid, or as herein provided, shall have the right to redeem' same upon payment to the poundmaster of the sum of Two $2.00) Dollars for each animal so redeemed, in addi- tion to the tax or fine, if any.~The sum so paid to th~ pound- master shall be paid by into the city treasury. Article- 7. Time to redeem: All impounded dogs shall be redeemed within seventy two hours after their capture and im- poundment, and all such animals not redeemed within the ~aid time shall he destroyed. II '----' 49 Article 8. Vacoination of redeemed dogs: All animals redeemed at the dog pound must be immediately vaccinated against rabies as herein provided. Article 9. Vicious dogs: It shall be unlawful for the owner or any other person having custody of any vicious dog to permit same to run at large in the City at any time. Article 10. ~uarantining of dogs exposed.to rabies: Any animal of the dog kirid that has rabies or symptoms thereof, or that is suspected of having raqies, or that has been eKposed to rabies, shall at once be released by its possessor for disposal or confinement in a veterinary hospital'approved by the City' Health Officer, or immediately and securely confined by tying with a chain of good quality and kept there under the supervision of the department of Health and Sanitation for a period of not less than sixty days. Article 11. Q.uarantining of rabid dogs or animals which have bitten persons: Every animal of the dog kind that has rabies or symptoms he~eof, or any animal that bites, scratches or other- wise attacks any person or persons shall be immediately and secn~e- ly confined by the owner, or one having custody, by tying with a chain of good quality for a period of ten days in such a place that no person or animal may be bitten by it, and there held sub- . ject to inspection from time to time so as to be able to determine whether said animal is affected by rabies; or said snimal shall be quarantined and held for a like time in any veterinary hospital approved by the City Health Officer, or shall be held at the city pound for ten days, after which time the dog shall be killed if in quarantine at the city pound. Article 12. Reporting Babid dogs: It shall be the duty of the owner or harborer of any animal of the dog kind, and all praoticing veterinarians, to report to the City Health Officer all cas~s of rabies with which he comes in contact or to whioh his attention has been directed. This report shall be made immediately upon diagnosis or suspicion of such cases of rabies. Article 13. Any person violating any part of this ordinance shall be fined not exceeding One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars. r Article 14. Barking dogs: 'Any person who shall harbor or keep on his premises or in or about his premises or premises under his control, any dog or animal of the dog kind, whic'h, by loud or unusual barking or howling, shall cause the peace and quiet of the neighborhood or the occupants .of adjacent pre- mi'ses to be disturbed, or reasonably liable to Ue disturbed, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor andl upon conviction, shall be fined not exceeding One Hundred (~lOO.OO) Dollars; and each ~nd every twenty four hours that said dog shall remain or be kept on any such premises an~ shall cause the peace to be disturbed shall constitute a separate offense. q . 1"'-.5 , .= ~ j I I I t 1 .1 JUW _ H 1 l_ L LJ iO Article 15. All ordinances and parts of o~dinances in conflict herewith are he..nby repealed in so far as the same are in actual conflict only. . ,. .,' . Article 16. If any part or' parts of this ordinance be invalid for any reason, such part or parts shall in no way effect any other part or parts that are valid. Article 17. This ordinance shall be come effective upon the publication of its caption. Passed and approved on this the A. D. 1943, by a vote of 5 ayes. MaY~!~Y Place 8 day of ll'e'br'1ar:v ATTEST: ~ n !l ~---.-J