HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 250 Requiring the Filing of Official Bonds by Council and Staff nlJi] III. . IT; I [j .J 18 ORDINANCE NO. 250. AN ORDn~ANCJ; Rl"BQUIRIJ'W TFr~ FILING OF OFlTICIAL BONDS BY MEJ.~B:SHS OF TH3: .CITY CO~~:ISSION, POLICE CHIEF, POLICB OFFIC~RS, TREASURER, AND SUP- _ I ERINTENDSNT OF ':IA TE?:1 &; S~"rsR DEPA RTi.::2NT , OF TI-E CITY 0 F '.vEST 1rJIU~R~ - SITY PLACE, T~JiXAS; PROVIDINJ T:l{AT NO Cm':PENSATIC}\~ B~ P.AID TO SUCH OFFICIALS OR OFFICJ;RS Ul';TIL THB::IR m::SP:I:CTrlG: BONDS BE FIL3D AnD APPROV3D '3Y TIf3 CITY COlLl,:ISSIGF OF TI-IJ:: CITY OF -'TZST u:r\rTiJ2:RSITY PLACE, TEYJ\S; PROVIDING FOR REnAL OF ALL ORDINAHC2.S, lUID PARTS OF ORDI;;' NANCES, IN COl';FLICT IE':1E':JITH; AND IROYIDII\"G THAT IF ANY PART, OR P).RTS, --OF TIlTS ORDIN!l.NCE FE HiTV'J;.LID, SUCH IW1ALIDITYSRi\LL ECT I~FF2CT AI'Y OT&~R PART HEREOF. ******************* BE IT ORDAINED BY THfI: CITY cm'J'ISSIOiT OF T:f-,3 CITY o}!' -'{,~STUNrTr:;R8ITY PLiiCE, ~l~LA.S: I That the Kayor and each Commissioner of the City of ~est Uni- versity Place, Texas, before entering upon any duty of their respec- tive offices, and prior to transactins any business for or in the name of said City, shall each file with such City Comraission an official bond in the sum of Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars, vfith surety or sureties acceptable to said Commission, conditioned upon his faithful perfornance of ths duties of such office and pay- able to the City of~est University Place, Texas, subject to the approval of said COITili1ission. II i I _I That the Police Chief and each Police Officer of the City of West University Place, Texas, before entering upon any duty of their respective offices, shall each file 'flith the City Cor:""illlission of said City an official bond in the sum of One Thousand ($1,000.00) pollars, vdth surety or sureties accept3ble to saia OOEli0-ission, con- ditioned upon his faithful per::'ormance of the du~i8s of such office " , l J , , r' . , ,.., '-r ' ,T' , . t Pl ~1 b . t t ane;. ?aY:J.'J..L8 co 'Ci'l3 0l-Cy C:;:. ,'eS-C u.':llVerSl y aCe,.L6XaS, su Jec 0 the approval of s3id-CoL2nission. III Tha t the 'rreasurer of the City of tlest University Place, 'rexas, b,efore entering upon any duty of such office, shall file with the City Commission of said Gity an official bond in the sum. of Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars, vii tll surety or sureties acceptable to said Com- mission, conditioned upon his faithful performance of the duties of such office and payble to the City of ~\lest University Place, Texas, 8.nd subje ct to approval of s aid Commission. IV That the Superintendent of the ~later and Sewer Department of the City of ~lfest -Universi ty Place, Texas, before entering upon any duty o~ ~uch of!i~e, shall file with the City CO.mm.ission of said City an offlclal bona In the _sum of ~NO Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars, with ,l ~ 39 with Euretv.orfsureties accentablehtodsaid Commission~fconditioned upon illS fal"Cn Ul. perl'ormance of~ e utles 01' such O.L lce and pay- able to the City of West University Place, Texas, and subject to . approval of said COIl1Iilission. ~. v That no compensation of any nature shall be paid to any of the officers or officials named inpg.ragraphs I, II, III or IV, above who shall fail to comply with the provisions of this Ordi- nance. VI That all Ordinances, parts of Ordinances, and all other re- gulations, in conflict vvitl1 this Ordinance are hereby repealed. VII That if any "part, or "parts, of this Ordinance be invalid for any reason, then such invalidity shall not in any manner effect any other part, or parts, of this Ordinance. PASSED AND APPROVED this the by a vote of --2- ayes. ~no day of January A. D. 1943, a~di .. Mayor, CitYOfW~~ Place, Texas. APPROVED: City Attorney City Treasurer ATTEST: ~~~ crl ty ecretary I " ''''''UiI''.