HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 249 Making an Appropriation for the Fiscal Year Beginning September 1, 1942 .35' ORDINANCE No.,t~l. AN ORDINANCE MARING AN APPROPRIATION FO R THE SUPPORT OF THE CITY GOVJ:!;HNMENTFOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING ON THE FIRST DAY OF' SEPTEMBER, 1942, AND CLOSING THE IAST DAY OF AUGUST, 1943, INCLUDING THE RA'YMENT OF THE INTEREST AND SINKING FUND FOR THE BONDED DEBT OF THE CITY OF WEST UI\iIVERSITY PLACE, SUPPORT AND MAII1TENANCE OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT, AND VARIOUS DEPARWIE11TS OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT; CREATING A SPECIAL BUDGET FOR THE WATER AND SEYlER DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY AND PROVIDING HOW THE CURRENT-EX- PENSES AND INTEREST AND PRINCIPAL OF THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE WATER AND SEWER DEPARThmNT SHALL BE :MET, CONTINGENT AND OTHER PURPOSES, AND DECLARI11G AN EMERGENCY. ******** ***** *'* BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVK1SITY PIA CE: I j Sec.tion 1: That the following sums of money; to wit: $155,992.26 or sO.much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same are hereby appropriated out of the moneys of the Treasury of the City of West University Place or anticipated to be derived and be available from the cur.rent or general revenues or from any other source Which will be available before the end of the fiscal year, be'ginning on the first day of September, 1942, and closing on the last day of August, 1943, excluding therefrom the water and sewer revenues of the City of West University Place; provided, that the amounts herein appropriated, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the payment of the interest and the creation, setting aside and preservation of a legal sinking fund upon all of the outstanding indebtedness of the Oity of West Uni- versity Place, shall be a first charge against all of the funds on hand, now, or hereafter available for the purposes for which the appropriations are made, save and except the water and sewer revenues; and provided further, that the amounts herein appro- . priated may be hereafter increased or decreased by ordinance or as provided in the City Charter, as may be necessary for the pur- pose of earrying on the aTfatrs of the City and accomplishing the purposes for which it is incorporated; and further providing, that any sums of money except water and sewer revenues remaining from any appropriation after the purpose for which the appropriation was made has been accomplished shall revert to the respective funds, and be subject to further appropriation tiy the City Commission; pro- vided further that should there be further fu~ds available, the City Oommdssion may make such appropriations for such .other matters as may be from time to time desired, and the City Commission with approval of the City Treasurer is hereby expressly authorized to transfer to the various funds any excess of any appropriation herein made after the purpose for which the appropriation was made has been accomplished. The said total amount of $155,992.26 is hereby appropriated for general expenditures and for the N~intenance .and operation of the various departments of the City Government other than the Water and Sewer Departments, and the individual appropriations of , '1 'f .III'rlll Illliill HLJ 11 L. J6~ each of said departments out of said total amount, to be expended in accordance with a break down herein adopted by City Commission, are as follows: Section 2: That for the purpose of defraying the operating expenses of the Water and Sewer Department of tJ;le City of West University Place, the following sums of money, to-wit: $8Q,264.76 or so much thereof as'may penecessary, be and the same is hereb~ appropriated out of the current Water and Sewer Revenues in the Treasury of the City of West University Place or anticipated to be , derived and be available from the current revenue funds of the Water and Sewer Department of the City of West University Place, Texas, before the $3nd of the fiscal year beginning on the 1st day of September, 1942, and closing on the 31st day of August, 1943. PROVIDING that the amount herein appropriated or so much thereof as may be necessary for the payment of interest and the creatio]l and setting aside and preservation of a sinking fund upon all of the outstanding bond indebte~ness and mortgage indebtedness of the Water and Sewer Departmeht of the City of West University Place shall be a first charge against all of the funds of the Wat~r and Sewer Departments; and providing further that the amount herein appropriateGn for the water and sewer department may be hereafter increased or decreased by ordinance as may be necessary for the pllrpose of carrying on the af~aire of the Water and Sewer- De- partment of the City of West University Place. Said amount hereby appropriated is to be expended in accordance with a break- down herein adopted by the City Commission. Section 3: That the sum of $3771.13 or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated for the maintenance and operation of the Health Department of the City of West University Place, out o~ the funds available for such purpose in the Treasury of the ~ity of West University Place, or anticipated to be derived from that portion of the revenues of the Oity of West University Place lawfully collected for such purpose. D u Se~tion 4: All expenditures heretofore made for the current fiscal year beginning September 1, 1942 and ending the last .day of August, 1943 for departmental or other expenses or purposes are hereby ratified and confirmed, and it is ordered that where no specific appropriation for any of said expenditures has ever been heretofore made the amount thereof shall be by the Treasurer charged to the proper department and itemized as herein appro- priated. Seetion .5: The expenditures of the various departments of the City Government of the sums hereby appropriated as the same shall from time to time become necessary and proper for the . salaries, maintenance and other departmental expenses are hereby authorized, a~d the Mayor, City Secretary and Oity Treasurer are hereby authorlzed to cause the same to be ~id by the issuance of warrants or otherwise, as provided in the harter, the amounts here- 1[1 I by appropriated for departmental, interest; sinking fund and other LJ purpeses as and when the same shall be necessary and proper, all 37 of such expenditures to be charged by the Treasurer to the proper items as appropriated in this ordinance. Sectio~:6: There being no rule of the City Commission and no provision to the contrary in the Charter of said City regarding ordinance to be read or passed at more than one meeting, it is further ordered and ordained that this ordinance take effect and be in force immediately from and after its passage a approwal. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE ;? / day of ,A.D.1942. Mayor, City of West U~iversity Place, Texas APPROVED: City Attorney City Treasurer A~~ C~y Se cretary I. ::..1: ~ .1rI1.tlll