HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 246 Ordering the November 3, 1942 Election ; --.--I I I: I ---1 ~l I ~ 2.9 ORDINANCE NO. 246 AN ORDINANCE ORDERING .AN ELECTION TO BE I:TI!:LD IN AND FOR THE CITY .OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ON THE FIRST TUESDAY FOLLO~ITNG THE FIRST MONDAY IN NO~KBER, 1942, THE SAME BEING THE THIRD DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1942, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELEOTING A MAYOR AND FOUR COMMISSIONER TO SERVE UNTIL THE NEXT SUCCEEDING GENERAL ELEOTION ON THE FIRST TUESDAY FOLLOWING THE FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER, A. D., 1944, AND DELARING AN EMERGENCY. ************ BE.IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY. COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: SECTION ONE:' That an election shall be and is hereby ordered to be held at th~ City Hall for rrecinct No. 133, and at the West Univer- sity Place Building and Realty Company's office, at Buffalo Speedway and University Boulevard, for Precinct No. 87, in. the City of West University Plaae, Texas, on the first Tuesday followmng the first Mon- day in November, 1942, the same being the third day of November, A. D., 1942, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and tour Com- missioners to serve as Mayor and Commissioners of the City of West University Place until the next succeeding general election on the first Tuesday fOllowing the first Monday in November, A.. D., 1944. SECTION TWO: H. F. Dawson is hereby appointed pre- siding officer of said election for p,recinct N:>. 133, and F. A. HuwiA1A'r is hereby appointed presidi~g officer of said election for Precinct Mo. 87, both of whom shall select two judges and f'()tJ'r clerks each to assist him in holding sa id election. SECTION THREE:Thirty (30) days notfuce of said election shall be given by the City Secretary by posting in three (3) public places within the City of West University Place, Texas, one of which shall be at the City Hall and by publicatioIlt in one issue of the official newspaper of the said City a notice hereof. The elee,~ion s~ll be held under the pro- visions of the ~me Rule Oharter of the City of West University Place, Texas, and the Laws of the State of Texas, relating to elections. SECTION FOUR: JJlillL u I L. . .L1J ~o SECTION FIVE: Every person .who has attained the age of twnety-one (21). and who has resided within the corporate limits of the <a ty of West Un! versi ty Place for the.r equired time under the Laws of the State of Texas and the Home Rule Charter of the~City of West University Plaoe shall be entitled to vote at said election. ;l SECTION SIX: That this ordin{lnce shall take effect and be enforced immediately from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 28th day of September, A.D. 1942. ~~~~~ MAYOR, CITY 0 WEST UNIVERSITY PLA OJ!: , 'IEXAS ~p,~ IJ LJ