HomeMy WebLinkAboutWUSSB minutes 3-8-2012West University Senior Services Board Meeting Thursday March 8th 2012
Present: Stan McCandless (Chair), John Neighbors, Chuck Guffey, Virginia Lootens, Michelle Moore,
George Baker, Sarah Ballanfant, Joe Mitchell, Mary Ryerson, Selby Clark, Janet Vrancken, Pieter
Vrancken. Absent: Lyndon McKnight. Staff: Toby Brooks. Guest: Councilwoman Joan Johnson. The
Meeting was called to order at 2:05PM. The Minutes were approved as presented.
Matters Arising from Minutes: The Chairman asked Toby Brooks about the progress of the Spanish
Classes (held on Thursday evening from 6:30 to 7:30PM). There is an apparent disparity in the standard
of the people attending so that, were the classes more advanced, beginners might not attend but some
of the more advanced pupils are not happy with the standard of the present class. The instructor (Eric
Wilbourn) is a Spaniard teaching classical Spanish rather than a central/south American version and
sometimes needs to absent himself. George Baker offered to be a substitute instructor. The Chairman
asked Michelle Moore whether walking companions had been found for the Alzheimer resident. Three
volunteers are covering the needs until the end of March.
Activities (Toby Brooks) The quilt is about to be re-hung. An excursion to Round Top is planned for
the 28"' March.
APAC (Virginia Lootens) The Area Agency on Aging (AAA) in cooperation with the Harris County
Health Department is pushing to get as many entities as possible certified for diabetes self-management
training. The first pilot class will take place on March 29"' in Magnolia, Texas. Another AAA project is the
Life Span Respite Program that provides $800.00 in vouchers to caregivers allowing them to have a break
and so prevent burn-out. The program is funded by a grant from the Easter Seals society and some funds
from the State of Texas and is scheduled to last 2 years. The $800 benefit will be given one time only
and must be used within 6 months. It applies to caregivers of the elderly or disabled children. The funds
are to be used to pay for caregiver substitutes at $10/hour. Caregivers must take a class in caregiving
and will be screened for eligibility. Would-be participants are ineligible if they are receiving funds from
any other AAA or DADS source. The State budget for AAA ended up without cuts and even a small
increase. Approximately $200,000 is being made available in Title D funding, to develop more evidence-
based programs. Representative Sylvester Turner gave a presentation on Senior Issues and the 2013
Legislature. The State Health Care Budget is $27B short. Medicaid will be cut by $2B, will be underfunded
by $4B and will run out of money in 2013. Monies collected through electricity bills, traffic fines and
vehicle taxes are used to pay for various projects (so-called Dedicated Funds). Picture IDs required for
voting are being provided free at Department of Motor Vehicles sites but line are long.
The Board would like further information regarding the distribution of Dedicated Funds and John
Neighbors volunteered to contact State Representative Sarah Davis to request a presentation on this
Council Meeting Reports (Joan Johnson) This report covers Council Meetings held on February 13"'
and 27"'. Council approved a financing plan which should save the City $725,000 on existing bonds. The
final proposal and savings will be submitted to the March 12"' Council Meeting. Council authorized the
expenditure of $23,000 of Friends of West University Parks' Funds for the installing of artificial turf at
Weir Park. The Council has decided not to continue any rezoning of the Town Center or other commercial
locations at this time. The City has liens on its books dating back to 1931. Following research by Ms.
Dougherty the City Finance Director Council voted to release all liens prior to 1985. Spraying for
mosquitoes began on March 2nd
Good Neighbor Team (Michelle Moore) No meeting was held. The Valentine Cards were mailed. The
Easter Goody bag will be prepared on March 28"'.
PARD (Toby Brooks) Board Members were referred to the PARD Operations report for the week ending
March 5"' (already circulated) The Park Lovers Ball has raised $320,000 for the maintenance and
improvement of our city Parks.
New Business: Board Members were encouraged to attend the Council Meeting on April 9th at which
National Volunteer Month will be proclaimed.
The Meeting adjourned at 2:53PM