HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1342 Granting Rights to Warner Cable Communications n [ [ 045 ORDINANCE NO. 1342 ORDINANCE GRANTING TO WARNER CABLE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE, ,AND FRANCHISE TO ERECT, MAINTAlN" AND OPERATE A COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEM IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; TO ERECT, MAINTAIN, AND OPERATE ITS POLES, TOWERS, ANCHORS, WIRES, CABLES, ELECTRONIC CONDUCTORS, CONDUITS, MANHOLES, AND OTHER STRUCTURES AND APPURTENANCES IN, OVER, UNDER, ALONG, AND ACROSS THE PRESENT AND FUTURE PUBLIC STREETS, HIGHWAYS, ALLEYS, BRIDGES, EASEMENTS, AND OTHER PUBLIC WAYS AND PLACES IN THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND TERM; PRESCRIBING COMPENSATION FOR THE RIGHTS, PRIVILEGES AND FRANCHISE CONFERRED HEREUNDER; PRESCRIBING THE CONDITIONS.GOVERNING THE OPERATION OF THE BUSINESS INSOFAR AS IT AFFECTS THE USE OF PUBLIC PROPERTY FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUCH BUSINESS; PRESCRIBING RULES AND REGULATIONS GENERALLY FOR THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND OPERATION OF SAID SYSTEM AND BUSINESS; PROVIDING A SUPERCEDING CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR ACCEPTANCE BY THE COMPANY CONTAINING GENERAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE GRANT OF THIS FRANCHISE; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. WHEREAS, Warner Cable Communications, Inc., a Delaware corporation, has provided cable television services to the citizens of West University Place; and WHEREAS, the franchise currently held by Warner Cable from the City of West University Place is due to expire in the year 1991; and WHEREAS, Warner Cable desires to continue the operation of its cable system and to utilize the City's streets and rights-of-way under a new franchise from the City; .. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideratlon of the mutua 1, covenants and,' agreements contained herein, the City hereby consents to Warner Cable1s COntinued operation ~f ttscable televisionsystem~'through a renewed franchi se from the Ci ty, and to utili ze' the,streets and ri ghts-of-way of the Ci ty, upon the fo 11 owi ng condi ti ons and terms: Section 1. SHORT TITLE~ This ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the "WARNER CABLE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT." Section 2. DEFINITIONS. For the purposes of this ordinance the following terms, phrases, words, abbreviations and their' derivations shall have the meaning given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future tense, 'words in the plural number include the singular number, and words in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory, and not merely directory. A. "Additional Serv:ices" shall mean any communications services other than Basic Subscriber Service and Pay Television _..~_--':''''':'''':~~:.Il___ ._IT=:::L_.:.:____:...:..i.___~_IL .1 . I~__L:-JI~~.~.--i IrT:"'-;:J:IUlliilEilDI:ii ~ - "" - H L::!:illlil.Wll" II,MUIll~J.LL__J L -'"' JW1Jillllilt ;,,;. iLlt:. I J 'U I... Ordinance Number 1342 046 provided by Grantee over the CATV system either directly or as a carrier for its subsidiaries. affiliates or any other person engaged in communications services. including. but not limited to. program guides. burglar alarm. data or other electronic intelligence transmission. facsimile reproduction. meter reading and home shopping and advertising. B. IIAnniversary Datell shall mean the date on whi ch thi s Franchise was passed and approved by the City Council of the City of West University Place. -1 I I '----' C. IIBasic Subscriber Servicell shall mean the simultaneous delivery by Grantee to television receivers. or any other suitable type of audio-video communication receivers, of that service regularly offered to all of its Subscribers. but excluding Additional Services and Pay Television. D. "CATVII shall mean community antenna television. E. IICATV system" shall mean a system of cables. wires. lines. towers, microwave and laser beams. and any associated converters. equipment or facilities designed and constructed for the purpose of producing. receiving. amplifying and distributing by audio, video and other forms of electronic or electric signals to and from subscribers and locations in the City. ~ F. "Channelsll shall mean a band of frequencies. six megahertz wide. in the electro-magnetic spectrum which are capable of carrying either (1) audio-video television signals and non-video signals or (2) non-video signals. G. "City" shall mean the City of West University Place. Texas. a municipal corporation of the State of Texas. H. "City Council" shall mean the present governing body of City or any successor to the legislative powers of the present City Council. I I I I ~ I. "Converterll shall mean an electronic device which converts signals to a frequency not susceptible to interference within the television receiver of a Subscriber and which. by an appropriate channel selector, also permits a Subscriber to view all signals delivered at designated dial locations. J. IIEffective Competitionll shall mean the same as the term is defined by the Federal Communications Commission Rules and Regulations, 47 C.F.R., 76.33 (1985), as amended. K. II Federal Communications Commission" or "FCCII shall mean that agency as presently constituted by the United States Congress or any successor agency with jurisdiction over CATV matters. L. IIFranchise Year" shall mean any twelve-month period commencing on an Anniversary Date and extending to the day immediately preceding the next subsequent Anniversary Date. Ordinance Number 1342 047 n M. "Grantee" shall mean Warner Cable Communications, Inc., or its successors and assigns, in accordance with the provisions of this franchise., N. "Grantee Channels II shall mean the Channels on the CATV system which are reserved for carriage of program material originated locally by Grantee. o. "Gross Revenues" shall mean all revenues collected by the Grantee, including, but not .limited to, Basic Service revenues, Pay Television revenues, Additional Services revenues, advertising revenues, revenues resulting from connection or reconnectionfees of any kind, revenues resulting from the sale or rental of equipment of any kind and fees received for lease of Channels. Gross Revenues shall not include any taxes which are imposed on any Subscriber or User of CATV system by any governmental unit and collected by Grantee for such governmentaluntt. P. UInterconnect" shall mean a condition of a CATV system by which the system is physically connected to adjacent systems by cable, microwave or other means and provides the capability for simultaneous carriage of signals, such as the emergency override. Pi , ' I I I \~-' Q. "Pay Televis,ion"'l shall mean the delivery over the CATV system of Programming to Subscribers fora fee or charge over and above the charge for Basic Subscriber, Service, on a per-program, per-Channel or other subscription basis. R. "Public Utility Commissi:Qn of. ,Jexas ", or UpUC" shall mean that agency as presently constituted by the laws of the State of Texas or any successor agency. . ~!'! -, S. "Street" shall mean the surface or the space above and below any public street, road, highway, alley, bridge, sidewalk or other public place or way now or hereafter held by City for the purpose of pub 1 i c :trave 1 and slh:a 11; i nc 1 ude other easements or ri,ghts-of-way now held or hereafter held by City which shall within their proper use,and meaning, entitle City and Grantee to the use thereof for the purposes of installing or transmitting CATV ,system transmissions! over poles, wires, cables, conductors, conduitsJ manholes, amplifiers, appurtenances, attachments, and other structures, equipment and facilities as may beordinarBy necessary and pertinent, to a CATV system. T. "Subscriber" shall mean any personwithi n the Ci tywho lawfully receives any service del ivered by the' CATV system., " U. "User of CATV system" shall mean a person who utilizes the CATV system to produce or to transmit programs or'other communications to Subscribers. ' L cC'IL' ,T " ' I L~_L~JlIf1I "i 'I>H!ll'II'iIlll'lIliIlHlnr'" I1IC'iLJITlUliiIlIlllITlI'" IJUHl~Jlt_J Il lUJ!!IP'li " I'H '" II lAL.lLJ u Ordinance Number 1342 048 Section 3. GRANT OF AUTHORITY. There is hereby granted to Warner Cable Communications, Inc., '~ a Delaware corporation, the right, privilege and franchise to have, acquire, construct, reconstruct, maintain, use and operate in the City a CATV system, and to have, acquire, construct, reconstruct, maintain, use and operate in. over. under and along the present and future streets of City ,as well as other easements and rights-of-way held by City all necessary or desirable poles, towers. anchors, wires. cables, electronic conductors,und~rground tonduits, manholes~ .and- other structures and appurtenances necessary for the construction, maintenance and operation of a CATV system in the City. Section 4. COSTS TO GRANTEE. For all costs incurred by the City in its franchise renewal evaluation and preparation, Grantee shall pay to the City an amount, not to exceed Ten Thousand Dollars ($10.000). Grantee shall. in addition. pay all costs of publication of this ordinance. Section '5. TERM OF FRANCHISE; RENEWAL. Upon the filing with ,City by Grantee of the written acceptance required herein, this franchise shall be in full force and effect for a period of fifteen (15 years). ] Renewal of this franchise shall be in accordance with the renewal provisions provided by Section 626 of the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, as amended. As provided in Section 4 hereof. the Grantee shall pay all costs incurred by the City in considering and processing a proposal for renewal. Section 6. .FRANCHISE TERRITORY. The Franchise territory shall include the present and future boundaries of the City. Section 7. USE, RENTAL OR LEASE OF UTILITY POLES AND FACILITIES. There is hereby granted to Grantee the authority to contract with City or any appropriate board or agency thereof or with the holder or owner of any utility franchise in the City for the use, rental or lease of its or their poles, underground conduits and other structures and facilities for the purpose of extending, carrying or laYing Grantee1s wires. cables. electronic conductors and other facilities and appurtenances necessary or desirable in conjunction with the operation of its CATV system. City agrees that any public utility owning or controlling such poles or underground conduits may. without ~ amendment to its franchise, allow. and is encouraged to allow, Grantee J to make such use thereof pursuant to any agreement reached between such utility and Grantee. ~ ~ n Ordinance Number 1342 049 Section 8. COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS. The work done and activity in connection with the constructi on, reconstructi on" mai ntenance, operati on or repai r of Grantee's CATV system shall be subject to and governed by all present and future laws, rules, and regulations of City, the State of Texas and the United States of America, including the FCC and any other federal agency having jurisdiction. Section 9. SUBJECT TO POLICE POWERS OF CITY. The constrtiction~ maintenance, and operationo~ Grantee's CATV system and all property of Grantee subject to the provisi ons of this franchise shall be subject to all lawful police powers, rules, and regulations of City. City shall have the power at any time to order and require Grantee to remove or abate any pole, line, tower, wire, cable, guy, conduit, electric conductor or any other structure or faci 1 ity that is dangerous to life or property . In the event Grantee, after written notice, fails or refuses to act, City shall have the power to remove or abate the same at the expense of Grantee, all without compensation or liability for damages to Grantee. Section 10. CONo.ITIONS: OF: STREET OCCUPANCY. A. Use. All structures, wires, cables, equipment, and facil ities erected or maintained by Grantee within City shall be located as to cause minimum interference with the proper and intended use of the ~treets and with the rights Dn reasonable convenience of the owners or occupiers of property which adjoins any of such streets. B. Restorat;-on. The surface ofrany street di,sturbed by Grantee in laying, constructing, maintaining, operating, using, extending, removing, replacing or repairing its CA1V system shall be restored by 'Grantee immediately. after the ,completion of ,the work" ,at its cost and expense, to as good a condition as before the commencement of the work and maintained by Grantee to the satisfaction of the City for one year from the date of completion ,of.such restoration work~ ' No street shall be encumbered by construction, maintenance, removal, restoration or. repair work by Grantee for a longer period than shall be necessary to execute suchwor.k. If there is.an unreasonable delay by Grantee in restoring and maintaining streets after such excavations or repairs have been~made, City shall have the right without further notice to restore or repair the same and to require Grantee to pay the reasonable cost of such restoration or repair. . . C. Relocation. Whenever-by reason of the construction, repair, maintenance, relocation, widening, raising or lowering of the grade of any street by City or by the location or manner of construction, reconstruction, maintenance or repair of any public property, structure or facility,.by;City,it shall be deemed necessary by City for grantee to move" relocate". change,. alter or modify any of its facilities or structures, such changes, relocation, alternation or modification shall be ,promptly made by: Grantee, at its cost and _ .__----.:__~ IL___..,~__----'-~[CJ1 'II.. _._L~--'__uJ_ _Jl:..fTJ[][[ll f-!;':l.- 1~li!qll'WIIII!'I..II- II.["'..::J]lTJlDillTIlDI:n Ii ,i ,ILMlJllI[J.U~_J 11 _ JIII]llit" LlIJJ .; I I I ~ " U ... ~ ~ L Ordinance Number 1342 expense, when directed in advance in writing or through the use of the Texas One Can notification system by.the City, without claim for or right of reimbursement of cost or damages against City. In the event Grantee, aft~r such notice, fails or refuses to commence, pursue or complete such re~ocation work within, a ,reasonable time, City shall have the authority, but, not the obligation, to remove or abate such ., structures or facilities and to require Grantee to pay to City the reasonable cost of such. removal or.' abatement, all without compensation or liability for damages to Grantee. D.: Temporary; Removal ,of Mire'for Building 'Moving. Upon written request of any person holding a building moving permit issued by City, Grantee shall remove, raise :or lower its wires and cables temporari ly to permit :the;'moving 'of houses. :butldings or other bul ky structures. " The, reasonab'le ,expense of ,such temporary removal, raising or lowering shall be paid by the benefited person ,and Grantee may require such payment in advance, Grantee' being without obligation to remoVe. "raise ,or lower,its' wires and cables unti.l such payment shall have been made. GranteeS'han be given not less than seventy-two (72) hours advance written notice to arrange for such temporary.wireand cable adjustments~ E. Tree Trimming. City Council shall, from time to time, pass ordinances regulating the trimming or removal of trees on or along Ci ty property. F. Placement of fixtures. Grantee shall not place poles, towers or similar fixtures where the same',will interfere with any as, electri~ or telephone'fi'xtures, water hydrant or main, drainage, facility o~ sanitary sewer, -and all such poles, towers and similar facilities shall be placed as directed by City and in such manner as not to interfere with the usual travel or use of the streets. G. Approval of Plans and Specifkations. Grantee shall provide complete plans and specifications for all construction within streets to the City's Public Works Department for' review at least thirty (30) days prior to the start of construction. Approval of plans shall not be 'unreasonably delayed or:denied. In the event of rejection, Grantee shall submit revised plans and specifications for approval. ,This provision shall apply to each construction sequence if the construction is accomplished,in phases. ' Section II. INDEMNIFICATION AND LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES. / Grantee shall pay, and by its acceptance of this franchise specifically agrees that it will pay, the following: A. Damages and. Penalties. All damages or penalties which City, its officers, agents or employees, may legally be required to pay to third parties as a result of damages, arising out of copyright infringements and all other damages arising out of the installation, maintenance or operation of Grantee's CATV system, whether or not any act or omission complained of is authorized, allowed or prohibited by 050 I i i I -----J l ~ ------- I i~ Ordinance Number 1342 051 this franchise .unless such act 'or omi"ssion is the result of the willful misc'onduct or negligent act of the City. its employees or agents; .and B. Expenses. All expenses incurred by City in defending itself, its officers, agents or employees. against any and all claims for damages or penalties destribed.in Section II.A~ These expenses shall include all reasonable out"':'of-pocket expenses. such as, but not limited to. attorney fees. expert witness fees and court costs and shall also include the reasonable value of any services rendered by any officers or employees of City. S~bject to Section A above. itis the intent of this section and by its aCCeptance of thi s franchise Grantee specifiCally agrees that Grantee shall iridemn'ify and hold City. its officers, agents. and employes. harmless :from all liability. damage., cost or expense arising from claims for injury or pers-ons.damage to property or penalties occasioned by reason :of:any conduct, undertaken by reason of this:, , franchi se.; , City shall not and .does not by r.eason of the granting of this franchise assume any liability of Grantee whatsoever for injury to persons. damag'e to property or penal ties. , ' Section 12. LIABILITY INSURANCE. [I A. Minimum Coverage. Within thirty (30) days after the effective date of this franchise, Grantee shall file with the City and shall maintain on file throughout the term of this franchise a certificate of insurance issuedbya company duly authorized to do business in, the State of Te}(1as 'i nsuring City;and Gra'nteewith respect to the installation, maintenance and operation of Granteels CATV system in the following minimum amounts: (1) One Pef'son. Three MilHon Dollars ($3,000,000.00) for bodi ly injury Of' death .to anyone person.', . , , (2) One Acci:dent. 'Three Minion: Dollars ,($3,000,000.00) for bodily injury or death resulting from anyone accident. ' (3) Property Damage., Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000.00) for property'damage,resulUng ff'omany one occurrence. (4) All Other Types.of UabiJity. One' Million Dollars;' ($1,000.000.00) for all other types'of liability. B. Increased Coverage. City Council may,from time to time require Grantees to increase the minimum amounts of'liabilityinsurance coverage to reasonable amounts generally requi red of CATV systems. Such requirement shall be expressed by resolution or ordinance. [ C. Notice of Cari'cellation or Reduction. Such certificate of insurance shall contain the provisi~n that written notice of expiration, cancellation or reduction in coverage of the polity shall be delivered to the City and to Grantee at least thirty (30) days in advance of the effective date thereof.' L_ __ . " "II ~. ,___L J......_J., ,..n .. -o"'"""OI._i1...,,,fi..l_r 'i[I:-I1:::":~~lrrI:r:mImlmmr7Tl , - ~11~11J11ILJL JUI~lJl!i ;~ :-u ~~~. ---~ Ordinance Number 1342 052 D. Term. Such liability, insurance shall be kept in full force ,and effect by Grantee during the existence of this franchise and thereafter until after the removal of all poles9 wires, cables9 underground conduits, manholes and other conductors and fixtures ~ incident to the maintenance and operation of Grantee's CATV system, should such removal be required by the City or undertaken by Grantee. Section 13. FACILITY UPGRADE9 REBUILD, NEW DEVELOPMENTS .: A. Within twelve (12) months from the final passage of this franchise agreement9 Grantee will have replaced and/or upgraded its existing CATV system located within the City so that its system is as advanced as the current state of technology win allow. Suchsystem replacement and upgrade shall be in accordance with the "Plan for Replacement of CATV $ystemll submitted to the City by the Company 9 which plan includes a two-page narrative and list ofspecifications9 the Warner Cable Construction Specifications Manual referred to therein9 a IIproposed Timetablell and a three-page "Bill of Materials9" all of which are on file in the office of the City Secretary and are incorporated herein by this reference. At all times the CATV system located in the City shall be no less advanced than any other CATV system of Grantee's located in an adjacent or contiguous area to city. B; Upon completion of the ~pgrade9 Grantee shall cause a registered" qualified engineer to certify that the CATV system has, been rebuilt and constructed in accordance with the "Plan for Replacement of CATV Systen'1" identified above. ~ Section 14. OPERATIONAL STANDARDS. CATV system shall be installed, maintained and operated in accordance with the highest accepted standards of the industry to the end that Subscribers may receive the best and most desirable form of service. Toward accomplishment of this purpose Grantee shall provide the City, upon wr.itten request, with a written report of the results of any annual system performance tests required by the FCC and any other proof of performance tests: conducted by the Company. Grantee shall pay the costs incurred by the City for any technical assistance deemed necessary by the City for obtaining independent verification of technical standards. In addition9 Grantee and its CATV system shall meet the following minimum: standards: A. Compliance with FCC Rules. Grantee shall comply with present and future rules and regulations of the FCC in connection with and relating to the operation of its CATV system. B. Quality of Color Signals. Grantee's CATV system shall be capable of transmitting and passing the entire color television spectrum without the introduction of material. degradation of color intelligence and fidelity. ,\ I I i I ~ Ordinance Number 1342 05'3 n i I l~ C. Rated for Continuous Operation. Grantee's CATV system shall be designed and rated for twenty..;four.(24) hour ,a day continuous opera t ion,. D. Quality of, Picture. Grantee's CATV ,system shall be capable of and shall produce a picture uponanySubscriberts television screen in black and white or color, provided the Subscriber's television set is capable of producing a color picture, that is undi stortedand .free from ghost images and accompan,i ed by proper sound, assuming the technical, standard production television set is in good repair, and the televisionibroadcast ~ignal transmission is , , satisfactory. In any event, the; p'icture produced sha 11 be as 'good "as the state of the art allows. E. No Cross Modulation Or Interference. Grantee's CATV system shall transmit or di stri butes i gna 1:s of adequate strengttl to produce good pictures with good :sound in all television receivers, of all Subscribers without causing cross modulation in the cables or interference with other electrical ore lectroni c systems. F. Converter-Parental Lock; Selection of Signal Number. Grantee shall not offer or provide any Converter that cannot be equipped with a parental lock capable of locking or securing one Channel or all Channels. " G. Temperature Range. Grantee's CATV system shall be capable of operating throughout the air temperature range of 0 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit without degradation of audio or video fidelity. H. Standard of Care. Grantee shall at all times employ a high standard of care and shall install, maintain and use approved methods and devices for'preventingfailures or accidents.which are likely to cause damages, injuries 'or 'nui'sanc.es to ithe publi:c. I. No Obscenity .Oab 1 eservi:ces that are obscene or dtherwise"unprlotected by the United States Oonstitution.may not be provided. J. Serv,ice ,And Repa i r.' 'Grantee, s ha 11 render eff; c ient~ ' service, make repairs promptly and interrupt service only for good cause and'for the shortest time:possible. Insofar as possible,.,such interruptions 'sha 11 be preceded by forty-eight (48) hours noti ceand shall occur during periods of minimum ,use of the CATV system. K. Grantee's Office. Grantee shall maintain one principal office and'may' maintain' as many sub-offices' as are, reasonably-neGessary to promote good service and convenience to the public, in or: near the City, which shall be open during all usual business hours, have a listed telephone number and be so equipped and operated that complaints and requests for installation, repairs or adjustments may be received twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. Such offi cesha 11 maintain complete and updated maps of Grantee's CATV system and the construction plans and specifications thereof. IT'TI, ; 1, _ ~ II I L'!liLIlII., . _ J!"'1illlitlllllr Ii r""mT1ITIifiTiiDr:n .~ IIlllMlJ1LJ 11 Jlllml illfll~ I,'" " 1,1 uLiL, ' --a. ........ -' ,1J11~L-J -U Ordinance Number 1342 054 'L. Correspondence. All correspondence to and from Subscribers', including customer complaints, shall be time and date stamped and retained by Grantee for at least three (3) years. M. Comp 1 ali nts. All comp 1 a i nts recei ved by the Ci ty, whether in writing or through verbal communication, relative to Grantee.s CATV system shall be forwarded to Grantee for handling. I I I I ~ When there have been a pattern of complaints made, or where there exists other evidence, which, in the reasonable judgment of the City, casts doubt on the reliability or quality of cable service, the' City shall have the right and authority to require the Grantee, relative to the specific complaint recetved, to test,ana1yze and report on the performance of the system. Grantee shall fully cooperate with the City in performing such testing and shall prepare results and a report. if requested, within thirty (30) days after notice. Such report sha 11 i nC'l ude the fo 11 owi ng .i nforma tion: (1) The nature of the complaint or problem which precipitated the special tests. (2) What system component was tested. (3) The equipment used and procedures taken in testing. (4) The meth'od, if any, in wh~ich such complaint or problem was resolved. ~ (5) Any other information pertinent to said tests and analysis which 'may be required. " The City may require that tests be supervised by a professional engineer not on the permanent staff of the Grantee. The engineer should sign all records of special tests and forward to the City such records with a re,port interpreting the results 'of the tests and recommending actions to be 'taken. The City.s rights under this subsection shall be limited to requiring tests, analyses, and reports covering specific subjects and characteristics based on said complaints or other 'evidences when and under such circumstances as the City has reasonable grounds 'to believe that the complaints or other evidence require that tests be performed to 'protect the public against substandard cable service. City shall provide Grantee in writing its grounds for requesting such tests. N. Service Cal1s~ Grantee shall respond to all service calls within twenty-four (24) hours and correct malfunctions as promptly as possible, but; in all 'events, within a reasonable time, which shall be seventy-two (72) hours after notice thereof. except during times of general breakdown due to weather or other catastrophe. For such purpose, Grantee shall maintain a competent staff of employees sufficient in size to"provide adequate and prompt service to Subscribers. '---.i Ordinance Number 1342 055 n O. Interference wi th Reception. Granteesha 11 not allow its cable or other operations to interfere with television reception of persons not served by Grantee. P. State of the Art. Grantee shall make every reasonable effort necessary to keep the system current with the latest deve10pmentsln the state of the ar.tofCATV in all respects. Q. Quality of Service. The Grantee shall continue, through the term of this franchise, to maintain-quality of service and meet operational and technical standards. Should the City find that the Grantee has failed to maintain adequate quality of service and meet operational and technical standards, it shall specifically enumerate such improvements to be made and so noti'fy the Grantee in writing. Failure to make such improvements' within thirty (30) days of the date of notification shall be deemed a violation of the franchise for which penalties provided in Section 33 hereof are applicable. Section 15. UNDERGROUND INSTALLATION. [ In portions of the City having telephone lines and electric utility lines underground, whether required by ordinance or not, any and all of Grantee1s lines, cables, and wires shall also be underground. It shall be' t'he' pol idyof the City that existing poles for electric and communication purposes be utilized whenever possible and 'that underground installation, even when not required, is preferable to the placing of additional poles. " Section 16. EMERGENCY USE OF'THE GATV SYSTEM.; j' ' In the event of an emergency or disaster, Grantee shall upon request of City Councilor its designated representative, make available its facilities to City for 'emergency use during the period of such emergency or disaster and shall provide such personnel as may be necessary to operate its facilities under the circumstances. Grantee shall incorporate into its facility the capability for an emergency interrupt whereby' City t in time of cdsis, may be able- to introduce a bulletin on all channels simultaneously. Section 17." ,COMPLIANCE 'WITH STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS. n '---.J Notwithstanding ,any other provision of-this franchise to the contrary, Grantee shall at all times comply ,with all :laws, rules and regulations of the state and federal governments and any administrative agencies thereof. If any such state or-federal law, rule or regulation shall require or permit Grantee to perform any service or shall prohibit Grantee from performing any service in conflict with the provisions of this franchise of City, then immediately following knowledge thereof Grantee shall notify the City in writing of the point of conflict believed to exist between. such state or federal law, rule or regulation and this franchise or any ordinance, rule, regulation or charter provi si on o'f City. If the City determi,nes that a material provi s i on of thi s franchi se, does in fact conf1 i ct wi th such state or I I I I l___.__~_~~_~._;____~ 11______ __ j,-,_.L""[?TI: - ,'i,I, -ii II: -' L _0_' L_JL._!:__L~lO[[1'-' i'" I "';"II~I~!I-'!!f!nl1l.fI!I IIE--::lITiTOWirmlilFll - II,Mlfl~LLl)~.-J L "u~r, : I L1lLlLJ ' : LL-L " '.oW ~ Ordinance 'Number 1342 056 federal law, rule or regulation, it shall have the right to modify any provision hereof to such 'reasonableextent as may be necessary to carry out the full intent and purpose of this franchise. Any such necessary modifications shall be reviewed by Grantee prior to any ordinance ~ amendment'. Acceptance of this franchise shall not constitute a waiver by Grantee of any of its constitutional or statutory rights. Section 18. MODIFICATION BY FCC; JURISDICTION OF FCC. It is 's:pecifically agreed by City and Grantee that any modifications of the" provisions of this franchise resulting from amendment of the rules and regulations of the FCC shall be incorporated into this franchise by City Council within one year of the adoption of the amendment by the FCC, or at the time of the renewal of this franchise whichever occurs first. Should the FCC lose or voluntarily abdicate regulatory jurisdiction over any aspect of CATV, the City shall be empowered to assume regulatory jurisdiction over any such deregulated aspects, provided that City's regulation is not contrary to lO'cal, state 'Or fe'deral law. Section 19. EMPLOYMENT REQUIREMENTS: Grante'e shall afford equal opportunity in employment to all qualified persons. No person shall be discriminated against in ' employment because of race, color, religion, national origin or sex. Grantee shall establish, maintain and 'carry out a positive, continuing program of specific practices designed to assure equal opportunity in 'everyaspect of its employment policies and practices. I I I I I ~ Section 20. ' OTHER BUSINESS ACTIVITY. Grantee'shallnot engagein'the'business of selling, repairing or installing television receivers or,radio receivers within City during the term of this franchise. Grantee shall not suggest, recommend or single out any television,or radio sales or service firm or business es tab 1 i shment to be patrori;.zed by Subscri bers. Grantee shall exerci se all reasonable influence on its'officers, agents, employees and representatives to insure compliance with this section. It is provided, however, that this section does not prohibit Grantee from servicing or repairing Converters and other technical equipment which it owns and 'which are leased or otherwise furnished to Subscribers for use with'Grantee's services or from'connecting subscriber-owned equipment such as VCR's, stereo speakers, etc. Section 21. PAYMENTS TO CITY. A. Amount and Time. As compensation for the right, privilege and franchise herein conferred, Grantee shall pay to City each year a sum equal to five percent (5%) of Grantee's Gross Revenues for such year. Such payments shall be made quarterly. Grantee shall file with the City within thirty (30) days after the expiration of each ---..: Ordinance Number 1342 051 quarter of each calendar year, or portion thereof, during which this franchise is in effect, a Franchise Fee Payment report, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, and made a part hereof for all purposes. Such Franchise Fee Payment report shall be accompanied by Grantee1s payment to City of five percent (5%) of such Gross Revenues for such quarter. B. Right of Inspection of Records. The City shall have the right to inspect Grantee's records :showing the Gross Revenues from which payments to City are computed and to audit and recompute any and all amounts paid under this franchise. N~ acceptance of payment shall be construed as a release oras an accord ,and satisfaction of any claim City may have for further or additional sums payable under this franchise or for the performance of any other obligation hereunder. C. Other Payments to City. The franchise fee payable hereunder shall be exclusive of and in addition to all ad valorem taxes, special assessments for municipal improvements and other lawful obligations of Grantee to City. Section 22. RECORDS AND REPORTS. o A. Principal Office of Grantee. Grantee shall maintain a pri nci paT offi ce in or neaY' the City -as Jlong as it conti nues to operate its CATV system or any portion thereof in the City and hereby designates such office as the place to where all notices, directions, orders, and reque.sts may be mailed, served or de,livered, under this franchise. . The Dity shall be notified of the' location of such office or any change thereof. lB. Books oii Account~. Gra,ntee shall keep complete and accurate books of accounts and records of its business 'and operattons under and in connection with this franchise. All such books of accounts and records shall be ~aintained or made available at Grantee's pri nci paloffi ce in or near the ,City. C. Access by City. The City shall have access to all books of accounts and records of Grantee for a~c.ertaining the correctness of any and all reports and may examine its o~ficers and employees under oath in respect:thereto ~ Access sha 11 be ~ gi yen by Grantee to such officers, agents or representatives of the City on reasonable notice at all reasonable times during normal business hours not only to Grantee1s records of,Gross Revenues, but also to all of Grantee's'plans, contracts, engineering, planning, financial, statistical; customer and subscriber ~ervice records relating to the properties and operation of its CATV system and to all othet tetords ~nd reports required to be kept or which are kept by Grantee in connection with the operation of the CATV system under the franchise agreement. ~ '----' D. Annual Repott. ,A .reportsha,ll be fi 1 ed; by Grantee. with the City within ninety (90} days following the end of each calendar year or portion thereof during which, this franchise is in effect. Such report shall include: ~- -.---- .:tl'-%~... "-~1~~"t':I1::1:%:::t.tmr~..':- '. , 1~1IIl!.D:!IiIl[J:UL.._l)l. -N~II\!IlJl!'J~ 'i'" _:.....;. ~Ir'l-'-r ~ '--j ~~t.::..:JJ---' -~... ---II ";" Ordinance. Number 1342 (I} The number of Subscribers as of December 31 of the: preceding year; and (2) Gross Revenue and Regular Subscriber Service revenue received by: Grantee for the preceding year. The report shall be certified to by an independent certified public accountant, and shall include any such other information as City may request with respect to the properties and expenses related to Grantee's: CATV system. E. False Entry. ,Any false entry in the books or accounts and records of Grantee or false statemen.t in.the reports to the City as to a material :fact~ knowingly'made by Grantee, shall constitute a" violation of a material provision of this franchise ordinance. F. F.CC Fi 1 i ngs. .. Upon request by Ci ty, Grantee shall fi 1 e copi es of all reports and fi 1 i ngs made to the FCC with the City. Section 23. FREE DROPS AND SERVICE TO SCHOOLS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS~, A. Upon request, Grantee shall provide one free drop to the principal 'facility of all public 'and private non-profit schools and universities, and all governmental 'buildings or facilities located within the City as may be designated by the City. If such drop is in excess of three hundred (300)- aerial feet or one-hundred fifty ,(150) underg~ound feet, the Subscriber shall reimburse the Grantee for its cost of time and materials in excess of the cost of said'distances, which ever may be applicable. Drops will be required under this Section 23.A only if plant is readily accessible and conduits are reasonably available. B. Grantee shall provide the internal wiring of the buildings specified in Subsection 23.A above, reimbursable at its cost of time and materials only, or, at the City's election, the Subscriber can provide access or theintertonnect cable per the Grantee's specifications. C. Grantee ,shall. provide free Basic Subscriber Service, as may be designated by the City'(including one free Converter per site), to the principal facility of all public and private nonprofit schools and universities and all governmental buildings or facilities which are connected to Grantee's CATV system. Section 24. SENIOR CITIZEN PROMOTIONAL PROGRAM. In order to facilitate the availability of the CATV system to senior citizens, Grantee shall, as a special promotion, waive normal regular installation charges and basic Converter deposits on a temporary basis for extended periods of time giving a maximum number of senior citizens a chance to take advantage of the savings. Grantee shall carry out a ninety (90) day promotion effort during the next twelve (12) month period. If the effort achieves positive results, 058 ~ I I I '-J '----" [ [ [ Ordinance Number 1342 059 Grantee shall plan and carry out additional efforts during each of the subsequent two (2) yearperiods~. 'This special offer will apply only to Basic Subscriber Service and to Subscribers who meet Grantee's credit requirements. For purposes of this Section, senior citizens shall include heads of households who are at lea~t 65 years of age. Section 25. CUSTOMER RELATIONS. Grantee shall maintain customer services at a high level of quality and efficiencY:;l wh,ichshallinclude, without .1imHation: fa) higheffi ci ency telephone and: . computer. M 11 ing and, record keep,i ng systems adequate to me.et customer demands; (b) requirements that all field employees carry a visible, identification card; and (c) procedures to assure that field personnel make every attempt to provide notice to occupants of properties before entering the properties to install or maintain service. Section 26. GRANTEE'S RULES. Grantee shall have the authority to ,promul gate such rules, regulations, terms, and conditions governing the conduct of its business as shall be reasonably. necessary to enable Grantee to exercise its rights and to perform its obligations under this franchise and to a~sure an uninterrupted service to all:Subscribers;provided, however, such rules, regulations, te.rms and conditions shall not be in conflict with any of the provisions of this ' franchise ,or any ordinance of City, the provisions o.f its Charte,r, the laws of the State of Texas, ,and the United States :ofAmerica.and the rules and regulatio,ns of the FCC. and any other federal agency having jurisdiction. A copy of Grantee's rules, regulations, terms andcondttions shall be filedw.ith the City and shall thereafter be maintained current byGrantee~ Section 27. RATES: A. As a cable operator subject to Effective Competition, Grantee shall not be subject ,to rate regulation, as contemplated by the Cable Communications' Act of 1984. . ,i ):- I, i, i B. At anytime during the term of this ,franchise, should it be determined that Grantee is' not subject to Effective Competition as defined by the FCC, Grantee shall become .subject to any. local regulation as allowed by law. '. :- : Section 28. DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE. Grantee may'disconnect installations and djscontinue service to a Subscriber upon Subscrdber,'s fai'luretopay.:biHwithinthirty (30) days of rendition; providing, however,; Grantee shall give five (5) days written notice to Subscriber, delivered either by mail or served in person, that service will be discontinued unless arrearages are paid before the expiration'of.the five .(5) day period. .': II , rr-'l, I L . CTillilf], 'ITF";f]iITiillil1,llllFii . _ j__~':L1U!ll11lLll~[lUr _ U I' . . -- , !!II!Lll!~ICJI.l::'__] L -I_lltH!t'..!, ~!I 1 "-I I' I lI'-~r:..J.1 IJ.__ Ordinance Number 1342 aGO Section 29. PROHIBITION OF DISCRIMINATORY OR PREFERENTIAL PRACTICES. In its rates or charges, or in making available the services ~ or facilities of the CATV system, or in its rules or regulations, or in any other respect, Grantee shall not make or grant preference or advantage to any Subscriber or 'potenti~l Subscribers or to the Users or potential Users of Grantee's CATV system located in the City of West University Place or any adjacent or contiguous City or area served by Grantee, and Grantee shall, ~ot subject any. such person ot persons to any prejudice or disadvantage. This provision shall not be deemed to prohibit promotional campaigns to stimulate subscriptions to the CATV system or other legitimate uses thereof. Section 30. NON~EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE. The rights, privileges and franchise granted hereby are not exclusive and nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent City from granting any like or similar rights, privileges and franchise to any other person within all or any portion of City. Section 31. NON-COMPLIANCE OF FRANCHISE. The City shall notify Grantee in writing of any violation of this franchise. If the violation by Grantee continues for a period of thirty (30) days following such written notice without written proof that the corrective action has been taken or is being actively pursued, the City may impose the penalties set forth in Section 32 hereof. ~ Section 32. LIQUIDATED. DAMAGES. A. Should Grantee fail to complete the CATV system replacement and upgrade as set forth in Section 13 hereof, or within such extra time as may have been approved by Council by motion or resolution due to the occurrence of conditions beyond Grantee's control, Grantee shall pay One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per day for each day, or part thereof, until such CATV system replacement or upgrade is complete in accordance with Section 13 hereof. This sum shall be considered and treated not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages duethe'City from Grantee by reason of inconvenience to the public and'public works supervision and maintenance and other City administrative time which have caused expenditure of public funds resulting from Grantee's failure to complete the work within the time specified in Section 13 of this franchise ordinance. B~ Should Grantee fail to comply with any provision of this franchise within thirty (30) days following written notice from the City of any such non-compliance, unless the Council specifically approves the delay by motion or resolution due to the occurrence of condi ti ons beyond Grantee-' s control, Grantee shall pay Fi ve Hundr,ed Dollars ($500.00) per day'for each day, or part thereof, if the deficiency continues. This sum shall be considered and treated not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages due the City from Grantee by reason of inconvenience to the public and public works supervision and Ordinance Number 1342 061 n maintenance and other City administrative time which have caused expenditure of public funds resulting from Grantee's failure to complete the Work within the time specifiad in Section 13 of this franchise ordinance. Section 33. REVOCATION OF FRANCHISE. In addition to all rights and powers of City by virtue of this franchise or otherwise, City reserves as an additional and as a separate and distinct power the right to terminate and canceled this franchise and all rights and privileges of Grantee hereunder in any of the fo 11 owi ng events or for 'any of; the fd 11 owi ng reasons: " - A. Violation of Provisions. Grantee shall by act or omission violate any material term9 conditton or provision of this franchi se and shall fail or refuses-to effect comp 1 i ance withi n thi rty (30) days following written demand by the City to do so. [ B. Insolvent or Bankrupt. . Grantee becomes insolvent or is adjudged bankrupt or all or any part of Grantee's facilities are sold under an instrument to secu're a debt and are not redeemed by Grantee within thirty (3D) days from the date of such sale; provided, however9 this shall not be an event of termination or cancellation in the event of bankruptcy proceeding and the trustee, receiver or debtor in possession agrees in writing to be bound by the terms of this fra,nchise. C. Fraud or'Oeceit. Grantee attempts to or does practice any ~raud or deceit in it~~onduct or relations under this'franchise with CitY9 Subscribers or potential Subscribers. D. Method of Termination and Cancellation. Anysuch termination and cancellation,of this 'franchise shall be by ordinance adopted'by City Council; provided9 however, before any such ordinance is adopted9Grantee must be given at least sixty (60) days advance written noti6e, which notice shall set forth the causes and reasons for the proposed termination and cancellation9shall advise Grantee that it will be provided an opportunity to be heard by City Council regarding such proposed .actionbefore anysuch,action is taken9 and shall .set 'forth the time, date and place of the hearing. In no event shall such hearing be held less than thirty (3D) days following delivery of such notice to Grantee. ' E. Force -Majeure. Other than its'- failure9 refusal or inability to pay its debts and oQligations9 including9 specificallY9 the payments to City required by thisfranchise9 Grantee shall not be declared in default or be subject to any sanction under any,provision of this franchise in those cases in which performance of such provision is prevented by reasons beyond' its' control. [ IL. ;.___I:'i:'::::;::;JL .1L_ __.1 . . 1.____I-'-__L:-:-t:":iI:::rn:r::IL.__...__...:._~~~- -n r "-:::-m::n]Lm:riilli~i'1 ! Ull!lII!lOJ:L1 i ,,_11_. ,QIJ1,I1JlI!!.ii, , ~1'l'ITI I' ~T~r::;.J ~-~~- r:-:-- ,Ordinance Number 1342 062 Section 34. . NOTICES.' Notice.s as may;be :required under this .franchise to City shall be to: ~ City Secretary City of West University Place 3800 University Boulevard Houston, Texas 77005 , . Notices as ,may be required under this,;franchise agreement to Grantee shall be to the following~ or to Such other address as Grantee with approval of City may designate from time to time: Warner Cable 8400 West Tidwell Houston, Texas 77040 Attention: Director of Public/Government Affai r.s , Section 35. , TRANS.FER OF OWNERSHIP, OR CONTROL. A. This franchise shall be a privilege, personal to Grantee, and shall not be assigned or transferred, either in whole or part, or leased, sublet~ or mortgaged. in any manner, :nor shall title:thereto, either legal or equitable, or any right, interest or property therein, pass to or vest in any pers,on without, the pri or written consent of the City, whi ch consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or denied, except for a change in,the state of incorporation of the, Grantee. The proposed assignee shall show its qualifications and its financi'al responsibility as determined by the City and shall agree to comply with all provisions,lof the franchise. I ~ B. The Grantee shallpromptl,y notify the City of any actual or proposed change in, or transfer of, or disposition of, or acquisition by any other party,of,.control in the Grantee. The word "control" as'used herein is not limited to major stockholders bt,At includes actual working control in whatever manner exercised. Every change, transfer, or acquisition of control of the Grantee shall make the franchise subject to cancellation unless and unttl the City shall have consented thereto, which consent shall not be unreasonably. withheld, delayed or denied. For the purpose of determining whether it shall consent to such change~ transfer, disposition, or acquisition of control. the City may inquire into the qualjfication of the prospective controlling party, and the Grantee shalLassist the City in any such inquiry. C. The consent or approval ,of the City to any transfer of the Grantee shall not constitute a waiver or release of the rights of the City in and to the streets, and any transfer shall by its terms, be expressly subordinate to the terms and conditions of this contract. D. In the absence of extraordinary circumstances, the City shall not approve any transfer or assignment of the franchise prior to t , ~ Ordinance Number 1342 063 D substantial completion of construction'or proposed system~ iexcept when the transfer or assignment does not change control or ownership and benefits the CATV system and the subscribers. E. In no event shall a transfer of ownership or control be approved without successor in interest becoming a signatory to this service contract. ' Section 36. FAILURE OF CITY TO ENFORCE THIS FRANCHISE, . NO WAIVER OF THE TERMS THEREOF. The Grantee shall not be excused from complying with any of the terms and conditions of this franchise by any failure of the City upon anyone or more occasions to insist upon or to seek compliance with any such terms or conditions. Section 37. VALUATION. [ In the event the Grantee forfeits or City terminates this franchise pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance, or at the normal expiration of the franchise term, City shall have the right to purchase the CATV system. If City should elect to exercise its rights under this Section 36, payment of a fair valuation, which shall be the then current fair market value",shall be required. Should the parties fail to agree upon the !th~n current fair market vaJue, the same shall be determi ned in anappropri ateproceedi ng fi led in ,any court having jurisdiction. ... \ Section 38. GRANTEETOHAVE;NO RECOURSE. A. Requirements 'and Enforcement. , Except as expressly provided herein~ Grantee shall have no recourse whatsoever against City for any loss, cost, expense or damage rising out of the provisions or requirements of this franchise or because .of the enforcement thereof by City or because of the lack of City's authority to grant all or any part of this franchise. B. Grantee's Understanding. , Grantee expressly acknowl~dges that in accepting this franchise, it relied solely upon its own investigation and understanding of the power and authority of City to grant this franchise and that Grantee was not induced to accept this franchise by an understanding, promiSe or. other statement, verbal or written, by or on behalf of City or by any third person concerning any term or condition not expressed he.rein. ;[',i, I I C. Construction of Franchise. By acceptance of this franchise~ Grantee acknowledges that it has carefully read the provi s ions hereof and is wi llTng .to and, does now accept all of the risks of the meanings of such provisions and agrees that in the event of any ambiguity herein or:in the event of any other dispute over the meaning thereof, the same s'hall be cons,trued strictly against Grantee and in favor of City. -, , !."I1!!JMllIDJIJlL J L. JI"III!I~I,!IIL11 ~, I , ~r"r I" I' II. II ,'E:IJ --,~ - , -q :::-::-:-: Ordinance Number 1342 064 Section 39. ACCEPTANCE OF ,FRANCHISE. -1 I ~ Within thirty (30.) days ,after the final passage of this franchise. Grantee shall file with the City Secretary a written statement in the following form signed 'in its name and behalf: liTo the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of West University Place. Texas: For .itself~ its successors' and assigns. WARNER CABLE, a Delaware corporation. hereby accepts the attached ordinance and agrees to be bound by all of its terms. condi ti ons. and provi s ions. 1\ ,WARNER CABLE By: Its IIDated this the ~ day of ' Section 40. SEVERABILITY. .19 .11 If any provision. section. subsection, sentence, clau,se or phrase of this franchise i sfor any -reason 'held to be inva 1 i d or unconstitutional. such invalidity,or unconstitutionality shall not ,] affect the validity of the remaining portions of this franchise~ It is the intent of City in adopting this franchise that no portion or provi s i on thereof shall' become inoperative or fail by reason of any invalidity or unconstitutionality of any other portion or provision. and to this end all provisfons of this franchise are declared to be severable. Section 41.' SUPERCEDER GLAUSE. This franchise supercedes all former franchise agreements or ordinances with Grantee. or its predecessors; however. all rights of the City and all duties of Grantee that accrue under any former franchise agreements or ordinances prior to the effective date of this franchise ordinance remain in effect. Section 42., PUBLICATION. The City Secretary is hereby directed to publish, at Grantee's expense. the full text of this ordinance as required by Section 9.03 of the City's Charter. ; , Section 43., PASSAGE AND EFFECTIVE DATE. This franchise; having been published as required by the City Charter shall take effect and be in force from and after thirty (30) days following its final passage and approval. , ---., J ~ L; Ordinance Number 1342 06fj PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING this the 10th day of April , 19 89 . n LI [ 1____n__~_C_~"___ ___~_~:_ u__ Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Britton, Schwartzel None Councilmember Bell PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING this the April , 19 89 . 24th day of Voting Aye: " Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel Voting No: None Absent: None PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIRD AND FINAL READING this the 22nd day of May , 19 89 . Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Attest: Mayor Hi gl ey, Councflmember~ Bell, Jenki ns, Redeker, Watson None None Signed: Laura C. Higley, Mayor City of West University Place Approved as to form: Audrey Nichols City Secretary James L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney ( SEAL) ~:_~~rCTI=~--'::'-:l~JL_.J l_,_.. L __JL!:...LJl::::I1irl '.'l!"a!Utllfll..!r "Tnc- ,j lmEililimlllITil' ,jl]jJlj.1LJ L. MW~lk ~,::: , , UWJLLJ iU i .l.-,,---- 11 - - . . ' ,lC,) i jl 06(f~ EXHIBIT A Plan for Replacement of CATV System The tIme table as dellned on the PERT chart at tached hereto assumes the franchIse agreement is executed as of the 10th of Aprll. A relative tllll8 fraae will apply and the schedule adjusted in the event an ,agreement Is not fInalized by that date. Physical constructIon will commence witbin five months of exepution of the franchIse once the system desIgn Is finalized and rebuIld materIals have been procured. The rebuUd wIll encompass. placing new. cable and equipment in an overbuIld fashion in order to maIntain continued'servIce to all subscribers during the rebuild process. The new system will receive its signal lor distrIbutIon from the cable system servicIng areas dIrectly adjacent to the City. The rebulld will occnr In live overlapping stages whic.h includes cable placement. equipment '-splIcing. system activation. proof of performance and subscriber conversion. Construction of the new system will sweep through the City based on the layout of the system design~ CIty officials and the public will be informed of work locations periodically throughout the placing and splIcing stages. New support strand and cable will be placed along easements having existing trunk lines and/or easements where new trunk lines are required by desIgn. All other easements will have the new cable overlashed to the existing support strand. The system will be constructed accordIng to the design specifications included herein and construction will conform to all FCC. NEC, NESC. OSHA. manufacturer and Warner Cable specifications. Prior to subscriber connection. the new system will be required to pass a proof ot performance in all areas ,as requIred by the FCC. Once the system is proofed. an audit will be performed and all authorized subscribers will be converted to the new system. The ori~inal system will then be deactivated, equipment removed and cable spans replaced by new support strand will be taken down. All equipment and cable removed from the old system will be hauled oU by Warner tor salvage ,or dl,sposal. Page 1 -l ~I I ~ I I J .!' . \ n [1 ~ /' . ~ ... Ci ----I , \, 067 EXHIBIT A The following are~~y'~,etm."","df~~Jgn and employed for the construct-l<oo' of' the prop.osed equ i pme n,t., spec if Ip,a t1 ons systea. ~-~ p ~~~~.::~~~.>:t{~J.I~:t~ to be Design o o o SpecIficat Ions: IlDIIledlate bandpass of 0 to 450 Wz Two way capability Des ign slope: Trunk Distribution Minimum Tap 'Output Carrier to Noise Hum Modulation Second Order Composite Triple Beat o o o o o o dBmV 6 dBmY 10 dB..V L 43 dB i .5 % L 66 t 48 (trunk & distribution) Construction Specifications: o Warner Cable Construction Specifications Manual herein Equipment: Cable : o o o o Manufacturer - Times Fiber Communications Trunk - Jacketed .150 (3/4") 15 ohm coaxial Distribution - Jacketed .500 (1/2") 75 ohm coaxial Return Loss - i -30 dB Active o o o o o Devices: Manufacturer - General Instruments Jerrold Division Starllne SJS and JLC series Bandpass - 0 to 450 MHz Powering - 60 YAC line powered Two way capability Pass ive c- o o Devices: Manulacturer - General Instruments Jerrold Division SSP series line splitters and FFT series taps Bandpass - 0 to 600 MHz Connectors: o Manufacturer - Production Products Corp. o Features: - Integral radiation sleeve - Moisture proof gaskets - i-3D dB return loss Pole Line Equipment: o Various manufacturers with product Industry and government standards. complying to all Converters: o Basic Servlco - Connoctlon to cabla rOld~ TV lot or UIO of a Jerrold JRX or JSX converter. o Standard Service - Pioneer BA-5130 addressable converter. Page,2 II::J:l' I i .1 II, ILL,II~,_ '-rr-:liTrnJilr!lnl ' l' 1~q ;.!,~1I'i!1I1 . , .~ . ...:. m o...C 0... ."IS ......."':) -0 ...... tb;j CTl 'rot ...... ...a ...Cl III '"Q Ct:: 0+> w III ::T. e..co+> 'rot 0+> .rot t- Ul LL -OO(U tb '+ :> U\ .rot o C 0.. =.. o L 4J' Il.. IJl (u ~ 0... 00...... o...;j ....."':) II]ljlIIDIU~IJl -': I" "",' t" + + L 0.. <J: L lIS ::c + + + + ...a (U l.J.. ",.... ,,," + + u (U A + + + + ",.... :> o :z: + +. ",.... 0+> U o +. + 0.. cu (I) - + ^ ;j <J: + ,..... C : TI~ ~ ,,," ^ ^ ",- ;j "':) ::J\ ,Tj ^ ",....",.... ",.... ^ ..... + ::::: L 0.. <J: + + "t- o o Ul L U\ Ul , Q.. ...... w lIS UU\ e .rot u\ 0 L .lI LC Lw .....'!.... (U 0 Q.. -0 0+> Ul (U 0+> '... L C ::Tt :> lIS ~ -0 0 III III (J) 0 U\ ::c lIS .rot e u"..c 0.. u...... ~ III eu .... C U lIS '+ .... lIS U\ L 0+> C a ~ ::::: 0'+. :> L ."IS ~ c a.rot..... e ....Ct: 0 o..c...... u tb L""> :3 w (U c...... U . L...a u lIS 0 eo+> roO) U\ 0+> CTl...... eu Q.. 0.. lIS L :> L OJ U :> lIS .'l.....rot il. . Q.-I ;j 0 Q.. U eu.rot !.... ~ ::J\ III ~ (J) Q.. <J: Il.. L ro ...... ~ eu (J') /U 0+> 0........ ...... W u...C& eu A w (U eu 0+> U /U o..."Ii Q.. <J: .... !.... C I.... L I.... U .Tj L <J:..... (u U lIS 0\ ::Tt lIS .~ 11) (U L lIS L QJ U 0+> L 0............. 0.. Q.. Ct..., 0+> Ct. . (U........... C Iii (U Ul a./U I\J (v 0 C (uOO+>...C&- 11)-0 Leua.!....I....LLO!.....I1SIISa.....;j Ca.. A <J: Q.. Ca.. Ca.. Ca.. <..> Ca.. Ca.. ::::: <..> (1', Ca.. (,[I + ",.... I + + + + + + + + [![[J:[l:lj ,; I:_.[]~~ - ~ -~ ~=, Exhibit A :;/" 068 1 I I ! ~ ; I I ~ " t.xh lU 11: A I b~ .comp"lf1,led by Syslem u WAL', lR CABLE COMMUNICArlONS .,4c, CAPITAL EXPENDITURE REQUEST BILL OF MATERIALS - -- - - (80M) 069 > S ~,~. ~:iL ;', . '" ',"1'; ';t- RESlDElmAL PLlllrr EXTElISION ELECTROIIICS COST PER HILE ----------------------------------------------------- )LEASE TYPE PAGE , OF -3_ SYSTEM NAME HOUSTOtl, TEXAS West University Place [[[l]]]JJJ , COlISTRUCTIOll OPERATIOIIS Corpbrato Project Control No, PREPARED BY 1 MODEL UNIT OF 1 " QUANTITY NO, OESCnlprlOI-l .. ME^5Une III UNIT PAICE $ I2ItOfAL $ 15.00 SST-48-1SMM Tubing,lIeat Shrnk l.Sx18"(SOO Conn) ea. ., nn c;ST-4A-?OHK Tllhlno/Il~;Jt Shdnk 2"x48"C750 Conn) ea, 30.00 06 Ylre,Bare Coppr(soCtdrawn) 3151ro11 Ct. n.SA 'l'RA-30H Amollfler. Trunk, Return (J.) ea. 0.51 SJBIH.OO Module, Trunk Bridger, 400mlZ (J.) ea. 0,26 SJIIS-400 Module, IISC/IIGC, Trunk. Amp (J) ea. 0.32 .SJHM-400 Module, Manual Gain Control (J) ea. 0.10 fM-I0 Feedermaker,l Output (J) ea. 0.22 fM-20 Feedermaker, 2 Output (J) ea. 0.29 Ri-30 Feedermaker, 3 Output (J) ea. I 0.15 FH4.0 Feedermaker, 4 Output (J) ea. I I 0.22 SEP-405 Equalizer, 400MltZ Vae. Frvd (J) ea. I 0.26 SEP-405-H Equalizer,52-400KHZ Var. Fewrd (J) ea. 0.03 SEP-40S-ST Equalizer, 52-100 Var. Fewrd (J) ea. 1.37 JXP-3 Pad, Atteauator 3db (fiLE) (J) ea. - 0.30 JXP6 Pad, Attenuator (fiLE) (J) ea. a.20 JKI?9 Pad, Attenuatar {l/L~) Ydb ~Jl ea. 0~05 JXP-12 Pad, Attenuator (C/LE) 12db (J) ea. U.13 ~XJ.l-J l'aa, Atte~uator (ill!l11p) ..laD (..I) ~d. . 0.02 SXP-6 Pad, Attenuator (ClAmp) 6db (J) ea. U.U..l :'Ak'-~ load, lHLellUaWl: (!ilulI~) 9dL (J) ca. 0.03 SXP-12 Pad, Attenuator (f/Amp) 12db (J) ea. a.33 3111 J3H 66 IL:."" :....k' ~/po~e~ p6C, 7 Pod. 111_ J e3 0.58 XR2-LAPS2 TlIET TlIETA-COH BGe POWER SPLY XR2-LAPS2 ea. a . l::l F:J 69 Power C~~S ~lftgle Ol"l 2.46 AO-6 Protector, Surge 60 v1t (Clamp) (J) ea. 1n <:13-5 BrQakor-. ('I r<;"lIlt (I n (1) Pet 0.58 SCD-2YDS Chassis, 2-~ar Bridger (J) ea. n 5e C:I'P-1nc: C:ult,.h , ",sturn fO'"IISPl'1pr n~rnr:t (.I) ea, 0.51 SJSA-145 Surge Arrestor Y/Hldr (CjpWT pc)(J) ea. , , C; 'I'F-101l Fi ltPT SlIh~ Ii t en ea. 0.58 XR2-lAF2 nlPu' BGC FLTR, XR2-LAF2 nlPUT TlIETA COM ea. n CiA XR7-r.~f'1S 0l1TP ,'I' I\fiC Fr.TR. XR2-f.l\f3S OIlTPIIT T1IETIICOI1 ea. I I 0,58 DC-16 Directional Coupler (e-Cor) ea. I , 0.58 H2L-HSE TIlETA\. '1 ooe liSE, H2L-HOUSllIG 4-PORT HSE ea. 1.43 JL& 6-4.00-2W Statn, JLE64Q02W Line Xtndr. Cmp (J) . ea. 2,30 JLE-7-400-2W Station Line'Extender 34 db (J) ea. 3.73 CTF-llA Equalizer, Thrml 11 db (C/L,E.)(J) ea. 2.13 SEE 400-6 Equlzr, 40-400 ffilZ 6 db (CjL.E.)(J) . ea. : ITEM NO, 3 '. I~ 11,1 IIII II' I IrIifl', , " I I I, '!tWI'Rllllllt1J1'I-- - 'n r---:rr1IDIiUlin i t.. __ ...-....-- lillIHU.L[:J HI .~~I~' - ' ~li"'II! . I I ii, II il,W 1/ Exhibit A ba ".:binpl~led'by Syslem WARNL-I~ CABLE COMMUNICArlO(\lS INC. 'CAPITAL EXPENDITURE REQUEST BILL OF MAfEntAL3 (80M) 070 RESIDElrrIAL PLANT EXTENSION ELECTROIlICS COST PER HILE ----------------------------------------------------- LEASE TYPE PAGE _2_ OF -L. SYST EM NAME HOUSTON, TEXAS West University Place DJTIDID CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS Corporals Project Coolrol No. ARED BY MODEL . UNIT OF -~ I UANTlTY NO. DESCRIPflON .' MEA5UIlE 'II UNI r PnlCE $ I2ITOTAL $ '. 0.77 SEE 400-12 Equlzr,40-400 ffilZ 12 db (fjL.E.)(J) ea. o n7 C:F'F' 4on-1A F'qJla 1 i "Pr' f If. F- 18 i1b (Jl ea. 0.07 SEE 400-24 Equalizer, f/L.E. 24 db (J) ea. 1 41 1I0-J6 Protector, Surae JO or 60V Jt.E ea. 2.00 CBJ-S Breaker, Circuit 5 r.mp JLE ea. 0.13 SPJ-JF Power Combiner 5-450 ffilZ (J) ea. 1.50 STC-3D Splitter, 3db 400 llitZ(J) ea. 0.77 StC-8-0 Splitter, 8db 400 mlz (J) ea. 0.20 5TC-120 Splitter, l2db 400 mlz (J) ea. ,'-1 1.00 SSP-7 Coupler, Directional (J) ea. i 0.40 ffT2-D-4T Tap, 2 port, Term 4 db (J) I ea. I 0,87 FFT2-D-7 Tap, 2 port, 7 db (J) ea. ~ , 1.60 FFT2-0-l0 Tap, 2 port 10 db ea. 2.27 FfT2-D-14 Tap, 2 po~, 14 db (J) ea. 2.13 FFT2-0-l7 Tap, 2 poct, 17 db (J) ea. - 2.27 FFT2-D-20 Tap, 2 port, 20 db (J) ea. 1.93 FFT2-0- 23 Tap, 2 port, 23 db (J) ea. 1.87 FfT2-0-26 Tap, 2 port, 26 db ea. , 2.10 kTr2-D- 29 'rap, ]. poct, i.':J db ea. , 1.15 FfT'1-0-7T Tap, 4 Port, Term 7db (J) ea. i..JU kt'N-U-LU lap, ~ POCl, lV db ~J) t::c.I. 3.60 FfT4-0-14 Tap, 4 port, 14 db (J) ea. :1.00 H!4-0 11 Iuv, '1 yv~L, 17 JL (J) ea, 4.09 FfT4-D-20 Tap, <\ poet, 20 db (J) ea. J.64 f/:'T 1 B 2.J Tup, 1 pod., 2.J db (J) 0:1 3.61 FfT4-D-26 Tap, 4 port, 26 db (J) ea. 2.48 FCT1 9 29 ,-4!all, <l jXlrt, 21J.....db (J) P:' 0.17 STC3-636-7 'Splitter, 3 Way (J) ea. 11,50 &C2-SH ~p,Outdoor, ? pt, 1'" ~h e1\ 83,00 GRS-SOO-BS-DU- 3 Connector, Feeder (G) ea. " ~2 r.1!<;-snn-ill-nll- 1. C'nnnp..tn.. . r,R~-,\(l(l P1n r.lu\~~i~ (G) ea. 6.42 GRS-750 CIl-DU- I Connector, GRS-750 Pin Chassis (G) ea. -- I: nn c;p-lln-R'I' -Adapt"'.. Angle qO i1l!Q (G) ea. 3.70 GTR-M Port Terminator ea. 4.00 Ell-90-3 UniversaL Entt''f 90 deQrees-3" (G) eCl. 0.86 GRS-500-SP-DU- 3 Connectoc, Splice (Gll) ea. 1.00 Ii-SPB Connector~ Unlv. Soliee, KS f~l Pl ea. 7.50 G-KS-KS-H-T Adpt. ,Hsg. to Hale Splice wj2.5 pin ea. - 2.00 GP-PJ\-T Adopter, 180 Dcg. (2,5 pln) (0) : ea. '. PREP irEM INO, 0 , 40 t~ I I...-A. ~ I 44 I 1---1.5 46 --1.7 48 I 49 SO 51 5- Exh ibit' A .- .... Ilu ,;:'o!nplel~d by System n WARI\._A CABLE COMMUNICArlONSII'-lC. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE REQUEST .......-..----.. . ".--.' BILL OF MATEnlALS - -- - - _c\~; , , (80M) .~~:J'.;'~'" . 071 .:{ ~.'.~~j:~1:~:~~.tf 1~}I~f~~'...4~ RESIDElmAL PUlIT EirrElISIOlI ELECTROIIlCS COST PER KILE _EASE TYPE PAGE 3 . OF -1 _ SYSTEM NAME 1I0USTON, TEXAS West University Place lJJJIDJJJ CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS Corporate Proiect Control No. PREPARED BY - rEM MODEL UNIT OF , I NO. QUANTITY NO. DESCR1PflON MEASUnE 1'1 UNIT PRICE S 12110fAL S' - 79 130.00 TR7SSS Terminator, Locking Security (PPC) ea. , - SUR - 'rorAL - PLUS 10\ TAX Ii FREIGIIT RESIDElITlAL PLAlrr EXTEllSIOlr ELECTROnICS COST PE JULE GRAND . - .. -. - I I i I ~ '. - - - " - , , - - - - - -- -- j . _J I i I r-"J -, -. - I~ II I 1_I.L.Jm....' . ,'''I ',p.tllllinlllllfll.I'- m r'''-::ilnTiill:IJJlli;i I IJU" .L ,J.ltl .' AFFIDAVJ:-. t')F PUBLICATION 727654'5 ST.ATE, OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF HARRIS: 072 I ~ Before me, the unders~gned authority, a Notary Public in and for the County of Harris, and the State of T~as, on this day personally appeared: _. LEE BENTON , who after being dUly sworn, says that she is the SUPER~SOR - CLASSIFIED ACCTS. RECEIVABLE of THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE, a daily newspaper published in said County and State, and that the publication, of which, the annexed is a ,true copy, was published to-wit: April 20, 1989 in class 1745 for 1 day \-.-.J ,~ LEE BENTON SUPERVISOR-CLASSIFIED ACCTS. REC. Sworn and subscribed to before me, this the April, 1989 26th day of ~Q f1L Notary Public in and for the County of Harris, State of Texas r6;::;;~~;;;~;;] "1 ,w, /:'5~' M'( CO,,',\IS310N E:<?',';;S :,1 :) '.'>,...,......, 71 ,. , .~ b \;~~~:<:.i;:.\~,';/ MAtlCH 3, 1992 ~ u..:r.r...o""...cr~~"""'J"'J"'~~'.:r.r./.;.'.:o~~ '----..J A1t'\t"l_~nn~