HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1373 Relating to Buildings, Structures, Contractors, and Regulations ..HUlilllIUIIIR.llIU111 I IJIJlJ!tfJl WlLJ....!lJ' ,[ I i U : \,., ORDINANCE NUMBER 1373 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES. CONTRACTORS AND RELATED REGULATIONS; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND ,CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. WHEREAS, the City Council desires -to amend its standard set of rules to govern all of the various activities relating to buildings, structures and related regulations; and WHEREAS, the City Council also desires to update regulations for buildings and structures and to control some abuses by requiring that contractors register with the City and carry insurance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following sections and subsections (only) of Chapter 6 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas are amended or added, as' set out in Exhibit A, attached. Section 6-1 (all) Section 6-2 (all) Section 6-3 (a), (c), (d), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j) Section 6-4 (all): Section 6-6 (all) Section 6-7 (all) Section 6-8 (all) Section 6-10 (all) Section 6-12 (all) Section 6-16 (all) Section 6-23 (g) and (h) Section 6-25 (e) and (f) Section 6-26 (all) Section 6-41 (all) Section 6-42 (all) Section 6-43 (all) Section 6-44 (all) Section 6-45 (all) Section 6-46 (all) Section 6-113 (all) Section 6-114 (all) Section 6-341 (a) and (b) Section 6-343 (all) Section 6-344 (all) Section 6-352 (all) 218 ~ o J Ordinance Number 1373 219 n '-- Section 2. Chapter 6 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West ,University Place, Texas is here further amended as follows: Section 6-52 is amended by deleting therefrom subparagraph (v) (relating to minimum number of exits) ,Sections 6-115, through ,6-118 are repealed. Section 6-341 (relating to fence heights) is amended by deleting and repealing subsection (c) (relating to house projections). All of the remainder of Chapter 6, as it previously existed, is amended by changing a 11 references to the "genera 1 appeals board" or "GAB" to read "building & standards commission" and "BSC" respectively. n LJ Section 3. This ordinance applies only to permit appl'ications filed, and violations committed, on or after its effective date. Applications filed and violations committed before the effective date are governed by the ordinances in existence before the effective date, and such ordinances are continued in effect or such purpose as if this ordinance were not in force. For purposes of this section, a violation is committed on or after the effective date of this ordinance if any element of the violation occurs on or after the effective date, and an application is not deemed to be filed before the effective date unless itis complete, in total compliance with all applicable requirements, and physically delivered to the building official before the effective da te . Section 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only, except as otherwise specifically provided. Section 5. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this ordinance and the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentehce,'paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance to any other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. ,--,. I ' , I II LJ Section 6. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Open Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 6252-17, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. I--;-:-;;;TI-l 1'1''',.'1;1'.' ]H;II J~----L..J.... ll" I~' . L -Co., '-I ,."" H{l,-.dijfl!ltr.!Il!!i1I1I__ ..~..., . . I m:r1iIJJ:i!J[]]JIEIlIiIljj[:mrT- . ....., .. I" J ,lmU[llIiJJ:llIULI I. .._nu i I ItuWlLLJ Ii :U1J I: I '~ Section 7. This ordinance shall take efffect on the tenth day following its publication, as provided for in the City Charter. Ordinance Number 1373 PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING this 25th-day of June 1990. - Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Higley, Councilmembers Bell, Redeker, Watson None Councilmember Jenkins ,PASSED AND APPROVED ON ,SECOND READING this the 1990. Voting Aye: .Voting No: Absent: ATTEST: Audrey Nichols City Secretary ( SEAL) Signed: day 0 f Buddy Bell, Mayor Pro Tem - - y':;' ,Approve~ as to Form: James L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney 220 u o [ .u Sec. 6-1. Definitions. 221 (a) Unless the context otherwise clearly requires a dif- fer~nt meaning, the following terms, as used in this Chapter, shall have the meanings indicated below: "Applicable regulations" means all of the provisions of this Chapter (which includes the standard codes adopted by this Chapter), all other applicable ordinances, rules and regulations of the City and any applicable rules, regulations, statutes and constitutional provisions of the federal and state governments. "SSC" means the Building & Standards Commission governed by this Chapter. The Bse is the successor to the GAB. "Building" shall have the same meaning given to it in the City's zoning ordinance. "Building site" shall have the same meaning given to it in the City's zoning ordinance. "Development" shall mean either the construction of a new structure or the expansion of the external dimensions of any existing structure. "Fence" means any fence, wall or other barrier which has the principal purpose of enclosing or separating areas, as opposed to supporting a building. "Front area" includes both the front yard and front iight-of way area of a building site, as those terms are defined in the zoning ordinance. "Front street line" shall have the same meaning given to it in the City's zoining ordinance. "GAB" means the general appeals board, which has been suc~ ceedcd by the BSC; all references to the GAB in this or any other ordinance or resolution shall be construed as references to the I3SC. "Gross floor area" shall have the same meaning given to it in the City's zoning ordinance. ""earing board" shall mean the BSC or such other body that has jurisdiction over the matter in question, as prescribed in Article II, Division 3 (relating to the Sse). "Large portable building" means a portable building with a gross floor area of 120 square feet or more. "Large qualified street tree" means a qualified tree where the trunk is located in whole or in part either in a front area or a side area and which has either of the following: (i) a trunk circumference of 36 inches or more measured at a height of four feet, or (ii) a trunk circumference of 40 inches or more measured at any point at or above ground level. "Major development" means the construction of a new principal building or additions to an existing principal building which increase its gross floor area to 150% or more oE its gross floor area on April 9, 1990 (or the date it was completed, if comple- tion occurred after April 9, 1990). ---------~------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT A Page 1 11 ,r~- ".,dilh1f' 1..-~hliJ:-l!irftlf~IlJtllfil" " nr,m.';"'Tl;::rlnmi:rn-;m, 'to-.' .. .....;.un:.....l.UJ::..IlJ~...c...+..I__I.L.1 ....J'..:lIIltllll~lt t ,- I ! l!JJ!lJIfT .. .- 1 1- '11 . ,-- lC.I1 "najor remodeling" means anyone or more alterations of or additions to a building for which a permit or permits are required and which have a collective fair market value of $5,000 or"more (collective value of all alterations and additions done at or about the same time). "Portable building" means a trailer home, a mobil~ home, a nUD-code manufactured home, a manufactured home, any industrialized housing, an industrialized building' or any other building or enclosure, other than.a motor vehicle in operating condition, which is purposefully designed or constructed so that either: (i) it can be moved as one unit or (ii) it can be moved in parts, anyone or more of which encloses 1,200 cubic feet or more. Terms defined in TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 522lf or 5221f-1 (Vernon's Supp. 1988) have the same defined meanings when used in this. section. "Portable building district" means a district expressly establishe~ by the zoning ordinance which meets all of the following criteria: (i) the construction of portable buildings is expressly referenced and authorized in such district, either with or without a special exception: (ii) transitional features bet- ween portable buildings and other residential buildings are required: and (iii) other restrictions on height, densities and other matters are prescribed or provided for. In case there is no such district established at the time that a person seeks to locate a portable building in the City, such person'may apply for the establishment of the district in the manner prescribed in Article 14 of the zoning ordinance and subject to all limitations imposed upon amendments to the zoning ordinance. In no event shall any person be entitled to have any amendment to any ordi- nance adopted. "Qualified tree" includes: (i) any tree with a trunk circum- ference of 75 inches or more and a height of 20 feet or more, and (ii) any tree, regardless of size or height, within one of the following species: bqld cypress, shumard oak, burr oak, swamp chestnut oak, live oak, Chinese elm, cedar elm, nut tal oak, over- cup oak, durand oak, red oak, water oak, camphor, hickory, red maple, sugar maple, chalk maple, big tooth maple, American elm, linden, white oak, orlental and Mexican oaks, ~weetgum, tulip tree, pecan, water tupelo, spruce pine, loblolly pine, longleaf pine, large palms, southern magnolia, American holly, yaupon, cre- pemyrtle, callery pear, Chinese pistachio, Hexican plum, redbud, cherry kaurel, Texas pistachio, dahoon holly, possum haw, iron- wood, winged elm, chaste tree (vitex), Texas persimmon, Jerusalem thorn, American hop-hornbeam, Carolina buckthorn, flameleaf sum- mac, smooth sumac, evergreen pear, red cedar, white cedar, Chinese quince, viburnum spp., Texas mountain laurel, wax myrtle, loquat, anaqua, hawthorn, golden rain tree, Japanese persimmon, '< Russian olive, southern crabapple. Mexican buckeye; deodar cedar, purple leaf plum, Jap~nese black pine, western soapberry ligustrum "Side area" means the area included in the required setback area measured from the side street line of the building site, plus the area within a street that directly abuts such area, as such terms are defined in the zoning ordinance. "Structure" shall have the same meaning given t9 it in the City's zoning ordinance. "Subdivided lot" shall have the same me~ning given to it in the zoning ordinance. EXIIIBIT f!. Page 2 . . [I 222 ~ I ~ ----, I ] - .-:: -, -~' "Zoning ordinance" means the City's comprehensive zoning ordinance. [ .\.-'-"' (b) Terms speci~'i:ly defined: in standard codes adopted'b'y~U~c this Chapter shall h~~e such sp~cial definitions only withi~~L~h standard codes. ,~'~f ~ ~{~,;' ~" '~~~~;: .~-tij' ..~~.'<~#, ~~{}~~ (c) Unless the context otherwise indicates, terms defined in the zoning ordinance have the same meanings appear in this ordinance. specially when they (d) Unless the context otherwise indicates, terms specially defined in the 'texas Penal Code (e.g., "presumption" and "affirmative defense") have the same meanings when they appear in this Chapter. ' (e) In this Chapter, the computation of time is governed by Section 311.014 of the Texas Government Code (Vernon's 1988). Sec. 6-2. Permits, Registrations, Certificates Required. (a) Unless a permit authorizing the conduct in question is first issued and is in effect (and not revoked, cancelled or suspended), it shall be unlawful for any person to erect, move, improve, remove, construct, enlarge, repair, convert, demolish or alter any structure. It is an affirmative defense to prosecution that: (i) the work in question consists of nothing more than ordinary maintenance activities such as painting or wallpapering; or I' l~ (ii) in the case of roof repair or replacement, the area of roof affected is less than 200 square feet; or (iii) in the case of a fence, the work consists of repairs affecting not. more than ten feet of the fence, and there is no change in location, height or materials; (iv) the work involves only an alarm system for which a permit is neither allowed nor required by TEX.. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 44l3-29bb (as amended at the time of the work), provided that the provisions of this Chapter applicable to alarm systems are followed; (v) the work includes nothing more than replacing worn- out or obsolete items (other than a roof, a fence or an alarm system), and there is no structural alteration, no new wiring, no work involving con- cealed plumbing or gas facilities and no poten- tially dangerous conditions; or (vi) another ordinance specifically provides that no permit is required for the activity in question. (b) (1) Registration Required. It shall be unlawful for any person, to perform any work subject to subsection (a), or to offer to per- form it, in exchange for money or other substantial consideration, unless such person is registered as I I . ,- EXIlIBIT A Page 3 rl , I' -, 223 ''Ii'1 f'l"-- ..~I...IIl.l.llJ;,j:Ull:..II.u:U-lL..._IJ_111 ..-II..I~lItlllllll:llt.i l, i i . ,lUlU ! I LLU, a contractor with the building official as required by this subsection. It is an affirmative defense to prosecution that: (i) the work in question is completely authorized by one or more licenses issued by or under the author.ity of the City (for example, an electrician's license)i or (ii) the work in question is completely authorized by a license issued by the State of Texas (for example, a plumber's license), and the license is registered with the CitYi or (Hi) the work in question is performed by the owner of the building site in question without the involvement of any contractorsi or (iv) one or more of the affirmative defenses appli- cable to subsection (a) is applicable to the work in questioni or . (v) the person is a regulai employee of a contrac~, tor who is registered'as required by this sub- section, and the person does the work (or offers to do it) strictly as a servant or agent of the registered contractor. (2) Regi~tration Procedure. A person desiring to register as a contractor with the building official must: (A) fill out and file with the building official the standard contractor's registration ~orm prescribed by the building official(~hich shall include names~ addresses, telephonenumber~~ driver's lice~se numbers, business structure information, proof of insurance required by this section and Qther relevant data)i (B) submit a new registration form on or before the tenth day following the day that any of the infor- mation in current form changes; and (C) submit, prior to expiration, proof that each insurance policy in the 9urtent registration is duly extended or replaced upon ~xp!ration. (3) Insurance Coverage. Registrants are required to have and maintain statutory worker's compensation insurance that covers not only the. registrant's employees but also all other'persons (whether subcontractors or otherwise) who p~rform work on. the job site, unless such other persons-are them- selves covpied by a separate contractor's.iegistration and worker's compensation insurance. Exception: worker's compensation insurance is not required for a registrant w~o is a sole proprietor with no employees and no subcontractors or for any registrant to whom the Texas \'lorker's Compensation Law does not apply, as it may be amended from time to time. Registrants are also required to have and maintain public liability insurance with a combined single limit per occurrence no less than $300,000 (or with separate limits each no less than this amount). . (4) Insurance Criteria. EXIIIBIT A Page 4 II 224 .~ :'~ --------, ~ ~; r All insurance policies must meet all of the criteria regularly required for contractors on City construction jobs (Form C-lOI, or other City standard form, as it may be amended from time to time), except: (i) the City need not be nam/il.9,as an additional insured, and.,,{ii) ,the.re need n?t ~~~~w~iv7r,;pr subrogation as ag<}:~n!3(the;'<:'Ai:Y. The bu~ldlJlg'-;officlal:"'may, require that reglstran,ts~. s.lJb- mit a properly signed City form, ~r 6thci~ ~o~u- ments, as proof of insurance. 225 (5) Expiration, Revocation. A contractor's registration becomes ineffective if: (X) it is not renewed prior to the time that any of the insurance pOlicies mentioned in the registration is reduced, cancelled or allowed to expire7 or (Y) it is revoked by the building official. The building official may revoke a registration subject to the same standards and procedure~ applicable to the revocation of permits. (b) Unless a certificate of occupancy authorizing the con- duct in question is in effect (and not revoked, cancelled or suspended), it shall be unlawful for any person to occupy any building space. . (c) Unless a new or amended certificate of occupancy authorizing a change in the use or occupancy of a building is first issued and is in effect (and not revoked, cancelled or suspended), it shall be unlawful for any person to: (i) change the occupancy of any building space, whether by change in ownership, tenancy or otherwise, or (ii) change the use of any building site or structure, or [1 (iii) otherwise change any premises or activity that would affect the number of off-street parking spa- ces required by the zoning ordinance. Sec. 6-3. General Regulations. (a) Building site7 ownership7 surveys (1) The building site upon which any development occurs after the effective date of this section must con- sist of one or more whole subdivided lots, all of which must be under common ownership not only at the time the development occurs but also continuing thereafter until such time as the building site is lawfully divided, either by subdivision plan, plat or replat or other lawful procedure approved by the building official. This does not prohibit develop- ment upon a subdivided lot which has been divided under circumstances where a plan, plat or replat is not required, such as, for example, when there is a loss of a part of the lot by eminent domain or adverse possession, or a discrepancy in boundaries or area. (2) Reasonable proof of ownership, acceptable to the building official, must be submitted with each building permit application. [ EXIII13IT A Page 5 ,I t-r-Til. - u IL Illilllil ".JILmIJl!lll!I_'" IrrrTr~~..ft-rl!'1Jrnm;mi'm!"'I.' . I -- ...."'i::;..............u.,_u;U;w...u...._!.Ll.11 ....J..lllllf,lllli...il ,. lLlliJll ' I II :! iLLlI 228 For each building site upon which development is proposed, the permit application must ,include a boundary survey upon which is iilustrated all existing structures and all proposed structures. The building official may waive this requirement if substantially equivalent information ,is available from other sources and meets with theaproval of the building official. ' (4) For each building site where major development occurs, it shall be a condition of the building permit that the applicants provide an additional survey to the building official sho~ing the actual location of any foundation forms or guides set upon the ground. They must be located accurately with respect to the boundaries of the buildi~g site. rhis additional survey must be delivered to the building official not later than noon on the first City working day preceding the day on which the first part of the foundation is poured or affixed to the -ground, and it shall be unlawful to proceed with .~~h pouring or affi~ation prior to the time that the building officiai makes a note on such survey to the effect that'the proposed foundation appears to comply with setback and building site regulations of the city. (3 ) J (5) All surveys must meet standards presctibed by the building official. (b) Site, rirainaqe And Grade Raising (not amended) (c) Trenching And Excavations For each project including any trench excavation exceeding a depth of five feet, each applicant for a permit'must certify in writing that the applicable requirements of the Texas Health & Safety Code have been, and w}ll be, satisfied. The applIcable require- ments include, but are not limited to, the following: are: J ~ j (i) Section 756.021 (and the former article IOl5q of the Texas Revised Civil Statutes), for ~onstructioncontracts generally, where a contractor i~ employed~ and \;'~.,- (ii ) Section 756.022 (and the former article 2368a.6 of the Texas Revised civil Statutes), for construction contracts for the City or any other political subdivision of the State. (d) Work Site Conditions EXHIBIT A It shall be the duty of each person who applies for a permit to do (or cause to be done) all of the following during all ~imes when the building permit is in effect and for so long thereafter as the work area is affected by construGtion activity: (i) Immediately pick-up and properly dispose of all material scraps, trash, rubble and debris Page 6 J ..~ that may be present at the work site or which may have been blown or transported from the site to nearby public or private property (if access is allowed to such private property _~;~i~pr pipk,.-,up activity). , ' ' . ".'~r:~~lf(: ;;>. . ~~/~.~ " : ~. '"..: ,'< (ii) Maintain on the work site a "dumpster," a penned enclosure or other receptacle suf- ficient to contain all scraps, trash and debris generated by the construction acti- vity. 22~1 (iii) Immediately stack, restack or otherwise secure all building materials, equipment and tools that may be present on or near the work site and not in actual use. (iv) Immediately clear and sweep all sidewalks and streets that may have been used or blocked for work activity, except for those places temporarily barricaded for excavation, pouring of concrete or similar activites authorized by the permit. (v) Immediately cover all excavations and holes, mark and barricade any hazards and secure all windows, doors and other openings. I' L: (vi) Immediately remove all mud, clay and debris that may have been deposited on any street or sidewalk in connection with, or' as a result of, any work on the building site~ It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this subsection that any failure to comply continues for no longer time than is reasonably necessary for the perfor- mance of the work. (e) Portable Buildings [not amended] (f) Street Trees (1) Except as authorized by a permit issued under this subsection, it shall be unlawful: (i) for any person to remove, damage or kill a large qualified street tree; or (ii) for any person, who owns or controls real property, to allow a large qualified street tree to be removed, damaged or killed upon such property or to cause a large qualified street tree to be removed, damaged or killed upon the street area abutting such property; or (iii) for any person to dig a trench or excavation in the protected zone of a large qualified street tree (the protected zone is the area within a radius from the trunk of the tree equal to half of the distance from the trunk to the dripline). [ EXHIBIT A Page 7 L L. II''flUiI' lIi1ri':"1 Irl i liT fT' 1 "w:.l"J.Ul.t...JlJ~UL.._JLI II --I1..lllllU;ll~!lm ~;. 1'11111 ' LLlJ' (2) The building official is authorized to issue a per- mit for the removal, damaging or killing of a large qualifieq street tree if both of the following are present: 22'3 (i) The building official determines either: (A) that the tree is diseased, severely damaged or substantially dead, or (B) that it causes an unreasonable impediment to construction, maintenance or operation of th~:premises where it is located. ' I ~J (ii) The permit contains an express condition requiring that any tree removed or killed be ei~her relocated or replaced within a designated time at a designated location, on or adjacent to the building site,where it is removed. Any replacement tree must be a qualified tree and must-have a trunk circum- ference of at least 12.5 inches measured at a height of four feet above the ground. Exception: The permit shall nQt require replacement or relocation if ther~ are two or mo~e large qualified street trees remaining in the same area where the original tree is removed (that is, in either the front area or the side area). ' (3) The building official is authorized to issue a per- mit for trenching or excavating in the protected zone of ~ large qualified street tree if, the permit has conditions reasonably calculated 'to prevent any sUbstantfal harm to the tree. ' (4) It shall be unlawful for any person who applies for such a p~rmit to fail or to refuse to comply with a condition of the permit. Any occupancy permit for the buil~ing site in questJ~n may be withheld until the condition is complied wi th. ' J (5) It shall be an affirmative defense to prosecution under this subsection that that immediate action to remove, damage, kill a tree, or to dig a trench or excavation in the protected zone, was necessary to prevent harm to persons or property. (6) It shalf be unlawful for any person to plant a tree in any street unless the tree is a qualified tree. (g) Temporary Fercing It shall be the duty of each person who applies for a permit for apy major development to provide temporary fencing in accordance with this subsection during all times when the b~ilding permit is in effect and for so long thereafter as the building site is affected by construction activity. The temporary fencing must fully enclose the rear of the building site and the sides up to, but not including, the sidewalk (subject to any , ~estriction to the contrary in the zoning ordinance). The temporary fencing must be a!: least 5.5 feet high, and it may incorporate any pre-existing or new fencing on the building site, but it may not incorporate any I J I EXHIBIT A Page 8 I I ~ <" I fencing off the building site, regardless of who owns the fencing. In addition, if there are any large qualified street trees on the building site, the tem- porary fencing must surround each one at a distance not less than,~l~..,Keet ft:,O!JI the trunk. No separate ~ence ~ermit is'r..~4fi,f:~9fo~{~~uch a temporary fen;<::e;>er.i:~cted In connectIon WIth a maJor development for WhICh 'a ' building permit is in effect. 229 (h) Curbs, Gutters and Sidewalks It shall be the duty of each person who applies for a permit for any major development or any major remodeling to: (A) provide new sidewalks along all streets abutting the building site (front, side and rear) and (8) to replace or repair all previously-existing curbs and gut- ters along streets abutting the building site, so that such facilities will function like new facilities and will appear to be sound. Exception for rear sidewalks: no sidewalk is required along the rear of a building site, if: (X) the rear lot line lies along a major thorough- fare, and (y) there are no existing sidewalks along the same side of the major thoroughfare within fifty feet of the building site in question. '--- Exception for existing sidewalks: If there is any existing sidewalk which can be preserved or repaired so that it will funrition as a new facility and will appear to be sound, the building official may allow it to be used instead Df new construc- tion, provided that repair specifications prescribed by the public ,works superintendent and all other applicable regulations are followed in connection with any repairs." All sidewalks, curbs and gutters must be constructed or repaired in compliance with standard specifications and procedures established by the public works superinten- dent and must also comply with all other applicable regulations. The building permit application for each major development or major remodeling must clearly , illustrate the work necessary to comply with this sub- section, and all required work on sidewalks, curbs and gutters must be completed within the time allowed for completion of the major development or major remodeling. II ( i) UCC Notification It shall be the duty of each person who applies for a permit for work involving excavation, drilling or other underground work to: (A) assure that notice is given to the Utility Coordinating Council prior to the start of the work and'(B) allow sufficient time after the notice and before the start of the work for all affected utili- ties (including the city) to mark the location of their facilities in the area of the work. The building offi- cial may require that applicants certify or prove that they have given such a notice. '" (j) Ut.ility Availability i"" ~~~-~~~~~~-~~"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~m~~ EXHIBIT A Page 9 ~ lit -.j ill iWi i,.j . . ~.. -, Wl;..l.I..I:u.a...u.u~L...Ll...._I-l..IJ.lI . ......JI..lllIIletlliIIlJM.I;(' IUl!I' I II 'II ____LUll' No permit for a major development may be issued unless water, sewer and drainage facilities are available and have sufficient unused and unreserved capacity to serve the,en~ire development. It shall be the duty of each ppplicant, for a permit for any major development to sub- mit'wtitten proof of such availability and capacity, excep~' th~t the building official m~y'~aive the require- ment ~or written proof in the case of a 9ingle-family J:"esldencenot exceeding 5,000 9quare feet of gross floor . , 23'0 J area. Sec. 6-4. Certificates Of Occupancy. (a) To obtain a certificate of occupancy, a person must make application to the building official in the same manner as appli- cations are required to be made for building permits, except that the building offic~al is authorized to establish less formal pro- cedures ihat m~~ be followed for those situations to which they apply. ~ certificate of occupancy is a type of permit, and all of the p~ovisions of this Chapter pertaining'to permits shall also apply with'respect to certificates, of occ,upancy, including, without limitation,' the provisions relating tote~~orary or con- ditional:p~rmits and appeals to the GAB: . (b) A certificate of occupancy, to be valid, must name a specific person as the holder of the certificate. The cer- tificate shall only authorize that person an~ that person's spouse, dependents, invitees and licensees to occupy the property described.' " " (c) No certificate of occupancy shall be issued unless the building official certifies that he or she: (i) has not detected any subst,antialnon-compliance with the provisions of this Chapter ot with anY other applicable regulation~;'(ii) is not aware of any substantial non-compliance with- any condi tion required for the 'issuance of any permit, incll,lding'any require- ments for.the'construction or installation of equipment or faci- lities, and ,(iii) believes that all trash, garbage, debris and rubbish resulting from work at the pre~ises have been removed and that the premises are in a clean and sanitary condition. This certification shall never be deemed to be a bar to any pro- ceedings' to enforce any applicable regulations, and shall never be deemed to be-a representation, guarantee orwarrarity of any kind on behalf of the Cit~. The building official may require the filing of sworn supporting certificates touching upon the matters in this section as a condition of issuing his or her certificate. The supporting certificates may be required of the: proposed cer~ tificate holder as :well as architects, 'engineers, contractors and others invol!ed in the work (any or all). . , (d) The building official is specifically authorized to issue tempotary'or c~nditional certificat~s of ori~~pancy if: (i) there are appeal or enforcement proceedings pending or con- templated" (ii) suth a certificate is re~uire~ to reconcile any two or more. applicable regulations, or (iii) su~~ a certificate is required to;co~ply with an applicable regulatio~. The building official may cause a notice of such a ~emporary or con- ditionaloccupancy'permit to be recorded in the; real property records:of the county. (e) A certificate-of occupancy for any non-residential building shall be continuously posted at a place' to which the public has free access (during normal business hours) and such that it is visible from the principal entranCe t~ such building. J EXUIBITA Page 10 jl '----.J '-., /. ,,.: 231 Sec. 6-6. , <' r . "C.' '., .", .:, Proof Of Cert)i~)l. FabEs . '<,r ". ,.,_.' [: . . '. 'r';' -: :' ,~ (a) It is presumed that a person controls a building site, and all structures thereon if that person has either arranged for or pa~d for ~ny ~t~.ili~t~~!~,ery:i.cl}-\ for the building ~.J.\I;.Jh:q~",~4,!;l5J,~pr the t1me penod 1n qu . >i,7.';:i;U!(l;oof of such arrang'R\CJ;1~~i=.,J?fdi;'Jr':;'> paymen ts may consis!:,-!" . ".etpt,s from the cus tome9,,'b'f:i: hIlg''':' ",,:\ records of the comp:anf' or -entity providing the sel?.vic~.":' ' ".' ,':- ." if: (b) A person is presumed to own a parcel or item of property (1) the person is shown on the current City tax roll as the owner of the property: or ., [ (2) the property was conveyed (or purportedly conveyed) to the person by deed, bill of sale or other docu- ment, and a search has revealed no similar document conveying (or purporting to convey) the property to someqf,&~<\;~;tsc; s~bs\-'lquen tly. '/ iI.:- Sec. 6-7. Posting Of Permits. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to whom a permit is issued to fail or refuse to keep the permit continuously posted at all times required by this chapter. In addition to all other posting requirements, any permit authorizing any type of work shall be posted continuously beginning when work commences under the permit and continuing until the earlier of the following: (i) completion of the work or (ii) expiration or revocation of the permit. The permit shall be posted at a place to which the public has free access at the principal entrance to the work area in such a manner that a person entering the work area can see the permit and read it. (b) It is presumed that there is no applicable permit or document in existence if: (i) this chapter requires that the per- mit or document be posted at a certain place at a certain time and (ii) it is not so posted. Sec. 6-8. Certain Defenses And Exceptions In a proceeding to enforce this Chapter, the following shall be affirmative defenses to prosecution in the circumstances indicated: (1) If the presence of "development" without a permit is the alleged violation, the work in question involves an area on a building site of not more than ten square feet, and any structures involved are readily moveable at a cost not exceeding $300. (2) The activities involved are those of the City itself or of city officers, agents or employees (excluding independent contractors) in the course of their official duties. Sec. 6-10. Enforcement. In addition to imposing those penalties prescribed by this Code, the City may also enforce the provisions of this Article in the same manner as prescribed by state law or the zoning ordi- nance. r~ EXHIBIT A Page 11 : ,----....,;,........ .- . > ft"'1.01-.....,,...'.,,,...I........_._.....,.... '~I...,;.LIl;':U;~'~I.u;U..U.....ll.LI.L!1 .11.llillllllilJIIlflllt.{;:;i:--'j 1~~"p--lr'll ,1:I:::Jr,T- , Sec. 6-12. Qualifications. .To be eligible to appointment, the ca~didate for the position shall have had experience as an architect, structural engineer, building inspector or superintendent of building construction. The candidate shall be in good health and physically capable of making the necessat:'y examinations and inspections.;" ' Sec. 6-16. Right of entry. (a) The building official or his authorized representative may request of the owner or occupant entry to any building, structure or premises at a reasonable time to make an inspection or to enforce any of t~e provisions of thi~ Chapter. (b) When requesting entry to a building, structure or premi- ses that is occupied; City officials shall first identify them- selves and present proper crendentials, with a photograph, and request entry. If th~building, structure or premis~s is unoc- cupied, the officials shall first make a reasonable effort to locate the owne~ or other persons having charge of the building and request entry. (c) In the event entry is denied, or if no consent to enter is obtained, the building official may seek the issuance of a search warrant. For this purpose, the building official is designated as the code enforcement official. Sec. 6-23. Same--Issuance Or Denial. .. .. .. (g) Pending a hearing, either the building official or the hearing board may issue a temporary or conditional permit to the applicant, if all of the following circumstances are present: (l)The applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the building official or the hearing board that substantial economic loss or damage to life or pro- perty could result from a delay in proceeding with the work or activity in question. (2) The applicant signs a written statement that the ap~licant understands that he or sh~ is proceeding at his or her own risk, completely subject to the ultimate decision on the appeal. ' (3) The applicant: (i) acknowledges in writing that he or she has an unconditional obligation to restore the b~ilding site and structures thereon to their preexisting condition such that they would not be in violation of any applicable regula- tion, or to make the work comply with the hearing board's decision, within ten days following the date of the decision (or within a longer period prescribed by the hearing board) ; (ii) is the owner or lessee of the building site and grants to the City appropriate rights of EXHIBIT A Page 12 ~ ' \.. 232 J ] ~j :1 ] 233 n entry to have such-restoration performed by City forces or by a City contractor in the event that the applicant fails or refuses to , do so, it being understood that the City is :'''a,under no obligation to do so and that the ':'f'C ifi:y.' may pursue other remed ies: or pi:osecu.;i~ fions as' it may see fi t; . ",' .": (iii) agrees in writing to pay all of the costs of such restoration, if performed by or on behalf of the City, plus fifteen percent for administration and disruption expenses, upon demand: and (iv) provides a cash (or cash equivalent) deposit acceptable to the building official or hearing board as security for such payment, if such work is done, and also as security for payment of any fines, civil penalties, attorneys fees and court costs that may be adjudged against the applicant for non- compliance after the date ordered by the hearing board, it being understood that the City shall have the right to appropriate such security, in whole or in part, by order of the building official, without notice to the applicant. (Such cash deposit shall be returned when the building official deter- mines that such restoration or compliance has been satisfactorily achieved by the applicant or, unless a claim or appropriation order involving the deposit has been filed by the building official, when 120 days have elapsed after the order of the hearing board.) r--" , I I L (4) The building official or the hearing ,board deter- mines that allowing the work or activity to proceed would probably not cause a threat to life, property or health, would not disrupt orderly enforcement of applicable regulations and could be readily reversed and restored or otherwise brought into compliance. (5) Any permit issued is conditioned as provided in this section and is made completely subject to the outcome of the appeal. (h) The hearing shall be conducted by the hearing board. At the hearing, the board shall receive evidence regarding the application. Hearings shall be conducted under rules issued by the board, which shall be consistent with the nature of the pro- ceedings and shall ensure that each party may present evidence, cross-examine witnesses and be represented by legal counsel. The hearing board may allow the use of hearsay evidence if: (i) evi- dence of that sort is customarily relied upon in the business or trade involved or (ii) the board otherwise determines that the evidence is reliable. The decision of the board shall be final. Sec. 6-25. Same--Revocation, Suspension * * * (e) The applicant shall have the right to appeal an order of the hearing official revoking or suspending a permit to the n EXlIIJ3IT A Page 13 L ',Ul:!lliH 1'~1."'1~"" fll 'M'f" ~.,... , l1UcillJ.lllUIHULdJLl,.l ,""11 lII,lj,lit, II I:JJ1..II I II I lLLl 23jl hearing board in accordance with the same procedure set out for permit denials (including the procedure for the issuance of a conditional permit pending the outcome of the appeal). The appeal must be filed on or before the tenth day following the date that notice of the order is first given as prescribed above (unless the hearing board determines that good cause exists for a delay in filing). The filing of an appeal shall not have the effect of superseding or suspending the order of the building official, although the hearing board may issue an order to this effect. 'I I ~ (f) While the building official is considering the revoca- tion or suspension of a permit, the building official may issue a temporary stop work order, but only if the building official first determines that the work is proceeding in violation of applicable regulations and that an immediate threat to life or property probably exists. Such temporary stop work orders shall be appealable to the hearing board immediately and shall only be valid for a single period not exceeding five days. The building official and the hearing board shall take all reasonable steps to arrange for an expedited review of the stop work order if the permit holder so reque~ts in writing. It shall be unlawful for any person with knowledge of such stop work order to continue working on the project involved while the order is in effect. . .~, Sec. 6-26. Other Permit Provisions. (a) A permit is valid only at the location for which it is issued. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to counterfeit, forge, change, deface or alter a permit. (c) A permit may be cancelled at the written request of the applicant upon surrender of the permit itself to the the building official. (d) Permit applicants remain responsible at all times for full and complete compliance with all applicable regulations, notwithstanding the issuance of a permit or any other action or inaction on behalf of the City. J (e) The City does not represent, guarantee or warrant that any of the activities covered by a permit (or not covered by a permit) is in compliance with any applicable regulations, regardless of whether plans are checked, written documents are reviewed or oral discussion is had. Any person who desires to have a definitive ruling as to compliance with any applicable regulations must seek ~nd obtain the same from the hearing board. Neither th~ building official nor any other officer, agent or employee of the City has any power or authority to change or vary any applicable regulations or to waive strict compliance with any of them; only the hearing board has the power to make an authori- tative ruling on the meaning or the application of any applicable regulations or to issue any variances. (f) No permit shall ever be or represent a vested right or property right of any kind, and all permits are subject to amend- ment, cancellation, revocation or suspension at any time, with or without notice. "(h) All activities under a permit shall comply with all plans and specifications submitted to or imposed by the building EXHIBIT A Page 14 ] l official in connnection with the permit. It shall be an affir- mative defense to prosecution under this subsection that: (i) the building official was notified of a deviation from the plans and specifications at the earliest practicable time and (ii) the building official subsequently approved the deviation. j~,J.,..: ~.;.,,:,.-,~.{,i~,'",~,' . " .~ .~~ .~ :,',,: i':: . i "t" ~.:o" . :fft~~, ~ '.~! ':~;;'~ ~:i~~~~f.~t DIVISION' 3. BUILDING & STANDARDS COMtlISSION 23[3 Sec. 6-41. Created: composition: appointment of members. (a) There is hereby created the building and standards commission, or "asc." The BSC is the successor to the general appeals board ("GAB"), and it shall assume all of the duties and functions of the GAB, including all matters pending before the GAB. ' (b) The BSC shall consist of five members plus four alter- nate members, all appointed by the City Council. The alternate members shall serve in the absence of one or mor.e regular members when requested to do so by the mayor or city manager. Sec. 6-42. Qualifications and terms of members: filling of vacancies. [' (a) Each member of the BSC shall be appointed to one of the following specific positions: positions 1 through 5, for regular members and postions A through D for alternate members. Each appointee, at the time of appointment, must be a resident of the City. A member who ceases to be a resident of the City shall be deemed to have resigned and may. be replaced at any time thereafter, but shall continue to serve until the successor is appointed and shall have qualified. (b) Each position shall have successive two-year terms of office, with each term beginning on September 1 of each odd- numbered calendar year and extending through August 31 of the next following odd-numbered calendar year. (c) Each member appointed shall serve for the specific term, or the unexpired portion thereof, of the position to which the member is appointed. Appointments for upcoming terms may be made no sooner than 60 days prior to the beginning of the term. (d) Members shall also serve after the expiration of a term of office until their respective successors are duly selected and shall have qualified. (e) In the event of death, resignation, or removal from office of any member, or any other vacancy in a position, a suc- cessor shall be appointed and qualified to serve the remaining unexpired portion of the term of office of the position so becoming vacant. Sec. 6-43. Compensation of members. The members of the BSC shall receive no compensation for their services and any ex officio members shall receive no addi- tional compensation for service on the BSC. This shall not pro- hibit reimbursement for actual and reasonable expenses incurred by authority of the City Manager or the City Council. n -----~----------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT A Page 15 -1 J:c::::uJ::-----L.L _L_~___.1 _ _ ~ "i'T.IIt""':'1, ,;,,'<jj'lgUIf~lIIlli-.r' . III1Llr::::lIIiilImm:::rn:;IlE] .. , ,J..:r[!:m:r:m:m,:!lI~:.::J_.ll.1 ",~n--~- - -L:...l!!:rr--" \- 'II , ' I ::u::I1 Sec. 6-44. Removal of members. . The City Council may remove a member of the BSC in the manner provided for in Section 54.031 of the Texas Local Government Code. Sec. 6-45. Officers; Office. The City Council may from time to time designate one of the regular members ~f the BSC as the presiding officer or chairman. The City Manager shall appoint a City employee as the secretary of the BSC and may appoint an Assistant Secretary, neither of whom shall be a member or have any vote. The Ci ty ~Ianager shall designate the office of the BSC. Sec. 6-46. Jurisdiction, powers and duties. (a) The BSC has four types of jurisdiction: appeals from administrative actions, quasi judicial enforcement, variances, and advisory opinions, as more fully described below: (1) Appeals From Administrative Actions. The BSC shall hear and determine appeals from all actions of the building official, except for those actions listed below. In addition, the SSC shall hear and deter-- mine appeals from other adiministrative actions where an ordinance authorizes the BSC (or the GAB) to do so (for example, such appeals are authorized with respect to the fire official and the fire code; see Chapter 9 of this Code). In any such appellate proceeding, the BSC may affirm, reverse, modify or remand the decision appealed from, and the SSC may take whatever action the building offi- cial (or other official) should have taken. The following actions of the building official are excepted from the BSC's jurisdiction: (i) actions arising under the zoning ordinance (which are subject to the jurisdiction of the zoning board of adjustment); (ii) actions arising under the electrical code (which are subject to the jurisdiction of the, electrical board); (iii) actions arising under the plumbing code, the gas code or the provisions of Chapter 17 of this Code relating to solar energy (all of which are subject to the jurisdiction of the plumbing and gas board) . (2) Quasi Judicial Enforcement. The BSe has exclusive authority with respect to quasi judicial enfor- cement of health and safety ordinances, to the full extent prescribed by Section 54.031 of the Texas Local Government Code. The City hereby adopts and implements Subchapter C of Chapter 54 of the Texas Local Government Code (Sections 54.031 et seq., relating to quasi judicial enforcement of health and safety ordinances) as it may be heretofore or hereafter amended ("Subchapter C"). The procedures and remedies prescribed by Subchapter e shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, all others prescribed by this Code or the laws of the State of EXHIBIT A ----------------------------------------------------------------- Page 16 [1'- 236 I I I , I -----.J ------. ,< , I I -----.J J , i , ----' . ~.f,-';",","" r .l~ Texas. Subchapter C shall apply to and govern those p~oceedings expressly commenced unde~ Subchapter C by the filing of an appropriate writ- ten pleading with the asc. Other proceedings before the BSC shall continue to be governed by the respeqtive ordinances, statutes, rules and regula- tions"j2~!?IAcable,:\~heret? and ~hall no~ ~.e subject to the:!-"pr'ocedures., and lImitatIons imposE1d"by .",. Subchapter C. The building official is hereby designated as the appropriate official of the City to present cases to the BSC under Subchapter C. The city attorney may assist the building official and may designate other attorneys to assist the building official. Only the nsc, and not another board or commission, may exe~cise authority under Subchapter C. l 23~( (3) Variances. The nsc has limited authority to issue variances from all ordinanc~s subject to its appellate authority or quasi judicial enforcement authority (see subsequent provisions in this Chapter). (4) Advisory Opinions. The BSC may issue advisory opi- nions relating to any ordinance subject to its appellate authority or quasi judicial enforcement authority, pursuant to such limitations and rules as it may prescribe. [ (b) TheBSC may consolidate two or more related matters for common notice and hearing, even though they may arise under separate jurisdictions (for example, an appeal from the building official's decision might be combined with a request for an advi- sory opinion and a request for a variance). However, the BSC must observe all notice and procedural requirements and shall separately state the decision reached on each separate matter. (c) The SSC has final authority to interpret the ordinances with respect to which it is authorized to act. The BSC may advise the building official and make recommendations to the City Councilor other City officials as to any matters related to the nsc. The fiSC shall have no power to make any contract, lease, or other agreement on behalf of the City, or to employ any person to be an employee of or to be paid by the City or to inctlr any debt or liability whatsoever on behalf of the City; the asc has only those specific_powers granted by ordinance of the City or by state law. Sec. 6-113. Nuisances; BSC Authority; Standards (b) All dangerous structures within the terms of this article are hereby declared to be public nuisances and shall be repaired, vacated and repaired, or vacated and demolished as pro- vided in this article. (a) The nsc shall have authority to hear and decide cases filed by the building official under the asc's quasi judicial enforcement powers more completely described in SUbchapter C of Chapter 54 of the Texas Local Government Code and in Article II of this Chapter. This authority shall extend not only to dangerous structures as herein defined but also to other struc- tures which are substandard because of non-compliance with appli- cable regulations and to other violations and cases within the scope of said Subchapter C. E:XnInIT A Page 17 .. ~1...U.mlu.u.UlWllHU...LL.. ...1-Z!.!.1I , ,,:...JI..I'lllIfil'IlI"~' -,---,----uJill[lIr'-' T'r1- 'r------rr--rr::.]].. I'. (b) The following standards shall be followed, in substance, by the Bse in ordering the repair, vacation or demolition of any structure: (i) If the structure can reasonably and economi- cally be repaired so that it will no longer exist in violation of the terms of the appli- cable regulations, it shall be ordered repaired. ' (ii) If the structure is in such condition as to make it dangerous to the health, morals, safety or general welfare of its occupants or the public, it shall be ordered to be vacated and neither used nor occupied until repaired or demolished. . (iii) In all cases where a structure cannot be reasonably and economically repaired, as a practical matter, so that it will no longer exist in violation of the applicable regula- tions, it shall be ordered demolished. Sec. 6-114. Certain Conduct Prohibited. (a) If theBSe issues any order with respect to a dangerous or substandard structure: ( i) It shall be unlawful for the owner of the structure to fail or to refuse to comply with the provisions of the order, if any, relating to repairs or demolition, within the time allowed by such order. (ii) It shall be unlawful for any person to use or occupy such structure in violation of the order, and it shall be unlawful for any per- son owning or controlling it to allow it to be so used or occupied. (iii) The building official may cause copies of the order and placards to be posted upon such structure advising as to use or occupancy, as the case may be. (iv) The building official may cause a copy of the order to be acknowledged and filed in the real property records of the county. ~ (b) ,It shall be unlawful for any person to remove any order, placard or notice required or permitted to be posted pur- suant to this Article, unless the effective consent of the building official is first obtained. (c) Upon full compliance with an order, the building offi- cial may execute and acknowledge a notice to that effect. ARTILCE X. FENCES Sec. 6-341. Maximum height. EXIIIBIT A Page 18 -"IT . 238 ~ I I I ---.) J ] (a) No fence higher than eight feet may be constructed, improved or or structurally altered on any private property, eXgept as otherwise provided in this article. .[1 , I , , (b) No fence higher than six feet may be constructed: (i) closer than six fe~J:~ii,f'rom a wall of an existing principal building used as a.jj~!!gle-family residence. on any adjacent, building site, or '('in between buildings where the eaves are less than two feet apart. Sec. 6-343. Prohibition on front portion of bulding site, definitions. c (a) No fence may be constructed, improved or structurally altered on the front portion of any buldihg site, except that this restriction does not apply to low retaining walls, institu- tional security fences, fences owned by any governmental entity or fences or walls specifically required or allowed to be located in the front portion of a building site by this Article or the zoning ordinance of the city. In this article: (1) "Front portion" means the area of a building site extending from the front street line to a depth equal to the depth of the front main wall of the principal building. The front street line is the common boundary between the front line of a building site and the street right-of-way. The front main wall is the front of the building exclusive of any porch or entranceway. (2) "Low retaining wall" means a wall designed and used to hold earth or similar material in place, no part of which extends higher than the highest naturally occurring part of the ground in the front portion of the building site and no part of which is located outside of the building site. (3) "Institutional security fence" means a fence which meets all of the following criteria: (a) The fence is located on a building site where there is a building or group of buildings specially constructed and used as an actual place of reli- gious worship (including schools, parking lots, parsonages and other accessory buildings), (b) The fence is located along or generally parallel to a major thoroughfare, and only along side streets to the extent necessary to connect the main portion of the fence to side fences, rear fences or buildings, and (c) The fence is no more than fifty (50) percent opaque. (4) "Major thoroughfare" means Kirby Drive, Bissonnet Street or Bellaire (West Holcombe) Boulevard. (b) This subsection only applies to a corner lot ("corner lot") carved out of a larger corner site originally established by the first plat or map of the subdivision in question, where the the front street line of the corner lot is on a different street from the street where the larger corner site had its front street line. On such a corner lot, no fence may be constructed, [ ----------------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT A Page 19 L~ ~ ,~~__. E_ _.~__"LI:c:TII' II :' '1llltetln~lIIl'1"'lI .: . 1i:1l:i;;::JIll'lIDlllJmifl;:r' , _LL _:1 j _---'--....JlLtl.l11 " ~' 239 I' . ; _1-I..'..J.:ll.l.m...lU,.:.t..J.~ .."_I....I.~.1 . ..Ji..I!IIllliltBflU- ------uJ[[l[".. , I";l'~ I ~ II:..LI -- improved or s~ructurally altered along the side street line of the corner lot (this would have been the front street line of the original larger corner site) unless the fence is set back from the side street by at least one of the following two distances: (i) a distance equal to the depth of the front setback area of any adjacent building site which has a front setback area ' abutting the side street or (ii) a distance equal to the depth of the side setback area of the corner lot, measured from the side street. If the Dse is requested to issue a variance to permit a fence on the corner lot closer to the side street than prescribed above, and if a petition signed by twenty percent or more of the persons owning property along the side street within two hundred feet of the rear lot line of the corner lot (and on the same side of the side street) is presented to the ose before it acts on the request, the requested variance shall not ~ake effect unless approved by all members of the Dse qualified and serving. Under no circumstances, with or without a variance, is a fence allowed within five feet of the side steet line. Sec. 6-344. Distance From Property Line. A fence may be constructed immediately along a property line or set. back from the property line by 36 inches or more. No fence may be constructed so as to leave a space less than 36 inches wide between it and the property line of the building site where it is located. Sec. 6-352. Masonry construction. Masonry fences, which shall be of brick, vitrified clay tile, concrete tile, or monolithic reinforced concrete, shall be built according to the following specifications: (1) At least eight (8) inches thick for,double~wall construction, which shall be either brick, _vitrified clay tile, or concrete tilel at least six (6) inches thick for single-wall construction, which ~hall be only of brick or monolithic reinforced concrete construction. (2) Pilasters shall be placed on not more thdn twelve-foot centers, or adequate steel ~einforcing shall be placed in the whole fence. (3) Expansion joints shall be placed on not more than twenty-four-foot centers. (4) The fence shall have a foundation which shall rest on drilled footings sunk to approved bearing soil. Such footings shall be not less than twelve (12) inches in diameter, and each footing shall have not less than four (4) one-half-inch ties on three-foot centers. Foundation beams shall be not less than twelve (12) inches wide and not less than eighteen (18) inches deep with not less than four (4) five-eighths-inch rein- forcing rods an~ three-eighths-inch ties, on not less than thirty-inch centers. (5) A gate with a minimum opening of thirty (30) inches must be built for ingress and egress into any public easement. EXHIBIT A Page 20 'II t l 240 ] J J