HomeMy WebLinkAbout01052012 BSC Agenda item 3 STAFF REPORT Business of the Building and Standards Commis City of West University Place, Texas AGENDA OF: January 5, 2012 DOCKET NO.: 2011-10 DATE SUBMITTED: December 14, 2011 DEPARTMENT OF ORIGIN: Development Services PREPARED BY: John R. Brown, MCP, CFM Chief Building Official PRESENTER: Katy Signs, Chris Artzner or Owner, Robert Orkin SUBJECT: Variance request for additional signs, additional sign face area and location on a wall surface other than the STAFF PRESENTER: wall used for the relevant fagade area John R. Brown, MCP, CFM measurement. Chief Building Official ATTACHMENTS: Letter from Katy signs, proposed signage and building elevations, pictures of current Potbelly's store signage around the US and sign code Sections 6-250, 6-25c4 and Tables 3-1 & 3-2. STAFF SUMMARY Background: Katy Sign Company submitted a sign application for wall signs; some painted and others manufactured internally lighted sign cans. The proposed wall sign locations were not allowed by ordinance Section 6-25c4 and the total square footage of the sign faces totaled more than Section 6-250 will allow based on the sign Table 3-2. Variance request: To allow signs to be located on a wall other than the one used to calculate the relevant fagade area, where the main entrance is located and to allow additional signs and sign face area due to the unique design of the building where the main entrance is located in the small angled wall. 1 Code reference: Sign Code:► Chapter 6 Definitions: Facade area is measured using a simple elevation view of the building. Exception: For a building with separa retail units, the total facade area of each unit is the facade area bordering the unit's space Fixed means a sign designed and affixed to be a permanent, nonmoveable sign. Exception: Neither a flagpole nor a flag is considered a "fixed" sign. Relevant facade area means the area of a building's facade where the principal entrance is located. Sign has the same meaning as in V.T.C.A., Transportation Code ch. 393 "In this chapter, 'sign' means an outdoor sign, display, light, device figure, painting, drawing, message, plaque, poster, or other thing that is designed, intended, or used to advertise or inform." The term includes any structure, vehicle or other object which has the principle purpose of supporting or displaying a sign. Each physically separate display is considered a separate sign unless: (1) It is solidly joined connected with another display (or a structure) to form a compact and contiguous sign unbroken by internal borders, frames or other divisions; or (2) It is enclosed within a frame or border designed to form a unified sign. Signs on the outside surface of any wall, window or other structure are considered to be "outdoor." Sec. 6-25. - Sizes; numbers; spacing; design; etc.' (a) Sizes, numbers, etc. On each building site, limits on the maximum number and sizes of signs are prescribed' in table 3-1 of section 6-28 (c) Building-mounted signs. A building-mounted sign may not: (1) Project more than two feet from the nearest face of the building; (2) Be higher than the nearest part of the building; (3) Exceed the aggregate size limits set out in table 3-2 of section 6-28; or (4) Be mounted on a facade other than the one used to calculate the relevant facade area (RFA)' for table 3-2 of section 6-28 Table 3-1. General Rule: On a site outside a street area, any sign exceeding any Sign Sizes, Numbers applicable regulation (prescribed below) is prohibited, and all non- specified types of signs are prohibited. Exceptions/ Special Rules: (1) See special rules noted in table. (2) See remainder of this Chapter. Type of sign Regulation Applicable to sites used Applicable to Applicable to all other for SFR purposes residential impact sites sites Fixed Maximum total DA, entire site Zero' 1% of the site's area 3% of the site's area (total (total per site)' per site)' 2 Table 3-2. General Rule: For each building, the maximum display area and number of all Number and display area, building-mounted and canopy-mounted signs is determined by the relevant building and canopy-mounted facade area. Any sign exceeding such a limit is prohibited, an 11 non- signs specified types of signs are prohibited. Exceptions /Special Ru See special rules noted in table. (2) See remainder of this Chap er. Size of relevant facade area Maximum display area of building mounted Maximum numbe f bui ~[4 (RFA), per separate premises and canopy-mounted signs, per separate mounted and canopy- ounte premises signs, per separate prem s Less than 100 sq. ft. 26 sq. ft. Two 100 to 199 sq. ft. 26 sq. ft. plus 11 % of RFA over 100 sq. ft. 200 to 499 sq. ft. 38 sq. ft. plus 12% of RFA over 200 sq. ft. 500-999 sq. ft. 75 sq. ft. plus 11 % of RFA over 500 sq. ft. ;Notes: Single-occupant premises with RFXs larger than 3,000 sq. ft., and having separate departments, each with a separate exterior entrance, may have one building-mounted sign or canopy-mounted sign per department. (Code 2003, § 3.210) Please Note Kirby Street facade is 24' x 35.5' = 852 sq.ft. Maximum building sign face allowed 75+39=114 sq.ft. [Requesting 137.08 sq.ft.] Mandatory factors. In considering a variance, the BSC shall take the following into account: (1) Whether the applicant has made an earnest, good faith effort to comply with the requirement. (2) Whether the applicant brought the matter to the attention of the city on his own motion, without intervention or enforcement action by any city official. (3) Whether alternative methods or procedures will achieve the same, or substantially the same, result as literal compliance with the requirement. Required findings. The BSC may not issue a variance unless it affirmatively finds all of the following: (1) The imposition of the requirement imposes an exceptional hardship upon the applicant. It is the general intent of this section that financial cost, alone, would not ordinarily constitute an exceptional hardship. (2) No reasonable and feasible method or procedure is currently available to comply with the requirement. (3) The imposition of the requirement is unjustified because of good and sufficient cause demonstrated to the BSC. (4) The variance will not introduce or increase any threat to public health or safety. (5) The variance is consistent with the purpose and intent of the ordinance in question. (6) The variance will not cause a nuisance and will not unreasonably interfere with the use of nearby property. (7) The variance will not cause a fraud to be worked upon the public or any individual. (8) The variance will not cause an increase in public expenditures or budgets. (9) The variance will not create an irreconcilable conflict with any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. 3 0 City of W St University Place APPLICATION TO THE BUI DING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ("CITY") Address of site: 5800 Kirby Dr., Houst n, TX 77005? Legal description of the site: LTS 2 & 3 BLK 4 TANGLEY TARRACE 'r Applicant: Kirby Retail Fund LP Address: 8441 Gulf Freeway, Suite 212 Contact. Robert Orkin or Chris Artzner Phone: 713-688-8121 Fax. 281-779-4226 Email Address: ca@katysigns.net l Decision or Action Requested (check one or more and provide requested data): ( ) Appeal. Hear and decide an appeal from an order, requirement, decision or determination made by the building official (or other administrative official) of the City. Name and title of the administrative official: Is the official's action In writing? ( } Yes; { ) copy is attached. { ) No, but the action appealed is as follows: When was the action taken? Note: Appeals must be filed within a reasonable time. Please explain any delay below: Exact code of ordinance section(s) involved: Grounds for appeal: i ( ) Special Exception. Exact code of ordinance section that authorizes the special exception: Exact wording of special exception requested: Variance. Exact code of ordinance section from which a variance is requested: Sec. 6-25C#3 and Sec. 6-25C#4 Sec 6-25C#3 Building mounted signs exceed the aggregate size limits set out In table Exact wordin of variance reg,~ ste 3- of section 6-28. Sec 6-25C#4 Be mounted on a fa de other than the one used to i vest' r~~u S~vs flUp IAN ' *late the relevant fa4ade area (RFA) for table 3-2 of section 6-28 4{her Data. Are there drawings or other data? ( )No (Yes (list items here and attach them) Variance request letter, proposed sign drawings, pictures of similar sites around the U.S., Potbelly Brand Book. State of ~}C County of This instrument was a =nowl db_efpre. me on 20~ by L KELLEY YOUNG ISBELL Notary Public, State of Texas (Seal) ttia My Commission Expires July 06, 2014 . My commission expires: otary Public *****PROVIDE ORIGINAL PLUS 15 COPIES (16 TOTAL) OF ALL SUBMITTALS***** \.J.~FI~ l+k'1~AGE ~ 1=;r1,~ ~'e}~,a:l F.tt~ct C f 11 c) GzNztAt (4-}-rfritc, Signature of applicant: c.t.,. Date: i~ 2 0r 1 , r 6~) For Staff Use only Date fled:/Z'je/Date heard: DS - lZ Docket#: zd//~D L I Form sso.inz 0 W ,tl~' C December 13, 2011 KATY SIGNS & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3622 Pinemont Houston, TX 77018 713-688-8121 Phone 713-688-7941 Fax PROPOSAL PAGE 1 OF 2 To: City of West University Place i6- SCAN , From: Potbelly Sandwich Shop _ r. 5800 Kirby Dr. Houston, TX 77005 Re: Sign Variance Request a) Sec. 6-25C#3 Building mounted signs exceed the aggregate size limits set out in table 3-2 of section 6-28 b) Sec. 6-25C#4 Be mounted on a fagade other than the one used to calculate the relevant fagade area (RFA) for table 3-2 of section 6-28 To whom it may concern, As instructed, this letter is to explain the reasoning behind our request for a sign variance. We are hereby requesting a variance for the proposed two (2) wall signs and painted lettering for the new Potbelly Sandwich location currently under construction at the address of 5800 Kirby Dr. Houston, TX 77005. The aforementioned signs were rejected from standard permitting on Nov 15th 2011, citing that the signs were over the calculated relevant fagade area (RFA), and that the proposed signs will be installed on walls that are not containing the main entrance. The proposed location of wall signage will face two main streets Tangley Rd. (side) and Kirby Dr. (front) which is imperative to gain exposure to vehicular traffic. Proper exposure would not be available from the main entrance wall as it is angled toward the parking lot. Also this angle of the main entrance causes the (RFA) to be very small in comparison to the building size. The fagade that contains the main entrance is approximately 8' wide and 24' tall which would make our RFA 192 square feet. 192 sqft of RFA according the table 3-2 of chapter 6 city ordinance we would be allowed 36.12sgft of signage total for a 2,000sgft restaurant. We are asking for 137.08sgft total signage. That 137.08sgft of signage is broken down as follows, 43.04sgft of signage for the 696sgft front fagade which is roughly 6.1% of the wall area, 65.84sgft of signage for the 1,320sgft side fagade which is roughly 4.9% of the wall area, and 28.2sgft of painted signage on the other side wall facing the parking lot. The painted on text around the top of the building helps establish the Potbelly Sandwich Store look. If the main entrance had been located on the wall facing Kirby the RFA would have been 696sgft which would allow 96.56sgft of signage. If the main entrance had been located on the wall facing Tangley Rd. the RFA would have been 1,320sgft which would allow 155sgft of signage. Potbelly Sandwich has based their image on the store layout and "Look" as defined by the provided Potbelly Brand Book. If this location differs from the standard Potbelly "Look" customers will have a difficult time determining what the restaurant is and/or associating it with December 13, 2011 KATY SIGNS & ASSOCIATES, INC.'- 3622 Pinemont Houston, TX 77018 713-688-8121 Phone 713-688-7941 Fax PROPOSAL PAGE 2 OF 2 the Potbelly chain of restaurants. The store "Look" is a defining characteristic of the Potbelly franchise, without the "Look" this location will be hindered and will struggle to make its name known in the community. We are not asking for a variance simply because we are located within the City of West University Place, we are asking for use of Potbelly's national branding and their nationwide sign standards. We feel that the overall "Look" of Potbelly's Sandwich Store will add to the overall appearance of West University Place and blend in with the surroundings. The proposed two (2) lighted wall signs do not face any residential areas and should not pose any disruption to neighboring residents. Executive Summary: -The proposed location of wall signage provides exposure on two main streets. -Angled main entrance signage would provide inadequate exposure to traffic. -The smaller angled main entrance gives Potbelly a disadvantage on signage size calculation and placement. -We are requesting only 137.08 sgft of signage for a 2,000sgft restaurant. -We prefer to adhere with Potbelly's National Branding theme. -Changing the appearance of the storefront will have a negative impact on the business. -Signage will complement West University Place and blend in with the surrounding homes and businesses. -Proposed lighted signage locations do not face residential property. Potbelly sign branding book has been included for review as well as a full set of drawings for the proposed signs, and pictures of other Potbelly stores in other states and cities. Sincerely, Chris Artzner Katy Signs & Associates Inc. W U w d ~ 0 V :1 U Q) i Q C =L 10 e-d O N I III II II r I~ i W t~ 10 I I~ Ell M T ) ----J ! x Q Y O J N ul ~ Lq _ r-~-- I L__I w - - - yr " ,.n N U O I Q ~ o (u tv C c C) X C 4ua4aaols),,9-,8Z 661 0 O V) bA N m Ln 00 0 = + cn O o Q m Q N + • -571 O O (nil ' N a Ire _ L v I N d ~ J I I ~ J I V I~ ---~C I II I ~ I~ I i I Gf) i I, ~ 1 I 7 W I I ~ li❑ I I O I Q ;I r I ~ i I dl i U I I I ~ SIG I I I I i ICI' I i ~ I N ~ III ! x 11 i':. ! , ~ I I I I i I 0 ' Q I o I I_ N O Cfl co <D I C/) I ` I I. I+ ~J ~ ~ II W I I o U II N ~n I I I O Q II I QI i^ - vJ p u1 ~t N ' I I I I I I Q' i, , I i - - Q O 7-1 i - L a ~ N N st 'it ~f ^ p I p c ! II 0 0) 3: iz~ t+7 ne c Q N vJ - Y O - IL I W o 00 to (D O o Q O M ~ Co 4UO40JOIs) „9-,8Z Wayajols) "9'.8Z I ~a n I r I i I ~rl ! I rj V I { o v ~ 1 LU W 0 C: kD ^ _ x; III❑_ I~m ~ o C z r ~I ~ o ! Z un v ~ III ~ I ra rB - c1) cV Cn C Q ~ ' ~ Ii ~ I !i r- r- c.0 ~ I I , i Lam.. 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