HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1243 - ORD Adopting City Plan for Land Use Based on Current Land Use /J Dr,' 'G~~ ORDINANCE NO. 1243 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A CITY PLAN FOR LAND USE BASED ON THE CURRENT LAND USE OF THE VARIOUS TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY~ RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING PREVIOUS LAND USE AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE 111~ ADOPTING AN OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FOR THE CITY~ AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City's Zoning Ordinance, Number 111, a Comprehensive City Plan and Land Use Map was adopted in June 12, 1937 by the City Counci1~ and WHEREAS, previous City Councils have, from time to time, considered and passed amendments to Ordinance 111 that reclassified the land use classification of certain real property within West University [ Place, Texas~ and WHEREAS, the City Council has hired a consultant to research and develop a Comprehensive City Plan and Land Use Map reflecting the current land use classifications and locations within the City~ and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the proposed Comprehensive City Plan and Land Use Map substantially relates to the health, safety and general welfare of the community~ and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the proposed Comprehensive City Plan and Land Use Map does properly represent the Comprehensive City Plan that has developed since June 12, 1937 and that the adopting of proposed Comprehensive City Plan and Land Use Zoning Map is in the best interest of the citizens of the City of West University Place, Texas. PAGE 11 Ti II. r-----,I . ;111 111 ".ill --,---.~.--- --- -- m'__"'j"""-":iI'lnnnrrrR11ll'lll!ll1iTTi li-'~'""n"nrr L';:h~L.UU U'L..;L 'l')' G-_O "lll!IIlllllImIDlllllmOIJl ",..i...l JlT"""'"'--'~'~ I! I Hi" _~ .1". ..J C--I .. TJ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section I. That the Comprehensive Plan for the City of West University Place, Texas, Volume I, together with all exhibits thereto, prepared by Ci ty Planner, Thomas E. Palmer, is hereby approved and adopted by City Council as the Comprehensive Plan for the City of West University Place, Texas. Section II. That the Subdivision and Zoning Map, dated October 14, 1985, prepared by City Planner, Thomas -E. Palmer, in conjunction with the preparation of the City's Comprehensive Plan, is hereby approved and adopted as the official Zoning: _ Map for the City of West University Place, Texas. Section III. That the City Council hereby ratifies and confirms the legislative actions of previous City Councils from June 12, 1937 to date that amended and modified land use classifications under Ordinance 111. Section IV. That the City Council hereby reconfirms it's commi tment to responsibly maintain the residential character of the City. PAGE 12 I ~ u ~ ~ m , .. 22, after its final approval. Section V. That this Ordinance shall be effective immediately and September PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING this 23rd day of , 1985. PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING this 14th October , 1985. [ ATTEST: Audrey Nichols, City Secretary (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: James L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney ,......~ r-.:I' . r-!. "1. Councilmembers Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Counci1members Cummings, Schwartze1 Councilmembers Voting No: day of All Hi gl ey, Bryan, NONE Michael L. Parks, Mayor PAGE 13 11 1~LI ,. ."I1J.' '-jlTmmrrrlrlliilITI!I!IIrm:rrnll7['!jllr -If'':",,-~n.1rl''-- 215 EXHIBIT "A" ORDINANCE NUMBER 1243* The following ordinances are those which define land use within the City of West University Place. Ordinance Number 111 of the City of West University Place was amended by the addition of the following subparagraphs: Ordinance Number/ section Number m 131-6 (3) A retail business district, in addition to the other. retail business district or districts shown on the zoning map, shall extend from the north line of Lot 5, Block 5, in ~restonPlace and on the west side of Kirby Drive north to the south line of Bissonnet Street, and to a depth west from the property line along Kirby Drive the same as Lot 5, Block 5. This said District shall also exte~d from the west to the east property line of Lot 15, Block 2, of Monticello Addition and shall have the same depth from the south property line of said Bissonnet street as said Lot 15, Block 2. 152-5 A retail business district, in addition to the other i retail business district or districts shown on the zoning map, shall extend from the north line of Lot 5, Block 5, in Preston Place, within the corporate limits of the city, and along the west side of Kirby Drive north to the south line of Bissonnet Street, and to a depth of 180 feet west from the property line along Kirby Drive; provided, however, that no building or other upright structure shall be constructed or erected at a greater depth than 160 feet from such west property line of Kirby Drive. 168-1 w Apartment Houses and Duplexes in the. Fourth Single-Family Dwelling District on,lots facing South on Wroxton Road between Kirb~ Drive and Wakeforest Street, and Duplexes in the Fourth Single-Family Dwelling District on Lots facing North on Wroxton Road between Kirby Drive and Wakeforest Street. Except, however, no Apartment House shall be erected or constructed nearer than 15 feet from the front property line. *Ordinance Number 1243 begins on Page 11 of this document. EXHIBIT "A" PAGE 1 r, . . .-- ,1"---.- - . -..,m "1,1 i:III:' ----- T"""""'"rrrlnrm~- I1'm"", ...."... '....u...,, ,,,u,,,,..il JII'lI:IIllIlI:llII!!!!I!IUDIIWJJI< ,<_l.... _r",.~ -~.~_. I!I~'... .J L__I ~_"'-"'-':_1 210 -, ! 171-1 Church, on Lot 1 and the East 1/2 of Lot 2, in Block 41, West University Place, First Addition, in the First Single-Family Dwelling District. i -----J 285 Whereas, the City of West University Place, Texas, is not now using the South one-half of Lot Number Eight (8), Block Number Eighteen (18), College View Third Addition, and such property is not needed for any City use or purpose and the City has been requested by West University Place Baptist Church to sell such property to it so that it may be used for church purposes and for Boy Scout endeavors; Now, Therefore, be it ordained by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas: That said property be sold...... 292-1 Church, Church Building and appurtenances on Lot 2, Block 89, West University Place Second Addition, said lot being in the First Single Family Dwelling District. 293-1 i I ~ Church, Church buildings and appurtenances on Lots 8 and 9, in Block 19, Collegeview First Addition, and the south one-half of Lot 8 and all of Lot 9 in Block 18, Collegeview Third Addition, all of said lots and parts of lots being in the Eight Single Family Dwelling District. 308-1 4-(a) A retail business district in addition to other retail business district or districts shown on zoning map or heretofore established by ordinance shall extend from the west line of Lot 28, Cambridge Place Addition, to the east line of Lot 17, Cambridge Place Addition, and from the north line of Bellaire Boulevard to the north line of Cambridge Place Addition; provided that the buildings or improvements to be erected shall conform with all the provisions of Ordinance no. 111 and amendments thereto relating to uses and type of construction and other requirements. 346-1 (5) All lot lines (or set-back lines) for property in retail business districts in the City of West University Place shall be set at not less than 30 feet from the property line. \ , I I ! ~ EXHIBIT "A" PAGE 2 21i n ~ 475-1 Church, Church buildings and appurtenances on Lots 3 and 4, Block 4, West University Place, First Addition, in the First Single-Family Dwelling District. 499-1 A business building may be constructed on Lot 1 and the North 75 feet of Lot 2, Block 21, of College View First Addition, an addition to the City of West University Place, Texas, at a distance of 20 feet from the front property line of said property. 517 Sub-paragraph 10. Parking lot on the following described property located in the Seventh Single Family Dwelling District: [1 Ninety-eight one-hundredths (.098) of an acre, more or less, out of that certain tract of land out of Lot No. Two (2) of the Morse Subdivision of the A. C. Reynolds Survey in Harris County, Texas, conveyed by Chas. A. Wood, et ux, to W. D. Haden and D. T. Austin by deed dated February 6, 1924, recorded in Volume 564, Page 219, of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas, and described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at the intersection of the North property line of Rice Boulevard with the East property line of Edloe Street; THENCE, North along the East line of Edloe Street a Distance of One Hundred Twenty-four (124') feet to a point for a curve; THENCE in a Northeasterly direction with a curve to the right, the radius of which is Two Hundred (200') feet, a distance of Two Hundred Nine and Forty-Four One Hundredths (209.44') feet to a point of reverse curve; THENCE continuing in a Northeasterly direction with a curve to the left, the radius of which is One Hundred Thirty (130') feet, to a point for corner in the center of the drainage ditch; being the same drainage ditch that is provided for in that certain easement instrument bearing date June 20, 1924, W. D. Haden and D. T. Austin unto Harris County, recorded in Volume 1383, Page,320, Deed Records of Harris County, Texas; and the centerline of said drainage ditch being also the East of boundary line of the property then owned by said Haden and Austin ~n said A.C. Reynolds Survey; [ THENCE South along the center line of said drainage ditch and East of boundary line aforementioned, a distance of Three Hundred Fifty Nine and Eight-Tenths (359.8') feet to the North property line of said Rice Boulevard; EXHIBIT "A" PAGE 3 .,- -:> r .11 111 _.__._~l1...J "';'''''--:rrrmmJ!l~r 1"'"'" ..,..,n, .;j _1l~1lIiIilllilW,U;"_"""" IlTfI' -~,-!..,~. ,---.-- -IT~L. 'I[ ~J L I, -,~='J 210 THENCE, West along the North property line of said Rice Boulevard a distance of One Hundred Fifty-Five (155') feet to the East line of said Edloe Street and point of beginning; containing Ninety-Eight One-Hundredth (.098) of an acre, more or less. Less, however, that portion of the above tract lying South of a line One Hundred Fifty (ISO') feet North of and parallel to the North line of Rice Boulevard and cutting off the South One Hundred Fifty (150') feet of the tract above described; which South One Hundred Fifty (150') feet of said tract has heretofore been zoned by the City of West University Place for business use. 527-1 A business building may be constructed on Lots Nineteen (19), Twenty (20) and Twenty-one (21) in Block Three (3), Evanston Addition, an addition to the City of West University Place, Texas, with a ten foot set back on 'Kirby Drive and a twelve foot set back on Nottingham Street for a distance of fifty-eight feet from the west property line of Kirby Drive. Provided, however, that the portion of the said building occupying the remainder of said tract shall comply with the present set-back requirement of thirty feet. 546-5 A regulator station for the regulation of the flow of natural gas shall be permitted and such regulator station may be operated on the South 20 feet of Lot 15, Block 1, Kent Place, 2nd Section of the City of West University Place, Texas, said regulator station shall be of masonry and/or steel construction and shall be built by the City Engineer. I ~ 555-3 (7) Provided, however, that a sanctuary may be constructed on Lots 6 and 7 of Block 25, West University Place First Addition with a side lot set-back from the East boundary line of said lots (same being the West right-of-way line of Mercer Street) of thirteen (13) feet. 575-6 An office building t6be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted by Trunkline Gas Company to the City Commission of the City of West University Place at a regular meeting of said Commission on June 11, 1951, to face east on Kirby Drive, with a front lot setback of only 20 feet from the property line on Kirby Drive and with a side lot setback of only 20 feet from the South property line on Robinhood Street, said building to be constructed on Tract "A", Quenby Court Addition, an addition to the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be permitted. EXHIBIT "A" PAGE 4 21J w 647-4 (11) Recreational and educational, recreational building and appurtenances including playgrounds and paved or bitulithic constructed parking lot on the East 45.3 feet of Lot 2, all of Lots 3, 4,5 and 6 and the West 75 feet of Lot 7, Cambridge Place, said lots and parts of lots being in the Ninth Single Family Dwelling District. 651-3 Church, church buildings and appurtenances on Lot 7, Block 19, College View First Addition, in-the VIII-A, Single Family Dwelling District. 677-3 (13) Church, church buildings and appurtenances on Lot 1, Block 92, West University Place, Second Addition. 682-3 GJ An office building to be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted to the building inspector of the City of West University Place, Texas, to face East on Kirby Drive, with a front lot setback of only 15 feet from the West property line on Kirby Drive and with ,a side lot setback of only 10 feet on Wroxton Road for a distance of 131 feet, and providtng that the OWner be permitted to excavate for underground parking up to, but not beyond the property lines on all sides of said lots,: save and except that no excavation be permitted in, on or under the twenty- (20) foot easement covering the West: twenty (20) feet of the aforesaid lots, ,and that the parking of automobiles, on the surface be permitted up to the West University Place property line of Lots 8, 9 and 10 conditioned, however, that the Owners construct a masonry wall fence on the West property line of said property, said wall to have a height of not less than 6 feet, and reserving to the City of West 'University Place the right to ingress and egress in, on and: under the aforesaid 20 foot alley and/or easement for the purpose of laying, maintaining,and removing any and all utility lines, pipes or poles; is hereby permitted to be constructed on Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 1, Krenzler Courts, West University Place, Texas. 690-3 w An addition to the presently existing building of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church is hereby permitted to extend 15 feet beyond the building setback line on said church's property facing on Bissonnet Street. 722-3 EXHIBIT "A" PAGE 5 L. r~:=J. r'.1 -- ..'~nT~_TiL ___,____ _ __~___,__'..;~_._.l.clllJ.---- '--r:""""illlt1IiIlITliiiillmlIilIilllIr, I:'-"~''''''''':'' ,n,...." ",.. ,;1 2' - . t:.V J~IUilIilllJk..--,,~,,- rTTF' .~- ,-~-~ II L ..Il. _ ___ I .-.J L..--I _,:.1 (14) Church, church buildings and appurtenances on Lot lOA, Block 25, West University Place First Addition. 735-3 ----.J (15) The West University Methodist Church shall be allowed to use Lot No. II-A, Block No. 25, West University Place First Addition as a parking area on which to park motor vehicles in connection with the church's religious functions and program. 738-3 An apartment building is permitted to be constructed a m1n1mum distance of 20 feet from the front property line on Stella Link Road on Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 7, Cunningham Terrace, and the North 200 feet of Lot 26, Cambridge Place, provided, however, that such apartment building shall in all things comply with the existing ordinances and Building Code of the City of West University Place. 765-3 St. Andrews Presbyterian Church is hereby granted permission to use Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 1, Monticello Addition, as a parking place for motor vehicles 'belonging to the members of said Church during the time that religious services are being conducted in said Church, provided however, that such use shall in all other things comply with the existing Ordinances and Building Code of the City of West University Place, Texas. I ) ---J 822-3 Church, church buildings and appurtenances on Lot 1, Block 91, West University Place Second Addition. 879-1 Section 24A: There is hereby created a Townhouse Dwelling District upon and including Lots 1 through 16, Block 1, and Lots 1 through 15, Block 2, in Monticello Addition, being the lots in said blocks bounded on the west by Buffalo Speedway, on the east by Wake forest Avenue and fronting on Bissonnet street. 883-3 (18) Lots 11, 13, 14 and 15, Block 15, Collegeview Third Addition and Lot 6, Block 19, Collegeview First Addition, may hereafter be used by West University Baptist Church for the construction of church buildings thereon and other uses incidental to the operation of said church, provided however, that such use shall in all other things comply with the existing ordinances and Building Code of the City of West University Place, Texas. J 902-1 EXHIBIT "A" PAGE 6 r~ \ I i ~ l ~I nr, f!,t:"J., Section 24B: There is hereby created a Professional and Business Office Building District upon and including the following described lots: Lot 2, Block 1, Colonial Terrace Addition and Lot 2, Block 35, Colonial Terrace Addition (also known as the south 140' of Tract 9, Cambridge Place) and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Fairhaven Addition, City of West university Place, Harris County, Texas. 913-1 (4-1) (a) A retail business district in addition to other retail business district or districts shown on the zoning map or heretofore established by ordinance shall extend to and cover Lots 9, 10, and 11, Block 3, Cunningham Terrace Addition, City of West University Place, Texas; provided that the buildings or improvements to be erected on said lots shall conform with all the provisions of Ordinance No. 111 and amendments thereto relating to uses and types of construction in retail business districts and to all relevant provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City. 917-1 Section 29, Sub-Paragraph 3: Lot 5, Block 5, Preston Place Addition, to the extent of its recorded dimensions, and only to such extent shall be, and is hereby, included in said retail business district. 932-1 Section 24C. Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 25, Collegeview First Addition, City of West University Place, Texas, shall be used for the following purposes and no others: A. A use that conforms in all respects to the requirements as to the use, lot size, location of main and accessory buildings, frontage, setbacks and size of main and accessory buildings, in Single Family Dwelling District Number VIII-A. B. .. A parking lot, for' the - parking of-, vehicles owned by the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company and/or its employees and when used for: such purposes no structures of any . kind shall be constructed: on" said parking lot, except signs as:provided in: Section C-(7) of this ordinance. C. The use of said-lots as a parking lot shall be conditioned upon compliance with the following regulations, to-wit: (1) No entrances or exits shall be allowed on the Ruskin Street side of the parking lot. All entrances and exits shall be on Academy Street. (2) A hedge shall be planted along the entire ,width of Ihe parking lot on Ruskin Street and along the: Academy. Street side of the parking lot-in compliance with Article V, Section 20.72 through and including Section 20.75 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of EXHIBIT nAil PAGE 7 r r-- I 11.-r1.1 JI r r m<"'rrrmmlrlll'lmllrlmllmf' ]"'.." ',.";., --I'. ...... , 2~~ 940-1 981-1 1025-1 ' n ..... - - m...L ..II.- -'II r West University Place, Texas. Ordinance number 74l. (3) An opaque.. fence or wall shall be constructed.... 11 I~! Section 24-D: Block 2, Cunningham Terrace Addition (which includes the south 60' of said Block 2, more particularly described as 0.898 acres consisting of all of Block 2, Cunningham Terrace Addition between Weslayan and Stella Link Road and north of Bellaire Boulevard, shall be used for the following purposes and no others: A. A use that conforms in all respects to the requirements as to the use, lot.size, location of main and accessory buildings, frontage, setbacks and size of main and accessory buildings, in Single Family Dwelling Distr~ct Number VIII-A. B. A parking lot for the parking of motor vehicles by the employees, customers and permitees of the owners of said property and when used for such purpose no structure of any kind shall be constructed on said parking lot, except signs as provided in Section C(4) of this ordinance. C. Use of said property as a parking -lot shall be conditioned upon compliance with the following regulations..... ~1 U The City Commission hereby determines the necessity for the acquisition of Lot 1, Block 36, Colonial Terrace Addition for use by the city in its operations. Section 24-E. There is hereby created six (6) Townhouse/Clusterhouse Dwelling Districts as numbered below upon and including: Sub-Section A. Description of Districts Dwelling District No.1. Bellaire Boulevard: The lots bounded on the west by Mercer Street, on the east by Kirby Drive, and fronting on Bellaire Boulevard, being Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Block 1, Belle Court Addition; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Block 2, Belle Court Addition; Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 1, West University Place 1st Addition; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 2, West University Place 1st Addition; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 3, West University Place 1st Addition; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 4, West University Place 1st Addition; Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 41, West University Place 1st Addition; Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 42, West University Place 1st Addition; and Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 43, West !l ; .[ U EXHIBIT "A" PAGE 8 '2('"" -. ~d University Place 1st Addition; and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Block 1, Kent Place Addition. Dwelling District No.2. Kirby Drive: The lots bounded on the south by the south property line of Lot 6, Block 13, Virginia Court Addition, on the north by Tangley Road and fronting on Kirby Drive, being Abstract 61, A.C. Reynolds Survey, . Tract 6, .-495 acres; Lot 5, Block 5, Preston Place Addition; Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Block 9, Preston Place Addition; Lots 2, 4, 6, 8, .10, 12, 14, 16, Block 5, Virginia-Court Addition; Lots 2,4,6, 8, 10, 12,14,16,18, Block 10, Virginia Court Addition; Lots 2, 4, '6, Block -13,--Virginia Court Addition, and lots fronting on Tangley, being Lots 2 and 3, Block 4, Tangley Terrace Addition. Dwelling District No.3. Browning: Lots 1 through 10, Block 3, Bissonnet Place Addition, being Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Block 3,'Elissonnet Place Addition. Dwelling District No.4. Weslayan: Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Block 2, Bissonnet Place Addition. Dwelling District No.5. Bissonnet: Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, Block 18, Colonial Terrace Addition. Dwelling District No.6. Ruskin: Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Block 25, Collegeview First Addition. 1033-1 Section 24-F: There is hereby created a Townhouse/Clusterhouse Dwelling District upon and including Lots 1 and 2, Block 93, West University Place 2nd Addition. 1039-1 Section 24C. Collegeview First Addition; Block 25, Lots 1~10, Restrictions. A. A use that conforms in all respects to the requirements as to use, lot size, location of main and accessory buildings, frontage, setbacks and size of main and accessory buildings, in Single Family Dwelling District Number VIII-A. B. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 may be used as parking lot for the parking of vehicles owned by the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company and/or its employees. Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 may be used as a parking lot for the parking of passenger vehicles. All other vehicles are prohibited. When such lots are used for the purpose of parking, no structures of any kind shall be constructed on said lots except as provided in Section C below. uPassengerU vehicle is defined for the purpose of this section as any vehicle designed and used primarily for the transportation of EXHIBIT "AU PAGE 9 ,;.;;...., " .." ~I 2~ .- ~ G~l ,jl1!I!I1IlIlIml!D!lll[l[!1J11l1 rlT"'-~ -- ,- ,-- ~ I!"[ .W" I~ I::!. '_!..J passengers and having a maximum gross vehicular weight of 6,000 pounds. C. The use of said lots as a parking lot shall be conditioned upon compliance with the following regulations..... 1167-3 Lot 2, Block 92, West University Place 2nd Addition, may hereafter be used by 'st. George O~thodox Church for the construction of church buildings thereon and other uses incidental to the operation of said church"provided however, that such use shall in all other things comply with-the existing ordinances and Building Code of the City of West University Place, Texas. Regular Meeting City Commission: July 10, '1961 Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that the application from the Order of the Eastern Star for permission to erect a building on Lots, 1, 2, 3, Block 1, and Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 2, Bissonnet Place, to serve as an Eastern Star Temple, be granted subject to approval of final plans and specifications by the City Commission. ,I '..::"", , EXHIBIT :"A"- PAGE 10 ~l J 11 IJ ,j I I IJ