HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1940 Amending Ordinance 1937 re 2011 ElectionCity of West University Place Harris County, Texas Ordinance No. 1940 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 1937, FOR PURPOSES OF APPOINTING A JUDGE AND ALTERNATE JUDGE FOR PRECINCT 87 FOR THE CITY'S GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON MAY 14, 2011; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO SAID ELECTION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. Ordinance Number 1937 of the City of West University Place, Texas is amended to appoint Cheryl Wise as the Presiding Judge and Len Slusser as the Alternate Presiding Judge for Precinct 87. All other portions of Ordinance Number 1937 not specifically amended hereby remain in full force and effect. SECTION 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. SECTION 3. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. SECTION 4. The public importance of this measure and the requirements of the law create an emergency and an urgent public necessity requiring that this Ordinance be passed and take effect as an emergency measure, and a state of emergency is hereby declared and this Ordinance is accordingly passed as an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST AND FINAL READING, this the 14th day of March 1 2011. Signed: Bob Kelly 017 Mayor Thelma A. Lenz City Secretary REVIEWED: Alan Petrov City Attorney Thanh Pho West University Place Quan Harris, Texas Sac Lenh So 1940 MOT SAC LENH CUA THANH PHO WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS SU'A DOI SAC LENH SO 1937, CHO CAC MUC RICH BO NHIEM MOT TRU`&NG BAN DIEU HANH BALI CC' VA MOT TRU`&NG BAN DIEU HANH DU' KHUYET CHO PHAN KHU 87 PHU TRACH CUOC BALI CC' TONG QUAT CUA THANH PHO DU`GC TO CHU'C NGAY 14 THANG NAM, 2011; BAO GOM CAC KET LUAN VA DIEU KHOAN CO LIEN QUAN DEN CUOC BAU Ur NOI TREN; VA TUYEN BO MOT TINH THANG KHAN CAP. THEO LENH CUA BAN HOI DONG THANH PHO WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, NHU SAU: MUC 1. Sac Ienh So 1937 cua thanh ph6 West University Place, Texas da du°ac s&a doi de' b6 nhiem ba Cheryl Wise lam Tru•ang ban dieu hanh bhu cir va ba Len Slusser lam trv&ng ban dieu hanh dV khuyet cho Phan Khu 87. Tat ca cac phhn khac cua Sac Lenh So 1937 khong dLrac sua doi se van giir nguyen dhy du va hieu luc. MUC 2. Tat ca cac sac Ienh va phan trong sac Ienh co sv mau thuan theo day dwac giai tnr chi tU ph 'an mau thuan d6. MUC 3. Hoi dong Thanh pho chinh th0c ket Juan, xac Binh va tuyen bo rang mot van ban thong bao day du ve ngay, gia, dia diem va chu de cua moi cuoc hop khi sac Ienh nay da duac thao Juan, xem xet hoac da hanh dong chieu theo cach thu'c yeu chu b&i Dao Luat Hoi Nghi Ma Texas, da to chinh, va moi cuoc hop d6 da du°ac m& cho cong chGng theo yeu chu cua phap lust trong suot thai gian xem xet, thao luan va hanh do. ng nhu vay. Hoi dong thanh pho duyet, ph6 chuhn va xac nhan thong bao va cac not dung va cho niem yet. MUC 4. Tam quan trong cua bien phap nay va cac yeu chu cua lust phap tao thanh mot tru'ang hap khan cap va mot yeu chu can thiet cho Sac Ienh nay dvac thong qua va c6 hieu Iu•c nhu mot bien phap khan cap. Tinh trang khan cap theo day duac tuyen b6 va Sac Ienh nay dvgc phu hap thong qua nhu• la mot bien phap khhn cap va s6 c6 hieu Ivc ngay Iap to c tir sau khi ckrac thong qua. DUYET VA CHAP THUAN VAO LAN TUYEN DOC THU' NHAT VA CUOI CLING, ngay 14 thong Ba , 2011. Da kj: 491- Z- Bob Kelly Thi Trurbng XEM XET: Alan Petrov Luat Sv Thanh Pho Tong tnr&ng Thanh Pho' Ciudad de West University Place Condado de Harris, Texas Ordenanza No. 1940 ORDENANZA DE LA CIUDAD DE WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, QUE ENMIENDA LA ORDENANZA 1937 CON EL FIN DE ASIGNAR UN JUEZ Y UN JUEZ ALTERNO PARA EL PRECINTO 87 PARA LA ELECC16N GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD QUE SE CELEBRARA EL 14 DE MAYO DE 2011; CONTENIENDO LOS HALLAZGOS Y DISPOSICIONES REFERENTES A DICHA ELECCION; Y DECLARANDO UNA EMERGENCIA. EL CONSEJO MUNICIPAL DE LA CIUDAD DE WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ORDENA: SECCION 1. La Ordenanza 1937 de la Ciudad de West University Place, Texas, es enmendada para designar a Cheryl Wise como Juez Presidente y a Len Slusser como Juez Presidente Alterno del Precinto 87. Todas las demas porciones de la ordenanza 1937 que no son enmendadas de forma especffica por la presente permanecen en total vigor y vigencia. SECC16N 2. Todas las ordenanzas y partes de ordenanzas en conflicto con la presente, son por la presente revocadas haste el alcance del conflicto solamente. SECC16N 3. El Consejo Municipal halla, determina y declara de forma oficial que se dio suficiente aviso por escrito sobre la fecha, hora, lugar y asuntos a tratar en cada asamblea en las cuales se discutio, considero o se tomaron medidas sobre esta ordenanza, de la forma requerida por la Ley de Asambleas Abiertas de Texas, enmendada, y cada una de tales asambleas estuvo abierta al publico como to requiere la ley en todo momento que se Ilevo a cabo tal discusion, consideracion o en que se tomaron tales medidas. El consejo Municipal ratifica, aprueba y confirma tales avisos y su contenido y la colocacion de los mismos. SECCION 4. La importancia publica de esta medida y los requisites de la ley crean una emergencia y necesidad publica urgente, requiriendo que esta Ordenanza sea pasada y entre en vigencia como medida de emergencia, y por la presente se declara un estado de emergencia y esta Ordenanza es por consiguiente aprobada como medida de emergencia y entrara en vigencia y vigor inmediatamente al ser pasada. PASADA Y APROBADA EN SU PRIMERA Y ULTIMA LECTURA, este dfa 14 de Marzo de 2011. Firmada: n~ Bob Velly Alcalde REVISADA: Alan Petrov Abogado de la Ciudad Secretaria de la Ciudad