HomeMy WebLinkAboutSSMinutes09092010West University Senior Services Board Meeting September 9, 2010 Present: John Neighbors (Chairman),Mary Ryerson, Lyndon McKnight, Mary Lee Gray, Joan Johnson, Joe Mitchell, Jo Lukens, Celia Chipman, Selby Clark, Janet Vrancken, Pieter Vrancken. Absent: Stan McCandless. Staff: Tim O'Connor, Toby Brooks. Guest: George Baker (prospective Board member). The meeting was called to order at 1:58PM. The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Activities (Toby Brooks) Water aerobics, Yoga, the Theme meal, Pilates and the Parkinson's yoga have all proved popular. Mahjong and stretching have had little support. A field trip to Shangri La is scheduled for next Tuesday. Pickle Ball has attracted 3 - 4 regulars. Water color is popular. Meditation is scheduled for September 29 at 2PM and 25 have signed up. Shopping outings to Meyerland and to Wal-Mart have been enjoyed. The Father's Day concert was a great success.(At this point the guest - George Baker - was introduced to the Board). APAC (Joan Johnson) This report covers two meetings of APAC (Aug 5 and Sept 7) Deborah Moore (Division Manager for Area Agency on Aging) recommended looking at the website http://www.h gac.co./human-services/aging/services which provides a lot of information of use to seniors, in particular in-home help. Tim Stewart of the Advocacy/Legislation Committee reported on a meeting with Ellen Cohen (State Rep District 134). The State Legislature's focus in its upcoming session will be on the Budget and Redistricting. Due to the Budget shortfall, APAC will probably not see any increase in funding. The Committee is preparing for meetings with elected officials and therefore needs information on the most important issues facing our elderly. This Board should provide information on our primary need. Workshops "Get Ready for Life" are being held around the city, suggested we might attend: January 13 from 10:30-2:30 at the West Gray Adaptive Recreation Center, located at 1475 West Gray. These will cover: a) Accessing web based health information; b) Resources for seniors and persons with disabilities such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security; c) Planning for the future and legal issues that specifically pertain to seniors and persons with disabilities. It is recommended that a couple of our Board attend one of these workshops to see if there is information we may be able to use. The two workshops being held closest to West U are on Thursday, January 13, 2011 at West Gray Adaptive Recreation Center, 1475 West Gray and on Saturday, January 29, 2011 at St. Dominic Auditorium, 2401 Holcombe Blvd. It was recommended that Senior Services entities make sure to let seniors about Flu shots and Pneumonia Shots and where these are available. AAA has funding available between now and October 1 to assist seniors with Hearing and Vision needs and for "Emergency Response Buttons". The contact number to access these funds is (832-393-4410). Interfaith Ministries administers the Meals On Wheels (MOW) program which provides Meal Security to those who don't know where their next meal is coming from. Those who can afford a meal but have a transportation problem can be catered for by the for profit agencies. MOW sees a requirement of 1,000 more meals than last year. The coordinator for our area is Tim Stewart at the Jewish Community Center. Last Thanksgiving MOW delivered 5,000 meals throughout Harris County. Interfaith Ministries needs donations (make check out to Jewish Community Center- SMOW), donated food and people willing to deliver meals on Thanksgiving Day. Selby Clark related his experiences of last Thanksgiving: there were more than enough volunteers willing to deliver meals but the organization could have been improved. There is growing concern regarding the number of Baby Boomers entering the system and insufficient knowledge of what their needs will be. There is presently a HAPI (Houston Aging In Place Initiative) which is seeking to quantify these needs and identify what is available from the City of Houston and Harris County. Tim Stewart provided a report from the Advocacy/Legislation Committee on the plan for the upcoming Legislative Session. Joan Johnson has volunteered for this Committee. Copies of the Senior Resource Directory are available from Walgreens or from Toby. Good Neighbor (Mary Lee Gray) The upcoming meeting of the team will make a plan for the year, will organize the provision of Poinsettias for Christmas. Volunteers are needed not just for deliveries but also for contacting seniors on a regular basis. The Cards for Thanksgiving will be addressed at the next meeting. PARD (Tim O'Connor) 331 signed up for senior memberships of the Rec Center but only 10% are currently using these. We need to form swimming and exercise groups for seniors. We have staff available to do demonstrations of equipment. The 2011 Budget Process is underway. PARD Revenues are up and no significant changes in the budget, other than salary and wage freezes, are anticipated. WUPRC playground adjustments mainly to safety issues are underway: Huffington Park work will begin this coming week and the Park will therefore be closed for one week. Ball fields are maturing and should be ready for play later this month. Wier Park Tennis courts have been refurbished and were re-opened to- day. Friends Park wood restoration and park stone fence caps have been refurbished and sealed. Library Courtyard drainage project is underway and should be completed by September 30"'. Community Building/Senior Center renovations are being ramped up to begin in the Fall. The Budget is $250K. The Scout House Eagle Project has been completed This project along with the recent fencing and landscaping projects have made a significant difference to the overall appearance and safety of the building and grounds. Judson Park Eagle Project is complete - primarily a beautification landscape project. Colonial Park wooden play structures need work- we are looking for an interested Eagle Scout candidate to take on this project. Fibar upgrades at the Colonial playground will be completed by the end of September. Senior programming has been steadily increasing over the past six months bringing in more residents than ever before! Judson Park Redevelopment Sub-Committee has been formed and the initial planning meeting is scheduled for September 24"'. Budget detail will be available no later than September 30"'. Depending on the scope and potential cost of the covered pavilion the project may need to be phased in over two years. Movies in the Park: 10/8 Mary Poppins 10/15 Swiss Family Robinson. PARD is investigating partnership opportunities with the Houston Zoo. George Baker mentioned that while children up to 5"' grade seem well catered for in WU there seem to be no specific structures for teens in the 12 to 15 age range. Two other possibilities mentioned were foreign language conversation groups (not lessons but socializing) and a pot luck "International" lunch. The Chairman asked for some feedback on the success of Theme Meals. The meeting adjourned at 2:58PM