HomeMy WebLinkAbout08151991 ZBA Minutes'! ~ q, ~ ~ • ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES FROM AUGUST 15, 1991 REGULAR SESSION The Zoning Board of Adjustment came to order at 7:30 P.M. with Acting Chairmzn Robert Heaton, John Pickul,Joe Webb, and Victor Hansen present. Brent Sherrod, Director of Engineering and Construction, Cecil Boles, Building Inspector, and Elizabeth Bethune, Secretary were present from the City. Members introduced themselves and procedures were exp~.ained. The only case on the docket was #91-14, 4007, 4011, and 4019 Ruskin. Notices were read and participants were sworn in. Bob Singleton was present representing the owner of the properties in question, Intercity Investment Properties. Mr. Singleton explained that they want to build a parking lot on these three properties which are Zoned for town houses, but they ne~d to be granted a special exception by the ZBA, to do so. The parking lot would cater to the Bellaire Theater and surrounding shops. Mr. Singleton said • the plans for the parking lot would include high power lights which would shine onto the parking lot away from the surrounding houses, the plans would meet the green space area required by the Zoning Ordinance, and the parking spaces would be the required 9 ft. unless the board would allow them to be 8 1/2 ft. Cecil gave the city's viewpoint - According to the 1988 Zoning Ordinance concerning additional usage it says that "The ZBA shall issue a special exception for the use of a building site for parking of motor vehicles in connection with nearby commercial activities upon approval by the ZBA of the types of vehicles to be parked, the design of the parking facility ( including landscaping, paving, lighting, signs, etc.) and curb cuts, all of which may be included as conditions to the special exception." The following residents spoke in opposition of the special exception: Salvatore E. Myers G. Ham Judy Offman Craig Joyce Ellfs Mills Horace Hicks Manzo mond - - 4003 - 4107 - 4012 - 402' - 4036 Ruskin 4016 Ruskin Ruskin Ruskin Ruskin B Ruskin • Arthur Goldman - 4032 Ruskin Molly Armstrong Joyce - 4107 Ruskin Flournay Manzo - 4036 Ruskin Charlotte Muckelroy - 4008 Ruskin . / ~ • ~r., • .+ • r • Kyle Pentecost - 2606 Centenary Janice Lang - 3008 Quenby Greg Seward - 4004 Ruskin Cindy Bajarano - 4119 Ruskin Carol McCaffrey - 4010 Southwestern ~~ Chuck Roland with Ye Seekers food store who is a tenant at the Bellaire Shopping Center said that the parking lot is needed for employee parking. Robert Heaton asked that a note be made to remind the ZBA to make recommendations to the Zoning and Planninq Commission to consider changing the Zoning Ordinance so no further situations as this come up in the future. Brent Sherrod made a recommendation from the city for the following conditions: No access to the parking lot from Ruskin Street, the parking lot should be for employees and tenants only, usage hours should be limited, parking spaces should be a minimum of 9 ft., there should be an 8' fence along the existing property line, the parking lot should have internal drainage, and the sidewalks should be replaced. • John Pickul made motion seconded by Joe Webb to close the public portion of the meeting at 9:25 P.M. and to take a short break. Motion carried. Joe Webb made motion seconded by John Pickul to reconvene the hearing at 9:35 P.M. After a long discussion concerning docket #91-14, Joe Webb made motion seconded by John Pickul to ask the City Attorney for clarification and to reconvene the meeting on August 21, 1991, at 7:30 P.M. to make a decision. Motion carried unanimously. The applicant Intercity Investments withdrew their application for docket #91-14 by letter, August 19, 1991, and are preparing an application to submit at a future date. Chairman Attest: • Secretary The