HomeMy WebLinkAbout082310R CC Min0 The City of West University Place
A Neighborhood City
Bob Kelly, Mayor
Bob Fry, Councilmember
George Boehme, Councilmember
Steven Segal, Councilmember
Chuck Guffey, Councilmember
Michael Ross, City Manager
Alan Petrov, City Attorney
Thelma Lenz, City Secretary
The City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas, met in regular session on Monday,
August 23, 2010, in the Municipal Building, 3800 University Boulevard, West University Place, Texas
beginning at 5:30 p.m.
Agenda items were as follows:
Mayor Kelly called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Also in attendance were: Mayor Pro Tern Fry,
Councilmembers Boehme and Segal, City Manager Ross, Assistant City Manager/Public Works
Director Peifer, City Secretary Lenz, City Attorney Petrov, Police Chief Walker, Parks and Recreation
Director O'Connor, and City Planner Scarcella. Councilmember Guffey was not present at start of the
1. Procurement Practices - Encouraging the Use Of West U Businesses
Matters related to encouraging the use of local businesses in the City's procurement practices.
Councilmember Boehme spoke to say that the purpose of this item is to recognize the contributions
that our local businesses make to the City and our local economy. He said we should use local
businesses whenever possible.
As requested by Councilmember Segal, Councilmember Boehme read his prepared statement:
"The City of West University Place City Council recognizes the ongoing contributions of local
businesses to the quality of life and local economy. Whenever practicable, the City Manager is
asked to give consideration to local businesses in the city's procurement practices."
Councilmember Segal said it is his understanding that Councilmember Boehme is not suggesting a
bidding process, but rather just asking staff to give consideration to local businesses first, if a local
business offers the service.
Everyone agreed.
2. Recreation Fees
Matters related to the City's Fee Schedule, specifically Parks and Recreation Fees.
Parks and Recreation Director O'Connor presented this item and went over the Summary of the
Recommended 2011 Fee Ordinance changes and Revenue Summaries for both the West U
Recreation Center and Colonial Park (see Attachments).
City Council Minutes, August 23, 2010
Councilmember Guffey arrived at 5:45 p.m.
City Manager Ross asked Council to provide any input or feedback to staff before it's brought back
to Council for a vote in the near future.
3. Tree Ordinance
Matters related to the protection of trees and the City's tree ordinance.
Mayor Kelly presented this item and referenced background information provided at the January 12,
2009 City Council meeting.
Mayor Kelly said at the time the changes were driven by staff and the Building and Standards
Commission (BSC), not Council. He said it was his understanding that it was brought forward
because staff was having problems in the administration of the existing ordinance. He said it was
also his understanding in January that it didn't pass because it wasn't strict enough relative to
taking down a tree.
City Manager Ross said a minority of the BSC felt that the proposed ordinance needed to be
stronger than what was brought forward at that time, which is what the majority of Council at that
time had issues with and so it was sent back to the BSC for further evaluation and it had not been
brought back to Council until now.
Mr. Ross said staff approves the housekeeping recommendations that was brought to Council in
January 2009, and said Council could consider approving those items on first reading tonight.
Mayor Kelly said he would like to see the ordinance stronger, but is for adopting what is front of
Council tonight to at least address the problems that staff and BSC has seen thus far. He said he is
not trying to rush it, but he would like to see that we at least get these housekeeping issues
addressed and look at it more in depth down the road.
Councilmember Segal said approving the housekeeping items will be a big improvement over what
we currently have.
Councilmember Boehme said that this is a little more than just housekeeping as it has some
substantive components. He said when the tree ordinance was first passed in 1991 or 1992, it was
the first generation of tree ordinances and no one knew what they were doing, so really what this
proposed ordinance does is modernize the existing ordinance.
Councilmember Boehme said he is comfortable with adopting the recommendations from 2009, but
he also in favor of stronger provisions. He said one of the things that Council needs to do is define
what the purpose of the ordinance is.
Mayor Kelly said he recommends consideration of the proposed ordinance from 2009 in the regular
session and add a Council goal to meet with the BSC in the future and decide how we want to
make the ordinance stronger.
In response to Mayor Pro Tem Fry's questions to BSC Chair Bryant Slimp as to whether the BSC is
okay with approving the proposed ordinance, Mr. Slimp replied that there are new members on the
commission so all of the current board members have not seen it, yet, but believes it is okay to
approve the ordinance as is and further changes can be made later as directed by Council.
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City Council Minutes, August 23, 2010
ACM/Public Works Director Peifer said the proposed ordinance makes for a healthier urban canopy,
which defines the City and gives staff the ability to diversify the species.
4. West U Recreation Center
Matters related to the Exhaust Fan at the West U Recreation Center, including discussion regarding
the possible modification or relocation of the fan and associated costs.
Councilmember Segal presented and said this was brought to his attention through a series of
emails forwarded by the City Manager between him and Hope Northrup and her husband. He said
it is his understanding that the exhaust fan to the pool runs 24-hours-a-day and blows directly in the
backyards of several residents.
Councilmember Segal said at the invitation of the Northrups, he went to their home to listen to the
exhaust fan and he suggested that each Councilmember individually visit the site to listen to the
noise, as well as walk around inside the fence of the Recreation Center and stand under the
exhaust fan at the fence and then walk around to the playground side, because one of the options
is to relocate the exhaust fan from the north to the west.
Councilmember Segal said before this can really be discussed, Council needs to step in the
Northrup's shoes and go do this walk within the next two weeks in order to have it on the next
Council agenda to discuss an appropriate remedy.
City Manager Ross said staff has researched this issue and have narrowed it to two remedies. He
said one is to install a 90 degree vent (at the same location) on the actual exhaust at the wall where
you can come out and turn the vent and point the sound at the ground, which is estimated at
approximately $10,000. He said the only thing that hasn't been done is hiring an acoustical
engineer to evaluate it and tell us the exact decibel level difference it might make with one
improvement versus the other and said that cost would be in the $5,000 to $10,000 cost range. He
said the last thing Council would want to do is to spend money and not achieve the benefits.
Councilmember Segal again suggested that all of Council individually visit the site first.
Councilmember Boehme said he also visited the site and said if you stand behind the exhaust fan, it
is very loud, but if you walk to the side of the building, you can't hear it. He also suggested that the
rest of Council go and visit the site.
City Manager Ross said the second option is to completely seal off the hole facing north and move
it to the west wall where it would exhaust out toward the little league fields. He said as long as we
don't start disturbing a new set of residents, we're fine, but we won't know until we have an
engineering evaluation done.
Councilmember Segal said if you walk the fence and stand directly under it and then walk down that
row,. it gets quieter the further you get. He said if you go directly where the new one will be at a
right angle to it now, you could hear the difference.
City Manager Ross pointed out that we are in compliance with the ordinance.
In response to Councilmembers Segal and Boehme suggestion to visit the site, Mayor Pro Tem Fry
said he trusts the information that they have provided, so he doesn't think that it is necessary for the
rest of them to visit the site.
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City Council Minutes, August 23, 2010
Mayor Kelly agreed and said the issue comes down to which way is the most effective way to do
this, because we only want to do this once.
City Manager Ross said his recommendation would be to move the exhaust fan to the west wall
and maybe also put a 90 degree angle on it.
Councilmember Guffey suggested putting in a couple of baffles. City Manager Ross said staff will
ask the mechanical engineer about that.
Mayor Pro Tern Fry said we have some unhappy residents and we have some councilmembers that
know why they are unhappy, so let's do something about it.
City Manager Ross said staff will look into the options and bring something back to Council.
Mayor Pro Tern Fry moved to adjourn the Workshop Meeting at 6:38 p.m. Councilmember Segal
seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Kelly, Fry, Boehme, Guffey, Segal
Noes: None
Absent: None
Special Workshop Meeting adjourned.
Agenda items were as follows:
Mayor for the Day David Brandtner called the meeting to order at 6:50 p.m. Council and staff
attending workshop also attended regular session.
Mayor for the Day Brandtner led the Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the Texas Flag.
Mayor Kelly recognized the Mayor for the Day Bradnter, a 5th grader at West U Elementary School.
City Secretary Lenz confirmed that the Notice of the regular meeting was duly posted in accordance
with the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551.
5. Proclamation by "Mayor for the Day" David Brandtner
Mayor for the Day Brandtner read his proclamation to the citizens of West University Place. After
reading his proclamation, he was congratulated and thanked by Council and he left the meeting.
6. Public Comments
D. Wylie signed up to speak on the tree ordinance, but deferred to speak at the time the item was
discussed (Item 9).
7. Request for Waiver to Serve Beer and Wine at Donor Appreciation Event
Matters related to a request from the Friends of West University Place Parks to serve beer and wine
at an event at Colonial Park Pool on September 26, 2010, in honor of outgoing Friends Chair, Joni
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City Council Minutes, August 23, 2010
Parks and Recreation Director O'Connor presented this item and said this event would be a three-
fold event: to honor Joni for her service to the community, to honor the long standing benefactors
of the Friends, and to introduce new board members.
Mr. O'Connor said alcohol will not be sold and only beer and wine will be served. In addition, the
event is by invitation only and is not open to the public.
Councilmember Segal confirmed with Mr. O'Connor that Friends is now requesting permission to
hold the event at the Recreation Center instead of Colonial Park, which he has no problem with. He
said the problem is with the resolution in that it states Colonial Park and there is no time is
Mr. O'Connor said it is now the Friends preference to hold it at the Recreation Center because of
the heat and the potential of inclement weather. He said the event is scheduled for Sunday,
September 26, 2010 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Mayor Pro Tem Fry moved to approve the waiver to the Friends of West U Parks Fund for the event
on September 26, 2010, at the Recreation Center from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Councilmember
Boehme seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Kelly, Fry, Boehme, Guffey, Segal
Noes: None
Absent: None
8. Procurement Practices - Encouraaina the Use Of West U Businesses
Matters related to encouraging the use of local businesses in the City's procurement practices.
Councilmember Boehme moved to adopt the following resolution:
"The City of West University Place City Council recognizes the on-going contributions of local
businesses to the quality of life and local economy. Whenever practicable, the City Manager is
asked to give consideration to local businesses in the City's procurement practices."
Councilmember Guffey seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Kelly, Fry, Boehme, Guffey, Segal
9. Tree Ordinance
Matters related to the protection of trees and the City's tree ordinance.
Mayor Kelly presented and requested a motion so that discussion could ensue and citizen
comments could be heard.
Councilmember Segal moved to adopt the ordinance relating to trees, amending Chapter 82 of the
Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas, and the Criteria Manual defined in
such Chapter and containing findings and provisions relating to the subject on the first reading.
Councilmember Guffey seconded the motion.
City Council Minutes, August 23, 2010
Diane Wiley, 6338 Mercer, spoke to say that Chapter 82 of the Code as it exists today is weak and
the ordinance doesn't truly protect the trees. She said she has an interest in the ordinance due to
property adjacent to hers (6330 Mercer) being considered for a parking lot by West U Baptist.
Councilmember Segal told Ms. Wiley that she has valid concerns regarding the current ordinance
and he hopes that this proposed ordinance will add some protection until it can be reviewed and
improved upon even more.
In response to the question posed by Councilmember Guffey, City Planner Scarcella stated that
proposed changes to the ordinance at this time include diversity of the urban forest, an update of
the qualified tree list, , and information on adequate planting areas based on the species of the tree.
At this time a vote was made to the motion by Councilmember Segal and second by
Councilmember Guffey.
Ayes: Kelly, Fry, Boehme, Guffey, Segal
Noes: None
Absent: None
As part of the tree ordinance item, Mayor Kelly moved to approve adding review of the tree
ordinance to Council goals, with the first step being to meet with the Building and Standards
Commission. Councilmember Boehme seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Kelly, Fry, Boehme, Guffey, Segal
Noes: None
Absent: None
10. Consent Agenda
All Consent Agenda items listed are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be
enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council
member requests in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and
considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.
A. City Council Minutes
Approve City Council regular meeting minutes of August 9, 2010.
B. Solicitation Ordinance
Matters related to an ordinance regulating door-to-door soliciting and advertising in the City
of West University Place.
C. National Payroll Week
Matters related to proclaiming the week of September 6 - 10, 2010 as National Payroll
D. Wakeforest Water Pump Station
Matters related to Change Order No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with, and
final payment of $6,680.00 to, Dunham Engineering for management services to rehabilitate
the Wakeforest Water Pump Station.
Councilmember Segal requested that item 10(A) be removed for discussion.
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City Council Minutes, August 23, 2010
Mayor Pro Tem Fry moved to adopt the Consent Agenda, except for City Council Minutes of August
9. Councilmember Guffey seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Kelly, Fry, Boehme, Guffey, Segal
Councilmember Segal said he asked that the Minutes be removed because on Page 3 it reads
"Councilmember Boehme said he doesn't have a conflict of interest and so this Rule indicates that if
he doesn't vote, he will be recorded in the Minutes as voting affirmative. He said it is his preference
not to vote on this because while he thinks it is a close call, he has heard people make comments
suggesting the possibility that there is an appearance of a conflict of interest" and he wants to clarify
that it his recollection and is what he said that it was his preference not to vote and the Council
waived the rules and allowed him not to vote. Councilmember Segal said he is pointing this out
because the Village News reported that Councilmember Boehme said it was his privilege not to
vote, which is not accurate.
Councilmember Segal said that in the same article it states that Councilmember Boehme filed an
Affidavit declaring a Conflict of Interest, but that was related to the Colonial Park Pool concession,
which is not related to the vote in hand dealing with the Tiny Boxwoods liquor license.
Councilmember Segal said if anybody wants to find out what really happens in the meetings, he
suggested people read the Minutes rather than what appears in newspapers.
Councilmember Segal then moved for the adoption of the Minutes. Mayor Pro Tern Fry seconded
the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Kelly, Fry, Boehme, Guffey, Segal
Noes: None
Absent: None
11. Reports by Council/Staff
A. Report on the Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS).
Councilmember Segal reported that he will be in Austin for the Advisory Committee meeting on
Thursday and the results of that meeting will go to the TMRS Board on Friday. He said there will be
a presentation from non-TMRS organizations regarding optional flexible cost of living adjustments,
as well as employee cost sharing. He said there will also be a discussion vote on the adoption of
the Advisory Committee proposal including flexible COLAs and two-tiered proposals.
Councilmember Segal said he stated in a previous report that he didn't think those two would come
up for a vote any time soon, but they are now on the Committee's agenda. He said whatever is
approved at the Committee meeting will go to the Board the next morning for review and for them to
make a decision on what they will recommend.
With no other business before the Council, Mayor Pro Tern Fry moved to adjourn the meeting at
8:00 p.m. Councilmember Segal seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Kelly, Fry, Boehme Segal
Meeting Adjourned.
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City Council Minutes, August 23, 2010
Prepared By:
Thelma A. Lenz, City Secretary
Date Approved:
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City Council Minutes, August 23, 2010
Attachments (7 pages)
Summary of Recommended 2011 Fee Ordinance Changes
West University Place Recreation Center:
• Parks Board and staff recommend that no changes be made to the current Membership Fees
o We have not yet experienced a full twelve-month operation cycle and therefore we do
not have an accurate benchmark for resident use.
o The new athletic fields will be operational beginning sometime in the early Fall of 2010
and the associated use is expected to increase resident use of the Center.
o The resident use of the Center has been gradually increasing each month since the April
12`h Grand Opening and we expect that trend to continue.
o Membership sales account for approximately 20°% of the total WUPRC revenue stream,
while Walk-In Fees account for approximately 2%, the Leisure and Aquatic Classes
account for approximately 70%, Contact Rent accounts for approximately 7.08% and the
Tennis and Vending Fees account for less than .02% of the total WUPRC revenue stream.
a Council's decision to offer residents a 50% discount on memberships has been very well
received by our residents and the applied logic that this reduction would make joining
more attractive to residents has proven to be quite accurate.
o To open membership to non-residents could result in a negative impact on resident use
and subsequently create resident animosity.
• Parks Board and staff recommend lowering the Daily Walk-in Non-Resident Guest Fee from the
current $16.00 daily rate to $8.00 ( twice the amount a resident walk-in is expected to pay )
o Staff has received numerous complaints from our resident members and resident daily
users regarding the $16.00 dollar daily admission fee.
o A high percentage of our resident members are gracious hosts and hostesses and they
are paying for their invited guest's admission, Please be reminded that our current Fee
Ordinance prohibits non-resident use unless they are coming in as a guest of a resident,
so in fact this fee is a true guest fee and not a non-resident fee.
• Parks Board and staff recommend lowering the Daily Walk-In Non-Resident Guest Public Swim
fee from the current $10.00 daily rate to $5.00 ( twice the amount a resident walk-in is expected
to pay )
o Staff has received numerous complaints from our resident members and resident daily
users regarding the $16.00 dollar daily admission fee.
o A high percentage of our resident members are gracious hosts and hostesses and they
are paying for their invited guest's admission. Please be reminded that our current Fee
Ordinance prohibits non-resident use unless they are coming in as a guest of a resident,
so in fact this fee is a true guest fee and not a non-resident fee.
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City Council Minutes, August 23, 2010
West University Place Recreation Center Continued:
• PLEASE NOTE: There will be an increase of approximately $240,000.00 in O&M for 2011 due to
the fact that we will be operating for a full twelve-month period in 2011 as opposed to a nine-
month period in 2010. However, revenues are expected to recover that increase.
• The WUPRC is on track to recover approximately 90% of its general Operations & Maintenance
( O&M ) costs, but in light of the fact that this 0&M cost does not reflect the costs of electricity,
natural gas or janitorial services, the Board and staff feel that Leisure and Aquatic Class revenues
and Contract Rent should increase enough to recover a significant percentage of those costs ,
until an effective Annual 0&M benchmark can be established.
• Please note that staff is strongly in favor of eliminating the Monthly Membership Option, at
least until we can implement an Electronic Fund Transfer system into our membership
management software program, and going exclusively with the Annual Membership Option.
o Time consuming for staff to manage memberships monthly.
o Negative impact on revenue projections, due to the "gaps" between expiration dates
and renewal dates.
o A majority of our current membership sales are Annual Memberships
Colonial Park Swimming Pool:
Parks Board and staff recommend a slight increase in the following membership categories:
44 Individual Season Pass -from $62.50 to $75.00 (+16%)
Couples Season Pass -from $90.00 to $110.00 (+18%)
Family Season Pass - from $150.00 to $175.00 (+14%)
o The Colonial Park Pool is on track to recover 100% of its general Operations &
Maintenance ( O&M ) costs, but in light of the fact that this O&M cost does not reflect
the costs of electricity, natural gas or janitorial services, the Board and staff felt that an
incremental fee increase was in order, until an effective Annual O&M benchmark can be
a Membership sales account for approximately 50% of the total CPP revenue stream,
while Walk-In sales account for 20%, Pool & Pavilion Rentals account for 18% and
Concessions account for 12% account for the remaining revenues. Based on the 2010
Membership Sales, the proposed membership increases would generate approximately
an additional $16,000.00 in revenue in 2011.
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City Council Minutes, August 23, 2010
Colonial Park Swimming Pool Continued:
• PLEASE NOTE: There will be an increase of approximately $30,000.00 in O&M for 2011 due to
the fact that we will be opening the pool on approximately eight weekends ahead of the 2011
Memorial Day Weekend, which was not facilitated in 2010. However, revenues are expected to
recover that increase.
• The Parks Board and staff are recommending a "NEW" Membership Option for 2011, which
involves the following categories:
Combination Individual West University Place Recreation Center Annual
Membership and Colonial Park Pool Season Pass - $225.00
Combination Family West University Place Recreation Center Annual Membership
and Colonial Park Pool Season Pass Family Season Pass - $425.00
o Many of our current WUPRC and CPP members have requested that we make these
membership options available.
o We feel that making these two membership options available will not only give our
customers the option they have requested, but expected to increase our overall
membership sales.
Colonial Park Pool Rentals:
• The Parks Board and staff recommend only one change to be made to the existing Pool Rental
Fee Schedule.
o The Exclusive Pool & Multi-Purpose Room Rental is currently $500.00 for a two-hour
time period outside the perimeters of our normal operating hours of operation. We are
proposing increasing that fee to $600.00 ( +20% )
o City's Direct Cost for these Rentals is approximately $350.00
o We feel, as do the past rental customers we spoke with, that this rental option is an
"unbelievable bargain". The value of such a rental option should be a means for the City
to recover a fair amount of money above Direct Cost, which would help offset the
Annual O&M costs of the entire Colonial Park Pool operation.
o The Parks Board and staff feel a 20% increase is reasonable and incrementally low
enough to not cause folks to look to other sources for their pool party needs.
Community Buildinp, Senior Center and SC2House Rentals:
• The Parks Board and staff are recommending that no changes be made to this Rental Fee
Schedule. However, one change has been made and that change is actually a fee reduction.
o The Janitorial Fee is being reduced from a $75.00 to a $45.00 Flat Fee per rental( -40% )
o The City has entered a contractual arrangement with a new janitorial service provider.
Not only is the rental janitorial service fee been significantly lowered, the level and
quality of service is expected to improve significantly.
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City Council Minutes, August 23, 2010
All Memberships may be
purchased either
Month) or Annual)
Individual Annual I $360.00
$180.00 Annual
$15.00 Monthly
Couple Annual Resident $480.00
$240 Annually
Racquetball court +15.00 Monthly
Tennis Court Resident $180.00 Annually
"Preferred Membership or
I $120.00 Annually
Allows for phone-in w/Facility Membership
court reservations i
Tennis Court Non- $270.00 Annually
- - - -
~s far phone-in
Walk-In Resident
Swim Youth
$180.00 Annually
$120.00 Annually
Membership I
$300A0 Annually
$240.00 Annually
12 of 15
City Council Minutes, August 23, 2010
Individual Season Pass
Couple Season Pass x
Family Season Pass i
u . r
Daily Resident Walk In
Daily Guest Walk-in
50% OFF-2010
S7 5.00
Ages $5 00 All Ages 5.00 All Ages
$5.00 All Ages $5.00 All Ages
Individual Annual N/A $225.00
S30,00 savings
Family Annual N/A $425.00
II ~
. 1. $50.00 savings.
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City Council Minutes, August 23, 2010
pose Room Rental:
Dives a private pool
ty, only offered in
ason" and on identified
Rental Period:
Includes up to 75
guests. ( Each
additional guest, pool
maximum is 150
total, would pay a
$5.00 admission fee )
'urpose Room Renta
Use: Involves
ve use of the Multi-
e Room and general
Imission, only
I in "season", during
operating hours
Off Season Multi-Purpose
Room Rental: Involves NO
pool use
eason Multi-Purpose
n Kitchen Use., Involves
W use
den Deck Rental:
ves exclusive use of
M1tooden Deck and
ral pool admission,
offered in "season",
ig normal operating
Rental Period:
Includes up to 30
guests.{ Each
additional guest
would pay regular
admission price of
$50.00 Hourly plus a
Flat Fee of $75.00 for
Janitorial Service if
Food and Beverages
are served
$250.00 Two hour
Rental Period:
Includes up to 30
guests. Each
additional guest
would pay regular
admission price of
Rental Period:
Includes up to 75
guests. ( Each
additional guest,
pool maximum is
150 total, would
pay a $5.00
admission fee
$ 300.00 Two hour
Rental Period:
Includes up to 30
guests. ( Each
additional guest
would pay regular
admission price of
$50.00 Hourly plus
a Flat Fee of $45.0
for Janitorial
Service if Food anc
Beverages are
Rental Period:
Includes up to 30
guests. Each
additional guest
14 of 15
City Council Minutes, August 23, 2010
i Building/
Senior Center
Scout Hou
red. {
ity Deposit: is $200..00 $200.00
ed for ALL
Auditorium and Senior
Congregant Roam
Small Room Activity
Room A and Activity
Room B
Large Room.
Auditorium and Senior
Congregant Room
$50.00 Hourly for
1 $50.00 Hourly
either Room
! for either Room
$35.00 Hourly for
$35.00 Hourly
either Room
for either Room
S25.00 Flat Fee $25.00 Flat Fee
$75.00 Hourly for $75.00 Hourly
either Room for either Room
Small Room Room A
I $45 00 Hourly far
$45.00 Hourly
and Activity Room B
either Room
! for either Room
$35.00 Flat Fee
$35.00 Flat Fee
' .$40..00 Hourly
$40.00 Hourly
$60.00 Hourly
$60.00 Hourly
'Janitorial Fee: At ALL j $75.00,
rentals, where food i
and beverage are
served, janitorial
services will be
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