HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1853 - fee schedule of code of ordinancesOrdinance No. 1853 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FEE SCHEDULE OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1. The Fees & Charges Schedule of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas is hereby amended to read in its entirety as set out in Appendix A, which is attached and made a part of this ordinance. Section 2. This Ordinance applies from and after the Effective Date. New or changed water rates and charges shall apply to each billing period beginning on or after the Effective Date. For prior billing periods, the fees and charges in effect immediately before the Effective Date ("Prior Fees") shall govern. The Prior Fees are continued in effect for this purpose. Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 4. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, neither the remainder of this Ordinance, nor the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance to any other persons or circumstances, shall be affected thereby. Section 5. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this Ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. Section 6. This Ordinance and shall take effect after December 31, 2007 ("Effective Date"). PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED on first reading on C c`i~c c~?? Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: P ED, APPROVED and ADOPTED on second reading AND SIGNED on .ate 7 Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: Attess ' City Secretary eal} Recommended:' ~kj~' City Manage Signed: Mayor Reviewed: -i%~-- -C City Attorney 2 Appendix A Fees & Charges Schedule F.001 Administration F.002 Ambulance Service F.003 Animals F.004 Building F.005 Building and Standards Commission F.006 Electrical Work F.007 Garbage Service F.008 Health F.009 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning F.010 Liquor Licenses and Permits F.011 Municipal Court F.012 Parabolic Dish Antenna F.013 Parks and Recreation F.014 Public Records and Documents F.015 Plumbing and Gas F.016 Sexually Oriented Businesses and Adult Arcades F.017 Signs F.018 [Reserved] F.019 Trees F.020 Water and Sewer Service F.021 Zoning and Planning Commission F.022 Zoning Board of Adjustment F.023 Public Safety R(X)I ADMINISTRATION Motor vehicle decal charges $ 1.00 Commercial impact zone permit fee $ 10.00 For first motor vehicle and $5 EL motor vehicle thereafter Returned cheek (or ACH payment) fee $ 35.00 Also applies to payments returned by automated or electronic payment systems (ACH). Applies to payments of all kind, e.g.. taxes, permits, fees, charges, utili rates and all other ut oses. Lien release fee $ 25.00 Acquiescence to encroachment fee $ 100.00 Special events fee Actual cost Use of City-owned photocopier $ 0.10 Per copy Convenience fee li>r on-line usnsactumz , 2 Is r4 of total transaction amount GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM standard map - R lf?" s I I " color $ 0.75 Standard map - I I ' x 17" color $ I.(XI Standard map - 24' x 36` color $ I5.(xI Staruktrd map - 36 v48' coltu $ 175() Standard map - 42" x 52" color $ -14H X) Cusklm map -Same ac ibo%e + houriy labor char '*es '1 7, 711,1 N1 A002 AMBULANCE. SERVICE The total amount payable for each call or incident is the sum of the unit charges for the services provided and the items used, as shown below: 4tpplia+ '4~-fwv s .___._aSl a tl } - - _ Page 1 of 16 IV suppliea S 450) Oxygen Ijwlapn $ 85SH) 4 -4-.04 BLS emergency transport $ 550A0 ALS-I emergency trans $ 6500) AL.S-2 emergency trans Is 750-00 :A44 u4-14l. -rnike ge > WA 4 Um+d .r.elryPFes -4,- - _-21y.P(t kTwtt-sl}ert ..._.27.544- C~u-4biac-+4x*ntt4i}itt±_* Disposable blanket $ 27.56 Disposable collar $ 51.70 Disposable head blocks $ 21.60 144og Adffl*4i~ -3:.__...---- ..__-14t W EKG electrodes (set) $ 13.00 61;)N& -44L'k{itN1 ti+1Ht#'H) - - Glucnmeter Supplies 41- 444 `a IO.iHI tffiM+F'Mt+eaFff+n Intubation supplies $ 18435 Isolation kit $ 49.50 }~.!-thera{?y-f=+f4t~i.4y .3;-_____'.___. 1179 f,42tta4al-tt4x+la __.._44-. OB kit $ 44,60 Nkwe4t iHcvapY-finc-4adzs-2+aH -Y:- U5,00 . 4- -4544 Acetaminophen $ 1,00 Activated charcoal $ 44.00 Adenocard I Adenosine 6 mg $ 94.00 Adenocard I Adenosine 12 mg $ 177.00 Albuterol / Proventil 0.83% $ 14,00 1-ineel T Y i i 4iT(~ Aspirin 81 mg $ 1.00 Ativan $ 8.00 Atropine I MG $ 4.00 Atrovent $ 100 Benedryl 50 MG $ 4,00 f3rawF+u4ua0td-A4Ei -5.--,._. _.~?r~.}.E. Page 2 of 16 Calcium Chloride $ s".170 Cardizem 25 mg f 5 ml IVP $ 7100 C4rdarnne $ 45,110 Dextrose 25 % 25 MG $ 8.00 Dextrose 50% 25 MG $ 4.00 Diazepam 10 mg g 5.00 Dopamine 400 MG $ 36.00 Epinephrine 1:1000 IMG $ 4.00 Epinephrine 1 :10,000 1 MG $ 4.00 14+R+,em+de 44W', s; - :(#t Glucagon $ 160.00 Haldol $ 11.00 Lnsta - Glucose $ SAM 6s,ct~~ad-f4i+wxrs 4Ex4r4~a= 3:._ _ Laberalol $ 1301 Us,ix $ 2T(H) Lidocaine I(K) MG $ 4.00 Lidocaine 215 drip $ 21.00 Magnesium Sulfate 5 MG $ 5.00 M*ff iu+NC1N-mg+-4>O-n;F -4-94-41 Metoprolol $ 9.00 Morphine $ 13.50 Naloxone/Naican 2 mg $ 27.00 Nitroglycerine spray $ I.00 4V+trE«?ix ri+r~t F? 4;.._._.__---__. gip:} Normal saline 1000 cc N $ 41.34 Normal Saline -2-5,.w ce IV 5Wee A 18.60 Ptrrr-a ta~:rnide-4-A4f4. ..-....__4 a,w .x.-------2-+-)0- Promethazine 25 mg 4 7.W RomA iekrn-4-MEi 7-(K1- Sodium Bicarb $ 4.00 Solumedrol 125 mg 28.16 Terbutaline I mg $ 57.00 Tertacaine $ 1I'M Thiamine 100 MG $ 10.(x) Versed 2 mg $ 4.00 Page 3 of 16 Eyceptions. H) Amounts hilted to tither governmental units are determined by the applicable contracts or arrangements with those units. (2) The City may accept assignment of Medicare and Medicaid claims or payments, in which case, the amount payable is determined by the appropriate regulations. Such amount shall control over the charges set out above, in case of any difference. k cX. Y # '0 ! S 777777 7777' F.003 ANIMALS Original registration of dogs and cats $ 20100 Exception: $ I5 for owners over Cis years of age. Annual dangerous dug registration $ 2500) (fee is in addition to the above registration lies) First violation and impoundment fee b 5000 $100 if animal is: (i) not registered or (ii t a dangerous do- Second violation and impoundment fee $ 75,W) $1 SO if animal is: (i) not registered or (it) a dangerous dog Third and all successive violations and $200 if animal is: (i) not registered or (ii) a dangerous im oundment fees $ IIX) (0) do Daily kennel fees - 4?0.(0 Note : All original registration fees shown, with the exception o f the dangerous dog fee. are one-rime fees that register the animal for life. ZZ21 _0 K0( BUILDING Annual contractor registration fee $ 50.00 Permit application fee $ 15.00 In addition to applicable plan checking or permit fee Plan checking fee (applies to all plan Plan checking fee must be paid each time plans are submissions, unless otherwise 50% of the submitted or re-submitted. Exception: The building spetifically indicated; payable in addition corresponding official may reduce the re-submission fee if the time to permit fee) permit tee required to check the re-submission is materially lower than original submission Drainage plan review fees 'S.(Nt New construction permit fee (Single $ 032 per square family residential) foot $ 038 Per square New construction permit fee (Other) foot Remodeling and repair permit fee (Single $ 200) for 41.0(01 or less in construction value plus family residential $3.00 er $1100 in construction value thereafter Remodeling and repair permit fee (Other) $ 6010) for $1,(010 or less in construction value plus $30) per $1.0(0) in construction value thereafter Fence or wall pet nut fee $ 0.75 per linear foot $25.(0) min. Driveway permit fee $ 80.00 Includes entrance ramp permit fee Fire Systems Plan checking fee: $100 per set for original submission. $50 for re-submission (not credited to permit fees). Permit fees are $50 for each automatic fire extinguishing system and each alarm and detection system. For sprinkler systems. the fee is increased by either $25 (residential) or $50 plus $1.75 per head (non-residemiai). Fire system fees are payable in addition to all tither fees. I Sidewalk permit fee 40.75 per linear foot street or curb permit fee $ 25-00 For regulated t<acilifies under Chapter 19, add $150 for Ian-checkin plus application fees Page 4 of 16 Eweption: The permit fee fur work affecting new roadways under Chaptei 19 is $ I W, plus the estimated out-of- pocket expenses that may be incurred by the City in connection with the work, including engineering review, extra inspections or testing, supplemental traffic control etc. The building official Shull estimate such expenses at the time of application and shall collect at least 110% of the estimate as a deposit. The building official may require a pernuttee to supplement the dettosit as the work proceeds. When the work is finished, the building official shall refund any part of the deposit that exceeds the actual permit fees due in connection with the work. PWSF fow-impact) permit, for equipment attached to c xisting structures Non-low-impact PWSFpctmits require a special with no new electrical, alteration or $ iOt).OC) per site exception: see F.022, below construction Non-low-impact PWSF permits require a special All other PWSF (low-impact) permits $5001N) per site exception: see F_022, below Registration for house movers fee $ 5000) Renewal fee S 4()0.00 Moving permit fee $ 500.00 Occupancy inspection fee (Single family $ 50.00 residential) Occupancy inspection fee (Other) $ 100.00 If connection is to be made to a not-yet-constructed Water connection permit and meter City line, there is a deposit of $250 (not refundable 0'=) installation ( 513" r `s 215.00 unless. after new line is constructed, a new permit is applied for, with proper notice, inspection. etc.) Water. unnection permit and new R Z ~YQ00 Shon tinJe Service Connection sit nitrate me€er inwallatirm (5IR") Water c4mnct ion portal ilia new x 3.3:hy tj{7 Is~ng Sndc Service Connection suucture meter utstadaunn i51R-} If connection is to be made to a not-yet-constructed Water connection permit and meter (1") City line, there is u deposit of $250 (not refundable installation $ 275,00 - unless, after new line is constructed. a new permit is applied for, with proper notice, inspection, etc,) Actual Cost plus $175.(X). If connection is to be made to a mot-yet-constructed City line, there is a deposit of Water connection permit and meter $250 (not refundable unless. after new line is installation (Over 1") constructed, a new permit is applied for, with proper notice inspection. etc, I Water connection permit and new c 5,090.(t) Short Side Set vice Connection snuctwe meter installation (1, ) Water connection permit and new ;,ShS.(K) Lanz Side Service Connection act udurv meter installation (1' If connection is to be made to a not-yet-constructed City line, there is a deposit of $250 (not refundable Sanitary sewer connection permit $ 125,00 unless, after new line is constructed. a new pennit is applied for, with proper notice, inspection, etc.) Demolition permit fee $ 250A0 Swimming pool permit fee $ 150.(X) Duplicate permit charge $ 25.00 Duplicate permit card fife $ S( f10 Premature work charge (Starting before I(X)i~ of the person) fee (additional) permit is issuedl Page 5 of 16 Must be paid within 30 days of reinspection, and in any Reinspection fee (following routine event before any certificate of occupancy or similar 5t) (Itl inspe.aion t approval is issued. Fees may be appealed to BSC, and may be paid without prejudice to such an appeal. Must be paid within 30 days of reinspection. and in any Reinspection fee (mandatory reinspection S 75.00 for the event before any certificate of occupancy or similar following notice of violation of building first violation item approval is issued. Fees may be appealed to BSC, and or zoning ordinances or other applicable plus $ 15.00 for may be paid without prejudice to such an appeal. BSC regulations) each additional may reduce or abate this fee (and any appeal fees l. if no violation occurred, or for other good cause shown. Permit renewal fee 50% of the original permit fee FJX15 BUILDING AND STANDARDS 1 COMMISSION jApplication fee $ 100,00 =.'kk^s.M1 w t` fi4,~u#d d.a d la c fi. s' 3 F.006 ELECTRICAL WORK Application fee (Master electrician licence) $ 20.(X) Annual license fee (Master electrician) 50.00 Application fee (Journeyman electrician 1((X) license) License tee (Journeyman electrician) $ 10.00 Application fee (Apprentice electrician) $ 100) License fee (Apprentice electrician) $ 501 Application fee (Maintenance electrician license) $ 10 Qtl License fee (Maintenance electrician $ I0,0) license Permit application fee $ 150) Temporary service permit fee $ 20.(X) Meter loop and service permit fee $ 20.00 Outlet of light fixture permit fee $ 0.50 Appliance permit fee $ 2.00 Motor permit fee $ 3.00 Service reconnection permit fee S 100) Electric l sign permit fee $ 1000 Minimum permit fee $ 25.(10 Premature work charge (Starting before a permit is issued) 100% of the permit fee (additional) Reinspection tee $ 5(1.(10 Permit renewal fee 50x. of the original permit fee s -7 7: T 7= 1777- - 77-7,77 ,7 , 7 7 7 7 ' ,t FIRE DEPAR"I'MENT FEES See "BUILDING, Fires stems" Page 6 of 16 h k s r' 4 i. X` F+, per ~3{ 31,o', F-007 GARBAGE SERVICE Monthly dwelling unit charge $ 15.75 Basic fee. for basic service only. Monthly dwelling unit charge (Adult 65 $ 8.00 Basic fee, for basic service only. or overt Special pick-up of items at curbside, not $15.00 plus $1.Oft on a regular collection day for (hose per bag or Special service fee_ in addition to basic fee. items at that location equivalent - Special handling of items not bagged, prepared or placed as required for basic $15.00 plus $1,00 Special service fee, in addition to basic fee and any service. Evionple : Leaves and grass per bate or other applicable special service fee equivalent cli loss in non-approved bates. Regular route pick-up of ordinary $4.(X1 per one bag garbage at construction sites. with special sticker ba-C sticker (40-pound limit per bag). - 2- v 3F F008 HEALTH Permit application fee $ IS(Nl Annual food establishment permit fee $ 12001 Temporary food establishment permit fee $ 8 tN) (Special event) t b p $ i r} g a *v+'£ s i ! - i S.r i ~ HEATING, VENTILATION. AND AIR 009 F I ' CONDITIONING Annual contractor registration fee $ 50.00 Heating and air conditioning permit fee S 15.(X) Per unit (Residential) Heating and an, conditioning permit fee For first 140.000 btu's and $5 per 100,001) bin's 4 3000 (Commercial) thereafter Permit application fee $ 15.00 Local vent permit fee $ 30) Minimum permit fee $ 25,00 Premature work charge (Starting before a I Wr;t, of the permit fee (additional) permit is issued) Reinspection fee $ 50.00 Permit renewal fee 50% of the original fee e x:. € } x t 3. s a~ ; FO IO LIQUOR LICENSES AND PERMITS Gam.. Ik:n:, 01 Q ,r.... lw 11 44 -S 1 00 50W e , 0 , . 5; 'ffage4w#rrie4K-, -740444 lanes aI4 a r2~, e AIi;i•£. -rc...."6iY-1it~RYiSr'-{S~ r. r i `T ~ s@itiµ~{tIt Page 7 of 16 Rehtii-«kzr4rs-F4l-tnrattb~rai.:rote-Vet 1~ ux+-EN J~rev-~ttaileF .+#+-}xe+n+sr I~-w-e~- ~ _st14Y{ trt W-Ojty-Y-lit-ettr. k- -k 3.i.. i{). I4~#•xrEFl~'tiCF'+ur}Htr-h«tHf~.-Fir2i3~.r-lee 4 ~Fltttie+l-Urrt 1tCr yeti}_tlr:ticy,FH?-fTr'etN+... 'h%'e 4 RS't~t1~(1ri1tF-++i~fitiNifi!!<:-liet?itK°{t!r A-.__.-.... E',lfete+Hr+ntlt-ter s. P,~tl' I~rtl{. All liquor permit fees and license fees are regulated br the State. FM I MUNICIPAL COURT Clearame leovi X 'SIXI Complaint and judgment copy charge $ 2.00 Court costs are regulated by the State. All state-prescribed court costs apply. # y - t~ #Y• ^*4° mx.~: t~'i 4 `}?"§:v . 1x i' . 2. $e z..G S.rI ,S'f. - F.012 PARABOLIC DISH ANTENNAS Permit application fee $ 15,00 Installation permit fee $ 35.00 7777 L , F , RV 0 w F_013 PARKS AND RECREATION Daily swimming fee (Resident adult 4 IN to 64) $ 1Ol Daily swimming fee (Resident child 5 to 14 17) (A) Daily swimming fee (Resident child . under 5) S I.C>U Dally swinimhm fee (Resident 65 & N<r charge older t Daily swimming fee (Noo-resident adult E; {10 1-7 18 & older) , Daily swimming fee (Non-resident guest of resident dais swim) $ ;'II{) Daily swimming fee (Nun-resident child ernelet a-H 5 to 17) x 4 00 Daily swimn ing fee (Non-residem child tX} 5 2 under s t . Page 8 of 16 Daily swimming lee (Non-tesident adult ~..eu 65 & older) S ~1oo Daily weight roam fee (Resident) - -------I- 117 ou Daily weight room fee (Non-resident) 4.00 Hourly racquetball lee (Resident) - J,4,4 5 4,00 1 hour rrscrvatkm Yearly racquetball pass (Resident) al - -I(drJd)ti 11-5.(N1 (johmited I hour icserlauion`. Hourl,Y iacquetbah tce (Neil' resident) ,1114?- X NOi I hots rewir aitoll Yearly ra gnathah pass (Nun-resident) -5 - ---itt-tu+ S 195.00 llnlhnirM I hour reservations Tennis court reservation fee )-!)(I- $ ?.tali LS hour reservation Teams court annual reservation fee 4)04)W r Res3+Jent 1 S I _'SJNI Unlimited 1 S hour reservations Terms, court reser, at on fe (Non Itsident} 61Hi I,5 hour Iesern'ation Tennis oxm annual re,evation fee (Noe- -J-SEi{aO- rasirlernl 179.tN) I_InlirnnM 1.5 hour reseraatimrs Fti1t-inc. nice-,a;'rxtl w hil* try-- h(~rtiidtrrF-atialH ?~:H(~ -Nit }~~r-pestivtin•Nrzr~:itter 4r+E-~+rt 4> R,4444-* ~nrti«.ri~kesi,3znt-i~1t>1it .tsirn-avilatm+nt yaa.w-tae-f~i+<~:;idan+i lr-irr.' . _ -I»t++++'r~(teri?a#ieti ( oloniui Pail, rremhvtsfop fice (Re,idenl I hxludts puo1, weighs roam and cardw stud it) ad n 111 Annual lamlly swim bass tee (Resident) swim pass fee (Non- Annual individual x 300 (9) resident) Annual (awilp swim pass fee (Non- 1100.00 resident) 'School tear' individual swim pass $ 7511) September through May i Resident I tirhool year" Tamil} swim pass $ ?tH ts) September through May f Resident( Summer individual swim pass (Resident) $ 75,00 line Through August Summer fancily swim pass (Residemi 5 2(kl-(1(1 June through August School year" individual swim pass (Non F 150,0(1 September through May resident) School scar" falTUly ctkim pas:, 1Non- 41 d(H) .18! September through May reaiden( S Page 9 of 16 5lmunel In<lir Idlial 'um) I," < hnn I'C'~lii: Ilt1 x I?f LitO tmll'till uilh .Yll C'ii'l SIInIInv1 fa III 11L ~R1111 p.l.~S [tVtn7 It''Ident7 [00 (9) Jo1w thlooLfi !YpLR.rl 20-Swim punch pass fee (Resident) -S. 4001 Valid I? tnuntlt; Tiani aurfia>e 20-Swim punch pass fee (Non-resident) -s - FL IrU r l0li txl Valid 12 mllut6 tltuu of ha+e ?~t's't;i+ia-weieHV-I+H++tt-fhw~:. #ee-~-R~+rde+tu + __-----fi-1,tM). a-,t+ta ivei + a;?sn t;a~: MOff te~3c4NfiFi -Yex+ty Unual weight room pass fee IResident) 1tA7,00 Ve4t4r Mnuai weight room pass lee (Non-resident) $ 150.00 Hourly Youth Activity Room reservation and use charge (Resident{ - 4(U Hl Hourly Youth Activity Room reservation , and use charge (Non-resident) 60.00 Hourly Auditorium reset-vatlon and use chm'ge (Resident) x - -35 0r) $ 60.00 Hourly Auditorium reservation and use charge (Non-residenU 800) Hourly Kitchen reservation and use charge (Resident) , - 3W Hourly Kitchen reservation and use charge (Non-resident) ' $ 30.0(1 Hourly Meeting Room reservation and use charge (Resident) 4 - Hourly Meeting Room reservation and use charge (Non-residem) } i0J)0 Hourly Scam House reservation and use charge (Resident) . __.._;5.{:)g 4__ $ 55MO Hourly Scout House reservation and use charge (Non-resident) $ 65.(11) Hourly Senior Wine reservation and use . charge (Resident) r~r rn ' " $ d53w) Hourly Senior Wing reservation and use charge (Non-resident) 60,(9) Page 10 of 16 t~::+E: »;al-strt+:- whtwn+rr~-44-f- y.a ...!-krr* -t?!"*" f'NI't*rst'n te!xxt-ti:tk. . fke a-idea[-i Calsmial P,uk P~~o! Re❑lal fees $ 60 01) All iie i,ri,,e rental fec- IRe.<identt Colormil Perk Poot Retrial Ines (Nun ¢ I i)n !VI in, lusivc i2ntzd ter r4"sldeill} .4ea k1ble nn Sat & Snn CFeo nC% Alter MAMA 1 xclo,i pout Icni'll (Re,ideno - $ j MRt eraune hours, Allotted in' hour Iime block- Ncail lblc ou.Sat_ ku t- eocmng, alter n,lnnal ( xclu<lac pool rental(i\or-resident? _ S0111n) o 7eratole hours. Allancd in _ l,,,ur time block_ C'.olonial Puck Povition (Reaidclul K ?5.f lt) t.olonialKirk Pavilion(Nouresidcntt -'s ------4t>-{-Ni ~ sti (I(i t of nial Park M,cetim_ Rosen (Resident) 4 30-iht Crdomal Park Meetine Room iNoo- s 4 IX) resident) Rec.CemerGymnasiutm (Resident) $ 80.00 Per hour Rees Center G}'rnnasium (Non-residenp 's l 20 00 Pet hour Rc^c. ('enter Multi-fuipose iRcsidrnll $ -ds (}Ii. Rse Center Muni-prupow Room (Nun- 5(t1Nt resident) Ree Center Meeutte Room (Residenl) $ tp.UO Center Meetine Raom (Non- Ree , 15 1IY) resident) West University Recreation Center Daily Gym Pass: Resident Adult $ 2,00 - Non-Resident Adult $ 4.00 Resident Youth 1.00 $ Non-Resident Youth $ 2.(1O 10-Visit Gym Pass: Resident Adult $ 15.00 Non-Resident Adult $ 30.00 _ Resident Youth - $ 7.50 Non-Resident Youth 5 15.00 Quarterly Gym Pass: Resident Adult $ 10.00 - Nan-Resident Adult $ 60.00 Resident Youth 15.00 $ -Non-Resident Youth $_3 O) Resident Family $ 600) Non-Resident Family $ 120.00 Institutional Exehange.E. The Parks & Recreation Director may waive all or part of the Parks & Recreation fees prescribed by this section. subject to the following regulations: (1) The applicant must be an institution- either public or non-profit. with facilities located within the City: (2) The portion of the fees waived may not exceed the value of facilities made available by the institution to (he City fur public use (e.g.. for meetings. elections. emergency operations. etc.); (3) The maximum amount of fees that may be waived is $500 per institution per year. (A) Passes and permits issued to an institution under this section may be assigned or resold by the institution, but the actual user must qualify for the type of pass or permit in question. and the City must be notified. PUBLIC RECORDS AND ,A) 4 DOCUMENTS Record or document charge W 10 per page Tree Ordinance and criteria manual 3.50 $ charge Zoning Ordinance charge $ 6.00 Page 11 of 16