HomeMy WebLinkAbout010890S CC Min p,^Q ~I i -< (}<1 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 1990 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 6:30 P.M. City Council convened in workshop session in the Municipal Building, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Monday, January 8, 1990, with the following members present: Mayor Higley, presiding; Councilmembers Bell, Jenkins and Watson. Council- member Redeker arrived at 6:35 p.m. Also present were the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Director of Administration, Chief of Police and the Director of Operations. Mayor Higley suggested that City Council begin the workshop session by discussion Council Comments. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilmember Watson questioned the 'status of the JMH site. The City Manager responded that the contractor was to comeback and level the ground and plant grass. Councilmember Watson reported that, in compliance withCounqil's policy, the Operations Department was writing letters to residents for putting out garbage before the designated time. Councilmember Jenkins asked if the reinforcing rod for the\curb at the JMH site would be ~dequate. Mr. Rockenbaughagreed to check with the contractor. Councilmember Jenkins asked the status of the landscaping at Academy and Bissonnet. Mr. Rockenbaugh responded that the contraetor had not been.paid and would not be paid- until the project was complete. Thecity's water meter was inadvertently removed during the construction . which was causing some delay. Councilmember Jenkins asked if the city might be able to take recycling material directly to the Houston Recycling Center rather than using the current procedure. Mr. Rockenbaugh agreed to look into the possibility of using the Houston Recycling Center. Councilmember Jenkins asked if there was a schedule fo-r street cleaning. Mr. Rockenbaugh advised that the same crew that operates the sweeper runs the leaf truck. The leaf truck was used heavily f.:IS" . il"I' 11111 J, mnllll'jIRlIllrrll~ill'-- ------------"~rr=li="'lT durfng the past few weeks and the sweeper had probably not been run. Councilmember Jenkins reported the following: (a) 6021 Fordham a car chassis in front; (b) 3616 Rice, the resident requests an actual reading of her water meter. She has had an estimated reading for along time; and (c) a letter from a resident who was having a problem with his neighbor. The letter was given to the City Manager. Councilmember Jenkins asked for interpretation of the ordinance relative to parking cars on the streets. Mayor Higley interrupted council comments at this point. DISCUSS STATUS REPORT OF WARNER CABLE SITUATION: The City Attorney, Jim Dougherty, discussed the situation with Warner Cable. The city, in good faith, renegotiated a new franchise agreement with Warner. The city provided thirty days for Warner to accept it. Warner Cable never accepted it. Then staff received a call from one of Warner's attorneys that they had problems with some of the clauses of the new agreement. On January 5, 1990, Paul B. Jones, general counsel for Warner, wrote a letter to the City Attorney stating that the merger of Warner Communications Inc., parent company of Warner Cable,CommuniGations Inc., and Time Inc. would be concluded on January 10, 1990. Mr. Jones' letter suggested that the West University Place City Council would be required to review and approve a change of control such as the merger. Mr. Jones suggested that at the same time, City Council consider amendments to the franchise document to include appropriate administrative process, or due process language, in case the city has a problem with Warner's performance. Mr. Dougherty, explained he had no problem with the due process language and, also, he did not think there would be a reason to oppose the merger. However, Mr. Dougherty requested an indication from Council as to whether or not Council would agree to open up negotiations of the franchise agreement. Mr. Dougherty would provide due process language and extend the time for acceptance of the franchise. Mr. Dougherty pointed out that the amended franchise agreement would have tobe republished in the newspaper and recommended Warner be required to pay for republication expenses and other incremental costs. Mayor Higley suggested Council authorize the City Attorney to begin negotiations with Warner as recommended. CityCouncil concurred. 2 ...._.._-.l__-----..A..... .1-: "., ,n 11 Fmlm:L;,lnl1lll.IITII'.--"------=------,~-....~~ Councilmember Bell suggested the City Attorney ask if Warner could provide two-way service cable when the new cable is installed. The City Attorney agreed to inquire. DISCUSS OPTIONS FOR DISPOSITION OF STUB STREETS: The City Attorney presented information concerning disposition of the stub ends of minor streets which could include the abandonment of those areas. Ownership of the stub streets would be sold,to the abutting owners. The City Manager, Richard Rockenbaugh, advised Council that the property owner on Marlowe Street who asked to construct a fence across the stub at Marlowe and Bissonnet indicated she would be satisfied with dense landscaping. Mr. Rockenbaugh would come back to Council with the cost of adding more plants at that location. City Council discussed the possibility of converting some stub streets to cul de sacs. Discussion pursued as to whether to authorize staff to develop a uniform procedure for the disposition of stub streets and provisions for cul de sacs. City Council members were evenly dfvided in their opinions whether to proceed or not. Mayor Higley chose to defer developing procedures until such time as there was a request from a property owner. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER AGREEMENT WITH OWNER/BUILDER OF HOUSE AT 3706 ROBINHOOD: The City Attorney gave background information concer.ning 3706 Robinhood. The owner discovered that there was a city sewer line under the main house approximately 15 to 20 feet inside the property. The City searched for a written easement in this location, but found none. The property owner claimed substantial damages for loss of use of the lot. One way to settle the issue might be for the City to move the line using city crews if the owner wi 11 grant the city a permanent easement for the new li ne and pay the costs to the city in the amount of $7,000.00. Staff recommended the proposed settlement and Mr. Dougherty consi~ered it to be fair to> the city. City Council agreed with the proposed settlement and agreed staff should proceed to make the offer to the property 9wner. Mayor Higley recessed the workshop session at 7:30 p.m. to convene in regular session. At 8:20 p.m., Mayor Higley reconvened the workshop session with the following present: Mayor Higley, presiding, Councilmembers Bell, Jenkins, Redeker and Watson. Staff members present were the City Manager, City Secretary, Director of Operations, the Chief of Police and the Superintendent of Utilities. 3 ~~mIIIIIf'--------~-"'-",,--"""-'----"T"""~I'- DISCUSS TRAFFIC COMMITTEE REPORT: Jerry Nickell, Traffic Committee Chairman, reviewed the following recommendations from the committee: (a) 2600-2700 Robinhood: At this time the Traffic Committee had studied the various concerns of the residents on Robinhood. The committee's findings did not support additional traffic control, street closure or conversion to one-way traffic. (b) Communitv Drive: The committee proposed that Council consider closing Community at Law Street or install stop signs on Community at Law, Sunset and Judson. The, committee polled the residents along Community north of Bissonnet and found that those residents were in favor of closing Community at Law. (c) Weslayan Drive: The committee proposed that ,Council consider widening Weslayan at University, Rice and Bissonnet; establish left-hand turn lanes and install traffic lights with left-hand turn signals. (d) Buffalo Speedway: The committee proposed Council consider restricted parking on Buffalo Speedway from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, northbound and southbotmd,from Bellaire to Bissonnet. No survey of the residents living along Buffalo was done and the findings were based on committee member observations. The committee recommended uniform parking restrictions be adopted. (e) Edloe Footbridge: The following steps will be accomplished at this location: (l)new "slow crosswalk" signs installed, (2) new wider crosswalk stripes painted and (3) "Slow" painted on the street on each side of the crosswalk. Other pending items the committee will be conSidering include bike lanes, mandatory sidewalk repairs, 25 mile per hour speed limit, drop-off zone for West University Elementary School and street usage fees for house movers and heavy trucks. Mayor Higley thanked Mr. Nickell for the report and recommended that discussion of Community and Weslayan proposals be .on the next workshop agenda for discussion and that Council defer the proposal for Buffalo until such time as the committee completes a survey of ,the residents. LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT: Mark Spradling and members of the Street/Infrastructure Sub-Committee reviewed their progress in the study of the city's street and infrastructure system. The committee members thought that, with the assistance of Metro, an evaluation of the streets should begin. Using Metro's Pavement Condition Index (PCI) computer program, the city can gain evaluation of the streets. The program is capable of including 4 sidewalks as well. The committee recommended that a map of the storm sewer system be developed; that the water replacement program be integrated with a street study and conditions of the storm sewer study. It was recommended that a strategy be developed for the next twenty years based on equal studies of the water, sanitary sewer, streets and storm sewers. The strategy, which would be updated each year, would be considered as a planning tool for this City Council and future Cou,ncils to use. Mayor Higley stated she understood the committee was recommending a study of the streets, curbs and gutters be done (using the program that Metro has 'developed to evaluate the streets) that would be similar to the studi,es that the city has had done for water and sewer and include a study of the storm sewers. Mr. Spradling agreed but stressed the first step would be to develop a map of the storm sewers showing locations and conditions. Once the map is done, the City would be able to dove-tail i,n the street plans. Mr. Spradling recommended that a pavement management and maintenance program include a thorough investigation of all underground pipelines and utilities beneath ~r near the street to minimize disturbance of the streets after construction of utilities. Mayor Higley thanked the StreetslInfrastructure Sub-Committee for their recommendations and suggested that discussion of street conditions and mapping of storm sewers be on the next workshop agenda. Mayor Higley left the Conference Room at this time. Mayor Pro Tem Bell presided. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER AUTHORIZING ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE WAKEFORESl WATER PLANT EXPANSION: Bob Simpson, Superintendent of Utilities, presented plans for ex pans i on of the Wakeforest Water Pl ant. The ex pans i on wi 11 be necessary for the conversion to surface water which the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District requires at the point in time that the City of Houston has surface water available. According to the subsidence district, the city needs to be capable of surface water conversion by the middle of 1991. It is estimated that approximately eighteen months will be required to complete the water plant expansion project. The expansion plan includes demolition of the existing ground storage tank, construction of two 500,000 gallon ground storage tanks, construction of two booster pumps; demolishing the existing elevated storage tank, and construction a single pedestal 500,000 gallon elevated storage tank. Estimated total project cost is $1,200,000 which was approved in the 1988 bond issue. The 500,000 gallon elevated storage tank would provide the city with an adequate quantity of water for domestic consumption and fire 5 ... ;-,_."c.".u..-...""- . -"--'-'-;:'i"i"'lT9T'i~IIJ'1fIfImIf- ----~-"----,--,-------.~--- -~'i<T"'""-..,'-T-lT fighting purposes. Engineering fees, estimated at $86,000, include soil testing, surveying, inspections, and engineering design. After discussion, motion was made by Councilmember Watson, seconded by Councilmember Redeker, that City Council authorize Langford Engineering, Inc., to prepare plans and specifications for the expansion of theWakeforest Water Plant Expansion as presented. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Pro Tem Bell, Counci 1 members Jenkins, Redeker, Watson None Mayor Higley Mayor Higley returned to the Conference Room at this point. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Countilmember Redeker asked for an explanation of red tags on uopened houses". Mr. Rockenbaugh explained that "opened houses" were abandoned houses accidentally opened for access through broken windows or doors. Councilmember Redeker inquired as to the cost of the Weslayan Triangle construction. The City Manager explained that the cost was the engineer's estimate. CouncUmember Bell requested the concrete at the JMH site be removed. ' Councilmember Bell inquired as to the letter received from the upset resident whose lot was mowed by the City. 6 ",-"IM;H,dl_ .--'--T-----------c:----------,-.i~!""Frr'fn'i1l1li,idnnm.111l1' ,--- -- -~-------.~--~-~;~ -1'- Richard Rockenbaugh explained that the tesident did not think the City provided proper notice before the lot was mowed. Councilmember Bell asked if Mr. Lozano was responded to by s ta f f . Richard Rockenbaugh ~dvised that Mr. Lozano was sent a letter addressing his concerns and staff installed a valve at the end of the water line to keep sand from collecting in it. Mayor Higley asked when the City would go to twice-monthly billing for utilities and if there was a problem with the computerized hand-held meter recorders. Richard Rockenbaugh agreed to check into the twice-monthly billing. The problem with the hand-held meter recorders was being worked on. Mayor Higley inquired as to the status of a lazer printer for the Community Building. Richard Rockenbaugh explained that staff was working with the Communications Committee on the printer and would proceed with the purchase. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER PURCHASE, EXCHANGE AND VALUE OF REAL PROPERTY: Consideration was given to Byron Street lot and the JMH Lots (Milton Street at College) and other property, including matters necessary or incidental thereto. At 9:50 p.m., Mayor Higley recessed the workshop session to go in to a closed executive session as authorized by the Open Meetings Act, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN., as amended, Article 6252-17, Section 2(f). At 10:00 p.m., Mayor Higley reconvened the workshop session. Motion was made by Councilmember Bell, seconded by Councilmember Jenkins, that City Council get an appraisal of the lot at 4106 Byron and proceed to purchase the lot, to pay the market value based on the appraisal or not more than $150,000 whichever is less. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Councilmembers Bell, Jenkins, Redeker Mayor Higley, Councilmember Watson. None ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before Council at this time, Mayor Higley declared the workshop session adjourned at 10:10 p.m. , , 7