6:30 P.M.
The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Municipal Building Conference
Room (3800 University Blvd.) on September 13, 1999, with the following members
present: Mayor Lewis presiding, Council Members Ballanfant, Bertini, Grubb and May.
The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Parks and Recreation Director, Finance
Director and Public Works Director were also present.
The City Council reviewed the regular meeting agenda and discussed items under
consideration with the Staff.
Council Member Ballanfant expressed his concern regarding two individuals, who were
not designated by the City Council, but were listed, on Resolution No. 99-16 as being
appointed to serve on the Friends of West University Parks Fund.
A motion was made by Council Member Grubb, seconded by Council Member
Ballanfant, to amend Resolution No. 99-16 by removing the appointments to Positions 3
and 15.
A vote was taken on the motion with the following result:
Voting Aye: Mayor Lewis, Council Members Ballanfant, Bertini, Grubb
and May
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
Matters related to the Rice Pocket Park located at the corner of Rice and Auden Street.
Council Member Ballanfant reported that the Parks and Recreation Board had expressed
a desire to collaborate with the design of the city center and begin utilization of the Rice
Pocket Park.
A motion was made by Council Member Grubb, seconded by Council Member Bertini, to
request the Parks and Recreation Board to proceed with alternative plans for the Rice
Pocket Park.
City Council Workshop *ion, September 13, 1999
A vote was taken on the motion with the following result:
Voting Aye: Mayor Lewis, Council Members Ballanfant, Bertini, Grubb
and May
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
Matters related to the comprehensive plan final report submitted by the Steering
City Manager Sherman Yehl reported that the Steering Committee and staff have spent
time consolidating the material supplied in the draft analysis. The report addresses the
major components that were included in the initial analysis such as plan objectives,
history and demographics, traffic, streetscape and graphics, parks and open spaces, city
center, safety and security, and zoning and development regulations
Under the State's Local Government Code, zoning regulations must be adopted in
accordance with a comprehensive plan and must be designed to:
• Lessen congestion in the streets;
• Secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers;
• Promote health and the general welfare;
• Provide adequate light and air;
• Prevent the overcrowding of land;
• Avoid undue concentration of population; or
• Facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewers, schools, parks, and
other public requirements.
A motion was made by Council Member Bertini, seconded by Council Member May, to
receive the comprehensive plan report and distribute it to the boards and commissions for
their review and to submit a redraft in final form by year-end.
A vote was taken on the motion with the following result:
Voting Aye: Mayor Lewis, Council Members Ballanfant, Bertini, Grubb
and May
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
The City Council recessed the Workshop Session at 7:28 p.m. The Workshop Session
reconvened at 8:26 p.m.
City Council Workshopoion, September 13, 1999 •
Matters related to the ICMA Center of Performance Measurement and authorization to
become a member.
Mr. Yehl reported that in 1994, the ICMA established the Center for Performance
Measurement to assist local governments to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of
service delivery while conserving taxpayer dollars.
As a participating member, the City would be provided statistical reports, service-
delivery guides, on-site training, access to the Center's private website and a guide to
develop performance measures. Currently there are 120 participating jurisdictions in the
United States and Canada.
The annual participation fee in the Center is $5,000. For new enrollees, there is an
additional one-time training fee of approximately $3,500. Funding is available in the
City Manager's Discretionary Fund.
After discussion of this agenda item, the City Council requested that the City Manager
provide additional information before authorization could be given to become a
participant in the ICMA Center for Performance Measurement.
The City Staff presented a schedule for the 2000 budget process and related matters.
Mr. Yehl reported that The Texas Property Tax Code and Local Government Code
requires the City to hold public hearings and publish certain notices as part of the annual
budget process. Under State law, if a budget is adopted that produces $1.00 more than
last year's property tax revenue, the City must comply with Truth in Taxation
requirements. The increased debt service required by the 1998 bonds will cause the City
to increase revenues. This will require the following action:
• Council must take a formal action on the tax rate and schedule a public hearing. A
"quarter-page" notice must be published announcing the public hearing and detailing
how each member voted. The public hearing must be no less than seven days or no
more than fourteen days from the publication.
• Once the public hearing has been held, a notice announcing the vote on the tax rate
must be published. This ad must also be at least a quarter-page.
The City Council agreed to the following schedule for adopting the budget:
• Saturday, September 18 -General Fund Workshop
• Monday, September 20 - Remaining Funds Workshop
• Monday, September 27 - Discuss proposed tax rate, take record vote and
schedule public hearing
City Council Workshop Qion, September 13, 1999
• Wednesday, September 29 - Publish Notice
• Monday, October 11 Public hearing on tax rate and budget
• Wednesday, October 20 - Publish Notice of Vote on Tax Rate
• Monday, October 27 - First reading of budget and tax rate ordinances
• Monday, November 8 - Final reading of budget and tad rate ordinances
• Friday, November 12 - Tax bills mailed
Matters related to the selection of a committee for the annual concert and festival with the
City of Southside Place.
Mayor Lewis reported that Mayor Rothfelder from the City of Southside Place had
submitted names of individuals who were willing to participate in the planning of an
annual festival. She also commented that other volunteers such as the West University
Rotary, West University Little League and local churches may also be willing to
participate. Mayor Lewis stated that she hoped to obtain underwriters for the event.
Members of the City Council requested that the Staff develop cost figures for the festival.
Matters related to goals and objectives for Boards and Commissions.
Mayor Lewis presented a draft list of goals and objectives for the Boards and
The City Council tabled discussion of this item until the next workshop session.
The City Council reported on a Board or Commission meeting attended by the liaison.
Council Member Bertini reported on the meeting held by the Traffic Task Force.
The City Council reviewed matters received from the public and referred them to the
appropriate department.
Matters related to the selection process and appointment of a Police Chief.
City Council Workshop Won, September 13, 1999 •
Closed Executive Session to be held under Section 551.074, Texas Government Code.
The City Council convened in Executive Session at 9:26 p.m. with the following
members present: Mayor Lewis presiding, Council Members Ballanfant, Bertini, Grubb
and May. The City Manager and City Secretary were also present.
The City Council closed the Executive Session at 9:45 p.m. and convened in open
With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made
by Council Member Bertini, seconded by Council Member Grubb, to adjourn. The
Workshop Session adjourned at 10:03 p.m.