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MONDAY, MAY 10, 1999
7:30 P.M.
The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building (3800
University Blvd.) on May 10, 1999, with the following members present: Mayor Fogler
presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal, Starich and Sparkman. The City Manager, City
Secretary, City Attorney, Police Chief, Finance Director, Parks and Recreation Director,
Fire Chief and Public Works Director were also present. Nancy Sauer delivered the
invocation and Mayor Fogler led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Fogler invited citizens who wished to address the City Council to come forward as
their names were called.
Authur L. Hirdler, 6416 Community Drive, presented a letter dated April 28, 1999
addressing the survey sent to all West University residents. He also presented a letter
dated May 1, 1999 requesting that previous minutes of City Council meetings be
amended to include the dates of his letters that were presented during those meetings.
Matters related to the minutes of the Special Session conducted on May 6, 1999.
A motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Neal,
to approve the minutes as presented.
A vote was taken on the motion with the following result:
Voting Aye:
Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal, Starich and
Voting Nay:
Council Member Neal commented that it has been her honor and privilege to work for the
City. It has been a pleasure to get to know the City Staff and many of the residents. She
stated that she looked forward to finding her next focus.
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Council Member Starich commented that he looked forward to spending the next 48
Monday nights with his family.
Council Member Sparkman commented that it has been her pleasure to serve and that she
is pleased with what their administration accomplished over the last two years. She
stated that she feels fortunate to have served with four very talented and conscientious
people and under the very capable leadership of Teresa. She thanked the City Staff for
their hard work She stated that she hoped the incoming Council would continue to
develop a strategy for the City's future and look longer than just on a day to day basis.
She wished the incoming Council all the best.
Council Member Davis commented that he was very proud to have served with the
current administration and that they took their jobs very seriously. They tried to be very
conscientious. A tangible accomplishment that they did achieve through vision and
directness was the development of the. Eastern Star property. He echoed the comments of
Council Member Sparkman about the City Staff. He congratulated the incoming Council
on their election results and wished them best of luck He also asked them to continue
some kind of comprehensive planning process. Regarding cutting taxes, he stated that he
did not mind writing the check to West University for property taxes because it goes for
necessary services that effects al1the residents directly. Taxes also go for valuable
infrastructure improvements that will enhance all of the property values in the City.
Mayor Fogler commented that she felt fortunate to have served with two councils, all
being eight compassionate individuals. Both councils took the jobs because they cared
about West University and wanted to do good things. They truly believed in the actions
that they took and that they were in the best interests of the City. She commented that
she felt fortunate to have worked with the City Staff and that Sherman Yehl as City
Manager was a perfect fit for West University Place. She stated that his valuable
leadership would prove priceless to the incoming Council. Mayor Fogler thanked her
family for being supportive and for consenting to share her with the City for the last six
years. She read a quote from Abraham Lincoln. Mayor Fogler wished the incoming
Council Members good luck
The Honorable Thomas B. Taylor, Presiding Judge, West University Place administered
the Oath of Office to the new Mayor and Council Members.
Council Member John Grubb commented that they ran a campaign based upon some
issues and they tried to set forth their issues very clearly and concisely to the citizens.
Now that they begin their term to serve the City, the citizens should continue toremind
the Council of those certain issues and hold them to those issues. He stated that
hopefully, at the end of two years, they will have fulfilled the citizen's expectations and
helped the city government of West University.
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Council Member Bill May commented that he has had a positive experience running for
office and is thankful for the opportunity to meet many of his neighbors. This has also
given him the opportunity to think about issues that are important to the City. He stated
that he looked forward to serving.
Council Member John Bertini commented that in the great government experiment that is
the United States, there is hardly any better example than a city like West University
Place. He stated this Council is elected to serve and not to rule. He asked the residents to
please come back to the meetings so that their task of service will be a little easier and the
product that they produce a little better.
Council Member Burt Ballanfant commented that he was thinking o:5the three oaths he
has taken in his life, first as an army officer, second as an Assistant United States
Attorney and now as Council person for West University Place. In each case he swore
that he would preserve and protect the constitution of the United States and defend it. He
commented that he had been able to fulfill the oath on the prior two occasions and that he
hoped to do so this time. He stated that what West University really means to him is the
many hours of volunteer service given to the City by people like Paul Wallin, Stan
McCandless and Cindy Neal. while they were private citizens and not just while serving
on City CounciL He commented that he hoped that in some fashion he would have an
equal impact on the lives and the future of this City as welL
Mayor Linda Lewis commented that they were following in the footsteps of many
talented men and women who have given countless hours of service to the community.
She thanked the outgoing council. for their two years of dedication and commitment to the
City. Mayor Lewis recognized members of previous City Councils and thanked them for
their service to the community. She stated that she was honored to be selected Mayor of
West University Place and that it would have been impossible without the time, energy
and constant support of good neighbors and her family. She stated that she was
extremely confident and optimistic that they would move forward in a way that will
create change through evolution and not revolution. She commented that she was
looking forward to working with the members of the City Council and that it is her hope
that they become a cohesive group that leads the community forward in a positive way.
Matters related to the selection" of a Mayor Pro Tem.
A motion was made by Council Member Bertini, seconded by Council Member May, to
nominate Burt Ballanfant as the Mayor Pro Tem of the City of West University Place.
A vote was taken on the motion with the following result:
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Voting Aye:
Voting Nay:
Mayor Lewis, Council Members Ballanfant, Bertini, Grubb
and May
With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made
by Council Member Grubb, seconded by Council Member Bertini to adjourn. The
Regular Session adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
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