HomeMy WebLinkAbout091498S CC Min CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1998 COMMUNITY BUILDING 6104 AuDEN 6:45 P.M. {.( The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Community Building (6104 Auden) on September14, 1998, with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Davis, Neal and Sparkman. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Finance Director and Parks and Recreation Director were also present. Council Member Starich was absent. AGENDA REVIEW: The City Council reviewed the regular meeting agenda and discussed items under consideration with the Staff. REPORT FROM FRIENDS OF WEST UNIVERSITY PARKS FUND: Linda Gray, Chairperson for the Friends of West University Parks Fund presented a report on upcoming activities. Mrs. Gray reported that Phase I of parks development is close to completion. A Master Plan is needed for Phase II. A defmed plan is required to submit for foundation requests. She suggested engaging a park planner to develop a long-range plan. EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT BENEFITS: The City Council considered a request to increase the amount of benefits to retired city employees. Bill Watson, 2929 Rice Blvd., spoke to the Council about the increased benefits. The increased benefits would cost the City approximately $10,000. WHITT JOHNSON PARK RECONSTRUCTION: The City Council considered a concept plan for the reconstruction of Whitt Johnson Park. Marcela Chennisi, Chairperson of the Parks Board and Scott Slaney from SW A Group addressed the concept plan. The City Council recessed the Workshop Session at 7:35 p.m. to convene in Regular Session. The Workshop Session reconvened at 8:02 p.m. ""-'.,,-:1~-':<J;"~"-'" "Ii L , rrmn ClI l..llIJlc_liI _ ____L.lJL[j. . --..------T"":mriJiITJlTnDii"li'" The City Council continued their discussion of Whitt Johnson Park. Mayor Fogler invited residents to comment on the reconstruction of the park. Rachel Greenwald, 2737 Arbuckle, requested that a gate with a latch be added to Whitt Johnson Park. Tammy Livermore, 2634 Arbuckle, commented on the parking and traffic in the area. Karen Calvert, 2616 Robinhood,.commented that she was in favor of installing a gate at the park. Whitt Johnson, 3216 Nottingham, commented about the needed changes to the fence around the park. Vernon Tyger, 2738 Talbot, spoke to the City Council about the basketball courts at Whitt Johnson Park. He presented a petition from residents in the area regarding the configuration of the courts. Bill Echols, 2715 Arbuckle, requested that the City Council leave the existing configuration of the basketball courts at Whitt Johnson Park. A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Davis, to approve the conceptual plan for Whitt Johnson Park with two modifications to include the addition of a gate and to approve the basketball configuration referred to as Plan A. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Davis, Neal and Sparkman None Council Member Starich Voting Aye: The City Attorney left the meeting at 9: 15 p.m. INQUIRIES. REQUESTS AND COMPLAINTS: The City Council reviewed matters received from the public and referred them to the appropriate department or agreed to place them on a future agenda for consideration or action. J_1 L_1H; ~; I: !luln ~II. IJIlJiTI ~lIlur -- IJIlll'illl"'ITrnTIllT' ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Davis, to adjourn. The Workshop Session adjourned at 10:15 p.m.