HomeMy WebLinkAbout041398R CC Min CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1998 COMMUNITY BillLDING 6104 AUDEN 7:30 P.M. - " ,,/""1 The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Community Building' (6104 Auden) on April 13, 1998, with the following members present: Mayor Fogler presiding, Council Members Starich, Davis and Sparkman. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Finance Director, Acting Police Chief and Public Works Management Assistant were also present. Council Member Neal was absent. Council Member Starich led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Mayor Fogler invited citizens who wished to address the City Council to come forward as their names were called. Rick Jenkins, 3903 Marlowe, updated the City Council on the activities ofthe Recycling Board. Mr. Jenkins reported that the Board was continuing their efforts to develop a pay as you throw plari. He statedthat they were considering not accepting bi-metals at the Recycling Center anymore because of the need for an extra bin for paper. Leo Sacchi, 3768 Rice, commented that people parking'on Rice Boulevard were blocking his driveway. He asked ifthe sign could be moved forward a few feet to allow more room to park. ORDINANCE DESIGNATING AND NAMING PRIVATE STREET: Consideration was given to the second andfmal reading of Ordinance No. 1589. Mayor Fogler read the caption of Ordinance No. 1589 as follows: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING, DESIGNATING AND NAMING A PRIVATE STREET AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT Copies of Ordinance No. 1589, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Community Building. City Attorney Jim Dougherty stated that Ordinance No. 1589 would name a private street "Annapolis Court" and authorize the traffic control officer to place an official street name sign at the intersections. A motion was made by Council Member Starich, seconded by Council Member Davis, to adopt Ordinance No. 1589 on the second and fmal reading. City Council Regular Session, April 13, 1998 A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Starich, Davis and Sparkman None Council Member Neal REJECTION OF ANIMAL SHELTER BID: Consideration was given to the rejection of a bid received from Cornerstone Builders in the amount of $13,000 for the renovation of the animal shelter. Management Assistant Barbara Bartsch-Allen reported that the single bid received from' Cornerstone Builders exceeds the $10,000 amount budgeted for this project. Six companies were.documented as having picked up or received specifications for this project. Representatives from the companies that picked up specifications but did not bid were contacted to find out why they. chose not to bid. The predominant response was they were not able to get the bids to the City in time. A motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Davis, to reject the bid submitted by Cornerstone Builders and authorize the staff to solicit quotes from contractors in lieu of rebidding the project. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Starich, Davis and Sparkman Npne Council Member Neal ENGAGEMENT OF CONSULTING URBAN FORESTER: Consideration was given to the engagement of Forestry Associates in the amount of $28,200 to develop plans and specifications for tree preservation in Priority Area 6B. 2 .-- - I.L___.___n___.....Il..L..______LC____LlL....ur:-l ILL u.... j,.!1lILL.cuI _"~~III" -,-----.---~--~---~~'lllII~---.-.-.--.._--~---.- City Council Regular Session, April 13, 1998 City Manager Sherman Yehl reported that during each phase of the infrastructure project, it has been necessary to contract an urban forester to develop plans and specifications for the protection and preservation of trees before and during construction. Overall, the staff has been pleased with the work performed by Forestry Associates, Inc. in other priority areas. Itis in the best interest of the City to continue employing their services for Priority Area 6B. Their plans are clearandunderstandable~ they respond quickly to needs of the contractor and public, and they have generally provided good on-the-job supervision during all phases of the work. Bond funds available for infrastructure improvements will be used for this expense. A motion was made by Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Starich, to authorized the Staff to enter into a contract with Forestry Associates in the amount of $28,200 for the protection and preservation of trees in Priority Area 6B. A vote was taken on the. motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council MembersStarich, Davis and Sparkman None Council Member Neal REGULAR MEETING CHANGE: Consideration was given to the. City Council MeetiI}g scheduled for Memorial Day, May 25, 1998. A motion was made by Council MemberStarich, se~onded by Council Member Sparkman, to change the Regular meeting of the City Council sch~duled for May 25, 1998 to Tuesday, May 26, 1998. The meeting win be held at the Public Wor~s Center Lunchroom. A vote was taken on the motion with the folloWing result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: ' Mayor Fogler, Council Members Starich, Davis and Sparkman None 'Council Member Neal 3 "Ill 11.,l!Ul 1:;""111-1"11 I ., 11,1 I, ;~IIH:l11 C'H.';':mIlIIII.I.~-- "rrnmlll'"rrrlllittl, , City Council Regular Session, April 13, 1998 CITY..COUNCILMINUTES: Consideration was given to the minutes of the following City Council meetings: (a) Workshop Session conquctedon March 23, 1998 (b) Regular Session conducted on March 23, 1998 A motion was made by Council Member Sparkman, seconded by Council Member Davis, to approve. the ~nutes as presented. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Mayor Fogler, Council Members Starich, Davis and Sparkman None Council Member Neal COUNCIL COMMENTS: CoUncil Member Starich cominentedon the infrastructure improvements. Mayor Fogler commented that she noticed that residents moved their trash from the street when they realized Good Friday was a city holiday. She also commented that the Goode Company Seafood might be interested in leasing part of the Westpark property again. Council Member Sparkman commented that she met with Steve Radack last week. She stated' that she enlisted his support on several issues. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Starich, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to adjourn. The regular Session adjourned at 8:00p.m. 4 -',I li,dll Iillflln II. 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