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6:45 P.M.
The City Council convened in Workshop Session in the Municipal Building (3800
University Boulevard) on February 9, 1998 with the following members present: Mayor
Fogler presiding, Council Members Starich, Neal and Sparkman. The City Manager,
City Secretary, City Attorney, Fire Chief, Parks and Recreation Director, Public Works
Director and Finance Director were also present. Council Member Davis arrived at 8:30
The City Council reviewed the regular meeting agenda and discussed items under
consideration with the. Staff.
The City Council discussed goals and objectives with the Chairperson from the Parks and
Recreation Board Marcela Chennisi
The Staff presented a recommendation regarding a Flexible Spending Plan for City
City Manager, Sherman Yehl reported that, with the selection of new health and dental
carriers, the City will experience a net reduction in health care premiums of $116,000 in
In selecting a new health insurance carrier, the City benefited from a substantial reduction
in premium costs. As a result, it was suggested that these savings be shared with
employees in the form of a contribution to individual health care flexible spending
accounts. These accounts are permitted by Internal Revenue Service regulations and
provide for both employee and employer contributions to these accounts. Employees are
obligated to use or lose the monies set aside for a flexible spending account. Funds
remaining in the individual accounts at the end of the year are returned to the City.
Employees can receive reimbursements for health care costs not covered by their benefits
package, including prescription and' office visit co-pays, prescription eyewear, and
elective certain surgery.
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The staff recommended that approximately half of the annual savings in insmance
premiums be used to establish individual employee health care spending accounts. Based
on the amount available and number of employees, it is recommended that $500 per
employee be allocated for this account. The remaining balance of the savings will be
returned to the City's General Fund.
The City Council authorized the City Staff to move forward with the flexible spending
. account.
The City Council discussed setting a senes of monthly meetings .with government
Mr. Yehl stated that dming the development of the City's Strategic Plan, the Council
identified, as a strategic priority, the desire to expand influence of West University Place
in regional issues.
Several action steps were envisioned to carryout out this priority, including:
. Developing a master list of regional meetings and programs;
. Establishing joint Council/regional commission meetings; and
· Assigning staff/Council members to liaison with regional commissions
Several issues have been identified lately, however, that require a direct approach with
other elected officials. For example, the commercial and residential developments along
Bissonnet and Buffalo Speedway have serious traffic implications to West U and ditch
maintenance with Harris County Flood Control is a constant concern. The matter of a
fair share of tax dollars being reinvested in West U from other taxing jurisdictions also
needs to be addressed.
One approach that would help facilitate direct contact would be to establish individual
monthly luncheons with key elected and appointed officials. There would be no formal
agenda, but Council Members would have the opportunity to directly raise issues of
concern with those responsible. Staff from the respective jmisdictions would then be
responsible for follow-up and reporting on the issues that were discussed.
The City Council agreed with the Staff recommendation to establish a government
relations program as outlined above.
The City Council recessed the Workshop Session at 7:30 p.m. to convene in Regular
Session. The Workshop Session reconvened at 8:37 p.m. Council Member Davis joined
the meeting.
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The City Council discussed fIrms that were interviewed for the City's Consulting
Mr. Yehl reported that in November 1997, a Request for Qualifications was .issued
inviting interested firms to submit proposals to provide consulting planning services. The
City was seeking a fIrm with proven success in planning urban communities, particularly
in the neo-traditional style as well as one that could develop a comprehensive vision for
the City's future. The City was seeking a fIrm skilled in multi-discipline areas to:
. Develop Comprehensive and Master Plans;
. Develop a unique identity for West U;
. Review existing traffic patterns and develop recommendations for traffic
. Develop a plan for Center City redevelopment;
. Develop crime reducing environmental design elements;
. Review current zoning regulations relating to site development;
. Review current perimeter zoning regulations;
. Prepare a disposition plan for underutilized City property.
Seven fIrms submitted proposals and five fIrms were invited to make presentations before
a joint selection committee. The committee members spent many hours reviewing the
proposals and interviewed each of the five fIrms over a two-day period. Upon completion
of the presentations, three of the firms were requested to provide supplemental
information regarding the design and graphic elements of their proposals.
Based on the review of proposals and presentations, the committee recommended that
The Goodman Corporation (TGC) be retained by the City to provide planning and related
services. The Goodman Corporation is a nationally recognized consulting fIrm, based in
Houston, with specialized skills in the relationship of transportation and land use
'planning. What strengthened The Goodman Corporation's proposal, however, was the
selection of the other team members for this project.
The Goodman Corporation submitted their proposal in association with Peter H. Brown
Civic Design and EDA W, Inc. Peter H. Brown Civic Design, also of Houston, provides
the project team with extraordinary land use planning and urban design skills. EDA W of
Denver, Colorado, is an international landscape architecture, urban design, and
environmental planning firm with significant experience in detailed planning, streetscape
design, graphics, architectural guidelines, civic identity, and urban landscaping.
Mr. Yehl reported that it is estimated that the full cost of services will be approximately
$250,000 over the next three-year period. A budget amendment will be required for FY98
and funds appropriated infuture years.
The City Council asked that The Goodman Corporation make a presentation at the fIrst
meeting of the City Council in March prior to the execution of a formal agreement for
professional services.
The City Council considered the evaluation and compensation of specific. members of the
Staff (City Manager and City Secretary.)
A motion was made by Council Member Neal, seconded by Council Member Davis, to
provide the City Secretary with a $300.00 per month car allowance, to increase the City
Manager's salary to $88,000.00 per year plus one additional week of vacation, to make
these adjustment retroactive from January 1, 1998, and to allow the City Manager and
City Secretary to partiCipate in the City's Cost of Living Adjustment.
A vote was taken on the motion with the following result:
Voting Aye:
Mayor Fogler, Council Members Starich, Davis, Neal and
Voting Nay:
Absent: .
The City Council reviewed. matters received from the public and referred them to the
appropriate department or agreed to place them on a future agenda for consideration or
. With no further business to come before City Council at this time, a motion was made by
Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Sparkman, to adjourn. The
workshop session adjourned at 10:15 p.m.