HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.84 RESOLUTlDN NU/<il3ER 84- 01 WHEREAS. Michael Grabowski was appointed a member of the West .. University Police Department on June 7, 1982; and .H WHEREAS, Patrolman Grabowski, throughout 1983, has consistently performed at a level that is unsurpassed in law enforcement activities as a uniformed patrol officer; and WHEREAS, subsequent to a request by the 100 Club of Houston, the ,. Chief of Pol ice submitted recommendations for a candidate to be honored by .. the designation of Officer of the Year by such Club; and h i! WHEREAS, the 100 Club of Houston 'has selected Patrolman Michael .: Grabowski as "Officer of the Year" for the _City of West Uriiversity Place and the award for such.~onor was presented on January 19, 1984; and WHEREAS",''the Chy Counci I wishes to express its congratulations to Patrolm~n Grabowski' for hiS dedicated service' to the City of West University Police Department arid its grateful appreciation to the 100 Club of Houston for this ,honor. ' 11 i~ I h n 'f !. 11 i; II WEST NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: i: Section 1. That the City Council hereby expresses its sincere \' appreciation to Patrolman Michael Grabowski of the City of West University 'F Place Pol ice Department for his exemplary servke to the city and the citizens " thereof. Section 2. That the City Council offers its congratulations to Patrolman ,Michael Grabowski for his selection by the 100 Club of Houston as "Officer of ,the Year" for the City of West University Place. Ii Section 3. 'That this Resolution shall be spread in full upon the ~ minutes of the '~~:tY,:t(ju~~;jl an? the Mayor be".,and she. is hereby, authorized n to deliver to I'h<;:hae1 ,1i[~bowskl a true copy hereof, SIgned by each member of ~, the City CounciLand attested by the City Secretary. I~ . '.. . . * 11 )~~{~~l') :l,., , .f ' 'I ~l :tj il II Ii .1: .. i' -. ~ ~~ " i' pAsSED,~D'AP~JtOVED th i s 13th day of February, 1984. ':,-:-.}}; ATTFST: (~J ~'-/ Lee lockard. City Secretary ,--, In ---r---~<-~ '~1. ,?11o#~ ~JI \M~fj~~tr'i'l s dll ,'Ma~6r' , ~... Joe I "mnrw ~nrr~- RESOLUTION NUMBER ~4-02 WHERfAS, Steven Ei ~enberg ~"as appointed a member of the West University Pol ice Department on December 15, 1982; and WHEREAS, Patrolman Eisenberg, throughout 1983, has consistently performed at a level that is unsurpassed in law enforcement activities as a uniformed patrol officer; and WHEREAS, subsequent to a request by the 100 Club of Houston, the Chief of Pol ice submitted recommendations for 'a candidate to be honored by the desiQnation of Officer of the Year by such Club; and \ WHEREAS, the 100 Club of Houston has selected Patrolman Steven Eisenberg as ".officer of the Year" for the City of West University Place and the award for such honor was presented on January 19, 1984;,and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to express its congratulations to Patrolman Eisenberg for his dedicated service to the City of, West University Police Department and its grateful appreciation to the 100 Club of Houston for th i s honor. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF :: WEST UN I V ERS ITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section I. That the City Council hereby expresses its sincere appreciation to Patrolman Steven Eisenberg of the City of West University Place Police Department for his exemplary service to the city and the citizens thereof. Section 2. That the City Council offers its congratulations to , Patrolman Steven Eisenberg for his selection by the 100 Club of Houston as "Officer of the Year" for the City of \.fest University Place. Section 3. That this Resolution shall be spread in full upon the , minutes of the City Council and the Mayor be, and she is hereby, authorized :' to deliver to Steven Eisenberg a true copy hereof, signed by each member of " the City Counc i1 and attested by the City Secretary. PASSED AND APPROVED this 13th day of February, 1984. " H ~::JM/PJ 1~JI ,;Mar.1~ for'ristaH, Mayo~ .~ ~ . , ", .J..A)) ~ , er' d Jackson..' Pro-Tern \ I ATTEST: + ~-, lee 'Locka rd, "--P ~ _I / ~, /UA-OL/ City Secretary r:::-~~1i~~ -- _.- ---::r ~O~___,,___ ~~t:L..... II.ILllI.IL&lIL. . :r:1!'L:.L RESOLUTION NUMBER 84-03 WHEREAS, the City is aware of the contribution of our younger citizens to the qual ity of 1 ife in our community; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to acknowledqe the significant achieve- ments made by our younqe~ citizens and their orqanizations; and i ; WHEREAS, 'the "Cub Scout Pack Number 266", sponsored by West Un i- versity United Methodist Church, is the oldest consecutively sponsored Cub Pack in the Golden Arror District, holding its Charter since 1940; and 'I ; 'f i ;j 'I 'I ;l :! ,j 'I 'I 'I " ;f :! ,I ~ J ~J H 'j 'I i WHEREAS, the Pack will be celebrating 'its 44th Anniversary on February 24, 1981" Cub Scout Day. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Cub Scout Pack Number 266, its eighty-nine (89) members, the Cubmas,ter, JJm Hall, and the parents who give so generously of their time and money to support scouting, are hereby congratulated on this historic anniversary. Section 2. That the City expresses its appreciation for the effort expended; the dedi,cation exhibited; and the good citizenship exempl i- fied by these young men and their leaders. Section 3. That the City extends its best wishes as this outstand-, i ng Cub Pack conti nues the t rad it i on of exce 11 ence in scout i ng. Section 4. That the City Council hereby declares, that February 24, 1984-, is declared in the Ci ty of West Univers,i ty Pla,ce, Texas, as :1 CUB' StOUT DAY Section 5. That a copy of thJs Resolution be delivered to each pack member and the i r Cubmaster. ' ii '( PASSED AND APPROVED this 13th day of February. ,1 '. 11 :1 I ii ,I ;1 J ,I II :1 ;f L ~ 'fojj '/11 rw a. '~A/7 ' Marla Forr-istall, Mayor ;. H !" ,I I 'I e -- Pro-Tem ~ '~d?1) tV. Tom Weatherly, ATTEST: ~ ~~ /J-L~ Lee Lockard, City Secretary 1"C"""'~~I11" "'-'-'-;:{'-r-~";'~~ "'''''-';''''," I j,mnr" T TIT,- RESOLUTION NUMBL 84-04 WHEREAS, Ilenry Green was employed by the City of West University Place, Texas, on January 3, 1959, to repair and maintain equipment used by the Street Department; and WHEREAS, Henry Green has an excellent performance record for keep- ing all equipment at or near 100% availability; and WHEREAS, Henry Green has proven many times that he is capable, willing, responsible, and dedicated to his position; and WHEREAS, Henry Green has accomplished all tasks assigned to him to the very best of his ability; and WHEREAS; the motto of the Street Department describes Henry Green's devotion to the City of West University Place and the citizens thereof: "WE HAVE DONE SO MUCH WITH SO LITTLE FOR SO LONG WE WILL TRY TO DO ANYTHING WITH NOTHING AT ALL!" WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Council to give recognition , to Henry Green for ~is unselfish service to the city. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City of West University Place, acting by and through its duly authorized City Council, hereby commends Henry Green for his distinguished service to the citizens and to the City. Section 2. That the CitY,Council, on behalf of all of the citizens ; of West University Place, Texas, expresses its grateful appreciation to him for his unselfish devotion to his duties and for the manner in which he faith- : fully performs his responsibilities. ~ : Section 3. That this Resolution be spread in full upon the minutes i of the City Council and the Mayor be, and she is hereby, authorized to deliver i to Henry Green a true copy hereof, signed by each member of the City Council :, and attested by the City Secretary.. I: PASSED AND APPROVED this 27th day of February, 1984. " >>t l1A 10 1~1tJJ Marla Forristall, Mayor " !! ~--; !: Joe 'Pol i chino,' Jr. , ~67n d :, , , .~~ Lee Lockard, City Secretary III ~'--~~~"'-~"III ! I ]IUII'~ , Ii1ITT RESOLUTION NUMBER 84-05 WHEREAS, the City Council included in the budget for 1984 certain fees as listed below, for services provided by the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to establish said fees to be charged. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following fee schedule for services described is hereby adopted and implemented: AUTO DECALS $ 1.00 HOUSING INSPECTION FEE 35.00 50.00 PLAN CHECKING FEE ALARM SYSTEM CHARGE 25.00 Section 2. The city staff is hereby authorized to charge said fees for the services described above. PASSED AND APPROVED this c17-r-..b day of ,j..<.~ 1984. -''I, A /7 Councilmen Voting Aye: ~ Councilmen Voting No: ~ ~~0/1~ Marla Forristall, Mayor ATTEST: dj;/ ~f1A-~ Lee Lockard, City Secretary ,. " if U,I<~~<<-------r'~~~~_m"<--<'~~"m'~' a .1 I 1~1fIir ~, ~ ~ - -=.> '" - -- - .~'-~~-"c~'~m1i"T._.-._- RESOLUTION NUMBER 84-06 WHEREAS, Mr. Charles Orsburn has heretofore been appointed Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, Judge Orsburn has become ill and is unable to function in such capacity' at the present time;, and WHEREAS, Mr. Michael Schneider has heretofore peen appoinred Asso- ciate Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place; and WHEREAS, Mr. Schneid~r is duly licensed and a practicing attorney, and capable of serving as Judge of the Municipal Court of the city; and WHEREAS, the'City Council desires to appoint Mr. Michael Schneider as Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED' BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Mr. Michael Schneider is hereby appointed Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place. Section 2. That Mr. Schneider is hereby vested with all the powers and duties as set forth in the Charter of the City of West University Place and the Statutes of the State of Texas pertaini,ng to his official appointment. Section 3. That Michael Schneider shall receive as compensation for his duties the amount heretofore provided for such position. Section 4. That Michael Schneider shall serve in such capactiy during the illness of Judge Charles Orsburn, unless removed from said position during such period by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED this I~ day,of ~'~~ , 1984. Councilmen Voting Aye:' ~, Council~en Voting No: '~ '1!l.(jJ)rU~7iI} Mar a Forristall, Mayor ATTEST: o Jtf~~ ('At x/ .' ,".,., , Lee Lockard, City Secretary "~~'.'._.-~r"'''''''~':- iTl . ~~'~.~-...--r~-~~.~-~'l 1 ,ill II ' ~.~_._..__~m1i'il._- RESOLUT I ON NUMBER 811-07 WHEREAS, Mr. Michael Schneider has heretofore been appointed Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, to provide compliance with Senate Bill 1043, and to provide for oderly operation of the Municipal Court requires the appointment of an additional Associate Judge of the Municipal Court; and WHEREAS, Mr. Ross Rommel has been determined to be capable of serv- ing as an Associate Judge of the Municipal Court; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Council to appoint Mr. Ross Rommel as Associate Judge of the Municipal Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UN IVERS!TY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Mr. Ross Rommel is hereby appointed Associate Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place. Section 2. That Mr. Rommel is hereby vested with all the powers and duties as set forth in the Charter of the City of West University Place and the Statutes of the State of Texas pertaining to his official appointment. Section 3. That Ross Rommel shall receive as compensation for his duties the amount heretofore provided for such position. Section 11. That Ross Rommel shall serve in such capacity until the next regular City General Election and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of his successor, unless removed from said position during such period by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED this r day of fItMJ , 1984. Counei lmen Voting Aye: fl.eV Counei lmen Voting No: ~ M!~=:,2, ATTEST: d{;, gJh~ /' Lee Lockard, City Secretary nUT ~~~~-~-r~~~"~~~-~'i1 .1 i 111111iI~' nTI1iT RESOLUTION NUMBER 84- SUPPORTING INCREASED STATE HIGHWAY FUNDING, PASSAGE OF THE POTHOLE BILL AND INCREASED HIGHWAY USER CHARGES WHEREAS, authoritative surveys reveal that: (1) Texas leads the nation in the number of deficient bridges (172,000) and deteriorated state roadways (7,740 miles). (2) The state's 5~ per-gallon motor fuel tax is the lowest in the nation, and has not been increased in 27 years. Moreover, in 1965, 27% of the state budget went for transportation, while in 1'982 only about 10% of the state budget was spent for transpor- tation-related purposes. (3) Each Texas motorist pays a "bad roads" tax averaging $291 per year for wasted gasoline, tire wear, car repairs, insurance and medical bills. (4) Additional transportation spending of $51 billion will be needed over the next 20 years to overcome the current backlog of needs-- including $6.2 million for road and bridge rehabilitation $30.3 billion for reconstruction, $6.7 billion for new roads and $7.7 billion for maintenance; and WHEREAS, the state's transportation funding problems are reflected at the local level.. as follows: (1) The current backlog of city street repair needs exceeds $1 bil- lion. Texas cities are spending an estimated $193 million per year on street repairs--more than ever before. But they are still falling further behind each year, because the street re- pair backlog is growing at rates that exceed local spending in- creases. The cities must have state financial assistance in order to bring their streets and bridges up to standard. (2) Upwards of 20 percent of all municipal streets--more than 13,000 miles--are currently in need of major rep,air. . (3) The deterioration of city streets and bridges will accelerate in the future. The 10 million motor vehicles already in the state are wearing out local roads and 'bridges faster than they can be repaired; twenty years from now, the cities will have 16 million vehicles to contend with--more than half again today's volume; Ian ,WHEREAS, the Texas Municipal League supports the state funding and tax increases necessary to bring our state-local road and bridges up to par. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of West University Place, that the Texas Legislature is urged to enact a state-local road and bridge financing package composed of the following: ' (1) An increase of $1 billion per year in funding for the State De- partment of Highways and Public Transportation. (2) $100 million per year for the City Street Improvement Fund (the "Pothole Bi 11") proposed, but not approved, during the 1983 Legislative session. (3) Doubling the rate of the state motor fuel tax to 10~/gallon and increasing motor vehicle license fees as necessary to generate adequate funding. PASSED AND APPROVED this the' day of' , 1984. Marla Forristall, Mayor ATTEST: Lee Lockard, City Secretary 7LtJ a~ ~ ~?~' if~ tu~ ~,~ RESOLUTION NUMBER 84-08 \1HEREAS, on February 27, 1984, by Resolution Number 84-05, the City Council took official action to modify fees established for providing certain city services; and WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the City Council that fees established for reviewing and checking plans for new construction are not adequate to defray costs incurred for providing such services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Council approve the following fee schedule for reviewing and checking plans for new construction: construction cost under $25,000 - Regular permit fee Construction cost between $25,000 - $50,000 - Plan Fee - $50.00 Costruction cost over $50,000 - Plan Fee - $150.00 Section 2. That the city staff be, and they are hereby, authorized to collect fees so established. t::b PASS ED AND APPROVED th i s /1- day of --=-- junh , 1984. Counei Imen Voting Aye: ~ Counei Imen Voting No: ~ ",~af:,t:~~ ATTEST: ~~CkL Lee Lockard, City Secretary - -- <- -.- - ----E:~''"'c~'::=__=~;:_:_,cc~:~:''c''''-~ -- - - -- '--<'~-':~--"==c=="":=~_-O~,",,="'_",,,-,~T'~~~ u..u..&...I.... ='=----c--,------ .. :~_.::::..-...7- - --'-'-'--'--~':~:_.r:_l:":_"'::'- -- -. RESOLUTION 84-09 WHEREAS, on June 15, 1984,the Houston Lighting & Power Company (HL&P) filed a Statement of Intent to change its rates for electric service within the City of West University Place and has requested that said change become effective on July 20, 1984; and WHEREAS, HL&P has filed revised Tariff Schedules together with statements specifying in detai I each proposed change, a rate fil ing package, and supporting testimony; and WHEREA~, Section l7(a) of the Public Utility Regulatory Act, Article 1446c, Texas Revised Civil Statutes, gives the governing body of each municipality exclusive original jurisdiction over electric rates within its municipal boundaries; and WHEREAS, Section 43(d) of the Public Utility Regulatory Act authorizes the governing body of any municipality acting as a Regulatory Authority to suspend the operation of any proposed change in rates for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days beyond the date on,which the scheduled rates would otherwise go into effect,which period may be further extended for an additional thirty (30) days; and WHEREAS, HL&P I s proposed rate changes and the deta il ed mater i a I supporting those changes require comprehensive evaluation and study. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That the changes in rates for electric service within the City of West University Place proposed by Houston Lighting & Power Company to become effective on July 20, 1984, should be, and are hereby, suspended for a period of ninety (90) days beyond said proposed effective date, until October 18, 1984, subject to an additional suspension of up to, thirty (30) days beyond, said date upon further resolution of this Council. PASSED AND APPROVED this tt ~ day of 9dy , 1984. Counc i Imen Voting Aye: L/ () Councilmen Voting No: '1J/~'~m/r/1 Marla Forristall, Mayor ATTEST: ~~cL/ Lee Lockard, City Secretary ------~r::_' ii- -=:::::m" --~.-.-'-___:r~~--"c.~~~'-_::]:r=. , ~, liIILLL . .u ,- ---:r:1JLL' RESOLUTION NUMBER 84-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, RAHFYING AND AUTHORIZING ITS PARTICIPATION IN THE COALITION OF CITIES WITH ORIGINAL JURISDICTION TO INCLUDE DATA SHAR- ING AND INTERVENTION WITH SAID ,COALITION IN THE Hl&P RATE REQUEST, DOCKET NO. 5779, BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTlLlTYCOMMIS- SION. WHEREAS, on June 15, 1984, Houston lighting & Power Company (Hl&P) filed a Statement of Intent to change its rates for electric service within the City of West University Place, Texas, and throughout its service area, and has requested that said changes become effective on July 20, 1984; and WHEREAS, the Publ ic Util ity Commission of Texas has original jurisdic- tion over said rate request within the unincorporated areas of the service area; and WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, Texas, has original juris- diction over said rate request within its corporate limits; and WHEREAS, the complexities of the issues and the magnitude of the re- quested rate increase requires extensive study, data and analysis for the City to responsibly exercise its original jurisdiction and protect the general wel- fare of all ratepayers within its boundaries; and WHEREAS, the City of West University Place. Texas, desires to cooper- ate in a joint effort with other cities with original jurisdiction to provide for an adequate ana lys i!; of the i ssuesra i sed by the rate change request and to retain real authority and establish a genuine impact on the rate setting pro- cess by municipalities with original jurisdiction. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: THAT the City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas, hereby ratifies and authorizes the full participation of the City of West Uni- versity Place, Texas, in the Coalition of Cities with Original Jurisdiction, to include data and analysis sharing and intervention as a member city of the Co~:-- lition in the HL&P Rate Change Application, Docket No. 5779, now pending before~ the Public Utility Commission of Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED this um day of July , 1984.- Councilmen Voting Aye: ~ Councilmen Voting No: ~~ ~cJ~1wu;J-4J ""- ~ Marla Forristall, Mayor ATTEST: y' rZ0L ~ Lee lockard, City Secretary , , I I 1-- .~; --;ii1-.'. .. ,.., '"'"1"1 ,/ ,e'i, ,illlU,li __,~~~".;.n__,.__, ''''-1TI'liT.~~' Rf,SO LUTI ON NU" >:! gs. 11 WHEREAS, Le~oy Hunte~ W~! em~lc~ed by the City 06 WeAt U!1ive~a..Uy Piaee St~eet Vepafttment on May 20, 1Q59; and WHEREAS, Le~oy Hunte~ haa aeltved the City aA an equip- . ment ope~ato~ du~ing the twentY-6ive lJea~A o~ hiA employment; and WfEREAS~ dulting all ,on Auch Ae~vice to the City, Le~oy Huntelt haA pelt60~med hi6 dutie6 in Auch manne~ aA to ~e61ect Medit upon himAel1. hiA f.amily al1d t:1e City; and (11HEREAS, by g~eat coultage, clea~ wiAdom, Itema~kable patiente and unuAual tho~oughneA6 and eORacientiouAfteaA, Leltoy haA eatabliAhed a neco~d 0& achievement; and (I1{!EREAS, Leltoy HW1ten haA e.(:'ec.ted to Iteti~e 6~om ac..tive 6e~v,,{ce with :the City on AuguAt 3J, 7984; and WHEREAS, the City Council deAi~eA to ~ecognize Le~oy Hunte/z' A long and ~aith6ul ae/wice to the citizenA and the City. NC~~, THERfFCRE. BE IT RESCLVED FI' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITIJ OF ("EST UWIVfP-SITY PLACE, TEXt,5:: Section 7. That the City 01 ~eAt Univelt6ity Place, Texaa, acting by and th~ough ita duly autholtized City Counc.il, heneby commenda Le~oy Hunteft ;CIL hiA many yea~6 06 Aeltvice to the c~r~~fn6 and to the City. Section 2. That the City Cvunc.il, on behalf. o~ the c/"-i.::.e/16 ,!>e~ved by LeJwlf HuntelL, explLeaAeA itA g~ate6ul appnec..-i.o.- "" :tl' him 60~ hiA unAelf...i,ah devet..i.on tc h..i.A dutieA and &Oit the ~ ~n which he ~aith6ully pc~to~mcd hl6 hC6pon6ibilitic6. .<'ectiol1 3. That: thiA ~eA(1tut.i.o" be Apll.cad in ~u.t[ up"; >c' '{i'utd 05 the City CounciL and that :the Mayon be:., ana ahl!. Lt. v" I'. CW:tllO~i.,zed to det..i,ven to Lefi(1!! HUl1terc a ,t'we ccp~r heJ~e.('r., ~~ by each memben o~ the Citu Council. ~ - ...1 PASSEV ANV APPROVEV thit 27ih daV oE Augu6t. 1984. j7 !p~/~, - '-'-::__"':_'~~'__'::'___"'__ M~la S. Fefi~i6tall, MaljCh ~.~ -U)) '7<~2-____ -~1J.'.d Jac.6P~z.~a1!o~-P~c-_.-;:;'"" ( ! ~ II' I i - )-- ~--- I '/f';A/l" -:0' \.~.:'/,j:\~'" _/\~---- T.:J...fl Le.'~h_afL.t: Counc..i.fma.vz ATTEST: ! ~- ,7"-&c:S;,::c,c " /> ,__~ Joe Pu[..icJ;i..nc', JA.,_Counci,[mc(J, y:? ~7d_ / _~~_C7\~~,-- Lee Lo clUliLd, C ..i.:t~1 S eclz. e tafi y .., I'..~, " / u-" C7' t:l-n / , / I U Tom Weathe~ly,Councilman - -~==__-:l.=m""'~",:::~-'-'~--~-~~~~r:F""OO'-"="'"",=-o,..._="='''=~_-^'''~~_~ I I RESOLUTION 84-12 WHEREAS, Mary Giotta employed as Records Clerk and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas has resigned her position with the city; and WHEREAS, Mark Kirk employed as Police Dispatcher and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas has resigned his position with the city; and WHEREAS, Lisa Comeau has been employed as Police Dispatcher and is qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court; and WHEREAS, Deborah Martin has been employed as Records Clerk and is qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Lisa Comeau and Deborah Martin be, and they are hereby, appointed Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. That the appointment of Lisa Comeau and Deborah Martin as Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that they shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy Clerk after having been ad- ministered the proper Oath of Office. PASSED AND APPROVED this .:; '7 Ti.J day of' ""dMjJ ' , , 1984. Councilmen Voting Aye: ' . ,ad Councilmen Votinq No: "J1~~ .....~.~. Ma la Forristall. Mayor ATTEST:- ~~~~, Lee Lockard, City Secretary -----~:::::__:.:Li.=~~.:=~-.--. ---~~~~=l~~':"=~'~~_~:::c::L_.__ " '_-'..Lill.II:II:iI:~'-"- - - ':~~~~-'-- I RESOLUTION NUMBER 84-13 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE GENEROUS GIFT TO THE CITY OF THE SCOUT BUILDING FROM THE LION'S CLUB OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS WHEREAs, the Lio~'s Club of West University Place, Texas has, for many years, contributed to the genera1'we1fare of the City by it's active involvement in the scouting function of our citizens; and WHEREAS, the Lion's Club of West University Place, Texas desires to transfer, give, assign and convey to the City the building known as the Scout Building located on the northeast corner of the West University Elementary School groundsiand WHEREAS, the City appreciates the Lion's Club genero- sity and desires to accept the gift. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS Section 1. That the gift by the Lion's Club of West University Place, Texas of the Scout Building is hereby accepted. Section 2. That the City Attorney is hereby directed to prepare the necessary documents of transfer and to process them for the benefit of the City. Section 3. That the City Council expresses it's sincere and deep appreciation to the Lion's Club of West University Place, Texas for it's generous and thoughtful gift. PASSED AND APPROVED this t9~d day of September, 1984. Councilmen Voting Aye: ~ Councilmen Voting No: 7r~ yor Pro Tem ATTEST: ~ka~~ L"'""='<iii~, -,,-- "']II ..---"-----l~~-'~"--~~-~-T'l_ .i,IUUI. _..--~---'-----"--'---===""'-- -- ---'-'-C=--''''ITrlLT--- '.;- RESOLUTION NUMBER 84-14 TO THE HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRCIT WHEREAS, the tax burden on the ownership of property in Harris County continues to increase from year to year~ and WHEREAS, the increase in the tax 'burden has been brought about by many factors over which the Harris County Ap- praisal District has little or no control~ and \ WHEREAS, the Harris County Appraisal District has in the discharge of its responsibilities under the law taken over the appraisal of property within the County of Harris, State of Texas~ and WHEREAS, the most recent proposed evaluation and/or revaluation of property for the year has caused dramatic and substantial increase in values within its district~ and WHEREAS, the proposed budget for the Harris County Appraisal District for the year 1985 is $23,936,826.00~ and WHEREAS, the proposed budget expenditures for 1985 are for the purpose of supporting a substantial increase in personnel and faciliti~ that are not essential for the discharge of the legal responsibilities of the Harris County Appraisal District~ and WHEREAS, repeated delays by Harris County Appraisal District in providing the City with a certified roll has caused unwarranted delays in the' budget and tax levy process, all to the financial detriment of the City~ and WHEREAS, when a certified roll is received, there are so many mistakes and corrections required, that the checking and correction process required by the City is excessive and dispro- portionately costly to the City~ and WHEREAS, the annual fee charged by the Harris County Appraisal District to the City has escalated each year and said fee exceeds a reasonable cost that the City should pay for the app~aisal process. 'j NOW, THERE:FORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of West University Place being a taxing unit entitled to vote on the appointmeht of board members in accordance with the requirement , ot Section 6.06 of the Tax Code of the State of Texas, RESOLVES and DISAPPROVES the Harris County Appraisal District's budget of $23,936,826.00 for the year 1985, and urges the District to amend and to make a substantial reduction in the budget for the year 1985. , Section 2. That the City objects to the untimely delays in providing an accurate certified roll to the City and to the excessive cost incurred by the City for the Harris County Appraisal District services. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 8i::/u day of September, 1984. 7flh J,/ ~-kfiJ Ma la Forristall, Mayor City Of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: &.L'~~ Lee Loc ar City Secretary '- - ------'---' - r= III ---ii'I'l-'''''-'---r''~'r~~~-~'~-'1r:l '!i Imm'" - n .. ----~T'Ii, 4"~" . 'L" , (. RESOLUTION NUMBER 84-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, CASTING ITS BALLOT FOR THE ELECTION OF A PERSON TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the County Clerk of Harris County, Texas, has delivered to the Mayor of this City a ballot containing the names of those persons duly nominated as candidates to serve the l'emainderof the current term of that position on the Board of Directors of the Harris County Appraisal District to be filled by those cities'and towns, other than the City of Houston, partici- pating in said District; and ' WHEREAS, this City deems it appropriate and in the public interest to cast its vote for the "candidate of its choice to fill such position; now, therefore Section 1.' The, facts and recitations set forth in the preamble of this Resolution be,~< and they are hereby, adopted. ratified, and confirmed. Section 2. That the,City of West University Place. Texas. has cast its vote, and it does hereby cast its vote. for Marta Greytok to fill the re- mainder of the current term of that position on the Board of Directors of the Harris County Appraisal District representing and to be filled by those incorporated cities and towns, other than the City of Houston. 'participating in said District. Section 3. That the Mayor be, and he or she.is .Jlereby. authorized and directed to deliver or cause to be delivered an executed or certified copy of this Resolution to the County Clerk of Harris County on or before November 30, 1984. PASSED AND APPROVED this -tJv :1 6 day of November, 1984. ::!1 ado.; 1~ttdfJ f:1arJ.A!_f.m:r:i.mll.....-MilYm: City of West University Place Texas ATTEST: ~ka~~ City Secretary I RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE DESIGNATING A CENTRAL COUNTING STATION; APPOINTING A MANAGER FOR SAID STATION AND A TABULATION SUPERVISOR; APPOINTING A PRESIDING JUDGE FOR THE CENTRAL COUNTING STATION; APPOINTING A PRESIDING JUDGE FOR THE SPECIAL CANVASSING BOARD; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. WHEREAS, the City of West University Place will conduct a General Municipal Election on April 6, 1985; and WHEREAS, Texas elect i on 1 aws requ ire that the City Counci 1 estab 1 ish a central counting station to receive and tabulate voted ballots, as well as a manager and tabulation supervisor for the central counting station; and WHEREAS, it is also required that a presiding judge for the central counting station be appointed by the City Council; and WHEREAS, it is also required that a presiding judge for the Special Canvassing Board for absentee ballots be appointed by the City Counci 1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Council Chamber and Conference Room areas in the City Hall of the City of West University Place, 3800 University Boule- vard, are hereby established as the Central Counting Station to receive and tabulate voted ballets in the April 6, 198$ General Municipal Election. Section 2. That Lee Lockard is hereby appointed as the Manager .of the Central Counting Station and also as the Tabulation Supervisor for the April 6, 1985 General City Electiqn. Section 3. That J. T. Hoed is hereby appointed as the Presiding Judge for the Special Canvassing Board for the April 6, 1985 General City Election. Section 4. That J. T. Hood is hereby appointed as the Presiding Judge fer the Central Counting Station for the April 6, 1985 General City El ect ion. Section 5. That this Resolution shall take effect from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of West University Place. PASSED AND APPROVED this 1l1:Ju day Of4-.l.J....H.~ ,1985. Counei 1 men Vot i ng Aye: 11J..L..,. Councilmen Voting No: 11Jcu1(JJ1~RL Marla Forristall, Mayor ATTEST: ~~I ..~~~ Lee Lockard, City Secretary r' n___ '~=".~';"'""!II- !r-u :l!! JI: n111 I1II1U.il.lURllali' -----,--------------------- lr- 11 RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-02 WHEREAS, a survey of other municipalities indicates that consideration should be given to including Memorial Day as an approved holiday; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Council to give such consi- deration to including Memorial Day in the approved schedule of holidays for the City of West University Place. NOW, THEREFORE, BElT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That city employees be granted Memorial Day as a paid annual hol iday. Section 2. That the following schedule of holidays is hereby ap- proved by the City Council for city employees: New Year I sDay Good Friday Memori a 1 Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgivlng Day Friday following Thanksgiving Christmas Eve Christmas Day Section 3. That this Resolution sha.ll take effect from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of West University Place. PASSED AND APPROVED this:ls:Lif; day of' 4~~-7 ' 1985. Councilmen Voting Aye:' . O~ Councilmen Voting No: . ~, '~~\;{~~&\A_~:~~ Marla Forristall,Mayor ATTEST: ~~~~ Lee lockard, City Secretary . ----.----------r.>..~-.--,. _ !.."c",:.;"",,=o."",!,~~--_ , -~~---~I'"''.'~-~-~.~~~~~'''';'''''''':''''''''''''' RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-03 WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that additional real propert is needed in conjunction with municipal operations; and WHEREAS, the City proposes to enter into an Earnest Money Contract for the acquisition of Lot One (1) in Block Nineteen (19) of Collegeview First Addition of the City of West University Place, in Harris County, Texas, accord- ing to the map thereof recorded in Volume 6, Page 44, of the Map Records of said County, also known as' 3836 Amherst Street; and WHEREAS, there has been appropriated, and there is available in the Water and Sewer Fund the sUm' of $106,000.00 to acquire such property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That in the best interest of the City, the sum of $IO~,OOO.OO be appropriated from the Water and Sewer Fund for payment for the acquisition of Lot One (1) in Block Nineteen (19) of Collegeview First Addition Harris County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 6 Page 44 of the Map Records of Harris County, Texas, also known as 3839 Amherst Street. Section 2. That Marla Forristall, Mayor of the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas, be, and she is hereby authorized to execute all documents to conclude the purchase and sale of said property for the City of West University Place, Texas. day of February, 1985. PASSED AND APPROVED this Councilmembers Voting Aye: ~ Councilmembers Voting No: ~ Marla Forristall, Mayor ATTEST: Lee Lockard, City Secretary . .RESDLUTIONFAILED ~-~- - -~-- 'r'~~'~~~~'~C'"~~--- ~...[.--- ------,-"-----,----,--------'-:f'~ll~_ _._....:.l_::c.....IU.L.ULllJLI.I1UIIL1I.J..lJUIIl.E RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-04 WHEREAS, the City Council has heretofore entered an agreement with the Texas Commerce Bank - Chemical, to act as the City depository; and WHEREAS, said agreement is to expire on or about April 30, 1985; and I WHEREAS, the po 1i cy of the City Counc i 1 has been to allow newCounc iI- \. I' ~members in election years to review depository bids and award the depository I; l~ contract as they determine appropriate during their administration; and _;~ WHEREAS, in view of the City Charter provision that City Council I! . ~~elections will be on the first Saturday in April in odd-numbered years, this 'i it being April 6, 1985,. with the office being assumed on or after April 8, 1985; l! 'i' and ;i i ~ f ~ WHEREAS, that the time span between April 8, 1985, and April 30, 1985, . the ending date of the depository agreement, is insufficient. to allow the staff " , to establish bid specifications, obtain the bids,- evaluate the bids and make '. recommendat ions to the City Counc i 1 and for City Counc i1 to cons i der same; and .' WHEREAS, the depository agreement may be extended by mutual agreement rof the parties until and through July 31, 1985, under the same terms and condi-' tions as set forth therein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF "WEST UN I VERS I TYPLACE , TEXAS: Section 1. That in the best interest of the City, the City Council ,hereby extends the depository agreement currently in. force and effect with ;:Texas Commerce' Bank - Chemical, from May 1 , 1985, through, and including July 31, 1985. Section 2. That Donna Sims, Director of Administration, be, and she ;is hereby authorized to execute all documents necessary to extend the depository Fagreement unti 1 and through July' 31, 1985. ~~ ~: PASSED AND APPROVED thi$~day of February, 1985. Councilmembers Voting Aye: Q)j( Counci 1 members 'Voting No: .~ ~QjJt9M~.Joil' Marla Forristall , Mayor <ATTEST: -~:~ ...~~fJJ-. [. Lee Lockard, City Secretary --~~==~~~~ ----..I --~~----"----'la:._,~,__~il.1.L.LLc.:.llJLml.liiL1llU.lllOc RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-06 WHEREAS, a city election was held on the sixth day of April, 1985, in the City of West University Place. Texas, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four members of the City Council; and WHEREAS, the votes cast at the election on April 6. 1985. were canvassed by members of the City Council on the date of April 8. 1985, and it was determined that Mike Parks had been duly elected Mayor and that Boone Schwartzel, Beth Ann Bryan, Jim Cummings, and Laura Carter Higley had been '" duly elected Councilmembers of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, in special ceremonies of the City Council held at the West University Place Council Chambers on April 8, 1985, each of.the above named persons were administered the Oath of Office and duly installed to their respective elected positions; and WHEREAS, upon proper motion and second, Councilmember lA ~C ,(lQ?g" Af6lE.r was elected Mayor Pro-Tem of the City of West University Place, Texas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Section 1. be, and they are hereby, designated and authorized to sign or countersign checks drawn on all banks or financial institutions serving as depository for funds of the City of West University Place, Texas, and any banks or financial insti- tutions which may be hereafter designated as depository of city funds during the term of their office. Section 2. Be it further resolved that all provisions of such prior Resolutions as may conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed; and be it further resolved that the City Treasurer be,. and she is hereby directed, to furnish each depository bank or financial institution with which the city has funds on deposit, or with which the city may transact any banking business, a true and correct copy of this Resolution. PASSED AND APPROVED this 8..th..day of April , 1985 Councilmembers Voting Aye: 4- Councilmembers Voting No: -(k~~...~~ Mayor ~~/rX~~ Lee Lockard, City Secretary I n___n_____ -. r~~'~"~'"..~'~-~O:~~D1 '- T- . - -----,-,----lil'~L__ ~---1_,L...:..1L,11jlJllliIlL.ll1UlI.J..UL'- .. ~ RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-07 WHEREAS, Lee Lockard, appointed .City Secretary of the City of West University Place, Texas, on April 14, 1980, has announced her retirement to be effective June 28, 1985; and WHEREAS, Audrey Nichols was employed by the City of West University Place, Texas, on March 4, 1985, to serve as Assistant City Secretary; and WHEREAS, Audrey Nichols is qualified to assume the.duties of Assistant City Secretary. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST.UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Council hereby names and appoints Audrey Nichols Assistant City Secretary of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. That the appointment of Audrey Nichols as Assistant City Secretary shall' become effective immediately from and after the passage and approval of this resolution. Section 3. That the City Council, on June 28, 1985, or as soon as practical thereafter, appoint Audrey Nichols City Secretary of the City of West University Place, Texas.. . PASSED AND APPROVED this 2.""2... day of A..fil ~t. ,c 1985. Councilmembers Voting Aye: S- Councilmembers Voting No: 6 ~\1QJb-- Michael L. Parks, Mayor ATTEST: ~c73d~ -c/ Lee Lockard, . City Secretary r~~~'~~~~"~f,~"'J"j(------:-I' -j[_~_ ........l___.L.;.....LLl:lJllll!llll.J.WWI.Il RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-08 WHEREAS, The West University Elementary School has submitted a request to place a permanent sign at the school site within a city right~o~-way and WHEREAS,. The West University Elementary School Parent Teachers Association joins with the school il1 requesting the sign; and WHEREAS, The non-illuminated, double-sided sign is designed to be placed perpendicular to University Boulevard on columns three (3) to four (4) feet above the ground; and WHEREAS, The sign is to be purchased and installed at no expense to the City of West University Place; and WHEREAS, Section 3.34 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place defines the authority by which City Council may approve the placing of a sign in and upon city property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Council hereby establishes that the size of the sign shall not exceed fifty (50) inches by fortY. (40) inches. Section 2. That the City Council further establishes that the West University Elementary School and the West University Elementary School Parent Teachers Association shall coordinate the exact location of the sign with the appropriate city departments to provide for the health' and safety of those students and residents entering and exiting the school grounds in the proximity of said sign. Section 3. That the City Council establishes that the sign shall not be replaced .without the prior approval of the City Council. Section 4. That the City Council by this Resolution hereby grants permission to West University Elementary School and the West ,University Elementary Parent Teachers Association for said sign under the conditions and limitations herein stated. PASSED AND APPROVED this l~f"h day of May , 1985. Councilmembers Voting Aye: ~ Councilmembers Voting No: ~ ~~~ Michael L.Parks, Mayor ATTEST: RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-09 WHEREAS, Lee Lockard, City Secretary of the City of West University Place, Texas, has retired fran her position with the City of West University Place effective June 28, 1985~ and WHEREAS, Audrey Nichols has previously been appointed Assistant City Secretary of the City of West University Place, Texas ~ and WHEREAS, Audrey Nichols is qualified to assume the duties of City Secretary. NCW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Council hereby names and appoints Audrey Nichols as City Secretary of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. That said Audrey Nichols is hereby vested with all of the duties and responsibilities of City Secretary as set forth in the Charter of said City and the Statutes of the State of Texas. Section 3. That the appointment of Audrey. Nichols as City Secretary shall becare effective imnediately fran and after the passage and approval of this Resolution. Passed and approved this 8th day of July, 1985. CounciJmembers Voting Aye: All ATTEST: U~~~6~ ___n_'_~nn_~ -~-- -'r~~~~=C"c"~r"--:~--~--n--'---:r--~~-,-n ,i! Lu ~_ __--'.:;__...:..JUl!lllii"U--'1lI.I.lU. RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-10 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Council, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Council have contacted qualified citizens to serve on the Parks and Recreation Board of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain. persons have indi~ted a desire and willingness to serve as members of the P~i:ks ~ Recreatio~ Board. NaV, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the follow.iD.g persons be appointed to serve as members of the Parks and Recreation Board: Mallory Agerton Charlotte Banham Paxrela Blakely Michael Ceroo Nonnan Hanks Deborah Niebruegge Stephen L. Pruss Russ Schulze Sandra Viola Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Parks and Recreation Board shall serve without ~ation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Parks and Recreation Board shall serve until the next regular City Election of the City Council and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. Section 4. That Michael Ceiro hereby be appointed to serve as Chainnan of the Parks and Recreation Board. f"' """" ""'""'C~'C"""''''''"''1I -r in'"'u _I LllllJllIlJlllnl1U Section 5. That Michael Cemo shall serve as Chainnan of the Parks and Recreation Board until the next regular City Election of the City Council and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of his successor. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of Jul v , 1985. Councilmembers Voting Aye: AlL .Ho.ne. ATl'EST: ,----'-- '~=~-" r -CO-=~'li1 l:: 11; ;:lIl!lII1IlJlJlUlla.i' ______'_.__n_____ RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-11 WHEREAS, the City Council has detennined that additional real property is needed in conjunction with and for the furtherance of municipal operations; and WHEREAS, The City Council is considering the purchase of two (2) earnest IIOney contracts, currently owned by Stephen J. Pruss; each contract designed to purchase the following described real property within the City of West University Place, Texas, namely: 4119 Case 4123 Case the legal descriptions of said properties to be made a part hereof for all purposes at the time of assigmnent of the two (2) earnest m::mey contracts described' above; and WHEREAS, The City Council has reviewed the earnest IIOney contracts and are willing to assune the tenns and conditions therein stated and hereby authorize the purchase of said earnest IIOney contracts for the consideration to be detennined by Council; and WHEREAS, The City Council has considered the funding of the purchases of the earnest IIOney contracts together with the funding for the purchase of the properties and has detennined that adequate funds are available to exercise such contracts and that no taxation increase will be necessary to fund said purchases; and WHEREAS, City Council finds that such purchases of the above described properties would be in the best interest of the City. NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCn. OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Michael L. Parks, Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas, be, and he is hereby, authorized to execute any and all documents required to purchase the earnest IIOney contracts fran Stephen 'J. Pruss and he is further authorized to execute any and all documents required to purchase the real property ~er the terms and conditions of the two (2) earnest IIOney contracts so purchased. -'1':''''''--'''.-,,'' 'T.--!"'c:..'-'C.7"'"'=----"~""..:........~~--!',,::JI.-.-..----.~:_=.r -, ..: " Section 2. That the City Treasurer & Director of Finance of the City of West University Place has certified the availability of funds sufficient to purchase the eamest IOOney contracts and to fund the purchase of the real property located at 4119 Case and 4123 Case and the City Treasurer & Director of Finance is hereby authorized to issue the necessary checks as directed by the Mayor to accarq;>lish said purchases. Section 3. That the sum of One Hundred Ninety-Seven Thousand Dollars ($197,000.00) is hereby appropriated for the sole and exclusive purpose of paying for said purchases. Section 4. That in view of adequate IOOney having been appropriated for payment of the purchases of the above described real property, no additional tax need be levied for repayment of the proposed purchases. Section 5. That this Resolution shall take affect and be in force fran and after its passage and approval by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ~ day of Jul y 1985. Councilmembers Voting Aye: --AlL ~~..~ Michael.L Par ATI'EST: (L~(f~fJJi-) Audrey N' Is, City Secretary - r~C~'._7_'-Cr--=-_="-;."."~~=~=-~-~="--""T"1l-- ~------.--:r---,---- --- ----- ------:Jr.. .1IL..:___ __...::l_._.:u..:....JJJ_.L.tJUl.lIJ.lli.!I..l.LII.aIaI; II RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-12 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Council, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to ,appoint members to various committees; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and .members or 4:he City oJ Council have contacted qualified citizens to serve on the Communications Committee of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Communications Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Communications Committee: Judy Bristol Joy Delaveaga Vickie Hamley Caroline Heslop Tina Lundy Me 10 Joann Mitchell Judith Ottoson Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Communications Committee shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Communications Committee shall serve until the next regular City Election of the City Council and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successorS. '---r~=rrTII- . ::;r_n- --ii ~n ncJL~iULUjJllllllllliLlJJllU n July , 1985. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of ATTEST: . C\'d.~ udrey choI city :0 etaxy Councilmembers Voting Aye: .// ~=OiiJ~:t AMichael L. Parks, Mayor T=~~~~ .J'..~~.~~T'~__~_.L:.JL_illl111ililLiWIlID -~-~._~~~ RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-13 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Council, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various committees; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Council have contacted qualified citizens to serve on t~e Recycling Committee OI the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a . ,# desire and willingness to serve as members of the "'{<. Recycling Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE , TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Recycling Committee: Jack Browder Phyllis Church Don Irby Patricia Raborn Bridget Schleicher Larry Wilson section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Recycling Committee shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Recycling Committee shall serve until the next regular City Election of the City Council and the~eafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. r~"''-''-'=':'''''''''=~--''=:~C;~;-:~~'''=~~~-- ~-' Section 4. That Jack Browder hereby be appointed to serve as Chariman of the Recycling Committee. Section 5. That Jack Browder shall serve as Chairman of the 'Recycling Committee until the next regular City Election of the City Council and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of his successor. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of July , 1985. Councilmembers Voting Aye: / AloN~ ATTEST: Gl1d.L.- ~ Audrey ~c 01 City Secretary ~ --r~""~=~'=:~~":"'~~n r inl , 'I j' !l1!lllUliTIllllllR j RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-14 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Council, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various committees; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Council have contacted qualified citizens to serve on the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Zoning and Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Zoning and Planning Commission: Buddy Bell Robert Lindsey Charles M. Lusk, III Stephen Munisteri Susan Rachlin Reid Wilson George Ruhlen Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Zoning and Planning Commission shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the zoning and Planning Commission shall serve until the -~ -r~~""'""~""T~~~~'---'--~r~- '1i'lIIilllllllllll' ifli next regular City Election of the City Council and thereafter until the appointment and qualification ofitheir successors. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ~ day of August, 1985. Councilmembers Voting Aye: 1-2....- Councilmembers Voting No: ! 0 count:~~ ~ Beth Ann Bryan, ATTEST: ~ . ~ . Audrey cho City Sec etary (SEAL) ) ~------~-- r-~'"~=c~=~f----nr'--- -r-' ~~-- -"in 11 I i 1Ilnllll,fdll1D1i- RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-15 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Council, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter! and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the Ci~y Council have contacted qualified citizens to serve pn the Health Board of the City of West University Place, !l'exas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated,~,>, If desire and willingness to serve as members of the H~alth Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CIrY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS;: Section 1. 'That the following persons b~ appointed to serve as members of the Health Board: Rhonda G. Boone William J. Bryan, M.D. Thomas G. Cleary, M~D. Larry K. Pickering, M.D. George Stillman Paul Young, D.V.M. Section 2. That .the persons hereby appoirited to , , the Health Board shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That'the persons hereby appo~nted to the Health Board shall serve until the next regular City I ; Election of the City Council and thereafter until t~e appointment and qualification of their successors. - _ r"~~~~T-~"-- ,---- - -~li'll illn'lllil'llllllll.' . Section 4. That Larry K. Pickering, M.D., be hereby appointed to serve as Chariman of the Health Board. section 5. That Larry K. Pickering, M.D.:, shall serve as Chairman of the Health Board until the next: regular City Election of the City Council and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of his succe~sor. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of August , 1985. Counci1members Voting Aye: .ALL counci1members Voting No: ~ Ii 1.J.!JLJ ~ ~chae1 L. park~~ ATTEST: ~ . ~ Audrey 'ho City Se etary (sea 1 ) II RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-16 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Council, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Council have contacted qualified citizens to serve on the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment: Frank Billings Robert Crain John H. Maloney Opal McKelvey Sterling Minor Robert Heaton, Alternate Doris J. Marshall, Alternate Ralph McNeir, Alternate John Pickul, Alternate Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall serve without compensation. --m.----r"''~-~'~~~~~'~"~~""TlI--n--T"-- "In 1,i tllfli1llilllllllllll I Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall serve until the next regular City Election of the City Council and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. August , 1985. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of ATTEST: Q,J.~ Audrey . hols City Secretary ( seal) Councilmembers Voting Aye: &L Councilmembers Voting No: N.QN.E.. -~ RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-17 WHEREAS, citY: officials have determined that it is in the best interest of the citizens of this city to continue its membership in the HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL: and WHEREAS, the jBy-Laws of the Houston-Galveston Area Council requires the appointme~t of a duly elected representative of each of the governmental units 'for the year 1985. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVESITY!PLACE, TEXAS: I Section 1. That Councilmember JAMES W. CUMMINGS i . be, and he is hereby, designated as its representative to the General i Assembly of the Housto~-Galveston Area Council for the remainder of the year 1985. Section 2. 1hat the official Alternate authorized to serve as the voting delegate!should the hereinbefore named delegate become i ineligible, absent, orishould he resign, is councilmember C. BOONE SCHWARTZEL . Section 3. That the Executive Director of the Houston-Galveston Area Council be notified of the designation of the . hereinabove named delegate and alternate. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~day of August , 1985. Councilmemb.ers Voting Aye: ....ALL Councilmembers Voting No: -HQNE ..~ t,ffi.'JC1l {- . ~ L~1 L. pa .a~ (SEAL) I"~~~~~',~"":':-~""C""'--'- [. ;]' l...:....:.. _, _ _ ___~":-----,--,___-,;.jluJ.ill.l::TITIllllD!:'------------------- RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-18 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Council, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Council have contacted qualified citizens to serve on the Long Range Planning Committee of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Long Range Planning Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Long Range Planning Committee: Sonny Ahrens Dr. Frances E. Arrighi Richard Ayres Marcellus Bettler Charles Evans Roger A. Farrow Randall A. Friday Larry George Kathryn W. Harper Bill Hughes Raymond W. Knapp William G. Mack Jeff M. Montag Joseph A. Polichino Richard A. Popham Patrick Rowles Karin Shipman Louis Sklar Richard Spencer Mark R. Spradling James J. Tyler Jon A. Vogler Lawrence R. Whyte Leonard Wilson Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Long Range Planning Committee shall serve without compensation. -r'"",o~"c~o~'~~~r~~~"-----:ro' -~'c I" 11 , 'I, iiIIlfilllll iIIIIRII.'I' Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Long Range Planning Committee shall serve until the next regular City Election of the City Council and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. Section 4. That Louis Sklar be hereby appointed to serve as Chairman of the Long Range Planning Committee. Section 5. That Louis Sklar shall serve as Chairman of the Long Range Planning Committee until the next regular City Election of the City Council and thereafter until 'the appointment and qualification of his successor. PASSED AND APPROVED this --21!l..- day of September , 1985. Councilmembers Voting Aye: M.L Councilmembers Voting No: ~ ~sI2JlyaJw Michael L. Parks, Mayor ATTEST: ~L1 Lk Atidrey~chMt City Secretary (SEAL) -----~n---~T="~:c~"TI r-------~'-',n 1,1 ,,1I1111111l~___------ ---------- RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-19 A RESOLUTIO~ OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, NOMINATING ONE CANDIDATE TO BE PLACED ON THE BALLOT FOR ELECTION TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the State of Texas Property Tax Code requires that the voting taxing units of each county select directors to serve on their appraisal district board of directors; and WHEREAS, in 1981 the taxing units of Harris County adopted the . "Three-Fourths" procedure authorized by Section 6.031 of the Property Tax Code to change the method of selecting directors; and WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, Texas, as an incorporated city other than Houston within the Appraisal District shall nominate one candidate for the position on the Board 1 and WHEREAS, The Mayo:r of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall submit the name of its nominee to the County Clerk of Harris County for placing on the ballot by the County Clerk. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. Section 1. That the City of West University Place, Texas, hereby nominates Marta Grevtok as a candidate to be placed on the ballot for election to a position on the Board of Directors of the Harris County Appraisal District. 2. That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to deliver or cause to be delivered an executed or certified copy of this Resolution to the County Clerk of Harris County prior to October 15, 1985. PASSED AND APPROVED this --Z1!L day of October 1985. Counci1mernbers Voting Aye: ALL Councilmernbers Voting No: NONE ATTEST: (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~~~LJ~ . James L. Dougherty 1 Jr., City Attorney . --.----- ---.---- r==-=""":-=o~=~~~='>--~":'D.-~--~ ...-r.--------------- ;, THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF HARRIS ~ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ~ I, Audrey Nichols, City Secretary of the City of West University Place, Texas, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true, full and correct copy of RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-19 , as adopted by the City Council of the City of West University Place on the 7th day of October , 19 85 , and duly filed in the office of the City Secretary of the said City of West University Place. GIVEN under my hand and seal of the City of West University Place, Texas, this 8th day of October , 1985 . (L Audrey Nichols City Secretary ~A4 --~---~~~-~O"~c"""'''__<__.;.. --'iT~ =r"-- i.[:::~_ ___----'-___,:..:..:.__:_L.:.::Jll!1illll_lllJIlIlUi RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-20 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Council, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to '- appoint members to various boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Council have contacted qualified citizens to serve on the Senior Services Board of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Senior Services Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Senior Services Board: Jane Breazeal Mildred Chapin Jim Council Gene Hines Elizabeth G. McRoberts Kenneth Pearce Doris Ramey Dottie Shaw Harold Smith Dalia Stokes M. D. Wickerham Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Senior Services Board shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Senior Services Board shall serve until the next regular City Election of the City Council and ..thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. T" "-'=='~~'~=Jl-- ..----:-r- ---,R"'~_ __-"__'-'_J".-.:JllllillilIIIllIl!ur October , 1985. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of ATTEST: ~t\l~ City'Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~L~~ James L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney ~._-- --'-r'=<=::=~c=~=~~-~---~~. Councilmembers Voting Aye: ...ill..- Councilmembers Voting No: ~ ~ RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-21 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Council, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Council have contacted qualified citizens to serve on the Traffic Committee of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Traffic Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Traffic Committee: Connie E. Clark Royce Hassell Richard P. Steele Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Traffic Committee shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Traffic Committee shall serve until the next regular City Election of the City Council and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of October , 1985. . Councilmembers Voting Aye: ...A!..l- Councilmembers Voting No: None ATTEST: ~~J.J-. City Se'9retary (SEAL) \,PROVED ~ FORM:1.... ~ ~'-\ ~ James L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney --r'~~~~""","'~"~':'~~']':lI -.--- _...1:'-- ij['~.l..J':""'" __--'----__.:...:..:.....:.J~~.:..!..lLl!ll1lll_111.uwaar RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-22 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Council, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Council have contacted qualified citizens to serve on the Electrical Board of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Electrical Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Electrical Board: Bill Clowe A. B. Fisk Oscar Johnson Lloyd LaComb Randolph E. Pettit James Todd Rob Peterson Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Electrical Board shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Electrical Board shall serve until the next regular City Election of the City Council and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED this 28th day of October , 1985. Councilmembers Voting Aye: ..ALL Councilmembers Voting No: None 'lk~~ ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~~~~L James L. Dougherty, Jr., City City Attorney (SEAL) ~--r~~~~=~~~~:~e"e~;:"I~ T - - - Tf:::~____......l~__,'....._.:...L~~'::lillLL.ll1IWUL - RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-23 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Council, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heret,ofore adopted, to appoint members to various boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Council have contacted qualified citizens to serve on the Plumbing Board of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Plumbing Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: sectionl. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Plumbing Board: Roy Harper Robert K. Wark T. o. Sword James H. Pepin Ron Taylor Section 2 . That the persons hereby appointed to the Plumbing Board shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Plumbing Board shall serve until the next regular City Election of the City Council and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED this 28th day of October 1985. Councilmembers Voting Aye: ...AlL Councilmembers Voting No: None ~~ ATTEST: (1y1:io~s~lwL- City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: (SEAL) ~~ James L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney r--~--' - c'o~, ~ -~---r- _ ---,"'1,1 :II!:!lhl 1I11111111i'- RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-24 RESOLUTION SUBMITTING TO THE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION CERTAIN PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. WHEREAS, in Volurne II of the report entitled "Comprehensive Plan for the City of West University Place," it is recommended that the City establish a "commercial" zoning classification to include not only the existing "retail business" classification but also the "professionai and business office" classification and other commercial uses; and WHEREAS, the existing provisions of the differ as among the classifications proposed proposed new "commercial" classification, applicable to the "Professional and business being the most comprehensive and complete; and Ci ty I S zoning ordinance to be included in the with the provisions office" classification WHEREAS, to proceed with the implementation of the comprehensive plan, the City Council desires to have certain proposed zoning amendments thoroughly studied and submitted for public hearing and , discussion; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: section 1. The City Council hereby formally submits to the Zoning and Planning Commission certain proposed amendments to the zoning ordinance of the City of West University Place. The proposed amendments are: (1) the establishment of the "commercial" classification as recommended in said comprehensive plan, and (2) the establishment of provisions within such classification on the subjects described in Section 2, below. Section 2. The amendments should include provisions on the following subjects. Subject Reference Section In Existing Zoning Ordinance 5, (1) through (15) ; 24-B, (a) ,and (b) 24-B, (c) ; 29, (3) , (4) , (4-1) , (5) 24-B, (d) 24-B, (e) 24-B, (f) 24-B, (g) ; 29, (4-1) 24-B, (h) 14 24-B, (i) 24-B, (k) Use designations Setback Building dimensions Lot sizes Parking ~ransitions or buffers Fronting requirements Type of construction Height of structures Signs Other related items section 3. The City Council respectfully requests that the Zoning and Planning Commission study said amendments and submit them to public I ----r'c'--'_c- ""__"..=-__or-=:.CC,,"I'"_=-"_o.l_" II comment and discussion. All City officers and employees are requested to assist the Commission in this regard. Section 4. The area proposed to be included in the "commercial" classification is the area now classified as "retail business" or "professional and business office." This resolution does not propose any change in use designation of any other property. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of October , 1985. Councilmembers Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan and Cummings Councilmembers Co nc' me ber Schwartzel ATTEST: (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~~W-- James L. Dougherty, Jr., City Attorney 2 ~~. F'"'~cn"~~=oc~"'C~':.Ir- . _r ~'.-~-_.~-~1............. __~_':"""_..:-:Ll:J.:1ll!_.Ull1ll.la.lli:' RESOLUTION 85-25 RESOLUTION RELATING TO CERTAIN BUILDING PERMITS DURING A TEMPORARY PERIOD PENDING THE CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. WHEREAS, in volume II of the report entitled "Comprehensive Plan for the City of West University Place," it is recommended t~at the City establish a "commercial" zoning classification to include not only the existing "retail business" classification but also the "professional and business office" classification and other commercial uses; and WHEREAS, the existing provisions of the City I S zoning ordinance differ as among the existing classifications proposed to be consolidated into the "commercial" classification, with the regulations applicable to the "professional and business office" classification being the most comprehensive and complete; and WHEREAS, to proceed with the implementation of the comprehensive plan, the City Council desires to have certain proposed zoning amendments thoroughly studied and submitted for public hearing and discussion, and the City Council has formally submitted these amendments to the Zoning and Planning Commission by the passage of Resolution Number 85-24 on October 28, 1985; and WHEREAS, the areas proposed to be included in the "commercial" classification are vital to the future welfare of the City; and WHEREAS, to preserve the status quo in the areas proposed to. be included in the "commercial" classification, so as to avoid any major changes which might prove to be incompatible with, or in conflict with, the permanent regulations applicable to such areas, there must be temporary restrictions on the issuance of building permits in such areas; WHEREAS, a temporary period not exceeding 90 days should allow sufficient time for full consideration of such zoning amendments; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. During the temporary period described in section 2, below, no City official or employee shall approve or issue any building permit for any structure within the area proposed to be included in the "commercial" classification as described in Volume II of the City's comprehensive plan, except as follows: (1) Minor permits are not affected by this provision. Minor permits are permits which meet all of the following criteria: (i) No change in occupancy category is involved; (ii) No new building is involved, unless it is an addition to existing structures on the same premises and the gross square footage of floor area of the addition does not exceed 10% of the gross square footage of floor area of the existing structures on the same premises; and (iii) If a remode1~ng is involved, it involves substantial alterations to less than 50% of the gross square footages of the existing structures on the same premises. (2) Restricted permits are not affected by this provision. Restricted permits are those for which the submitted plans and. specifications clearly demonstrate that the work will 1 .- - --~--r-"'-~~~~~"~-:o':-::II-~n r in- ~_ __--------'-__,_~.~.:..;JllilijjL.Wllllll.lll i comply with the existing generally-applicable regulations (other than use designations) in both the "retail business" classification and the "professional and business office" classification. Section 2. The temporary period begins on the date of passage of this resolution and ends on the 90th day thereafter, unless the City Council has sooner adopted an ordinance establishing such "commercial" classification and prescribing comprehensive provisions for the classification, in which case the temporary period ends upon the adoption of such ordinance. Section 3. The area proposed to be included in the "commercial" classification is the area now classified as "retail business" or "professional and business office." This resolution does not propose any change in use designation of any other property. Section 4. An applicant for a building permit which is denied under this resolution may submit a proposed amendment to this resolution to the City's building official. The building official is requested to review any such proposed amendment as soon as practicable and transmit it, together with his report, to the City Council for its consideration, it being understood that any such amendment would be subject to the legislative discretion of the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED this 28th day of October , 1985. Councilmembers Voting Aye: t4ayor Parks. Councilmembers Higley, Bryan and Cummings Councilmembers Voting ,No: Council member Schwartzel ATTEST: (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~~~ James L. Dougherty, Jr., City Attorney 2 .n----.~~=~i~n r - -~1l~1 i !IIHIII!i ,1,11I1,.1, i I' I I RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-26 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Council, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various committees; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Council have contacted qualified citizens to serve on the Ambulance Advisory Committee of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Ambulance Advisory Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Ambulance Advisory Committee: Stephen Fischer, M.D. Paul Handel M.D. Kathryn Harper, R.N. John Long, M.D. John Marshall, J.D. Arlo F. Weltge, M.D. Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Ambulance Advisory Committee shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons 'hereby appointed to the Ambulance Advisory Committee shall serve for a period of one year and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. Section 4. That Arlo F. Weltge, M.D., be hereby appointed to serve as Chairman of the Ambulance Advisory Committee. Section 5. That Arlo F. Weltge, M.D., shall serve as Chairman of the Ambulance Advisory Committee for a period of one year and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of his successor. PASSED AND APPROVED this ....lll!L day of November , 1985. Councilmembers Voting Aye: Mayor Pro Tem Higley, Councilmember Bryan, Cummings, Schwartzel Councilmembers Voting No: None Councilmembers ATTEST: Ol~&.u-~ Audrey N.Y: 01 City 'Secretary (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~~ James L. Dougherty, Jr., City Attorney -- -----L="~~;;-="=-O-"=T.~~-"o=-::-t~--.-..~ "------::-..I~-,-~---- ------c-----rr:L___ ___~_,:....__...:..;~.;....JUll!11ll..Ulllll.lA.E RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-27 WHEREAS, city officials have determined that it is in the best interest of the citizens of this city to continue its membership in the HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL; and WHEREAS, the By-Laws of the Houston-Galveston Area Council requires the appointment of a duly elected representative of each of the governmental units for the year 1986. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF ~HE CITY OF WEST UNLVERSITX PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Councilmember JAMES W. CUMMINGS be, and he is hereby, designated as its representative to the General Assembly of the Houston-Galveston Area Council for the year 1986. Section 2. That the official Alternate authorized to serve as the voting delegate should the hereinbefore named delegate become ineligible, absent, or should he resign, is Councilmember C. BOONE SCHWARTZEL . Section 3. That the Executive Director of the Houston-Galveston Area'Council be notified of the designation of the hereinabove named delegate and alternate. PASSED AND APPROVED this ll..th day of Novembpr. 1985. Councilmembers Voting Aye: Mayor Pro Tem Higley, Councilmembers Bryan, Cummings, Schwartzel Councilmembers Voting No: None Councilmembers Absent: ~..ayor Parks ATTEST: ( SEAL) ..~.VED~. FORM, _ . ~ James L. Dougherty, Jr., City Attorney r."~~...'~~""~0" .- r u ---1IIlJ '1I1f111111TTil1111111 RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-28 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, CASTING ITS BALLOT FOR THE ELECTION OF A PERSON TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the County Clerk of Harris County, Texas, has delivered to the Mayor of this City a ballot containing the names of those persons duly nominated as candidates to serve on the Board of Directors of the Harris County Appraisal District to be filled by those cities and towns, other than the City of Houston, participating in said , District; and WHEREAS, this City deems it appropriate and in the public interest to cast its vote for the candidate of its choice to fill such position; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. The facts and recitations set forth in the preamble of this Resolution be, and they are hereby, adopted, ratified, and confirmed. Section 2. That the City of West University Place, Texas, has cast its vote, and it does hereby cast its vote, for Marta Greytok to fill a two year term beginning January 1, 1986, on the Board of Directors of the Harris County Appraisal District representing those incorporated cities and towns, other than the City of Houston, participating in said District. Section 3. That the Mayor Pro Tem be, and she is hereby, authorized and' directed to deliver or cause to be delivered an executed , or certified copy of this Resolution and the voted Ballot for Director to the County Clerk of Harris County prior to November 15, 1985. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of November. 1985. Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: Mayor Pro Tem Higley, Councilmembers Bryan, Cummings, Schwartzel None Councilmembers Absent: Michael L.Parks, Hayor ; /~5~dt');~t. (:~':~;~:;i~~:/ La~~~ ' C. ,%gt'ey, !;t%r/fio Tem . :/' ATTEST: "- ,('~~~ . Audrey Nidhols, . City Secretary (SEAL) AP~.p OVED ~. 0 F.ORM:' , L James L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney '-r~~~~"'~""'C""T'-'-, r '~~~~~c'--'-nr 11 [' lIIHlIlIl.,1111H11..I- BAllOT FOR DIRECTOR HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT (JANUARY 1, 1986 TERM) The foll owi ng vote for Di rector, Harri s County Appra i sa 1 Di st ri ct, was detennined by resolution or ordinance adopted at an official meeting of the CITY COUNCIL (governing body) of the CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS (taxing unit) held on the 11th day of NOVEMBER , 1985, in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.031 of the Property Tax Code, as amended. Cast your ballot by placing an .X. in the square next to the candidate of yourchoi ce. MARTA GREYTOK [C] WITNESS MY HAND, this the 11th day of November , 1985. Laura ATTEST: (k,i^" ~ Audrey ~hols, "ty Secretary _n_-~'~r-~cc~~'''''C'.C'll-- r -.--C-~~~-Tll . I '11::illilllllllll..I. -~-------,---------------------- RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-29 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING A FEE FOR COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE AND TRASH; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, section 11-5 of West University Place, Texas, disposal of garbage and trash dwelling; and the Code of Ordinances of the City of establishes a fee for collection and shall be charged each month for each WHEREAS, Section 11-5 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place specifies that said fee shall be established from time to time by the City Council; and WHEREAS, The City Council included in the budget for 1986 certain fees for services provided by the city; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined to confirm such a fee to be charged for residential garbage service. NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following fee for the service described is hereby adopted and implemented. (a) The fee for collecting and disposing and refuse shall be ten dollars ($10.00) separate dwelling or living unit. of household garbage per month for each (b) Each two-family living unit shall pay ten dollars ($10.00) per month for each separate dwelling unit. (c) All apartments in a multiple unit dwelling place shall be considered as separate dwelling units and shall pay ten dollars ($10.00) per month for each dwelling unit. Section 2. The city staff is hereby authorized to charge said fee for the service described above and the new fee shall apply to each customer billing period which begins on or after January 1, 1986. Section 3. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to' be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this resolution and the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this resolution to any other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. Section 4. All resolutions and parts of resolutions in 'conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. - -----r~='-. H__ --","C~'i1' J .w-,n'-'ll 1,11111\111111 HIIRIIII, Section 5. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this resolution was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Open Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 6252-17, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of December Councilmembers Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Cummings, Schwartzel CouncilmembersVoting No: None , 1985. Councilmembers Absent: None ATTEST: ~.~' ~r- James L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney (SEAL) _n_--F~C~~C~~~'~~'~;~"-- r 11 ". 'I: I II!llIlIllIlIIJIIIIII I' I II RESOLUTION NUMBER 85-30 A RESOLUTION OF WEST ESTABLISHING APPLYING TO SERVICE; AND OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, A DEPOSIT FEE FOR TENANTS THE CITY FOR WATER AND SEWER ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 23-74 (a) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas, provides that any person who shall apply to the city for water and sewer service shall make a deposit to the city for the service; and WHEREAS, Section 23-74 (b) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place specifies that the amount of the deposits required shall be established from time to time by the City Council; and WHEREAS, Section 23-74 (c) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place requires the City Council to establish separate deposits for homeowners, tenants and commercial users; and WHEREAS, City Council has determined that an increase in the tenants' deposit for water arid sewer service has become necessary to assist in collection procedures. NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the deposit required from tenants applying to the . city for water and sewer service shall be sixty dollars ($60.00). Section 2. That the city staff is hereby authorized to charge tenants said deposit fee for applications received on or after January 1, 1986. Section 3. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this resolution or the application thereof to . any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder ,of this resolution and the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this resolution to .any other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. Section 4. All resolutions and parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 5. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this resolution was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Open .Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 6252-17, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. r '" .".~, ~~,~.~"~':c"~_~~""'II' ...- r'~'~~- .- --'C~'~I"''''H l!lIiiill:lTIllUIIIIi PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of December ,1985. Counci1members Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Cummings, Schwartzel counci1members Voting No: None Councilmembers ~~n~~~~ ATTEST: r ~ORM~ .' ~-, ~r James L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney (SEAL) '-r~.o:-- ''''_'=''''CI;.=~_O~-.o-;!:O.~--'~-~