HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.82 RESOLUTION NUMBER 82-01 WHEREAS, Pamela Seward, employed by the Police Department as Records Clerk and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, has resigned her position with the city; and WHEREAS, Al Martinez, employed by the Police Department as a Dispatcher and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place has resigned his position with the city; and WHEREAS, Mary Giotta has been employed by the Police Department as Records Clerk and is qualified to serve as Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court; and WHEREAS, Jim Fairchild has been employed by the Police Department as a Dispatcher and is qualified to serve as Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BElT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. Section 1. _ That Mary Giotta and Jim Fairchild be, and they are hereby, appointed Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas'. Section 2. That the appointment of Mary Giotta and Jim Fairchild as Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that they shall, assume the duties of Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court after having been administered the proper Oath of Office. PASSED AND APPROVED this 'lid day of ~ Commissioners Voting Aye: 'J1..fll- , 1982. ATTEST: ~.e~()A~ r -1- I II r-'~'-~--'-' I 11111'1'. RESOLUTION NUMBER 82-03 WHEREAS, the city is aware of the contribution of our younger citizens to the quality of life in our community; and WHEREAS, the city wishes to acknowledge the significant achievements made by our YoOtl,nger citizens; alld WHEREAS, the "B" Division Girls Soccer Team of the West University Soccer Club, coached by Mr. Mark Turner, has won the Houston Youth Soccer Association's 1981 City Championship; and' WHEREAS, the team will be the Area Representative in the State Championship Tournament January 30 and 31, 1982. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the "B" Division Girls Soccer Team Andrea Ballanfant Stacy Bass Linda De Laveaga Petra Duckett Andrea' Dunn Katherine Feser Leonora Kirby Maria Stein Mary Ward Christina Youngblood Delora Kornegay Lisa Massey Sara Munson Susan Sprouse Aryana Valdes Rachael Vitalle Ellen Mustachio and their COach, Mark ,Turner, be and they are hereby, congratulated and applauded for their accomplishment. Section 2. That the city expresses it's appreciation for the effort expended, the dedication exhibited and the sportsmanship exemplified by these young women and their Coarch, in attaining this singular honor which directly reflects a positive image of this city. ' Section 3. That the City Commission extends it's best wishes as the team proceeds in State Championship competition. Section 4. That a copy of this Resolution be delivered to each team member and their 'Coach. PASSED AND APPROVED this 25th day of January, 1982. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: ~one Rufus F. Stanley, Jr., Mayor ATTEST: Lee Lockard, City Secretary ..' , - ---- -----r=O~!"':'":"!"~~"':'C'~~O]::I'--'---'--~l" ' IT'~1.........__ _ ___ __ _---'--'-'---.....:...:.... .all.Ll:: RESOLUTION NUMBER 82-04 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various boards and committees; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted a qualified citizen to serve on the Long Range Planning Committee; and WHEREAS, a ce~tain person has indicated,a desire and willingness to serve as a member of the Long Range Planning COID~ittee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following person be appointed to serve as a member of the Long Range Planning Committee: Dr. John M.Zahradnik Section 2. That the person hereby appointed to the Long Range Planning Committee shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the person hereby appointed shall serve until the appointment and qualification of his successor. PASSED AND APPROVED this J. SH day of ~~ ry , 1982. Commissioners Voting Aye: CU6 ATTEST: ~~ City Secretary ',1'") _.:.:..~_ _1. !U[I:I- RESOLUTION NUMBER 82-05 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various boards and committees; and I~EREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted qualified citizens to serve on the Recycling Committee; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Recycling Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Recycling Committee: Barbara Budros Ron Budros Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Recycling Committee shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed shall serve until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED this .' day: of , 1982. Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary ..' [ Oi:J/ ------r-- -II'L_ _____~iilLH RESOLUTION ~IBER 82-06 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission pursuant to provisions of the llia:tter of the City of West University Place, Texas and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members of various Boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted qualified citizens to serve on ,the various Boards; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Senior Services Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Senior Services Board: Mr. E. Gene Hines, 3748 Rice e Mr. Jack Peev&, ,37. Arnold Mr. Harold A. Smith, 3609 Robinhood Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Senior Services Board shall serve without compensation. Section ,3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Senior Services Board shall serve for a period of two years from the date of this Resolution. PASSED AND APPROVED this~d day Of~~ ' 1982, Commissioners Voting Aye: (l/~ ATTEST: ".~"','~ GY'ty ::;ecre'tary --'-._~-~---'_.~-----'-'---'~----r==~~-- RESOLUTION NllMBER 82-07 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission pursuant to provisions of the State Statutes, specifically ,Section 6.30 of the Property Tax Code, to appoint an Attorney to represent the Taxing Authority, the City; and In!EREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have deter- mined that DAVID G. ALLUMS is qualified to act in such capacity. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That DAVID G. ALLUMS is hereby appointed to serve as the Attorney representing the city' s taxing unit, for all purposes. Section 2. Said Attorney is further authorized to sue in behalf of the taxing unit for delinquent taxes and to resolve all such matters in a manner most favorab.le to the city. Section 3. That DAVID G. ALLUMS shall serve in such capacity until a successor is appointed. P1\SSED AND APPROVED this ia... day of ..j~ H47 ' 1982. Commissioners Voting Aye:()ld ) Commissioners Voting No: ~d?uLduff Mayor ATTEST: ~..~ City Secretary r' ,~ F~""~'--""'-'-=--"--'-TI'-_.L...__ _~~-".LllI..ILAiI:------ RESOLUTION NUMBER 82-08 WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the City Commission that the "C'" Division Girls Soccer Team of the West University Soc,cer Club has emerged winner of the State Championship - Red Division competition; and WHEREAS, such honor was possible only with the efforts and support of residents of the city, friends and parents of team members; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission to acknowledge such outstanding achievement by these young women; and WHEREAS, it is the further desire of the City Commission to express its congratulations to Coach Kathy Burniston on the accomplishments of the team under her leadership and guidance. NOW, THEREFORE, ~E IT RESO~VED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: SectioR 1. That the "C" Division Girls Soccer Team CARL.IN ALLUMS ALLISON BLAZEK KARYN CAMERON AMY CHATHAM ELEANOR DAHLIN SUSAN DAVENPORT AUDREY DIETRICH MARCEY DORAN JENNIFER JOHNSEN LANA LESLEY STACEY LORD MARIAN MANKIN ' ABBY McCANDLESS ELENA OLIVE LORI RILEY NICOLE WOODUM SHANNON WARNER KATHY BURNISTON, COACH be, and they are hereby congratulated and applauded for their accomplishment. Section 2. That the wish of the City Commission for these young women in the future is for still higher honors and even greater successes. Section 3. That this Resolution be spread in full upon the minutes of the City commission and that the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to deliver a true copy hereof to each member of the "C" Division Girls Soccer Team and their Coach, ,Kathy Burniston. PASSED AND APPROVED this 22Iid ATTEST: ~/,~~ Lee Lockard, City Secretary ,u -'-- [~~~~C~~i~~~U1 1 ilL_ , _------'-.:L, JUIill' RESOLUTION NUMRER 82-09 WHEREAS, Richard G. Niebur was appointed a member of the West University Police Department on February 25, 1980; and lqHEREAS, as a 'result of long hours of service, diligent study and dedication, Officer Niebur was promoted to the rank of Corporal on August 14, 1981; and WHEREAS, subsequent to a request by the 100 Club of Houston, the Chief of Police submitted recommendations for a candidate to be honored by the designation of Officer of the Year by such Club; and WHEREAS, the 100 Club of Houston has selected Corporal Richard G. Niebur as "Officer of the Year" for the City of West University P~ace and the award for such honor was presented on January 28, 1982; and MtEREAS, the' City Commission wishes to express its congratulations to Corporal Niebur for his excellent. energetic and intelligent service to ,the city during the year 19tH., and for his selection as "Officer of the Year"., NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. TEXAS: , Section 1. That the City Commission hereby expresses its sincere app~eciation to Corporal Rick Niebur of the City of West University Place Police Department for his exemplary service to the city and the citizens thereof. Section 2. That the City ~ommission offers its congratulations to Corporal 'Rick Niebur for his selection by the 100 Club of Houston as "Officer of the Year" fQr the City of W'est University Place. Section 3. That this Resolution shall be spread in full upon the minutes of the City Commission and the Mayor be. and he is hereby, authorized to deliver to Richard G. Niebur a true copy hereof, signed by each member of the City Commission and attested by the CitySecretar!.. PASSED AND APPROVED this 22nd ?!1No:;i1.~4t~ f ./ ~j~~ Lee~Lockard, City ~ecretary .'1' --roc --""C~""="'''''i'''''i''- "-r-r------;'------ iT"] ,_J 111111,1 , RESOLUTION NUMBER 82-10 .;:'. WHEREAS. Opal MCKelvey has filled many places on the city's staff. having been a 'billing cl~rk in the Water Department on July 1,1966, when: first employed; and . WHEREAS. between August 1. 1967 and July 7. 1978. Opal served as an Administrative Secretary in the office of the City Manager with primary re- sponsibility for working with the city's Zoning and Planning Conunission and Zoning Board of Adjustment; and WHEREAS, on July 7. ~918, utilization was made of Opal's expertise in the field of zoning. planning. inspection regulations and her working know- ledge of all areas of the administration of the city with the creation of a position in the Inspection,Department responsible for such activities; and WHEREAS, Opal McKelvey has elected to retire on February 28. 1982, to travel and, enjoy members of her family~ especially her ~randchi~dren; and WHEREAS. she has earned much respect from the citizens and her fellow employees fo:r her patience. understanding. interest and devotion to drty;and ' ' . , ,WHEREAS, successive City Commissions hav.e realized fully that pro- gress in municipal government is grpdicated. ror- the most ,part. upon the loyalty and efficiency of its employees and on their ability to carry out faithfully and effectively the acts of the City Commission. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. TEXAS: Section 1., That for, and on behalf of the citizens of the City of West University Place, Texas, February 26, 1982, is hereby designated as OPAL McKELVEY' APPRECIATioN DAY IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY ,PLAce, TEXAS. Section 2. That the }..fayor, City Commission. City Manager and all other employees her~by express their appreciation to Opal McKelvey for her devoted services \:0 the citr. Section 3. That the City Commission, fellow employees and residents of the c,ity wish for Opal good health,' success and prosperity for many"years to come. Forever she shan hold and enjoy a place of high esteem in'tbe minds and hearts' of the people of the City of West University Place. Section 4. That this Resolution be spread iJl f:ull upon the minutes of the City Commission and that the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to deliver to Opal McKelvey a true copy hereof, signed by each member of the City, Commission and attested by the City Secretary. PASSED AND APPROVED tbis ATTEST: ..~~.~ . ' , \. ~"---r"""-~~-""-'=;~IT--~T-i---------1Fl--- '. "j, 11111.'" RESOLUTION NUMBER 82-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UN I VERSI TY PLACE DES I GNAT I NG A CENTRAL COUNT I NG STAT! ON; APPOINTING A MANAGER FOR SAID STATION AND A TABULATION SUPERVISOR; APPOr.NTlNG A PRESIDING ,JUDGE FOR THE CENTRAL COUNTING ,STATION; APPOINTING A PRESIDI'NG JUDGE FOR THE SPECIAL CANVASSING BOARD; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. \4HEREAS, the C,ity of West University Place wi 11 conduct a special municipal election on,April 3, 1982; and WHEREAS, Texas election laws require that, the City Commission establish a central counting station to receive and tabulate voted ballots, as wel I asa ma'nager and tabulation superv'lsor' for the central counting station;, and' WHEREAS,' it is also required that a presiding judge for the central counting station be appointed by the City Commission; and WHEREAS, it 'is also required that a presiding judge for the Special Canvassing Board for absentee ballots be appointed by the City Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMiSsioN OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLAcE, TEXAS: Section 1.' That the City Council Chamber and Conference Room areas in the City Ha.11 of the City of \1est University Place, 3800 University Boule- vard, is h~reby establ ished as the Central Counting Station to receive and tabulate voted ballots iri the April 3, 1982 special municipal election. Section 2. That Lee Lockard is hereby appointed as the Manager of the Central Counting Station and also as the Tabulation Supervisor for the April 3, 1982 special municipal election. " Section 3. That Burt Ballanfant is hereby appointed as the Presid- ing Judge for the Central Counting Station fo~ the April 3, 1982 municipal election. Section 4. That Burt Ballanfant is hereby appointed as the Presid- ing Judge for the Special Canvassing Board for the April 3, 1982 municipal election. Sec~ion 5. That this Qrdinance shall take effect from and after its passage by the City Commission of the City of West University Place. PASSED AND APPROVED this~dayof ....:dz~~, 1982. Commi'ssioners Voting Aye: ATTEST: ~,~ Lee Lockard, :City Secretary ----'--'-..-----"'--~'-L""~~=:":':II F~-- ..---:----~~lr~_, __~:..Lia.t:_LI'-~-- RESOLUTION NUMBER 82-12 WHEREAS, it is the obligatiDn of the City Commission pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various ,boards and committees; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted qualified citizens to serve on the Long Range Plannin.9 Committee; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness,to serve as members of the Long Range Planning, Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Long Range Planning Committee: Mrs. Skip Britton Mr. William McGee Mr. Barry l~. t1yers Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Long Range Planning Committee shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the person hereby appointed shall serve until the appointment and qualification of his successor. PASSED, AND APPROVED this -ra day of 7Yl~, 1982. Commissioners Voting ATTEST: ~~OA-f/-J City Secretary '--~---'----'----r---' :~--~1 ,''---I:lI--r -- II-I... ___--------'--..l,IiW" "P:. RESOLUTION NUMBER 82-13 WHEREAS, the taxing units of Harris County have elected to postpone the full implementation of the Harris County Appraisal District until 1984; and ImEREAS, the 1981 Texas General Laws, 1st Special Session, Chapter 13, Paragraph 161 (i) (1) on Page 117 provides that in such event the govern- ing body of each taxing unit within the county shall appoint an Appraisal Review Board as provided by Subchapter C, Chapter 6 of the Texas Property Tax Code; and WHEREPS, the City of West University Place has determined that the following individuals are of good character and good judgment and possess the necessary qualifications to serve as members of the Appraisal Review Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESCLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. That the following individuals are hereby appointed to the Appraisal Review Board of the City of l"rest University Place: Mary Ann Binig Maurice McGowen Peter Taaffe PASSED AND APPROVED this~~ day of 7ft ~ ,1982. Commissioners Voting Aye: ATTEST: ~,,~ . --'.--r<c<,~"<~~~~cr.l"-!'-.'-~r.~. r . irT,.~. __~"L,liill. RESOLUTION NUMBER 82-14 WHEREAS, in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, the Charter of the City of West University Place, and Ordinance Number 1187 adopted pursuant thereto, an election was held within and for said city on April 3, 1982, for the purpose of permitting the qualified voters of the City of West University Place to vote for or against a commission to frame a new charter and elect a Charter Commission. WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 7.15( ) of the Election Code, the Judges of the election have made out, signed and de- l ivered the ballot containers, together with the poll 1 ists and tally 1 ists to the Mayor and City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, in special session assembled on April 5, 1982, have opened and examined the election returns and have canvassed the results thereof, in accor- dance with the provisions of the City Charter and the Texas Election Code and as a result of such examination and canvass, the Mayor and City Commission find that at such election the following votes were cast: FOR: "Shall a Commission be chosen to frame a new Charter?" AGA I NST: "Sha 11 a Commi ss ion be chosen to frame a new Charter?" CHARTER COMMISSIONERS: C. E. B1akeway Whitt F. Johnson A. Gordon Jones Joan McCay Harry W. Goetzmann William C. Derrick Helen C. Blair Vi rginia L. Mittioff Janet R. Messer Mrs. Robert L. Bunch Kathleen D. Oliver Re i d C. Wi 1 son Wi 11 iamJ. Rogde Betty Sellers James J. Deegan Charles McMurrey III William H. Tinch Robert M. Kendrick Robert V. Turner Patrick B. O'Connor Lee B. McCulley Herbert G. Cull, Jr. Harold A. Smith Charles W. Evans Jerry McAfee Clyde Barbour Dona II Myers Jackie Patteson Buddy Be 11 John M. Zahradnik Margot Hellerman J. B. Thompson Ralph G., Howard Marjorie A. Greene Robert C. Williamson Oscar F. Johnson 'Sarilt,i~ 1 \.J. Ca rve r Precinct 15 169 39 120 138 124 82 93 83 116 125 88 84 122 117 124 122 87 90 101 24 114 21 84 62 87 10 15 83 85 10 166 73 70 107 86 18 79 10 69 Preci nct 87 166 31 118 147 113 88 90 88 114 119 83 75 118 104 107 129 75 86 104 27 112 29 61 52 74 14 18 71 71 20 162 61 74 117 78 17 84 14 64 ----.-~--------~-~--.-~--~.-0<.'~-'--"r=-="'7_=!"'-=--''''i,-=~=r''''''-''',,,,,,~,,----~~,c=o.,,,.- -'- --.-cn=...~___ Precinct 133 129 40 100 99 85 73 60 68 83 83 66 58 82 76 97 96 65 63 104 16 84 23 51 53 63 12 16 63 54 10 135 45 57 78 55 18 60 15 57 Precinct Absentee 183 180 40 III 132 109 101 98 94 122 115 96 96 1 ]0 106 110 122 104 88 106 32 116 28 84 84 95 15 18 87 79 27 161 72 88 109 79 15 81 ] I 75 25 5 5 9 8 21 21 21 4 3 18 19 1 8 6 6 24 6 ,5 6 8 5 19 17 23 6 2 24 20 3 22 19 ]I, 10 5 2 21 5 21 -2- WHEREAS, as a result of such election, it was determined that Buddy Bell, with a total of 646 votes, Whitt Johnson, with a total of 525 votes, Betty Sellers, with a total of 475 votes, C. E. Blakeway, with a total of 454 votes, Vi rgi n i a L. Mi thoff, wi th a tota 1 of 445 votes, Hi 11 i am J. Rogde, wi th a total of 444 votes, A. Gordon Jones, with a total of 439 votes, Helen C. Blair, with a total of 439 votes, Robert V. Turner, with a total of 434 votes, Kathleen D. 01 iver, with a total of 433 votes, J. B. Thompson, with a total of 421 votes, William H. Tinch, with a total of 420 votes, Reid C. Wilson, with a total of 411 votes, Joan McCay, with a total of 365 votes, and Harry Goetzmann, with a total of 362 votes, have been elected Charter Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas. NOvJ, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE C!TV COMM I SSI ON OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the official results of such election shall be, and they are hereby, declared pursuant to canvass of the returns of such election by the Mayor and City Commission to be that: A COMMISSION SHALL BE CHOSEN TO FRAME A NEW CHARTER AND THE FOLLOWING PERSONS SHALL SERVE AS MEMBERS OF SUCH COMMISSION: Buddy Be 11 'vh i t,t F. Johnson Betty Sellers C. E. Blakeway Virginia L. Mithoff William J. Rogde A. Gordon,Jones Harry W. Helen C. Blair Robert V. Turner Kathleen D. Oliver J. B. Thompson William H. Tinch Rei d C. 'vi 1 son Joan McCay Goetzmann Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect and be in force imme- diately from and after its passage and approval as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this $'~ day of ~ h , 1982: Commissioners Voting Aye: ATTEST: & r?~fl~ Lee Lockard, City Secretary " '-[".o.----~'--:~~~'.T~--'~r.~'----~_r'o---"---'" ---1f."""]__ __~._...;llJ.:..A...[----- RES01JUTION NU!'lBER 82-15 \iHEREAS, in 1982, the leading causes of death in West University Place are not infectious but are heart disease, cancer, stroke and accidents - all of which involve risks that can be controlled by the individual; and WHEREAS, to eradicate the new killers, attention must be paid to the controllable risk factors; monitoring diet and weight, stress reduction, exercising, smoking cessation, and limiting alcohol and drug intake; and WHEREAS, the purpose of Community Health Awareness Week is to make West University Place area residents aware of how they can improve their health by controlling risk factors of the four leading killers of our population, and hopefully, to improve the length and quality of life; and vffiEREAS, the City of West University Place is participating with the Harris County Medical Society/Houston Academy of Medicine, Shell Oil Company, the Greater Houston Area Chapter American Red Cross, and KTRH - TV (Channel 13) in a Houston/Harris County joint effort by the public and private sectors to promote health awareness and provide health awareness services for an education on controllable risk factors. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TF~ CITY CO~n1ISSION OF THE CITY OF \.JEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Commission of the City of West University Place hereby eQdorses the program directed at Health Awareness and hereby pro- claims the week of April 18 through April 24, 1982, as HEALTH AWARENESS liEEK Section 2. That residents of West University Place are urged to support these efforts. PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of April, 1982. . Commissioner ATTEST: ~d:!~~ ~,,,'----'-'--' ~~_..--..-.., r~~~~=-~i=~:''''''- '~'L _,~..J..illlli RESOLUTION NUMBER 82-16 WHEREAS, Mr. Patrick O'Connor, employed as Director of Finance! Administration has resigned his employment with the City of West University Place, Texas; and lVHEREAS, Mrs. Donna Sims has served in the capacity of Acting Director of Finance!Administration and is qualified to assume the duties of Director of Finance! Administration.: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. The CityColDIDission hereby names and appoints Mrs. Donn Sims as Director of Finance/Administration of the City of West University Place, Texas, and she is hereby vested with all of the duties and responsi- bilities as set forth in the Charter of said City and the Statutes of the State of Texas. Section 2. That said Mrs. Donna Sims shall receive suchcompen- sation as shall be fixed by the City Commission from time to time and shall furnish a surety bond in an amount to be fixed by the City Commission. Section 3. That the appointment of Mrs. Donna Sims as Director of Finance/Administration shall become effective April 26, 1982. PASSED AND APPROVED this .1.L.-u day, of ~ -.h , 1982. ColDIDissioners Voting Aye: ~ I I ..J Commissioners Voting No: 'J1 ~ W~~ 1fuil.1a 'For't:i-s.t:al;J-", ,Ma,ypri'}\02:-Tem ATTEST: Lee~d'~ ('1'11 r'....'..' ",' ir"l 11111'1.1 RESOLUTION NUMBER 82-17 vlliEREAS, Mrs. Donna Sims has previously been appointed Director of Finance/Administration; and l~EREAS, it has been determined that it will be advantageous to designate a qualified employee as Deputy Director of the Finance Department to administer the functions of the Department from time to time; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Virginia Hood is qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Director of the Finance Department. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Commission hereby names and appoints Virginia Hood as Deputy Director of the Finance Department of the City of West University Place. Section 2. That said Virginia Hood is hereby vested with all of the duties and responsibilities as set forth in the Charter of said City and the Statutes of the State of Texas. Section 3. TI1at the appointment of Virginia Hood as Deputy Director of the Finance Department shall become effective immediately from and after the passage and approval of this resolution. PASSED AND APPROVED this 1LJ.7tk. day of ~ 1982. Commissioners Voting Aye: iliL.J ATTEST: ~~Q,A-f ~ Lee Lockard, City Secretary I' rr.-- 11111.,f RESOLUTION NUMBER 82-18 1~REAS, Municipal Government has grown in responsibility and importance with the emphasis on local initiative and the democratic process; an WHEREAS, the Municipal Clerk serves as the communications link between the public and their Municipal Government, giving them access to in- formation which is vital to their participation; and WHEREAS, the Municipal Clerk provides a direct link between the past and present, preserving valuable records for posterity while implementing decisions of the legislative body, always looking to the future; and WHEREAS, the Municipal Clerk strives 4iligently to find better and more efficient ways to perform these critical functions, staying abreast of technological advances in today's modern world through professional ~~~~~~~9n and training; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate that each year we recognize the accom- plishments of the Municipal Clerk, who preserves the past with an eye always on the future of the democratic process. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That we, as Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas, do hereby recognize the week of May 10 to 15, 1982, to be MUNICIPAL CLERK'S v1EEK in full recognition of the Municipal Clerk's outstanding contribution and dedication to public service for the community. PASSED AND APPROVED this lOch day of May, 1~ (?";..... < .. Rofu" F. Stmliey .J... Mayo ~ad~ 1~JP ' Ma: la Forristall. Mayor Pro-Tem f:? --. ommissioner ATTEST: r""'''"T''~''"''''~"''i''1l-'"-'-----T --- "-- -~-'--'- , ,,1 ,',I. 11111111' 1-....- RESOLUTION NUMBER 82-19 WHEREAS, on June 16, 1982, the Houston Lighting & Power Company (HL&P) filed a Statement of Intent to change its rates for electric service within the City of West University Place and has requested that said change become effective on July 22, 1982; and WHEREAS, HL&P has filed revised Tariff Schedules together with ,statements specifying in detail each proposed change, a rate filing package, and supporting testimony; and WHEREAS, Section l7(a) of the Public Utility Regulatory Act, Article 1446c, Texas Revised Civil Statutes, gives the' governing body of each municipality exclusive original jurisdiction over electric rates within its municipal boundaries; and WHEREAS, Section 43(d) of the Public Utility Regulatory Act authorizes the governing body of any municipality acting as a Regulatory Authority to suspend the operation of any proposed change in rates for a period not to exceed 120 days beyond the date on which the scheduled rates would otherwise go into effect. which period may be further extended for an additional 30 days; and WHEREAS. HL&P's proposed rate changes and the detailed material supporting those changes require comprehensive evaluation and study. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COl1MISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; That the changes in rates for electric service within the City of West University Place proposed by Houston Lighting & Power Company to become effective on July 22, 1982, should be, and are hereby. suspended for a period of 120 days beyond said proposed effective date, until November 19. 1982, sub- ject to an additional suspension of up to 30 days beyond said date upon further resolution of this Commission. PASSED AND APPROVED this IRs rJ.3ay of ~LI1A r . 1982. Commissioners Voting Aye; ATTEST; "'~','~k~ Lee Lockard, City Secretary " -- -- ',,',- r~-'----~'--<"'~'""""'T~~'--' "1--------,-------' -- ----WI 1i11111,U-- RESOLUTION NUMBER 82-20 WHEREAS, the City i,s aware of the contribution of our younger citizens to the quality of life in our community; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to acknowledge the significant achievements made by our younger citizens; and WHEREAS, the 1982 Tournament Team of the West university Little League, managed by Mr. Aaron Lee and coached by Mr. Marvin Klaus, has won Texas Little League Distr ict 16 Championship, by winning five (5) games, losing none; and WHEREAS, the team will be the District Representative in the Texas Little League Bi-District Tournament beginning July 30, 1982. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WESTONIV.ERSITYPLACE, TEXAS. Section 1. That the 1982 Tournament Team: ALEX ALLGOOD RALPH BUCY CHRIS 'BURR:IS ERIC COWGER DAVID CROMACK SUSAN DAVENPORT CHRIS FINLEY CHARLIE GASPER LANTZ HOWELL KEVIN JERNIGAN JAY JOHNSON KEITH KELLER ROmus, KLAUS GREG NOLAN PHIL,VOGELSANG ROBBIE WADE MARK WAITE BRAD WORLEY be, and are hereby congratulated and applauded for their accomplishment; and Section 2. That the City expresses it's appreciation for the effort expended, ,the dedication exhibited and the sportsmanship exemplified by these young men and women and their Coaches, in attaining this singular honor which directly reflects a positive image of this City; and Section'3. That the City extends it's best wishes as the team proceeds in tournament competition. Section 4. Tha.t a copy of this resolution be delivered to each team member and their Coaches. Passed and Approved 'this 26th day of JUly, 1982. Commissioners voting Aye: 5 Attest: XJLL; df~ CITY SECRETARY , o , rC'~'~""~~~'~'''.'''':J1'''''-''--r 1]....1 'hi,! Illrlil _.-.-.-...:.~. ..- RESOLUTION ~mER 82-21 WHEREAS, the City Commission has been advised that compliance with Senate Bill 1043, Texas Law 1977, Ch. 787, Section 1, Page 1970, effective July 1, 1978, and the increased number of complaints filed in the Municipal Court, will create a burden and hardship on the personnel serving the Munici- pal Court of the City of West University Place; and WHEREAS, it is not appropriate to expect the Municipal Court Judge, Associate Judge and Prosecutor to be ready for trial within thirty (30) days for a misdemeanor punishable by fine; and 1iHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission to make such addi- tional appointments to the Municipal Court to provide compliance with Senate Bill 1043, and to provide for orderly operation of the Municipal Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. Section 1. That Michael Schneider and Thomas B. Taylor are hereby appointed to serve as Associate Judges of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place. Section 2. That Fritz Beich and Bill Tinch are hereby appointed to serve as Associate Prosecutors of the Municipal Court of the City of West Uni- versity Place. Section 3. That each of the persons hereby appointed are vested with all the powers and,duties as set forth in the Charter of the City of West University Place and the Statutes of the State of Texas pertaining to their official appointment. Section 4. That each of the persons hereby appointed shall receive as compensation for their duties the amount heretofore approved for such position. Section 5. That the term of each of the persons hereby appointed be for a period of sixty (60) days in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter. PASSED AND APPROVED this I J ~ day of c4 ~~, 1982. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~, ~. ~~bA-f L e Lockard, City Secretary -----' -.- .. -'-'-- '~-. -"~'.-^-'-:'-''''''!~==r''''"I' RESOLUTION NUMBER 82-22 WHEREAS, city officials have determined that'it is in the best interest of the citizens of this city to continue its membership in the HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL; and WHEREAS, the By-Laws of the Houston-Galveston Area Council requires the appointment of a duly elected representative of each of the governmental units for the year 1983. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That :Harla Forristall be, and she is hereby designated as its representative to the General Assembly of the Houston- Galveston Area Council for the year 1983. Section 2. That the official Alternate authorized to serve as the voting delegate should the hereinbefore named delegate become ineligible, absent, or should she resign, is Commissioner Jerry Jackson. Section 3. That the Executive Director of the Houston-Galveston Area Council be notified of the designation of the hereinabove named delegate and alternate. day of October , 1982. PASSED AND APPROVED this 28th Commissioners Voting Aye: A1JL Commissioner f(Pft v City of West University Place, Texa ATTEST: ~~ ' ." ", ",,', ""',", Lee Lockard, City Secretary L~~'C'C""""~'T~'~-~ "------~r rr'-"L._ ____~_.:..LIaL.a.i.[ RESOLUTION NUMBER 82-23 WHEREAS, LEE LOCKARQ, the. Cily Se.cJLe.:tMy 06 :the. illy 06 We/.>:t Uni.vvu,..uy Pfuce., TexlU>, hIL6 and cOVlU.nue/.> :to M!JLve the C..uy in huch capa.cUy; a.Vld WHEREAS, the. Citize.Vl.6, the. City S:ta66 and ei.ected 06Mc1.a.R/., have oMen ILecogVlized LEE LOCKARD'S c.on:tJri..bution to the ILe.pu:ta.Uon 06 tw c..uy a.Vld e66iUency 06 the City'.6 opeJr.a;ti.on; a.Vld WHEREAS, LEE LOCKARD hIL6 a.l.60 been an exe.mpta.l1..Y e.mihha.l1..y 60IL, and ILepl1..e/.>en:ta.Uve 06, :the illy 06 We/.>t UVlivvu,ity Place in .6ta.te and national. Ol1..gani.za.tioVl.6 06 CUy Cle.l1..12.6 a.n.d SecJLetaJUe/.> achieving many hinguta.l1.. honoM 60l1.. he.l1.. e660l1..th; and WHEREAS, the MMUa.Uon 06 c..uy Cie.l1..12.6 lLYtd SeCl1..eta.l1..ie/.> 06 Te.x1U> 0Yl Octobe.l1.. 25, 1982, at :the TexlU> MuVlicipai League 6all mee;t,(.ng, awaJl.ded w highe/.>t honOl1. :to LEE LOCKARD illy S e.Cl1..epvty 0 6 the. Ye.al1.. - 1982 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. Tha:t LEE LOCKARD be, and ih heiLeby, congl1..a:tutated and apptauded nOIL :thih plLe/.>tigoUh awaJl.d. SemoV! 2. Tha:t the CilizeVlh 7 the c..uy Stan 6, the MayOl1.. and :the COmmihhiol1e1Lh e.xpl1..e/.>.6 :theiIL .6inc.e.l1..e appl1..eci.a.tion :to LEE LOCKARD 60IL he.l1.. I devotion :to the Cily 06 We/.>t Uni.velL.6..uy ptace and U'.6 ci.lizeVl.6, which devotion hIL6 now. been ILe.c.ogVlizedby :the .6ta.teOll.gaVliza.tion on he.l1.. pevu,. Semon 3. Tha:t the Cily wLbheh :to ILec.ogni.ze tha:t while :the .6ta.te lU>.6oUa.Uon hIL6 ,chohen 1982 60IL theiIL awaILd, :tha:t 1501Lma.t.e.y OIL in6olLma.t.e.y, :the cu.y 06 Weh:t UVlivelL.6Uy ptac.e maize/.> ill awaILd annua.t.e.y:to LEE LOCKARD IU> the beh:t City SeCl1..eta.lLy 06 eVeILY Yea.l1... PASSEV AND APPROVED :t.hi.6 I. 8th day of, Nove.mb Kti RUnUh F. Stanley, YOIL '!/!'~ M . . FolLl1..i.6:taU, MayalL PM-Tern ATTEST: ~ Vavid G. AUum , illy AttolLVley ;! . -'-T>"O~"""-"'~~P'!~"-'-Llf" ......--r-..--.T iI-L.. ____~_~~.J_.illLU - . ;-~; RESOLUTION NUMBER 82-24 WHEREAS, the City Commission has heretofore determined that addi- tional real property is needed in conjunction with municipal operations; and WHEREAS, the City has entered into an Earnest Money Contract for the acquisition of the east one-half (~) of Lot Seven (7) and all of Lot Eight (8) in Block Eighteen (18), of Collegeview First Addition to the City of WestUni- versity Place, adjacent to the City of Houston, in Harris County, Texas, ac- cording to the map .thereof recorded in Volume 6, Page 44, of the Map Records of said County; also known as 3815 Amherst, and WHEREAS, there was appropriated in the 1983 Budget the sum of $45,000.00 toward the purpose of acquiring such property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the sum of $45,000.00 be appropriated from the General Debt Service fund for payment #1 for the acquisition of the east one- half (~) of Lot Se';'en (7) and all of Lot Eight (8) in Block Eighteen (18) of Collegeview First Addition. Section 2. That Rufus F. Stanley, Jr., Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas, be, and he is hereby authorized to execute a promi- sory note on behalf of the city, on or after January 5, 1983, payable to Elizabeth C. Moore and M. K. Moore, in the principal amount not to exceed " $45,000.00 at~O~ interest rate with a maturity date of January 3, 1984, and further, that the Mayor is authorized to execute all additional documents to conclude the purchase and sale. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~7~ day ofA{)4~~ , 1982. Commissioners Voting Aye: t1LL/ ATTEST: ~~ Le Lockard. Citv Secretarv ---- '-M'----.-----.----~---.--------.-~----'F""""=,...-"-"~="T1====:~.----------'---1-.~.,---,~~---cc-~~=1 I :H._I