HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.79 RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-1 WHEREAS, ChlVl1.eA RobeJt.t VLLYtn wcu. appo.i.n:ted Judge 06 .the Munic..i.pa.t CouJLt 06 .the. Wy 06 We1>.t UnlVeMay Place., Te.XM on Ve.cembeJl. 23, 1968; and WHEREAS, ChlVl1.eA RobeJt.t VunnI/., occupy.i.ng :the. oU.i.ce. 06 PlLe1>.i.de.n:t- Ete.c.t 06 :the. HOUll.ton BIVl. M.60~On and Mon will. aMume. .the. 066.i.ce. 06 PlLeA.i.de.n:t 06 .the. HOUll.ton BIVl. A6M~on; and WHEREAS, Judge Vunn hcu. .6ubmJ...t:ted h.i.l, Jz.eA.i.gna.t.i..on cu. Judge 06 :the. Munlc..i.pa1. CouJLt, wfU.c.h Jz.e1>.i.gna.t.i..on ha.6 be.e.n acce.p.te.d by :the. Cay CommiM.i.on wUh Jz.e.l.uc..tanee. and lLe.glLet; and . WHEREAS, :the. CUy Coml'/'lL6.6.i.on I/., awlVl.e. .that Judge. Vunn hcu. conduc.ted :the. Munlc..i.pa1. CouJd wUh dign-Uy, .i.n:tegJU:ty and .impctJLt.i.a1ily; and WHEREAS, .the. mannVt .i.n wfU.c.h Judge. Vunn hcu. pJz.eA.i.ded ovVt .the. a66aJ.Jv., 06 :the CoUlLt hcu. CalL6ed .6uch CoUlLt .to be. lLeApec.te.d and adrniAe.d by aU: peMOn6 coming .i.n con:tac.t .thVtew.uh; and WHEREAS, Judge. Vunn hcu. no.t onf.y 6a.i..th6lLUy and abl.y pVt60June.d aLe. du;Ue1> lLe.qu.i.Jte.d 06h.im M Judge. of .the. Munlc..i.pa1. CoUlLt, but hcu. a1..oo che.Vt- 6lLUy, wUhout .thought 06 .6(>..t6, given un6un.t.i.ngl.y 06 h.i.l, time. and e.neJl.gy .i.n do.i.ng aLe. .thi.ng.6 pOM.i.b.te. .to make..the. Munlc..i.pa1. CoUlLt 06 .the. Cay 06 WeA.t UnlveMay Pi.ace. one. 06 .the mo./;.t ~ut.o.tanding .i.n .the S;(;a.te 06 Texcu.; and WHEREAS, :the. Cay Cornrn..iA.6.i.ondeA.uc.eA .to e.xpJz.eA.6 ill appJte.ci.a;t.i.on .to Judge. Vunn 6Oh. fU..6 cW,ungu...i..6he.d.6 Vtv.i.ce. .to :the. c..i...ty. N~O, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEV BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS:: Se.c.t.i.on 1. Tha.t:the. c..i.;t.[ze.n6 06 .the. Ci.;ty 06 WeA.t UniVeJL6i.;ty Place, Te.xM, ac.t.i.ng by and ..tJvLOugh .theiJt duty el.e.c.te.d MayOh. and Ci.;ty Comm,u,ll.i.oneJL6, do heJte.by e.xplte1>.6 .theiJt .6.i.nceJte applLec..i.a.t.i..on .to Judge ChlVl1.eA RobeJt.t Vunn 6Oh. h.i.l, many ye.aJu, 06 cW,ungu...i..6he.d .6eJtv.i.c.e. .to .the. Wy M Judge. 06 .the. MUJII...i.c..i.pa1. CowLt. Se.c.t.i.on 2. Tha.t .tfU..6Re1>ol.ut.i.on be. .6pJz.e.ad upbn .the. o66.i.c..i.aR. minuteA 06 :the Cay Colnl7li.L,.6.i.on and .tha.t a .tJu.te. and COlVLe.c.t eo py 06 .tfU..6 ReAol.u;Uon, ir.i.gne.d by .the. MayolL and Coml'/'lL6.6.i.oneJL6, and eeJzti6.i.ed by .the. Cay Se.cJl.e..taJLy, bede1..i.veJl.e.d.to Judge. Vunn. . Se.ction 3. TfU..6 Re1>ol.u;Uon .6haLe. .take. e.6Mrd imme.diate.l.y upon ill pcu..6age. and appltovat. PASSEV ANV APPROVED ..tfz..i..6 1979. Co J7Dru.ll.6-to neJl. ATTEST: . B. ol7lf:i' n, Cornrn..iAll-toneJt ~t;{~, ~~A~ y e.CJte:taJLy ~ ,.,- - --', --'.'-\ i~ II ,'.... RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-2 WHEREAS, in accordance with the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas; the Texas Election Code and Ordinance Number 1125 of the City of West University Place, a general City Election was held on January 20, 1979, in the City of West University Place for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Commissioners for a two year term as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms and prov1s10ns of Article 8.29a of the Election Code; the Judges of the election have made out, signed and delivered in a sealed 'envelope, the returns of said election, together with the poll lists and tally lists, to the Mayor and City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas, in regular session, assembled on January 22, 1979, have opened and examined the election returns and have canvassed the results thereof in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter and the Texas Election Code and as a result of such examination and canvass, said ~yor and City Commissioners find that at such election the 'fQllow:ing''I[ptes,~were" P cast: ' Name Candidate Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct for 15 87 133 183 Mary Ann Binig Mayor 392 482 240 430 James M. (Jim) Cole Mayor 417 447 486 648 Arnold (Sonny) Ahrens Commissioner 497 510 508 707 JamesW. (Jim) Cummings Commissioner 361 469 249 437 Val Rosenbaum Commissioner 396 431 463 598 John L. Maneval Commissioner 393 424 471 610 Andy Horne Commissioner 412 457 462 644 Ernest N. Hensen Commissioner 337 460 224 403 Ron Taylor Commissioner 368 458 239 435 Betty Sellers Commissioner 373 439 234 419 WHEREAS, as a result of such election, it was determined that James M. (Jim) Cole, with a total of 1998 votes cast for him was elected MAYOR of the City of West University Place, Texas; and that Arnold (Sonny) Ahrens, with a total number of 2222 votes cast for him, and Andy Horne, with ' a total number of 1975 votes cast for him, and John L. Maneval, with a total number of 1898 votes cast for him; and Val Rosenbaum, with a total number of 1888 votes cast for her, have been elected COMMISSIDNERS of the City of West University Place, Texas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE~ TEXAS: Section 1. That the official results of such election shall be, and they are hereby, declared pursuant to canvass of the returns of such election by the Mayor and City Commission to be that; James M. (Jim) Cole was elected Mayor Arnold (Sonny) Ahrens was elected Commissioner Andy Horne was elected Commissioner John L. Maneval was elected Commissioner Val Rosenbaum was elected Commissioner of the City of West University Place, Texas at said election and shall serve in such capacity until the next regular election of a Mayor and City Commis- sioners as prescribed by the City Charter. I PO r~~~~~o'-~_O , 001 '. r. r , , ':''''~".~_~0'_"_"1_ Section 2. That an executed copy of this Resolution shall be delivered to each, James M. (Jim) Cole, Arnold (Sonny) Ahrens, Andy Horne, John L. Maneval, and Val Rosenbaum, as his Certificate of Election, and duplicate copies hereof shall be delivered to the City Secretary of the City of West University Place, Texas. PAS SED AND APPROVED this .:?~~day of ~, Commissioners Voting Aye: , 1979. Commissioners Voting No: ili.i ) PJ~ ~t?A ' Mayor ATTEST: '~.I~-J~ Assistant City Secretary -2- J-~-_. . -~ ~__......J....IIl._.r ----~_._--,.- '''''"'~-~~''~-C1-U- , RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-3 WHEREAS, in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, the Charter of the City of West University Place, and Ordinance Number l126 adapted pursuant thereto, an electian was held within and for said city an January 20, 1979, far the purpose of permitting the qualified voters or the City of West University Place to. vate for or against the adoption of two Charter amendments; and WHEREAS, in accardance with the terms and prav1s1ans af Article 8.29a af the Election Cade, the Judges af the election have made out, signed and delivered in a sealed envelope the returns of said election, together with the poll lists and tally lists, to. the Mayor and City Commission of the City af West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Cammission of the City af West University Place, Texas, in regular session, assembled on January 22, 1979, have apened and examined the electian returns and have canvassed the results thereaf in accordance with the pravisions af the City Charter and the Texas Electian Cade and as a result af such examination and canvass, said Mayor and City Commissioners find that at such electian the following votes were cast: Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct 15 87 133 183 FOR the adapt ion of Praposition No. 1 338 370 371 499 AGAINST the adoption of Proposition No.. 1 359 438 246 470 FOR the adaptian af Proposition N'o. 2 359 420 417 574 AGAINST the adoptian af Praposition No.. 2 342 407 211 411 WHEREAS, as a result af such electian, it was determined that 1578 votes were cast FOR the adaptian af Propositian 1 and 1513 votes were cast AGAINST the adaption of Proposition 1, and that 1770 vates were cast FOR the adaption af Prapasition 2 and 1371 votes were cast AGAINST Proposition 2. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the official results af such election shall be, and they are hereby, declared pursuant to canvass of the returns of such election by the Mayor and City Commission to. be that: PROPOSITION 1 will be adopted by the City af West University Place, Texas PROPOSITION 2 will be adapted by the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. This Resolutian shall be in effect immediately from and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED this ;;>,~ day of ~ ' 1979. Cammissianers Voting Aye: ()~..R) ~4;?~~ fa:)'V.L ATTEST: ~ ~~ JUJ.. Assistant City Secretary .-/ r ~-~- '~1 ~,..cIl , ,~.~ ._,,,,, --, I RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-4 WHEREAS, the Honorable Charles Robert Dunn has sUbmitted his resignation as Judge of the Municipal Court due to a reorganization of his personal business affairs; and WHEREAS, Judge Dunn's resignation creates a necessity for the City Commission to appoint a qualified attorney to serve as Judge of the Municipal Court; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has discussed with Charles Orsburn, a qualified attorney, the responsibilities and duties of the Municipal Court, and he is willing to assume such responsibilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Commission hereby names and appoints Charles Orsburn, a duly licensed and, practicing attorney, Judge of the Munici- pal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, and he is hereby in- vested with all of the powers and duties as set forth in the Charter of said City and the Statutes of the State of Texas, and he shall enter upon and assume his duties as Judge of the Municipal Court on January 23, 1979. Section 2. That the compensation to be paid to, the Judge of the Municipal Court shall be in accordance with the heretofore adopted salary schedule. Section 3. That Charles Orsburn shall serve as Judge of the Munici- pal Court until the next regular City General Election, and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of his successor, unless discharged by the City Commission for just cause. PASSED AND APPROVED thiSJ.:.~ day of ~'~ ~ ,1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ Commissioners Voting No: ~' ~t:e~- Mayor ATTEST: ct;;L/o(~ City Secretary 1,0, -"-, ,u,_"_~ III RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-5 WHEREAS, a city election was held on the twentieth day of January, 1979, in the City of West University Place, Texas, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four members of the City Commission; and WHEREAS, the votes cast at the election held on January 20, 1979, were canvassed by members of the City Commission on the date of January 22, 1979, and it was determined that Mr. Jim Cole had been duly elected Mayor and that Sonny Ahrens, Andy Horne, John Maneval and Val Rosenbaum had been duly elected as Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas; and ' WHEREAS, in special ceremonies of the City Commission held at the West University Community Building on January 29, 1979, each of the above named persons were administered the Oath of Office, and duly installed in their respective elected positions; and WHEREAS, upon proper motion and second, Commissioner Sonny Ahrens was elected Mayor Pro-Tem of the City of West University Place, Texas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO~ISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY, PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Mayor Jim Cole and Mayor Pro-Tem Sonny Ahrens be and they are hereby, designated and authorized to sign or countersign checks drawn on all banks or financial institutions serving as depository for funds of the City of West University Place, Texas, and any ban~s or financial instutitions which may be hereinafter designated as depository of city funds, during the term of their office. Section 2. Be it further resolved that all provisions of such prior Resolutions as may conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed; and be it further resolved that the City 'Treasurer be, and he is hereby directed, to furnish each depository bank, or financial institution with which the city has funds on deposit, or with which the city may transact any banking business, a true and correct copy of this Resolution. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~t;.Aday of January, 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: d( ~ Commissioners Voting No: ~?#~ . Mayor AtTEST: ~~~ Assistant City Secretary J--.'.-- ~. -:J r-.' ___~~.....J...&..... -~- .=->--=-~C:=-."'~===:"IC,"'---'---- RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-6 WHEREAS, Mr. David G. Allums has heretofore been appointed City Attorney of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, 'Mr. Charles Orsburn has heretofore, been appointed Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas; and HHEREAS, Mr. Thomas Clarke has heretofore been appointed Assistant City Attorney and Prosecutor of the City of Hest University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, Mr. Terry Collins and Mr. Michael Schneider have heretofore been appointed Associate Judges of the Municipal Court of the City of Hest University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, Ms. Betsy Coleman and Mr. Thoinas Taylor have here- tofore been appointed Associate Prosecutors of the Municipal Court of the City of west University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, each of these persons is duly licensed and a practic- ing attorney; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to re-appoint said David Allums, Charles Orsburn, Thomas Clarke, Terry Collins, M:Lchael Schneider, Betsy Coleman and Thomas Taylor to the aforementioned positions. NOH, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That David G. Allums is hereby appointed City Attorney of the City of Hest University Place. Section 2. That Charles Orsburn is hereby appointed Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of Hest University Place. Section 3. That Thomas Clarke is hereby appointed Assistant City Attorney and Prosecutor of the City of Hest University Place. Section 4. That Terry Collins and Michael. Schneider are hereby appointed Associate Judges of the Municipal Court of the City of Hest University Place. Section 5. That Betsy Coleman and ~lr. Thomas Taylor are hereby appointed Associate Prosecutors of the Municipal Court of the City of Hest University Place, Section 6. That each of these persons is hereby vested with all the powers and duties as set forth in the Charter of the City of Hest University Place and the Statutes of the State of Texas pertaining to their official appointment. Section 7. Said David Allums, Charles Orsburn, Thomas Clarke, Terry Collins, Michael Schneider, Betsy Coleman and Thomas Taylor shall receive as compensation for their duties Ehe amount heretofore provided for such position. Section 8. That the terms of Terry Collins, Michael Schneider, Betsy Coleman and Thomas Taylor be for a period of sixty (60) days and that such sixty (60) day appointment run concurrently with a previous appointment which expires February 9, 1979. I~--',u_-~~-- --~::J ~-------------'---r-::---~~ , _ ,..,.._."~~--,--,, In Section 9. David G. Allums, Charles Orsburn a~d Thomas Clarke shall serve in such capacities until the next regular City General Election, and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors, unless removed from said position during such period by the City Commission. PASSED AND APPROVED this 2~~day of ~'( Commissioners Voting Aye: , 1979. Commissioners Voting No: ~ ~ ~~.~ ATTEST: ~~ Assistant City Secretary -2- L" "~] r."--~~::-- '''' _,illl , " '."".~"~~~.~~"I RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-7 WHEREAS, it is the duty of the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, as soon as practical after the election of a new City Commission, to appoint a City Treasurer, Tax-Assessor/Collector; and Assistant, as may be necessary to transact the city's financial affairs; and WHEREAS, the City Commission was elected at the last regular election held on the twentieth day of January, 1979. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. The City Commission hereby names and appoints Robbie R. Barnett as City Treasurer and Tax-Assessor/Collector of the City of West University Place, Texas, and he is hereby invested with all of the duties and responsibilities as set forth in the Charter of said City and the Statutes of the State of Texas. Section 2. The City Commission hereby'names and appoints Virginia Hood as Assistant City Treasurer and Assistant Tax Assessoi/ Collector of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 3. That each official hereby appointed shall re- ceive monthly compensation for the performance of their duties, in accordance with the heretofore adopted salary schedule. Section 4. The persons appointed to the respective offices shall serve until the next regular City General Election, and there- after until the appointment and qualification of their successors, unless discharged by the City Commission for just cause. PASSED AND APPROVED this ;/94 day of 9-nU4.~' 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: 4tfi? Commissioners Voting No: ~ ~~M ATTEST: ~ r:X2~~ Assistant City Secretary ~-1. .'~I-.-f -1- IIf 'I RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-8 WHEREAS, Chief of Police William Norman, Jr. has heretofore been requested to submit the name of a police officer to the 100 Club of Houston to be designated by that Club as West University Police Department "Officer of the Year"; and WHEREAS, Chief Norman has examined the records and activities of the Police Department for the year 1978; and WHEREAS, it was determined that the record of service of Officer James Bryant was of such exemplary nature that his name should be submitted to the 100 Club of Houston as "Officer of the Year"; and WHEREAS, the 100 Club of Houston has selected James Bryant as "Officer of the Year" for the City of West University Place and the award for such honor was presented on January 30, 1979; and WHEREAS, the City Commission wishes to express it's congratulations to Officer James Bryant for his exemplary service during the year 1978 and , for his selection as "Officer of the Year". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Commission hereby expresses its apprecia- tion"to Officer James Bryant of the City'of West University Place Police De- partment for his exemplary service to the city and the citizens thereof. Section 2. The City Commission offers its sincere congratulations to Officer James Bryant for his selection by the 100 Club of Houston as "Officer of the Year" for the 'City of West University Place. Section 3. That this Resolution shall be spread upon the minutes of the City Commission and a copy hereof signed by the Mayor and City Com- missioners shall be presented to Officer James Bryant. PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of February, 1979. ~~'- ' hn L. Maneval, Conunissioner {~ Val Ros ~~~ ATIEST: ~/~ City S'cretary --~ - I i ;iii'lr ---"~~.~~~~r- ------- RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-9 WHEREAS, City Officials have determined that it is to the best interest 'of the citizens of this city to continue its membership in the HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL; and WHEREAS, the By-Laws of the Houston-Galveston Area Council requires the appointment of a duly elected representative of each of the govemmental units for the year 1979. NOW, THEREFORE, 'BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 'Section 1. That, Commissioner Rosenbaum be and she is hereby, designated as its representative to the General Membership Body of the Houston-Galveston Area Council for the year 1979. Section 2. That the official Altemate authorized to serve as the voting delegate should the hereinbefore named delegate become in~ eligible, absent, or should she resign, is Commissioner Maneval. 'Section 3. That the Executive Director of the Houston-Galveston Area Council ,be notified of the designation of the hereinabove named delegate and altemate. PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of February, 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: tf' ,;;i,7 Commissioners, Voting No: 7lwu , ~>>(~ / Mayor ----.. ATTEST: 4 ~cuL- City Secretary r 1 III ..- ...--,-- ...-. - ------... -'---'-"-'~'--r RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-10 WHEREAS, Elaine Schultz and Leah Walters, employed as Police Dispatchers and appointed Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, have resigned their positions with the city; and WHEREAS, Lana Sadler and Robin Rothrock have been employed as Police Dispatchers, and are qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court. ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Lana Sadler and Robin Rothrock be, and they are hereby, appointed Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. That the appointment of Lana Sadler and Robin Rothrock as Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that they shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy Clerk after having been adminis- tered the proper Oath of Office. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of .1-~*"1 , 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ ~ Commissioners Voting No: ~~~ A'ITEST: ~,~~ City Secretary r ~ I ,_. ,I 'II~-~~~ 'CO'O~'~'~"-~~'~~r RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-11 'WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, Texas has made app1icatio to the Texas Department of Water Resources and the Environmental Protection Agency for a Federal grant pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, Public Law 92-500, arid the rules and regulations thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the application for which Federal grant assistance has been requested pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amend- ments of 1972, Public Law 92-500, will be constructed to completion in accor- dance with the laws, rules, and regulations and with the following project schedule. General Information Dat.e. Date applicant's share of project cost will be available Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 N/A Current Upon sale of unvoted bonds Date site(s) for project facilities will be available Current P-rnj,p."T S"hp.c1111 t> Item r::.l ~ntl~,.. n~yc:: ~ A. Infiltration/Inflow Analysis (with Evaluation Survey Plan of Study if required) completed & submitted to State after Step 1 grant award. N/A days B. Infiltration/Inflow Evaluation Survey (if required) completed & submitted to State after grant amendment for Survey. N/A days C. Application for Waste Control Permit (if required) made no later than after Public Hearing notice for Facility Plan is issued. ' N/ A days D. Final Environmental Assessment and Facility Plan (including time for draft reports, advertisement & hearing) completed and submitted to the State after Step 1 grant award. N/A days STEP 2 A. User Charge System and Industrial Cost Recovery System (if required) developed and submitted to the State after Step 2 grant award. 150 days B. Preliminary Plan of Operation (if required) completed and submitted to the State after Step 2 grant award. 150 days C. Final Plans and Specifications, completed and submitted to State after Step 2 grant award. 270 days STEP 3 A. Advertise for Construction Bids within after authorization to advertise for bids has been issued. 30 days I'~"~-'~'. ~I- 'I. - - " ,.,,,,,~.Hn~'_' -T -2- B. Submit Bid Opening Documents within 70 days after authorization to advertise for bids has been issued. C. Award of Construction Contract within 30 days after authorization to award the contract has been issued. D. Initiation of Construction within 30 days after'the award of the contract. E. Complete Construction within 365 days after initiation of construction. Section 2. Be it further resolved, that the City of West University Place understands that the above project schedule must be approved by the Texas Department of Water Resources and the Environmental Protection Agency, and that once a project schedule has been approved, no changes will be authorized with- out first receiving approval of the change from the Texas Department of Water Resources and the Environmental Protection Agency. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the 26th day of February, 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: ClLJl2 Commissioners Voting No: V1~ ~:?71~ " Mayor ATTEST: ~ ~tt-J-- City Secretary TL.=-=-'-~.="-.,,',,,~"'-oO~.----~~~----'.C" ---------~------.---"""'J.-~.-'--- RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-12 WHEREAS, Sharon Whanger employed as Assistant Municipal Court Clerk, and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas, has resigned her position with the city; and WHEREAS, Rhonda Grichuk has been employed as Assistant Municipal Court Clerk, and is qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Rhonda Grichuk be, and she is hereby, appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. That the appointment of Rhonda Grichuk as Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that she shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy Clerk after having been administered the proper Oath of Office. PASSED AND APPROVED this /,:14 day of ~, , 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: .d-- Commissioners Voting No: ~ ~ In edt Mayor ATTEST: ~~~_.. L:L1:Y ~ecre1:ary r' . " 'n, ;CI i I( un_un , .,~.. ""'-~"-~"'r' RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-13 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have con- tacted and interviewed numerous qualified citizens to serve on the Parks and Recreation Board of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members OI the Parks and Recreation Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BE THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Parks and Recreation Board: Alex Pancheri, 6601 Westchester, Chairman Susan Christ, 4102 Southwestern, Vice-Chairman James B. Council, 6327 Belmont Audrey Langley, 4226 Oberlinc Thomas M. Thompson, Jr., 2729 Centenary Nancy Tucker, 2903 University Mary Wilkinson, 2710 Sunset 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Parks and Recreation Board shall serve without compensation. 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Parks and Recreation Board shall serve until the next regular general City Election of the City Commission, and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED this ;2 & ~ day of ~ , 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: a4 Commissioners Voting No: ~ ~m~ ATTEST: &..~ . , {7<.Kl; .. . ... City'Secretary r 1 , I III RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-14 WHEREAS. Pamela Carroll. employed as a Police Dispatcher and appoint- ed as a Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place. Texas. has resigned her position with the city; and WHEREAS. Pat Kerekesh has been employed as a Police Dispatcher and is qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. TEXAS: Section 1. That Pat Kerekesh be. and she is hereby. appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place. Texas. Section 2. That the appointment of Pat Kerekesh as Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place. Texas. shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that she shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy Clerk after having been administered the proper Oath of Office. ~ PASSED AND APPROVED this :1 t, day of ~'. 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: &1/ ~ Commissioners Voting No: ~?!! M ATTEST: ot fL- ~f Jj~~J-~ C1ty SecreLary , RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-15 WHEREAS, the City Commission, on March 12, 1979, ordered proposals forwarded to certain banking institutions to serve as depository for the city funds; and WHEREAS, on the 26th day of March, 1979, after proper notice, pro- posals for serving as depository for city funds were received from the fol- lowing banking institutions: Chemical Bank Fannin Bank First National Bank of West University Place Houston Southwest Bank, Mercantile Bank of Houston Texas Commerce Medical Bank University State Bank WHEREAS, proposals were opened by the City Commission and subse- quently reviewed by the City Treasurer Robbie Barnett and the City Manager Jim Brown, such review being made for the purpose of submitting a written analysis and recommendation to the City Commission at a Recessed Meeting on March 28, 1979; and WHEREAS, the City Commission reviewed such proposals and considered the recommendations of the City Treasurer and City Manager. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Chemical Bank located in Houston, Texas, is hereby designated to be and serve as official depository for the deposit of demand funds and the City Treasurer is hereby directed to establish accounts for such funds. Section 2. The following banking institutions located in Houston and West University Place, Texas, are hereby designated to be and serve as official depositories for the investment of funds in Certificates of Time De- posit and the City Treasurer is hereby directed to establish accounts for such investment of funds at such times as he shall be directed by the City Commis- sion: Chemical Bank Fannin Bank First National Bank of West University Place Houston Southwest Bank Mercantile Bank of Houston Texas Commerce Medical Bank University State Bank Section 3. the funds in accounts West University Place The City Treasurer is hereby directed to withdraw all of heretofore kept on deposit with First National Bank of and establish the required accounts with Chemical Bank: City of West University Place Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund Charter Amendment Reserve Water Fund - Charter Amendment Reserve Sanitary Sewer Fund Trus t Agency Fund - Water-Sewer Fund - Water Meter Deposit Fund - Swimming Pool Fund Section 4. That the City Treasurer, Assistant City Treasurer, Mayor Mayor Pro-Tem and City Manager are hereby directed to sign or countersign the necessary signature cards to establish the required bank accounts with Chemi- cal Bank. j..~ ;c., -,::--.- -~ '~l. _ _.......1..1-1 m'l -2- Section 5. That said Chemical Bank shall be notified of designation as official depository of the City of West University Place, Texas, and shall in accordance with Article 25-59 through 25-66a of Vernon's Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, provide the proper securities for the purpose of securing said city funds in an amount equal to the amount of said city funds on deposit in said depository bank or banks. Section 6. All Resolutions relating to the deposit of funds, or de- signation of banks to serve as depositories in conflict with this Resolution are hereby repealed. Section 7. after its passage by PASSED AND APPROVED this This Resolution shall take effect immediately from and the City Commission of the City of West University Place. '1'44 day of ~ cui ~ ~?ff~ , 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: ATTEST: ~~~ City'Secretary -::l PC -~--r--' ___-1.1.1 -' C~1"--~,~-."~-:1 . RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-15 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted and interviewed qualified citizens to serve on the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of West University 'Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to 'serve as mem- bers of the Zoning Board of Adjustment: Frank Billings Morris Commander Dan Doughty Billie M. Fougerat Stanley McCandless Jim Cummings (Alternate) Dorothy Rieger (Alternate) Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall serve until the next regular general City Election of the City Commission, and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. ~ PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of ~ , 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: at Commissioners Voting No: ~ ~2fI/~ ATTEST: ~,~~-, City Secretary r-- ---, I I IIf '~r"'""".,o""~""1 RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-1/ \~REAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards; and I~EREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted and interviewed qualified citizens to serve on the Tax Board of Equalization of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Tax Board of Equalization. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as mem- bers of the Tax Board of Equalization: Charles Gillan Peter Taafe Donald R. Young Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Tax Board of Equalization shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Tax Board of Equalization shall serve until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED, AND APPROVED this 23rd day of April, 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None r~&tL ATTEST: ~ :{?JtLJ- Ci Y Secreta y , RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-18 miEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted and interviewed qualified citizens to serve on the Personnel Board of the City of West University Place, texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Personnel Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERS ITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as mem- bers of the Personnel Board: Mr. Bert Ballanfant Mr. Harry Bristol Mr. H. L. Britton Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Personnel Board shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Personnel Board shall serve until the next regular general City Election of the CityCommis- sion, and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their suc- cessors. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~3 ~ of ~ , 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ Commissioners Voting No: ~ ~~ ATTEST: ~~~ City Secretary Z' .---"-~~-.-, > .,____.u...Lar- c_~~'''._. ,-....~-=..,~~--=-~.~ f-- RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-19 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted and interviewed qualified citizens to serve on the Health Board of the City of West University Place, Texas; and l~REAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Health Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to, 'serve as mem- bers of the Health Board: Perry Laas Dr. How,ard Evans Dr. Larry Pickering Dr. N. C. Windrow Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Health Board shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Health Board shall serve until the next regular general City Election of the City Commissio and thereafter rmtil the appointment and q~lification of :heir PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ay of -~ successors. , 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: aff Commissioners Voting No: ~, 9--l/f~ ayor ATTEST: ~.~~ City Secretary ....,.,. ..'h..__''''.' RESOLUTION Nill4BER 79-20 \~REAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted and interviewed qualified citizens to serve on the Zoning and Planning Commis- sion of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Zoning and Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as mem- bers of the Zoning and Planning Commission: Jim Abell Michael Casey John Farrell Hardy LaCook J. E. Norton Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Zoning and Planning Commission shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Zoning and Planning Commission shall serve until the next regular general City Election of the City Commission and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. ,PASSED AND APPROVED this 14'~ of ~, 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: y Commissioners Voting No: ZJ ~Ma?!7~ ATTEST: ~ ~~/~ City Secretary ../ ~~ _U~", ~ '"J l 1 _~":li ,....-,.-. .'" -'-'I' RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-21 WHEREAS, Robin Rothrock, employed as a Police Dispatcher and appoint- ed as a Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has resigned her position with the city; and WHEREAS, Marjorie J. Higgins has been employed as a Police Dispatcher and is qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Marj orie J. Higgins be, and she is hereby, appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. That the appointment of Marjorie J. Higgins as Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that she shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy Clerk after having been administered ,the proper Oath of Office. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~~ay of Commissioners Voting Aye: /%uf ~ , 1979. Commissioners Voting No: L' ~?O/~ Mayor ATTEST,: ~~~ C1ty>Secretarv RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-22 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards and Committees; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted and interviewed qualified citizens to serve on the Ambulance Advisory Com- mittee; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Ambulance Advisory Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as mem- bers of the Ambulance Advisory Committee: Connie Boynton Dr. Randy Bailey Dr. Paul Handel Archie Ryan Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Ambulance Advisor Committee sha1l'serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed shall serve until the appointment and qualification of their successors. ";:z;(j , PASSED AND APPROVED this' ;2f' ' day of ~ ,1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: cu:( ,~ ~?/t~ Mayor ' --- Commissioners Voting No: ATTEST: .~L~~~<>~L City Secretary ~-"._----~---------_._-- ----------. -----"--- --~ l" - :-=J. ------ ...!....&-[ "c, ,., '.'-'-~'~~_~'I'- RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-23 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission, pursuant to provisions of the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted and interviewed qualified citizens to serve on the various Boards; and serve as members of the Electrical Board. WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to NOW, THEREFORE, BElT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Electrical Board: A. B. Fisk Oscar Johnson James Todd Jane Davis Bill Clowe Section 2. That persons hereby appointed to the Electrical Board shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Electrical and Board shall serve for a period of two years from the date of this Resolution, successors. tie. ~ ~.?f/~ thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their PASSED AND ""PED"D th," ~day of ~ Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: .' ATTE5;T: ".~cP~ Ass1stant City Secretary , 1979. . '~~M~_~ .'l _____......:l.1[ __~___~_._._________ ____...__. . _n____-.- ~---------~-_.._._-~~---,----- - ~-~ - :--"" ,-",',~, -~-, r RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-24 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission, pursuant to provisions of the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members of various Boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commisssion have contacted and interviewed qualified citizens to serve on the various Boards; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Plumbing Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Plumbing Board: Scott Cameron Roy Harper T. O. Sword Carolyn Sparks Ron Taylor Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Plumbing Board shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Plumbing Board shall serve for a period of two years from the date of this Resolution, and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of '~ ' 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ Commissioners Voting No: ~~ ~?//-~/ M or ATTEST: ~. " r~ c --1 ~r 'I RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-25 \~EREAS, Mr. Robbie R. Barnett, employed as City Treasurer has resigned his employment with the City of West University Place, Texas; and ,WHEREAS, Mr. Patrick O'Connor has been employed to serve as City Treasurer. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. The City Commission hereby names and appoints Patrick O'Connor as City Treasurer of the City of West University Place, Texas, and he is hereby vested with all of the duties and responsibilities as set forth in the Charter of said City and the Statutes of the State of Texas. Section 2. The effective date of such appointment shall be retroactive to June 5, 1979. PASSED AND APPROVED this /flt / day of ~ , 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: :3 Commi,ssioners Voting No: Q ~?n~ ' , .' 'Mayor ' -- ATTEST: l~ ?~~ As .stant City Secretary RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-26 WHEREAS, Mr. Robbie R. Barnett, employed as Tax Assessor/Collector has resigned his employment with the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, Mr. Joseph Harris has been employed to serve as Tax Assessor/Collector. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. The City Commission hereby names and appoints Joseph Harris as Tax Assessor/Collector of the City of West University Place, Texas, and he is hereby vested with all of the duties and responsibilities as set forth in the Charter of said City and the Statutes of the State of Texas. Section 2. The effective date of such appointment shall be retroactive to June 4, 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ ~ / I day of:YJ1Y- :3 Q , 1979. PASSED AND APPROVED this Commissioners Voting No: ~~ -//f' 6-4 Mayor ATTEST: ~ /L.)/~ Assistant City Secretary T'- C' .,:~, . - ---=-=-~ r ~.........LIII.'[ ':" ".--,..,- -- I RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-27 WHEREAS, by Resolution Number 75-29 the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, established a Council on Aging; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission to make certain changes in the Council on Aging to give a wider input of ideas and opinions and to strengthen the leadership role of the Council in advising and guiding the Senior Services'Department of the city. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section L ,',The membership of the Council on Aging is hereby changed .--. from seven (7) members to eleven (11) members, including the Chairman of the Council on Aging. Section 2. That members of the Council on Aging shall serve for a period of two (2) years. Section 3. That all other provisions of Resolution Number 75-29 shall still be applicable to the Council on Aging. PASSED AND APPROVED this .:t..,.c,L, day of ~ iJ~ Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ , 1979. Commissioners Voting No: n~ ~ ,~.&~ Mayor Pro- Tem ATTEST: ~ ~~fLJ/ C1 T ecretary , -----,------ -_..._----~-------_._. e- ' ::1 I ,.. ..~.....lJU , 'j""""~'''~''~''T RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-28 WHEREAS, VlL. HowaJl.d L. EVan6 hab .6eJtve.d the Cily on Webt UMVeJl1>Uy P.f.ac.e., T e.X1L6 -L11 the. c.apacLty 0 n CUy H e.ali.h On MeV!. J.;-LI1c.e. the. 10th day 0 n Apllil. 196.1'.; and . ;: WHEREAS, the. demal1d 0 n fUA :tUne. and the. -LncJteM ed ad.i.vUy 0 n fUA 'plLOneM-Lon hti6 cUeta.te.d :the nec.eMUy On lLeb-LgMl1g to de.vote. time to fUA peJL- .ooJlllli bw..-LnebJ.;and namily -LnteJLeb.t6; al1d WHEREAS, duJUl1g aU 0 n fUA J.; eJLv-Lee. Howcvui L. EvaVl.6 peJLnoJUne.d h-i.6 du;ty ,and lLe6poVl.6-Lbili:ty -Ln J.;uc.h mal1neJL ao to lLe.file.a cJtecLU UpOI1 hhn6e1.fi, fUA namil.y, fUA PlLonebJ.;-Lonal1dthe. c1.:ty; al1d WHEREAS, h-U, a;t;.t{;tude and a.t;tent.i.o 11 :to h-U, lLe6 po Vl.6-Lbili:ty ao CUy HeaLth OfiMc.eIL wao 1Le.eei.ved wUh lLe6pe.a and eOI1Mdel1ee and W<L6 g-Lve.11 by fWn il1 a mavtl1eJL 0 fi peJl1> 0 na1. woJtth and undeJl1>tancUng; and WHEREAS, ;the. CUy CommaJ.;ion -LnvUe6 VlL. EvaVl.6 to eontinue. fUA -Ln.,- teJLebt -L11 :the cLty and .to prpztic-i.pate -L11 -<..to c-i.V-Lc. an na-i.lt6; al1d WHEREAS,;the_ CUy CommaJ.;ion wJ/.,heb.to lLeeogMze VlL. HowaJl.d L:- EvlXJU> 60lL fUA long al1d 6a.Uhnu1. J.;eJLviee ao CUy HeaLth 06Mc.eJL. NOW, THEREFORE, BE ITRESOLVEV BY THE CITY COlvIMISSlON OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: . Se.d.i.OI1 1. That:the CLty CommaJ.;ion ad.i.l1g by and .tJvwugh ill> au;t;hofU;ty, heJLeby c.omme.nd!, HowaJl.d EvaVl.6 60lLfUAunquebtiol1able. p/Wneb.oiona1. integJrftydwUng:the many ye.aM on .6eJLv-Lc.e .to.:the c..Lty. . Se.d.i.OI1 2. That;the CUy CommaJ.;-Lon -LncUv-Lduaily explLe6J.;eb -<..to gJuLte6u1. applLeeialion :to him nOlL h-U, UYlI.>e1.{j-i.6h devotiol1. Sed.i.ol1 3. That.thJ.1,' Ke.!>ollLti.ol1 be J.;plLead upon :the mLnu.te..6 ofi:the CUy CommU,J.;-Lol1, and:the MayoJube.,'al1d he -i.6 heJLeby, au.thoM.zed.to deliveJL.to VlL. HowaJl.d L. EvaVl.6 a .tJw.e. c.opy t.igned by eac.h membeJL 06 .the. CUy CommaJ.;-Lon and a.t;tv.,.te.d by ;the. CUy SeClietaJty. . PASSEV ANV APPROVEV :t.fUA 9:th day 06 J u1.y, 1979. Ii. J 11 L.Ma val" CommeAl.> &::2 ~:~4"Jr-.J Vat ROl.>el1 aum, Com~.6~Ol1eJL ~?#~ , ameb M. Cole, Mayan ~~~ Cliy S ecJte.taJty /- "I , I , -'''--~-----~"~'~-'-----~'~r- RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-29 WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission that new leadership for the direction and guidance of the Police Department of the City of West University Place be provided; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission of the City of West University Place to fill the vacancy of the position of Chief of Police heretofore created. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. Section 1. That Frank W. Robinson be, and he is hereby, appointed Chief of Police of the city effective upon this date and the taking of the Oath of Office. Section 2. Chief of Police Frank W. Robinson shall receive as remuneration for the performance of his duties the salary as recommended by the City Manager, approved by the City Commission and as stated in the 1979 Budget. PASSIID AND APPROVED <his '14 day or:Jut1 Commissioners Voting Aye: , 1979. M( ~ Commissioners Voting No: ~?/(, ,a Mayor ATTEST: c$~/ ~J'".J~' Assistant City Secretary ~ L :1 ;, I ~=__.J)l---~~--~~ ~.. I=~.-.----.~-- RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-30 WHEREAS. it is the obligation of the City Commission. pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted to appoint members to various Boards and Committees; and WHEREAS. the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted and interviewed qualified citizens to serve on the Insurance Committee of the City of West University Place; and WHEREAS. certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Insurance Committee. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Insurance Committee: Seth Ramey, 3409 Rice Joe Williams. 3112 Lafayette Wayland Hancock. Jr., 3909 University Howard M. Marshall, 2931 Amherst Joe Eason, 3773 Nottingham Section 2. That the persons appointed to the Insurance Committee shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed shall serve tmtil the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED this q:#i day of Commissioners {)d1 Voting Aye: i<< ~ , 1979. Commissioners Voting No: ~l/tfk( Mayor ATTEST: ~..~ Assistant City Secretary --T~C~'=''''''O"O'''''"'C'~~4-''-----'-'~' -----,jl--~ '~~-~-----~-" ,_C'j' ',"-""." '-~-'~~'r RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-31 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission, pursuant to provisions of the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members of various Boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted and interviewed qualified citizens to serve on the various Boards; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Council on Aging. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Council on Aging: Oscar Kotteman Bess Wendt Jerry White A. J. Greenway Horace Rice Robert Beck Lloyd Flynt Nancy Bringhurst Duke Landry Section 2. That the .persons hereby appointed to the Council on Aging shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Council on Aging shall serve for a period of two years from the date of this Resolution. PASSED AlID APPROVED <Id, ;?~ day of 9~ . 1979, Commissioners Voting Aye: at( Commissioners Voting No: ~ ~.t:Yo;~ ATTEST: ~ ~ ~~JAlAJ-/ Assistant City Secretary I-'H'-'~'~"l tlr H_' .~ RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-32 WHEREAS, on July 2, 1979, the Houston Lighting &l'ower Company (HL&l') filed a Statement of Intent to change its rates for electric service within the City of West University Place and has requested that said changes become effective on August 7, 1979; and WHEREAS, HL&l' has filed revised Tariff Schedules together with statements specifying in detail each proposed change, a rate' filing package, and supporting testimony; and WHEREAS, Section 17(a) of the Public Utility Regulatory Act, Article 1446c, Texas Revised Civil Statutes, gives the governing body of each mun1c1- pality exclusive original jurisdiction over electric rates within its municipal boundaries; and WHEREAS, Section 43(d) of the Public Utility Regulatory Act authorize the governing body of any municipality acting as a Regulatory Authority to suspend the operation of any proposed change in rates for a period not to ex- ceed 120 days beyond the date on which the scheduled rates would otherwise go into effect, which period'may be further extended for an additional 30 days; and WHEREAS, HL&P's proposed rate changes and the detailed material sup- 'porting those changes require comprehensive evaluation and study; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY Go~ISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That the change in rates for electric service within the City of West University Place proposed by Houston Lighting & Power Company to become effective on August 7, 1979 should be, and are, hereby ~uspended for a period of 120 days beyond said proposed effective date, until December 5,1979, sub- ject to an additional suspension of up to 30 days beyond said date upon further resolution of this Commission. I PASSED AND APPROVED "h ~<::r:fv2t1 Commissioners votinl No: 1979. d(' 1t~, ATTEST: W(~-, Mayor I . ~'~~ s1stant 1ty ecretary - ~r"---T-~-~~~-J ~ I - --- --- --- 'I( RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-33 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE APPOINTtffiNT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE APPRAISAL DISTRICT OF P~RRIS COUNTY~ TEXAS "~REAS, the Legislature of the State of Texas passed and the Gove- nor signed into Law Senate Bill 621 which relates to ad valorem taxation; and ~~EREAS, said Senate Bill Number 621 provides for the creation of a central appraisal district within each County of the State; and said Bill furthermore provides that said central appraisal district be governed/admin- istered by a five (5) member board who shall be elected by the qualified voting taxing units within the County by the following formula: u V X 1000 x 5 T V The number of votes to which a taxing unit is entitled u The amount of property taxes imposed by a taxing unit during the preyious tax year T The total amount of property taxes imposed by all taxing units within the appraisal district,wllich are entitled to vote I~EREAS, Section 6.03 (i) of Senate Bill 621 provides that a majority of three-fourths (3/4) of the qualified voting units within the County may ex- pand the number of members of the board and alter the previous formula used for election of board members; and VffiEREAS, Harris County is a large u~ban area containing fifty (50) plus taxing units of which ninety-five (95%) percent are small in relation to the tax levies of a few larger units, thereby making the aforementioned size and formula for election of board members inequitable to the smaller taxing units. NOW, THEREFORE, BE ITA'RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That under the authority of that section, the City of West University Place City Commission hereby affirms its support of the following proposed modifications in the board of directors. , ' I. That Section 6.03 (a) and 6.03 (g) of the Act be amended to in- crease the number of directors from five to nine. Those sec- tions, as they pertain to Harris County, shall now read as follows: Section 6.03 (a): "The appraisal district is governed by a board of nine directors. To be eligible to serve on the board of directors, an individual must be a resident of the district and must have resided, in the district for at least two years.1f Section 6.03 (g): "The governing body of such taxing unit entitled to vote shall determine its vote by resolution and submit it to the county clerk before November 15. The county clerk shall count the votes, declare the nine candidates who receive the largest cumulative vote totals elected, and submit the results before December 1 to the governing body of each tax- 'ing unit in the district and to the candidates. If II. That Section 6.04 A) be amended to increase the ,number of direc- tors necessary for a quorum from a majority to seven. That section, as it pertains to Harris County, shall now read as follO\\'s: If Seven directors shall constitut'e a quorum of the appraisal dis- trict board of directors. At its first meeting each calendar year, the board shall elect from its members a chairman and a secretary." ~ --''''-j---' ~"---""----I r--- -----;-. ill --- -,------------- - ;"---------..-~T- -2- III. That Section 6.03 (d) be amended to provide the determination of voting entitlement by population rather than property taxes im- posed. That section, as it pertains to Harris County, shall now read as follows: "The vot,ing entitlement of a taxing unit that is entitled to vote for directors is determined by population. The authority for determining the entitlement of cities and the county shall be the most current United States Bureau of Census population figures. The authority for determining the entitlement of school districts shall be the most current Gross Average Daily Attendance figures as published in the Texas Education Agency Directory of Texas Public Schools. The following scale shall apply: Taxing Unit City, County School District Population Votes Votes 1-5,000 1 2 5,000-15,000 , 2 4 15,001-30,000 3 6 30,001-50,000 4 8 50,001-75,000 5 10 75,001-105,000 6 12 105,001-140,000 7- 14 140,001-180,000 8 16 180,001-225,000 9 18 *Cities, county ihd school districts having populations over 225,000 shall accrue one additional vote for each 50,000 above 225,000. A taxing unit participating in two or more districts is entitled to vote in e~ch district in which it participates, but only the population in a district is used to calculate the voting entitle- ment in that district." . PASSED AND APPROVED this J...J..~ day of C2u.~~ ' 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ Commissioners Voting No: L) ~,')?( ~ . Mayor ATTEST: ~.~~ 1tyecre ary I' "'1 _~_~__..LI...I , .,......._-..-~,'~,.......,..... ..~I RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-34 WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to establish bicycle/safety lanes within the city; and WHEREAS, the City Commission further desires to establish penalties for driving and/or parking of vehicles on or across bicycle/safety lanes; and WHEREAS, the opinion of citizens is desired regarding the bicycle/ safety lanes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ~ESOlVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That a Public Hearing shall be held at 7:30 p.m., Septem~ ber 26, 1979, at the Community Building of the City of West University Place, Texas, located at 6104 Auden, to consider bicycle/safety lanes; the location thereof; and parking thereon. Section 2. The City Secretary shall publish notice of such hearing in the official paper of the City of West University Place, Texas at least fifteen (15) days before the date of such hearing and in addition thereto shall deliver notice of such hearing to the owners of property abutting the proposed bicycle/safety lanes; such owners shall be determined according to the current tax roll of the City of West University Place, Texas, and the delivering of such notice shall be made at least fifteen (15) days prior to the time set for the hearing. Section 3. A copy of the proposed bicycle/safety lanes shall be filed in the office of the City Secretary and shall be available for inspec- tion by any interested party. Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED th i s J.1 p.. day ~f ~fJ- ,1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: Q.Lf..) Commissioners Voting No: jr1~ ~2/1&-- ATTEST: ~j~ Cit 'secretary --~--.~... r"cc~r ~:] [---- .. ---;~J:_~- .---"----jli ,'-~.-"'~" ""--~~"I RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-35 WHEREAS, Mrs. Marj orie Higgins, an employee of the City, was appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas on May 14, 1979; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Marjorie Higgins has now changed her legal name to J. Lovell. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That J. Lovell is hereby appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. That J. Lovell shall perform any and all duties of Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, as required after having been administered the proper Oath of Office. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective upon passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this .;l.7d >day of ~/n.J;tL , 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ Commissioners Voting No: t) ~~/m/~ Mayor ATTEST: ~c~ -rc .Ul ."CUil --TIT RESOLUTION N~lBER 79-36 WHEREAS, on July 24, 1961, Odis D. Gregg was appointed Superintendent of the Sanitation Department of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, Odis Gregg has continued to serve in that capacity until the present time; and WHEREAS, Odis Gregg has been called upon to perform various duties, from those of maintenance of equipment, labor shortages, citizen complaints, permit applications and requirements, operation of the city's sanitary land- fill site, and routine day-to-day operation of the department; and WHEREAS, as a direct result of his operation and maintenance of the sanitary landfill, the City of West University Place has received plaudits from the State Department of Public Health; and WHEREAS,during all of his service, Odis Gregg performed his duty and responsibility in such manner as to reflect credit upon'himself, his family and the city; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to give recognition to Odis Gregg for his long and faithful service to the city. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City of West University Place, Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized City Commission hereby commends Odi~ Gregg for his distinguished service to the citizens of the city. Section 2. That the City Commission, on behalf of the citizens who know Odis Gregg, expresses its grateful appreciation to him for his unselfish devotion to his duties and for the manner in which he faithfully performs his responsibilities. ;i Section 3. That this Resolution pe spread in full upon the minutes of the City Commission and that the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to deliver to Odis Gregg a true copy hereof, signed by each member of the City Commission. PASSED AND APPROVED t~is 24th day of September, 1979. \, Sonny' ens, Commissioner ~'ion~ ATTEST: ~~ Ci Y Secretary J._~~ .. _ ___J....IIL.r 1 RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-37 WHEREAS, Mr. David G. Allums has been appointed and is serving as City Attorney; and WHEREAS, by prior resolution, the City Commission established a monthly retainer of $200.00 per month as partial payment for services rendered; and WHEREAS, after consideration by the City Commission, it is found that a more equitable retainer amount of $1,000.00 per month is appropriate for such services by the City Attorney. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE CITY COMMISSION OF TIlE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That David G. Allums shall receive as compensation for his duties as City Attorney a monthly retainer of $1,000.00 per month, and shall charge the'city at the rate of $40.00 per hour for all chargeable time for performing legal services for the city. Said $1,000.00 monthly retainer fee is to be credited against the total time charged. Section 2. That the monthly retainer payment of $1,000.00 shall be effective October 1, '1979 and each month'thereafter. Said amount shall be paid directly in full without withholding or FICA deductions by the city. Section 3. That effective January 1, 1980, said hourly rate shall be increased to $50.00 per hour for all chargeable time for performing legal services for the city. PASSED AND APPROVED thiS~~y Of~~.)' 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: s- l2 Commissioners Voting No: ~~~?J1.~, ' , ' Mayor ATTEST: e1~;:..~.J. / RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-38 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHIEF OF POLICE TO ENTER INTO A MUTUAL AID LAW ENFORCEMENT AGREEMENT WITH OTHER MUNICIPALITIES IN HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 999b, V.T.C.S., AND MAKING CER- TAIN FINDINGS RELATED TO THAT SUBJECT WHEREAS, Article 999b, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN., authorizes a county or municipality by resolution of its governing body to enter into an agreement with any neighboring municipality or contiguous county for the forma- tion of a mutual aid law enforcement task force to cooperate in the investi- gation of criminal activity and enforcement of the laws of this State; and WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, Texas, has on occasion requested the assistance of various police departments in sister cities and the West University Place Police Department has similarly been requested by other police departments for the purpose of assistance with apprehension, investigation and other matters in police related functions; and ~nmREAS, it is the opinion of the City Commission of the City of West University Place that the best interests as well as the general safety and welfare of the residents of the City of West University Place will be served by the execution of such a mutual aid law enforcement agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the Chief of Police is hereby authorized to enter into a mutual aid law enfor~ement ,agreement with other municipalities' police departments for the purpose of providing and receiving assistance when required pursuant to the terins and conditions of Article 999b, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. Section ,2. That such mutual assistance may be furnished without unduly impairing the capability of the West University Place Police Depart- ment to accomplish its usual and customary responsibilities within the City of West University Place. Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: r2!1 ~ ATTEST: ~~. City Secretary I"~-~ 1 ----~ "\ --ifi ~I "..! ( ( - THE STATE-OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF HARRIS X On this the 6th day of September, 1979, the Commissioners' Court of Harris County, Texas, sitting as the governing body of Harris County, upon motion of Commissioner Eckels, seconded by Commissioner Bass, duly put and unanimously carried, IT IS ORDERED that County Judge Jon Lindsay be, and he is hereby, authorized to execute Mutual Aid Law Enforcement Agree- ment among and between the Cities of Alvin, Bay town, Bellaire, Bunker Hill Village, Deer Park, El Lago, Friendswood, Galena Park, Galveston, Houston, Hunter's Creek Village, Jacinto City, Jersey Village, Katy, La Porte, Lomax. 11issouri City, Morgan's Point, Nassau Bay, Pasadena, Piney Point Village, Seabrook, Shoreacres, South Houston, Southside Place, Spring Valley, Stafford, Taylor Lake Village, Tomball, Webster, and West University Place and the counties of Harris and Galveston, for the 'formation of a mutual aid law enforcement task force wherein the specialized equipment, facilities and trained personnel of each police department or law enforcement agency is available to the other members of the task force on an as requested basis. Said Agreement is incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes as if set out in full word for word. .--r "---~'-1 -r"'- -~ I 'lIIl 'I MUTUAL AID LAW ENFORCEMENT AGREHIENT THE STATE OF TEXAS I COUNTY OF HARRIS I THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by, among and between the Cities of Alvin, Bay town, Bellaire, Bunker Hill Village, Deer Park, EI Lago, Friendswood, Galena Park, Galveston, Houston, Hunter's Creek Village, Jacinto City, Jersey Village, Katy, La Porte, Lomax, Missouri City, Morgan's Point, Nassau Bay, Pasadena, Piney Point Village, Seabrook, Shoreacres, South Houston, Souths ide Place, Spring Valley, Stafford, Taylor Lake Village, Tomball, Webster, and West University Place and the counties of Harris and Galveston, all parties being municipal corporations or county governments duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas, act- ing herein by and through, their respective Mayors or County Judges duly authorized to so act by ordinance or resolution duly passed by said Cities or Counties. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Articl~ 999b, TEX.REV.CIV.STAT.ANN., authorizes a county or municipality by resolution of its governing body to enter into an agreement with any neighboring municipality or contiguous county for the formation of a mutual aid law enforce- ment task force to cooperate in the investigation of criminal . activity and enforcement of the laws of this State, and WHEREAS, the Cities of Alvin, Bay town, Bellaire, Bunker Hill Village, Deer Park, EI Lago, Friendswood, Galena Park, Galveston, Houston, Hunter's Creek Village, Jacinto City, Jersey Village, Katy, LaPorte, Lomax, Miss~uri City, ~forgan's Point, Nassau Bay, Pasadena, Piney Point Village, Seabrook, Shoreacres, South Houston, Southside Place, Spring Valley, Stafford, Taylor Lake Village, Tomball, Webster, and West University Place and the Counties of Harris and Galveston desire to form such a mutual aid law enforcement task , / , i , i i J , ; I '1"" --.r=-c.=='''-.='-;---~.=---=-C._-'=~''~r_____ t (~- .' force wherein the specialized equipment, facilities and trained personnel o~ each police department or law enforcement agency is available to the others members of the task force on an as requested basis; NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That in con- sideration of the mutual covenants, agreements and benefits to all parties, it is AGREED as follows: I. During the term of this agreement, the parties agree to pro- vide upon request of one party (requesting party) to the others (providing parties) such law enforcement personnel and to make available such equipment or facilities as may be requested for the investigation or suppression of crime within the jurisdic- tional areas of the parties; provided that the personnel, equipment or facilities requested are not otherwise required within the- City or County providing same as determined by the Chief of Police or Sheriff or Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the providing party. Requests for mutual aid made pursuant to this Agreement shall be made by and to the re?pective Chiefs of Police or Sheriff or Chief Law Enforcement Officer or their designated representatives. - 2 - T" ,-'" _I~~-'--'--'''1'--'~~-I- :1~-- ==:IIfI I \-- '\-"- ' Ill. A law enforcement officer employed by a providing party covered by this Agreement may make arrests outside the jurisdic- tion in which he is employed, but within the area covered by the Agreement; provided, however, that the law enforcement agency within the requesting jurisdiction shall be notified of such arrest without delay. The notified agency shall make available the notice of such arrest in the same manner as if said-arrest were made by a member of the law enforcement agency of said request- ing jurisdiction. IV. Peace officers employed by the parties to this Agreement shall have such investigative or other law enforcement authority in the jurisdictional area encompassed by this Agreement as is reason- able and proper to accomplish the purpose for which a request for mutual aid assistance is made. V. Each party to this Agreement shall be responsible for its own costs and expenses. VI. The term of this Agreement shall be indefinite with any party having the right to terminate said Agreement upon thirty (30) days notice to all other parties. The addition or deletion of parties .to this Agreement shall not affect the Agreement as to the remain- ing parties except as may be specifically provided by amendment to this Agreement. VII. The parties shall observe and comply with all Federal, State, County and City laws, rules, ordinances and regulations in any - 3 - ~Tnc.-.--:-.~..".~_.__._-. ,-T-. -.-.,1 :11 -I 1:-- manner affecting the conduct of the services herein provided arid performance of all obligations undertaken by this Agreement. FOR THE CITY OF ALVIN: ~ l'-lAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY DATE: DATE: FOR THE CITY OF BAYTOWN: ,1 &jp ,-&-ffc~iL~i;~ . l'-MYOR I DATE: '-jr!~.J / :J c. / t/ '19 , ATTEST: ?bJ f~ C Y SECRETAR DATE: Yil~ ,::!d. I f'1r . I FOR THE CITY OF BELLAIRE:~ . ./":.1 /7 ,..""" '. (/ ~.7'{/7~ MAY-QR /7 ~d. ATTEST: ~ /-(iT/;.. ~ i' ....". C1 TY SECRETARY ( '? -..:1.0-- / f"'l f DATE: Q.:J.t:j'. 'If DATE: FOR THE CITY OF BUNKER HILL VILLAGE: JJ;tod #~ MAiO .. DATE,~UI1'J71 FOR THE CITY OF DEER PARK: ATTESTjlLl~ . h~/. Y. SECRE AFJ- DATE: Afrt';..2 ~ /97f ~/~/7 ;/ .-:d- . .=-daNr.LJ MAY R . DATE: 11~J1 /1.f'7{i- ',.1 / .' FOR THE CITY OF SHOREACRES: ATTES~oI.~ . CITY SE ETARY DATE: ;1ky ~ /979 ~.~J/y(~'t~~ MAYOR DATE: 19 ~.L1J / j 7.9 ATTEST:~~ LJ.t./INlJ C TY SECRETARY DATE: 94 1"/ I '179 - 4 - -- -~ --.--- T" -~ -~"1 r 1 ~__.:J1 I I, FOR THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD:/- l-'IAYOR DATE: GALVESTON: DATE: 7 /, / I':) ,,"- FOR THE CITY OF GALENA PARK:~ ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY DATE: ATTEST: Ct-~ET?:;"~~ - DATE: h /11 Iy?,? t[t/.AA~IJ /3 k;~TTEST' 'IAYOR ~ ,/I DATE:, ~d~/q7j' DATE: FOR THE CITY OF HUNTER'S CREEK VILLAGE: ~' gflt};/ . ~ ,/:;../. . d- ''l' '1-'7 MAYOR - -- -, ..' DATE: - Ii!. J41L/:Z C . /9/1 .1 ..',/ FOR THE CITY OF JACINTO CITY: ~'-'~~ MAYOR . DATE: 9-/1..- 7~ ;. FOR T~E CITY OF JERSEY VILLAGE:~ /LffL MAYOY DATE: '~/f/f1.7J' FOR THE CITY OF KATY: l'<IAYOR 4Z?~~ ~y Xf#~A/ r~;:', /979 DATE: 'F'..,-.-.",-:.,,,_,==:=~=c_--'--"-;-~:''-'-c=''''~-~---_._-r---~-'- ~ ~ . ~ ~ ATTEST: ._y:~ ~-1'''' ;f. lrd~J..ft~ eIT . EQRETARY DATE: ~f,. ~f... /':f7<1 :; I A~EST~~~ ~;~J CRETAR'Y I DATE: ~, II. 1~7r ATTEST, f&cJii. CITY SECRE ARY DATE: (btJ~ t/.1;f p~ /-/771 ATTEST: -:;/."---In ~ CITY C RETARY __ _ lJ . DATE: 7)~ hy.r....{ J --? is /9 7? - 5 - FOR THE CITY OF LA PORTE: -Q~~ MAYOR DATE: --Y-.<- ?9 FOR THE CITY OF LOMAX:~' l'-IAYOR DATE: FOR THE CITY OF MISSOURI CITY:~ MAyP~N DATE: 7- U-7r FOR THE CITY OF NASSAU BAY M~~~ DATE: 1177 ," . FOR THE CITY OF MORGAN'S POINT/ .. MAYOR DATE: ~/1N-.1J.1J1f~/ U' , ?JJq/7t? I' I. . FOR THE CITY OF PASADENA: 7Il~ 'lAYOff j?<d . ;::.L DATE: ~/~~/7,9 FOR THE CITY OF PINEY POINT VILLAGE: 'IAC~~ DATE: 4--J-1'- iC( 'f'.n--.'-o==~o-c'.-"-".O.'"~..C=C7_-OC-_-'.-'."=""I . 'r t- ~OA ATTEST: , .t'Gifr'..('/ --~.J CIT SE ETARY DATE: ~.;t - ?'1' ATTEST: CliTY SECRETARY DATE: ATTEST:~~~ CITY SECRETA~Y DATE: 7 -,;j' t. - 71. ATTEST: 1'Q". ....,,_ ~.(";"'~J;"4' _ J Cln~ SECREq'ARY DATE: 111M'.> I / _ DA 7- /~- 7,'7 ATTEST, ...:, . L. ~'L>-- ~ CITY SECRETARY DATE: 3 I, '--I- ( '1 'i I J. . ATTEST: old7~t7/ ~ CITY SECRETARY "DATE: 1- rf - 7 f I - 6 - :--. _ ________ _~J..iL[ - "1 k FOR THE CITY OF SEABROOK: ~;;;::: FOR THE CITY OF EL LAGO: . '~ ,.,:/1... {) . NAYO<[/1,11.'l""{" 'T ,~itC&"l1 DATE: 51 (JJ:.1 /q 79 ",(/ / ( FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH HOUSTON: l-IAYo0~'-": - ~ DATE: 9~.;:L /7;;>9 FOR THE CITY OF SOUTHSIDE PLACE: (~L~ NAYOR, DATE' 1h~"~-L. Z-1; /<nZ FOR THE CITY OF SPRI~G VALtEY: /iy/.f3~ DATE: A!tl-t ~ /177 FOR THE CITY OF STAFFORD: \--- ATTEST' J~~~ ~ITY SECJo TARY / . DATE: (Jf~t ~) /q79 ATTEST, \" (\ 'L Q u.Xi:e:(t; CITY SECRETARY DATE: '\ ,--S. A'.... J') \ \ C\.....\ C\ I ' I LJ ATTEST: ~ ~')..eLt-- ~,{y~"../ CIT SECRETARY DATE: .-I.~;2 /:7? 9' (/ / ATTEST: ~~ ~. ~&I~ CI S CRETARY DATE: 11tt("~/" -;!-/ 117/ ATTEST: ~02!?--.4#u./;: CITY SECRETARY DATE: %?J .:2../ 19 79 ATTES~'-'-:'. ~~"""'~"" CITY SECRETARY - DATE:~I/f L:J r-5i I :J'V DATE:~~,~. .><\~?-.. FOR THE CITY OF TAYLOR LAKE VILLAGE:~ /)?l!!~ I2Aii~/ l-IAYO . j1 DATE' 9 h.~ l17 / / ' ,---.----.----~---._-- P' .--,.~.,.~.'--.--T L ' . '. I ' ATTEST: /.,'" _/,/~/;.:. / !!/LLA:__ , Cl1'Y SECRE A'RY , " DATE: ~-- / -:/ ..///~... ?7 / ., - 7 - " .------ .._~.lL( ""'1 . 1 c. FOR THE CITY OF TOt.IBALL: ("-J --" ~- .' -'JK /7' ,"- '! / ) '{ :..." . / / I~ ("'- ~, ""~. // / '- .' .--/ '.l:,"/ /'1': ''- . ...../ ".,... '/. " ,,,I ///. -/j, MAYOR "/A.'o-'rt::'/11 - , I /'] /- .-/ . DATE:( /~/Jo"';;f/~ /?/:7? FOR TH~~ CITY OF WEB~T:R:~ ~('r~~- DATE: (;7 t1.. f /7;71 FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY }.-IAYOR DATE: FOR HARRIS COUNTY:~ COUN~E ~ DATE:~~~ '/1'""/9 FOR GALVESTON COUNTY: COUNTY JUDGE DATE: . FOR THE CITY OF ~ MA~~.tEM . ~ OA TE' 9;a-uu --'21 ~"J.tfJ ~ ;q 7 '1 APPRO D: )~ ~ A.~~,.- DENNIS C. GARDNER Senior Assistant City Attorney -----r .. -T.--~~"------' (- .- . /" ~ ......< ..--.------ A~.,,"C'.,,---~.:;:~..;:...""'7 -.......:.:::..,. <~---,;;:-/ J.~1~. ~- ,...--"'- .". ;,:-. ""~. .' - C.ITY SFC]>E-'f~ - ./. DATE' ,..:~;.7 2..~' . <- //<'./ '7? . "," ~.- __V'~' ... i" .' . ,;/ / ATTEST: ~~ 0~ CITYSECR~ARY DATE: dV!~-J-I- c:?~ /Y77 PLACE: /" . ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY DATE: ~; {J~ MktUdU ~' {JReA.1t:{ -'jfM!!(t~'CI~j /!Jt( -' 721J1Ut-?/?:>>~ ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY DATE:~~4'i."-:7 dC, /17,7 7.t AJ.; e~ H. D. CALDWELL Chief of Police - 8 - !11 ........_.-~--....-..-.l RESOLUTION Nill~BER 79-39 A RESOLUTION CO~WENDING OFFICER ~~TTHEW STN~ICH OF TI1E WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE POLICE DEPART~ffiNT FOR OUTSTANDING PERFORM- ANCE IN THE LINE OF DUTY I~REAS, Matthew Stanich has served the City of West University Place as a Police Officer since his appointment August 23, 1979; and WHEREAS, the professional training he recieved and his quickness to respond played an important role in his performance; and WHEREAS, he displayed courageous calm in the face of danger on October 10, 1979, when he was shot once while attempting to discourage two fleeing felons from entering the City of West University Place; and WHEREAS, the Ci~y,Commission flesires to give recognition to Officer Matthew Stanich for his outstariding performance in the line of duty. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO~1MISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City of West University. Flace, Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized City Commission commends Officer Matthew Stanich for his outstanding performance in the line of duty. Section 2, That the City Commission, on behalf of all citizens of the City of West University Place, Texas, expresses its grateful appreciation to Officer Matthew Stanich for his dedication to the protection of lives and property in the city, Section 3. That this Resolution be spread in full upon the minutes of the City Commission and that the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to deliver to Matthew Stanich a true copy hereof, signed by each member of the City Commission. PASSED AND APPROVED this 22nd day of October, 1979. ;;J . /(d{7 /'?'~ , - ....... /'/:-- / _<f_-</'l1--<.-tl/ [/. /' 1..(:1-'1. 1:1" Sonny Ahf~s, Commissioner ('" \', - ~\ '~, "'~~ J, \\.~f>(\.\'\~ An Y orp ommlss16ner /~. // -7 i~,./;. l ({I1~"f~ JoM Mime~-f~mmissioner- /';- ,-' ,.' .-" -,- ._~~0~- ~ i?i;"J_.~."?;~b~~'--_ Val Roseribaum, Commissioner ,-_---,-':..-,.'/ .'i ~ ')---7//-7 ~~p .. .. -' ,.) (.....--" J / U: '''''''''-" (James M. Cole, Mayor ATTEST: ~.:~.:-~ '-" I- . " 0 ._.';>....___i:/-?;~/..j:I/; ""'L...____ City Secretary RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-40 WHEREAS, J. Lovell, employed as Police Dispatcher and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, has resigned her position with the city; and WHEREAS, Lana Sadler, employed as Police Dispatcher and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has been re-assigned duties as a Police Officer; and WHEREAS, Rebecca Young and John Johnson have been employed as Police Dispatchers and are qualified to serve as Deputy Clerks of the ~4unicipal Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section L That Rebecca Young and .John Johnson be, and they are hereby, appointed Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2, That the appointment of Rebecca Young and John Johnson as Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be 'effective with the passage of this Resolution and that they shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy Clerk after having been administered the proper Oath of Office. ~ PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of {tJA'~~ , 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: 4- Commissioners Voting No: ,'0 r~~ ATTEST: ~ ~~ )~L.-/ City Secretary J""'-' .,' , I --=:.Liii:I ~- ., RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-41 WHEREAS, Resolution Number 79-7 was passed and approved by the City Commission on January 29, 1979; and \~EREAS, such Resolution Number 79-7 appointed Virginia Hood as Assistant City Treasurer of the City of West University Place; and WHEREAS, Virginia Hood has been re-assigned duties as Budgetary and General Accounting Supervisor; and WHEREAS, Joseph Harris, employed as Tax Assessor/Collector is qualified to serve as Assistant City Treasurer. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO~1MISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1, That Joseph Harris be, and he is hereby, appointed Assistant City Treasurer of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. All other provisions of Resolution Number 79-7 shall remain in effect as approved on January 29, 1979. r~ PASSED AND APPROVED this \? day of ~1979 Commissioners Voting Aye: 1- Commissioners Voting No: ATTEST: 4.&..f~ "' RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-42 WHEREAS, Resolution Number 79-15 was passed and approved by the City Commission on April 9, 1979; and WHEREAS, such Resolution Number 79-15 designated certain banking institutions to be and serve as official depositories of the city; and WHEREAS, such Resolution Number 79-15 authorized certain officials and employees of the City of West University Place to sign or countersign the necessary signature cards with such banking institutionso NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERS ITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. Section 4 of Resolution Number 79-15 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 4. That the Mayor, Mayor Pro-Tern, City Treasurer, Assistant City Treasurer, City Manager and Assistant City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to sign or countersign the necessary signature cards to establish the required bank accounts with the said Chemical Bank, Fannin Bank, First National Bank of West University Place, Houston Southwest Bank, Mercantile Bank of Houston, Texas Commerce Medical Bank, and University State Bank." Section 2. All other provisions of Resolution Number 79-15 shall remain in effect as approved on April 9, 1979, ~ . PASSED AND APPROVED this .,.s:. day of ~, 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: 4 Commissioners Voting No: D ATTEST: I'~. . -, -;- I ~.~~~~~- UiU- RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-43 WHEREAS, heretofore under Resolution NUIllber 76-5 a previous City Commission granted a limited exemption to the owner of a lot in the city and exemption from installation of a sidewalk where a new home was being con- structed; and WHEREAS, that this City Commission is of the opinion that the re- quirement to install sidewalks where they previously existed or where new construction is contemplated should be uniformly enforced by the Building Inspector. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. Resolution NUIllber 76-5 is hereby rescinded. Section 2. That installation of sidewalks where required by the city's Code should be enforced by the Building Inspection Department when applicable. Section 3. That the Building Inspector and the home owner should work jointly to resolve the placement of said sidewalks, taking into effect the natural limits of the area where the sidewalk is to be installed in order to design an aesthetic, as well as safe, sidewalk for the citizens of West University Place. PASSED AND APPROVED this p ~day of ~l979. Commissioners Voting Aye: 4 Commissioners Voting No: I 9~m~ ATTEST: ~~~ City Secretary "'-':====:;;;::-..- RESOLUTLON NUMBER 79-44 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards and Committees; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted and interviewed qualified citizens to serve on the Long Range Planning Com- mittee; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Long Range Planning Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Long Range Planning Committee: Bob Abel Richard Adkins Charles Baldwin Bart Busker Hardy LaCook Joan McCay Michael McEnany John Neighbors Janet Redeker Section 2 _ That the persons hereby appointed to the Long Range Planning Committee shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed shall serve until the appointment and qualification of their successors. . ~ r:YJ __A" c._ .A',,-, PASSED AND APPROVED thiS~ day of t7'b/7~Vo-,-; 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: 6- Commissioners Voting No: () r2!l"- - ATTEST: ~,~~ 1 n_~_~_ I ill 11 p ~ -'-~~'!-- RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-45 WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission to submit names of qualified .citizensto the Board of Directors of the West University Place Parks Fund as nominees to such Board; and WHEREAS, such citizens have indicated a desire and willingness to serve in such capacity. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following citizens are hereby nominated for the position of Director of the West University Place Parks Fund, a non-profit corporation: (a) Commissioner Andy Horne as a representative of the City Commis- sion for a term running concurrently with his term of office. (b) James Council as a representative of the Parks and Recreation Board for a term running concurrently with his term as a member of such Board. . (c) Marla Forrestal for a term ending December 31, 1980. (d) Brad Jackson for a term ending December 31, 1980, (e) Pat Moore for a term which shall run through December 31, 1981. (f) Whitt Johnson for a term which shall run through December 31, 1981. (g) Peter Taaffe for a term which shall run through December 31, 1981. Section 2. The City Secretary is hereby instructed to deliver to the Board of Directors of said West University Parks Fund, a non-profit corporation, a copy of this Resolution for their consideration. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect and he in force from and after its passage and approval. ~ PASSED AND APPROVED this /~ ~aYOf ~c~ , 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: 'i 12- ~~. Commissioners Voting No: ATTEST: ~.~~ City Secretary - -r' o.oo~~.~cO.~~~~O. 0., ------,--='---------;',.-- -I !I f ~~~ , II p r: II II RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-46 VlliEREAS, a vote is required for the Directors of the Harris County Appraisal District for a two-year term beginning January 1, 1980 pursuant to Section 6,03 of the Property Tax Code, V.A.T.S. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO~1MISSIONOF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 6.03 of the Property Tax Code, the' City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas has hereby completed its ballot for said directors and attaches same hereto for all purposes and lncorporates the results therein as'if included in its entirety in..this Resolutjon. Section 2. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after November 14, 1979. '..~ PASSED AND APPROVED this /If. day (j'f ~~1979 Commissioners Voting Aye: AI Co~issioners Voting No: {) ATTEST: ~OJ~~'U~ City Secretary II I I '. I: II :J i I I I I - - --- ,,;.:i:_,. j; ...{: l" ====r -, I "I rl ( i I I I ....."......~~~r BALLOT FOR DIRECTORS PJ,RRIS COl~TY APPRAISAL DISTRICT (January 1, 1980 Term) . The following vote for directors of the Harris County Appraisal District was determined by resolution or ordinance adopted at an official meeting of the of the City of West University \ taxlng unn) held on the 14th . day of Ci ty C-OjTU!1iS5t~J (t)Uyt:aLu.uo y) November , 1979. 1. C. E. BURGE ROBERT W. CAREY LAWRENCE CHAMPION DR. MARLIN O. CHERRY JERRY S. DOMINY D. LEON EVERETT, II LAVIGNE FLANDERS RAY FORTENBACH CARLOS GARCIA, SR. SEARCY GERMAN. .' ROBERT F. GONSOULIN,~ JR. T. S. HANCOCK FRED HARTMAN WILLIAM E. HARWELL HAYNES HURLOCK ROLAND K. HUTTON BILL KING OTIS KING DAVID M. LEWIS EARL MARTIN 4 'IIfOMAS W. MASTERSON BOBBYE MILLER JOHN A. MURRAY CHARLES OSENBAUGH FRUMENCIO REYES ELROY M. SATTERLEE RICHARD B. SCHNELL WILL SEARS GENE SHEPHERD RUBEN SILLER DWIGHT STAES E. ~. STEPHENS, JR. W. W. THORNE GEORGE N. WYCHE 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. l8. .19. 20. 2l. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. \oilTNESS MY HAND, this the 14th AT:~-='ST: ;e;~ rfi4o/J- Lee Lockard, City Secretary I '------.;......-.------.:....- 1'.' .0. . ':1 received received received received received received received received received received received received received received received received received received received r,. received received received received received r.ecei ved received received Lj., t' If if received received received received received received If ...3- received day of November l' votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. . votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. votes. , 1979. C)"~Jid2?:L~~ ""'0' v i: -1 ___~_..l..I.I f--S RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-47 WHEREAS, due to an emergency situation existing at the city's land- fill site whereby additional space was needed for storage of refuse and trash, the City Commission felt it was in the best interest of the city to authorize the Acting City Manager to proceed with a contract with John G. Holland Con- struction Company, Inc. to perfonn immediate trench excavation at the landfill site; and l~REAS, the Acting City Manager indicated that price comparisons for the services to be rendered were taken and that John G. Holland Construc- tion Company, Inc. was the low bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the Acting City Manager was, and he is hereby, authorized to enter into a contract with John G~ Holland Construction Company, Inc. to perfonn the necessary trench excavation at the city's landfill site for the price and under the tenns previously submitted by the Acting City Manager to the City Commission. Section 2. That said contract was authorized under the emergency provisions of the City Charter, and further that said contract was authorized for the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of West University Place, Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED this '~&~ay of ~ .J 1979, Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ Commissioners Voting No: ~ ATTEST: ~.~~~ City Secretary - -1 TI '11' ..----el __T_ ....:.~::..;. ..."t. '. ';~~'". .- RESOLUTION N~ffiER 79-48 WHEREAS, City Officials have determined that it is in the best interest of the citizens of this city to continue its membership in the HOUSTON~GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL; and \~EREAS, the By-Laws of the Houston-Galveston Area Council requires the appointment of a duly elected representative of each of the governmental units for the year 1980. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Commissioner Val Rosenbaum be and she is hereby, designated as its representative to the General Membership Body of the Houston-Galveston Area Council for the year 1980. Section 2. That the official Alternate authorized to serve as the voting delegate should the hereinbefore named delegate become ineligible, absent, or should she resign, is Commissioner John Maneval. Section 3. That the Executive Director of the Houston-Galveston Area Council be notified of the designation of the hereinabove named delegate and alternate, PASSED AND APPROVED this Ie ~ day of 4J~ 1979. Commissioners Voting Aye: Jf Commissioners Voting No: V ~ ~ Mayor Pro-Tern ATTEST: ~ ~k~ -- City Secretary ,y-e~c~~~~~-~-, -,::-.--;-:---".---.-..---- , -, --~~ i .[ --,. - .-.... '_7.~~~-_