HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.76 RESOLUTION NlThiBER 76-1 WHEREAS, the City Commission passed Resolution :fumber 54-24 on the date of July 12,1954, creating a separate fund to be known as Fund E; and WHEREAS, Fund E was created for the purpose of relieving the neces- sity of issuing two or more checks to pay the amount of a single invoice where materials, supplies or services were purchased or obtained from one vendor and chargeable against the General Fund. Water-Sewer Fund and Health Fund; and WHEREAS, by said Reselution a separate fund to be knoyffi as Fund E was created and the University State. Bank selected as depesitory fer Fund E; and WHEREAS. the 'city has modernized its accounts payable system and is now using machine accounting and ne longer is Fund E needed for the efficient operation,. of . the city · s Accounting. Departinent. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI~ PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Fund E'designated in the University State Bank on the date of August 1. 1954 be dissolved. Section 2. That the baiance in Fund E, in the ameuntof $43.79 be withdrawn and returned to the respective funds as follows: General Fund - $5.3 ~Tater.,Sewer FUnd - $38.43. PASSED AND APPROVED this{)..~dJ day of ~~ ' 1976. Commissioners Voting Aye: 0 L1.J Commissioners Voting No: 1\~ 6?~ll1.lu'.QA.., 'Jt Mayor ATTEST: ~..~ Assistant City Secretary - ~---r IT1I r . III 1 '. ,;: 11,11 .,r RESOLUTION NmmD 16-2 <. WHEIEAS. the 931'd Session of the Congress passed aDd the President of the United States signed into law. the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 for the specific purpose of developing viable commun1ties, aDd tmm.mAS. Barris County has been, designated as an "URBAN Cotmn1t by the Department of Uoudq aacl Urban :De.veloplllent entitled to a fon.u1a s__eof ,ropaa fuads. ' mAT, ktkle III. Seettou 64 of the teaas Ccmst1.tut1on authodl!" Texas counties to enter 1Dto coo,pe,ra1:!:f.o.Q asreeaents with local govamaents for essential CICllIlIII.UD1ty clevelopmeutl aD4lto\1s1q assis~e activ1t1ea, BOW. ~. be :f.t J!8801ve4 by the City CCJlll1lI1ss1on of the City tJf West: t1u1vers1.ty Place.. that the Hay.- A1lll tbeC:f.ty COlIIIII1ss:f.on support thea,p- pu.catton of Barris Couuty for ftmd1q of the Housina and CoImDunity lleV,eJ,CipllleDt Act of 1974. To this eod: (1) The C:1t.yof West VDiversity Place asks that ita population b... be laclude4 with that of Banis Couut)' for all of fiscal y.... 1916. (2) The Clty of Vest UD1vuat.,. 'lace jo1u with Burls Couuty~:n the deve10paent of a C......ty &eve1oplaent hosr_ pur81lllDtto Title I of the BOusiDg aa4 ~"",ty De,ve1oplll8nt: &;1: of 1974 f. the ...1 beneflt of beth the City and the County. !be City qreea to~ the Departaent of Housiq .. 1J.&'.~ Dev~f: to use It. ~n baae aa4odl_ D8C"Suy d-.opapb1c. cha-cutedatic8 in ell_ deC.-1M- 't1.on of the Cotsnty'a populst1oll .... aad that the City wU1 be_- titled to 1tS propo1't1oute 'ha,~e of aaU funds. (8) Authodaes Harda County toaWaist_ w1tb1u fte C:ltlJ of W.t Qd.va'ai1:y 'lees such Pll'O,Sacts .. 4_1anate4 by t:he Oiq of vue VDi- varsity Pl_e when _utaJd.D; ...eatUl cCllllll1l1lity developaent aud houa_ ..s!stellee acuvitles. specifically urban renewal aud: _&ly a8aist_ hou.1D8. 1f the.. actf:nues Ue flP"1f1ecl in the appJ.1caUoa aM aU other activities lUted a. lIeo.uatty Dav8lopraeut h98t'8ia . Activit"- BUa:1Ue for Assls.ace" uat_ Pub1f.c Law 9J-JlJ .~~. Hooa- R: - ~ty Dava~nt AA~ 1974. T1.tle 1. a.CUOD 105.. . t.8te4ae 1b1e. .AOt1vit1..... '. r the ~d8 of. "1!Id.~ 'aw ~nr- fiCl1e 24. Cbaptc V. Part 570 .. aaeudecl. CCIlIIIIlUD1ty Deve1opaent. Block Grants". (3) (a) fte City of West Univ~dt1 Place. recop1a:l.q tbata-rr$.a Couuty "1.11 _lac..taln ~1-~1.'"t1ve ancl 1ep1 .,..... ..~. City's behalf. .p'ee& to ..eJ.abura. Bania CQuaty in tbe 8Ulll Of tu,u.a (15) ,_ eent of the pnport~t. sba-ce of fade allocated ~ .~.~. City ~ VUt tJn!veraf.ty '1Qe; saU C'eimbu2rselllellt: to be paid at -t~e time aUapp11cattcms aa4 paa. are approved ad .-add for, ...the . benefb of the Otty. . (4) AU qreeaents by audbet.ween the City of Vest Universlf:y,Plllca aud Hards CoUll'" shaU b. aov~ by aDd aubjecn: to the 1IQ1i,1_.ad eo.u,nttJ' Development Act of 1974 and ... w1_ aa4 -cep1s'~. pr-...1.ltlted b)' the Seer....,. of the Departlllaal: of Honaiq aD4U..n DevelOpment. . ' (5) All accepted applioetiou .<t1' gran. ptn'8Uaat to this 01:.." . oth_ ap...euta gevo0e4 by~/desubject to the Bouaiag a-laoa- 1IUl11ty Davalollaent &;t ot 1914 shall rema1D 1u fil1l fo-cce _.."..t: for the entt..a fundi. ,.W o.f the accepted appl:1.Cattou. 1'he.p- p1f.eat~ in no _eat a1la11 be t:..tuted prior to the expuati-.onof theeat~. application fWl4_ p.dOct. ' (6) the City Cala1s81on of the Cl~ o.f Weet Unlvua1ty Place 'by.. ~e- aolut:f.on (wblch is attached hereto and iDCOJ:poratecl herein for all loten4e4 puJ:p08u) authcnriua the Ma)'or of W..t "Dive.ity P1.8c:& 8$ Chief Executive Officer to sip th:ls Coopm:at:ion AIr_to 81Ill euch addJ.Uoll81 fOftl8 as requaetec1 by the Department of liouaiDg a04Urbao Developmeat pursuant to the purpose. of thi8 resolution. ~- ,-_-:=J. ~ ~~ -2- PASSED AND APPROVED this -:l6.a; clay of ~~ . 1976. Comm1es1onera Voting Aye: (j ~ II) .' Comm:Les1,onet's Voting No: ~ 9~Cv,.;,~~ ~ A'1"fBST: ~~ AlI.1etnt City Secretary . [ ,:.1 L: L ~ __ .1L1.L -.t'.~ "-:. ;.,.....; 1BS00000OH JllDtBBR. 16-3 WImIEAS. the City COlllIllission of West VDivera1ty Place dee:bea io :laFove the li'ri.Qg envuomaeuf: widdD Us, ,eutire jQr:1edicttonj and lIIIBIBAS., the City eo.,f.ptoa ot V..~ 1hd.9.aity Place 18 the I""" 1rls bod,. of vue 1hd.venf.ty Place aD&t dees hex~ all'ea to all tams ~,c~ dldou .. OIlt11aed fa the abova r.-olntf.on. mAT~ 'thq h_eby enter 1nto . cooperattoe apet!lBent witb BaRts .~',/!?::~. County. 'lexaa. ROW, 'llIIBBPOlm. be it: resolved "'hthe City COad.881ou of the~~tl,pf .. ~ ~ . . :... ...... . .. .. ~~<~"~.,,..atty Place, 'l__. that Kay01:', ;a:149. V.l11n, .Tr., .. Cbf.ef~~... tive Officer Of:.. .QtVaiveraity ']ace is h~.b7 Il1lthor1H4 to sip th18 .,' ..' coop.ad.oa Aar.....tiand all ad4Utoaa1 ~o~..~eqU1r" by the 'Depa1:-~~'lteOf . . ' . . :.: ~i~'; ... . ...~. ~-:~;;::=-~~~3*'{; eo.ustoneu VOHIIS 110= n~ .... . m"QU~'IIllM I}, . . ." r V AftBS'l1 ~)~ .tJ . '" . . .lea teat CityS.eci:etal7 ------~~ r ,,'- r- 11'-1 I. . r RESOLUTION NUMBER 76-4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO~~ISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, DESIGNATING CERTAIN CITY OFFICIALS AS BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR ACTING FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, IN'DEALING WITH THE TEXAS PARKS AND ~JILDLIFE BEPARTMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAR- TICIPATING IN THE LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND ACT OF 1965; CERTIFYING THAT THE CITY, OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, IS ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE ASSISTANCE UNDER SUCH PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the United States Congress'has passed the Land and Water Con servation Fund Act of 1965 (Public Law 88-578), authorizing the Secretary of th Interior to provide financial assistance to states, and political subdivisions, thereof, for outdoor recreation purposes; and ' WHEREAS, the Texas Legislature has adopted Article 6081, V.A.C.S., fo the purpose of allowing the State of Texas, and its political subdivision, to participate in the Federal program established under said Public Law 88-578, or such other programs as are hereinafter established by the Federal Government; and . WHEREAS, the City of West University Place is fully' eligible to re- ceive assistance under this Program; and ' , WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place is desirous of authorizing its administrative staff to represent and. act for the city in dealing with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department concerning this Program; . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: . . Section 1. That the City Commission of the City of West University Place hereby certifies that the City of West University Place is eligible to re ceive assistance under Public Law 88-578; as augumented by Article608Ir,V.A.C. Section 2. That the City Commission hereby authorizes and directs its City Manager to represent and act for the City of West University Place in deal- ingwith the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for the purpose of this Pro- gram. The City Manager is hereby officially designated as the City's repre- sentative in this regard. Sectiofl 3. The City Commission hereby designates its City Treasurer as the official authorized to serve as the City's fiscal officer to receive Federal funds for purposes of this Program. Section 4. The City Commission hereby specifically authorizes the City officials herein to make application to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Depar ment concerning the tracts of land to be known as Colonial (Case) Park and Inde- Pendence Park in the City of liJest University Place for improvements for park pu poses. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~~ day of ~~~ ' 1976. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ 1 D ) Commissioners Voting No: Jrl~ ATTEST: 9~w.w~fh Mayor , ~~~ Assistant City ecretary '-_c~'---'rc,c~~~.:".._,c,_._c,,----'------'~"_"T_C___ '-.-.1Fl ".,'--- RESOLUTION NUMBER 76-5 WHEREAS. Mr. Gerald K-erbow, the owner of property located at: 6330 Wakeforest Street in the city has requested a building ,permit to construct improvements at said address; and WHEREAS, ~~r. Gerald Kerbow has requested that he be permitted to construct such improvements without constructing a sidewalk on such lot; and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the City Commission that there are no sidewalks in front of any of the houses located in the .6300 block of Wake- forest Street. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CIIT COMMISSION OF THE CIIT OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. TEXAS: Section 1. That Mr. Gerald Kerbow, the owner of the North 90' of the East 1/2 of Lot 4 and the South 10' of the East 1/2 of Lot 5. Block 20, West University First Addition, be permitted to construct improvements on said lot otherwise known as ,6330' Wakeforest Street, and that said Mr. Gerald Kerbow shal not be required to construct a sidewalk on said lot at this time. Section 2. If and when the City Commission shall determine that a sidewalk shall be constructed on said lot and shall so notify the then owner of the lot. a sidewalk shall thereafter be constructed in accordance with all the terms and provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West Univer- sity Place. Section ,3. This Resolution shall take effect and be in force immed- iately from and. after its passage and approval by the Mayor. Commissioners Voting No: Commissioners Voting Aye: G.1..U- ~~. ~,;Ot'I.(dfJ{)~ - Mayor r ATTEST: ,~:/bh~ Ass1st nt City Secretary f'-'C- 'T'""""~~"'~"I":r' r='-="='"~==r-==~''' - lit 1 III'H'-- RESOLUTION NUMBER 76-0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ,OPPOSING A GENERAL RATE INCREASE BY SOUTH- WESTERN BELL TELEPHONE.TO.COVER THE COST OF DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE SERVICE AND APPROVING CHARGING THE USERS OF SUCH SERVICE IF SUCH ADDITIONAL CHARGES ARE NECESSARY. WHEREAS, the City of Houston, Harris County, Texas, is considering whether to allow either a general rate increase by Southwestern Bell Telephone Company to cover the cost of directory assistance service or charging the users of such service; and WHEREAS, the residents of the City of West University Place will be directly affected. by either action should such action be taken. NOW, TI:IEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Commission of the City of West University Place is opposed to the granting of a general increase in rates charged by Southwestern Bell Telephone Company to cover the,cost of directory assistance' service. Section 2. That if additional reveInle is required and necessary to furnish directory assistance s~rvice, the additional cost should be paid by those who use such service. Section.3. This Resolution shall take effect and ,be in force immed- iately from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor . PASSED AND APPROVED this ;J.;)/Ld..-day 'd~ ' 1976. Commissioners Voting Aye:' .WV Commissioners Voting No: 7)~ . .Q0).o:&lo .~~ Mayor r ATTEST: ~j~.J/~A' _.' Assistan City Secretary -r~' I' ., r~ li1~-.l nf RESOLUTION NUMBER 76- 7 WHEREAS, Mr. Eddie Roberts, employed as Police Dispatcher and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has resigned his employment with the city; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Christine Crump, employed as Police Dispatcher and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has beenre-assigned duties as a Police Officer; and WHEREAS, Mr. Joseph Schul tea, Jr. and Mr. Michael Perry have been employed as Police Dispatchers, and are qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION CF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section '1. That Mr. Joseph Schultea, Jr. and Mr. Michael Perry be, and they are hereby, appointed Deputy Clerks of the Mmicipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. . That the appointment of Mr. Joseph Schultea, Jr., and Mr. Michael Perry as Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West Uni- versity Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that they shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy Clerk after having been administered the proper Oath of Office. PASSED AND APPROVED this (),.I~ay of ~ ' 1976. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~~, Commissioners Voting No: ?7~ \?Oitl)WW~ Mayor ATTEST: ~/ ,r%ahawL- Assistant City Secretary '. '~_'__d_----ro', , '..,-- r [,"1 Ii Ir'-- " RESOLUTION NUMBER 76-8 WHEREAS, the Sinking Fund was originally created by the authority of the City Charter for the purpose of paying principal and interest on the bonded indebtedness of the city; and WHEREAS, at this date the City of West University Place has no out- standing bonded indebtedness and there is no necessity of maintaining a balance in said Fund; and WHEREAS, there remains in the Sinking fund a balance of $15,269.45; _,~nd WHEREAS, the electorate has approved the issuance of $1,700,000.00 in tax bonds; and WHEREAS, various expense in conducting the election authorizing the issuance of bonds, and the sale of such bonds has been incurred; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission to pay the incurred expense of the bond election and marketing said bonds from the balance of $15,269.45. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the' City Treasurer be. and he is hereby, authorized to transfer from the Sinking Fund to the General Fund the sum of $15,269.45. Section 2. It is necessary that these funds be transferred prior to the disbursement of 1975 tax funds to the Sinking Fund for. the purpose of pay- ing principal and interest on the approved $1.700,000.00 bond issue. Section'3. This Resolution shall take effect and be in force im- mediately from and after its passage by the City Commission and approval by the Mayor. PASSED AND APPROVED this .>(,.&/J day of 'cT~ ' 1976. Commissioners Voting Aye: c::lLU Commissioners Voting No: ~./ 90,,0 Lv; (JJt&fLf Mayor ATTEST: ~.__._~---~--_._- ~Z:::"",,,""-=O""-"~~-~~.---:-.-~--:._::::!I. RESOLUTION NUMBER 76-9 MiEREAS, by Resolution Number 75-29 passed on September 22" 1975, the City Commission created an organization ,,,hich was called a "Council on Aging"; and WHEREA?; it has been determined by the membership of the Council on Aging that such/designation does not properly describe theorganizatio.n,no;t.' its' functions;/'and ' . ~jEREAS, it has been recommended that a more appropriate designation of the opganization would be "Service to. Aging"; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Lorene Loftus and Mr. Clarence Kapp have fo.und it nec.aS sary to. resign as members of such orgariiz~tion and it is necessary to appoint two persons to replace the aforesaid individuals; and WHEREAS, Mrs. BessieM. Wendt and Mr. Oscar H. Kotteman have been recommended to the Commission to serve on such organization. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section L The o.rganization heretofore known as "Council on Aging" of the City of West Universi~ Place, Texas, shall hereafter be known and' designated as "Service to Agi:ng". . Section'2. That,Mrs. Bessie.:M. Wendt and Mr. Oscar H. Kotteman are hereby appointed to serve on the go.verning bo.dy of the Service to Aging. Section 3. That in the event o.fvacancies occurring on the governing body of the Service t<;> Agi.ng .:i,:n the future replacements may be made by the ci'ty Commission by motion duly passed in open meeting without the necessity of a formal Resolution. ' PASSED AND APPROVED 'this day of , 1976. Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: Mayor ATTEST: Assistant City Secretary ~.~. .cf'-D "--'-'~-'- --"-'~-L~-'oo-l-: .oo_ ,ool':~:::J-' r'~'-'~'l-~'lr::'L.. _ _ __..:"'L.1LLr RESOLUTION NUMBER 76-10 WHEREAS, the City of Ivest University Place, Texas, is in need of certain engineering services necessary for the design and ultimate construction of storm drainage facilities and improvements; and WHEREAS, the engineering firm of Bayshore Engineers, Inc., consul- tantp, have been invited to submit a written proposal for professional services and lolHEREAS, such written proposal dated April 23, 1976, has been con- sidered by city officials; and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of city officials that the engineering firm of Bayshore Engineers, Inc. is a firm consisti,ng of engineers who are competent and capable in their fields of work and have as principle ~embers of the firm engineers registered as Professional Engineers in the State of Texas. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That the Mayor be,. and he is ,hereby, authorized and instructed to enter into an agreement with the said firm for the engineering services as stated in written form dated April 23, 1976, with proposal attached. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~d., day of () fJi.l "IJ. , 1976. Commissioners Voting No: Commissioners Voting Aye: Q.J..1.) 71~ ~d~~ , ATTEST: .~ .eW~ _/ Ass is nt Citv Secretary .n~_n_' r' . ._;, r-~n. "n:~~nl1"nl I .111.1 _n_'.~._. RESOLUTION NUMBER 76-11 WHEREAS, the tract of land bounded on the north by Bissonnet, College on the south and Northwestern on the east and west, has heretofore been re- ferred to as Mosiac Park; and WHEREAS, the Bicentennial Committee of the City of West University Place, Texas, referred to the area as "Liberty Hill Park" for the Bicentennial celebration held on Sunday, April 4, 1976; and WHEREAS, the name "Liberty Hill" has historical significance in that it was very popular during the first fifty (50) years of this country; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to officially designate such area, and is of the opinion that "Liberty Hill" park would be an appropriate name for the area inasmuch 'as part of the Bicentennial celebration was held thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY .THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the tract of land bounded on the north by Bissonnet, College on the south and Northwestern on the east and west, is hereby officiall designated as "Liberty Hill Park". Section 2. That hereafter all official reference to such park shall use the name "Liberty Hill" and an appropriate sign bearing such name shall be placed at the park. Section 3. "Liberty Hill Park" shall ,hereafter become a part of the city's park sys.tem and $hal.lbe improved and maintained with revenue sources , 1976. Commissioners Voting Aye: iliu Commissioners Voting No: ~M (Hl., u,.H...) Mayor ATTEST: ~ 12~~ Ass~stant City Secretary it r --j ""11 f- 111'-'1 1:111.1 RESOLUTION NUMBER 76-12 WHEREAS, Mr. M:ichael Waite, employed as Police Dispatcher and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal ' Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has resigned his employment with the city; and WHEREAS, Mr. Mark Moulton has been employed as Police Dispatcher, and is qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Mr. Mark Moulton be, and he is hereby, appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. That the appointment of Mr. Mark Moulton as Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that he shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy Clerk after having been administered the proper Oath of Office. PASSED AND APPROVED this' >>-..g..; day of ~ , 1976. Commissioners Voting Aye: d < (:.. / Commissioners Voting No: ~) tJq~. . ~ :A~ ~ , (f Mayor . . J- ATTEST: r: '..' rc--- '-"- 1_- __.__o_olL.A..I: USOLtn'ION !!1lJMJI!R 76-13 tmEREAS, the City Manager activ~ sought the services of a qualified caty ~1ueer; and WHEREAS. Mr. 3. D. Legler of LaGrange, Texas, served more tban ~eJ;l~ (2Q)yeare . with the State Highway and Pub].ic Tra118portation COlIIIlIisslon;aad WHEREAS . Mr. Legler was interested in continuing his career intha Udd of professional engi.neering and made application to the city for the posi- tion of city engineer; and WHEREAS. Mr. Legler was employed on May 3. 1976, and has responded be- yond professional requirements and standards in fulfilling the duties. and. re- sponsibilities. assigned to him; and WBBREAS,the C:l.ty Coundlof the City of LaGrange. the hoaetown of Mr. Ltfgler. recognized the attributes and qual:l.fieatlons of 3. D. Lesler ami invited. b1m to. accept the pos:l.~n of City Manqsr of the City of LaGrange; asul WHEllEAS. Mr. Legler cons1c1el's tJl1s an opportunity and challenge ali<l a position of longevity where hisfam11y and relatives reside; an4 .' WHUEAS. his w~ ~nd reservec1atti.tude has sa1ued him many biends cluriDa his ahort: tenure nth the city. NOW. 'lBEREFORE. DB IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION. 011' 'mE crn OF DS'!' UNlVDSITY PLACE. TEXAS & Section 1. The CityCommuslon hereby commends Mr. 3. D. Legler for his attihde. dedication' and fulfillment of the responsibilities asa:f.gnedto h:lm alS city engineer. Section 2. That the City Cemrd.1S.a10a. City lfanag.~ and city eIllPloy..- wish . h:lm a 8uccessful fu~r. asul will be following his career nth noteworthy interest. SGction 3. That t:h:1.8 Resolution 'be spreed upon the offic:Lal tdnut.. of the C1.ty COJllIIlissioa and that a true ~ correct copy 'be 81pecl 'by the Mayall', each raemher of the. City COPIIDisa1.on aud the City Manager and that a copy 'be given to Hr. J. D. Lesler anel a copy fo:r:ward.ecl 1;0 the Mayor and City Connello! the City of LaGS'ange, Texas. p- - - ~~.'..... da........ -4~. ".1. .. . #-f WW~~ . aul W. Wallin. Jr:.. Mayor' . 1976. Whitt l' . Johnson, City MaMler ~.-r:__ - ..i=.:::l. - _'E""" '-::--~____l H__.' ~__ L:lL.LI::----- RESOLUTION 16-14 WHEREAS, MIr.. Leo Bodden L\la6 appoht:ted a6 a membell. 06 the. cUty'" Ele.etJt.i.aal BoMd d.wr,{ng :the tJeaIl 1952; and WHEREAS, . MIt. Bodden ha.\ "Mved .in.:th.lA capa.c,(;ty c.on;UnuoU6l.y, having been ILea.ppoht:ted by eac.h .6uc.c.eu.ive ~:tJr.a..tion.i and WHEREAS, MIr.. Bodden ha4 att~ed mee.tiny.6 ILegulaldy, and hall IWn,.. tlr.iblLte.d muc,h. .to the. en601tc.eme.n.t 06 the. Uec..tAleat Code. tlvtough hiA .te.c)ttu.c.al. . knowtedge .in the. elec:tlUc.at 6.ieM; and WHEREAS, AfIt. Bodden ha.t. been .in6.tJwmen.tal .in enc.oUll4g.ing .the pelU.ocU.e amendment 06 .the cUty'" Ue.etJUea1. Code; and - WHEREAS, MIL. Bodden ha.t. enc.oWlAged 4i.g.id e.n60lteement 06 exam..U1a!'" :Ut:1n and Ueen6.ing 06 elec:tJt.l.eian6 .in .the. 6.ield 06 ~.te/l., JOuMe.yman, and Appll.en;tl.ee.; and WHEREAS. MIt. Bodden ha6 Ite:el.lted a6 an employe.e 06 ..th.f!. Texac.o Company and hall clto.6en to move h-U Itul.dinc.e to Lubboc.k, Te.xa6; and WHEREAS, MIt. Bodden h/16 066.iel.a.Uy :tend.eJr.e.d h.i4 lte4-l.gna:tlon /16 a membell. 06 the Ete.Wl1.aat. Bow: NOfIJ, THEREfORE, BE IT RESOLVEV BY THE CITY COMMISSION Of THE CITY OF WEST UUIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Sec;t.{.on 1. That. the. Ci.:ty COmm.U.,f,.ion, :t.hItough:tki6 Ruol.u.:t:i.on, duiJr.et. to up1l.U.6 U6 app1l.el!1.a.tlon .to MIt. Bodden and hh 6amily 601l. h-U decU.c.a:te.d .6eJtv.iee. :to .tki6 ei:ty 601l. 24 tJeaIl.4 /16 a membell. 06 the. EteetTUc.at Bow 06 the. Ci.:ty 06 Wut Un,iVelt6.t:ty Pta.c.e. Se&:.ion 2. That. the. Ci.:ty Cof7l11ll.6".lon aho wb.hu .to expll.e.64 the. app1l.eci.J:Lti.on 06 the e.l.tl.Zen6 06 ;tkU eUg <<nd the. many 61tle.nd4 0' MIt. Bodden 601l. h..l.4 tong and de.d.i~ed :tenulte. /16 a memhell. 06 the. at!!'" El.eetlWzat BoaJuL. Section 3. That..tki6 Ruolution be .6.lgned by each me.mbell. 06 :the Ci.:ty Comml6".lon and the MayOIl., and. be.6pJteacl upon :the m.Uw.te.6 06 the. CU,y'. / Cornrnl64.lon, and :th4::t the. Mayoll. be, and he. i6 heJteby, tUdhoitlzed to deuvM .to .the !Iud Leo 'Bodden, a:tlw.e IWptJ heJl.eD6. FASSEV MlV APPROVEV:tki6 12th do.y 06 JuLy, 1976. ~lelfihj u.6 .s ~ ATTEST : ~~~ M.6l6.tant. . . . . r'_O~~~C---JC=:J -"'--r'.~.CC'C'-'~-.~'jJ[I. . __,.,.lLl.[ ----- RfSOLUT10N 16-15 O1HERfAS, ~ c. Ct:lwaIr.d6 nl, bOlUt, Glteenvute., TWU, ~a~'t45 btWt. lIiOuhIg to 1J4y;t;own, Texa6 with lU4 ~, whelte. he. lle4uv(td h4 dt.. ~ 4WllUgh J.ahcl1,! ~nJ and, ~1$AS, 4&Wt Jr.ooeLv.ing.kio 'o~ ~n, he. ...e i;Q e.n:tAit.t.hf..,.. ~Ml &taU a.6 (t .acJwo,f, t~, and lAbJJL .6VLved.in the unU-ect~:;; Ncvg dwdng :the fJelrhd 1968..1912, PeJt&o/UlLi.ngpM4onna a.dminJ,.6tJta;CJ.v-4dWt:.. ....' '.{.e6J aM . (J}HiRiAS, Van ~, <<.~ 4e4..wins hJ,.4 hq~ ~ge ~.tJhe Un,{.Ud st.Ue6 Navy, A-QUBht ~gment.(.n ptl.vaU ~:tItfI; and WHrRW, he ~ clt-.a44n a.6 A.6..u~ C.l.*.I ~ OMm a. 4fleet g4p. On ~, and. *6' emptDfJed bl.61.6 pti4Uli1it Sep~ 11, 1912; _ ..' l##tliliAS, f1t.tK ~ ha4 <<.ci4ep4d ~~ve J(.f.4p(m"~q .'... hr. ate ~ oj Jtht. CUtI D6wu.t U,u.v~iUy F.t4ee. - ha4 pelt6~" hJA dutJ.u J.n AA. ex~ I'It<<MW ,and . WUiREAS, U<<It~, .thMugh, h4 MWUlt.and ,1tA;~ ~~'_~' , goed 4UUt. 06 ~4, gahted the eDn&.I4e.M. '.e. tDld. .dMt.nd4h4 fi c..U.tI fIJI'/PI.f~.- and ~an.t4 en the c,Uy, wh.WI. ~!lte6 .tltJ.U t.end b1 m<<ke ",..tlt~... . <<ag m0146 qe~e oDlt. hbn, and '" WHEREAS, on JUly 1, 1916, Vttn,l!~ ~ned a.6 A6.6.t6~ CUrI-'" 4getl., i!I) pWU.ue a. 4IVl.eM hr. the M.v~~ ,~1AU..tk <<. le~ ncw6~. NOfIJ, THiREFORlii, Bil JT RfISOLVEP SY TiIi CITYCQMMISSJON OF 1Hi e~1)t ~ . wm UNIVERSITY FlA€fZ, Tlt.f(AS: 3~n 1: Tkat.:the. cttrI Co~,lon ltf.M.bye.ommwU O~ c. .' ~ tII to aU 06 .the ~. 0' iihe. cL:tJfo' w~ UtW.Y~ p.((tee, - Kf1 hJ.4 JfI<<nY 44Wuf.6 ,6s1t It.U 1wne4.t and detl~.ww.Lu. Kf1 the' 4UtI 401t the ~e. Ytlllr.6 <<Wi eJ.gkt _,.. he 4t.IW.ed tU Al6l6.fant. euy M4Mge.t~ . Se<<.ton 2f Th,a.t tbe eue ~.,lon.,f,Q~. a.rul huU~4, , ~'fA peMoMt. AA~1t .., Van 61t1t h.(.6, unuL6l6h d.tlJO~n. .t# the.: ' eJ.ty; and 'DIt .tk. ~'uL ~ J.n dJAb. Ita ptl4ogNi1f4 ~ 464-tgtWt /:It hbn, and 11 J..tnu14e.ltopt.11t1t <<. AW!4-W4ut ~ hi M4 4~."U~,,' seeti9n $: That. the eMr 4c7~n ~ be6.t ~ke6 J>> O<<n!. m,e Syt.v.l4., and itA. 601l~ f!AtUg, eQ/f.i1heb. ~ h4pph&w, aM _~e. 3$\otum 4: TIuIit.tM6 R~~n he. ~~ hg .~ .-eIL q'. ~.~ CO~.{q1l tittd,.the CU;y "lV4, <<lid 4~ .. tht.,~ " the C;f:.tg COIlllM.4W1n, and.th4:t:th& Af4gtJ4-6e. _ he 4' helte6v~etl b tleUtlfA tq the ~<Wl, 04Met ~, it tAue etiPfJ 1WWr6. PASSIW AND APPROVrD,thlA. tUb, t/JJ.y 0' J~, 1916. t~ Uf. . ~, Jft.., tlayO/f. MM!{AAn ~9; Ma.gf1/t. FM"TUt '1'Lt.Up A.'wm~ CD~.to1U!1t. R<<6UOF. ~, J4.,-c~iW4 J. t. tlu)"'Jl6on~ C,,~aiWL O1hJ.U ,. . ]OlUlAetft., c.tJt:'f ~eIL RESOLUTION NUMBER 76-16 WHEREAS, ~r. Joseph. Schultea, Jr. ,employed as Police Dispatcher and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of theC~ty of West'University Place, ,Texas, has resigned his employment with the city; and WHEREAS, ~r. ~aurice Anderson, employed as Police Dispatcher and appointed Deputy Clerk of the ~unidpal Cour.t of the City of West University Place, Texas, has beenre-assigned his duties with the city; and WHEREAS, Mr. ChrisE. Dempsey and Mr. Ray ~ilton Crowell have been employed as Police Dispatchers, and are qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerk of the ~unicipa1 Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section!. That~r. Chris E.Dempsey and ~r. Ray Milton Crowell be, and they are hereby, appointed Deputy Clerks of the ~unicipal Court of the City of West University Place, ,Texas. Section 2. That the appointment of Mr. Chris,E. Dempsey and Mr. Ray Milton Crowell as Deputy Clerks of the ~unicipa1 COUrt of .the City of West Uni- versity Place, ,Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that.theysha1l assume the as~igned duties of Deputy Clerk after having bee administered.the proper Oathi>f Office. PASSED AND APPROVED this' 12.: A day of4 4 Coimnissioners Voting Aye: ~ Commissioners Voting No: ~ Q"JJJ) IllaDJLf ~ayor, , 1976. ATTEST: '~~'~(lj~~ Assistant City Secretary ----------------- _:=I r.~ --=-=---J-~'1 _~~____..~...1..A....r: RiSOLUTI0N 16-17 Cl1fflOOU\S, Chaltl.e6 (lI. Cowan, 4n.(elt 4ee.uV.4ng h4 doJUnat edue.a:tJ.qn .In :the. 6.teld 00 P~ a.nd R~()n, aho.6e. t:o ~ .the ~ 6J.etd od e.mp4ogmeni; M It V1ltt4t:0Jt 00 Rt.tVL~nJ a.nd f1JHf'REAS, he. WlU cho.6f.n. tU V,(Jr.t4t:0Jt 06 RWLea-tWn 'DIL the. CU:y 06 Wt6.t. unJ.Ve/C.6.(;tg Pia.c.e. 4Mm a. .6~ ,gM&JlII fJ4 4ppU.ea.n;t6, and fAI46 e.mp/J)yed.(.n . ~ pOJ,,i.;tlon en May 14, "14; and . WHERW, .thJr.ough h.lA eneA8U4.~.t.ln a.nd P'Wdeu.l.onal ~.. wn t:o the prwgMm, .u: g!l.tJA1, and.the. ~pa:t(.Qn *' be.f(Qrui f)qJ~nJ a.nd WHfRBAS, Ch4.ttu COilWl s<<-lMd lllUQ#L 61f4nd4h..tp I:Msflfh h.lA ~ and coepclt.4:tl.ve a.t.:tUw1e a.nd .tnteILut hi. .tAt. plWBJUUll; and WHEREAS, on. JulJ.I U, 1f16, C~ Cfl.\Wt Itti4_ A6 'P~ 04 Rea4~n 00 .tkt. et.t.y DO fl1@.t flnbJeJf.6Ug ~, . to tJIteIt. the. UniveM-Uy 06 l~ t:o pulf.4u.e hJ..6 MtUtM t.. desJt.e.e. ht the. 64U 06 'Mb tlJUt Re.e..w.t- ;t;.i.o n. ' NOW, THEREFORE, 8E IT RiSOLVW S-Y THEClrv eot.fMJSSrON OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVrmBITY PL.ACf, T!JCAS; Se.a.tlon. 1. TW.the CUIttI Co~n Iwtebg e.ommend6 Cba.tte4 ~ tJJ aa ~, :the ~en.6 00 .tAe c.Ltg d fl./44$ u~v~ Plue, _ to 1i,U. many ~, 'DIl. h-.l.4 deiUeP.ted .6flW1.4e to .the. City ',Il. the. pUt _ gfIVU IU "U/t~Jt. ots .(;ta. RWL~n PMS'f.aIn. . , S~n 2. ThtLt.the et.tg C0ll/!lU.64~ dou heJteby expI(.eiJ4 appltlfila...; tJ.on to ChaIt.le6 COIlItUt 004 h46 @UIIIptUhmUf.1t6 .tn, ~ a. ~..:(lhrie. aM voluntetIL plWgIWIJ, hutt1 << F1WgJl4/7lll.liWgn.Laed and apJilft~ Off U6 ..many ~, bo.th ffewth and aJtd.:t. Sec.:t;(.gn 3. Tha..t the CU:y Comml.64.l.on heJr.ebV Up.\f46t6 .u. &e6,t fAIl6ht6 oalt the. 4U4G.U4-0u.t @~n 06 1ti..6. ~ntd. ad~ent. SU;tl.an. 4. ~.th4 R"'~n be ~ bJl f,44h. ~M, 06 :the elJtJf .' ColllllJ.U4.l.on awl, the eu,y ~etL, _be 4p1itJidfgiOn the ~ 01 .the, c.t.ty Co~n, tutd:that:t:ht. Ma.v(11{. ee., <<ml he..u ht1Lebg ~, .to de..UNe1t tJJ .uJ.dC~f4 CCHItin. ._e ~pg ktItetIt. '. J?A$SfO AHf) Amovev THrS ~P- da.g 04 ~~ ' 1916. ~.~-Q . . ." ~ ' , . . , )to'*- ..'.. f . Rri&Ul f. ~, A., C~rt~ ~ .~~ ~r~~~~~~~.-' r- !~.- ] I'.r RESOLUTION NUMBER 76-19 WHEREAS, heretofore the City of West University Place has requested the Commissioners' Court of Harris County, Texas to make available to the city funds out of a grant from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and WHEREAS, the city has been notified that the County is now ready to enter a formal agreement whereby funds in the maxili1um amount of $90,555.60 can be made available to 'the city; and WHEREAS, the city desires to obtain such funds for the development of Phase I of the Independence Park project, including hike and bike trails, landscaping and lighting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMt4ISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the city deems it advantageous and advisable to enter into an agreement with Harris County, Texas to obtain funds for the de- velopment of Phase I of Independence Park in the city. Section 2. That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to enter into an Inter-local Agreement between Harris County and the City of West Univer sity Place, Texas, which said Agreement is hereby ryferred to and made a part hereof for all purposes as though fully set out herein. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect and be in force im- mediately from and after its passage and approval as required by law. PASSED.AND APPROVED this day of , 1976 Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: Mayor Pro- Tem AITEST: Assistant City Secretary 10~;ZaI ~ 7 ~~ ~tfT~ I Cf '/G. ;:2C; "-~r~'o'"", r --'lii"-'l ii.II------------~--------- /' RESOLUTION NUMBER 76-20 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING A MINIMUM FINE IN AN AMOUNT THOUGHT TO BE JUST AND REASONABLE FOR TRAFFIC VIOLATION IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, IN ORDER THAT PERSONS DESIRING TO PLEAD GUILTY TO THE VIOLATION CHARGED MAY KNOW THE AMOUNT OF THE FINE THAT WILL BE ASSESSED WITHOUT APPEARING BEFORE THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF SAID CITY; COLLECTING AND REMITTING THE AMOUNT OF' $2.50 IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE STATUTES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS. an investigation has been made as to the fines now being assessed by the City of West University Place and various other municipalities located in Harris County, Texas, for violation of the traffic laws; and WHEREAS. it is deemed advisable by the City Commission to bring the schedule of fines in the City of West University Place more closely in accord with the fines being assessed by neighboring municipalities; and WHEREAS, the City Commission wishes to recommend, and establish a mllll.mum fine for various traffic violations in an amount thought to be just and reasonable for the convenience of those persons desiring to plead guilty to the violation charged without personally appearing before 'the Municipal Court of th City of West University Place. ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: " , Section 1. That from and after the effective date hereof, the Clerk of the Municipal Court of West University Place, Texas is authorized to accept as full payment the amounts shown below for each of the listed offenses where the person desires to plead guilty as charged and the offense charged is the first offense. ' SCHEDULE OF 'MTNTMIJMFTNRS'';' '~TIlS1'()j:;j:;j:;N<:::j:; Speeding - School zone - first 10 miles over limit....................$ Speeding - for first 10 miles over legal speed limit.....~............ ($3 per mile in excess of 10 m.i1es over legal limit) Running red light or flashing red light............................... Running "stop" sign............... .'.. . .. . . . .'. . . . . . . . ... .. . .. . . . . . .. . .. Illegal turns .. ...... .. ... .... ... .................. .................... Driving on wrong side of street....................................... Driving wrong way on One-Way street................................... Failure to Yield Right-of-Way......................................... Cutting Funeral Procession............................................ Running over fire hose................................................ Illegal parking other than Fire Zone.................................. Blocking fire plug or parking in Fire Zone............................ Blocking pedestrian lane.............................................. Defective brakes...................................................... Defective lights...................................................... No muffler,' defective or illegal muffler..;........................... No operator's license.................................................. No State inspection sticker........................................... No vehicle license, or illegal license................................ Pedestrian crossing between intersections or walking against red light Operating truck where prohibited........;....................;........ Failure to appear for trial........................................... Parking on wrong side of street....................................... Negligent cOllision................................................... Dog 'at large or no license........;................................... 32.50 25.00 25.00 25.00 12.50 17.50 7.50 27.50 12.50 27.50 7.50 17.50 7.50 27.50 7.50 22.50 52.50 12.50 12.50 7.50 7.50 27.50 17.50 35.00 10.00 Section 2. The amount of $2.50 has been included in the amount of the above .noted fines where required by State Statutes that SUM' fine be levied:and.:: remitted to the Comptroller of Public Accounts. ( __.___________.~__._c -2- Section 3. That when a person charged with a traffic violation appears before the Municipal Court of West University Place either to enter a plea of guilty or not guilty, if the Court finds such person to be guilty, a \fine shall be assessed.as the Court shall determine and in accordance with the ~pplicable statute and/or ordinance. Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect and be in force im- mediately from and after its passage and approval as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this ,:2 .C:;-I.. day of (Q ~ , 1976. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~~) Commissioners Voting No: ~~ ATTEST: r 11+(j ~ / B ~i1 ;. Mayor ro-Tem . .~!/..~~ ASS2sant Clty ecretary ~'_._~~'-'-'--~--e'..-'~'-~--~~_.~-:::1-"--'.-'-'-r- J..:L::_.-L_ __~~_.l~- RESOLUTION NUMBER 76-21 WHEREAS, heretofore the City of West University Place has requested the Commissioners' Court of Harris County, Texas to make available to the city funds out of a grant from theU.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and WHEREAS, the city has been notified that the County is now ready to enter a formal agreement whereby funds in the maximum amount of $90,555.60 can be made available to the city; and WHEREAS, the city desires to obtain such funds for the development of Phase I of the Independence Park project, including hike and bike trails, landscaping and lighting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the city deems it advantageous and advisable to enter into an agreement with. Harris County, Texas to obtain funds for the de- velopment of Phase I of Independence Park in the city. Section 2. That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to enter into an Inter-local Agreement between Harris County and the City of West Univer sity Place, Texas, which said Agreement is hereby referred to and made a part hereof for all purposes as though fully set out herein. Section'3. This Resolution shall take effect and be in force im- mediately from and after its passage and approval as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this' .g-a day of 7I..~ 1976. Commissioners Voting Aye: at fLl 1)01i..f2..J Commissioners Voting No: @tudw~uJtdL b Mayor. << ATTEST: .-.--ikj.~Oeb~ Assistant City Secretary --- C~- .. _:....--:~_._.--.____r-._._. .. . u:_l___ __.lLLI RESOLUTION NUMBER 76-22 WHEREAS, heretofore the City of West University Place, through its Council on Aging, has cooperated with Harris County in the operation of a nutrition project; and WHEREAS, Harris County has now presented to .the city a formal agree- ment covering the rights, duties and operation of the parties. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section'1. That the City Commission deems it advantageous and advisable to enter into an agreement with Harris County in connection with a nutrition project award under Title VI of the Older American Act. Section 2. That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to enter into the aforesaid agreement between Harris County and the City of West Uni- versity Place, Texas, .which said agreement is hereby referred to and made a part hereof for all purposes as though fully set out herein. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect and be in force im- mediately from and after its passage and approval as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this' ~:2.~ day of~ , 1976. ATTEST: Commissioners Voting Aye: ad ./ Commissioners Voting No:~~ Q..Q~~dL~ r~~i-~--'--.-~r-- r' lH"-"l I ,;if .... RESOLUTION NUMBER 76-23 WHEREAS, Mr. C.E. Dempsey, employed as Police Dispatcher and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, haS resigned his employment with the city; and WHEREAS, Mr. Ray Crowell, employed as Police Dispatcher and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has resigned his employment with the city; and WHEREAS, Ms. Marion Louise Decker and "fr. Michael Howard Leonard have been employed as Police Dispatchers, and are qualified to assume the dutie of Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Cou:rt. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMM~SSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, .TEXAS: Section 1. That Ms. Marion Louise Decker and Mr. Michael Howard Leonard be, and they are hereby, appointed Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section. 2: That the appointment of Ms. Marion Louise Decker and'Mr. Michael Howard Leonard as Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that they shall assume the as~igned duties. of Deputy Clerk after having been administered the proper Oath of Office. PASSED AND APPROVED this (-.& :.J::t., day of -.t::J IJ .A ILMtL A ~.J ) , 1976. Commissioners Voting Aye: n,O. ")'\~ Commissioners Voting No: @,;QJ>>(1J~ It; ATTEST: ~~.~~ Asslstant City Secretary I ;1 --~-r~~--===r=~~~~"-'~~-"lil I i:I"llr- RESOLUTION NUMBER 76-24 WHEREAS, on November 9, 1976, a diesel powered 1976 Ford truck mounted with a packer body, and used in the Sanitation Department, was in route to the sanitary landfill, 9610 Ruffino Road; and WHEREAS, the truck slid into a ditch on the service road inside the landfill site on city property; and WHEREAS, considerable damage was caused to the engine, truck frame and body; and WHEREAS, it was necessary that the truck and packer body be repaired and restored for service, the City Manager authorized the Superintendent of the Sanitation Department to have the truck towed to South Loop Ford, Int., Loop 610 and Almeda, for repairs; and WHEREAS, it was considered desirable to have the South Loop Truck, Inc. to make the repairs as said firm sold the truck to the city, and since the truck is still under warranty, a certified Ford dealer should make the necessary repairs in case of failure of warranty parts in the future; and WHEREAS, South Loop Ford, Inc. has estimated it will require $2,500 for placing the truck in operable condition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That the action taken by the City Manager to authorize repairs of the truck and body by South Loop Ford, Inc. in the estimated amount of $2,500 be ratified and confirmed. PASSED AND APPROVED thiS 1,3,,;c;z, day Of~ /.#~ J, 1976. Commissioners Voting Aye: .G...t.1.J Commissioners Voting No: ~ . QJ.Q{lluJ/LM-~,,/), Mayor. ~ ATTEST: ..'~OJ.'~ ASS1St t City Secreta:ry __.-M_____._____C_~_____ -- ~-----l'-~~"c_:===_:':':--~=_-":"~':-~''':''=:'-:_''-:=='::.:~--.------.~'- .------r-=--c--,-,--,-_~-";c_7""7C---C"""'~ -- ~"'1_ _l_.ll...A...l: $-- -t i/j:; RESOLUTION NUMBER 76-25 WHEREAS, an election was held on February 10, 1976, which authorized the issuance of General Obligation Bonds of the City of West University Place in the amount of $1,700,000.00; and and WHEREAS, a sale of said bonds was made by the city on April 8, 1976; WHEREAS, thereafter said bonds were printed and delivered to the re- spective purchasers thereof; and WHEREAS, the city has been advised by Rotan, MosIe, Inc. that Bond Nos. 153, 154 and 155, with coupon No.1 dated_October 1, 1976, and all sub- sequent coupons attached to such bonds, have been lost; and WHEREAS, Rotan, MosIe, Inc. has requested that new bonds be issued to replace such lost bonds and has tendered to the city a properly executed indem- nity bond in the amount of $20,280.00; and WI:IEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas is willing to replace the lost bonds. NOW ~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ,TEXAS: .. Section 1. That Hart Graphics & Office Centers, Inc. of , Austin, Texas is directed and authorized to print replacement bonds bearing the follow- ing legend "R153, R154 and Rl55, City of West Uniyersity Place, Texas, General Obligation BClnd, Series 1976" and such bonds with coupons attached shall be in the form as the original bonds which they are. replacing. Upon the printing of such bonds they shall be delivered to the Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas for approyal and signing. Section 2. That such replacement bonds shall be of like tenure and effect as the bonds which they are issued to replace, except that such replace- ment bonds shall be dated April 2, 1976, and shall be signed manually by the Mayor holding office at the time of the issuance of the replacement bonds. Section 3. Such replacement bonds shall be submitted to the Attorney General for his approval and thereafter submitted to the Comptroller of Public Accounts for registration. Section 4. That the paying agent, First City National Bank of Houston Texas, is hereby authorized and directed to pay said:replacement bonds R153, R154 and R155 upon maturity and presentation for payment. Section 5. That all expenses of the issuance of said replacement bond shall be borne completely by the owner of said bondS. PASSED AND APPROVED thiS J;. 7;e;.t day of ;<~~ ' 1976. Commissioners Voting Aye: Q..l../L) Commissioners Voting No: ])~ ATTEST: ~...".' \.. if Mayor. ~..~dadJ ASsi taht City Secretary ~^:.'.'C - '.:.. ~~c-:T"'C~' .Fe'" . a.:~.~ ___~..~I_i1.LA.L: