HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.75 RESOLUTION NIJMBER 75~1 t4HE-REAS" in ord~l" to b~st $.r.~~ the c,iti~enry" Municipal Government must beop~ateli:wtth e:fftciencw l;IlJd in an; of''r1, fasbion; and" NfiEW\S~t~e'~ff'e1~n,ey a~ ,order with wM'C:h. aov~rfllltent C'a"r1~ _out, 1 ts puJ>l i4 1unO:t1<m$, e~ul~ not, e>>ist .wlt~out t"ecord9; a~dp'1"oQe<luNlS;, am . . . ,-, . " . :. -. ,"' .' .: . : , . . . ,. . - . '; " .,' '.' . '. . ~ ". ' ..' " WHe:ltiAJ~th~ Kee$l~~ ' ~f.the, reee~ are those ~ wo~ ~ th tfle$e ... ..' '. , ... '.., . . '..., '.\. 'I. ",.. pro~edv:reseach day,tne Munii,pal Cl_rk;S Gfout' chies~ towns~:n.d vin~~l. . . . . . ..' , ' :".' .' .' ". .: '. ' .' : . '. ',.:; '. :. ; . . , :. ~: . . . ," . - - .:: '. ~: . .' : WHBReAS,.1hey,stt"tve eQIlI"n:tl.v. to-1mptoY:e the adlntnl$tr-atlQtI~r,:, ."' ' . .... : '. . , '....'. ~ .". .: .:: . _ ,.....: '. . . 1 .: i": ':',' .'::.... ' . '.:: , . .,': ' : : . ' , .:'." .: '. , .a1falrs, of tt1. of1tc&@Jl$~ite8t, w1"" eppUcabl. t.aw$.' a~throu.h iOuml.t$~ lJI~t: p~,ctt.ee~ tG'prodU~c~n~:~Std ~J'ttmi'ahd' ~o f~lf111th~1r' resp~"~(li~ .' ! <' . .' ":, .' .' . . '". . , ties,~, .It, ~"it1. '. . . N9,W,p TH~if!'~RE. BE 11' Rl!$Ot.VED BY THE tIn .COMMISSION Of TttECtrlQF' " . WEST ,UNIYRsm P.t.AelE~ "tEXAS~ ' ..' ... ;.< ..."..:,':. . " . ",' .:..,:' THAT w,:. u~r and CiV.CODlllblioners of the City ofWe.st,~ftf.f~, sity P'~ee" TeJ(~~.~y'~pel'.~,$..~tor,JOfm,l~ ~nd.~.'senl~:~~t~ Betlt&e.n and toeOJ\~siJtanSi~ lAl'Gtli~r '~. ~.1st. US in _re:pi.ng our ~t.- tt~n to' an, ~e1PllCl~r.kS' t~ tni;~ C~o.lidDi$~~i'C~,bY'WOf'kin,'~'ih" S~to~ Ru~set.. L~1n, ~United States seq_Ja~cl CO/l9rt$Sl\lMl' f(~Cai~# ~tler and s.'wbi,toJrtt 'f~ _Hou~e '41: ~p"...~tAt1v~stohav~ the ~~~~t . ~ .,'. . , '. ',. . :. . . . ., '.. '"J . ,. , : _ .,:.. " .' "," , " : '.: . :: .: J' . ,: , ..:. . '.' . ~ ~ .' .- of', ~f}~Utlf:~~tD<~~i~. a~l1fti~~I1~~~tbesecOnd. w.ek,~n ~"",;" Munic"el Cle"~.sw.~in ~.p,f'e$~.of;llfr.", ~eth 1.ybf)lt~ 'tesi.n~:tt., '. ",:- . .'.'. " : . : .' l' ::.", .; . " ,:,',.:,; . ':. . '., ,": ..':.:.;: ~ . ",':;,'. ;, l..::~" ", Intel-Mitten.' tn6tftute- of ,Miflli,tpalm..rtcs end it. at! Mi..pveAue, {pterna..:' :' :".': -.: , -; : , . ; :.:'. . " ":'.' ;:. ;:, ~ . : , ' : . ; . . '. :: ~ .':. . .., .' ; '.' ." ': " ~ ..' " ! ... :. . r ;. . : .' :' : '.; ~. .. '. '. t10nal Cha1J:!!1!Jn " flJl$ MuJl'l:e.t-p.,-c1~~s, Week Qmmlfttee.- _Ill ~i#_tM.~. "",,of ~ .' tm; .' ,~W~;~~ ~".... ,.*' ~ ' ". '., '~u'oner" A~ ~~.~.-....~.~ - -, --- - - ~~I-~~~-i~' - ->' --ill 1............ ,__ 1i..JIJl.Il. RESOLUTION NUMBER 75-2 WHEREAS, Mrs. JuanitaMiller~ E3IIlj>loyed as a Cashier and appointed Deputy Clerk of . the' Municipal Court of'. the' City of' West. University Place, has resigned from the employment of the City; and WHEREAS, Mrs~ Dell Grant and Mr. Charles Lang, employed as Police Dispatchers, and appointed Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City . of West University Place, Texas, have resigned their positions with the city; and WHEREAS, Mrs. KathleeiS. Walker has been employed' as a Cashier, arid is qualified to assume the duties of DepUty Clerk of the Mmicipal Court;. and WHEREAS, Mr" Edward E. Roberts and Mr. Maurice P. Anderson have been employed as Pblice' Dispatchers, and are. qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court. NOW, 1HEREFORE, BE. IT RESOLVED BY. TIffi. CITY COMMISSION OF TIffi CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Mrs. KathleeiS. Walker~ Mr. Edward E. Roberts and Mr. Maurice' P. Anderson' be ~ and they are. hereby~ appointed Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. That the appointment of Mrs. Kathleen S. Walker~ Mr. Edward E. Roberts'. and Mr. Maurice P. Anderson, as Deputy Clerks of the':Muni- cipal Court of the City. of West University Place,' TeXas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that they shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy. Clerk after having been administered the proper Oath of Office. ' PASSED AND APPROVED this/3a day Of~ . . COJinnissionersVoting Aye:' , 1975. (lLU Coimirl.ssioners Voting No: <J7 ~ ~!,:~ilvJ~ ATTEST: ' AsSis~ty~-. -----~~-..-~-r~o.-~~~~~-----~-~~-..."'."-- - - ~"f'""'1 f; 1 1;11' .;( ----------"------- RESOLUTION NUMBER 75-3 WHEREAS, on jl.ugust12, 1974, the City Commissi<m passed and approved Resolution Number 74-13, employing Layne-Texas Company to restore and repair water well .#5, in accordance with their proposal outlined to the City Commission and WHEREAS, the Layne- T~xas Company has submitted for payment its final statement for repairs to water well #5, in the amount of $5,047.99; and WHEREAS, it has. been determined that all repairs have been made as contemplated and that Layne-Te~as Company is entitled to be paid in accordance with its statement; and WHEREAS, it has been necessary to amend Resolution Number 74..,13 to appropriate an additional $43,OOO,for the reasons as specified in Resolution Number 74-18, and it is now necessary to appropriate the additional sum of $5,047.99, to pay the final statement as submitted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Resolution Number 74..,]3, as amended by Resolution Number .74-18, be further amended to appropriate an additional $5,047.99, from the Water Fund, as the amount necessary to pay the final statement of Layne- Texas Company for all repairs to city water well #5. PASSED AND APPROVED this lorL day of c9::...-f. ~~~~ ' 1975. Commissioners Voting Aye: .~ ~ J, Commissioners Voting No: 1\.- L.J ~~~o.W~&L,.~ Mayor ATTEST ~ .;fk.lJ04.L Ass; s ant Ci1;y Sncrn..ry -~'---~ , , '.'''''-1 IIII~.;I.------ RaOt.U1'ltI _ 71-4 \IlIUM. he-reWo,. tile Ct" .f lest Ufttverstty "aGe obtafae4 rttkt-ot....1 en... al_ u4 ... Wul.,. ....t. .. _. "reaf. ftlrris ~ lUll. at ftl .... ..... fllP"YJd such rt_~." ...... ... .-tlt MIl ...., a. _. Ham. touAtr .. .. st. of .... vat...f" ,.... ,... ..,. .va" D... ...... ...at" " .... ..,... And ....., the ct., CctllIadu..It.'" Ct., of... Ua,....., '1.-. IIU lieu adristd _, 1ts1.,. ...... Ill, .... .,.. fNa tbelful1, __ Roact ..... and . . tIftIIIIAS. ."." ftfut bI, .... . ... ~.re _ ,.rtB:SJf CH___ i..., . Loop MG. stet'- l$tIk..... Well.,. ,...._. HJlt. teo ct. .... at..... P"....". .._. ...,....... UtI ~_41_ imIUA$. tUN fs ... tMreued _t of ""-Me'" 10 ... all$"'" ... .f IfteitwayPllai ... ..-.u. tbe veldcul&1' vafftc ..tn. Vlsl.,. ftrut Is _...an,. waffle: ... Is........ ..... fit tl\e ft.., .f wet_ IIM....tlY Plact. .. _. m_. 81 IT ..... ., ... cnr .._. OF TIll ClTf OF EST UffBlllm 'UCE. tuASl .. Slot.. 1. ........ ct., Ccalufu 41st... ... ........ tta, .. c.at........ .... of iiams -'tr. "-*.. take........ ts ....." .. ...... tIe.,.. ...... .. .. ....... ......, ... Lag .. .. ~ .... u. t. as a part. of .... ..._ .... .....- __fa I.. 1ItQ a .., 0' ... ....,... s.... ., .. ~ .. ....,. of ... Ct. ce.t.... it ......4Id .. .. ........... 6euPt of ........ ....,. 'au. .. ..-. .. ...,. .. ...... NSSIf) .. M"va... h-~ ," of ~'~,j ~ ~~ it WI. ~J!tfIi-1 ATTEST. JQ~tt~ '"' " RESOLUTION NUMBER75~5 WHEREAS, the City Commission has been advised by the City Manager that an apparent breakdown has occurred in the piping arrangement of the sanitary sewer lift station located at the intersection of Duke and Vanderbilt Streets; and WHEREAS, the city does not have the facilities, equipment and personnel to make major repairs of this contemplated nature; and WHEREAS, it is imperative that this vital facility of the sanitary sewer system be kept in operation at all times; and WHEREAS, it is impractical to prepare specifications for the purpose of taking bids as the extent of repairs that may be re~ujred is un- known and the cost of needed repairs is an indeterminable amount~ and WHEREAS, Mr.J~G. Childs of,JC Construction Company, 5615 Corl, Houston, Texas770~7. has been recommended as a capable contractor to make such repairs; and WHEREAS, Mr. J.G. Childs has agreed to furnish equipment, tools and labor to make repairs to said sanitary sewer lift plant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, 'TEXAS: ., . Section 1. That for the preservation of the public health and welfare, the repairs of the sanitary sewer lift station at the intersection of Duke and Vanderbilt Streets is deemed to be of an eme,rgency nature. Section 2. That in view of the existing emergency condition, Mr.J.C. Childs of J C Construction Company, be and he is hereby, employed on a force-account basis in accordance with his schedule of charges, to make necessary repairs to the said sanitary sewer lift station. . - Section 3. That the necessary expense for services rendered and equipment furnished by J C Construction Company to repair said sanitary sewer lift station be charged to the unappropriated surplus of the Water-Sewer Operating Fund for the budget year 1975:.. ' Section 4. That the action of the Mayor and City Manager, engag- ing the services and equipment of J C Construction Company ona force-account basis to perform needed repairs to the said sanitary sewer lift station. be and it is hereby confirmed, ratified and approved. PASSED AND APPROVE!) this !o.z:L, day of ~. .4""1..' ~7' 1975.. Commissioners Voting Aye: G..4 /I Commissioners Voting No: -11~ 1/ . ~.ti). W.W~~-~~ Mayor ATTEST ~. ~~a-d/ Assistant City Secretary -----=-'-- ", m-"_'C-~c-_:::JI ----- u_.~L_~ ._~._I._IJr......lI:: ~-----,--.-----~--- -,-- RESOLUTION NUMBER 75~6 WHEREAS. William Dittert. Jr. has submitted his resignation as City Treasurer and Tax Assessor/Collector of the City of West University Place. Texas; and WHEREAS. upon the recommendation of the City Manager. the City Com- mission desires to retain the services of the said William Dittert. Jr. for " reason of his knowledge. ability and conscientiousness of the city's operation and financial records; and WHEREAS. William Dittert. Jr. has agreed to serve as a consultant to assist personnel in the financial operations of the Finance and Tax Departments. and WHEREAS. Mr. Dittert will continue as Treasurer of the City of West University Place Employees Credit Union; and WHEREAS. it is determined advisable to provide an office in the City Hall. separate and apart from the Finance Office, said office to be located on the second floor and shared with the Assistant Building Inspector; and WHEREAS. William Dittert. Jr. has agreed to serve in a limited capacity for a monthly retainer of $110.00 per month as a consultant with per- sonnel of the Finance and Tax Departments. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY ~OMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. The Mayor and City Manager be, and they are hereby author- ized to enter into an .agreement with William Dittert. Jr. employing J'~r. Dittert as consultant with city personnel in the Finance and ,Tax Departments. Section 2. That Mr. Dittert shall be compensated for his services as consultant for each month that he serves as such consultant by the sum of $110.0 Section 3. The:'Mreement shall be effective March 1, 1975 and shall be terminable upon thirty (30) days written notice by the city or William Dittert. Jr. PASSED AND APPROVEO thiS tP.'1J;;t& doy Of~7' 1975. Commi ssioners Voting Aye: .~ Commissioners Voting No: ~ ~~/~~d.. ~ . . Mayor f' A~...,o~ Ass;stanui~~;tary - ~.. .~,~. -------..'-' '-------r~.".--._..~..----.~=r' .--"-.~-----:r---"T--._--.'-:r' L~ ___"_~J....~~"':'J::::lL_ J.ill[I['- RESOLUTION NUMBER 75~~ WHEREAS. it is the obligation of the City Commission. pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted. to appoint members to various Boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted and interviewed numerous qualified citizens to serve on the Parks and Recreation Board of the City of West University Place. Texas; and WHEREAS. certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Parks and Recreation Board. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as mem- bers of the Parks and Recreation Board: Mr. Larry Ail1.et Mrs. Sue Co le Mrs. Mary Lou Farrar Mrs. Peggy Martin Mr. Mike Parks Mr~ Jerry Parish Mr. Joe Williams Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Parks and Recrea- tion Board shall serve without compensation. Section ,3. That the persons hereby appointed to: the Parks and Recrea- tion Board shaH serve until the next regular general.City Election of the City Commission. and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of 7J\o ~.J.....) ,1975. Commi ssi oners Voting Aye: . ~ f . Commissioners Voting No: -Zl,..~' tJ ~~O UJ.lV~~ . ~ayor , ATTEST: , ~a _ ~""'~J~ Assistant City Secretary .--.---- ~ -.--,.- -~---.....--.,.~=",~~."",. RESOLUTION NUMBER 75-8 , WHEREAS. it is the ob1.igation of the City Corrunission. pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted. to appoint members to various Boards; and WHEREAS. the Mayor and members of the City Corrunission have contacted and interviewed numerous qualified citizehs to serve on the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of West University Place. Texas; and WHEREAS. certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the ZOhing Board of Adjustment. NOW. .THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as mem- bers of the Zoni.ng Board of Adjustment: Mr. John Ayres Mr. Frank Billings Mr. Mike Casey . Mr. Bob,R. Johnson Mr. Richard Wilkins Mr. Frank Burge. Alternate Mr. Dan Doughty. Alternate Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall serve until the next regular general City Election of the City Commission. and thereafter until the appointment ahd qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED thi s /4 d. day of )yJn..A __ --<- ~ " 1975. Commissioners Voting Aye: W..l..." Corrunissioners Voting No: ';)?I ~ ~ ~~f'u,~<,,#4 3 Mayor ~ ATTEST: ~,~aJ- -r -,-~--:__._II-'--.- " . - -,.~""".~-~':L....~_ RESOLUTION NUMBER 75-g WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission. pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards; and WHEREAS. the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted and interviewed numerous qualified citizens to serve on the Personnel Board of the City of West University Place. Texas; and, WHEREAS. certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Personnel Board. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as mem- bers of the Personnel Board: Mr. Joe Bracewell Mr. Harry Bristol Mr. H. l. Britton Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Personnel Board shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Personnel Board shall serve until the next regular general City Election of the City Commission. and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their succeSSOrS. PASSED AND APPROVED thist.ILtt day of 7J1~-e..L) . 1975. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~~ COlTlllissioners Voting No: 3J4 JlIlI: II .J' ~Hl.lJ J ltJ JA -) . Mayor ATTEST: ~tC~~ ['-'.. --fU' ,::1 ,[ rr-:-l...........---__ __._______.'"----~: J.liLLIJ[ RESOLUTION NUMBER 75-1D WHEREAS, Mr. Michael Waite, employed as Police Dispatcher and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has resigned his employment with the city; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Rebecca Anz has been employed as Police Dispatcher, and is qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF, THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Mrs. Rebecca Anz be, and she is hereby, appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. That the appointment of Mrs. Rebecca Anz as Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that she shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy Clerk after having been administered the proper Oath of Office. PASSED AND APPROVED this 10 ~ day of .zJ1a.t~....J , 1975. Commissioners Voting Aye: M..J Commissioners Voting No: ~O ../ ~'~4J.WJ2a..J Mayor ATTEST: ~~~ Assistant City Secretary - --["C'~~'~r"'~~~"'"I=m-----T ,,'L- ______-'------"'.'.lL.J'Ii!lll------.------- --~'- RESOLUTION NUMBER 75",.) 1 WHEREAS, Charles E. Duffin was heretofore employed by the City of West University Place, Texas, as Chief of the Fire Department of said city for a period of s.eventeen (7) years; and WHEREAS, Charles E. Duffin's'employment by said city terminated on December 1,1974; and WHEREAS, during the time that said Charles E. Duffin served as Chief of the Fire Department 'of said city his compensation did not include any. amount for length of service; and WHEREAS, said Charles E. Duffin has asserted a claim for additional compensation from said city in the nature of additional sums for le,ngth of service; and WHEREAS, an agreement has been reached between Charles E. Duffin and the City of West University Place, Texas, to compromise.and settle the contro- versyexistirig between them by the payment of the.sum of $1,766.0Q. to said Charles E.D'uffin in full satisfaction of any and all claims by Charles E. Duffin ,against said city. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED .BYTHE CI.TYCOMMISSION .OF THE' CITY OF WEST UN IVERS ITY ~lACE ,TEXAS: . SectiolJ 1., That the Mayor be, and he is hereby<authorized to pay to Charles E.Duffin the sum of $1-,766.00. 'in full satisfaction and settlement of any and a 11 claims by sai d CharI es E. Duffi n .agai nst said city. Section 2. That prior to the payment of said sum of $1,766.00 to said Charles E.Duffin, a properly eXecuted releaseofall.clilims against the ci ty shall beduJyexecuted by, said Charles E. Duffin.and del ivered to the city. Section 3.' That all acts of the Mayor and City Manager in connection with the negotiation and settlement of .thisclaim be, and the'y are hereby, ratified a'nd confirmed. . PASSED AND. APPROVED th is '~ 4 ~. , day of1JtOA-4.A.J 1975. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~,) L. Commissioners Voting NO:..:zJk.Q. .C?~i'() 6.JU,f;O~.~. Mayor I ATTEST: .'.~.~~. Assistant City Secretary r . '-- 'i'~."- .----r.' .'1 I iUlir RESOLUTION NUMBER 75..,12 WHEREAS, a.claim has been asserted by Assistant.Chief of Rolice Harold E. Shipp (former Chief of Police) for additional 'amounts as. part of the compensation due to himdu.ring the time of his employment as Chief of Police and as Assistant Chiefof.Police; and .WHEREAS, said claim is based upon amounts due for le.ngth of service, rank pay, incentive pay and pay increases as follows:' Longevi ty Payments (J973:"197M Ra'nk Pay. (974): Incentive Pay. (974) Difference in Salary of '6% and 7-1/2% (944) $ 1,950.00 300.00 ISO. 00 195.S4 and WHEREAS, the.claimof Assistant Chief of Police Harold E. Shipp for additional payment for length of service is not admitted, but is expressly denied, but the City Comniission of the City of WestUniversity.Place, in an effort to compromise and settlethe.claim being asserted, has agreed to offer to pay the sum of $ 2,625.S4.in.full settlement of all claims 'by Assistant Chief Harold E. Shipp ,against said city. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: .. . Section I. That the Mayor be, and he is hereby~ -authorized to pay to Assistant Chief Haro.1d E. Shipp. the s.um of $2,625.84 in . full settlement of all .claims asserted by said Assistant Chief Harold E. ShipP'arising.out of, or because" of his employment by the city. imJany capacity and specifically for any length of service pay, and/or any other SUmS as provided for in Resolution No. 73':"'IS, passed August 13,1973. Section 2. That prior to the payment of said sum of$2,.625.S4 to said Harold E. Shipp, a properly.executed release of all.clai.ms against the city shall be duly executed by said Harold E. ShipP'and delivered to the city. Section 3.' It is hereby determined that Assistant Chief of Pol ice Harold E. Shipp is entitled to the following pay arrangements, retroactive to January 1,1975, in addition to his r,egula'r salary as' Assistant Chief of Pol ice: Longevity Payment I n'centive Pay Rank Pay Salary Difference - $100.00' per month 15.00 per month 25.00' per month 16.'32 per month These sums shall be paid to Harold E. Shipp monthly until the termina- tion of his services on June I, 1975. These payments do not include accrued sick leave or vacation, which will become due and payable upon his retirement. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~~ day of)n~ , 1975. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ Commissioners Voting No: 7l~<....-/ W6..ILWW~~ Mayor , ATTEST: .~~- Assistant City Secretary r:~ 1"--:..::1" r-~- H , n..," '-Li ~~___ __~._.cL:1LA...I:: RESOLUTION NUMBER 75-13 \J WHEREAS ,Chief. of the. Fire Department Ben Wilcher and Chief of. the Police Department Richard Kesselus have requested that they be. granted additional compensation for .length of service; and . WHEREAS, members of the. Fire Department and Police De- partment of the. City of West University Place, other than the aforesaid heads of such Departments, have been receiving additiona compensation for length of service; and WHEREAS,the. City COInmission has determined that it de- sires to include the Chiefs of the Fire Department and the Police Department among those persons entitled to additional compensation for length of service pay. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the Chief of the Fire Department and the Chief of the Police Department shall be entitled to receive leng.thof service pay, in addition to other compensation, in the amounts and for the periods specified in the Revised Civil Statute of the State of Texas. Section 2. Such length of service payments. shall be ef- fective as of January 1,1975, and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to Chief of the Fire Department Ben Wilcher and Chief of the Police Department Richard Kesselus any monthly sums which have accrued since that date. PASSED AND APPROVED this 24th day of March, 1975. Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: ~/k2 ~y~aflL }1 ~~ s istantcitysecretar;---- - --'~-F -""1___':'.A r- III .~__ _....:....-~._l. il~ ----------- -~"-~.--~.- )' RESOLUTION NUMBER 75-14 WHEREAS, it is the obHgation of the City Commiss ion, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards and Committees; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted and interviewed numerous qual ified citizens to serve on the Insurance Committee of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certa i n persons have i nd i cated a des ire and wi II ingness to serve as members of the Insurance Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UN IVERS I.TY PLACE, TEXAS: Section I. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Insurance Committee: . Mr. Jim Corne I ius, 3117 Georgetown Mr. Wynne Creekmore, 3759 Tangley Mr. Seth Ramey, 3409 Rice Boulevard Mr. Hollis Waldt, 5932 Auden Mr. Frank Wetze I, Jr., 6314 Brompton Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Insurance Com- mittee shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Insurance Committee shall serve unti I the. next regular General City Election of the City Commission, and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of ~ ' 1975. Commissioners Voti,ng Aye: ~ Commissioners Voting No: )I...~ VauQ 0J w~ a Mayor. f( ATTEST: ~&..~ As", ant City "'''''ta'y -'-------FC--::-~7.='C-"T::.=..===~"O'--=-j~----.-~r~--'""'c.~==:='"'c==mo_ ---- 'lJL"~ ____~:_L!lL.1.![- > ~ RESOLUTION NUMBER 75-15 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission, pursuant to the provisions of the City Charter and ordinance heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards, and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted and investigated numerous qualified citizens to serve on the Health 'Board and as Health .Officer of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Health Board. Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Health Board: Dr. Howard Evans,. 6428 Belmont Dr. Temple Williams, 3766 Nottingham Dr. N.C..Windrow~ .6328 Westchester Mr. Frank Stewart, Z9l6 University Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Health Board shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Health Board shall serve for a period of two years from the date of this Resolution, and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED this J.-,9a day of ~ Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ Commissioners Voting No: tr\~ , 1975. @ll .~ (]) lJ)L~ ayor' I ATTEST: &-V. ~~/ Assistant City Secretary RESOLUTION NUMBER 75-15 WHEREAS, heretofore the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, has appointed a Committee known as the Independence Park Com- mittee fqr the purpose of exploring the possibility of using such areas in and along Poor Farm Ditch as a possible park; and. WHEREAS, said Independence Park Committee, after numerous meetings, has recommended as Phase I of the improvements of said park the development of a hike <.md bike trail along the thirty (30) foot wide Virginia Street right-of way from Bellaire Boulevard to University Boulevard;' and WHEREAS, the use of the area for park purposes has been approved by the Zoning and Planning Commission and the Parks and. Recreation Board of the city. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That it is the intention of the City Commission to de- vote to park purposes certain spaces adjacent to and above Poor Farm Ditch extending from Bissonnet to Bellaire Boulevard, such area to be called Inde- pendence Park. Section 2. As evidence of this intent, the City Commission hereby gives its permission for the area designated as Virginia Street right-of-way on the official map of the city to be used for park purposes as desi'gnated in Phase I of a report of the Independence Park Committee at such time as funding is received in such amount for the necessary development of the area and upon approval of the project by the City Commission. Section 3. That it is the desire of the City Commission that other agencies, both 'pdvate and public, be encouraged and requested to make funds available for the completion of Phase I of Independence Park by July 4, 1976, as part of our national bicentennial celebration. Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after its approval as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED thi,!fd day of >>"~ J./ h 1975. Commissioners Voting Aye: ff~, ~ Commissioners Voting No: ~ ~Lu} Lu~W ~ .~ Mayor. {/ ATTEST: XIu.rX~ . Assistant City Secretary ~--_.._------.---~r-_n_..__.- j I-_.~--- !2._~__ ___~L-1...:_Lla.l.Al[ RESOLUTION NUMBER 75-16 WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Harper, Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has been reassigned duties as Assistant City Treasurer; and . WHEREAS, the reassignment of Mr. Robert Harper creates the necessity of appointing another qualified person to serve as Clerk of the Municipal Court; and' WHEREAS, Mr. Richard Putney has been employed by the city and is qualified to assume the duties of Clerk of the Municipal Court; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to appoint other qualified employees to serv as Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT' RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Mr. Robert Harper, Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, be and he is hereby, relieved of the duties of the Clerk of said Court effective with the passage of this Resolution. Section 2. That Mr. Richard Putney, be and he is hereby, appointed as Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, replacing the said Mr. Robert Harper. Section 3. That the following qualified employees be appointed as Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, the said Deputys to assist Mr. Riehard Putney in performing the duties of the Clerk of the Municipal Court, as prescribed by the State Statutes and the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas. Maurice Anderson Rebeeea Anz Christine Crump Iola Pickul Eddie Roberts Kathleen Walker Section 4. The date of appointments of the said Richard Putney as Clerk of the Municipal Court and Maurice Anderson, Rebecca Anz, Christine Crump Iola Pickul, Eddie Roberts and Kathleen Walker as Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, to become effective with . the passage of this Resolution. . PASSED AND APPROVED this lR.u day of 7Yt.~ ' 1975. ~LiJ.Jw~rr Mayor ATTEST: AS~Ci~~ ---~~~.~.--,-. .~ r. tit 1 '" I 1,iI'I11 .--.--. RESOLUTION NUMBER 75-17 WHEREAS, the City Commission considered it advisable to accept pro- posals from banking institutions to serve as depository for city funds; and WHEREAS, on the twelfth day of May, 1975, after proper notice, pro- posals were received 'and referred to an Investment Committee consisting of Mayor Paul W. Wallin, Jr., Commissioner J. B. Thompson and City Manager Whitt Johnson, for study and recommendation; and .' WHEREAS, after reviewing said proposals, the Committee made its re- commendation to the City Commission, that Chemical Bank, ,Fannin Bank, Gulf Coas National Bank, River Oaks Bank and Trust.. West Loop National Bank and Western Bank be designated as depositories for the city's funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: . Section 1. The following banking institutions located in Houston, Texas, are hereby designated to be and serve as official depository for all funds of the city unt'il such bank depository is renamed or reassigned: Chemi- cal Bank, Fannin Bank, Gulf Coast National Bank, River Oaks Bank and Trust, West Loop National Bank and Western Bank. Sectiori2. That the City Treasurer is hereby directed to establish accounts with Fannin Bank and to keep therein the following accounts,to wit: Payroll Fund General Fund Water-Sewer Fund Tax Collector's Fund Cash Bail Bond Fund Health Fund Tax Revenue Sinking Fund Section 3. That the City Treasurer is hereby directed to establish accounts with Chemical Bank and to keep therein the following accounts, to wit: Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvements Fund Insurance Reserve Fund Charter Admendment Reserve Water Fund Charter Amendment Reserve Sewer Fund Revenue Sharing Fund Section 4. That the City Treasurer is hereby directed to establish accounts with University State Bank and to keep therein the following accounts, to wit: Trust Agency Fund Water-Sewer Fund Swimming Pool Fund Water Meter Deposit Fund Section 5. That the City Treasurer is hereby directed to establish accounts with Chemical Bank, Fannin Bank, Gulf Coast National Bank, River Oaks Bank and Trust, West Loop National Bank and . Western Bank, and to deposit there- in such funds, at such times, for investment purposes as he shall be directed by the City Commission. Section 6. That the City Treasurer be authorized to close out Fund E now on deposit with University State Bank which has been an inactive account for more than one (1) year, and that the balance of said account be transferred to the General Fund. Section 7. That the City Treasurer, Assistant City Treasurer, Mayor, Mayor Pro-Tem and City Manager are hereby directed to sign or countersign the necessary signature cards to establish the necessary bank accounts with the said Chemical Bank, Fannin Bank and University State Bank of Houston, Texas. .... -..---.....--.- --..-....r=c..~~~--,..... r~'---r"-""~-"-~-"""-'--" '1 ilUII:tif'" -2- Section 8. The said depositories shall be notified of their designa- tion as official depository of the City. of West University Place, Texas, and shall in accordance with Article 25-59 through 25~66a of Vernon's Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, provide the proper securities for the purpose of secur- ing said city funds in an amount equal to the amount of said city funds on de- posit in said depository bank or banks. Section 9. All Resolutions relating to the deposit of funds or designation of banks to serve as depositories in conflict with this Resolution are.hereby repealed. PASSED AND APPROVED this qz::tl day of 4fJ~ . ~ , 1975. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ Commissioners Voting No: 1)~ J ~~w,&L~ a or. I ATI'EST: VJ_ i->~~~~ A~t~ City Secretary . ---.--..------...--r~---~--,"'-~il r - . 1 [I UUi RESOLUTION NUMBBR 75-18 WfiERBAS. Harold B. Shtpp has se~ed as Chtef of Poliee of the City of We.1\ UDi~i1l)" Place frolll Much 11, 1.47 untU October 29, 1915; ud 1QIBUA$. theHaftoJ.' to the pesJa~ 44te, ~ld I. Shipp, at his request, sen" as AssiStant Ghief of Police of sald ei't)"J and 1IHIlRilAS, duritlg all of such ""1. Chief Shipp pe1'f01'llecl hb duties in .. llIalUlel' as to Hfleet ft'e4.tt upon ldmteU. his feDltly and tile eU:YJ and. WHBRBAS, BaHl. E. Shipp shaU "tbe effe.etive July 1. 1975; .. 1IIIBR8AS, the Cl'ty e..usslO1l wUhe. to "copia.Harold II. SIllpp.. lena ani fattltful sewice to--tlteeith.-. NOW. 'l'HIIBBP0RI. liB IT IU!SOLVU ,Y .. CITY COMMISSION 0' THicITY 0' WEST UNIVEUm PWI, 'lUA$t . Seedon 1. That the City Of w..-t UDivU'si'tyPlaoe. Texas, actin, by and tht'ouJh ita tluly au.~iI'ec1ct.ty Comal.s1on, hueby COIIIlII01lds Harold I. Shipp in hi. ......stioaable Pftfetslonel lnte,iity durlag the un)" yeU'$ of -.mce to the ehtleu and. to tile cit,. Seedon 2. That ia .""..a.attltcm 11_ hU uuelft.h clevotliOll. to the tlutie. .f hi. offi,ce end to _..-BaI'o14 E. Shipp for the lI8DIlO1' in WIllch he: . SO faJ.~l1y ,.fo'" h1l .enlee to 'the dotl'. the City ~..loa hueD)" ...... u. ..1,.._.. aatd HUolc1. B. Shipp as at.f a.a.ri.. of tile Police De.. putUDt of the 41ty. Section $. 'l'bat this ....lution be spread 1n lull upon the. IIItDUte. of the City &8llilsion 8il4 'Cba't Ill_ .'01' be, ud. he is lutNlty, a.uthoJbec1 to ..Uver to IlaNl. B. $hi", Chief Buritus, . twe Qopy hereof, lipecl br each Jaelibe1' of the C1ty CoIIIlssion.. '. ...... ... _ tIti.q* .... of ~ . "71. "a~. . ~~~ n n~~UJ. W~~ 'a1i.l w. wail"a, Jr., May_. , ATl'BST; . ~;~/ ,- I r ~-.-.'r-.~. II' 1 ~ II I lillllll ~_,...u _AS. IuU I.. ,... .. ~ ., .. .., .. ... ........ 'Iaa .. .. 1. 1tJt.. .. .. .... .. ... __ .......... .. .... ........ I... e. ...... .. ~ .. .. ....... ., ...... .. ... __ ....1111. _.1ll1." --l .. _. .. __ .. ..... ... ....... .. ... III .. ..,.., ttattJ tb __ "s .. .... '. _# ..... .. ..... .... ... RlW ... ......,.. ___ .... _. ,.. ........... la'iR. _.___.. ... ... UJ,.1Iw M:_ cd.,. . 1M ...... of...___..... ... .minlAf. ,.. I. .... .. ........... 1111 _Mf ... ...,:. __ ....!M ...... _.... ... ....~__tMlIl... u ... ....... ,__. ...... ... . ..' ... " ......~ ..w .......1" .,... .. .. ....... ..... ., .......:.- .. ....... fit .. ... .... __ tet) .... .. (It) .... ~_~,... ... CD) _. .. . . . "'~'''''"' .:, 11 or_. .... fZtMI__ ..... .. .. ......... .. ....... ....... .. .. ... .... ........... .. ....'!t ':. ....... .,.'.;.;' -."-.... _. tmI.JfM, . ft' un__. _ em tnmn... - -.- aft~ fIMI# 18I8t. . . ".;>.: . . ..... a. ........ ............ ..... ........ ....:v .. ..... ill"" ...._ ...r II n....... __ntt ,..,~;: ":', .,..., of"" ....,._~ ,.............., ......... '..' .. ...... -cr-.. ... (. ,... .. (11).' - ......... .... ..,. .. ..... .. .. .......'" .. '. ..... J. .... Ct., OIl........ .. ... 01:. .. ........ ........ a....... ' ~l.ll.... t._~ f'JII~r~"'" ._".,~ ...fttII ..... .. ... .... ...'.. .... ...... .. ~....... ........ ""......... ." .... .... .,... .. . .... I. .... ......"...... ......... ..... ., .. "1. n.... __.__,... ....:.......,=. ....':_... .... .. lIMit .. ,... . ...... ....... ..... .,........ . ,....... $[ wIn.... , .' . . ..' . -_.......~:sA4.... 9~ i 1~~ ~~"., ~~ . .~. . ~.". . -- . . ." ..,..- _-1M' . '" . .. .. ~ Cam.h"an" ,.r.~ ItftIftt r---- i~" ~., . 'n i 1IIII1II RESOLUTIQN NUMBER 75-20 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS TO PREPARE AN APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS UNDER TITLE I OF HOUSING AND CO~~NITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974, AND APPOINTING THE CITY MANAGER AS TEMPORARY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TO PREPARE SUCH APPLICATION. WHEREAS, The Federal Government has made available grant funds through Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974; and WHEREAS, such grant funds may be used for a variety of Community De- velopment activities and purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City of West University Place, Texas prepare a Community Development program and application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for such above mentioned fUnds. Section 2. That the City Manager be the City's tenq>orary Colllllluni ty Development Director to prepare such application and perform such other duties as required by such Act and regulations pertaining thereto. PASSED AND APPROVED <hi> ;;l3....L. day 'f}~ ' 1975. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ Commissioners Voting No: ..zJ.~ gt)lJ~ ~ (,. /j J~t~ D . -Mayor , ATTEST: . Z3a~t C~~ r - 11 r .m 1(-1 f ::,"'11' 1IIII1II RESOLUTION ~1BER 75-21 WHEREAS, the Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has reported to the City Commission that inactive files have been unduly accumulating in the Clerk's office; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that it has been the practice to retain Complaints in the files for an indefinite period after such Complaints have been acted upon; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that similar records are retained by state agencies for a period of three (3) years; and WHEREAS, it will be in the best interest of the city and to conserve office and filing cabinet space to retain Complaints for a period of three (3) years only from and after the date that said Complaint has been acted upon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the Clerk'of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, is hereby directed and authorized to.remove and de-' stroy all Complaints of the Municipal Court upon which judgment has been en- tered and final disposition made prior to June, 1972. Section 2. That the Clerk of the Municipal Court is hereby authorize and directed to hereafter retain the Complaints in the files for a period of three (3) years after the date of entry of judgment and final disposition, and to remove and destroy all others. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect and be in force im- mediately from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor. PASSED AND APPROVED this tJ..3.,..,J... day of .~ ' .J , 1975. Commissioners Voting Aye: .ClJtJL.) Commissioners Voting No: . ~ ~tu'JW~, 1 Mayor , ATTEST: ;& Cirdf:~~ RESOLUTION NUMBER 75-22 WHEREAS, the City Commission contemplates an election to authorize the issuance of $1,700,000.00 of General Obligation Bonds Qf the city; and I~HEREAS, the City Commission has heretofore conferred with various financial and legal advisors relative to'the issuance and sale of said bonds; and WH,EREAS, it has been determined that a proposal submitted by Greer Moreland Fosdick Inc. is the most advantageous to the city in regard to the services to be rendered and the fee to be paid there for. . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE ClTY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City of West University hereby engages Greer Moreland Fosdick 1m:. to assist and advise the city and the city officials in all matters in connection with an election authorizing the issuance of $1,700,000.00 General Obligation Bonds of the city and the issuance and sale of such bonds. . Section 2. The rights, duties and obligations of the city and Greer I.loreland Fosdick, Inc. shan be as provided in the "Financial Advisory eontract' dated June 25, 1975, by and between the parties, a copy of which contract is attached hereto as Exhibit A. Section 3. That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to execute such contract in behalf of the city. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~/4.~ day Of~~.<<~ ' 1975. Commissioners Voting Aye: tl11J Commissioners Voting No: 17~ (}... 9 f.J.J CIl fiJ- ~ ATTEST: ~&~ ... l:~. - - ~.:- j - "',~ " ,-,,-_-1-_ ____~_"'__._L.dL.a.L: FINANCIAL ADVISORY CONTRACT June 25, 1975 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners City of West University Place West University Place, Texas Gentlemen: .1. We understand that you contemplate ordering an election within your City at which there will be. submitted to its qualified voters the propositions of authorizing the issuance of $1',700,000 General Obiigation Bonds, and that. in connection with the authorization, .issuance, sale and delivery' of such bonds you desire this proposal from US to perform professional services in the capacity of Financial Advisors for your City. 2. By this proposal we offer our professional services . and our facilities as Financial Advisors and agree to perform the following duties normally performed by such advisors, andt'o perform such other duties as, in our judgment., may be necessary or advisable: a. To make a study of the debt structure of your- City, the trend of its assessed valuation, its taxing power and the present and estimated future taxing requirements, and on the basis of such study to devise and recommend for your approval a plan of financing to cover the proposed bonds. Such plan shall include a maturity schedule and other terms and conditions, such as options of prior payment and the like, as will, in our opinion, result in the issuance of the bonds under terms and conditions most advantageous to your City consistent with a minumum effective interest rate. b. Under the direction and legal advice of a firm of recognized muqicipal bond attorneys to be retained by you, and whose fees will be paid by you, we will assist you in and super- vise the'steps necessary to be taken in the bond election, the legal issuance of the bonds and the final delivery of the bonds to the purchaser. In this connection it is understood that you have retained, or will retain, the firm of Vinson, Elkins, Searls, Connally & Smith, whose legal services shall also include rendition of an unqualified approving opinion as to the legality of the bonds. --...~-T~--I-....----,-"':'].. . . -'-"'="="'==.-=~-''1l'~'1~__ __ ___~-'.:....._I_d~ c. At such time as it shall be decided to order a bond election. we will assemble and transmit to the bond attorneys such data as may be required in the preparation of the necessary petitions. orders. resolutions. notices and certificates; and upon preparation thereof, will submit such documents to your governing body for appropriate action. d. We will procure and de].iver to such official as you may designate such sets of election supplies, including. ballots (but excluding voting machines and voting booths) as are required for each polling place. e. To advise you of current bond market condi-' tions, forthcoming bond issues and other general information and economic data which might normally be expected to influence interest rates or bidding conditions so that the date for the sale of the bonds can be set at a time which, in our opinion, will be favorable. f. To prepare, if required, an Official Notice of Sale, an Official Statement, or Prospectus, containing financial data and other informa- tion of the nature-and to the extent ordinarily required by municipal securities dealers in bidding .on bonds of this type, and a uniform Bidding Form, all of which we are to furnish in a sufficient number of copies to permit mailing to a list of prospective bidders which we also agree to provide. g. To attend to and pay for the printing of the bonds. h. To pay the necessary expenses in obtaining the approving opinion of the Attorney General of the State of Texas and the registration of the bonds. by the Comptroller of Public Accounts.. and the delivery of the bonds to the purchaser at a bank in Austin, Texas. i. We will prepare and process an application to the national rating services in order to rein- stitute national credit ratings on your bonds. In this connection ~t is understood that the fees of the rating servi.ces and the travel expense incident thereto will be borne by you. j. '~If "the bonds are eligible under Texas laws for purchase by the State Board of Education, to assist in the preparation and timely submission of an Application for Waiver to said Board. -.--....-.... ---~..-...,..-_..-r- I~-'=-" r~'"'' 111'1 j ililiF k. 'To use our best efforts in assisting you to sell your bonds ~rom time to time at the best rate possible. 3. We agree to direct and coordinate the entire program of financing herein contemplated and to assume and pay the expenses above enumerated. It is specifically understood and agreed, however, that this obligation on our part shall not cover payment of any local election expenses (excep.t that we will furnish election supplies. to the extent hereinabove provided); nor shall it cover the cost of publi- cation of notices in newspapers, or other publication costs, or the expenses of any litigation. 4. As consideration for the services rendered.by us and as reimbursement for the expenses w~ich we are to incur, it is understood and agreed that your City is to pay and we are to accept a cash fee of _0.625%. of the par value of bonds actually sold and delivered to purchasers. Such fee shall become due and payable simultaneously with delivery o~ the bonds to the purchaser. 5. In the event the bond election contemplated by this proposal should fail, then no fee shall be due us; . however, should the same or similar proposition(s) again be submitted at an election held ~ithin 24 months from date hereof, then at our option the agreement covered. by this proposal shall apply to any bonds authorized at such election. 6. It is understood and agreed that you and the offi- cials of your City will cooperate with us and the heretofore mentioned bond attorneys in the passage of all 'necessary orders or resolutions and in the completion of all certificates required in the. issuance of the bonds. 7. It is further understood and agreed that we reserve the right to submit a bid for the bonds when offered for sale. 8. This agreement shall be terminated by the delivery to the purchaser of the bonds covered hereby, or by the elapse of 24 months from date of your acceptance hereof, whichever shall first occur; -however, if the bonds have not been so delivered within the period specified, this agreement may be extended by mutual consent. 9. This proposal is submitted in duplicate originals. When accepted by you it will constitute the entire agreement between your City and the undersigned for the purpose and cQnsiderations herein specified. Your acceptance will be indicated by the signature of your Mayor, attested by your City Secretary, on both copies and returning one executed copyta the undersigned. -~ Respectfully submitted, .GREER MORELAND FOSDICK, INC. By ~ iV'.~. t.,/J. Marvin Morela d, . President ______~_____~_.____ - -~~F>'==,,~===="!="""'~-.---.--~-__'__FO"""7..=""'."-'~"~- ;~ ACCEPTANCE ACCEPTED pursuant to resolution adopted by the City Commissioners of West University Place on this the . day of . 1975. - ATTEST: City Secretary (SEAL) 1 i f i i I i ! ---~:~- --- ,~- cn.& W.~J~DI,.. h . Mayor . . - ., [-- .~~ ~.C~_ ___~.__L"'o...a..I:- RESOLUTIDN NUMBER 75-23 WHEREAS, the City Commission contemplates an election to authorize the issuance of $1,700,000.00 of General Obligation Bonds of the city; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has heretofore conferred with various financial and legal advisers relative to the issuance and sale of said bonds; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that it would be in the best inte- rest of the city to employ the firm of Vinson, Elkins, Searls, Connally and Smith and Frank McCreary to advise the city on legal matters in connection with said bond election and the issuance and sale of said bonds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the firm of Vinson, Elkins, Searls, Connally and Smith be, and it is hereby, retained to provide all legal services arising out of and pertaining to a bond election authorizing the issuance of $1,700,000.00 of General Obligation Bonds, the issuance and sale of such bonds and including consulting with and advising the fi~m of Greer Moreland Fosdick, Inc. in con- nection with all of such matters. Section 2. That Vinson, Elkins, Searls, Connally and Smith and Frank McCreary, jointly, shall be compensated for their services in accordance with the usual and customary charges made for such legal services. in the' community, but such compensation shall in no event exceed $2,800.00 PASSED AND APPROVED this~~day Of~' 1975. . Commissioners Voting Aye: .~~ - Commissioners Voting No: ~~ @(JJJ O-I'j W(AQa~ 9J. ~ayor ., ATTEST: As~i~ L -- -- 1-":::1 r ':n::__ n __~_,-"-.J UW RESOLUTION ~~MBER 75-24 WHEREAS, Mrs. Rebecca Anz, employed as Police Dispatcher and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has resigned her employment with the city; and WHEREAS, Mr. Andrew Thomas Walters has been employed as Police Dispatcher, and is qualified to assume the duties of Depu~y Clerk of the Municipal Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY 'PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Mr. Andrew Thomas Walters be, and he is hereby, appointed' Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Cour~ of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. That the appointment of Mr. Andrew Thomas Walters as Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that he shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy Clerk after having been administered the proper Oath of Office. PASSED AND APPROVED this lId day of ~~ Commissioners Voting Aye: WV Commissioners Voting No: ~ (~ tv n.ul! 6J ,Wn O.a~ th Mayor f 19 5. ATTEST: .~~~ Kssistant C~ty ecretary ., ...n,'~~'I"~~~i~--"-"-,~""~~"~"~"- , 1 Li'dr l,hl.,.11 RHSOWTION NUMBeR 75..25 WHBIWAS. the Ci~y of WestUniveJ'slty Place has l'equested 88$1$._0. . for the a.ign and iHtallatlem ot. sipallu.tion OIl Buffalo Speedway .t inter- sections. of thaiv,rs4.ty Boulevarcl,. .110....1ev_ and SuDSet Boulevacll_ WHBRIAS, But"!o $peeclway has _.. inc1udecl in the urban Syst.. ..CJt the State .Departrlent. of Ift...)'s;. .- WlUiRliAS,itls the. dube of _$tate Pepartllftt of'"JIlsh"".1iq as.ist the Cltyof ....t UUvenlt,'la.ee .ia sudl WOJ.'k. anct - -..' . ~, the State Depataen.t ~ HiPlla)'. bas, subjeet to *..v~U- ab1.11ty of UrbaS15-'" aiel fuacIt;,. ,~t,.n 1. ~ CQJlItnotlem pi.. _~fi.t:lG.ll8. ._>:--,-_.~, ,,.~._'-:.'.;.i:, . 2. 1'nYi... tor wtal1aUOIl ol.,~flo .ipal.a.' an .sti..~. cost of $1",400 as authors.... .lathe 1'71..1'7' __ sr..., ,"JtQ. " ... . _. ~, n IT USOLVBD ,V'l'HB CITY ,,1881ON OP TltIf9XT\' OP lIST UHIVimsm,r.AC8, 'I'QAS:. Tblrt the ci., of Wut Unlveraiq::'lace" T.xas, henby ....t.: 1. Main.....a and operate the~tallatlon Upon complfttOllla a '. ....... .aU.facto.,. to the SQ.te~. of 1ft...,... 2. Mopt'" enf... tach ord~.. _ r.gulatleu as ..,. be 11""'., f. pnporopt.,.U... of.~. _taUatlon. S. Re..we the 'dsht to "l'118t. ....d in the area. PASSUD AND APPROVID tMs 11th q)'of Autun, 1.'S. eo.t..i..... Yotlnr Ayel (lJ..L/ C....$loneJ'. Yotlq No: 1lil4uL./ ~ .,.2- ~UJ~/it A'l'TIIST.: ~~W~ Us s'-. Ct,.. .' 0l'dQy -------~,-._-..-----. ----~-F--=~"--"'-~==__:__:_-:_::_.:_'~..~-----<--~.=-"'""'O-~-,,-"'~~-=c-~l!f""~~ RBSOLUTION NUMBER 75-26 WHERBAS, the City CommiS$ion has been advised that Mrs. Lee Lockard, Assis~t. City Secretary of the city, has been awarded the designation - of Associate Certified Municipal Clerk by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks by virtue of her meeting the standards of educational experience and servlGe requirements established by said InstitutfIJ and WHEREAS, Mrs. LOckarti bas long been active in the Association of City Clerks' ancI Secretaries of Tens and has served in Mveral official capuities in said organizations, and WMBRI!AS, Mrs. Lockard is currently Vice-President of the Texas City Clerk$ and Secretaries Association and will 8$SUme the leadership of this Association as ita President during the year 1976) and WHf!REA5, Mrs. l.ockard is the first Texas Associate City Steeretar)' to hold thedes18ftation of A$sociateCert11ied Municipal CierkJ ancI WHaRMS, her personal action reveals a dedi@tlon to her profession in that she pume$ to a . suceessful concltlSion duties and responsibilities assigned to her, and WHERMS, her warm and personable attitude toward her fellow being has brought many friends into her pathway of life and these friends will embeUlsh' her with much k1ndneS$ and thanksgiving for her accomplishments in her cneJen prof~ career. NOW,.THBRiPORE; BB IT RES01.VED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNlVER.SlTY PLAC!, TEXAS. Section 1~ The City Commission bElreby commends Mrs. Lee Lockard for her achievement in obtaining the deaisnatlon of Associate Certified Munlqipal CIeri( and for her actiYlt1es 1n the various municipal elerk's oraanlutlons .in which she has so ably served. Section 2~ Tbat the City Commiss.ion expresses its appreciation to Mrs. Lee Lockard for taking such. active lnterest and service m'ttle. aforesaid organizations and 1n 10 ably repretentlng the City of West University Place in su<:h activities. Section 3~ That this Resolution shall be spread upon the officiai minutes of the City Commission and that a true and correct eopy of this Resolution, signed by the MllYor, eacb member of the CIty Commission and the City ManIlser, shall be presented to Mra. Lee Loekar<l. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of . 1'7'. pAOl.w. *^t..Ll~, JR., MAYOR ~)Jly KNR MNm, MAVCS" R~t!M >>>>RlLt~'A. bONN,.emUISS1(Skjk 1()~t)S F~ stARtSf ,3l. etSi\UAr-.ONl!a 3. 8. tHOMpJtS~,~oDMC:S~!R WHITT '.:SOW~5tSr.f. tiN 51~AtnU\ -r'~-~ '-1 : :::1 . .cu...,, .~" ---'''-~ll L...... -----------~.~1lIL&lr RESOLUTION NUMBER 75-27 WHEREAS, the City Treasurer has determined that the present Burroughs mini-computer L-8000 does not have the capability of producing all of the city's desired accounting programs;'and WHEREAS, complications have arisen relating to the city's change in property tax evaluation and the need for producing tax statements before Novem- ber 1, 1975. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That a Burroughs L-9000 mini-computer machine be leased for a period of one year, effective September 10, 1975, for the sum of $736.00 for such mini-computer and $60.00 for a stacker-feeder on a monthly basis. Section 2. There. is hereby appropriated from the General Fund $3,184.00 to defray expense of said computer and stacker-feeder for the remain- ing four (4) months of the fiscal year 1975, and $6,368.00, which has hereto- fore been budgeted for the fiscal year 1976. PASSED AND APPROVED this f? U1 day of !....~ ,1975. . , Commissioners Voting Aye: fl 0 g} Commissioners Voting No: 1l~ Q,... ~.QA~ ft ATIES.T: ~tj ~tOdL~ Assi tant City Manager ,~.. ~~"---r"CC""~"i""~~---T-"--'----'~----""'-~' ',I_:!I 1 ,lIllil~ RESOWTION NUMBER 75-28 .;', WHEREAS, the City of West University Place. Texas has in its _ploy lIlOI'e than one hundred (100) value~ ell\Ploy~es; and WHI3Rl9A.S, said employees are a.n~ will be rendering valuable se11VieeJ to the City of West Unlvenity '1.aee.; a.nd WHBltEAS, the City of West Univusity Place has considered the es.,h.. Ibhment of a Deferred Cmnpensation plalJ for the s_id euq;loyees made avail,able to the City of West Univ&1:sity Plaee and to said employelils by. the Internat~(1)al City Management Assoeiation Retir.ement CoJ.'1lcp:ation; and WHBRBAS, said employees are una".!e to acquire a 4eferred annuitY agreement under other existing and available retiremGJltpl81l$; &nd WHEIU!AS, the City receives benefit.s under said plans by being. ablQto ..sure r-.solUl.ble retb.ent s~ity to s,aid omployees. by being ll101"e ,able to att;:act competent personnel to its serviee, aDli by increasing: 11:. flexibilit.y in personnel management. through eliminat.ion of the. need fot. continued employ... ment for the sole purpose of 'allowing :ui employee t.O qualify for retu-ement' benefits. NOW. 'DfERBFORE, BE IT RESOLVIlD BY THE CITY mH4lSSION OF'THB CITY OJ WEST UNIVERSITY' PLACB, TBXAS; Section 1. Tha.t the City of West Univershy Place estabUsh said Defene<l Compensation Pla.n for said emploYees and hereby ~~Ol'he. its Mayor to execute the Deferred CompensaUon .Pip with the Intaaational CUy ~e" Illent Association lle1:irement C~at:i.o()lJ.. attaehed "eto. as Appendu A. Section 2. Tha:t the City Mana,gtr may, on, behl$lf qt tho Citl... _e~1>e all Joinder .etments with said 'lDPl~ees a.nd other eUai})le officials. C officers. which are naoe$JUY for said ~SOJl$, patti'1ipa'tion in the pl~",an' example of which appears a't Appedt"'a..... ~t aQY Jolna._.e~'f# said d..lgnated official shall be ex,,"l!Ill by the MayQr. 0 . . . " . PASSED AND APPROViD thisR~.. . day Of~1I~1AI.19r"', C'OJIllDi.sion$J.'s Voting Ayet ~. '. .... ." CO_.$ioners Voting No; ;?JJ~ Qldt lAL~L.,~ . yor . ATl'BST. ~~. Ass staat City ocre.ar)" r--'-~-J':l-------r- -"T , i:i 1-... ___,,-_..1..11... ..l.idLIJ[ RESOLUTION NUMBER 75-29 WHEREAS, by appropriate action of the City:Commission a committee of interested persons was appointed to consider the needs and the area in which the City could administer to the Senior Citizens of West University Place; arid WHEREAS, after careful deliberation and forethought, an appropr:i.a,tely worded questionnaire was distributed to approximately 5,600 homes in the City 0 West University Place, with an estimated return of the questionnaire from 1,600 senior citizens; and WHEREAS, an analysis was made of the results of the information obtai - ed through the questionnaire by the Houston-Galveston Area Council, which re-. vealed statistics indicating the interests and needs of such citizens; and WHEREAS, the. City Commission has considered it desirable to appoint a certain number of persons to serve on a Council on Aging, whose responsibility it will be to consider and determine the logical as'sis'tance which the City, through its resources could administer to 'its aging citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE CITY Ca.1MISSION OF TIlE CITY OF. WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. There is hereby created and' established a Council on Ag- ing of the City of West University Place, Texas, which council shall consist of s'even (7) members ,appointed by the City Commission. One of the persons appoint ed shall be designated Chairman. Section 2. The Council shall have the authority and responsibility and shall be required to: a) Advise the City Commission on matters relating to the Council on Aging. b) Make studies and investigation and recommend to the Cit;y Com- mission plans for implementing such. c) Determine the area and extent to which the services of the city are to be made available to such group of persons. d) Perform such duties and responsibilities not inconsisten with thi resolution as the City Commission may from time to time require. e) Advise and consult with the Director of the Council on Aging . Section 3. Members of the Council on Aging shall be qualified elec- tors of the city and shall serve without compensati'on. Section 4. The members of the Council on Aging shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified. Section 5. All personnel in the service of the city shall furnish the Council on Aging information required by it in the performanc~ of its duties. . -"', Section 6. The following named persons are hereby appointed as the initial members of such council: . a) Reverend Albert Walling b) Mr. Allen McGinty . c) Mrs. Lorene Loftus. d) Mr. Clarence M. Kapp e) Mr. David Allums f) Mrs. Pat Raulston g) Mrs. Merl Howell Section 7. The creation of a Council on Aging and all provJ.sJ.ons of this resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. \ g PASSED AND APPROVED this ~OI~day Ofcj:J~~ ' 1975. Commissioners Voting Aye: au). COJED1issioners Voting No: 7l~ (~M/h weed ~- Mayor ; ~~A:~ ~------: ~ l=--"'~=o-=r.==~___ p. _0_ _ . RESOLUTION NUMBER 7'-30 and WHEREAS, John Price was born OetOber 12, 1906 at Stockdale, Texas; WHEREAS, Jj)hn Price wu emplj)yed by the City of WeISt UnIversity Place on November 28, 1'.2 as meter reader at the prevailing wage scale of $170.00 per month; and WHEREAS, John PrIce was caJ1edupon to perform various duties from those of manual labor, digging of water ancl $ewer Une trenches for the city, to the maintenance of water meters al'ld pumps; and WHEREAS, John PrIce was promoted to pumper and continued to serve in that capacity unt11 his retirement, and WHEREAS, John Price has rupended to emergency calJ$, working under' adverse weather conditions at night and at any time his services were needed; and WHeREAS, John Price bas been for many years affectionately known by his fellow employees and many citizens as Johnnie; and WHEREAS, in deliberations concerning hi$ duties with the city, JOhnnie granted others the opportunity to speak fir$t, he listened calmly and courteously to the vIew of others before expressing his own; and WHEREAS, Johnnie Price h$s served' the City of West University Piace as a loyal and faithful employee for thirty-tvlO (32) years, eight (8) months and four (4) days; and WHEREAS, the City Commission de$ire$ to give recognition to Johnnie Price for his long tenure of serv1ee to the city. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R~LV.EO BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXASc Section i. That the City of West UniversIty Place, Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized City CommIssion he~y commends Johnnie Price for his distinguished service to the cItizens and to the t:ity for the thirty-two (:S2) years, eight (8) months, and four (4) days he served as an employee. Section 2. That the City Commlssion, on behalf of the cItizens wh.o knew Johnnie Price, expresses its grateful appreclatIonto him for his unselfish devotion to his duties and for tile manner In which he faithlWly performed his responsibllitles. Section 3. That this Resolution be sp((!ad in full upon the minutes of the City Commission and that the Mayor be, and he-I$ hereby, authorIzed to deliver to Johnnle PrIce a true copy hereof, &Jgned by (!ach member of the City Commission and the CIty Manager. PASSED AND APPROVl!O thls,1J4\.Iday Of~lji,r-1~..,J ,1975. 'aU! \E.w-xAnt 3r., ~ayet ~saryAAn "lnkg, eORlInlHlonet pfilllp A. DiInn, c;omnl1ss1oner' , IUlus fl. Stanley, :It.J tommIiSlOfier :J. B: 'thompS()ll, CommiSSIoner A TTf!.STc MST$tant eIty5eCretary WhIrl };'. Johnson, City Manager r ..::1 .. .,.u."_L__ ___~.-.I__il~ RESOLUTION NUMBER 75-31 WHEREAS, Mr. Andrew Thomas Walters, employed as Police Dispatcher and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has resigned his employment with the city; and WHEREAS, Mr. Michael Waite has been employed as Police Dispatcher, and is qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Mr. Michael Waite be, and he is hereby, appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. That the appointment of Mr. Michael Waite as Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that he shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy Clerk after having been administered the proper Oath of Office. PASSED AND APPROVED this ,13~ day of ~, 1975. Commissioners Voting Aye: QL,u. Commissioners Voting No: 7\~ · ~...~~~ Mayor f ATTE?T: .~.~~~~ Assi tant City Secretary LJ __ -r~ L ---- - l1!:"L__ _~J,J~ ...... RBSOWTION NUMBER 75-32 1fHI3REAS. the City of West University Place owns and op_ates a water well and reservoir adjacent to p:roperty owned by Houston Coca~Co1a Bottling CompanYJ and WHEREAS. it has heretofore been. det~ined by city officials that 11: would be advantageous to acquire ad4iti~1 pl'operty contiguous to the present siteJ and. lftmREAS. . after discussion of t-'~ QUeI' with the llouston Coca-COla. Bottling Company, saU C-ompaDY hu..generously agreed to give to the dtYa ten (10') foot wide strip of land aclj.oinlngthe, City's water well and resen.1r dte; and 1IHERBAS , HoustOIl" Coca-Cola Bot~~ Coapany has nowdeiivere4 1:0 the . . . . . - . . . . . city a Deed of Gift to a tract of lan4app.1Dlat.ety t.en (10') feet wide aJlQ:' one~hund.red twenty-nine (129') feet in len~ containing .0296 aeres (1291:. square feet). NOW. THEREFORE, BB IT RESOLVED. !'Y. ~ el". CCMtlSSION OP nm CIn OP WEST UNIVQRSlTY PLACE, TllXAS: Seetion 1. That the City of W.~t University Place acoept the Deed of Gift conferring a ten (l0') foot w1..4e strip of land as more pal'ticulai"ly de- soribed in the Deed dated June 19" 1974" frca Howrton Coca-Cola lIottUng C.- pany for whatever use and pm:pose .d.le dty !IIa)" use such. ~l"'ty in the tutUre. Sectien 2. That the City CotImI!,~sion hereby expessetS l~s patitude and appreciation to Houston Coca-Cola.Bo.UliIIg COllIpany for the dont.~ion ()f tile afCJ1"esa1d property. PASSBD ANDAPPIlOVBD this. .<.3.a. .. day of 17 ~ , 1915. COIIIIIlissioners Voting Aye: ~ Commisdoners VO-ting No; jJ)~ E?~6.} (1}~h Mayol' , ATl'BST; . ~~~ Assistant City Seote~ -, - r-' -,-'. .- -,....,-- r. - . -1 1 H 1'- llBSOUft1t1f __ 'J-. ,~/ ;," A lUiSOWTIOI QP TIm em ~ . ... UNmum 'LMB, ftW~ AlmIOIlUZ. IfIl'1T J .' . em ...... .. ~ _ ",Y APPLmATIGN '. .' 1'0 A'pta " till.... NOR.S OJ.tel OJ 1'IW'.IC wm AID AU rmmtt ~ _ G!tA1ft'. ..., .... A ....m __ _ ,. _ em ., IIS't VltltVIIU'lY tUUJ ~.. .... ., ....,. ..... _.~.. --. ~... ......- It. 'ruf,. ...... S1WY '..IAID cm.. IIJIRIAS. 'J4eu1 ..... .0 ... u4. av,ume tbHup th. Ste.'t." Tau __ .,...to _~ Stwlt.. .'" at t" ~_ .dl_ fa .. 1." "'''..1 ...... Safety Mli .. ...... the cu.,,. of Wa_ .......ml'tT 'lU*"". .. .,pJy ,. ..... ... .. 'ball" _1--_ Stu4y to t4tatUy. de pnltl", ... -' ....R.~ ...... Iv ..d., uaf'k uf.t1~,a14 . 1f1UiRIAS. the Ctt,. 01 Wen ~lty Plue ,1au to _1.......;;.... . . . ~.. .....,.... of'" """10 .......~. ltIsofu.. tatftle.'. s... fRY-" taft.. laf.7.~. _. ~. .. IT USOlND IT_ em ~. OP _c.~. QI'f IQIJVIUITY ~. 'l'BASJ ......1. "'t _" 1.....0......... ....1le... ~j ~... ... ...... 'the '*...~.J:l...._ ~* to .,,11 ,... _......t. QffDe ., ,........ w.,- .. .., ... .... ,. ...... ..... .. .fn4 .. t'n&u. .......... ..... fw tv CI.', .t,"" ....... '.e.. 1ectl0ll 2. 1'lat 'fuffk ..........1I -... ,..... _., IoqtR, ....... .. --._ .. .... ........., bMU .. ~ .1'oUl. ........ ..... to Ct,,. of w..t~. .... ....1" $.. 1Wa ~1ld;_ .ladl tab ..... .. h ia ,........... ....tely ... awl aft.. tv ,...... "1_ ~ by _>.,.. ... - ..... _. ~ti,..pe.- of ~~." lUI. .......... vou.a ..; ~ ......__ ..u., lfo. ~. ~~J. . ," . a. . "''1'1 .' ~..~ '~&ii. .~~~ Sft..' P. ~. 81:)' X<<&i ' - - ~ - ~ ~I:-~ ----=-~---- _.~-".-----:-"'"~ -- - - ~ .~---.----~ 3-- ~ESOLUTION NUMBER 75-34 JVHEREAS, by Resolution Number 75-29 the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, established a Council on Aging; and WHEREAS, the Council on Aging desires the city to employ an indivi- dual to serve as Administrator of the program designed by the Council on Aging; and; WHEREAS, after interviewing various individuals, said Council on Aging has recommended the employment of Mrs. Marilyn Paxton to serve in the capacity 9f Director. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT. RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That there is hereby established and created the position of Director of the Council on Aging of the City of West University Place. Texas. Section 2. That the individual appointed to such position sh~ll report to the City Manager, and' shall have such duties and responsibilities as assigned by the City Commission and Council on Aging. PASSED AND APPROVED this :J.~ day of ~ , 1975. ~ Commissioners Voting Aye: O/.#...J Commissioners Voting No: ZJ) ~. ATTEST: '~~~ Assistant City Secretary [~~'~~~r~~C-:-:="-"'C":CC,:::J lil__1..............___ _~__~lIlLA.!l: .--- " RESOLUTION NUMBER 75-35 WHEREAS, the City Commission has through the budget process and appropriate action, designated certain projects and pr~grams which have not been accomplished, nor funds expended; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission to encumber certain funds for these specific projects and programs; and WHEREAS, it wi 11 provi de accounting gui de 1 i nes, whi ch the Ci ty Treasurer may establish to properly encumber said funds for future expendi- ture. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That funds for the following projects and programs be encumbered for future expenditure as deemed advisable by the City Commission: l. Colonial Park $ 35,630.22 2. Future Land Purchase $ 12,013.78 3. Traffic Controls, Signs, Equipment and Engi neering . $ 24,900.00 4. Reserved for Replacement of City Hall Air Conditioning System $ 10,000.00 5. Reserve Fund for Fire Truck Replacement $ 32,500.00 6. Cound 1 on Aging $ 3,210.00 7. Tele-Care Unit for Fire Department Ambulance $ 7,500.00 Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect and be in force immed- iately from and after its passage and approval by the ~ PASSED AND APPROVED this~day of & , 1975. Commissioners Voting Aye: W.J ~ Commissioners Voting No: ATTf~ ~ lee . .... ~~~. ~t~/ Charlesf. Cockrell, City Attorney ~--_.._----~-------_.._-~--~--,== ,.",.."lr---.------r-c-. ';--L_ . _.._'.iA J . WLIil