HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.74 RESOLUTION NUMBER 74-1 WHEREAS ,the GityCommission hasautho'rlz,e,d ,t,h,e E,nviron- mental Improvenien:t ,:Co'mmitt:ee:to', make: ,certaini,nves,tigationscon- cerningth:edevelopment, ,of Poor Farm Ditch into adev,elopment to be known" as Inde:pende,nce, Park; and ' WHEREAS ,the'Commit,t:ee has contactedth,e: Harris County, Flood Cantrolengineer seeking hi's advice astopro,ce:dure; and WHEREAS, areparthas ,been 'prepared, andsubmi tt:ed by Attorney,s Willi'am Ga,lbreat h: 'and Howard Aye,rsconcerning ,legal ownershi'pof ,the'property wi,th:resp,ect:to easements: and right-,of- way; and WHEREAS, the Gity:Commission and the ,Committ,ee have: here- to:fore discussed ,the ,desirability: of obtainingpr.ofessionalservice concerning the, feasibility: ,.of' ,t,he: 'project and the' likeliho:od of assigning a studentproj.e:c,t, to: the' Scho'olof'Archite:c,tureof Rice Uni,versity; and WHEREAS "certain ll.gre'ements, and commi'tments, have ,been' made toward accomplishing ,the 'abo,ve,; and WHEREAS,Pe:ter C. Pap,ademetriou, Ass,ociate:Pr.o,fessor,' Rice Scho'ol 'of' 'Archite:c:t'ure, has,been.contac,ted, by :t,he C.ommitt:ee and ha's agreed to assign and supervise a s,tu:dent proj,ect wi,th:th:e' Rice Uni,versity School 'of Archit,e:c,ture , invoJ;ving, ,certain research work , as, Qutli.,n.edin Let,t:er: Ag.r,eeinentdatedJanua,ry, 4, 19,74"be- t,ween ,t,he' :C it y, and ,Pe:ter' C. Papademetriou; and WHEREAS, research, work is to, ,bepe:rforme,d ,by James Mc Donald, an Assistant,ofPe,t'er C. Pap,ademe:triou,for whi:chMr. McDonald is to r,ece:ive' ,$ 2:;,.4 b,o,":O0, :to:be paid in ,t:h~e'e:e,qual payme:nts of $800:.,00, ,e:ach 'in Janua,ry "February and March; 1974., NOW. ,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CI,TY ,COMMISSION OF THECI,TY :OF WEST:UNIVERBI,TY :PLACE , TEXAS: S,ec't,ion 1. Th:at :the Mayor be, and ,he ,is, her,e'by,auth,ori,ze: to: execute an Agreement con behalf of: the City to: implement thee above stated ,purposes, as more 'fully set, forth 'in a Lett'er Agree- ment dated Janua,ry,4, 19'74"betw,eenth:e' ',City of West University Place and Rice Uni.versity, .school of Archite:ctuxe , a copy .of which is made Exhibi t A ,att,achedhereto and made a part hereoi' for all purposes.' PASSED AND APPROVEDthi's dJday .of ~ , 197 . ATTEST: Commissioners Voting Aye: 4,/; ) , " co~z;zti Mayor Assista.nt City:Se:creta;r:y v 'df, ~~ '.11 " 'ill~1Ii dlllllllr RESOLUTION NUMBER 74-2 WHEREAS, by Resolution Number 72-16 passed and approved the 30th day of October, 1972, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas designated the sum of $2,650.00 as matching funds as its share of the amount necessary in purchasi,ng radio communication equipment under an agreement with the Houston~Ga1veston Area Council; and WHEREAS, thereafter the City of West University Place entered into an agreement with said Houston-Galveston Area Council designating such Council as its purchasing agent for equipment necessary for the insta llationof a Law En- forcement Radio Communication System for said city, and authorized said Council to take bids therefor; and, WHEREAS, the Houston-Galveston Area Council has taken such bids and have advised that the low bid represents a substantial savings on all such equipment; and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the City Commission that additional equipment is needed in the Law Enforcement Radio Communication System for said city, and the purchase of said equipment through said Houston-Galveston Area Council would be in the best interest of said City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMrSSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1., That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to enter into a purchase agreement with the Houston-Galveston Area Council for the purchase and acquisition of the necessary equipment for use in and for the Law Enforcement Radio Communication System of the city in accord- ance with the detai led 1 ist submi ttedby the Chief of Pol ice. Section 2. That the sum of $15,452.00 is hereby appropriated from the General Fund to be expended during the fiscal year 1974 for the purchas-e and acquiSition of the aforesaid equipment. PASSED AND APPROVED this 28th day of January, 1974. Commissioners Voting Aye: at1J Commissioners Voting No: .1l~ ~~#~ Mayor ATTEST: RESOLUTION NUMBER 74-3 WHEREAS, Mr. Ellery Gene Howard, employed as Police Dispatcher and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has been re-assigned in his employment of the city; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Marjorie Dell Grant has been employed as Police Dis- patcher, and is qualified to assume the duties of Deputy, Clerk of the Municipal Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Mrs. Marjorie Dell Grant be, and she is hereby, appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. That the appointment of Mrs. Marjorie Dell Grant as Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that she shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy Clerk after having been administered the proper Oath of Office. PASSED AND APPROVED this IAT'..L day of ~ ' 1974. Commissioners Voting Aye: Ow Q~;~ Mayor ATTEST: '~'~~ Ass1stant City Secretary ----------~-J::"'~ ___.1":"__ ~:~---- -.r-O="l ~~ _.Ll:. .L..~=._LLlw.a...a..-:::- RESOLUTION NUMBER 74-4 WHEREAS, by Resolution Number 72-4, dated January 24, 1972, the City Commission created a Safety and Accident Review Board; and WHEREAS, the persons originally appointed were to serve in such capaci ty during the years 1972 and 1973; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to appoint three (3) citizens and four (4) city employees to serve during the year 1974. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be, and they are hereby, ap- pointed to serve as members of the Safety and Accident Review Board during the balance of the year 1974, as set forther hereinafter: Mr. Bill Dillard, 4146 Swarthmore Mr. R. J. Eubank, ,3729 Sunset Mr. Carlton Tibbitt, 6532 Weslayan Dan C. Edwards, Asst. City Manager ChiefC. E. Duffin, Fire Chief Chief R. K. Kesselus, Police Chief Mr. H. ,l. Vaughn, Water Superintendent Section 2. The City Manager is hereby given the authority to sub- stitute other city employees for the ones herein above named, when in his judgment such substitution would be in the best interest of the city. Section ,3. That the persons hereby appointed to this Board shall serve without compensation. Section 4. That the persons hereby appointed to this Board shall serve for the period designated above, and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED this Jd..~day of 8~ ' 1974. Commissioners Voting, Aye: ()~"' . . ~-, Commissioners Voting No: ~~ Y2'c~ Mayor ATTEST: ~{k.~ .AssstaOt City acretar, --, '-----["O~-T~~~"~jll--- _.I--~-~l'~~--~-- T,l1._, ,.._,_~,L--"--~IWIJ.WJlllll1,---' n " RESOLUTION NUMBER ,74-5 WHEREAS, Resolution No. 62-6, approved by the City Commission May 14, 1962, provides for the issuing of water meter deposit refunds and authorized three (3) appointed city officials to sign refund checks, being those of the City Treasurer, City Comptroller or City Manager; and WHEREAS, there is no employee or provision for designation of City Comptroller; and WHEREAS, the City Manager should be relieved of the detail responsi- bility of signing checks; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to expedite refunds to customers who dis- continue service and desire an immediate refund; and WHEREAS, the re-designation of the persons to sign such water meter deposit refund checks would expedite the handling of the city's and the cus- tomer's business. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Section 1 of Resolution No. 62-6 be amended in part to read, "The present system of issuing water meter deposit refunds be changed in accordance with the recommendation of the City Treasurer and that a new bank account in the maximum amount of five hundred ($500.00) dollars, titled City of West University Place, Texas - Water Meter Deposit Fund, be created and that the City Treasurer, Assistant City Treasurer and a Cashier in the Wate Department, designated by the City Treasurer, be authorized to sign refund , checks drawn on the Water-Meter Deposit Fund." PASSED AND APPROVED thi s ~S-:d. · day of ~A '" t' 1974. Commissioners Voting Aye: Q.lO. Commi ss ioners Voti ng No: O'\k4...I Cl2 0~ Mayor ATTEST: ~~~ Asslstant Clty Secretary f-- -~m i j!I I . iI: ['III:HIII Illmllll ,---~-~ RESOLUTION NUMBER ,74~6 WHEREAS, Resolution No. 60-17, approved by the City Commission Sep- tember12, 1960, provides for the creation of a separate bank account to re- ceive and deposit funds held as Bail Bond to expedite auditing the transactions relating to posting of cash bonds and give a proper accounting of all money received related thereto; and WHEREAS, authority for deposit; and withdrawal of "Bail Bond Fund" was vested in the City Treasurer, City Comptroller and City Ma~ager; and WHEREAS, there is no employee or provision for designation of City Comptroller; and WHEREAS, the City Manager should be relieved of the detail responsi- bility of signtng checks; and WHEREAS, the re-designation of the persons to sign such bail bond ,fund checks wou1 d expedite the handl ing of the ci ty' s busi ness. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION'OF,THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Section 2 of Resolution No. 60-17 be amended in part to read, "Authority for deposit and withdrawal of "Bail Bond Fund" shall be vested in the City Treasurer, Assistant Cfty Treasurer and a Cashier in the Water Department, designated by the City Treasurer. Checks for withdrawal of funds in this account may be signed by any two of three persons serving in the respective official capacity of City Treasurer, Assistant City Treasurer or Cashier in the Water Department." PASSED AND APPROVED this d&~~ day of ~ A~~~A r-' Commi ssioners Voting Aye;'~ Commi ssi oners Voting No: "71\eL..u1 Q cE~A-M Mayor 1974. ATTEST: ~- ~aJ- A is ant City Secretary E~=:=""~I .-~--"- ~.----F" ,,-" ...b-.J..J....lU.............L.LUII.A.I&.E:: RESOLUTION NUMBER 74-7 WHEREAS, Mr. William Bremer, employed as Police Dispatcher and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has resigned from the employment of the city; and WHEREAS, Mr. Dwight Tiller, employed as Police Dispatcher and appoint- ed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has been re-assigned in his employment of the city; and WHEREAS, Miss Karen K. French and Mrs. Christine E. Crump have been employed as Police Dispatchers, and are qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY ,THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Miss Karen K. French and Mrs. Christine E. Crump be, and they are hereby, appointed Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. That the appointment of Miss Karen K. French and Mrs. Christine E. Crump, as Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that they shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy Clerk after having been administered the proper Oath of Office. PASSED AND APPROVED this ;).frIL day of ~'L;Jl.L_ , 1974. Commissi~ners Voting Aye: Qu ) Commissioners Voting No: ~ ~-<:~,,~. ATTEST: ~~~J Assis nt City ecretary -,- -- ~---IE'-=,,-on.~~I~_:___ _:-~ ........L: =-j==-~="--= '-::::l-_"~_ c~-,",.~.__.'L~--..........J..L=..lU~.~ RESOLUTION NUMBER 74-8 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, has initiated a study' to determine the feasibility of establishing a park along and over Poor Farm Ditch from Bissonnet Street to Be1laire Boulevard; and WHEREAS"a portion of the area under consideration lies in the dedi- cated, but unused, Vi,rginia Street right-of.,.way; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to incorporateslilch right-of-way into the contemplated park upon satisfactory determination of its avai1abi1ity for such use as to title and availability of funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Manager be, and he is hereby, authorized to conduct a study to determine the availability for use as a park of the dedicate but unused, Virginia Street ~ight-of-way from the south right-of-way line of University Boulevard to the south right-of-way line of Cason Street. Section 2. Such study shall include, a determination of the title to such property and whether a use for a purpose other than a street would give rise to any title problems. Section 3. Such study shall also include a determination of the source offlunds to accomplish the development of the property for a park. PASSED AND APPROVED th" ~(d- daY Of~~""1 " . 1914. Commissioners Voting Aye:iJ 0-0 I Commissioners Voting No: 1}u L C2 ~ <:r ' ATTEST: r&. ~.aJ . "tant C ty Secretary - . . -r ---I~,""\'1[ J --'~"r-' , I'll I . III ,.1I1"l1l1 1I1I1111l RESOLUTION NUMBER 74-9 WHEREAS, on May 5, 1974, a 1974 Four Door Fo~d Galaxie Police patrol car was involved in an accident with a local citizen in the intersection of Mercer Street and University Boulevard; and WHEREAS. serious damage occurred to both vehicles and particularly to the City of West University Place patrol car; and WHEREAS, considerable time has been involved in the determination by Chief of Police Richard Kesse1us and Assistant Chief of Police Harold Shipp as to the best solution for replacement of this damaged vehicle; and WHEREAS, estimates were received from Jack Roach Ford Company for replacement of the damaged vehicle with 'a new 1974 model comparable unit, and the quoted net difference was$2,69LOO; and ' WHEREAS, a quotation was received from luke Johnson Ford Company for replacement of ,the damaged vehicle with a new 1974 model comparable unit, and the quoted net difference was $2,500.00; and WHEREAS, in lieu of purchasing a new vehicle the desirability of repairing the damaged 1974 patrol car 'was considered and three (3) estimates Were obtained from the fOllowing automobile agencies: Russell and Smith Ford Company, $1,534.19, without new windshield a'nd repairing present fenders in- stead of new fenders; luke Johnson Ford Company, $1,534.76, without new wind- shield and repairi,ng present fenders instead of new fenders; and Jack Roach Ford Company, $1,537.75, including new windshield and new fenders; and WHEREAS, it is the, recommendation of the Chief' of Police that the damaged 1974 Ford Ga1axie patrol car be repaired as the frame and motor were not damaged; and WHEREAS, it is recommended that Jack Roach Ford Company be authorized to make said repairs to the vehicle for the total of $],537.75. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: " , Section 1. That the damaged 1974 Ford Ga1axie patrol car be repaired instead of purchasing a new replacement unit. Section 2. That the quotation of Jack Roach Ford Company in the total amount of $1,537.75 for repairing said vehicle be accepted. ' Section 3. That said funds in the amount of $1,537.75 for repairs of said vehicle be appropriated from the General Fund and charged to the Police Department. ' Section 4. That the City Man,ager be authorized to have the repairs made to the said patrol car in accordance with the detailed repair estimated received from Jack Roach Ford Company dated May 7, 1974, in the amount of $1,537.75.' , PASSED AND APPROVED this Cf1L- day Of~, 1974. Conmiss'oner, Vntin. AY., ~ ~~~-- ATTEST: ,~. ~ ~tuJLw- Assista tCity Secretary -~~~~ ~I --, II I; 111 n lIPllUI '111111111 RESOLUTION NUMBER 74-10 WHEREAS, since the creation of the revolving fund known as City of West University Place, Texas - Water Meter Deposit Fund there has been a substantial increase in the amount of water meter deposit required; and WHEREAS, the City Treasurer has recommended that the revolving fund known as City of West University Place, Texas - Water Meter Deposit Fund heretofore created by Resolution #62-6 be increased from the amount of $500.00 to the amount of $1,000.00. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the revolving fund known as City of West University Place, Texas - Water Meter Deposit Fund be, and it is hereby, increased to a maximum of $1,000.00, and that two ,(2) of three ,(3) appointed and bonded city officials are hereby authorized to withdraw funds on said account and that re- fund checks be hand-written or typed as maybe deemed advisa-1e. Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective the date of its passage and approval as required by law. PASSED A~D APPROVED this ~ d.y Of~. 1974. Commissioners Voting Aye: .Q.t IJ. . - Cciinmissioners Voting No: b. lit w...~ t:J ATTEST: As~a~t C~y~ r 1_". __OH _.::::11. _--L:_""---P RESOLUTION NUMBER 74-11 WHEREAS, the Chief of the Fire Department of the City of West University Place, Texas, has recommended that a new position be created in the Fire Department with the person holding such position to be know as "Training offi cern; and WHEREAS, such Training Officer is necessary to meet the Firemen's Certification requirements of the State Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. There is hereby created in the Fire Department of the City the position of "Training Officer". Section 2. That the person holding such position shall be designated by the Chief of the Fire Department. Section 3. That the salary of the Training Officer shall be fifteen ($15.00) more than the monthly rate set for Senior Drivers in the Fire Depart- ment, and such Training Officer shall be on a forty '(40) hour work week. Section 4. It shall be the duty of such Training Officer to train and instruct all new personnel of the Fire Department to the end that such personnel shall receive certification by the State of Texas. In addition thereto such r.raini~g afficer shall hold drill for the On-Call personnel of the Fire Department. Secti on 5. The pos i ti on of Trai ning Offi cer created hereby shall not continue beyond December 31, 1974. PASSED AND APPROVED this ,;l~~ day of ~L 'f' 1974. Commissioners Voting Aye: '~ Commissioners Voting No: ~ j ((l~4~ Mayr ATTEST: i'J ~~ Assis ant City Secretary '-='" "" ,Y<'<<"C"~=~~="'" ---.r:- ---::i:~._~ ~__~__~;L~.LLlLl.:..:lU.J.....LLI..lU..Ia.I.. -~---,--------,-------,----- RESOLUTION NUMBER 74-12 WHEREAS, the City Commission has decided that certain professional services would be of assistance to it in acting upon the recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission dated March 11, 1974; and WHEREAS, after consideration of informal proposals by various companies it was decided that a formal proposal should be submitted by.Mr. Ea,rle Britton of the firm of The Urban Design Team for consideration by the City Commission, and WHEREAS, Mr. Earle Britton has now presented a formal proposal to the City, a copy of such proposal being attached hereto as an Exhibit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to enter into an agreement with Mr. Earle Britton of the firm of The Urban Design Team consistent with the terms of the proposal attached hereto as an Exhibit. Section 2. That the sum to be expended for the'work to be performed under such proposal shall not exceed the amount of $2,000.00. PASSED AND APPROVED this~ day Of..50u1ty , 1974. Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Vetin9 No: ~~ Mayor ATTEST:: .~ ,'" , IJ~ " #,' liL Ci" ecreta~ r ' ,]I 'r-' .-T H I. i'l: :::tiIfHlli illllllllr ~,. the Urban Design Team the Control Data Building 2000 West Loop South Houston Texas 77027 713 6228220 Mr. Whitt Johnson, City Manager City of West University Place Building 3800 University Blvd. Houston, Texas 77005 July 17, 1974 Mr. Johnson, It was my p~~asure to have discussed with you and the members of City Council my interest in provid,ing the services outl ined below. I am famiUlar with the problems and the, process to date and feel that th,~s Will enable my office to perform the task with essentially all our time spentin productive efforts. SCOPE OF PROPOSAL As I understand the assignment, we will ,provide your office and recommend to the City Council on ordiaanaceconcerning the development of the perimeter properties fur townhouse or cluster development uses. We will consider the recommendations if the Zoning and Planning Commissions as a base butexpend the concerns into a development policy statement. The development, policy ordinance will consider many factors to include: 1> Adjacent land uses on all sides 2) Protection of single family home uses 3) TraJficand Parking ,?, 4) Garbage and service access 5) Fire and poliql protection 6) Setback and easements 7) Height of construction 8) Direction on orientation of units 9) Materials for construction 10> Open space requirements 11> Development by lot or multiple lots 12) Views and privacy To illustrate the use of the development p,qflicy ordinance we will provide illustrated site plan drawings indicating approved development concepts fur prototypicallofs and lotgroupings. \ To allow fur flexibility and uniqueness in design submissions over-time we wifl recommend certain incentivealte'rnatives to the base recommendations. These specific items will allow some deviation from the ordinance in return for certain environmental or quality improvement. LENGTH OF STUDY It is our intention to initiate work immediately upon approval of this proposal. A preliminary review-discussion meeting prior to the first of August in requested to include Gene Hines and others from the Zoning Commission as desired. A second review meeting is desired in mid-August the Urban Design Team . .~--;..., 'I and a final review and completion date is set for September I, allowing review by Council prior to the early September Council date. COMPENSATION The study will be performed on a time-card basis 'Utilizing hourly rates for those staff members assigned to the study. These rates include labor cost and overhead factor only with the profit factor omr\tted. Basic reporduction costs will be included for copies oftherecommendations for the Council'members and staff. The Urban Design Team will perform the above services within a budget of $2,000. Thanks again for the opportunity to work with you and a community spirit: unmatched in my experience. Sincerely, C~'t:~ Enclosure Earle V Britton - -~==,~~,:-'r"':::':':",,~~,,,"~-=::~..=!!Il-~-~<-'""---:~~-""""'-I=~---,-"""~'~=~=;"--"~CL.o......- __~_._.~~..................~1II:ICII2":-c----.--------- l RESOlUTIONNUMBER74~13 WHEREAS, on June 9, 1974, it was determined by the Water Superinten- dent of the City of West University Place, Texas, that Water Well No.5 had ceased its production of water, and thereafter ceased pumping; and WHEREAS, thereafter the Water Superintendent and the City Manager immediately consulted with Singer Company, layne-Texas Division, the firm which had originally drilled said well on June 14, 1941, and requested their assis- tance 'in determining the necessary action that could be taken, if any, to re- store such well to production; and WHEREAS, on July 10, 1974, representatives of Singer Company, layne- Texas Division, met with the City Commission and explained to the City Commissio what appeared to be several possible reasons for the cessation of water produc- tion from the well, and outlined various actions that could be taken to attempt to ascertain the exact cause of the well failure; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, thereupon, authorized the Singer Company layne-Texas Division, to bring a work rig to the site, attempt to remove the pump, and to thereafter advise the City Commission as to the work that 'would be required in restoring the well to production; and WHEREAS, by report dated July 30, 1974, the Si nger Company, layne- Texas Division, has advised the -City Commission that there, appears to be a break or rUjlture in the twenty (20") inch'casing in the well at a depth of four hun- dred (4'00') feet ta four hundred fifty :('450') feet, and has recommended in said report the procedure that should be used'to repair such rupture or break, and has provided a cost estimate for the well repair of $30,000 to$35,QOO, plus an estimate of $10~OOO to' $12,000 for modification of the pumping equipment. NOW, ,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: " ' Section ,1. The City Commission hereby finds and determines the neces- sity for attempting to repair the rupture or break in city Water Well No.5 and if necessary the modifying of the present pumping equipment by using a smaller diameter pump bowl. ' , ' Section 2. The City Commission further finds and determines that the procedure outlined in the report of July 30, 1974 from Singer Company, layne- Texas~jvision, a copy of which is marked Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a parti'hereof, is the proper procedure that should be followed in attempting to repair the rupture or break in the casing of city Water Well No.5. ' Section ,3. It is hereby determined that the estimated cost of such work, if carried to completion, shall be an amount of $47,000. It is recognized that the actual amount for completing 'the repairs cannot finally be determined until the repairs have been completed. Section.4. That Singer Company, layne-Texas Division, a reputable firm, experienced in the repair and maintenance of water wells and pum~,is hereby engaged for the purpose of attempti,ng to repair. the break or rupture in the casing of city Water Well No. 5iliaccordance with Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Cha,rges for said work shall be performed in accordance wi th Singer Company, layne-Texas Division, Charge Basis Schedules CB $14A, In, #12 and #13,' Zone 1, Class R-1,exc1usive of charges for parts and materials required for performing such work. ' , Section 5. That it has been determined that if repairs cannot be com- pleted as outlined in proposal dated July 30. 1974, as attached, all operations shall cease at the city's option and the city shall be liable only for charges to such date of cessation of WOrk. ' ---------------- --- ---~E~~~-:=:_~E~_::_~:=:~:-~~----- '~----___:______.L"'--"-""T=-='==---"---"=O= "-~'"~':"l._...._ __ _ ~______.L_~~....;;lL__..ljID:lilr'O'- -,- . -2- Section 6. That all action of the Mayor, City Manager and Water Superi ntendent, hereto taken in attempting to ascertai n the 'reason of the fail- ure of city Water Well No.5, and attempts to repair said well, are hereby in all things expressly ratified and approved. , , PASSED AND APPROVED this ly-t;#- day of ~rd-:'1974. Commissioners Voting Aye: A'/d Commissioners Voting NO:J}7~ if jJ(~du-u;wo- , Mayor-PA!!P I~ ATTEST: ~ ~Jru.A ASslstant Ci ty Secretary / --~".',. ~::m.~~~' ,:r'~~"r-~~~~'T,lL..... ,~__,L--'L.::.llLlJL,J.lillIJU .\ 1:1 \ / .' SINGER ~ LAYNE TEXAS DIVISION July 30, 1974 'City of West University Place 3BO~ University Blvd. Houston, Texas 77005 Attention:' Mr. WhLtt F. Johnson City Manager. Subject: Repair City Well No. 5 Gentlemen: Per your requestIsha.llattempt tose'tout the procedure SINGER- Layne Texas Division intends to use in 'attempting to reline the 2011 casing in your exi,s.ting City Well No.5. ' From all indications there appears to be a break in the 20" cas- ing at the depth of 400 to 450ft. 'The procedure to be used to attempt to repair this condition is as follows: 1. A drilling rig shall be set up at the well site including portable mud pits and made ready to start repair operations. 2. We shall start circulating fluid and run (first) one 18" o. D. bit to check if we can push out the break in the 20" casing. If this can be done we sha:].l run the 1811 bit to the top of the 12~3/4" screen liner 1020 ft. and wash around the lap " approximately 5 ft. We shall then run inside the 20" casing with a 16" O.D. casing liner 0 ft. to 1025 ft. welded in place oversetting - the liner lap approximately 5 ft., the void between the 16" and 20" shall be filled with a cement mud slurry for sealing. We shall then run a 10-3/411 bit in the l2~3/4" screen liner to ;bottom 1673 ft. cleaningoutal,l mud, sand and other matter. We shall then wash and surge,by drill stem metho~ using cleaning fluid, Laynite No. 7W.' The well shall then be pumped clean'ready for permanent pump. THE SINGER COMPANY LAYNE TEXAS DIVISION, BOX 9469, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77011' City of West University Place Subject: Repair City Well No. 5 Page 2 :By lining this well with 16" casing from 0 ft. to 1025 ft. we shall have to modify your present pumping equipment by using a smaller diameter pump bowl 1411 THC in place of 17" DROHC bowl. We shall also have to re;place the pump column which has flanges 1611 0.0. and use threaqc;l.~d coupled column. Al::J,.work<s'~:J.;Lbedo:n~ oJrlcpurregulq.r CBratesattached I' for €l~illing"r~~"r J.~,~~JZanGllm~~~rials . Please note by this method s:l;'lould:,we finCl ~,e>canne~cppe:n the 2~n casing to except the };1' :,~1'6" O'..l).l:!-ner all operations Shall stop and we shall at ";c]a~to1l1.eJt~;:~, tion cea~e r~pairs andatbandoned the we].l or ,~,1;;',,'. sOnl,e:i\ erme,\:,;h,9d of repair .~~est shall alsos.top as )we:iZll'.s:l1L' . conducted on a per nOl:1r basis. For atl'estima.t~OJ.Q.t, J- repair asset out $30,000 to $35,000; for t.1#~':;';~~€iif$aa.t.:~'w.~fp~p"i~.@r e'i1\ilipment $10,000 to $12.000. . ~- :,,,' In re'fl~~'~m.~~to' t'l:J:e,e~t~t,J.ng;l7J', pROHC p~p,J;~O'Vll anCl', flange c0lumnw\e,.~ecomme'~d;. '.",i'~ity store thi$Rl.~j:;~i::ial, to be used on prOF>oseCl:new well'o~: ,," F: re~J.,p.cement P&i~:t.s on exist;Lng)?umps. Should you desire SIT~r$lo/~TI:j}!q.~rJ.e to allow credit ontp,is material, we can allow $400 .OO'G~*;~~:I? bowl and $1,,200. 00 fq~used c.p>J.umn. We shall have drilling';t!;:lg availab];e in two weeks to complete this work for you. If I' can beof,f~:trther s.ervice, please advise. Sincerely, SINGER-Layne Texas Division ,~V.q;^ Gast~ f.\~W'J~ Di,strict Jlt1an~ger GLA/wlr Attachment E"==,.-....-:==I'='~~-==~=-~~ ~.~'~.~'I '~2'.._..L..o.~ . ___ _ __.L...........l..i___..llI.:...:.u.J.--~::n~ RESOLUTION NUMBER :74~14 WHEREAS, Miss Karen French, employed as Police Dispatcher and appoint- ed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has resigned her position with the City; and WHEREAS, Mr. Joseph Michael Waite has been employed as Police Dis- patcher, and is qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF,THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section ,1. That Mr. Joseph Michael Waite be, and he is hereby, ap- pointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Co~rt of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. That the appointment of Mr. Joseph Michael Waite as Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that he shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy Clerk after having been administered the proper Oath of Office. R' PASSED AND APPROVED thi s~day of c;6(~J, 1974. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ Commissioners Voting No: TJ~ (2~{i)-.----- Mayor-P,ec reA? ATTEST: '~~ Asslstant Clty Secretary =~..,..-=:=-:..,::::m.~" ----.r- --~. ::i___~_"""":":__:L~b....!Ll~..il..l.IU..IaI:.""-- RESOLUTION NUMBER 74-15 WHEREAS, the City COIlIIIissfon has heretofore detennined that additional real property is needed fn connection with lI1uofc;ip,l operations; and WHEREAS, the City ha$ ent.red 1nto an Earnest Money Contract for the acquisition of Lots 7 and a, Blocf<. 27, Colonial Terrace Addition owned by Mr. Chesley McLarty. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THIi CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UIUVittSl1l PLACE, TEXAS 1 Seetion 1. That the sum of $30,410.00 be appropriated from the General Fund.. Capftal Improvelllent Fund for the acqUisition of: Lots 7 and 8, 810ck 27 of Colonial Terrace Addition. an Addition in the City of West Upiversity "'ace, Harris County, Texas, lGcor41ag to the map or plat thereof, recorded in the plat records of Hams County, Texas. Section 2. Tha,t the action of the Mayor and City Ma~ger in regard to the acqUisition of the aforesaid property be.. and they are hereby, ratiffed and approved, and that the Mayor be. and he is hereby, authorized to execute final settl_nt I)f tile terms and proVisions of an Earne$t Morl-.v Contract , dated October 9.1974. resulting in the pa,yment of the total sum of $30.410.00 for tbe purchase and acquistttGn of the abeve descJ'fbed ,"petty. Section 3. Tbat the ct~ TreasUJ"er is authorized to pay all closing costs io connection with hsuane. of a title 9~rant,y pOlicy by Southern Title Company. Inc.. Houston. Texas. upon their agreellleRt to issue such polfey naming the C1-t,y of Nest UnfveJ'sfty Place, Texas as the beneficiary .lid showf nl good fee Simple title to the above described property in the City of Nest University Place. Texas. Section 4. That the Cfty Treasurer is bereby authorized to prepare and draw a warrant ff"GII the General 'und of the City o.f West UnfYers1t,y Place fn ,the amount of $30.000.00. plus olO$i", CO$", u flnal casb settles111nt of the agreed purchase pnee of $30.089.00, whiGh swdneludes $2.600.00 placed in escrow with Southern T1-'le Compal\V, Int. as part of the Earnest Money pur.hase , contract. PASSED AND APPRaVEP tMs I~ day of m(J~! ' 1974. COIlIIIJissioRers Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No~ c--: ATTEST: ~~~ Ass snt' 't,y' seNita" -r=i I U I I .'1111111 ,111I1111 ,ii1 '" RESOI.lJTlON NUMBER 14-15 /J1HEREAS, .the.; City COI1I/7I.UUon 06 the Cl.ty 06 We.6.t Un.ivwUy P~e., Te.xa6, htu be.en ad.v.i.uJi 06 the. u.n:ti.mety dtath 06 HeJUlhet. L. vau.ghn. Oil Sep.tembelt " 1974; and WHEREAS, HelL4hel. L. Vaughn, a.t.the. Wrle. 06 ki..4 dea:th lIIa4 emptoyed by .the City 06 /J1e6.t Un..l.vvu.i.ty Pl4ee 46 Wa.telt SupeMntenden.t and had be.en.4o emptoye.d 4olnee. Novf11IbfA 1, 1965; and WHEREAS, dwt.l.ns hJ..6 .tenuIte. wUh the. CUy06 We.6.t Un.iv&u.i.ty Pla4e, .the. .4aJ.d HfAehe.l. L. Vaushn htu pfA60JuTled aU. da.tie6 46.44ned .to h.i.m e.".i.ei.e.n.t(y and .in' .4fLeA an exf11lpbvly IIIllIUWL 46 .to .u6te.et CIf.e.tiU upon .the .4a.i,d CUy and vaJt..i.o"" adm.i.n.i.6t1uz.:Uon6 undfA whi.ch he. had .4C1tved, 46 welt. 46 upon him6et.6; and WtlfRfAS, .the C.i.ity COIIIIII.L64.lon 06 the. Cl.ty 06 We.6.t untvw.Uy P.l44e. de6.(/(.e6 .to e.xpte.6.4 .i.t.6 appItee.l4ti.on 6011. the. 6a.U.h6at. and competent .4e1W.lee 06 ' HeM.kel. L. Vaashn.to .the ei..:tJj, and .to 6UNthfA expI(.eu U:.6 .4ympa.;thu .to the. w.idow and 6amUy 06 HeJU!het. L. va.uehn; NOtJJ, THEREFORE, BE IT RCSOLVEV BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OIEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That.the. e.Uben4 06 Wu.t Un..l.vl/r.4Uy Pl4ee." ae.t4ns by and .thIr.oUBh the. 1day0/f. and CUy COJ1f1W..u.ion 06 .4a.id e.i;ty, hfAe. now 1I.W11Ld .theilr. e.xp1teu.lon 06 .thelJr. h4h It.egillLd 60lt. .the. memoll.y 06 HVf.ehet. L. Vaughn, and an 4pplte.c.iAtlon 60lt. ki..4 6a.i:th6ut -'CltV-Ule6 .in heW6 06 .4a.lJi ~'duA.i.ng ki..4 employment. 2. That -,aU eUy expII.e6.4U U:.6 de.epe6.t -,ympa;thy .to AUu. Jan.ic.e. Vaughn and the o~ .4u1W.c.v.i.ng me.mbeJt.6 06 th&. 6ami4 06 Hfl&Cltet. L. vaughn.llt .theiJt belte4vemen.t. 3. That 46 6wr.thelt e.v.i.denu 06 tl&ey.4ma.thrJ expII.e64ed, .the. Ci.ty Se.MUtrIty i..6 diJr.tlJ!.l:ed .to .t!tan6mt.t 4 t!.Opy 0' .th..lJ. Ruo.t.u.t.Wn.to Ut4. Ja.ni.4e. Vaughn, w.i.dow 06 Helf4h.el. L. vaughn. PASSI1D AND AmOva> ~ 'Jod ~~. CUy 06 fIIe.4.t untvw.l.ty Pt4ec., Te.xa6 ~nt~~ AlTEST: '-r--""--''''~--'----'----. 'i~ -..,- r "r~~~c" 'T 1:1 I ii' '.!lP,!!!' ,IIIUIIU-- RESOLUTION NUMBER 74-16 WHEREAS, certain city officials holding office in the Texas Municipal league and others involved in Committee assignments will be attending the 62nd Annual Conference in Fort Worth, Texas on October 28, 1974, to represent the City at such conference. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Commission shall meet at its regular meeting place in recessed session on October 21, 1974, 7:30 p.m., which said meeting shall be in lieu of the regular meeting on October 28, 1974. Section 2. The City Commission shall meet at its regular meeting place on November 7, 1974, 7:30 p.m., for the purpose of canvassing the votes cast at the General City Election held on November 5, 1974. Section 3. Proper notice of said meetings shall be given in the manner and for the date and time as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 14th day of October, 1974. Commissioners Voting Aye: IJ p, ) Commissioners Voting No: 71~ .(f]E"'~ Mayor ATTEST: &Ci~~ 'I - , ,;~ r....'..~I.. ''''''''1'11 I 'I"IIIIIII,IIIIIIU'" Usom'OI _- 74-17 _lIAS. I,.. ....... w't" .. CMf'W .f * Chy 9f Vest .'..,ahy '.e... Tuit. .. T_ ...,..,.. Cttfe... tnft_...,. I..f ,. .'" of West tlitlftnlty ,t.o. . ...... ell, II_t1. wu held . ......,. s. 1m. I.. tfa CIty of Wen """'tv ".. for.. __a of .___...,.,... fft, ............ for . Oi\lt ,... ..,. .. .........tw .. .. C.ty ........ ... WIlIWt. I.......... wI. .. .... .. ,....... ., Art..... .... .f .. IU...IM.... cia ....... of ... .teotl..- ... .... .. ...... .. .... , I..... 1ft . sea.. ......., eM ...__ fA ..te .''IM'" .........Ift 1M pon U.- .. uUy "au. to .. ...,., .. C,,, ......... ., .. It.., ., Va. ..,......, PI.... ,..... _ _. .......,., _City Ct8ttu..... .f .... CI", of Vtt, .......... .r., ''''-g tuu. I. .....t ....... .....,..... ........, 1. 1"4t .... ..... .'...... ... e'_.1eD ...... ............ .... .....,. ......., I.. ........ ... .. ........ of .. ." ..,..,. .... the ,... 11_'. COia ... .J a ....1& of ..... ......... .. ......, ...4..,., .... .tv ... ........... f.... ., .. ... ....... the foI..... ..... we,. .... CaU.... ''''MI ,...... ,.....u. ,....... ... 0'_ for" II "j! fRill ' Pa' v. ValU.., ",...,.. '" m B' ''II R. Cat. ..,.,. 1 J. .. ~ ........., .'5 $1' '" 1GJ ....Id Itl' .... Jr.. ea....,.... ,,,. - "' "' "'''' T. Gall.., ........... .J "1 :; 3" ..." '- "0'. ..........., 1ft '" hi Hr.. lbartoft St.,.., eo....,..,. ,., S01 "J 4', ",IUp A. ... CcIlIIIllt....... OJ 11' J6J 716 lufU$ ,,, ''''''ey, .It.. ............. MJ "0 m 141 1iIHIlIM. ... rel..t, of._ .,.c,_. 't... ........... ... PR' v. v.nt.. Jr., w'", . ...-. .f JQ.4 VOl.. cu. ,., ..... .... ....... IIAYG&" .... CIty of v.t .........,_ '1... T.,..l ... tIte. J. ... ......,... wIth. cota' ........ .f IlSl .... cu. for ..... .. .." .. .I.t.t w.... . ...., .......f ISI. ... cu' for..... ... Pbnlft A. .... w.... a..... ...... of."". ..., for It,.. _aut.. Fit sua'''', .I,,,. wi.. letal ......f ..) _t.. .... ,. It.., .... ... .t..... COM...... .f .. City .f Wen ......_ "He. ....... NOW. THlUFIRE, .. IT ...... ty TIll l.lY C..t.'. IF TtII en' Of' VIS' UfUYiUm PUC'. ... I. 'rUt.1Ie ofll.f.. r....lt. .f .... ...... _I J .... .. CIMlJ .... ...,." d.ol.,.. .......t Ie ..... of the ,...ru of ...... .teetlon '" ... ...,.,. ... Cf., _,..... .. ... thtlt ,..., W'" *_. '.. .It.. .... .t_1ed Mayor .I.. .. ~... .I.t. COM...t..., ...", .. I'.', .. ........ .........., 'bin, A. 8uIm wu .... ........... Rut.. 'It S.....,. .I,. ... ...... .......1.., ., .... C,.,. af ..., UafWltdtl' P..... .,... ..... . .. ,..,. t..... .....f!'.... by .... Ch, c........ at ....... ........ a. TMt.. ....c..." .f th.. ....lat.. _It.. ......... to .... 'ea' V. "'tU.. J,., J. .. .,......'...., ... It..". PI.tllp" DuM 1M W.,. ,.. a_I.,. .w.. .. hi. .....f'tcale of ......... ... .,,,.... cop'. IteI'eGf ..n Ire .n....... to lite "" ......1'7 .f .. I.ty ., Vue Uo....t., ".... ,..... PASSIO .I.NO. tb.. ... u... cfay of _ftrIMr. .,"'. ............ """ Aye. (i!f1! 'ZZ'"~~/ ~ ' ~' ...._~ r' I " I~-- r'~-..'~Il' 1 'I III' II 11111111 RESOLUTION NUMBER 74--18 WHEREAS. on August 12. 1974. the City Commission passed and approved Resolution Number 74-13 employing Layne Texas Company to rehabilitate and re- pair water well number 5 In accordance l/llith procedure outlined In their report to the City Corrunlssion dated July 30, 1974; and WHEREAS. it was determined that the estimated cost of such work, if carried to competlon. shall be $47.000.00. It being recognized that the actual amount of completing the 'repairs could not finally be determined until all repairs' had been completed; and WHEREAS. the Layne Texas Company has submitted, and the City Commis- sion has approved, invoice total ing $66.986.04 as a result of extra work and the necess i ty of ins ta 11 i,ng a 16 inch stee 1 cas ing as a 1 i ner; and WHEREAS. It is now estimated that the total cost of the work involved for the rehabilitation of water well number 5, a new pump, labor, repairs and equipment will total $90,000.00. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section I. That Resolution Number 74-13 be amended to appropriate an additional $43~000.00 from the Water Fund as the estimated amount to pay the necessary cost for rehabilitating the well, a new pump and repairs to city water well number 5. PASSED AND APPROVED this 11th day of November, 1974. Corrunlssioners Voting Aye: All 22";~ Mayor ATTEST: rX:// o>:l.~f}~ Assistant City Secretary - - ----.-------..~------- -r-- 'I -. -:m"~____:r..~r~~""'"~.~.T 'I' 1 1L III:IIH TI1IIIIlIT' '--.,~ RESOLUTION NUMBER 74~19 WHEREAS,' the City COriunission appropriated in the 1974 Budget the sum of $5,000.00 from the' General Ftmd for research imd investigation of the feaSibility of Indepemdence Park; and WHEREAS, the research imd investigationhasbee:i1 completed and proper reports submitted and there remains $1',n06.63 as the imexpended balance 0:1; the original appropriation. NOW; THEREFORE, BE, IT RESOLVED, BY THE CITY' CQl.MISSION OF 1HE CITY, OF WEST UNIVImSITY: PLACE:, TEXAS: Section 1. That the $1,606.63 in the General Fund be encumbered to be used for further research imd investigation of the feasibility of Indepen- dence Park, such funds to be expended upon the issuance of proper pUrchase orders or written authority and upon final approval of the City Conunission. PASSED AND APPROVED this thell..'tll. ,day Of~ ' 1974. COriunissioners Voting Aye: ~ j, COmmissioners Voting No: '-J:ll}...fo".., 42,6~' ~ A'ITEST; ~.~ Assi.st t City Secretary RESOLUTION NUMBER ,74-20 WHEREAS, a city election was held on the fifth day of November, 1974 in the City of West University Place, Texas, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four members of the City Commission; and WHEREAS, the votes cast at the election held on November 5, 1974, were canvassed by members of the City Commission on the date of November 7, 1974, and it was determined that Mr,. Pau1W. Wallin, Jr. had been duly elected Mayor and that Commissioners MaryAnn Binig and Rufus ,F. Stanley, Jr. had been duly re-e1ected Commissioners, and,that Phi1ip:A. Dunn andJ.B. Thompson had been duly elected as Commissioner~'of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, in special ceremonies of the City Commission held at the City Hall on November 18, 1974" each of the above named persons were administer edtheOath of Office and duly installed in their respective elected positions; and WHEREAS, upon proper motion and second, Commissioner Mary Ann Binig was elected Mayor Pro-Tem of the City of West University Place, Texas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERS ITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Mayor Paul W. Wallin, Jr. and Mayor Pro-Tem Mary Ann Binig be and they are hereby, designated and authorized to sign or countersign checks drawn onJall banks or financial institutions serving as depository for funds of the City of West University Place, Texq9,amdany banks or financial institutions which may be hereinafter designated as depository of ci ty funds during the term of thei r offi ce. Section 2. Be it further resolved that all provisions of such prior Resolutions as may conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed; and be it further resolved that the City)Treasurer be, and he is hereby directed, to furnish each depository bank, or financial institution with which the city has funds on deposit, or with which the city may transact any banking business, a true and correct copy of this Resolution. PASSED AND APPROVED this.;}S;ztday of J7~~J , 1974,. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ Commissioners Voting No: lI~" V0d2tt/M~ lz~ Mayor I ATTEST: ~-~/~ ~sslstant Clty Secretary ./ .. ----.----r~_- --:r----.=-..==..=:~--~__=_..r==T-==~'"' -:.~ _.-In.-::L...:....:.-__ ___~..____~.i.....~.:....llL_:.:.1L.;Jjlill.iH: RESOLUTION NUMBER 74-21 WHEREAS, it is the duty of the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, as soon as practical after the e1ection of a new City Commission, to appoint a City Treasurer, Tax-Assessor/Collector; and Assistant, as may be necessary to trans act the city 1 sf,inancial affairs; and WHEREAS,the City Commission was, e1ectedatthe 1ast re,gu1ar election held on the fifth day of November, 1974; NOW ,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY ,PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1- ,The City Commission hereby names and appoints Wi11iam Dittert, Jr. as City, Treasurer and Tax-AssessQr/Collector of the City of West University P1ace, T,exas,and he is hereby in- vested with all of the duties and responsibi1ities as set forth in the Charter of said City and the Statutes of'the State of Texas. Section' 2. The City Commission hereby names and appoint Robert W. Hal"p'er~: as Assistant City Treasurer and Assistant Tax- Assessor/Collector of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 3. That each official hereby appointed shall re ceive monthly compensation for the performance of their duties, in accordance with .the heretororeadopted salary schedule. Section 4. The, persons appointed to the respective offices shall serve until the next regular City General Election, and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors, unless discharged by the City Commission for just caus . PASSED AND APPROVED this :J..S-~ day of 'lJ~~ 19, 4. Commissioners, Voting Aye: ~ Commissioners Voting No: J7~ ~~<</" U/~,~ , Mayor t7 ATTEST: ~ rJ&,Jj~aJ-, Assi tant City Secretary -----'-~ L ~ ---.r::- :1__:1.....--'--__ t_ _._____l-~~.....ilL..__..ldUI.JI.l: RESOLUTION NUMBER 74-22 WHEREAS, Mr. Thomas Clarke has heretofore been appointed Assistant City Attorney and Prosecutor .of the City .of West Uniyer- sity Place fer a term expiring en December, 31, 1,974; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to reappoint Mr. Thomas Clarke to such position. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE , TEXAS: Sectien 1. That Thomas Clarke is hereby appointed Assis- tant City Attorney andPros,ecutorin the Municipal Court of the City .of West University Place. Section 2. Said Thomas Cl'arke shall receive as, compen- sation fer his duties the amount heretofore previded fer such positi.on. Section, 3 . Thomas Clarke shall serve in g,uch capacity until December, 31, 1,975"unless ,removed frem said position during such period by the City commission. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day .of :J7~ , 1974. Commissioners Voting Aye: Q>>.. ) Commissioners Voting No: ~~ VOWLWW~ ,~ Mayor I ' ATTEST: ~j~~ Assistant City S,ecretary i;~\ n'--r'~e~ ,- - , "B r' .. r '--1 ') L lil::!11 :1111111......--- RESOLUTiON Nt1JmIR 14-23 , , , ' , WMlfiW. thee.t~c~s~lon ,of t~ C1t1 ef\iest, i1J'\1verfft__ Pbc&, T~Qt~b", ;~tQ.f.f!J .,__, '.~.r. e~ ,P.~i(Jlh; AJ~ta.eProres$.", Rtcehho.l of ~f_ture. W .ke ~tQ stucflts innlQmillS tH .si.,. develGP/llElDt 01 Poor 'am ot. into an .... to . tmowR as rn~ Park; and ' , " ~SJ i Ii aaC3;WpHlbtl'llmm purpose. Profe"e)" p.,..emetr'fh has condweted a tmJIut wttb tIle.Std,* GfAHld~e 2GO at Rtft UatveFSttIY. whtch baa ......., ~p __ ,.......t.. of Il.,.tives the rante If pOHtllUtty au dfrQCltton*. sueR a pari ., fO&v1t4bl, tau~.nd WMftUM, ,-.is ~'.. tJ1!'tltatmt to u..ttt1 ___ion aM fit$'f.. dents of .. efty o,w., Un,..,t. Pl_. tu.,sent,. at a ,ublfc ftm$ for the cif"$.f~Nl of .. . pottnfat ~i~ftli aM , _MAS. tbeet" CIllIatssi.n ,dsn. to ,..gAt. 8rKf 1:0 .,..... i~ appredation for the \'IOt'k cone by Pnf...,.,.d~OUl!' bts emllft'_ ami sWGmu. ' .. ~. BE IT USOLVltD 8Y M CITY, ..IUI. Of THE em OF \Ul' Ul'ftVIMm KACr.. TOASt, ' Sect-in 1. TBt the eftY e.rt.tton I\eNh.Ywras. ft IPP,,"iatfon to Pm.""'et~ c" ~'ri., ttts'conaItU.. d_c._rlaft a.'.. k9OnI14.aJUl thet, $'ludimtl. hl' ~...lIttGlt wttIJ the ._ .... report.. to "'It C'f\Y 6oI&1$8t. i. ctOMeetton wi. t~ .,ib1. development of Per 'am &ttch into a lilt",. park to . .JIOWft &, lftftpemlence Park. ' Seetfoft t. T.t.. Mayor k_ ad ... ts bm$I. au..btd to .' her to 'l'O'esso,. PeW c. ,.,....V1ov. ... kvid, eN'" od 'Pett.' If....n Hteke_n. _ ,vue .. ~rwt .. 0' 'th11 _,'utfOR ." sf_" b,y . MayGr .Ad Ct1l1 ..talill'l. ' , 'ASSa .. Amovilt tIl1. ~, day of "/2!..~~~ ,!J U114" ~~zu~~ . ,,1\ a..ll'. ;J 'l ( ~. ATTUTi ~~~ RESOLUTI0N NUMBER 74-24 WHEREAS, upon recommendation of the Chief of the Fire Department and City Manager, a new position in the Fire Department was created with the person holding such position to be known as "Training Officer"; and WHEREAS, on the twenty-second day of July, 1974" the City Commission passed Resolution Number 74-11 creating such position, defining duties and re- sponsibilities, hours of employment and compensation; and ' WHEREAS, the position of Training Officer was created until the date of December 31. 1974; and ' WHEREAS, the Texas Commission on Fire Protection Personnel Standards' and Education requires a minimum standard of fire training for Fire Department personnel; and WHEREAS, Chief Ben Wilcher now recommends, after a trial period, that the position of "Training Officer" be established on a permanent basis and that he be assigned the rank of Captain, and shall receive the same compensation as the three (3) present line officers of the Department. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: " ' Section 1. There is hereby created in the Fire Department of the City of West University Place the position of Training Officer with rank of Captain. ' Section 2. That the person holding such position shall be designated by the Chief of the Fire Department, with approval of the City Manager. Section 3. That the salary of the Training Officer, with rank of Captain, shall be equal to that of a line officer Captain. Section 4. That the Training Officer shall have the responsibility of: A. Supervision of trainlng. B. Supervision of inspection. (Incorporating inspections with training.) C. Adminfstrativeassistance as assigned. Section 6. That the Training Officer will be available to fill in on shifts during prolonged illness or to be available to prevent overtime pay- ments as near as practicable. Section 6. That the Training Officer will be available for special assignments at fires during the daytime. Section 7. It shall be the duty of such Training Officer to drill and instruct all new personnel in the Fire Department to the end that such personnel shall receive certification by the State of Texas. In addition thereto, such Training Officer shall hold drill for the "On Call" personnel of the Fire Department. Section 8. That the Training Officer shall be on a forty (40) hour work week, however, being subject to 'call. ' Section 9. The provisions of this resolution shall become effectiv.e January 1, 1976. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of f)u P A/J{.J~ Commissioners Voting Aye: W.1) Commissioners Voting No: lJl~ 9~ht(/dLh~ , ,Mayor () CftL ,1974, ATTEST: ~""~' Asslstant City Secretary L::- ~;;J] ,r .~.._~__ __~. __.L~';;';'..lU~._U_jlWa.lE: - RESOLUTION NUMBER 74-25 WHEREAS, during the preparation of the 1975 budget consideration was , given to an 8.5% salary and/or wage increase for emp1oyees~ and the budget finally adopted to include such increase; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place. has now determined that due to the current economic conditions, employees of the city are entitled to a salary and/or wage increase; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that a 12% increase, on an adjusted basis, of the prevailing 1974 salary and/or wage schedule would be just and equitable. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Sectionl. That salaries and/or wages of city employees should be increased by 12% on an adjusted basis of the prevailing 1974 salaries and/or wages and that such adjusted basis be made so as to equalize', the increase heretofore' received by some employees. Section 2. That the effective date of the 12% and/or adjusted salaries and/or wages increase shall become effective December 1, 1974. Section 3. That it is understood that the respective budgets 'for the year 1974 and 1975 will be amended toproiride funds for the salary and/or wage increases. PASSED AND APPROVED this Cf4 day of /fL~ ,1974. Commissioners Voti,ng Aye: ~ Commissioners Voting No: 1l~ q~6-vd~ ',Mayor / ATTEST: ~0f:J~ Assistant City Secretary ~'IC__L__ .,~=m.. '_.' _,....r-' J ,_"',, __ :'T,liL.... _,"-,_~.L.ulLillILWILillIIlIII: Home Rule Cities, Pop. under 25,000 DESIGNATION OF REPRESENTATIVE HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL GENERAL MEMBERSHIP BODY 1976 * * * * * * BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and the City Council of that , be, and he is hereby, designated as its representative to the General Membership Body of the Houston-Galveston Area Council for the year 1975. FURTHER, that the official Alternate authorized to serve as the voting delegate should the hereinabove named delegate become ineligible, or should he resign, is THAT, the Executive Director of the Houston-Galveston Area Council be notified of the designation of the hereinabove named delegate and alternate. PASSED ANti ADOPTED this ,the day of , 192 (Mayor) ATTEST, : ~I-"~..~~~- r ~-" --'----i.:I I', fll 1I111:',lliillllll.. RESOLUTION NUMBER 74-26 WHEREAS. Ci ty Offici a 1$ have, detenn1n$d that it is to the, best interest 9f the citizens of thi~cjty to c~~inue its,memb,ership, in the Houston-Galveston Area Council; and WHEREAS., the Ry~Laws,of tne Houston-Galves~n ~r~ Coun~il requires th~appolntmentof a duly- electedrepres~tative of each o.fthe goVel'nlllefl,t~J units' fer tneyear, 1975. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMlSS~N OF, THE' err" OF ...;....' WEST UNIVERSITY ,PI,ACE. TEXAS: Section 1. That Mayor Pro- Tem Mary Ann Bin1:9 be" and she is~~~y" . . " . .'. designated as i~s representattve to the GeJJer.1Memb~11:'shtp 80dy of. the J:fq,Ij$,t~~: ". :. . :,:. ::. ~ . Galveston Area COuncil fo.. the year 1915. 'Section 2. That the official Alternate authorized to. serve as.- the vo.ting delegate should the hereinabove named delegate blKome ineligible. ar should she resign. is Mayor Paul W. Wallin, Jr. Section 3. That the ExeE;utive Director o.f the Houston-Galveston Area Council be net1f1ed of the designation of the hereinabove named del~9ate and alternate. PASSED AND APPROVED tnis 9th day of Desember. 1914. Coomiss1oners Voting Aye: All C(Jomissioners Voting No: None ~1#~1 ayor ATTEST : ~~ ~/~ ~8, nant Ci ty ettretary , RESOLUTION NUMBER 24"27 WHEREAS. certain interested e1thens of the City of West University Place, upon learning of the prospective Bi-Centennial celebration. conceived of the possible oreation of a linear park over and along Poor Fann Ditch; and WHEREAS. Ron Shoup volunteered to pro.vide certain leadership in connection with thedtreet10Q of 5ucb projectl and WHSlEAS. thereafter Roil Shoup devoted an exten,fve amount of hts time. efforts and talents in bringing this matter befare tM public; and., WHEREAS, Ron Shoup advised and cooperated w1~ Rice A1"Chltee~ Class 200 and Professor Peter C. Papademetrfou of Rice University in that.' clus' pFeJiaratioR of a report Showing posstble development of Poor Fann, .,.,' Ditch tnto an area to be known as Inde.pendence Park. HOW. TNEREfORIl, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE em COMMISSION OF THECn'V> QF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. TEXAS: ~ ' ,. Sec:tion 1. That the City GoIlIIri.ston hereby expHiSes its app~j~~, ti0D to Ron Shoup in eonnection with his dl1igent effort in the possible development of Poor Farm Ditch into a linear park to be knOWn as Independence Park. Section 2. That the Mayor be. and he is hereby, authorized to deliver to Ron Shoup a true and cor,,"' Clopy of this _olutton duly signed by the Mayor and City Conmiss1on. , I PASSiD AND APPROVED this ~ of ~. 1974. 9~O~~7~~ Pa",' . Wa, in, dr.. ,f1Q ~ or P..... U '. tan .y, r.. G ~ .._. .' 'fss'fonei" ATT&ST ^,'l~~ ~J,~ s n" , eel' ary r;:--- ~- 1-." - - ."-:=JJ. --.1:" -~_....JI"1.....l...-... ___L _._.._lIL_J.lL.....ll~------.----- RESOLUTION NUMBER 74-2$ BE 1T RESOLVED. by the MayOr and C11;y Gonmhdon of the City of West University Place. Texas, acting jointly with other hom$ rule eft1e-s under 25,000 population M~ol"dfng to the 1"'0 Census wMett are located within the area served by the HouttGn...klve$ton Area Council, and suen ettiei being members of the Houston-Galveston Area COtfncU, that Couneitl'l\lUt Asa YealllAns and toun.nman James COok be. and they are hereby. designated as the repre.sen~.. tives to the ExemJt1ve ~ttee of th& HOll$ton-ial"-ston Area Counetlf_.- tbe YQ$r 191i. Fl1RTHER THAT, the 011101.1 Altema. author1* to serve as "r:,.:> repres4llntatives to" tbe ~tve Co.'ttee shoulde'the,. or both of ttle~e'.. inaboYe named retWeaentat1ve$ beeome 1~li,ibl$ or if eithe.r or belth ~f$\lQn: , representatives resign are ,.,or B. S. llabowel. Alternate fer couneilm'1ln; ,,',,' Asa Yeamans and Ma,vor Alvin Ba9gett as Altema-tefol" Councn_n, Jalll!J$C-ook... TflAT t ttle $eecul1 VEl IUr~u~tor of the Houston-Galveston Area Council" be notified 01 the- designation of tbe heNtnabove named _legates .nG .1 ter...te$.. PASSED ARD APPROVED tb1$ !).~ .S' o~ ~ Jt 1'914. COIIIIlisstonll"S Voting kye: ,~ Ct1lllmf$$ionen ~ti'ng No: fl~ ~!2.~) ATTUn ..ws~~. -, I .:111 r~~-" 1 lJ lJ UllltJIlL illllllU . RESOLUTION NUMBER 74-29 WHEREAS, the 'City has no defined policy for reimbursable expenditures and travel; and WHEREAS, it is important in the, operation of the city for its officials and employees to attend conferences and seminars to gain information and knowledge concerning operation of the city. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Commission establish a policy for re- imbursable expenditures and travel, on the following basis: (a) This section will apply to all employees of the city, both elected and appointed, and apply to all authorized travel on city business and all travel re-imbursements. subject to authorized budget appropriations and authenticated expenses. (b) Prior approval by the City Commission and/or City Manager is required for travel. ' f ~ (c) All personnel traveling for the city must leave word with their supervisor as to where they can be reached while out of the city. For travel beyond a 250 mile radius of the city, only transportation by air will be approved, except as pro- vided below. It is the city's policy that air travel be used when it'is to the best interest of the city. Cost of air travel will be compared against auto cost including salaries for long driving period. (e) Advances may be drawn up to an amount that might be expected to be spent. Careful notations of 'the expenses as they occur wi 11 be of valuable assistance in preparing the final expense report. (d) (f) All expense reports mast be filed with the City Manager within 15 days of return from travel. Non-compliance will subject the tl"aveier to a payroll deduction for funds advanced. (g) The representative of the city traveling is responsible for justifying hi s expenses adequate ly and full to the satisfaction of the City Manager. Air travel shall be tourist class, cost will be the maximum allowed for all authorized air travel. (h) (i) When city vehicles are used, the city creditcard shan be used, except those trips which are within'the range of one tank of gas; in these cases gas from city pumps shall be used. When the use of personal vehicles is authorized, mileage at the rate of12t per mile will be alibowed. (j) (k) Meal expenses shall be kept within reason and receipted. Reimbursement for room expenses for city personnel only shall be based upon the actual receipts for payment. Registration reimbursement shall be based on the actual recei pts for the regi s tra ti on payments. (l) r==--==~ r -- 1,;1 I .. n, ;'lul:'llli :lllUll." --\ -2- (m) Telephone calls and telegrams will be reimbursed only when itemized by purpose. (n) Vehicle rentals. taxis or limousines reimbursement will be based on receipts and signed statements showing necessity for such rental. Expenditures for taxi and limousine services will be reimbursed as certified by the traveler. (0) Cost of flight insurance up to a maximum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) per trip. (p) Miscellaneous expenses. Items that are not listed in this section shall be explained on the expense reimburse- ment form. Section 2. This policy for travel and reimbursable expenditures shall become effective January 1, 1974. PASSED AND APPROVED this ;),~ day c6f December, 1974. ATTEST: 4~~, Assistant City Secretary Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ Commissioners Voting No: '71~ ~<</~ rv4 7 Mayor /