HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.73 RESOLUTION NUMBER:73~1 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the Tax Collector's Fund in th.e amount of $TOO,OOO.OO as a result of 1972 current tax collections, and $23,378.00 of Revenue Sharing Funds received from the Federal Government on January 8, 1973, which will not be required for current operating expenses; and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Conmission to keep all of the city's money invested to .earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money. NOW, THEREFORE, BE_IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to invest funds in the amount of: . $123,328~OO In a one year Certificate of Deposit with Liberty Savings and Loan Association, Houston, Texas, fora period of one year at the rate of 7%. PASSED AND APPROVED this . <f"r.A~' day Of'~~ ' 1973. Conmissioners Voting Aye:' I){~)'. Conmissioners Voting No : . .~ ~.." g7:P~ ., ./ . y~. ....... .' ..' .:;d-. .. ...... . . "p,,,,.. - '- - . ". ',. . _ . .- Mayor ATTEST: "'~,FcP~ Assistant City Secretary I ~..._~~~~ RESOLUTION NUMBER 73- 2 WHEREAS, Mr.. O. Joseph Damiani has resigned as Prosecu- tor and Assistant City Attorney of the City of West University Place, effective February I, 19:73; and WHEREAS, Mr. Thomas Clarke, a practicing attorney re- siding in the City of West University Place, has heenrecoInmended for such position. NOW, THEREFORE, BE ,IT RESOLVED BY THE CITYCOMMISS.ION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY .PLACE, TEXAS:' Section 1. That :Thomas Clarke isher.ehy. appointed Assistant City Attorney andProsErcutor in the Municipal Court of the Gityof West University Place . Section 2. Said Assistant City Attorney shall receive ascompeIisation for his duties the 'amounts heretofore provided for such 'position. Section 3 . Thomas Clarke shall serve 'in suchcap,acity until Dec'embe:r, 31, 1.9,73, unless removed from such position during such period of time without cause by action of the City COInmissioll. PASSED AND APPROVEDthis,~GI'& day of January, 1973 COInmissioners Voting Aye:' COInmissioners Voti!lg No: ~~ Mayor _ ATTEST: ,., "~. '~' ,Js9. A.~.." ~. Ass~mntc~ '--"" r 711 r' "1'" Iii' r RESOLUTION NUMBER 73-3 WHEREAS, it is necessary that the City of West University Place furnish to the Secretary of the Treasury certain assurances concerning Public Law 92-512 known as Revenue Sharing; and. WHEREAS, such assurances are incorporated in Form #3227, Office of the Secretary of the Treasury; and WHEREAS, it is required that Form~Z26, Office of the Secretary of the Treasury, be executed by an official duly designated by law by the duly elected governing body of the ,City . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That William Dittert, Jr., City Treasurer of the City of West University Place, Texas, is hereby designated as the proper official to make the assurances required by the aforesaid Form #3227 to the Office of the Secretary of the Treasury in behalf of the City. Section 2. That said William Dittert, Jr. is authorized and directed to execute, in behalf of the City, Department of the Treasury Form #3226. PASSED AND APPROVED this .;J' d.. day of ~~ 1973. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ 7ZZV7~ Mayor ATTEST: ~IdP~ Assistant City Secretary - -~~.F====f USOttfTIQN ~R. 13..4 "~lUlAS" the Ui~y~~s5i.!l'n of ~ C1.tr,~~Wes't " Univ$..sit,:y Pl~e. 1.tt&a'h,aj' bfiOA&tt\ri$ed of the ~.c.t "8cPJ.~D"- lIle1i:toi €it.y ~gnWhUt' Jit'~, Joll.~ tEl' 'the lloa~4' of 'l'rustees of the t_.. . Mwlie,ipa;~ a."'b~t' $Y8~tiU ..4- \1mlUAS. Whitt. ,~ J~..<m; bn co.tiaU~sly. H~." Q,tl " '1J~ loud. rll. fiU,$~S .~ 1tSl..1' 'btua ol..Suti.....v, atlltdat.. IAQats by the lut fb_ (5J C.Vefll.its 01 the Sta...f Texas; ~. WU~, ,~.-'.' ia.ri..".ugwu,iy ,(IA)'). ".r,s, the $.,,1:_ h...' sr." fl"_~.n '~~i..t.u .W1to.., .i'ta.l.l1a~: ....,. . ..~'hop.. '. ..a4 aa,i~.~ ft,ur $.1i'V'~...'._ .t;.1..t.~_.... sani... , ; .1l.1'.~< 'f.... ~1.l'al,itijt,a iT v14 . , .~,,*lr__t .ev~,.. 10" ~_ ...te, a... i.JOtt 'h.~ . ' , .$ _., ."..-k ~.r '''1ft' unl.JpUtfte,$; fttl "Vb, ~e~.",.t! "....u ill, _e.. 01 en. Hundfti aun. 1'10114I"s leU_,"' to th.4lt,vIP"'; aM , , .~!. theqlq C..._.ioJt rishes ~. J'et....~'~A~... "lfj;J~ $e..'Vl~. o~,WM'tt ,. ~. 'to th.-r.~.s ~d,.l,:ltett~... _._ s,.". .tae. 1951~" . . '.' Tlmel1'Y Q~1lsr=~=iir~~=iJft Tsa. etne01YlMlSSX_OF . $~e:...1l1,. tn:c, ~~, ~~ ~.~ .'f~~~~~.b..:_, be bh.l'f~f:lallfc . ,',. fi~ ~t......,ttim__V(.'l rats lfif . .' .... AAtl fal., ,'~.(.t",T"..l_delf.l'ae"" tft:."~ $1'$v.-_4 lU_1.,.......... ' . . . s.~t1'Jl ~.'tbtth1s....u4a"o... ",..4u,.. ~. .. official' .~~. ." t_.ei.)'~".... t.ii_ftt,.... '.... W- ._$$.'tP1Ai~~, a~tb~, Iii ..1_e4~W.f~,~aol\l,~a: ... as- , 11......4' &): lhi"''',,~ t<<h ;J.$hH.'Jw af::t$Wt. Vi l~., _n',Ktl. . aM" '. '. tie' .f....H.. to: _. 'J&...t.... ....... '1'.u: ~,.+ Jte... t~. SftJ8. PASSU AND Af..JlGVBD .is 1hl1.., .. Ma~t 1.13. \, ':', .... ~. .~ Am$T; .r~~ Ai. a_, . ty ....Dit. ~~, r '_I'U'"""U~~"II-' ~- --, <-r~ -~--1" . . r RESOLUTION NUMBERn-- 5 WHEREAS ,theboos:t'erp'umpand 125h.p .,electr.ic motor installed at :the Wakeforest water plant have become worn and in need ,of repair and maintenance; and WHEREAS ,the'CityCoInmissi'on appr.oved a rec'oInmeridation bY. the Water Superinteridentfor .reniov:ingthe 'booster pump and 125 h.p.electric motor by havingtheni disirrantledandrepaired by Layne Texas Company and Houston Armature Works, Inc.; and WHEREAS, this work has been accomplished and ,the pump and electric motor reinstalled by city forces and are now operat- iIlg in a satisfacto,ry manner; and WHEREAS, invoices have been receiv,edfrom Layne Texas Company in the 'amount of $:375.93 for charges of labor, equipment, and material necess'aryto repair the boos,ter pump, and an invoice from Houston Armature Works, Inc. intheamountof'$S2S:.,74: for charges to furnish and install bearings and four (4Jheaters, clean, varnish, bake andreass'emblethe 125h;p. ,electric motor; said invoices totaliIlg $904:.6 7;: and WHEREAS, there was appropriated in the 1-9.7 .3 Budget from the Water Fund, $1,500.00 to defray the expenses for overhauling and ,reworking the bo.osterpllmp and electric motor. NOW ,THEREFORE, BE ,IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE GI:Ty.oF WEST UNIVERSITY ,PLACE ,TExAs: " That invoices in the amount of $375.93 pay,abTe to Layne Texas Company and to the Houston Armature Works, Inc. in the amount of $S28.7 4: , be approved: for paYment.,' PASSED AND APPROVED this 1.:d.::i;.L day of JJ1~, 1973. GOInmissioners VotiIlg Aye: fb..L; COInmissioners Voting No: ~, :,~.'~~ Ma,yor ATTEST: ,"~j~ ~ntC~ty .secretary. , ' i -~,~, 'F~~~I~=~~~~'"7'ir'--"'-----r~~~I"~=~~ 1 lill r .,------.--- RESOLUTION NUMBER 73-- 6 WHEREAS, by, Reso'1ution: ,72-4, dated Janua:ry, -24" 1,9,72-, the City GOInmissioncreated a S,afety and Accident Review :Board; and WHEREAS ,pursuan t :to:i tsauthority,theCi;tyGommis sion appointe,d two ci tizeJistoser:veas' nienibersof :the:Bo'ardand city employees: for the, years 1,9.72 and 19,73; and WHEREAS, i tis the desireoftheCity,Commission to enlarge the' membership of the Safety and Accident Rev.iew Board by appointingthTee citizensan9:reappointing four city employees to serve during the. year 19,73; and " WHEREAS, Denny L. Arnold, Assistant City Manager, did res~gn and Dan Edwards, was. 'appointed Assistant City. Manager. NOW ,THEREFORE, BE IT R)3S0LVEDBY THE GITYCOMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY ,PLACE ,TEXAS:' " Section 1. That the fOllowing persons be appointed to serve as members of the Safety alld Accident Review Board during the balance of the year 1973, as set: forth hereinafter: ' Mr. R. J. Euba:rik,3729 Sunset Mr. James,K. Skipton, 3502 Rice Boulevard Mr. Carlton Tibbitt,;6S32 Weslayan Dan C. Edwards.. Assistant City Manager Chief Harold E. Shipp, Police Chief Mr. H. L. Vaughn, Water Superintendent Mr. H. R. Duke, Sanitary Engineer Section 2 . That ,the persons hereby appointed to this Board shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons he,reby appointed to this Board shall serve, for the period designated above, andthere,after until the appoin'tment and qualification of their .successors. PASSED AND APPROVED this L?' T/ day of 11\6--i.---"--'~-- , 1973. Commissioners Voting Aye: aU-.-/ Commissioners Voting No: JJ(iiJ2..-/ ,22F~ , Mayor ATTEST: AS:&:~ t~~d / il ill '~---------~"I -" iinr RESOLUTION NUMBER 73--7 WHEREAS ,the Personnel Board, upon the xeques toftheCity oInmission, has s:tudied and reviewed the p,res',en,t Personnel Policies ndProcedures:covering payment of unused sick leave" 'and have de- ermined that Reso'lu tion Numbe'r' 7Z-l5does. not clearly ,define cer- ainterms and is ambiguous ini ts.content ,and haverecoInmended hanges concerning the' metho'd of payment and to, establish a policy or' city employee's tobe,grantedexcusedabs:ence in lietiof cash' ayment. WHEREAS,theCityCoinmission desTres to adoptthereconunenda- tionsofthe'PersonnelBoardto lIioreclearlydefine payment :of un- sed sick leavetoqualifiedemployeesandtoes,tab1isha policy or employee's to ,be:g.ran tedexcusedabseIicein lieti,ofcashpaymen t nd find it necess'ary to repeaT Res:olution Number 7Z-15 heretofore dopted on this subJect. NOW, THEREFORE,' BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE ITYOF WEST UNIVERSITY ,PLACE, .TEXAS: ' Section 1. Tha'tthe paragraphs of Section II dealing with 'AtteIidanceRecords" and "Sick Le,ave" of the Personnel Policies and rocedures.oftheCityofWest University Place , Xexas, approved by he City COInmission on March: 28" 1966,areherebyameIided and modi- ied so that :the,re:aftersuchparagraphs :of Sectioll II shall read as ,ollows: ' "II. AtteIidanceand Le,ave A. ' Attendan:c'e' Re'c'o:rds: ' All departments shall maintain da1lyattendance records :ofa11employees and shall furnish such periodic reports to the City Manager ashe shall request. ' B. STckLe:ave: Sick leave is cons idered to be any absence caused by non-occupational illness or dis- ability of the employee which might prevent him from reporting for wo:rkor handling his job in a satisfactory' manner. (A medicalcerti:ficate may be re,quired'. J The accumulation of unused sick leave days shall be' considered as having -conunencecl for qualified per- sonnelfrom andafterfhe28,thday ,of April, 1958, being the date the City COInmissionadop,ted and ap- proved personnel regulations pertainingtO','),ac:cumu- lated sick leave. ' , , Regular Employ,ees. Re,gu1ar ,full time, 'employee areenti,tled to one day of sick leave with pay for each month of service. Unused sick leave days 'areacc'umulatedto a maxiniumof ninety(90) days. F, Any employee who shall resign his employment and who shall not have made application for re- employment by th.e' city and shall not have been re-employed w.ithin a six {6} mouth period after his resignation shall have be:enofficialIy ac- cepted, shall be considered as having fO,rfeited all the rights, privileges andben,efits ac,cruing from any former: tenure of employment and is not eligibTe:forac.cUmuiha,ted s:ick1eave -C/orthe former period ofeniployment. 'Employees will be: 'paid for the unused sick leave which accrued during employment,: uponre tiring from the city under the following conditions. r' !ill ; '1111 11 1. Having attained the age of sixty (60) years and having, comp1e,ted at least fifteen (15) yearsof'cr:edi tabTes~rvice ;or 2. 'Having c'oinpleted tweIity.-eight{Z8} years of c.reditahleserv'ice, ,regaro,.less' :of age. Employees' wi11a1.so be: paid: for unuse'd sick leave whe'n 'acc:rued during, employment, uponre- tiring because of disability in accordance with the provisions as defined by the Texas Municipal Retirement Systeni,Act. The amoullt to, be paid for unused s,ick leavesha1 b e: de,termined as, follows: 1. ,The number ,of hours of unused sick leave shall be equal to the number of days of un- used sick leave multiplied by the number of hours in a normal work day. 2. Eight{8} hours shall be considered a normal wo:rk day for all employees except firemen, whose normal work day shall be, based on the then current hourly working schedule. 3. The employees average hourly rate will be determined by using the p,revious thirty-six ,(36) full months base pay. ' 4. The employees, base rate only shall be used in computing ,the: 'employees 'hourly rate . Pre , miUmpay~ which includes longevity, holiday pay, overtime and court time, shall not be used inde,te'rmining,the: hourly rat,e. 5. For the purpose of computing sick leave, 2080 annual hours shall be used'"excep'tfor fire- men, whose :annual hours shall be, based on th , then current hourly working schedule. 6. The ,aver'age hourly rate so determined will then bemul tip lied bytne number of hours of unused sick leave accrued by :the 'employee. The: 'employee' may elect 'to: use all or part of his accUmulated sick leave days ,in l,ieu of the equivalent cash 'payment, as one-continuous period of excusedahsence with base pay ,the last day of which :shall coincide with his planned retire- mentdate,. Notice of such election must be given in wr:i ting to the City Mana,ger no later 'than nine(9) months prior to the 'employee I s normal retirement date.' Proportionate Payment. Employees who haveattai nedtheage of sixty (6:0) years or more, but who have not .served the required f'ifteen(1.5} years willbe:compensa:ted,as 4efinedabo:veon a pro- portionate, basis which is equal to that propor- tionof the required IS years which 'has be'en ser:ved. Section 2 .Sub-paragraphsentitl:ed "Hourly Employees!' and "All Employees" ,shall remain the same. ' , Section 3. That ,this Resolution shall be in force and effect :j,etroacti vEi-::~' November 1, 1,972.1. PASSED AND APPROVEDthis'a~ ' day of afAi-t~ , 1973. Commissioners Voti~g Aye:~___ c'~~~' '.~"~ of~ss~cqner ' ' , , : ~{~, "'~~'~0'h::J' M yor ' AT~ ~L-I---- ^ss~tant C~tr S~~re!~~y I ~ ,JI , ]" '1' 1 I ILU RESOLUTION NUMBER 73:':8 WHEREAS, city employees have suggested ,they be given an extra holiday or free holiday to, be, used' in conjunction wi:ththe present five {5}holidays falling .between January: 2nd and Decem- ber 1st; and ' holidays: WHEREAS, city employees observe the following seven {7} New Years Day Good Friday Memorial Day IndependenceDa y LaboY Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day which are less :thanthoseobserved by the City of Houston, Harris County, State ,of Texas and busines's concerns in general ; and WHEREAS ,the Personnel Board hasconside,redtheadvan- ta:gesof a free holiday and doesrecoInmend to the City Commission ,granting ,of an extra day to .be usedasafxee holiday. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY m1WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: " Section 1. Thatcttyemployees be,granted a Free Day in accordance with the following: FIRE: AND PULICE DEPARTMENT Members :of the Fire and Police Departments may take a "Freelt~,;d51Y as an ,extra day off coupled with their vacation, or any day at :the discretion of the Chief of the Department. ,This extra day off must :betaken ,between January 2nd and Decem- ber:1st 'each year; is not :cumulative; and is not to, be considered as an "extra pay It: holiday. In the inte,rest of orderly opera tionof eachdepartmen,t ,theChi,ef 6fthe Department shall establish a policy toreS:olveconflicli~g choices of :theItFree" d,ay. Such policy shallbe:coInmunicated to personnelpri'or to each calendar year. ALL 'OTHER DEPARTMENTS The "Free" day, or extra day, for all other Departments shall be applied as follows: It maybe taken in conjunction with a holiday,e-ither succeeding or preceding oneofthepreseIit approyed five (5)hol,idays -falling between Janua;ry:2nd and December IS,t. ' "Free" day may not be taken in conjunction with vacationwl1enthe vacation is scheduled to precede or succ,eed one, of the: five (5) approvedhoTidays, betwe.enJanuary,2nd and Dec'ember 1st. Scheduling of the "Freen day shall be by written application toth ' Department' Head. The same employee shall not have a "FT,ee" day in conjunction with :the same approved holiday two successive years. The '''Free'' day mustbeta:ken betwee'n January 2nd and December 1st each year. His not cumulative. ' Section 2. ThiSR~Si!d,~_,shall ta:keeffectandbe in force immediatelY from andaf'ter its passage and approval as re- quired by' law. PASSED AND APPROVEDthis,qU : !1I1. ~.~, Assistant CitySecretarv ,-- ---~-r I ;;jJ"-~----'~~~ ' 'To,] RESOLUTION NUMBER 73-9 WHEREAS~it is the desire of the City Commission to cpeate a committee and appoint the inembersthereof to study the common and pufilicareasof the City of West University Place, and to rec'ommeridtotheCityC'olnmission ways and methods of improving and J5ea'utifyingsuch areas, as well as ways to encourage the citizens' to 'improve: private premises. ' NOW~ THEREfORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE: CITy.or WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' .section 1. There is hereby created and established a CoiIlIIdtteeto be known as the Beautification Committ~e, which com- 1lJ.itteeshall conais-tot' seven or lliembe'r's. whosJrallbeappointed by the City Commission. ' Section 2. The Committee' shall be authorized and re- quired to: (a) Advise the City Commission on ways and means to: encourage citizens to improve and beautify their yards and resi.dences. (b) Recommend to the City Commission ways and means to beautify and improve common and public areas. (e) Perform such other duties with reference to matters specified ahoveasthe City Coinmissiori may from time to time request. Section 3. The' persons hereby appointed to serve on the: Beautification Committee shall serve for a period of one year :fromthe date ofthi.s Resolution, or until the appointment and qualification of theirsucce:ssors. Section 4. Members of the Committee shall serve without , ,c'ompens.a tion. Section 5. The following named persons are hereby appoin ted as the initial members. ofs.uch Committee: Mr. Wayne Gillies, 4028 Arnold, Chairman Mrs.. Sue 1<:el1ey,4.220 Judson Mrs. WayneTIGregory, 3013 Bissonnet Mrs. Travis Long, 2319 McClendon Mr. William C.' Sawyer, 2615 Fenwood Dr. Mino Badner, 2803 Pittsburg Mr. Ronald Shoup, Jr. , 3712 Rice Section 6. This Resolution shall !:lain, force:tmmediately from and after its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this' ,?l ~dayof ' Vp./ , 19:73. Commissioners Voting Aye:~ Cnmm;QC;nT1G,.-iQ ur\~{"pe l\T'8i: 'CJ7f?~ 'L/ ATTEST; '~~~'~~~' .,"'~yvt.,~~, Mayor -~~-...~_._~~._-~..~~--~_.. ~~"-=~-'=,~-'-~==~--=~=--=-...-=.-c,...'- RESOLUTION NUMBER 73"':10 WHEREAS, it is the ,obligation of ,the City COi:nmission, pursuant to the provisions of the City' Charter and ordinances here- toforeadopted"to appoint members to: various Boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City COi:nmission have contacted andinvE!stigated numerous qualified citizens to serve on the Health Board and as Health Officer of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have 'indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members oftha Health Board. NOW" ,THEREFORE', BE ,IT RESOLVED BY THE' CITY COMMISSION OF ,THE C,I:TY,:OFWEST UNIVERS,ITY,PLACE"TEXAS: Section 1. ,That the following persons l:;leappointed to, serve as members oftha Health Bo'ard : Dr. Dr., Dr. Mr. Howard Evans" ,6428. ,Be'lmont ,Temple WHliams, -3766 ,Nottingham N. C. Windrow,'6328 Westches,ter Frank S,tewart,; 2916: University, Section' 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the , Health Board shall serve without compensation. Section, 3.' ,That the persons hereby appointed to the Health Board shall serve Ior a period of two years from the date of this Resolution, and thereafter until the appointment and, quali- COi:nmissioners: Voting Aye:01L 0erp~,~- , ~ ATTEST: "r&'dP~~ Assistant City Secretary L " ~ ... ~1:"...:m - r --- I ,_~O-:-::J.. _..._._,l~----- RESOLUTION NUMBER 73,";11 WHEREAS,itistheobligati,on of the City:Conunission, pursuant to provisions of the Ci,tyCharter and ordinances hereto- fore adopted" to appoint members to various Boards and. Conunitteesi and WHEREAS, the' Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted andintervi.ewed nUmerous,qu'al:ifi.ed ci ti,zens to serve on the Insurance Committee of the City of West University Place"Texasi and WHEREAS, ,cert,ainpersons have indicated a desire and willi'ngnessto serve as'members of the Insurance'CoinInittee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE ,IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF ,THE' CITY, .oF WEST: UNIVERS,ITY :PLACE,TEXAS: s,ectionl. ,That :the fo'llowi~g persons be appointed to serve as members of, ,the ,Insurance Committee; Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr., Wynne Creekniore" 3759 Tang,ley Rob;ert Overstreet, ,3'113 'Pittsburg Seth Ramey, ,3409 Rice ' Fred Rhodes,: ,2,929 Bissonnet Hollis Waldt,' .5932 Auden Section: ,2. That ,the persons hereby appointed to,the Insurance Committee shall serve without compensation. Section, 3.' ,That the persons hereby appointed to,the Insurance Conunittee shall serve: until the' next regular G.eneral Ci:ty:Electionofthe City: Commission ,andth:e!reafter until the appoiritmentand, ,qualific,a,ti:on of ,the'ir s.uccess'ors.' PASSED AND APPROVED this 'c:l~ ' day of ~ , 1973. Conunissioners Voting Aye: ate / Commissioners: Voting No: ~~ cf;J~ e ~hA~~ M,ayor , ATTEST:, .~,~~/ ,Assistant City Secretary ~-.-l. li.ll.1 L ]"1.. ._L:1LLL RESOLUTION NUMBER 73-1Z WHEREAS, the city ac,quired certain property in the, year 1,9.72, at the intersection of Carnegie and Wak:eforest Streets for use as a public park; and ' WHEREAS, the City Commission re,quested the Parks and Recreation Board to consider various names for such park submitted to them, and to recommend from such number three (3) names for a final choice by the City COInmission; and ~ WHEREAS, after consideration the Parks and Recreation Board submitted, as their recommendation, to the City Commission the following names, to wit: Whitt Johnson Park Carnegie Park Corner Park and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to name said park Whitt Johnson Park. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS.' , Section 1. That the east one-half (E.112) of Lot One (1) and the adjoining east one-half (E.lj2) .of the south one-half (S.1/Z) of Lot Two (2) in Block Eighteen (18) of Werst University Place First, an addition in Harris County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 444 at Page 560 of the need Re- cords of Harris County, Texas, located at the intersection of Carnegie and Wakeforest Streets be, and it is hereby, named and designated Whitt Johnson Park in honor of Whitt F. Johnson, City Manager of the city.' Section Z. That here,after all official reference to such park shall use the name Whitt, Johnson Park and an appropriate sign bearing such name shall be placed at the park. Section 3. That this Resolution shall be spread upon the official minutes of the City Commission and a true copy there- of, signed by the Mayor and City ,Commission, shall be presented to Mr~ Whitt F. Johnson. , 1973. ATTEST: PL J11 tJ Peter M. Way, ~DfsJ.oner c!&j ~~ Ass1.stant C~tyecretary ~ r 1m '-;11 r - ," I .r RESOLUTION NUMBER 73-13 WHEREAS,theCityCoInmiss:ion has her'et.o:fo,re determined tha taddi tional rea:Ipropei,tyis needed in ccinj,tinc tion with muni- cipal operations; and WHBREAS.theCity haseritered into an Earnest Money Con- tract, for the acquisition of Lot 9, Block 18, Co11e,ge View 1st, owned by ,the, estate.of Mrs. Garland W. Vorhees, deceased. NOW, THEREFORE, BElT RESOLVED BY THE GITYCOMMISSION OF THE GITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS:' " Section 1. That :thesumof' $:20,000.00 be appropriated from ,the ,General Fund- Capi tal Improvemen tFund, for the acquisi tio .of: Lot 9, Block 18,. Colle,ge View 1st, an addition to the City of West University Place . Harris County ,Texas .ac~ordiJlgto.the I map or pIa t : thereofrecor~ed ~ntheoff:Lce<j>ftheCounty ;Clerkof Harr:/-sCounty.Texas ,also known as 3:811 Amherst Stree,t. l Section 2 .Tha t :the Mayor be , lnd he is hereby, auth- orizedtoeffect final settlement 'of the terms and provisions of an' Earnest Money Contract dated the, 28:thday :of F,ebruary, 1973.; ,resulting in the payment of the total sumof'$:20:,OOO:. 00 for the purchaseandacquisi tioncifthe, aho:vedescxibed p,roperty. Section 3. That Southern Title Company, Inc., Houston, . ,Texas, shall deliver, at seller t sexpense, a title ,guaranty in.: surance policy ,to ,the City of West University Place , ,Texas ,wher - in said City of West University Place, Texas, is named as the beneficiary showing goo4feesimple title to the heret,o,forede- scribed property in'the City of West UniversityPlace,Texas. Section 4 . That the City Treasurer is herebyauthoT- i,zedto p,repareanddraw :a warrant from the Gen:eI'al Fund of the Ci,ty,of West University Place in the amount .of!$-l5:.OOO:.OO, plus ,purchaser's portion of the :closing, costs, as: final cash settle- ment :ofthe agreed ,purchase price of $20;,000:.00, which sum iri- eludes $5,000. 0:0 :placed in escrow with Southern Title Gompany , Inc. as part of the earnest money purchase agreement. PASSED AND APPROVEDthis!l-/~day of 7)UUt,19.73. COInmissioners Voti!lg Aye:~' COInmissioners Voting No: 7l , ATTEST: ~~. Ass:LsantC~ty Sec,retary ,..-- --'--'''--'--'- -, '---"r=-'-~ --,=.'7'iI-'----..'~r~=~I~~~~..~~~...1.1 ,ar--- RESOLUTION NUMBER .73-14 WHEREAS,theCity Commission considered it advisable to accept proposals 'from banking institutions to serveasdepositoxy for city funds ; and' ' WHEREAS, on May 14, 1,973" proposals recei:ved were re- ferred to the Mayor, City Treasurer and City Manager: fox s:tudy and reconuiJ.endation to be submitted to the City, CommiSsion; 'and WHEREAS, after reviewing the proposals submitted and the committee's recommendation, the City Commission took the fol- lowing action: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY ,PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. ' The, fOllowing banking institutions located in' Houston, Texas ,are, hereby'. designated to be and ser:veas :o:ffi- daldepositoxy for all, funds of'the city until .such bank ,deposi- tory is renanied or reassigned: Univer'sity State: Bank,: Houston, . Texas and :Cheniical Bank and Trust'Company; Houston, ,Texas. SectionZ. That .funds now ,ondep'osi tin an account ' titled City of West; University Place Sanitary Sewe:r Capit:;t,l Improv - ment Fund, on ,deposit with First'Gity National 'J3ankof Houston, , .Texas ,be wi:thdrawn and deposited in the: University State Bank. Secti:on3 ;Tha t ,the City, Treasurer is her:ebY: directed to: establish 'accounts' with :Chemical Bank and Trust :Gompa,nyandto , keep therein ,the: 'f~llowi:ng accounts, to wit:, Wa tex'-Sewe:rFund General :Fund : Health Fund Payroll Fund Insurance' Reserve, Fund Tax Collector's 'Fund Cash BaiL BOnd ,Fund 'Rev'enueShari~gFund Section: 4 . ,That :theCity, 'Treasurer is herebY: directed to, establish accounts wi:th Ulliversity State: Rank and to keep there in ,the: :fo1lowi~g 'accounts,' to wit: Trust :!\.gen.cyFund Wa ter Meter' Depo sit :Fund SwiInming Pool FUnd ' Char,ter 'Amendment Reser:ve Water Fundr Charter: Amendment Reserve :SewerFund' Fund' E / Sec'tion 5. . That the City Treasurer, Assist'antCity, Trea surer, Mayor, MayorPro-Tem and City Manager are hereby, direc,ted to si:gn or counter-sign ,the necess'ary signature, cards to: establish the necessary bank accounts with the said ,Chemical Bank and Trust ' Company and ,the: Universi:ty State Rank ,of Houston" ,Texas. Section 6. . The said depositories shall benot:ified of the'irdesignatiCin as :o:fficial: ,depositoxyoftheCity ,of West Uni- versity Place, .Texas.. 'and shall in accordance w:i:thArticle, 25:"59.. :through .2 S:..66aof Vernon's Rev.is,ed: Civil Statutes, :of, Texas, pro" , Vide' :the properse'c'urities; ,for-the purpose of se'cUring said city ,funds in an'amounte:q:ualto: :the 'amount :of said city:funds on de- posit in said depositorybailkor ba'nks. Section: 7. All Resolutions relating to ,the deposit .of funds or designation of banks to serve as depositories in conflict' with this Resolution are he.rebyxepealed. ' At~:;L:" ;;t1/~, Assistant r.it:v S"'''''''''T'''''' , ~ ~- ~~~'-F~~~-- - " PASSED AND APPROVED ,thisH.:tJ. day of ~ <<AU.) , 1973 Commissioners Voting Aye: n pf) ) ~e?~~/ r c- ~,',~ "/1"_ __ _~___..........r: '- RESOLUTI ON NUMBER 73 -15 WHEREAS, the Sewe:r Department has encountered consider- able difficulty for several years in maintaining the 18" sanitary sewer force main traversing University Boulevard. from Wes1ayan to Brompton Road; a section of such force main hetwe,enVanderbilt and Brompton being, constructed of l'lonl'~:fi~~mconcrete pipe; and WHE'REAS, considerable odor has heencreated in the past few weeksasa result of: frequent breaks in the 18" sanitary sewer force main; and WHEREAS, Bayshore Engineers, Inc., P. O. Box 627, Deer Park, Texas, was employed to advise the City COlnmission of the best and most expeditious method of making such repairs; and WHEREAS, because .of the emergency nature of the project it was necessary to dispense withforina1 bids for such project; an WHEREAS, Bayshore Engineers, Inc., has "-;aJe written recom meIidati,onstothe City COlmnission dated May 14,1973, that the bes procedure for repairing the 18" sanitary sewer force main would be the installation of a polye,thy1ene liner; and WHEREAS, the: number pf qua~ified persons, firms, and corporations engaged in, this type operation are limited; and WHEREAS, upon specifications and proposals prepared by Bayshore Engineers, Inc., two: firms, Naylor Pipe Cleaning C0mpany and Shur-Flo, Inc. submitted proposals for ,the installation of approximately 800 linealfeet :of 16" plastic sewer liner and 'upon reCOniDlenda tionof Mr. Dieter ,Ufer, engi,neer, Bayshore Engineers, Inc., the low bid submitted by Shur-Flo, Inc.; in the amount of , $10,,256.50 was deemed the most acceptable bid submitte,d; and WHEREAS, the City Commission in recessed session on May 26, 1973, accepted such low bid of Shur-Flo, Inc. in the amount of $10:,256:.50 and authorized issuance of a work order. NOW, THEREFORE, BEITRRSDLWn ,BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY ,PLACE ,TEXAS:" " Section l.That ,the repairs and installation of a 16" polyethylene liner in the 18" sanitary sewer line on University Boulevard betweeIi'Vanderbilt and Brompton Road involves the public health and welfanf pf'the citizens :ofthecity and creates a pub Ii emergeI!-cyand :'t:e:l~~tha t i~edia!e :action be taken to repair such l~ne attire 'earlJ.est ,poss:J.bl,e t.1dlle.' , Section 2. ,That ,the Mayor be, and he is hereby, author- ized to, enter into a contract with Shur-Flo, Inc. for the instal- lation,of said polyethylene liner in said sanitary sewer line. Section 3. ,That all acti:ons heretofore taken by the Mayor and City Man~ger in connection with the repairs to, said sanitary sewer line are hereby ,expressly ratified and COnfirmed. Section 4. That the sum of $11,000.00 be, and it is hereby, appropriated from the Water-Sewer Fund. for sati:sfactionof the amount due to Shur-Flo, Inc. and Bayshore Engineers, Inc. for engineer i~g , s ervic es .' ' ' PASSED AND APPROVED this ~day of ~1AJL) , 1,9.73. Commissioners V0ting Aye~ ATTEST: to) iLA~ Ass'i'stantCJ.ty Secretary c:r~ Ma r .' r' C--' '----: :::iI ["' '''-:J '] ~-,~ RESOLUTION NUMBER 73-16 WHEREAS ,the Independent Auditor of the City, of West Univers,ityP1ace ,Texas has rec'oInmended ,that .a s eparate:bank account :be, created, for ,the deposit and disbursement ;ofall revenue sharing funds received 'from the United State:s: 'Treasury. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION , OF THE GITY ,OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. ,That :the :Chemical Bank and Trust Company , , Houst'on,Texas, is he.reby,des'~gnate:das :thedepositoxyfor ,all Federal Revenue Sharing Funds recei:v:ed;fromth,e: United States Treasury. Section 2 . ,Thatanacc:ountentitl:ed "City of West Universi:tyPl.ace,Texas' Re:v'eriue Shari!1gFunds" be: ,establ'ished with' such bank. Section 3. ' Revenueshari!1gfunds rec'e,iv,edare,tobe ,dep'osite,d in such account and disbursed by the City, 'Treasurer who: has heretofore been:des~gna.te:d by Reso:luti,on No.; ,73:-3'as :the official representative ;ofthe city to: handle Re,venue Sharing , , Funds ,and all warrants: 'draWIion said .account must :besigned by the City, 'Treasurer, ,the' Mayor , the City Ma:nager'andlor o,ther pro- perly des~gnated cityofficia:l. , ~ \, PASSED AND APPROVED this r8tiJ daYOf_UiiAtV ' , 19.73. COInmissioners: Voting Aye: Q.vl' ) commiSSion, ers vot,ing /~ QC~i~ Mayor , ATTEpT: ""~I~ , AssistantC~ty Secretary "~"~I ,I ''1'1 ,'If RESOLUTION NUMBER 73..;17 WHEREAS ,the City of West Universi.:tyPlace has cash available inthe'amountof $2,45,J.5~O,.,OO" which 'will: not be required for current oper,ating, expenses; and WHEREAS,i t is, the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income, and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these .certain :sums of' money. WHEREAS, the Univers,ity .state Bank, Houston, Texas, has heretofore been designated as one of the city's depository banks. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY ,THE eITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY ,PLACE" TEXAS: That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to invest funds in two (2) Certificates of Time Depos,it in the University State Bank, Houston, TeXas. One certificate in the amount of $137,150'.00 and the other in the amount of' $108~OOO.OO, each maturing, 359 days af,ter date of depos,i t in said bank and to bear interest at the highest prevailing rate for a period of less than one year. PASSED, AND APPROVED this: 23.rd day of July, 1973.. Commissioners: Voting, Aye: All Co~sioners Voting No: None I (!, ( I ,;: Iff ~. I! , f.. / / , ' /f' , Uff'l~,Nf1.vr,(cr!.tA/~;" ..,. .! 7,; ~. _ ~ I \':~ " ____ MayorPro,-,Tem pi ~_... ATTEST: ,~,~~] Assi;stantCCity Secretary f2~ ~~ tf-/~~7~ RESOLUTION NUMBER:73~18 WHEREAS, Chief of Police 'Haral(lE.Shipp has indicated to the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, his desire to take a less active part in the management and leadership of the Police Department of the city; and ,WHEREAS, Chief Shipp has also indicated his desire to continue to serve in said Police Department in the capacity as Assistant Chief of Police, , and; WHEREAS, Chief Shipp has requested that an agreement be reached in re- gard to,such proposal and the City Commission is of the opinion that it would be to the best interest of said City that Chief Shipp's, proposal be accepted. NOW, ,THEREFORE, BE,IT RESOLVED ,BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF ,THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section ,1. That the City Commission accepts the proposal of Chief Haro1dE. Shipp that he be reli:eved~ofhis:duties as,Chtef,of Police of said City,and he is hereby appointed Assistant Chief of Police wtth,the effective date of said appointment being ,the ' date upon which an individual is selected and qualified as Chief of Police of said City. Section,2. In performing his duties as Assistant Chief of Police said HaroldE. Shipp will be on duty froni8::0Qa,m. to' 5:;OOp.,m., Monday thro,ugh Friday and will not be in ,cha,rgeof a shift or have any supervisory duties. Section 3. Harold,E. Shipp shall serve in such capiaci:tyuntil June 1, :1975:, at which time he shall receive his retirement from the Texas ,Municipal Retirement System and Social Security. ,The compensation to be paid to Haro1dE. Shipp whileservi,ng as Assistant Chief of Police shall be the same as being paid presently for serving as Chief of Police, plus other increases, percentage or otherwise, which may be afforded to personnel of the Police Department. PASSED AND APPROVED this /3z:::L day Of ah/ /A.:I: , 1973. , " Commissioners vot;Z Aye: (2t(J / Q~ " Mayor ATTEST: ~C~~ --~--'-"'-----'-----~---"---'--~-~-'-~E":"-"~--:-_~:::T:':-~~~. _ .._--:--::~~"-'---r===-'~F--=-==~'""='r'''''''..",,-,-,-.~...::J.._ RESOLUTION NUMBER 73-19 WHEREAS, H~~o~4 E. Shipp was employed by the City o~ West U~iversityPlaoe in 19~1 as a patve.lffian; and WHEREAS, thereaftep Haro;I,d E.. Sh~pp was pt'olll0tea to the p~$i~ion of, Chief or Police arsaid oity on the l~~hdaYof March~ il4~~d . WHEREAg~ said Haro,J.d E.Sh.i.pp has Qon-einued to se:r>Ve in tha'lZ qapaahy to i:h~ p;I~:li>ent t_; 'i1U)(l' , . , ; WIJEREA,S. d~ri~g alc;t o~ $U~b $tervf.-~~Ci?-;ef ~1t1pppeJ?fornied his dutUH'l ::tn' stklh manneV as to l'-4afleot e-reQ:1t upon ll.:Lln$e1f, his '{amill' iUld 'the dit'y; and ' ~RE!i$, Oh:tef Sh~l':plkas~q:t1e..$t'~4 tlla'j;.a n,e~ Cbief: of POlioe be appo:;t.ri~~d i!!~d 'th&t' upe\'i 'suCi1.\ appoin~men:~ 'he'shGul(i se%iVe as,Ail!:;J$.1k-tantGhi,efofPQl!oe-s 'and " ',,',,', ' ' ,',,', , waEREAS, t~e .Chy Q<munbsiQn, ~!~he(\i1;Q.g.tve'~e:eQgnJ.~!oA to ChiejHihipP~9rhi$lo.n~f l:?~vi(Je~to tha: €iity;;' ,':;' , NOW,TM~RE:JrO;Rlt,,' BE'n RES~lNEj)BY THE' CITycoMMrsa1GN OF THE CITY Of~$'1' UN1;VERS'X',rYPLACE" TE~BI' " " ' ' ,'," ,," , , S~9t~Q~, J.. Tb~lI, th,$ e~1:;l'Q~\f$$,t:, UJ.l4.ye~t1:y. f}La.Q$,lt Texas ae't,ing ~Yan4.:tli,~outn i. 'ta, 0;"41': .utho.i'~64'cit:YCO~'1iIi.9~hepe;b,. 'e~e,Ad., H~~~,Q li. &hj.~p; ,G~;l'ej? ,of : ~pl$'~~#t~ :b5.., ~ifi,lttngui$l1i\Hl se1;lv1,ae 1;0 'the diti.-en$ lllna''to "the oity fop 'the 14$'! llhi~Yl"'Qne (S: 1) ye4J'fh ' . , Section 2. 'i:ha;~ 1:h~ Ci,t;y of Wla~t UniVersity ;j,aqe ex'" pres$es it.$ "$,i>~teful, ap~X>Geia1:iQn 'f;()' H!llt'o:L<.i 'E': ShtPp' for M.. un... $611'181\ :Q:ev-$'fti'6n, to 'the, du't1E!$ $1' hi. <>Eflti~ ana fOX' 'the manner' in whieh Hid d~ties We1?6 8~ f4t~ntul~ype~IQt>ied. , , Se(!'tic)n a. Thai this~asQ4.ljt~~Q~ bi!1>i:rp~e:_9:,i;n fuJ:.1 upon "the Jninu.~.s .Qt 'tho City CGmnlis.$1on a~-dt~d 1il1e. Ma:yp",b~, and he is h.pa~1' QUtih$-~i.iid 'to ~Uv.%' _Chtai na1ii014 ~. Ship-I' a t:'\16 00pY' h$t'$el, d.gna~ by eaeh, !n~aJ;> or ths CommJ.ss~n. PA88ED AND APfR0VED thb ~ d9.Y ot , 1918. ,!Zx l1i~ 2~ ' r.t:~l!."";~ ~~... , ''i\E.' <<m:ol$" - y6lr'" , , , . , r.~~I-~~":iI ,- - ---1-1 ---- ~~':n __ I lLI.L RESOLUTION NUMBER ]3..-20: WHEREAS, Mrs . Gloria Anderson ,employed as Cashier and appointed Deputy Clerk ,of the Municipal Court of the City. .of West University Place, Texas, has resigned 'from the 'employment of the city; and WHEREAS, Mrs . Juanita Miller has beeneniployed as Cashier and isqualif,i.edto,ass'ume :the duties of De,puty C1er'kof the Muni- cipal Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED :BY THE CITY COMMISSION 'OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Mrs . Juani ta Miller ,be, and sh'e is here- by, appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Gourt;of ,the Gity of Wes'tUniversityPlace ,: Texas. Section 2. That :the appointment :of Mrs. Juanita Miller as Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court, ,of the City of WestUniver- sity ,Place, Texas ,shall be:e:f.f,ecti:ve wi:ththe pass~geofthis Resolution and that she shall assUmetheass~gneddutiesof Deputy Clerk after havi~g been administered .the proper oath:ofoffice. PASSED AND APPROVED this /d~ day ,of September, :1.9.73. Coinmissioners V01:ill! A} e :~, ~ersv~~ .~YOi..- ~ ATTEST:, ~~~' AssTstant'C1ty ,ecretary " III r 1 '1 IIU,U ,^ / ~ RESOLUTION NUMBER 73-- 21 WHEREAS , the City ,CoInmissie~ha~ heret~of()redeteimined thatadditienalreal pro,pertyis ne,eded in conjUnctioIl with muni- cipal operations; and WHEREAS, :the 'City,hasentered ip-to:an'E.a:rnes't MGn~y Con- tract, :for the acqui,sHion9:E Lots, Ten ,(iPJan~Elev'~I!l(l1) in Block Eighteen (18) , CQl1e.g:~v,iew :lst A<ldi,tion, ,oWIied by' A. J. Nor- wo~dand wire; Mae ,S.' NorwoQd. NOW, THEllEFO~,B:a ,IT JU!SOL~P BY THE GI~TY. ,CelvRo:lISSION OF THECTTY. OF WEST UNIVERSITY ,PLACE, TEJVXS:' , Secti:on 1. That the sUm ,of $3S:,miW:.O,O,beappr0priate:d from the Gen:etal Fuml-Gapital Illlp-rc;nienient :Fun!il fQrtheaeq1;lisition of: Lo,t~: Ten, (!LO) anc;l:ere.ven{l.).) inBJpck IH.ghte:en (18}efCol1e:g,evi,ew Fi+.st (~s.tl ,A!igitio:g.;anc,:C addition in Harris ,C:Olln:ty"Teul?, ac.c9l'#'ngt,o ,the' m.aperplat :th:er:e:e;f.. ,recor~edin: Vol:ujn~;,6, Page, 44, of :the M;il:P' Rec'0x.ds :of Harris County" , ,Te~as.' S,eeti9n 2. Thca:t ,the M<iYox h.e, an4 4e ,~.s, her:eJiy', auth- ori,ze,dtJil:ef.f,ee:t: 'final sett:le:nie:g.',j: ;ofth;~ :tecr'J!ts -;m4 p,~ov:i;sipns :of an ~~rneS'j:' ~~J.1,ey ,G~ntr~c t ;~ate:d,t,l:le;,2 2:n:d d,a~Qf Al;!gll;;t' ;:19;73 ;r,e- sulti.ngin :the PaYDieJitof :the ::twt.-als1,llll :of' :$35;;:lH>,9',:~'.e'@: :for'the ,purdlaseand :ac~p:is~tji;0,Jl.<p-ftl1;~:a,ll:~:v:~ ~e.ss:rii>ed pr,Ci),pe,r,ty. Secti9n: ,3. Th~t';S~1.litil.r~:rn Ti.tleCompilIlY, Ip..c., Hous,t:on, ,T~xas. shall!iexiver a ti;:tJ~':g:u.~]:",9.:n,tyinsllr'~cep:Q'l;i;:cy,tQ: ',the 'City :of w'e:5J: :lJn;Lv:~~sj:ty :Place, ,T,e~1Ls,' ~b..~r~i'~ s,wid Oi;ty. ;of -Wes;t Uni,ver- s,f,tyPIB.;f,e,: ',Te:..x~s ,is ::IJ.:a.!P:e1;ilS Jt$e ~;t);y,;f~icd.:~:;ry. sJi'o~~~g~eo~, ,fee s;l.'lnpLet~'1:.te ,tathe lreJ':~t,C):f'!'l,r~ de,s-,c:or.J.:be,d pT.:ope-r;ty 'J.n the 'CJ.:ty ,of :Wes:t Universi;ty, :Place,: 'Te1t;ils.' , S~,ction 41-., ' Tl1~:tt.h.e€j.;ty Tr~as11:rer ,i~ h;~,~,epy ;~uth~rize.!i to px,!W~re and <l.raw ,aWa:x'r:an1t, 'fro)!l :tl1e .G~:n:er,a1. F\l!~d :0:1: the C;Li~,Y ,of , :~~~~;~~e~i~~~~~e:s~ftf~~~~#\k;: ~:~:~:~o~~,~;,~;~ ~fl~;i~~ $~<5",O~,R. no, :wh:J.:~hsumJ.I}~,:J.u<le's '$ S'",();ao,. Pia pT,ac,~d1nesiCr9WW:;L:t-h Spu:~hern Ti:t:le :Company, I}lC:. as P8.irt ;01: t.he:earnest mon:E!Y purchase ~g,i\e:emen:t. ' , PASSED AND. APPR0VED t,his I~d day :Ci)4J;z~,,;J, 19:'73. COlnmissi:one,rs Vot.i.~g 'Aye: aLl) :J7~ ATTEST:, ,~aTl~ary , 'CoInmiss'i'oners: Voting No: ' ~ " "<:. 1 ~~/ ,',,~ "', "~8' . . ." z:;: ~L , ' "ayor ' ru , """, r' . -- r-l I IF RESOLUTION NUMBER ,73-'" 22 WHEREAS, the City GOInmission of the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas has her,et;ofote, ,by ordinance ,: :created a regular paid Fire' Department;, and ' WHEREAS, it :isdesiredtoprovidefor additional firemen on a part-t:ime basis to assist',the:rull-'timefiremen" :if and when necessa:ry, in the 'preventing and extinguishing :of fires in the city. ,'" NOW , THEREFORE"BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY ,PLACE, TEXAS:" " Secxion 1. . The Ch~ef 'Of :the Fire Department is hereby authorized to: employ such individuals as he shall,deeni ne,cess'ary on apart -:t'illiehas is to', as s'is t ':the: :fu1l timefir'emenin :the'pre- ventionandextinguishi~gof fires in :thecity,. SectionZ.: Persons,eniployed on such 'part-:time basis shall be: designated "on call" personnel. Section, 3. Such "on call" personnel shall be'under the direction of the Fire ,Chief, or in his absence , of the :captain on duty"ot,designated ,person in charge ;ofthest'ation. Such"on call" per:sonnelsha1lhave such:dutiesandresponsibi:li ties' as romulgate,d by the Fire :Chi:ef andshdlbestibJed 'totheoperat- i~g rules 'and procedu,res :oftheFire Department., Section 4. Such "on call" personnel shall be, paid on the basis :ofthe'rates, pre.s'c'ribe'd as 'follows:' A) '$5:.00 for each authorized training drill attended. B) '$5000 for the: rirst hour of attendance at a general alarm; fire, plus an additional $2:.50 per, hour for each hourworke:d. C) Ap.y 'amounts: :dueto, :such"on call" personnel based on ,the 'abo:ve 'p,resCribed rates shall be paid on an annual basi'sat such ximeasdesTgnate:d by the Fire :Chi:ef, provi,ded ho:we:v'er" ,thatin'the: :eveIit :a member ofthe,."OIi 'call" p'eI's onne 1 ,te'rminates: 'his services , he shall be paid as sOon as practi,cal :there:afte:I'. 'D) The'Fire :Chief,or senior officer on duty, shall ,certify the a ttendanceofthe"oncall" pers onne 1 , at :alldrills 'and fires,andthenumbe,r:'ofhours se:r:ved. Section: 5. ' ,The' "on call" personnel, shall, be: :tho:seper- sons who are .seTected' and ,req:ues:t:edu by the Fire :Ch~efand, approved ytheCity Manager. PASSED AND. APPROVED this ~ day ,of J.'f~~ ,,~~, 1973 COInmissioners Voti~g Aye:nD J GOInmissioners Voting No: P14<<.L- s;:2':0~~~ Mayor TTEST: ~~- lMl:IGW'tION NU~ U...U WtilIIA.$. by Fe4eMl aU1iM"L1ty, J\l1, 4, 191,0 US: h_n: designated AJll$J!'!G~ lte.olu.1:ien Bj,een1t.~j an4, ~. the. aLt!e. 04 eMm1m!:tiu ., 4J.1 tM UI'lU..4 Stat. nave ~ ~q_"'~ ... ~i.t~. M4, 'to 1oH11.7 4$.iaa_-te 't)lU ' 4__ t, ~~., ,.."" 11v_b1., 4lt-apMtft cm4 idJ.~..' Qn .." ~'2Gtth ~&Vi _4- WUUAS. II. JUlttLOMl ,..__ ~~1tt.. ae'tJ.ftly an4,~'" siaea'tJ.y ..__ :tl\e i'4ftteiptl_ fdaU, ..,,__.n1iU ...1tif.... '" ' "t\t~~. ,.. ~ie ~4 '~"'M ... bi 'th. _l~...t_ .fthe: Mtio.a41 U~~...l, 4e1e_atte. > ' .OW ~.. U' ~WD U 'iim ern esBI$',JQ1it..f 'lHE CIU or tmIUUtW PlAft. ftWf ' Wh.t 0. Meri-<<an 1ft.1m_. Jd.eea't-flmWll .....P't ,be.. _oep'ltfui _ *-t: .,ttr "~1ri4:t.a _4 d.ti..-. 184 ~~.~ ' _4 .UOJlUto 8M 'that OW.t _ito" t_4 ,~ ~"~, 'that... ~_4i1"M"__.lJe"~ ~,........ ~~'" 04 Ua't the ~1ty.' I1f.M~llf..<.. _ti......, , , ThM "tM ef.'IY ~..t_ ~ ~. ~,4 ft1..- ad ~j"'t wiUh .~ e If'-. .'tb.,...~. ~ Pttllt~J' OE AlfIUCA PAft., '~ lftUU" _41d11,,'....., "flla...':~. 'ttl.-. ,!teaiS.', ".t .to ~,f_,,~ tu."R8., ' , ' nata oopyof 'tW..."-Oltlt:f:.uU betowu4U to ,'th9 Ame..~ k~ut~ at...'hUw. ~ ,....." PAUDAm> APPao'fD tht.::<~, 4ay ..,d!~ , 111,13., .l!ll J ~ ~r~ . _ 1 ~,_ 1::. ~.s!cm.., Vo~~g Ayec. ,~ 7lJl;;;:J): A~ITI ~,~ Dlf " ,,:"'~., '---~ ~~~I _ _1I r- ---------------"']~ "] ___cJ~ f"--- ~ RES0LU~ION NUMBER 73,..i4 ,WHEREAS~" cer:h'ainareas 'oE the, City ;ofWest, :Univ€rs-ity, 'l:ace:are :Subj;ect, :tdpe:r::ii0di!c:, :fl'ooding 'from continuous:he.avy rains hndover-f'low :ofdrai:nage 'di't'cherS')'ancF ' WHEREAS, reli:efis' :a\7aal:a:b,lein ,the: f0rm, 0:f ,l'.e.deri.a!l:Iy ~;ubs1:di:ze~ 'fle:e"d:i'n;suranee(' :as, :a::uth0;r>a.ze:d by the' Nat:iona{L,F:fciJ'od IIYsUran'ee Act ',of rr:;9'68,;:' 'and ,WHE-REAS" ,it is tIte 'ilnte1'it, of the; 'City ,Cominissi0nt,@ re- o:~~f~:1~::~~;~r!~~!~J~:~1ii:~~~eOi~f~~:df~:::r~~a~~':;~s WHEREAS,thisbG'd'yhais, the' legal: :authorityt0',ad0pt1and use :arid:qon"br,oT measures: ,tG:' r,e.duce. funther,f100d'lo's;s'l!rs, ,pursuant : to:i.ts' City :Charter., New" THBREF0RR,< BE IT MiS'0LVED: BY; THECIIT,YCQMMISSI'ON OF THE CITY:0F WE.ST UNr-VERS;!:TY FLA'CE, TEX~8:' " ' Sec'ti6ril. ' As:sur.es the; P,ede:r;i:al, 'Insurance:: AdministratiCDIl fhat it wj)2lc~i;iGt :as nee'es.s'al?Y,' ancit maintain, in, ,force: for tho.se ai>ea:s hG;virigf.lo:od 'ha~ar.<:lS', aGle.~~acte. iand use' 'and!: ,cGittreT measures: with :e'f.f,e:<tt:ive: :e)rl'0re'efuent' -previ&.:t'0ris,consistent with th~;Cri,teria ~et; r6::riiZhiilSecti'en: j,sao ~ef :the: Natien'al :Floed Insurance Pr>sgol?am Regtllati:ons ;'and- ' SectiSii:2. Veats: the May-orand CityCoininission wit,h the res:ponsibiiity,,. au:the'1'i;t-#:,ancit means,to: (aJ '];Je;L;itl'eata 'er: assist :the Administrat0r, ,at his re-: ,qu,est" 'in,&de:liiicea'trillg the: limits: :of the areas having s,pecial: :fiood l)azards 'C;>n a\7a41elipili~ leciU m:al"S, :0f .s:u:ffic.ien:t, ,scale :te: ,identify ,the ieCationof bliiidi!t,g sUes.' (;ti)Pri;bvide stich 'inferination as the Administr:ater' lI@y req;u;est :con:Cex'ni~~, prese.nt :uS1i!..'s and eccupancyof the', ::f.leod :p1.Gltln~ ,(c) , ,Coo,pe:-ra:te :wi'th Fede;rial..State:~ 'andl0'c'al:,~g:~c:ie,s, and pri:~ate; 'fi;rms wM.:i:e.h un<;tert,ake 'l:0,StU9.Y, sup.vey:, miil:p~:and identify, :flo'0d' :pJ.-a;in 'areas, :and ,~f>e;ri:ate:wi:'th nei'gn'lio'Ji'i~g ,c'0II!in!!Ull~'" 'ties: with ,res,pe-c,t :to' management, pfaajein:ing :flG'ed plain' :~reas 'i.~' , ora-eit>: t0prev'eii-t ,aggrav.atitih' :ex. e,xist~ghia:zards.' Cd) J):U:li>M'l: :on: me 'anna:ve;ri.s~y date 'ef t\he: :c'eininlill'li;ty"s ini ti:<d :eligibility 'atlanhtia,l; rap:Gl['tt: :1:0. the. A€iminist-ratGF ,eIl :th'e prCl'gress made :€1urihg the :paS1t y.e~ 'witlrin tire: ;cQininunity:inthe ' d~V:eiepmeFii:, 'and fr.1np;l;enierii:.aiti:on ~f; :f~o:o;Glpfu<;ri-Fi ma:na,gemeri:t measure!?, SeCti:iDh, ,3.' , Deiid'gnaters: theo:ffice (Qf the: :ei:ty ;t!1an~~~tp maintain,f0l:> p'liTha.:icins:pebtii:en andi.@', :furn~iish.Glrr r.eq;~e,sj; :aJ!)~- t;:;erd6fe.levat4'el1s' {ita. re:Jia'ti.:o;n ~;bo' ineGinsealevell -p>f :thelO:W~$ 'fl:o'or; {in:e'l.u€l~nig ~~emenlt,~: ~':f fa1.!: new. '0;[>' 1Sw;'}))iS~'<ll1t'i;-a:llyiIDip.I',G>Ye,crl structures Tetra't:efIin the ;Sip:ec1:aJ.: ~fi"re€l :;bl:~ '.;;ur>ea:s~' :l.:fthe ' ~low.,. ti~:0;1!:j~~:el~W~~;~:\;~~lt~~~s:~~~~;:~~::~:' the. ,eleya;ti~n, ,~;ft~e 8eet&:oh ,4. ,Agiiiees ,to, "take' 'such :.o:ffici:al action a,s lWo/ybe reasonably neces;sary ?te ''G!~1:'y" (511)t !the: :0hji.ectj:v;es~o:fthe prpgra:w.. PASSED AND~P~WitD ;t'hi:'s~J.~;d<iY: :0f ({)~' LiL,9;V:, VClrt'~g Ay,e;:; :~ ,ATTEST:, , '", C,{/"" J" :,,*?, ,:/1: ' , ' ',"/, ,,' .~~<..~fJ!t~~. ,As s~s-tla.n.t,"\CJ;;ffy 'Secr.'e;iS~ 'APFRQ;\tED AS TO, -'FORM: "(i~l?~: At'lt~~i%~' -~~I -";iI , '-------F~- '1_____ '~Tl . I I. ~ ", RES'OLUTTON NUMBER 1'3":25 WHEREAS ,theCi:tyof We.s't Uhiver:Sity, Place, has,adopted andi,s 'enrorcIngthe: Natjcciri'ai;L: :Bu.:LldingG0:de' 'and; ,CHy pf West Uni- ver,sity.Place:Zdn'ip.g:OrCl:a:U'ahc€ Wb.i :l;ll;'and ' WHBREAq, Se'cition' 1&2,.l of the :Nat,iconal B,U.'i>ldcing Code pro- hibits anyper.son,: rirm0F:C:brIH;)~a;ti:en: 'ffiemelieetirtg,,:cons<tr,ucting, en'JiaTging, alteriIlg, rep'a<iEing'"imp:r?,oVi'ng,;: mov'ingor:deniolishing' anyblrild'ingorstrilcture,with:6ut, i'fli's:tr'oEtrin.fng a sep:arate: build- ingpernii t' :for each btiild'ingor'str,'uc;-ewe: 'fliom: :the Ci:ty. Building., Inspec:tdr; and' " WHEREAS ,the:BuiId:ing-Ins:peC:tor must examine' :allplans and s,pecificatio!ls' for the: :prepo.sedcons-tructi:on when application ,is' made: :to: hilri;ror a bUilding, ~rel?itlit.. NOVl, THERBFGRR,:BE< tTRE.8'@LVEDBYTHE CUY .cOMMISSION OF THE, C,ITY :OF WEST uNIV'ERSY'i'Y .PliACE'" TEXAS:' , Secitien 1. ,Tha.t the Bui'lding- Inspector shaillrev',iewall :bu'ildingpermit';.Gl.'p.p1ica","h>riis~ :ror' new :cen.struc;t:i:on or' :suhs:tantial ' iJnpro:i7emerit,s.tddet'eFnne,whether' pro:@osad bu':LI<tling sites: willI be reasona-Qly 's:afe:frGim::f~eeding'. :if a prop'G'se'a building: s,ite :is in a 10'ci'at,iouthat nas; a,floddhazarsd"apyprGpese'c[ new''' ~ebnstr.uction or g,ulis:-taritd:al 'improv'enient must' .(i),be: :designed'(or: in0dified) 'and 'anchor,ed ,to', pr:e-ven:t: :flotati-eri,co1:J:a}!lse',:or 'lateral mQvementof the' :structwe" (i;i), use :coRstruetion: mat'erials' 'and utility. equip- mertttha:t :a:reres':i,.st'ant, :to; :flo:otldamag;e,: 'and: (tii) useconstructio methods and practfees ,that will miiiiriizeflo0d dam~ge; and Secitiori;2., That ,the: 'Bui,lding Irts,p'ector shall' r,eviewsub division propds'a1:ls 'aIid other prop'tifsed' new deveJ.:opinents:toassure tha:t(i)cill :suchprep'0s:el:ls 'arec'onsis,tent with ,the need ,to inini- mizei: flood damage, (ii) alJ:J.publle:uti.:1itJ.:es 'and 'facili1> 'such as sewer" gas;.'eJfe;4ttrical,' 'and. water, ,systems 'arla. :lo:cat.e.d', ,ev'at:edc and con'sfuucted :-t"<& minimize 'eh 'eliminate. 'rlo:od 'damage, an > (iii) adequate draima.gee, is pr,ovided :sc!ras. :to: aV<llid :iinpaJ:rinentoftheni orcoritaminathim: from: themc.iulVing: :flooding_ P1\~$ED ANDAFPROVED :thisOl;~ ,dayof@..;;Z;;~ , 18-73. , ,CoiDinissioners V0t~gAy.e:i2:tL .'d1~ ATTEST: ARPROVED AS TO FQRM: City At-tdf.ney /' RESOLUTION NUMEER .73,..-26 WHEREAS" HaroldE. Shipp, Chief of Police ~oftheCity :of West: Universii;y Place" has :afterlongand, faitlrfulservice requesxed that a neW. Chief ofPo~ice, be appointed and t~t: upon such 'ap,peintmerit, he: be' appointed Assistant :Chi:efof ,Po],ice until his :e~ected time ~of retirenienx;: 'and WHEREAS, a new, 'Chief0f Pollee nashe'en selected by the CityCoininissi'onand the:Cii:Y ,CoInin;issi:on desir,esto make'fcDrmal appointment pf Har-oldE. Shipp as the AS,s:l.stant ,Ghi:efof Police. NOW "TREREFO:RE,: BE ,IT REROLVEDBY: ,THE CTTY,COMMI$SIDN , ',OF. ,THE'CI:TY pF WEST' UNIVERSI,TY PlACE, TE~S: Section 1. Tha:t, Har,oldE. Sh,;ipp be, and he .is herehy" ap,point,ed Assistant :Chief pfPOl;i;ceof the :Cii:y ofW:est Univer~.:i.i;y Place,,: ,T,e:xas. ,Secti:on .2. ,T:ha:t the City of West UldversityPlace again e~resses its grate:ful apppeciation to Harold E. Sbippfor his thirty...,one, years pf distinguishedse:rvice :to: the:ci;ty.. PASSED AND APPROVED i:h:i'fl ~.qdaY' pf ~H&~~' 1.,9,73. , C0ininiss:ioners V0ti~g Aye: e DO, O'era Min~~~ ",::",R~x~:,:'," , " "', 'Mayor' ' , , ATTEST:, ~ ~ "- ~,~~.,: .':~ ,:' '~~, , , A'- """>" '''1;:' "c,,' '''", ....S--',.. '-1-.., s,s;J"~,,an ,bY, ,ecre",,~ry L .. ::a F""'" ]- - -- ::;:--":1 _ .L.A..C ------=' RESOLUTION NUMBER: .13;':-27 WHEREAS , the City ()fWes:t University,Pl.ace' bas for seVeral' months,be'ens'eeking a .quali'fiedindivmua,l. to: serve as Chi;ef ()f Pol'roeof said city; and WHEREAS, theCity'Coininissronof said citycons,icftered the :qu,:al:ifications of niap:y applicants; for said .poa:ition 'iilIld has ,determinedthat RichardK. : Ke's,selus, is,q ua:1:ifiedto:ser.ve in sucihposition. New" THERE.F0RE,:BE IT RESOLVE:D: BY ,THE' 'CH'Y .cOMMISSION ,.DF. THE CITY :OFWEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: ,: TEXAS: Sec:tIon :1..' , That :RichardK.: Kesselus be,: and he is , hereby, appoirit,edChi,ef,bfPelideofthe City ~f West University ,Place,: ,TeXas.' Section 2 . ,That RiehiU>d i<. Kesse:lus shall receive compensation as shall be: d'e.'termineGl by "the :CityCoiIimiss'ion'. PASSED ANDAPP:R'OYED th1S /2.7.1., day of 11......... 4,,:. 'J , 1,9,73. :CoIfiinissioners Vot~g Aye:' 'Q::.u: ' .U~on"~'''''ting No, ~. ~~ ' ayor , ATTEST: ~~ ': '~..,',';~ .. ,',:/L~ ;"U:.~, , 'A" ""'1:""""'- 'C"_. 'S'", ""...j.;'.... ' S-B':LS an'L' , '~:"'J" :eore'dr:L:Y '-I =~~ r- ~--" '11 .r RESOLUTION NUMBER 13-28 WHEREAS, City Offioials have determined that it i5 tq the beet ~terest of the citizens of this oity to. oontinue its membership in the Houlirton-GalveS1!on Area Counoil; and YiHEl\BAS, the by-laws of the Heu$'ton-Galve-ston,Area Counai! l'equi~esthe appointment of a duly eleoted repvesent~tive of eaoh of tn-Ell; govlWnmental units f-9:\? the y~s 1918 and 1&14., NOW, T$REFOJE, BE IT RESOLVED BY ').!HE CITY C0Mf'1I8SIO~ OF THE CITY QF W1l8'l' uNIVUS!'l'Y PLACE, TEXAS ~ Seotion 1. That Mayo:\? Don FJ. H~ia J)e, and he iiii M~- by, designated as its :l:'epresen:ta~ive to 'tihe Gener):>al Body of~1'I,Cl!" Hous1Zon-GalYest~n Area CaUDa!l foZ' the yeaX's un aJld lfl14. 8~t$;qn 2., T;ha1:oUl" Q.f':f,teial, Alt;erna:te au:thc;u;<i1iedt$, , , , , serve as ou:r v01:ing dele~a:t:eshould the one lutpeinabove name<i beoome ineligible 01' i.f he l?$$:Lgns, i~ C~$f:d.onetl Mat'y Ann ,,' Binig. Seot ion 8. Thlilt the E~eeu1:5. VQ DueO't41t' of the !fcrUS1':ot)- GalV$$tQn Area Counoi.l be nirtified of Mayc>t' Don E. Harris' designa'tion by aer:t:itied oOPY of this Re$Glut1<tn. PASSED AND APJlROVSD thts ~ day of 4~f'""!~,t.fl . una. Commi$$lone$ Voting Aye: ~ , ' COJnnd.sdoneps Voting No: 17~ ~c~ AT!l'~~T: ~..~ Ass $1::an1: 'Jl, 'El e ,,' ' ~,-,-~,- ~~ 1~-r=~-----F""I~~~-"l I . r RESOLUTION NUMBER 73;..29 WHEREAS, by ResoTution' Number; ,73;';6", dated March 12, l-973~ the GityCoininission appointed; four ,(4} cityeniplo.yees,to ser.veas' nienibers :ofthe Safety and Accident Review, Board for the .year 1,973 ; and WHEREAS,: HaroldE. Shipp hasreques:tedthat he be re- lieved of this res:pon'sibility;and WHEREAS, Richard K. Kes:s'elus has been appointe:dChief of Police of said city. NOW, THEREFORE, BE ,IT RESOLVED BY. THE GITYCOMMISSION OF. THE 'CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY:PLACE,TEXAS: Section 1. That :Chief RichardK.Kes:se:lus, :be appointed to: serve as a niember, of the :S:afety 'and Accident Review: :Board duri~g the' reniainder of the :year l,9',73~and that: Harold E., Shipp be' reliev.ed of ,this res:ponsibili:t;y, :eff,ective with thepass?-ge of this Resolution. S,ection2. That Richard K. Kesselus, be appointed to serve on this Board withoutcompensat,ion. PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of Noveniber, 1973. Voting Aye: Cl.k.J) ') c~:Df"% Mayor ATTEST: ~..~~~ Ass~stantC1.tySecretary ~'-~~-~~"~~T""C--~I ~-"-~-"~-r"~""I"-'''''~'''~'l''l ,lI'lr '-----~' ..~..~n_~..~'~___ RESOLUTION NUMBER ,73,..30 WHEREAS, the City, .of West University Place has cash available in the; :foll'Owingfunds: TaxColleatoI"s :Fund Co' ,IOd, ClOD. iJtI , 8,000.00 2,,780. 00 19',750.00 Insurance Re,serve Fund Tax ReveriueSinking Fund CharteI', Amendment Res'erve WateI'Fund CharteI' Amendment Reserve:Sewer,Fund 14,00,0.00 Water Sewer Fund Tax Col1eatorsFu,nd 40:,000.00 15,47,0.00 :::: , $:,200,,000.00 whi,ch 'funds will not ,be requ:ireo; ,for current :operating expens,es; and ,WHEREAS, it is the 'Objective of the City ,C'Oininissi'Onto keep all thecity,' s m'Oney inves:ted ,t'O: earnadditi'Onalincollie and it is neaes:saI'Y and prudent :t'O: authorizeinves:tmerit ;of these cer,tainsums ''Of money'; and WHEREAS, theCheiriicalBcillk~~pust :Col[pany, has 'Offered the' mostattI'activerate 'of the: :banks des'ignarecCtoserveas de- pos,it'OI'Y for inves:tment.of city, funds. ' NOW ,THEREFORE" BE IT RES:O:LVEDBY THE CITY COMMISSION, OF THE CTTYOF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS:' Section 1.' Tha't theCity,Treasurer is: hereby' authorized and diI'eatedto invest the available 'funds intheCheniical Bank and Trust ,CoJ!lI>i3-ny inthe:.aamourit :af' $,200,000.,00 'On the: 'f'Oll'Owl:ng hasis'T-':onecertificateinthe :am'Ount .of ,$lOO:,OO:O.OOf'Or a ,peri'Od .of 119 dayst'O, 'bear inter.es:t at the rate 'Of' a:.:,6,1)2% and the 'Other certificatef'Or a peri'Od'Ofll~ days also to,be'arinterestat. the rate 'of 8.6,25%. - ' PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day 'Of ')1~ , 1973 Coimnissi'Oners V'Oting Aye: ~ C'OInmissi'Oners V'Oting N'O: I C ~/d//~~ May, r v- ~ 1 ATTEST: ,~,~~ Ass~stant C~ty,Secretary I, L..~ T~O~~~I~~<~=~ [' "'I' --- 1'1 "".I-'~~ RESOLUTION NUMBER 73- 31 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the Tax Collector's Fund in the amount of $200,000, which will not be required for current operating expenses; and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additionai income, and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY ,OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to invest the available funds in the Chemical Bank in the amount of $200,000 on the following basis: one certificate in the amount of $100,000 for a period of 89 days to bear interest at the rate of 9.000%, and the other certificate for a period of 89 days also to bear interest at the rate of 9.000%. PASSED AND APPROVED this 26th day of November, 1973. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ Commissioners Voting No: ~E~ Mayor ATTEST: ~-IL ~~ s istant City Secretary r-dl ,I. --, I 'T' "II.. RESOL UT,IONNUMBER7 3~3 2 WHEREAS, Mr . Tho'masC1arke has heretof'orebe,en appointed Assistant City Attorn,ey and Prosec.utor ,of'the Ci;ty, ,of' ,West Univer- sity Pla'ce,f'or a term expiring on'December 31, 1973;' and WHEREAS , the City, Commissi'Ondesires to reappoint Mr. ,Thomas Clarke to ,s,uch ,posi ti'on. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY,THE CTTYCOMMISSION OF THE CI,TY :OF WEST UNIVERSI.TY,PLACE, TEXAS: 8.ecti'On 1.' That Thomas Clarke is he'reby appointed Assis- tant City Attorney andPros,ecutor in ,th,e MunicipalC,ourt of the City of' West University Place. .8.ection. 2., Said ThOmas Clarke sha'llreceive as, compen- sation for his duties the amount, heretofo,reprovided,forsuch position. ,S,ection 3 . Thomas Clarke shall serve. in ,s,uch capacity, until Dec'ember, 31, 19Q4, unle'ss removed: f'rom said position during s,uchperiodbythe City Commission. PASSED AND APPROVEP ,this i/;c.t:, , day of'g~. , 197 . ,Commiss:ieners Voting Aye: ~ c,~:re2~ Mayor ATTEST: ~ cXl-.A-~ Assistant CitySec.retary "'r~....~~~' ~I i 1 TiTfTr RESOLUTION NUMBER 73~33 WHEREAS, the West University Baptist Church is contem- plating the improving of Lot 6, Block 18, College View First Addition for parking purposes in conjunction with the operation of such church; and WHEREAS, the City of West University Place is the owner of the West 1/2 of Lot 7, Block 18, College View First Addition; and WHEREAS, the West University Baptist Church has re- quested permission to hard surface said West 1/2 of Lot 7, Block 18, College View First Addition and said West University Baptist Church agrees that all of such area that is the city's property and the church's property will be available for the use of the city for parking purposes when such parking would not conflict wit church use. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That West University Baptist Church be and is hereby granted permission to hard surface the,West 1/2 of Lot 7, Block 18, College View First Addition in accordance with city specifications, including the necessary drainage and screen- ing which is to be approved by the city. Section 2. The permission herein, granted for the use of the West 1/2 of Lot 7, Block 18, College View First Addition is J- revocable.JY the city upon ninety (90) days written notice to the West University Baptist Church. PASSED AND APPROVED this 17th day of December, 1973. Commissioners Voting Aye: All ~ers VO, ti,n,g No: Non,e '~c;;Y~ Mayor ATTEST: ~ o?:?~~, Assistant City Secretary RESOLUTION NUMBER 73,..34 WHEREAS, the City Commission has heretofore authorized the investment of available f~nds ~s~ally in Certificates of Time Deposit in amo~nts of $100,000.00, with fixed interest rates for specific periods of time; and WHEREAS, interest rates are now uncertain and caref,ul con- sideration sho~ld be, given to investment of city funds; and WHEREAS, there are Certificates of T'ime Deposit maturing on December, 31, 1973; and WHEREAS, the City Commission does not meet in regular session until January 14, 1974. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE , TEXAS: Section 1. That a committee composed of elected and ap- pointed city officials be designated to reinvest available f~nds between now and January 14, 1974. Section 2. That Mayor Don E. Harris, Commissioner ~ Way , City Manager Whitt Johnson and Ci~yTreasurer Wm. Dittert,Jr., be appointed as an Investment Committee to invest available funds not needed for current operation and that ,such Committee be required to report its action on the invest- ment of funds to the City Commission at the next regular meeting -~ to be held January 14, 1974. PASSED AND APPROVED this 1.1G:L. day of JJr-~,~,11.J , 1,973' Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ 2:Znersv~,' ,."Nn', 11H,- .~. ..... , Mayor ATTEST: ~.~, AssJ.stant CJ.ty Secretary--' l~ ~ L_'- _ x__ : ~' ~"'~"-~~I~~"C~~~''1, ~_____._l_.:l~--- .~ -"- .- - >. 'f~ ~ ,~ RESOLUTION NUMBER: 73~35 WHEREAS, the City, Commission of the: City, of West Univer- si'ty Place made properapplic,ation to receive' ,f,ede:ralfunds under Public Law: 666 to share in the construction and rehabilitation of the Weal:ayan Sani'tary Sewer: Lift Plant1 and related lines; ,and WHEREAS, a, -grant of: 75% of the 'total engineer,' s antici- patedcost of the project was approved by the Environmental Pro- tection Agency; and WHEREAS, dur,ing: ,the: month of April, 1973,' ;the: city re- ceiveditsf'irst allocation of' $68:,.7,00'.00,; and WHEREAS, ,in October, ,1,973; an additional' $4l',490.00was rec:eived, ,making a total,grant r.ecei:ved' from ,federal funds of $:11 0 , ,1,9 0'.' 00 .' NOW ,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED , ,that ,the City Commis- sion 'appropriates the said$:llO"l9:0:.0Q,to, be applied against the total cost of the, constr,uction and rehabili tationof the Wesl5iyan Sanitary Sewer Lift Plant and related lines. PASSED AND APPROVED,thi:s 1'7.rL day of 19:~ 4..c.A1.973 Commissioners, Voting, Aye: ~ ' ~ers VO'7~71-- ~ < ATTEST:', ~,~.~ Ass~s ant ~ y ecr.etary ?:- I 711- r----' I'"'~ - -- 1, IIr