HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.72 lliSOl,.UT tON NUMSIlR 72:" t WEREAS, '*'stQn N.tq,.t Cla~ ~fPQ"atfon 11.$ ....n$hEld n~ and Jn~"_$ed mllls for tetfdnt'al iIlld $$aU ~"~I.l (lI4dJl1SUeH) .....GlMfrJ . ten.atell in the fUlt. SchedtJh~.UlClhed flere10 a$~tmfhh A. and WKSlW#th. aftV CtOJmt,.ton Ocf ._ tUt,y ., V.lit Unlv.efdily Pl..-, . . T...., alter due ~t.r"'ltOl'i, ftn" Gft41 -.tetf8'tl$$. chat tlte Ill".. tn. . '. :. . . d4lIlle$d6r~tfl& reftfttad In the ... Nt~ "It _ ~lbU A I' oe...rv . '. . In 01'... 'fur HOGtcm Mat.,.., h. eor.'.thm to ,e4OY<<U:" the I......."._~. hl."t"" by '814 _ompeny "'$Ultf". from the 'fl~ In the ~hy gate ...t. limier the ol"d...bf the RaffrHd c.__ft.tQnof 1'.., .ted, M-r..ary 1, 1,1h ,,, G.. l1tHhhiJ$ ,~(! Ro. """ c..,.the-t- wIth the ,ros$ r.iitf,. ~,,*..,.. plkAl. ttletetOl NOW.. THe."B, 8ll 11' USGJ..Vll .V TItE can etMlIJl&t-0N Of TM tun OF WEST .,ViIlU1'V fIt.AGi, TI.II\$; lbe. the ra.. for '8& teNI_ i'end~ by .....11_ ffat..,..... Cot'pOratbm t(J ~t:lc _bMr. .e. OW, ,,, EM,! It A, attuhllltt: bUe.., b. and .he ... ar. .rely e"nwecJ. PAS$le ARO APPUm .'1 18th clay of J~f I"J. &CIIIIIIl$..........'..$lII Ayet . ~ __I......'.. v.,tr..,. -.: ~ AmST~ . .~iit.r:J~- All ,.' ". ctY~..,.- -r'" -I' ~"'iI [' 1. 'I "'II Ilhlll.1 Exhibit A IiGUiTGH NATUMt. W tOAPtMTIOI ~l~T.A\, AA1'~j ~fl~ .p.~.' . ' \f~..~~ at U~ fJet-'f~ (NGv, - _U)' 'It'u 490 MIG ~ .t' lel$ ~t. . Ifftitt ,N~t , ft.t ct_ 2~60tcubl e ~ii i.800 cubl. f-eot IO.O-to .bl.teet .6.ee& M'e f88t IUll~ MOI:tlftty a. n $ t~to 11:.3.t pel' 14$ QQlJfirit.-t- . It "G)t p., tOO ..-cf_l ,.0. pet tecr _td~(". i.$. ;u leo tlbht ,... l a.tIt _'U'l..t'~.~ (.,-.,~J.~~ 'It,t itoo- CI.h~ feet 0'" '8. _t a._ _Ie fut ReJ,lt J,M __fe fee' Over' '.__ie f.t ..tnt_ KentMy an t $ a...oo tl.,. par. tt#) _It ~.t- , II..fM ","'.,.I'4t __ Il~_ P6F ,1:4$ filtf;cr'~ $ &.00 ~MJ," ~':.~~, 'lJ'$t _. 'uble feet OJ" leu ... 8.4. _14, f.-. Me"l u._ _te 'ftt HRl to,. ute fe., Ov,"" JO,88' _te ,... ~f&_1lt ft<mthlV IHt $ 1.11 li.k "Ii ltJ& _I.'~ It... p~ teo MI. ,f.et 1." per 'f1O Uie' .., 6.0.,..,. tUO. _t.'f.. $ 2..2-' r -- I' . m L '1., I J 1iL.:JL III~IJII .'~ RESOLUTION NUMBER 72-2 WHEREAS, Mr. Harrington Wallace, employe'd as Pol ice Dispatcher and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has been reassigned to the Police Department; and WHEREAS~ Mrs. Joyce Keefe, 'employed as Cashier and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal'Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has resigned from the employment of the city; and WHEREAS, the reassignment of Mr. Harrington Wallace and the reslgna- tion of Mrs. Joyce Keefe creates the necessity of appointing other employees to serve as Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Jo~Egray Sheffield has been employed as Police Dis- patcher and Mrs. Gloria Anderson has been employed as Cashier, and these employees are qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Cpurt. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Mrs. Jo-Egray Sheffield and Mrs. Gloria Anderson be, and they are hereby, appointed Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. That the appointment of Mrs. Jo-Egray Sheffield and Mrs. Gloria Anderson, ~ Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolutio and that they shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy Clerk after having been administered the proper oath of office. PASSED AND APPROVED this lOth day of January, 1972. ATTEST: Af.ii~", . tfi~tf!;.!; Commissioners Voting Aye: (lQQ./ Commissioners Voting No: ~ ,',~, /4~' 'jL o .ay'!; /' ----'--~~~~--.--~~.---F~'''c-':c=F=-~=''''==~-'='!-:-c-'"'~---;....... RESOlUT1ON NUMBSR 72~3 WHEREAS, tlty Offl~I.1$ Iutve 4!ttemlned thaI 1t is to the best lntet'e$~ of the GJth~fI$ of this 4-lt., t.- ~tf"ue It$ lllellIbersMp In the. HOlInon~Ga.veston Area Gnuf1Gi t; a"d WltlllfiAS, the by-laws- of the Ifllilu.f_-..l-v"~n Are$ Coo_H: ,e- qui res ~ app$fntmel'tt ct.f a dvly eteot-ed fept-ts.Jiiltattvfjl .1 each af",_, ' pCll"f\IQ!ilIltel IInhs for th. vtta, ..7-2. , . NOW. THIIii'ORi. BE IT MIOt-Vil BY Tt.tI ellY e..nSUt\lN Q" THI Jt'fV . . OF WlST UNtllilW.tTV pt.Afir.. lEIM.; 5ectlon I. that Iteyer Jehn f,t. N.Jthbo,!; be.. and h4, .. her~y. <:Ie_19Mt" as, ita rep.,.hnta\lJve to llhe. a_tal 81)dy of t.... HQust...- Gelv..llOn Alee GGUllcH tot the Y.." "12. SeGthm 2. lJult_r- GlIlet.l Altefnate autbortud to s.erve a," oor votiriD .l.te 'houl-d tbe one hetQ'M~ namect ~.... 'neHsl.le of if he restgns. 'a $OllIl8f$$'oner Pald W. WalHth mt-f.on3... That the~Glltlv. Director at the ......cm.6i\lf.,est0fl Area 'o~H be \'$dfl.4 of ~or:,""" M... H.t.bb~...t c:I"lfli\.~f.nby .fl}l"ttfl.d copy ((If tJ\t.aue"utlGn~ PAlliD AND ^,'IlOVP tbJ. t... .- of Jal'l."')'. "7-2. ~IlIllf'S$ tOIl... Votf"" AY9 ~ ~ , '&4' ,QIl- ~thlg _1<1~ ATTi$T; ~@~ r '-I~' ",..cc, ,-~ --------[' ,.<in ~ ~_ _ ~__...'I.L_;.jL ....LIiI.lJIj[ RESOLUTION NUMBER 72-4 WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission, pursuant to provisions of the Charter'of the' City of West University,PJace, Texas, and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission to create a Safety and Accident Review Board; and WHEREAS, the Safety anq Accident Review Board 'shall serve as an advisory comnittee to the City Commission on all general aspects of the city's safety program, inclljding creating a manual on s'afety procedures for city employees', and a period'ic review of unsafe working conditions and vehicular acciden~s involving city forces; and . WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Comnission have resolved to appoint both citizens anq city employees to this Board; and WHEREAS, certa;cn ';~Earsons have 'i nd icated a des ire and wi I I Ingness to serve as membe.r's of this Bo.h;d. NOW, THEREFORE, aE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: " Secti.on I. That the fol lowing persons be appointed to serve as members of the Safety and Accident Review Board during the years as set forth hereinafter: '1972 Mr. R. J. Eubank, 3729:Sunset Mr. James K. Skipton, 3502, Rice Boulevard Mr. Denny L. Arnold, Assistant City Manager Chief Charles E. Duffin, Fire Chief . Mr. A. L. Bearden,StreetSljperintendent Mr. O. D. Gregg, Sanitation.Superintendent 'lqT~ Mr. R. J. Eubank, 3729 Sunset Mr. James K. Skipton, 3502. Rice Boulevard Mr. Denny L. Arnold, Assistant City Manager Chief Harold E. Shipp, Police Chief ' Mr. H. L. Vaughn, Water Superintendent Mr. H. R. Duke, Sanitary Engineer , Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to this Board shal I serve without compensation. Section 3.' That the persons hereby appointed to this Board shall serve for the periods designated above, and thereafter, untilithe appointment and qualification of thet'r successors. PASSED AND APPROVED this 24th day of January, 1972, A. D. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ ATTEST: .A,~"h~~ No: " T r'.-.-'C"' Iii 1" i . Iii ::lIIH:II: ;lllIIllal RESOLUTION NUMBER ,72-5 WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Texas has duly enacted Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, .A:r:>ticle 999b, providing that any County or Muni- cipality by Resolution or order of its governing body to make pJXlvisionfor,or authorize its Mayor or Chief AdnrinistrativeOf'ficer, Chief of Police, or Marsh to make provision for, its regularly employed law enforcement officers to assist anyothe:r County, or Municipmty,when in the opinion of the Mayor, or other officeraui:h.oi:>ized to declare a state of emergency; ins1,lchother County or Municipality, there exists in such other County or Municipality a need for services of additional law enforcement officers toprc;>tect the health, life and property of such ot:he:i:> County or Municipality, its :iri9-abit.ants and visit0n3 thereto, by reason of riot, unlawful assembly characterized by the use of force and violence, or threat thereof by three (3) orllPrepe,rsonsacting together or without lawful authority, or during sucht:inJe of natural disaster or inan-made calamity; and . WHEREAS, the City Commission 'of the City of West University Place act- ing as a Legislative Body, is of the opinion that a Resolution should be adopte bY such governing body to makeprovisiaru;; for or authorize the City Manager of the Cit)rof West University Place to direct the Chief of Police of said City of West University Place to detail regularly employed offiCers of the Police Dep ment of the City of West University Place to assist any other County or Munici- pality when in the opinion of the Mayor or other officer authorized to declare a state of civil emergency insuchbther County or Municipality> there exists in such other County or Municipality the need for the serVices of additional law enforcement officers to protect the health, life and property of such other County or Municipality, its irihabitants and the visit0n3 thereto by reason of riot, unlawful assembly, and characterized by the use of force or violence or threat thereof wii:hill the meaning of said Article 999b, which is nCM in full force and effect, and a request for additional law enforcement officera is made to the Mayor of the City of West University Place by such Mayor or officerauth,.. orized to declare a state of emergenCy in suchbther County or Municipality; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'lEE CITY COMMISSION .OF 'IHE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIACE, TEXAS: " Section 1. That the' City Manager be and he. is hereby..authorized to direct the Chief of Police of the City of West University Place to detail re- gularly employed law enforcement officers of the City of West University Place Police Depart:rrent. to assist any. other County or Mmicipali ty, when in the op:in:L of the Mayor, or other officer authorized to declare a state of civil emergency in such other County or Municipality, there exists in such other County or Muni cipality a need for the services of additional law enforcement officers to pro- tect the health, life and property of . such. other County or Municipality, its inhabitC!l1.ts, and the visitors thereto, by reason of riot, unlawful assembly chacterized bytheilse of force and violence, or> threat thereof by three (3) or llPrepersonsacting together or without lawful authority, or during the time of natural disaster or man-made calamity, and a request for additiorial law enforce ment officers is made to the Mayor of the City of West University Place by such Mayor or officer authorized to declare a state of emergency in such .other Coun or Municipality. PASSED AND APPROVED this 28th day of Feb:ruary, 1972, A.D. Commissioners Voting Aye: QJ.L, " ~ ATIEST: '~~Ci~~~ ,---=-=='F"""----===y=,-- " I ~!: III',,!I: "IIIIII.r RESOLUrIONNUMBER72-6 WHEREAS, me City C~ssion pa:;.;sedand approved. Resolution .NUIIJber ,n....14 onDece.nibei>13, 1971,authorizingand directing the CityTr>eaSur>er' ,to invest $100,000.00 for a period of ninety (90) daYs in Certificate of Time DepbsitintheSurety Savings Association, Houston, Texas, .at a rate of 6%; and WHEREAS, me Resolution waS .adopted on the baSis of a quotation from Surety Savings Association whiCh stated the interest rates on ninety (90) day Certificates.of Tine DepOsit were baSed. ontheJIEXinnlm rate.permitted by State and FederaJ. :regi.1lationswhiCh . could pOssibly be asmch as 6%, but oould pOssibly vaxy from day .to dew; and WHEREAS, when the depOsi tof.. $100,000. 00 waS :n:ade, with.Surety Savings Association, the::maxi.nn.1m.legaJ. :rete. for ninety, (90) days depOsit was 5 1/4%. NOW, dTHEREFORE,. BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE CITY COMMISSION OF'IHE: CI1Y. .OF WESTUNIVER8:rryPLACE, TEXAS: That ResolutionNUIIJber 71...:14 be amended to read that the City TreaSurer> ishei:>eby.autho:cized and directed to invest $100,000.00 for ape:ciod of ninety (90) dews in Certificate of Tine Depbsit inthedSu:rety Savings Association at an interest :rete of 5 1/4%. PASSEDmoAPPROVEDtlris.. ;;UC-J; dailOfj~ 1972. CommissionerS Vating Aye: ({Jl) ComrnissionerSVotingNo: ~ ; <<ffu~ ATr.EST: .~~~ F -~---~--_.- - _.- -~_..._---.~, ~'---=:-=-"l=-'._~'--:-"",,'C=,=!=:~;~~-,---,----~I""-' '.:---' --,- ~_'~,. ,,',-----cc-.'---C" ~~~.---- RESOllJTIONNUMBERn-7 WHEREAS, the imtiJnely.death. of Mr. William J. Marter, 5127Belm::mt, ~loyed as Dispatcher'in. the.Police Department, has, caused sadness' aJIDng his friends, associates andfami;Ly; and ~,' the dea'lrb..ofMr. Marter creates the necessity of appoint- ing another employee to seriTe as Deputy.. Clerk of the_Municipal Court; and WHEREAS, Mr. ElleJ:yGeneHcwa:bdhai3 been.~loyed as Police Dis- patcher and is qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court . .NOW,'lHEREFORE" BElT RESOLVED BY THE CI'IY COMMISSION OF THE . em . OF WEST UNIVERSITIPIACE" TEXAS: Section 1. 'That Mr. Ellery GeneHONardbe, , and.he is hereby, appointed DeputyCler.kof thedMunicipalCourtofthe City. of West UniverSity Place, Texas. Section 2. .Thattile appom:bIJentof Mr::>.ElleryGene .HONard, as Deputy.Cler.kof the Municipal Court Of the City of West Univeri3ityPlace, Texas, shall be effective Wi ththe. :i?ass~eof this Resolution and that he shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy.Clerk after having been administered the proper oath of office. '. PASSED.AND APPROVED ,this 28th da,y of FebrilaIy, 197'2. . COIIIlIIissioners ,VotingPije: flu---/ .lJ7tJ ~ ,.; ~/ ",V~" ATI'EST: As&l&J:~ Comnissioner'8Voting ,No: . 9tftllL... . () . q:~ .---'-~'-'---_.-t::..."c=.~.__::~~"'"[~~ -----1::' TIt" ~ ___iJ._J.~,L-..ll..J.....~;;..lWL.l.LJ..l1J.&.lA.l RESOLUTION NUMBER 72'-8 WHEREAS, the caretaker's hoUse located on property owned by the Ci~ and used as a sanitary landfill site, 9610 Ruffino Road, was destroyed by fire on July 4, 1971i and WHEREAS, such property wasP:i.nsured against fire loss in the amount of , $10,000;, and WHEREAS, . the ccmpany carrying the city's insurance indannified the city against such loss in the amount of $10,000; and WHEREAS, the City Camnission elected to purchase a IIDbile hane to replace. the caretaker's ,residence which was destroyed by fire, said IIDbile hane and location costs annunting to$6,801.69i and WBEREAS,therererrai.ns a balance of$3,l~8.31 in General Furrl Accx:>unt 1-202, Escrow for Fire Loss; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Ccmnission that this said balance be made available for use in the city's park improvement program. NCW, 'TIlEREEORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY ~SSIONOF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PrACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Treasurer be, and he is hereby, authorized \ to transfer the$3,198~31 in the. Escrow Fire Loss accomit to the Gene:tal Fund Park Department improvement program. Section 2. That said sum shall be used in the city's parkiWProve- ment programd.uring the year 1972.. PllSSEDAND APPROVEDtbiS13th aay of March, :ra72, A.D. ATl'EST: . .~Ci&~/ Canmissioners Vo~gAye: Camri.ssioners voting No: . . (jd 4lbjli:: {J yor WJ./ n~ [ , -I' .,- . m ,,'L. : _ :'I._~llj.._JL .lJmw --~~--~-- RESOLUTION NUMBER 72-9 WHEREAS, in the year 1970 the City of Houston commenced negotiations with the City of West University Place for the acquisition of 0.9603 acres of land out of Lot 1 of the A. T. Morris Subdivision, A. C. Reynolds Survey, Abstract 61, Harris County, Texas; and WHEREAS, the amount offered by the City of Houston as payment for such land was' found to be grossly inadequate by the City of West University Place, and it was determi'ned to be in the best interest of the city <lnd its residents that the offer of the City of Houston be refused; and WHEREAS, thereafter in March, 1971, the City of Houston caused an eminent domain proceeding to be filed in the County Civil Court at Law #2, Harris County, Texas, seeking to condemn said property for use for highway purposes; and' . WHEREAS, said matter is a contested action now appearing as Cause #191196 in the County Civil Court a.t Law #2, Harris County, Texas and Charles F Cockrell, Jr. has fi led the necessary pleadings to preserve the rights of the City of West University Place in such proceeding; and . WHEREAS, the CityCommissi.onof the City of West University Place recognizes that the time and effort .needed to be spent in representing the city in this legal proceeding is over and beyond the normal duties o'f the office of City Attorney; and WHEREAS, the City Comm i ss i'on des i res to emp I oy Cha r 1 es F. Cockre II, Jr. to represent the city in said proceeding and to compensate him for such representation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section I. That Charles F., Cockrell, Jr. is hereby employed and authorized to represent the c-ity of West Univers.lty Place, Texas in Cause #191196, City of Houston vs City of West University Place, County Civil Court at Law #2, Harris County, Texas. Section 2. That said Charles F. Coc~rell, Jr. shall be paid in accordance with the minimum fee schedule of the State Bar of Texas, the amount of $4,000.00. Se.ction 3. That said. sum shall be -compensation to said attorney for services rendered heretofore in this matter and for services to be hereafter rendered up to and including a final jud'gment in the trial court. Section 4. Payment of the amount herein specified shall be made from the Water-Sewer Fund wherein the proceeds received from the City of Houston in conllection with said property have been heretofore deposited. PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of June, 1972, A. D. Commiss ioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None G~-wwJJ~~ . Mayor Pro-Tem . ( ATTEST: '~'$~~ Assistant City Secretary "-r"-""I'~'"-~""'--- ,'-- -~ I:; l' lili1!11 1111111.1 RESOLlJI'IONNUMBER72-10 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has funds invested in i:hree(3) Certificates of T:i1ne Deposit withnthe University State Bank, Houston, Texas, naturing as follONs: Certificate #4248 -$115,000.00 - Maturing July 2, 1972 Certificate #4306- $111,360.00 - Maturing July 7, 1972 Certificate #4350 -$:123,327.50 - Maturing July 24, 1972' WH.EREAS,it is the objective bf the City.Canmission.to invest the city' f! funds. to. ea:bn additional income, and . it is therefOre determined prudent to.authorize :be-investment of these certainsUlllSof noney. NOW, 'TIlEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WESI' UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXAS: That the City Treasur>er' is .herebyautharized and d:ix>ected to invest available funds not needed for current operation, saidfuncls tOnbe invested in Certificates of Time Deposit, UniverSity state, Bank and a Savings and lDan Association, in the anounts and period of t:i1ne as set farth belON: $100,000.00 far a period of oneyear.at an interest rate of 6% per annum. $l47,000.00 for a period .of one year at an interest rate of 6% per annum. $ 90,000.00 for a period of ninety (90) days at an interest rate of 5~25%per annum in a Sa~ and Loan Association. . PASSED AND APPROVED thiS 26th day of June, 1972, A.D. Comnissioners Voting Aye: ~ ATI'EST: . Carrmissioners Voting No: ~ r!!4/1~,^-. ... fI Mcwarf "~"ii2h'~ Assistant City Secretary --..--'-----,.-.---~F==-...;:=Ic.,---r ~ NUMBER 72-12 ~ Ju.Ue ~, ate 12~ <Iaught:er of M2:'. ~ iD. L n. A1:bu~, 2644 University ~ C1t.y of! West Untva:sl1iy 9laee, is herEWith .. her ~ ~t anti naUcmal ~~ as winneJ: in Gulf .N\'U ~ Meet. by wJ.miu;g the leg10nal ~ 1.n the U-12 is 100 tl'I!IlteJt ~~ in a tdma of 1;28.0; and , , Ja1ie ~ 0J1e of b se1eat national r1i!fH~~ ~ t: in tlhe ~ ~ of Lau1slaM, MS~"pp and __, wbicb .. IX of the liat1ona1 J\1n1or 01~; _ I sud1 high ~ ..-lts ~ ~1d.OB due to. the 01;ympica ~ lU.llBt of t!be sports in the ~ __. of the ...... of _ u. s. Ol~ ada ".. .. ~ of' ~ ~- ~.. the team ~ by the at\\' wwlty Placlle1 and , .:JbUe has Ji'EItlIld.'WII:'i the ~ _ ~ of ~ 1ng in the ~..,l ~ o~ in ~, ~ OR __t. .11, an4 Miele ~te , such ~H~ and ~t is an ~ tD _ teiIIn\ __ _ euell ~ wU1 ~_ d1.em to we f.ao 4Dp:.we theU CN1 aet1v1tlea, an4 , ~, D I!l1ll:J:)l.VJ'iD BY '1!IB CDlt ~ or '1'RE caY , 1'L1lCB, 'BIlXllSJ OIl w.IlBf , the d.q, ~_on of tba CitJ{ of Wastt UDtvm:s11:.y ~ 'J.'81ras its ~ ~a~ an4 w1sbes tl'lat\. ~ w.W. ~ a h1gbs wh11e ~'1g the. Ba1Wlne1 ~ o~ in ~, ~r ~~ tbe d.1:.tzensof the C1t.y of .. tl!d.~ Plaoe ~ the ~, ba10r _ ",,fJ~ of pri4e ~ .'JUUe has b1:ought. 1:0 bu , Ibt. ... Mm. L S. ~. .. AW~ this 14th _ of~, 19'12, A.D. _E.~18,~ f.Ied E. __, ~~ . &rfles~ ~ Paul. 'If.' Wa.'Wn, QJilnla~ ' A'.IlBlST: Idin N. Ne1~, ~ ~.. r j- _::m r r: .1.............. ~ _---------1-11... _I J.ll.IJ[ RESOLUTION JIlUMBER 72 -13 A resolution authorizing the Tax Assessor of the City of West University Place, Texas, to increase the ratio of assessment of the appraised values on all taxable property, both real and personal, within the corporate limits of the City of West University Place, Texas, for the year 1972, from the present basis of 40% to 50%. WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the City Commission that property values in the City of West University have considerably enhanced in value during the past five (5) years; and WHEREAS, a more realistic approach to tax equalization would be provided if the tax base is increased; and WHEREAS, higher assessed values are looked upon more favorably by financial institutions, than higher tax rates; and WHEREAS, the increase to 50% would provide a more uniform basis Df assessment: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TElCAS: That the Tax Assessor be, and he is hereby instructed, to assess all taxable property in the corporate limits of the City of West University Place, Texas, both real and personal, for the year 1972, on the basis of 50% of appraised value. P AS SED AND APPROVEDl;his /~..L:iL day of August, 1972. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE: {Zeu' , / COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO: 7? ~ ATTEST: ~~~, Assis ant City Secretary .f r- "r' 1-",,:::1 ,,-L.... _.,_---.:...:......~.:..:JL J_:~.~~-- RESOLUTION NUMBER 72-14 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, Texas employed Bernard JohnSon Incorporated, registeredp:rofessional engineers, to design a system for imp:rovement of the.inunicipal sanitary sewage system; and . WHEREAS, the project hCiSbeendesigned and captioned "Weslayan Sanitary Sewer Lift Station, 10" VitrifiedCaay Pipe Sewer Line Connecting f:rom AcadenvStreet along Swa:r>i:h1roreto the Weslayan Sanitary Sewer Lift Station"; and . WHEREAS, in response. toadvertlsements for bids duly published in a local newspaper.for const:ruct:ionof "Weslayan Sanitiary Sewer Lift Station, 10" VitcifiedClay- Pipe Sewer Line Connecting from Acaden;r Si:reetalong SwaMh- lIDI>e to tlleWeslay-an Sanitary Sewer Lift Station", bidswererecei ved on . August 17 ,1972; and WHEREAS, upon being .reviewed and examined .it was determined by the ,consulting engineers that the LemConstruction Company, 10619 Offer Street, Houston, TeXas, was low bidder in the alIDrmt of $:121,916.00; and WHEREAS, Bernard. JohnSon Incorporated, consulting engineers for the city, recomnends that.Lem Construction .Company be' awarded the contract on their> low bid. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED. BY THE CI'IY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI'IY PlACE, TEXAS: ' . Section 1. Thatthel.em Construction Company be awarded a contract to . construct the .above eaptioned. sanitary ,sewer :i.mpr'Ovementsfor a . lump Stull contract price Of $121,916.00, .subject to approval of the Texas Water Quality Board and. the Environmental. Protection Agency. Section 2. That the LemConstruction Canpany be required to execute perfor.mance bond and contract documents within ten (Tb) days of the date of the passage of this Resolution. PASSED AND APPROVED this 30th day of August, 1972. Corranissi0I1eI'S ,Voting Aye: rt.lv llkU ATI'EST: .... ~Q9J .>lkJ1~ ASs . tant C~ ty Secretary ---.----.,.,-~~-. U--T:-~~~e~~~c"::::I r 1il__-~__ ______L____:l_i::..Ji.E.llL~hI.I.J&I[. ---------,-,--------- RESOLUTION NUMBER .72-'15 WHEREAS, the Personnel Boa:rd, upon request of the City, Ccmnission, has studied and reviewed the j;>resentperSonnsl policies and Pr()cedilres covering y.mentof sickqleave. toqqualifiedarplOyeeS, and have rrade cerl:ainrecaninended . es for amendments. to the Policy covering eligibility , method of payment, roi;x:>rtional payment; and ' . WHEREAS,' the: City,.Ccmnission desires to make the. necessary amendments chailges in the city's PerSonnel Policies and Procedures adopted by the City . siOIlon.March 28,;.1966, in order to clearly establish.qualificatioris for ,ym:mt 'of unused sick leave ,to, any 'of the city's employeeS. WV" THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY. 'lEE crrY <:x:MrrSSIONOF THE CITY OF T UNIVERSITY PLACE, Te:XAS: '. , Section'1. 'Ihat the: paragraphs>ofSebtion II dealing with "Attendance coms"and "Sick Leave"ofthe:.Personnel Policies, and . Procedures of the City f West. University Place~';rexas,' iipproved by. the City CGmnission OIl March 28, ..66, are ~ nodifiedand amendoo so tbat.theteaftersuchparagraphs of ection II shall.read as follCMS: . "II. ' 'Ai:TEOOar'lcA :i'iTrl T...ffir<> ' tt:enaance ReCords All departments. shall maintain dailyatteIrlancerecords of all employeeS and shall.furnishsuchperiodicrepbrts, to the City Manager' as he' Shallreqileat., iCk Leave. Sick leave, as .hetcii1after defined, shall be consideroo as haVing ccmnenced for .qualifioopersonnel fran and after the · 28th: day 'of April, 1958, .lJeing the date the. City Ccmni.ssion adopted and approvoo personnel recjulationspertai.riing to aa::uinulated. sick leave. Sick leave isconsideredtoqbeany absence caused by non- occupational illness or disability of the' emplayee which might: prevent hiin' franreporting for work or handling his jOb in a satisfactozy ~~ " (A medical certificate may be . required. ) "~ar"Eh'lPl~ees~ ~,.full time, !3lIPloyees are entitled to one day of sick leave, with pay for each ' nonthbfserV'i.<;e. Any employee who' shallreslgn his employment and who shall.nothaVe.Inade application forre--enployment by the City. and shall not have.beenre--1:imployed within a six (6) m::>nth.periodafter his resignatienshall have been 'officially .accepted~shall be' considered as hav- ing forfeited all. the rights, privileges and benefits aCcruing 'franany fonner' ,tenUre of e!nployment and is not eligible foracculnulated sicklea'ire for the fonner period of employment. Employees willbe'Paid for the unused sick leave.which accriJ.oo.during employment, uponretiringfran the city under the: follCMing conditions: ' . 1. Having attained the: age of sixty (60).years and haVirigcalpletedatleasit fifteen years of credi- table. service; or 2. .Having caxpleted bYenty.,-eight. ,(28).years ofcredi- tablese:tVice, :regardlesS of age. Employees. will also be paid for unused sick leave whiChaocruedduring enpl~t, upon retiring-because of disability incieoomanceWithHthe provisions as de- fined by the Texas ,.MmlcipalRetirement 'System Act. lli.e.am:rontof sickleave.,to,.pe. paid shall be de as . follcms.: ' 1. fue.anployee' sbaSe :i:ateOn1.y, excluding premium pay whiCh Includes .longevity,holiday PaY ,over- tirne and coUrt tirne,shaUbe used in canputing theanployee's hoUrly rate. . '2. For the' purpose of canputing sickleav~ 2080 an- nuaihoiJrsshall be used. . ,3. llieanployeei;aver,age hotJrlyrat:ewillbedeter- , mi.nedbyusing the. previous thirty-six ,(36) full IlOnths base' pay. 4. fue,average hourly ratesodeteI:mined will be mul- tiplied'by thenmber of hours of unused sick leave.acc:i:uedby the, employee. 5. ' Eight (8). hours sballbeconsidered a nozmal work dayforaUEllployees exCept fir~ whose.nomal ~rkday shaUconsistof b-rel.ve (12) hours. 'PrOJ::iOrtiOIiatepci.vroent. . Employees wb.o haVe attained the .age of sixty>' (6'0>, . years or IlDre,but who haVe not served the .1) quired fifteen (15) years will be paid on a fractional' basis with, the iiu!ltler of years . served being the numerator and fifteen (15) being ,the denaninator. . Section 2. Sub..,paragraphs: entitled "HourlyEhlployees"and "All Em- ployees"shallremainthesanie.' .. Section 3 "fuat this ResOlution shall be in force and 'effect fran and after Novanber 1, 1972.: PASSEDANDAPPBOVEDthis' lJ.~,4dQ.yof . to(1~.j.A,.u' '. ;l972. .CCmnissionerS Voting Aye: OLl-' ~. '~""""~"'..'. .. ...... ".'-" .. - ... AS. ." taut C~t~r.Set:tet:ary . ATrEST: '. , ----r"~-~I~~~~~'."::Jf----~._____:[. . '_~~L:..:;JL._I_,wiJIi['" RESOillI'lONNUMBER72-16 WHEREAS, the City.Camnissionof the' City of West University Place, Texas, desires: i tsPolice Department. to participate in the Law Enforcement Radio CoinmunicationsPlanin the H-GAC Region; and WHEREAS, ,it is .theunderStanclingof the City..Commission.,that H-GAC ExecUtive Comnitteewill requ.estdCr:im:inalJustice Council funds to be used on a matcJ:J.ihg baSis for each law .'enforcement agenCywhowiSheS:.to. participate in the purchaSe of radio COIIIIID.llri.cation equipment. NOW, 'IHEREFORE, BElT RESOLVED BY THE Cl'I'YCOMMISSION OF 'IHE Cl'I'YOF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. Thatthesumof$2,6S0.00 iSherebydes;ignated as the amount of rnatcJ:J.ihgfunds:reqUiredbYd the. Police Department of the Ci tyof WestUni verSi tyP1ace to be used as its sha:beinpurchaaing radio corrununication equipment under the plan approved by d the H-G.L\.C Region. Section 2. That the sum of $2,650.00 ishe:reby appropriated from the General.Ftmdtobe.expendedduringthe fiscal year 1973, .for matc.hii1gfund .purposes'. in, connection with. the Law 'Enforcement Radio . Canmunications .Plan when Criminal Justice ,Coimcilfundsare .avaiJ.ab1eto match the city's funds herewith appropriated. PASSED AND APPROVED t:hiS~ r1 day of mil ~ , 1972. CoimdssionerS .Voting Aye: 'flt.L./. J7tYJJ ATl'EST: ~ ~ '.' /JLJ" )~~ As J.Stant C1:tydSecbetary / r.d.. 1- ..... 'i~ r' ' hl I II 1'1111111 RESOLurIONNUMBER72..17 mEREAS, in accoroance with the Charter of the City of West Universi Place, Texas; the'TexasElection. Code and Ordinance NUIIber S 87 of the City of West UniverSity " Place, agener8l City Election was helduonNovember 7, 1972, in the City of West University Place for the pm'pOse of electing a Mayor and four CommissionerS for a twoyearter.in as.presCr;>iped by.. the, CitY Charter; and YHEREAS, in accordancewith:the'uterinsandprovisionsofArticle 8.29a. of the Election Code, the Judges of the. election have irade .out, signed and de- liver'edin a sealed envelope, uthe retirrnsofsaid election,togetber with the politists and tally lists, to the Mayor and CityConmissionof the City of Wes UniverSity Place, Texas ; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City. CommissionerS of the City of West Univer,- sityPlace" Texas, inrecessedusession, assembled on November 9, 1972,' have opened' and examined the electionreti1rns and have banvassedthe'resUlts thereof in accordance withtheprovisions:ofthe City Charter and the Texas .Election C e and as aresillt of such ~tibnand canvass, said Mayor and City Comnission ers find thatatsuchelection,thefoliaring votes were cast:, . 'Name Candidate: Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct . , : for ' 'J.2' '[l 133 183 .Don E. Harris WIn. A.Wheatley (Wcite-"'invote) Rufus F. Stanley Charles H.. Underwood, Jr. Mary Ann Binig J eri:y Deutsch Peter M. Way Peterson (w.ci.te'-m vote)' Mayor .1139 ,li8? 950 1002 Mayor 1 . COllllDissioner 1021 lOB8 805 836 COllllDissioner 1051 1125 84-5 896 Canmi9sioner, 948 1027 770 821 .Coimlissioner 612 660 ,612 591 Cciillm:issioner 909 859 569 659 Camnissioner 1 YHEREAS, as a resultuofsuchelection,it isdete:rnrinedthat Don E. Harris, with a total of 4-278 v-otes>casi;'for him, was elected MAYOR of the City of West Uni verSityPlace,..Texas; and that Rufus F. Stanley, with a totalntlIIber of 3730' votes. ca.si;for him, and Charles' H. UnderWobd,Jr., with: a total number of 392Lvotes ca.si;for hiin,anclMary Ann Binig, with a:totalIlUlIber of 3566 vot cast for her and Peter M. Way, w:i:th a total number of 3006 votes cast for him, have beeh elected:COMMISSIONERS.of the City of West UniverSity.Place, Texas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'IRE CITY COMMI:SSION OF 'IRE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITYPIACE, TEXAS: .. 1. That the'offic:i.alresilltsofsuchelection shallbe~ and .they are hereby, declared pursuant to: canvass of the retilrns of :suchelection by the Mayor and City.Canmission to be that: . Don E. Harris waS . elected Mayor Rufus F . Stanley wi3Selected Commissioner Charles H. UnderWood, Jr. was elected Commissioner Mary Ann Binig waselecteduCammissioner Peter M. WaY wi3SelecteduCammissioner of the' City:ofWest University. Place, Texas for a twoyearter.m as prescribed by the City. Charter, at the said election. 2. That an execUted copy of this Resolution shall be deli vered to eaCh, uDon E. Harris, Rufus F .Stanley~ Charles' H. UnderWood, Jr., Mary Ann Binig andPet~ N.Way, as hiS Certificate of Election, and duplicate copies hereof shall bedelive:redtouthe City Secretary of the City: of West University Place, Texas. ATI'EST: PASSED AND APPROVED this the. 9th. dayofNoveniber, 1972. . CammissionerS Voting Aye:' ~ CammissionerSVotingNo: 1l~ . ~'u>"I?~~ ASSIStant City Secretary r 1:1 1, I ;'i lil;:m lilllllll " 1- "--1< RESOWI'ION Ntit'1Bli1\ 72-18 ~, III oity ~n was held on the seventh (jay of Nov~. 1912. in ttle City of W~ l1ni~ity Place. TExas, fat' the p~e of ~ a ~ and f'our ~ of the (11)1 ComiiSlll~Il:j an:i ~, the votes QU't a't tile el-e<:tion heU en N"ev8et' 7, 19'12, wva ~sed by ~ of' the a:;:t, ~s~ on ~. .. ef _~ 9, lS1't. and it tlQ ~ tttat. C'4Jwdssi~ fJ0n E. ~.'!wi been, ~ ~ ~ and ttta1: ~~. ~ a. ~ 41>. lwl JileenAuty~'~- ~. .. ~ lSy Ann B!n1g, ~ F. .S~t Jf'. aJ1d ,... ..Way had ~ du3y e.1eeted as CcnIl\ts.~ of the 0iily $I ~'.lid.~1!y ~. ~l _ ~, in ~ ~~ of the City, ~uion MW, ~1 . Q;i.ty &\U on ~ 20-, 19'12, eaoh of tM Qove. ~ ~. ~ ~'... Oath of ottiGe ancl 4u.ty instaUed ~ __, ~ve ~ ~~; and'. ~, \\POll ~ ~ -. ~ ~.~ ~_ B. ~_ WOClll:l. l'/r!. was ~ ~ ~~ of _ Citr Of W<<lt um.v...it.y p..... ~. ~ . . Nt1i, ~ BE rr m:sot.YED BY __ em €mImJSXON OF _ c:r.rr or -.r tJHIVJiaJl7'l ~, 1'SlWh ~ 1. 'l'hat Keg.wt lJQn X.. ~ fQ2d ~ ~ ~1_ H. ~. J'i'. be an4 ~ Be~. -~_ ~... d&tt ~ ~".__onaU___~ '14aa~"~_ depoe!torv ,. t1ards of 'the c:tty of WtIiI1i tld-ftWtty ~ '.l'e1fa$. __.. Nnk.e ap kvS.np. lMn~~.y - ~~_. ~"*Y of e!'ty ftm4s ~ _ ~ of ~ Gff'lcaI$. ~ 2. Be it ~ NlI03.v.d t'bat aU ~. f4 $\fOh ~ Fs8Ql~ . may ~ ~_.... ~ ~~ ~~j a_it: ~ l'UOl.-wt4 ~ .. ct'ty ~ be. and he 1a het1eby ~. _ ~ eeah depos1~ lIn. at' s.vtn,p . ~ M~e1$m w.t1h. whUIh. ttle. 01-. bas ~ on 4epo8i't, .. wttb. Wbf.d\ 1Ib.e ci'ftY _ ~ ." ~ ~t a tJ.'\Ie .. \'iiIA~t ~ of ~ Ie:so~. __ - ~ this ~1th .. of 1fe~, 197i. 1~ ~'~.$~ -t=~ ~C . .~. -~ r---Tr~~"'~-'~ r' 7-1 JI1...!JJI 'lllUllAl RESOIDrION NUMBER 72-19 WHEREAS, it is the duty of the City Comnissionof the City of West Universj,ty.Place, Texas, as .soon as practical after the election of a new City COIIUIJission,to appoint a CityTreaSurer~ Tax-.Assessor/Collector;and Assistant, as nay be necessary to transact the city's financial affairs; and WHEREAS, the Ci tyComnission was elected'dat the lastregillar election held on the seventh day ofNoverriber~ 1972: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY lliE CITY COMMISSION OF lliEGITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIACE, TEXAS: Section 1. The City COmnission hereby names and appoints William Dittert" Jr. as City Treasurer and Tax-Assessor/Collector of the City of West University ,Place, Texas , and .he is hereby invested with all of the . duties and responsibilities as set forth in the Ch.ai:rter:of said City. and the Statutes of the Statebf Texas. Section 2. The City Carrnrl.ssionhere:by names. and appoints Danny D. Sullivan as Assistant City TreaSurer and' Tax-Assessor/C()llectorofthe City of West Univeri3ity.Place,Texas. Section 3. 'That eachbfficial hereby appointed shall receive m:mthly compenSation for the :i?erformmcebftheir .duties,' in accordance with the hei:'e- tofore adopted salaryschedUle~ Section 4. The.peri3ons appointed to. the:bespective.'offices shall serve until thednextregillar City Gene:ral E:Lection, andthe:i:'eafter until the appoiniJnent . and .qualification Of. their .succegSOI:'s, unless' discharged by the CitydCOIIUIJission for ju$t'cause~' PASSED AND. APPROVED.. thisd(7 d day of n~j , 1972. Camnissioners .Voting Aye: ctlL. .ATI'EST: . .~~ Ass:LStant. C~ty. . Secretary . ----r"d"'~~r.~'~'~~'~d'"--d--r'-dd--~'dd dd "'-'-"[ii ' 1,1 I. 1li i.:1Wflm :1111I11.1 .~r RESOliJTIONNUMBER72-20 WHEREAS, the City. of West Univeri3ity,Placehas cash available, in the Tax Collecror'sPund asa :resUlt of lS72CUI:TeIlt tax collections, which Will not be :beqU:ired for current operating expenses; and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City.Commissionto keep all of the clty'slIDney.investedto earn additional income and it is necessary and prudentto:aui:horizeinvesbnentof .theaecertainsumsof lIDney. NOW,TIlEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE CI'IY,COMMISSION OF THE eI'IY, OF WEST UNIVERSITY. PlACE, TEXAS: Thai: the City TreaSurer is hereby-authorized and d:i.rected to investftmds in .1:he:anpuntof: $ 137,500.00 In a one .y-earCertificateofDeposit with San JaciiJ:to SavingS &lDan at an interest :rete Of seven (7%) pereeni:. PASSED. AND APPROVED this 'd,'7u-" day of' ~, lS72. CommissionerS .Voting Aye:t:.2.Lb Coonrlssi~..Voting.. z:.~ G22~ .... . . Mayor A'ITEST: ,.".'.'~..;c~.~.. Ass~stant C~ tySecretary ~-_.. -'~--"'--r~~~~I~~~~~I"1I--" r Ii! II II' ,Ui:ill, II~-- RFSOLUTIGNNUMBER 72-21 WHEREAS ,Mrs. Jo~ay Sheffield and Mr. W:x:ldrCM King , Jr., employed as Police Disp:il.tchersand app:dnte:iDeputyC1erkSof the Municipal Court, have resigned iran. the employment of the c:ity;and WHEREAS, the: resignation 'ofMrs.JerEgray Sheffield and Mr. Woodrc:M . King, Jr. creates the necessity of ap{X)intingotheranployees to serve as Deputy Clerks of the Municipal. Court; and WHEREAS, Mr. Bill Brauer and Mr. ~ght Tiller have been anp10yed as Police. Dispatchers and' are qualified to: asSume . thepduties 'ofDeputy Clerk of the Municipal Court.. NeW , THE:REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY. CClMMISSIONOF THE CITY . OF WEST UNIVERSITY PrACE, TEXAS:' Sectionl. ~tMr. Bill Braner and Mr. IMight Tiller ,be, and they arehe:i:'eby, appointed Depu!::y.C1erks of the. Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas.' Section 2. 'lliatthe aPPOintm:mtof Mr. Bill BremerandMr . Dwight. Tiller, <:is Deputy Clerks of the Municipal CoUrt of the City of West University Place~'I'exas, . ~l be effective. With, the passage of this Resolution and that they shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy Clerk after having been administered the proper oath. of office. ' PASSED ANDAPPIDVED this' , 12: %L day of 'i!T~4~-..:..l , ;L972.. Cctlmi.ssioners Voting Aye: . ~. ATmST: '~6"'~.'..'."", . ~. ..' -. - -. . AssJ.Stant ty,.Secretary -~--r' c' 1'--:1" :Y-" tlr-:-L~_ _~_____.L--.:J.Lll..JU.:.Jl1.,illJWH ,"'-" .'" ) 1'V,1J-~ RESOLUTION NO . :PI .. 2.1/ WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas heretofore authorized the employment of William J. Merrill of, the law firm Kelley, Ryan & Merrill as co-counsel with the City Attorney to represent the city in that certain lawsuit styled No. 821,483, Fidelity Land & Trust Co. of Texas, Trustee v. The City of West University Place, 127th District Court, Harris County, Texas; and WHEREAS, said case was set for trial for the week of December 4, 1972; and WHEREAS, on December 5, 1972 a motion for summary judgment was filed in behalf of The City of West University Place andargu- ments were presented by the Plaintiff and Defendant to the Court; . and WHEREAS, thereafter on December 7, 1972 judgment was rendered in behalf of The City of West University Place that the Plaintiff take nothing by its suit; and WHEREAS, William J. Merrill has now submitted a statement for services rendered in connection with the aforesaid litigation in the amount of $1,220.00 and the City Attorney has recommended payment of such statement: --.--------.~--.-.------------------.- ---.--r..-F<=O"'-==F';=-=-.--=----"===T"=.~. ---..--.---------:-~.-,--..~--"'''".--'' -'F-C-,--_,",,""'-,---. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 10 That the City Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to issue a voucher payable to the firm of Kelley, Ryan & Merrill in the amount of $1,220.00 representing payment in full for the services rendered in accordance with the statement dated December 7, 1972 submitted to the city by said firm., \ 2. That said sum of $1,220.00 be paid from and charged to the Water-Sewer Fund of the city. PASSED AND APPROVED this, 18th' day of 'Dee'ember , 197~. Commissioners Voting Aye: ALL NONE Mayor ATTEST: ~~:LeuJ.. / - Assistant City Secretary ~ --- r:--r:--C077cCC-:"I=-'-"'-"'~"'~"""'''-''''-'''r=''~~- ---"-~~rT" ',-~-,--"7,-,-~=~-.."'"C""T'--L:--::I-_ . _ C__-'-'--c.......::.l~. _1,WLaJE: ) 2 'J? ~,.-'lL RE~OLUTION NO. J"l--~:,&3 WIjEREAS, an agreernenthas been reached with the City of Houston in that certain action sty1edNo. 191,196, City of Houston vs. City of West University Place, County Civil Court at Li:l,w No. 2,Harris County, Texas; and WHEREAS, a final judgment will be rendered in said suit providing for compensation to the City of West University Place in the sum of $220, ODD. 0.0 for the taking of 41, 831 square feet described in said judgment; and WHEREAS, the City Atto;mey, Charles Fo Cockrell, Jr., has rep- resented the City.of West UniVersity Place in said matter fromits inception to the entry of final judgm~nt; and WHEREAS, the CityComiul.ssion has heretofore agreed to pay to Chades F. Cqckrell, Jr. tp.e sum of $2,500.00 for services rendered in said condemnation proceedings; ~ NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West UniVersity Place: 1. Th~t the City Treasurer be and heis hereby authorized and directed to issue a' voucher in theai;nount of $2,500.00 payable to Charles F. ,Cockrell. Jr., for services rendered to theCity .of West University Place in CaUse No. 191,196, City of IIoustan vs. City .of West Uni- versity Place. County CivilCottrt at Law No.2, Harris County, Texas 0 2. Said su~ shallbe payable out .of the compensation p""id by the City of Haustonto the City of West University Place. PASSED AND APPROVED this J!dl. day of December, 1972. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ Comm:i.ssioners VotingNa: "'7?~ ~, ./ ____t:hr.C- ~ ATTEST: . Mayor ~~..~0~___ Assistant City' Secretary . --------------T'=-~"'"~-"'l=="'==..==i='-~-..- r"" . 'J][-L_n _.....: _ _____L--....l_::......ll.LlJL..J.iIllllIL----- -~-- 4, J1 RESOLUTIONNUMBER72-t,3 ;1,/ WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the fOllowing funds' from, the fOlloWiilg sources: 1972 current tax collections Tax Gol1ector'sFund $100,000.00 Savings certificate from San Jacinto Savings Association . . Water.,Sewer Fund 76,598.68 _!_:!!'i . "77GJ Federal ReveIllle SharingFtmd General Fund . 24,310.00 $200,908.68 which funds will not be required for current operating expenses; and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City. Conunissionto keep all of the city's mOney invested to eamadditional income and it is .necessary and prudent toauthodze invesbnent and re-investmentof these certain sums of money; and WHEREAS, funds now on deposit in the San Jacinto Savings Association, 8JIlOtmting to $76,598.68, in a savings certificate at the rate of 54%, will mature necember 31, 1972. . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 1HE CITY CCMvITSSIONOF 'IHE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,TEXAS: ' Section 1. That the City Treasurer is hereby directed to withdraw funds from the San Jacinto Savings Association in the 8JIlount of $76,598.68, plus accrued interest, when said savings certificate matures December 31, 1972. Section 2. That the City treasUrer is further directed to invest and re-imTest all of the above mentioned funds totaling $200.908.68, plus accrued interest, at the best available rate in two (2) of th(;1 following: Houston First Savings Association; University Savings & LOan Association,; American Savings and Loan Association; or Liberty Savings Association. PASSED .AND APPROVED this 18th day of December, 1972. Commissioners Voting Aye: ALL i2ZVO~ () ATrES.T: ..,.~~~ Assistant. C~ty Secretary ro '.~, .. . ,.. If} "'-rfi (/" , /../ . ~, ".11 ~, J&J..-e-"".i C2 . /' 't,/. ./ t./Vtft'\,X/ '\"i~' ' .. ...' # ~,(;? 'j........ I,." .:,......;, t{)1 Ct 1-<1 , ." .' A ij,..~"'4t;.,U" ~/"~"'.?,.,,f!lt/~ ' .' P f _\_,--.-_.&0. ---~'.'1 - ll. , I /,..... ,-1'>/ ( A,.J /""'." ". ?./ -".. t.. ~ '"',' 1./ #"'1,'~1 ' ,,/ V " r ~I r' .~ .. ilr 1 iil'fill 1111111.11