HomeMy WebLinkAbout03182010 ZBA Agenda Item 4 ZBA AGENDA ITEM 4 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BILL WATSON CONFERENCE ROOM, MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD MEETING MINUTES January 21, 2010 6:30 p.m. MEMBERS Richard Wilson (voting), Carole Steen (voting), Glenn Roberts, PRESENT: Samantha Brantley (voting), Frank Vargas, Jr. (voting) Martha Bersch, Cliff Thuot, Andrew Zeve and Jeanne Howse (voting) ii. MEMBERS ABSENT: No one III. STAFF PRESENT: Alan Petrov, Legal Counsel, Debbie Scarcella, City Planner tv: CALL TO ORDER: - 6:30 p.m. Agenda Item Discussion Action 1 Call the meeting to Richard Wilson called the meeting to order at Jeanne Howse moved to accept order and Protocol. 6:35 p.m. Richard Wilson asked all members that all notices were properly Notices, Rules, Etc. and staff to introduce themselves. Debbie posted and distributed for this Scarcella, city Planner stated all notices were meeting. Motion was 2nd by Frank posted as required by city and state law. Vargas, Jr. Richard Wilson, Swearing in of witnesses. Carole Steen, Jeann Howse, Samantha Brantley, and Frank Vargas, Jr. voted aye. Motion passed. Richard Wilson administered the oath to all witnesses. 2 Docket No. 2009-13, Reynaldo Reza; 3620 Georgetown made the Jeann Howse made a motion Property at 3614 presentation for the variance request. Barbara to close the evidentiary portion of and 3620 Brock, 3615 Georgetown spoke in favor of the docket 2009-09. Motion was 2"" Georgetown, West request. No one spoke in opposition of the by Frank Vargas, Jr. Richard University Place, request. No correspondence was received. Wilson, Carole Steen, Jeann Texas 77005 Debbie Scarcella, City Planner gave the staff Howse, Samantha Brantley, (Special report as follows: and Frank Vargas, Jr. voted aye. Exception)Public Applicant's Request Motion passed. After discussion, hearing regarding the The applicant in Docket 09-13, 3614 and 3620 Jeann Howse made a motion to following matters: Georgetown is requesting a special exception deny the Special Exception Applicant requests a regarding Table 7-5a, entitled "Parking, per Table 7-5a Parking, driveways, special exception per driveways, etc." Table 7-5a establishes the etc., Special Exceptions, to Table 7-5a Parking, driveway and parking configurations, including authorize an additional curb and driveways, etc., curb cuts and driveway design, in single-family stub or dead-end driveway in front Special Exceptions, districts. The applicant is requesting a special yard. Motion was 2 d by to authorize an exception as authorized in Note 5 and Note 7 to Richard Wilson. Richard additional curb and Table 7-5a to allow an additional curb cut and Wilson, Frank Vargas, Jr., Jeann stub or dead-end stub or dead end driveway in the front yard. Howse voted aye. Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes January 21, 2010 Meeting ' 2 :'~E Al driveway in front Carole Steen, and Samantha yard. Deliberation, Background Information Brantley voted nay. Motion decisions, other The applicant applied for a permit to perform passed. Special Exception denied. i action, etc. regarding various improvements to a lot acquired as a the preceding matters side yard. As part of the permit application, the applicant joined the two sites together and declared them a single building site for zoning purposes. (This is achieved through filing an i affidavit signed by the property owner at time of permit application per Section 5 of the ! Zoning Ordinance.) This building site is one- hundred and fifty feet (150') wide and one- hundred and fifty feet (150') deep. The lot sits on the north side of Georgetown adjacent to the Poor Farm ditch right-of-way. During the plan review process, it was noted that the proposed driveway configuration did not meet the zoning regulations. The applicant's plans proposed to leave the curb cut located at 3614 Georgetown j and filling in the driveway area with decomposed granite. The applicant was informed that this did not comply with the regulations and so the plans were altered in order to obtain a permit. Staff Response The applicant is seeking the special exception for an additional curb cut and for an alternate driveway design in order to keep an existing curb cut at 3614 Georgetown. Table 7-5a limits the maximum number of curb cuts to "one per subdivided lot abutting the street." In staff's interpretation of this regulation, once a property owner designates more than one lot as a building site, the building site is recognized as if it were a single platted lot. Only one curb cut would be allowed. Note 5 of Table 7-5a j authorizes the ZBA to issue special exceptions for additional curb cuts. The end of Note 5 specifically authorizes a second curb cut as authorized by another ordinance. Chapter 70 authorizes a second curb cut if the building is more than 60' wide in order to install a "circular" driveway. The applicant feels that by installing a "circular" drive, the existing trees i would be affected, and the concept of open and green area would not be served. The applicant proposes, instead, authorization to leave the ! existing curb cut and authorize the decomposed Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes January 21, 2010 Meetings 3 granite dead end driveway in the front yard. (A dead end or stub driveway is only allowed on a site which fronts a major thoroughfare per Article 10 of the Zoning Ordinance. Additionally, per Table 7-5a, Note 6, a driveway must connect garage space directly to a street area.) Staff Recommendation Table 7-5a, Note 5 of the Zoning Ordinance gives the ZBA authority to grant a special exception for additional curb cuts. Note 7 give the ZBA authority to grant a special exception for a parking area or driveway in another location or with a different design than prescribed by the ordinance. In order to authorize either exception, the ZBA must find that the request is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and that the request will not cause any significant increase in on-street parking or traffic, traffic congestion, or an unreasonable burden upon public utilities or services. Additionally, in order to authorize the special exception for the alternate design or location, the ZBA must find that (i) the other location or design will not unreasonably interfere with available light and air and will not significantly alter access for fire-fighting and similar needs, or (ii) the alternate location or design will prevent the destruction of a qualified tree. The burden is on the applicant to present evidence to the Board to support each finding and determination required for the issuance of this special exception. If the Board grants the special exception, the Board can attach conditions. 3 Docket No. 2009-14, Tomas Welsh, 3219 University gave the Frank Vargas, Jr. made a motion Property at 3219 presentation of the Special Exception request. to close the evidentiary portion of University, West No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to docket 2009-14. Motion was 2"' University Place, the request. No correspondence was received by Jeann Howse. Richard Texas 77005 (Special in favor of or opposition to the request. Wilson, Carole Steen, Jeann Exception) Public Debbie Scarcella, City Planner gave the staff Howse, Samantha Brantley, hearing regarding the report as follows: and Frank Vargas, Jr. voted aye. following matters: Motion passed. After discussion, Applicant requests a Applicant's Request The applicant in Jeann Howse made a motion to special exception per Docket 09-14, 3219 University is requesting a grant the Special exception Table 7-5a Parking special exception regarding Table 7-5a, to acquire to allow an additional entitled "Parking, driveways, etc." Table 7-5a curb not to exceed 16' wide on Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes January 21, 2010 Meeting 5 R A' maximum driveway width plus four feet). Note: Note 5 of Table 7-5a refers out to other ordinances, which can sometimes allow more than one curb cut. Section 70-27 of the Code of Ordinances allows two curb cuts on a wide lot with a "circular" driveway, and it limits the location and size. A special exception is not generally required for a "circular" driveway. The applicant is in the process of finalizing the permit drawings and preparing i to apply for a building permit. i Staff Recommendation Table 7-5a, Note 5 of the Zoning Ordinance gives the ZBA authority to grant a special exception for additional curb cuts. The ZBA must find that the request is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and that the request will not cause any significant increase in on-street parking or traffic, traffic congestion, or an unreasonable burden upon public utilities or services. The burden is on the applicant to present evidence to the Board to support each finding and determination required for the issuance of this special exception. 4 Minutes. October 15, 2009. Richard Wilson made a motion to approve as corrected. Motion I was 2"d by Frank Vargas, Jr. Richard Wilson, Carole Steen, Jeann Howse, Samantha Brantley, and Frank Vargas, Jr. voted aye. Motion passed. Minutes approved. Adjournment. Richard Wilson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was 2'd by Frank Vargas, Jr. Richard Wilson, Carole Steen, Jeann Howse, Samantha Brantley, and Frank Vargas, Jr. voted aye. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 m. Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes January 21, 2010 Meeting PASSED THIS DAY OF 2010 Richard Wilson, Presiding Officer ATTEST: Sallye A. Clark, Planning Assistant